6 $1. Ennis £51111; @1011:-3lI_a2ntntrtti,0Jril1ay fitnritiirg, 10,-71873. Charleston, 108 bales;“'Galveston 122 ba1es' ditional uniavorable advices tended to weaken at 4 I 0 ' fi - - . v- V v . . 1 0cd.l-50- t120.Th - = - . " .1. - . e , mfism mm M 9 W In M I .’§i’.1’“.;’.=.‘3..7.,‘.’.:‘.};*?i.-,,‘,’;’,‘:3E;.,i*:g‘3,n,;,;,§g .b§,1gg;g‘h<;g’ aggigeglgensghvglfilggzalaatgsg 1s§12e;§ %«405- conlmon to good $105455 15- 7 values discounting at the banks was only fair‘ bales. . . vciefi up to $1 13, receded to $1 12%. closing at DRIED FRUIT-Slow and weak. Sales: 9 sks 1 75; triple-taped water do. $2; tta-perché. ‘@1.-125.lbs $4 00/034 30. ° ' choice $5 05ra)5s5'- white who l, o .l ., ’ %'°°d t"-f The demand for money was not W1 d 61 y extend_ exl‘\I£(3)trtI‘L;‘e‘(13§.1‘ otss b-Efiléssix day: were _ 19,366 bales; £10811’); S}::£3l(10ggs.*e1g:t1§1 %}%§§1/£gl1g§‘§§’d_,a?gg$:1 fl) ?J1.:I,g-3,-glvffiliel-'tl;1‘0)-’%1£1(i3;’;§3 1§§§h§2d§’k§‘l,3§,:/“v°,,5,, B€g;l:.3eS‘5l §‘3i'c£2S5£S- tgthgggrands 31'” Quoteflt uniform 1 Butcllilfligo Smtgers-1-gltaooa to ciloicg ave;-9, Veg, extra ‘Ohio $4 85fd16'25; St. Lofiis 3(1):: 01%, butiwas mostly inmronnd lot transactions. gelipts iordthe same ’di§.§v(:sclas%9.w?a(1t W:11'?3S§4 3000 §1H1)-3.7/, 1)5u0‘00 ftlt 0;1"11S.>0=/'00(?:5a(t)0%1a1t2§i’ 61% 5/13 '4g’3(00)? 3: atlglfgg °1)9$.Ar%o%1§:"‘§gg;V-atS$%3= allldblijlérploor :i.90l:I#?%‘-—1’ti§}t§‘11ii.1.$1.('175(£iJCl.85 -19' bag; buck, $20 liofigobé, -$3 75I'@i405 ; c40gn1oI:ia§.' :}¥ee(I1‘i11§ne~.,8, (£303 gt-3nfctD;3Lf'i‘[0?n8:>f1'111% r§16ei2l@cfu§gtai:R$I)2:3301}a021é'0 “"ii5’n.$.’-I: ere as nothing do 3‘ in ‘cotton now. The 9'95’ . .1 10 ' 1’ 4' ’ r_. 8' ' ’. . “ ' “ _ e1'_f3S3 83- 81.‘ 9,-9- . ' - 633 . in fair demand and heav ° recc' t 2.11 000b - bulk of bllslnoosln-pol,el..to.do.y waoroprosont 6 £4(11‘_’BI8‘Pi)01 1%uotat1ons-—Upland 5%d;' Orleans 07%,}2£()',oo8'§,t00${Ltll§$l1‘.12%- 0111) 15.000 1311 at 01 3135002 90. choice well-packed N. O. wolth Sp.-3@ -4:-%fi;%ggba1,nfiSsOnri NO 1 F , Goodéosdjpayed Heifers-—'-Averages 1,000@1,100 No.2 spring Chicago $1y20; Nofpils Milwaukgci ed by flour shipping bills, on English account, ’ w:R:sHOU;;°:1E:1E‘:];NI:‘::)1;e:Tm'm- afLt3((3>lrvl:;-;1ar'iic§§ o1pte_ned_ %G>}{c lower allt rguigd IGRASS SEEDS-—R.eceiptS. 29 ska. Timothy at $20; N o. 2 (10. $19; mill. $18‘ white and n1%1fi.0%fiS: m(S3l1$c>3ice and Heifers—For averages of 900 fill §i3.1'.1’§gnr$,§,i‘i,T/§,(°§§,,%,8,5,f‘1§' l.?{ore_E and to domestic Eastern markets. Round lots stock on hand... ........................ ..'..1.'?mS' gso 1 as the-session }§I':>g'1ig:lg)sre0&'$!al?1?1Ié:Xagigodgclillgd" irulfiffl clove" “$3 mm‘ mm“ 5“ 55’'1’000; $20; Missouri stone coali F0. 1 Foundry, $206 501,050 its $3 70033 87% May $1 21%. June $1 1915001 20. Rye IiJ1rm§r' of wheat shipping paper were taken, also a fair 5”“ °“ “"4 same -time last yen-..........'.'.ZIII 182398 -—-yet at the latest moment were £0 better on 1 s..°%‘§i‘.‘; :30 6s5l{eg7:Ict1;ng:Il'i.l1I1.11?10.nI(li?11]1§)tB]:: 3111113. (1502 (i°r‘.<.$ii§..§i§-; g1i1)1fi>'20$'18-.osgu¢t1hern 31°}? o§5."3“".o‘° 1°°,f,g‘.,"Z§."-M Heifers-Averases 850 Western 72@72%c- Barley’ quiet and uh-7 amount inelevator receipts on grain. Misce1- Re3c'f,‘l‘;,rl‘,“(§“;;3l1;‘;l1‘e0S1-2gggsgeglfcllllfirs AND SHIPMENTS. - Jlllllllseljl-Dd §tead)' for J ugly. June opened %c otf at 55c sks returned. Market quiet and un- mill: $16-'@17. Hangfllg R0015 charcoc1°no§.1?§ni3 Cormnosrf, 3062.40: medium to fa" 0?‘ 5°“? 75- 1°114ing<_3<1_‘-1,Ce1iVI)it1lt 2(g;11&wa£1d. unollongod. Com! laueous and mercantile paper was in light sup. ‘Shipped since Se tenlber 1. i...i..s‘?‘.‘2:I:::: I I 313331227331 grs' flsiiclyvgplétiilég E9c318<§$ércl§tS11?].§%£0t i:’.§l§i:§1§f275;a§1%%ice fat. $410034 25;do 50@52,1§c. Oats dull; _1'ecQipts 125,000 bu; mixed fairly liberal’ and checking was in regular pro. Net rece ts .... ....::::....::... .......... .. 28‘ lllllexrga olfol-ed of loiio and May do at 400, but WHITE BEANS—Supp1y and demand_ light; e.1n Ohio soft stone coa1«ir0ns- 1'10 1 $20. l‘,-[)3 5' zglcllgbofilll 325% 75% . common, coarse ;§:(i3Stc_I‘I1 ; Wllllibg 1:0.-(iitelil-n 35160380. Hay ‘ ‘ o o a . n o c o o o aoQoO u . I ‘ _ ' ' I o , , o ,4, o . ' _ pol.tlo,l_ Unltod States l_per_cent bonds were couriuwrlvn GROSS llglE1$ISI:Ts Am, Smmmnfl B1. rates. 1e no uyels even at these. reduced Eldlftfgn at $1 00031 65; Western—poor 750 to $1,‘ $22. RE Ir M t i co;-n.fe Te;xa,ns.....(}oodt.o choicg steers, ,W_ Wog£;l‘3l§5@8o_ csugol.o1t)oa(l._;,1_ fiflgo st1e}gCrl'_1y"lll‘gl' “good dom,md_ A few bank stocks were 801 d. '____Receipts___. Psm menth Sales: June__25'°OO bu at 3.8%‘), 10,000 at 38%.@ W00 11151‘? dsilc §5;o11b5oénd the better grades of 5 OAfT I;1,11‘1 E: 1I1b$-11‘-')5§f1¢'1i5 Dsgét A] o r l£000@’l,“1)0@f)a1?t3.. $4 10604 30; ‘fair do. av. 900@1,000 in fair. demand; Cal-'o_1ina 6616“/cc. Molasses and . Missouri State 63 were called for_ Kansas I,a_ To last report 2%';37gh 1877. 187 . 30,000 t 38340, 5,000 at 38%c, 15,000 bu at unwashed arein demand andflrmei-, but burry coal, 225 sheets, per box, $6 50" I X ’10x14c uao . 2.3.2398 .l.exan§__GOod Steers av 850031 000 T5 °°fi‘39 u11C1l34118'8f1- -'1’ 519301911193 Quiet and I10_mi4 ‘m5 eific Railroad bonds were quiet. other securi- fiftugdav ---- --33333333333 ‘10. 210% £501.? 193051 §?§§§scu13~5’ 8'” 39',“ ‘M00 at 39%“ 15-°°° ficgiiltse %{'r1°“’ 0° 51°" “‘°§“,§‘_‘;"o€’l‘l‘k3 Ofieringé $9 00; I 0. l12x12. do $6 6(1); I X. 1’2x12,’do, s9’: 0, -$3 -2551350 ; fair do, av. 80051850 its] $2 7503 ; thisn ;li:‘11§.?ng3c(i]l1a1g§:.(1?.$1 :'§.?$‘i’$i.§"@s7a.%3.‘}f§é‘£‘ .- . on at)’ .... - ' . . - ‘e n t : u 0’ 850036 - 14120. 112 eete 50' X 14 20. 0 A 0 - . ' I ties generally dull. wesday l 326 19 ggg. laggl Ju({a_t_s-(-)—fl1%1I1lld, 25-/,_c bl_d May. 20940 June, 26%c medium 34_o3(5§; igg; and low 286}:-3c‘2f3%c. U3.’ X. 14x20. do, $11010; I it XX, ixli. 00;°I'§9 12051115 mdgigznfgggflioodw choice natives, av. 1.000 iirlbitiégin at 29y?@3°°‘ 1” g3 .50” and he‘”’’' 1”’-Stem €X°han8’° Was in light supply. with qiiflii-‘$333-“y"'°°"""'°° 11131’ 1? 15*} 320% Rle Ma; zgcbfilec a(111d 3/7,»,,¢i, t 59y ;31;slled—Mlxed combing 24o25c; medium 22145) 14x20, do, $15 50; I 0,122.24. do. $6 75; I 0 14x14, in -:50 lbs $4 20154 70- ‘fair av 90001 100 its Buenos .1yi3.§$i‘3°n-0 133.1315 s0Ho§51%°cl¢§al‘i?0§'- rates between banks firm at oocom premium. L . .... ....... .. ,th -t d _ . _ re :0 ower a 20 l. 20; low and coarse 18%@22c; light fine 170» 225sheets,$13' 50;IX, 14x14 do $1650; -1 X X 90rd>415.- god Tennis avéw ég 950f\1,100 lbs’ mad ooolzl . ‘ 1 ' 1 ' Counter rates unchanged. In Chicago the on compressed f,?,f,'f°N f‘Ist£.l(§ioT‘g." ‘Q ‘among! ‘ w1I’0;)11{1_M1:;7vvgl 3‘§)I11(;.Ofiered at $9 with $8 85 €g%1.31C}ig\%cfine1bl5fl3&17c. Bun-y, black and cot- l)4xX14,:lél}(6>1,[f;.9 gg; . 1g}§x')1{7.1;100 sheets, 06 50’; 00.754 15; air do. av. 900@l.0(§) lbs. $§_75@4 00: Domgstic fl(é;ecg0I?r§r(go81(13 ;dgu]11£)e}g ®2l%).33(\31;’o(1>1l;-_- quotation was 60 cents premium‘, 109P§§E3£)l‘S<:lglnEll1igc ‘A fob M. bid for latter; July at $9 20.353 90 bid. H1DEs—Qi?iet god unchanged. Dry flint lire D X'X X.01‘2'%x1’7. do.’ $14 00’; D%1§§I’§;1% 10354015 tn?.?‘2.‘.’é3§§ }$駧?nS§°°I‘§Thi§ class cmfilffg Wlffilged g’@28e~ Pork——Mess $9 50039 30. Boot Local quotations, corrected by P. F. Keleher rllo lprofldence. 45¢ .olmN_ Wheat_Acti$1;rh;J1l§lf1o%1;1“l13)oAan. I a f 14}£c ; salt 11ra)11%c; damaged 10}-{@1103 green 17. do. $16 50; 1 Ci or , ‘112 sheets, $16 -00‘; I ‘X, heifers, $2 25012 50. 111111;: $1s;0?0’1>;Ngggcl1gic:, $3. lelg 3'3, ui1,:,3,§.l,£l‘3’_g‘i,‘l11i1§VeSt'3€111l0t§l1g C1e£;1‘7II%(g & 00., N o. 305 Olive street. ’ "113 =”.‘§.‘.'.,?,",‘,’,‘l',",,;,-,?,"° 13555,, ture. Sales, cash-—-15 000 uelffo (éasrédaih E at fit‘?-E irgfglcaged 5@5%c’ can 8@8%c' 2010i2(§O1;1P(I)I1I?l20T5lf)l~Z1 IXCH 4.x2020x28'b(t1-:20 ($315ar.goa1 roof 95l§};d>o1c]2f(;30rSfi-.-—8i1;0)04c00Oi((3;? fdedingnsiiers’ av. T111,/B5c'W]13111tte1k.'0eSteIns‘1%%g2° mbhiese. 3&3 T 1351 ' . $1 12,1’ 1,000 ' _’ ;_ ‘ ‘ -. 1, - — - ' "‘ l v 2 - - s ‘ . oo stoc s ers, av. c. is 1 06 (5.) , ' UNITED STATES BONDS. _ 0 t1more.87c1%1 ma Shippse .1_' Jugg_l_xl0A0<(imi1i)t $1 12:/, all 1t;ken113S' 00%. 49FhA:1‘r_1E1ts—-steady. Prinle L. G. firm at mg, 112 sheets. 06 00.IX.1-1X20. do. $8 50; I ,0. -9507011100-15s:‘$3 75034 00-. Common tofairsto.ck- . 6HlCAGO, l\11(Xy$9'.—}§*1o1ii.0i’-7wo k d ' - b I . . « at $l 12./ol l - “ <9.“ 3’) $1 /4» .- “D423-ac. m1xed15c to 350. flares tolo Wcent. 20:28. do.%§2!50 IX. 20x28. do.$17 00. ers aver- es 92507950 its $3 25513 60 Thin not quotabl lower VV11 -3 0“ eagle“ “ ~ Pwhellio lasts Int. lo..,,.,,,1-me, ‘Buy ‘Sell, Chicaso. Dilllllvglwtllligglnlflagevlgiagflxéllfs and Liver- the clogm f-5Jt7g»°0g alt $1 11:3» 301.00% lg 13%; §I1l3]h‘]§3“’AX—-Steady at 24@=’»4%c- COKE T‘ Pf-ATE—-I 0. 10x14. 225 sheets, stoéhers 7 @350 lbs aver-aées $‘’ 75.03 25 Com- weaker esp5ecia1iy'ioi- o1)%ifi111Is} £01.11. deimmd am: we . - . . _ u o ‘ere a , W1 2 PPELTS--Green city at $125701 30'coun- $5 75' IC 14x20 112 sheets m 75' I 0 10x20 -225' ’ ~ -' " - ’ ’ ' . T ' . ‘ 3 0. sprnzg a m _ ‘l 07% “go otter) hm Grit t 1 _ . , _ . . . . . . . mon, $2 60032 75. Southwest Missouri mixed $1 0934001 09%, 1.0. 2 spring $100001 093/ (}].Sh' ‘ 6 lssl .... H 18816 _ Messrs. J. W. Adamsatoo. funush the fol- . __ - . - 1'5’ 5 @110 dry from 95¢ 130 $1 dry shearlmgs Sheet-s‘$9 50. a-1-11 1 e to k -.3 l , . . . . . . Q s om: cOus,ed_'1885 6 (églg. .323. g lowing details from an imp O1 ‘taut markets to logguriv 11153311121; gloslng at 39@39%c ;June and 561150; g1;ee’n do 1500250. Lamb 25c. SA.-F11. TIN-3! box of 225 sheets. $6 75. y°vE,}',“‘%';,’iL$,,§ff’o?,,Z",‘,ff,3,fi°0 fair 9» head 54 904,-, §l,3?§‘g”§§“{,;,§} (?37?3‘.l.o3-Iéi,1l0,(oj"("l 0336 J“? ’. ° 3 g-eggs lso7...... 1ss7 <1 Gold. Jan: at Ju1§I 101551.107;-g closing hours Thursday May 9. at 39o3‘9'%c- July 12101 0650201530 0a1:;‘:1’.9;tc38/00: ’0<11g’O:g I?1«11‘1E§§fi%l§f_"L°W°§ andlfifllt 9-'9 100 to 130. . 28g0§§%R——11(3)rie[»:11er’(tl.1g0l2;rl60. lléctoéoo 15 sheets. 6 50- od $7 5009 00- choice natfires $10 007512 00; tlve and a shade 1’iighcr- 89ccash°§81;@3?791cr11{i;%:- S . . . . .. 4 ’ ° ’ _- ’ 2 1 ' ‘ 0 ‘ .4. ' — 0 - 1‘ ' ' 1 ° 1 ' ’ . ’ 1 0 ,- - . 0 ° ’ o ’ ‘ . . ' 10-408 COUPON’ ‘[1904 5 03313: 113$. 3 108 3182 CHICAGO MARKET-3230 r. M 40-C’ 5:100‘) at ‘OX0: 09-311 0fl'e1‘€<1 8I‘eg- at 377:0» 51 Ski! prime at aislaclgén :11. a Sofabsc sale’ l5s,’82c' ((1)6 dc’) 6 :I111d‘7~ bss’3-i~c' ".I‘i?1111e9cl-€111;-(1189 yfffrlmg calves for Spockerg $3 00433 2° W 100 158' 3§3/‘@‘?87/',June’ re'1e°1’°d 3."1/4°- 03199 qulet md, " 0 U. 8. new 53“. 1881 5 *6 G01 uanefly W. loll}: I POrk_June, $8 52% _ July $8 72}/. LaTd_ Wlth 7%@37%c b1d__38C bid in Add May ofiered CASTOR BEANS,_Steady $1 to $1 my 14 and 1.6 OZ gym 260 P1a.mSh.ed__14xl.8 14 ami _ ILCH Cows ._um brnmon-its-~Commonto me- weak, 26/4c cash; 26}.{@26%c Mayand June. lye U. s. new 41;... 18914.’?-lvBc‘Gol guarterly-,..1 ‘ilosv June 6.90c- Jul 6 97360 W’1ieat——lu’a' 1 cc. . at 38c, wlth 37,‘¥®37%c bid. BROOM CORN-—-3@5}5o sis in kind 2' 16 oz 0- it’ 34c’- boiler sizes 14 ’ d is ‘hum $15“”2°‘f‘“”°-g°°d $23‘”3‘3‘e"‘1“” $4°"“3° dull and 1"W‘”““53°- B9-“BY dull 8-nda ehtde U. s. new 45... 1907 4-)%c Gold. ....... .. 10.0%/£1101 gune: $1 07’; Ju 3?, '51 0422. corn-—l\i§;.’ ‘.91/gig Mg;-315‘-V-ii;-5h“/4g61l>}d cfi-91:1 in St. L.. and 2555c bid FLAXSEED—- In steady demand.at $1 for poor °Z» 300- 0111091‘ 05131381‘-2° and 243372 1°-alnl and 0335016 Dumhasved Dy: 0 ' Av rice -at$4z§%0@43:i§§' P001 .132?/wail y and§§17f¢.ai§u‘ie' ’ une 39‘/c; July 39’/c. Oat —M ‘y’ r . ’ . o l - .20 a8_'e or latter; June oifered t0$1 18 f - ' , 12-11. h ts it 30 - 14—t. 1}. ts, 23’ , _ _ . ’ _ , ' ' _ .9 - ' 2 une’ -‘ Y- mssoum MES‘ June; 95’;§@26,£o_' “ S 335 2“ 60726140» at 27c-2_6x@2b%c bid, and 270 bid Jullr. HOPS.3.l1.~I§:3%?>rk loci-2c: Wisconsin 5fa)8c. V011‘ 301$?»-er'.1’6x6b alga 18x60? -$ lb. §0c..Re%1§§r 33 ga$i§dCi?.ii’1r.3é1.3iiI1§31§3i3 §’t’§§§§IIIIIIIIZIZ'.Z1’3$ $3 38 ‘,;,‘,§‘;,‘,"”““ ‘’.‘’m““‘i 9*“ 10""? ‘-330 “Sh? 6% Due 1873 102 D 1887 Receipt,s.—whe9,t, 31,434 bushels; com 233,490 R38--60_%!c bid c_asl1—none ofiere ; May of- SACKS——We uote; Gunnjes—in bales 14%c- cop er, square and round, 14 to 1% inches, 9’ A-131‘0Wn~ t ' do Julile’ 6‘95@6‘97%° J‘¥1Y- Bulk mes?“ Due 1510221122232 22 103 | 331332‘ """" " 13% bushels; oats. 44.574 bushels; rye. 12.103 bush. feffd 5"‘ "°4°*"n° b1d- 1'9S9W€<115}-£0; urlaps-2-bu 9%c;2%-bu lose’ lb. e; do do. */.inch. 31c. Copper circIes.1ess 13 ‘*°‘’‘1 “““‘’° ‘”.”-°‘"-"'“*?°“=’- ----- 961 40° 9 ea mu l1m«changed' Al°°h°1fi"m“" Wm‘ Due 1333 ,,,,,,,,, __ 104 l no l8g,_'j:::_'_'j::: 105% elgbarley, 3.-lg0]']b11‘sil14e:£ls(;57 b mark-—Se1ler year offered at $8 87%, with $8 25 mo; 4-bu 13c; 5-bu 14.c; 6-bu 1-igci than 821.4 in. diameter, 9' lb, 31c; do, 84 in. and if 9333 é1€il’té¥é3h8e1l'iIs)l;)(lIe1§s steers .... ..l,%§3 E3 $11104. Ma 9 Flour dun 8“ 1pments— ea . '. ushe1s- corn 310 - ' on seamless 2o@25e- 11our8%®9%c' wool 10 Over. 0. Segment and pattern sheets. 4? it». 01:11 hnd """"" ° ~ ‘ 1 1 ' " "' - 3 ' RAILROAD sncumrms. 718 bushels; oats 44 162 bushe1s’- rye ' 1 106 (“Sn TR-‘NSA°T10N3- @450 ’ ’ 31c Locomotive fire-box sheets <19’ it 280 17'PrinS1‘gna1.'i figs $350’ extras $4 50; enn‘ f”‘m"y055°@63 . . - , ’ ' . ‘ . - - _ , . ' ' . 2 - - h.1ppi.ngsteers...........1 344 490 111111. do$525@625' hi h - d d to Pacifi sto. ,,,,,,,,,, ,, bushels barle ,3,586 bushels. ’ ' WHEAT-Compmatwe closms prices. SALT-—Lake 130- G. A. 1 20- A ht . - Oep er bottom ,e- 15, 29c. Metallic b tt is r 1- V” -. 1 » 313- 98 an I1%,nt$650 Paeiiig ‘lst fxfortgage es, E616: ::II‘.'1(7>g%g10‘g}/ InSpe°’t10DS-?‘7Wheat, 107 cars; corn, 431 cars‘ No 4W1 t — . - _ H18‘ ’in8 $3; 0. $11061 15 gel. ’ S on $3 25’ 'V’lb,p . Soldgring copperss 49' lb, 30c.o ems’ 10 F211 $121310: ?111111i§:I;):ii?1‘§sist1?e%11%.'.'.’ €03.-(5) .@$8’ Whefit m-1set01e§3 amber 51 306‘-535 red 1/‘ ggll1,ol.lgago77s, om.,.enoy_j_ 93 @ 94 ‘ oats, 46 cars; rye, 11 cars; barley, 3 cars. 1 May 10377 l 3.} *1 91'-Hqgé 3W1nt6I-'N0-2SPg- M SS——Quict. Unpicked 3}-4@5c; ma.chine- SHEETIRON—-Common-—-No.16 to 20,2.90c; No. grlme nagve shipping steers.: .22: 3 221:1:-478 4 85 i1n37?2£3 .30’ Wlgjl-°5f},§3@1g4;t80gtgg 1111903 9,; .' ’ or . _ 7 a \ a , , V coco ' __ , , _ - .' s ( , I ' ' - . 1. ‘ . l K. and .. .‘€i.€§r.“;.:’.‘i’;‘;‘i~‘.:‘&?::-: °“‘ 23 33 wn.....n.?‘é“‘.7‘1“.‘;’.‘.5’:}“...’.‘.;‘~"§i"«}..' on ?.eSt-Way 105% 1 12 02°53?» §i.?.’.f.’§‘§§’.;..?f.§’.’f.§{’.i’.i $311578“-mx §?.J§.i‘%3§zt1‘i3l§"i.‘i‘38a .’$‘.’.'. s.?.~P,s‘g- as rh3“é’.‘.’-i‘..r‘;°.i"-18.‘.‘.’.‘.?.§i‘i..E}.‘.’.‘ft'?:::::::::::‘-iii it Western’ 34-eases mixed western sit-i=2c.“'R’ve 0:.‘ 0' ai‘7d2h.71'.3f.‘§‘ik7s°°é’§.’3-1r‘?.‘r'i'6§'' 750% 3? Inspections——i2vhsat.'l39 co’rs. y’ 1°'d3y 1 05% ». 1 12 . .. 1 C001”ERAGE—-V du11;haantes609«r780e.bacon 26 403 N0- 07. 4 4-2003 D<’>u-blé refinea 5-m00th-L 39Ii«‘§t‘i§31i»ii'i’z'iix-’=e rough shipping steers 1.207 4 so g9u?7l-4450208 Q?-173313 7?/régggiolis 1111311 '11:”:-.SSkp€t11k 16tnwrtsaae'7s.'cun-sncy.IZ1o4 @104’/' R°9e1Pts--Wheat.8‘2-.200 bushels. Siimples Steady and. fi1'm—in some instances °"SkS$1§°@170;hf-‘c 's70c@$1; flour'bris——coun. N0» 16 to 20.5600; No.22 to 24.5300; N0. 26. itrairooioradonativen-teers.. "-""1’-234 4275/ 7@7)1 0 B.‘ - S 2 26' 8;-I -u ‘"11 y e 43- ' -r ............. .. -a sh me ts-—-W11 t, 15.1 . 1-1 tl - - . - t n ~ 1 - . . - 6.00c- N . . . ' . .N . ’ “ 1 -. - "" ’ 2 /°°' “W” ‘1““‘*“‘1 Weak 01° ‘Y13@210 :;;>,-,,,,,.,” ,.e,,_ “,5 -lo-;;_-_~;,,,,,gl,,;. ‘P “ ,.,,$,$‘.,,,,,,, ‘f,f.’,{’,:‘,*;£$‘,° 3.‘i.£n?.’ 323$; é?.‘é§?i‘§‘2“2.i§'f.‘€‘.’..‘”.?f.‘s'..’é’.-%¥.“‘?.l’i.“‘f 2.’;-‘is i‘1"i’-3?-»’>‘i 631 %5(§'?:7%1'l2it §3’i“....”.‘i"’i"23‘é’..,V3"§i.‘i’.§%.' 2o, zoos? N23: §.?€§n:’-}f’ié2‘?“s3f"‘3.2.’f“7.c.§’c;‘§3‘? “*r‘?"i§’.?‘i’:‘.‘:.‘%¥;.".f.‘}“""“‘ 4 W W 6-tern reserve 16¢->18e. Est; we swestern’ lg: mor§.,..Il)i.:e and Dec...... 98 @100 2 N 0.. 2 Chicago springiwheat, $1 206)] 20% ' No. ures. East side stock in best deniandztalloo tcs $1 05611 12%’-—-all del. .’ ’ 27, 7.800. . % native 5 ii l-ping steel-s............1,342 . 4 70 ._1,§,@é%§'*;°' %1;ffgl°ed“11l§¥‘? W99-:t.3 We""t’.lm :’111‘1’i°“3 - mor .. nver extension 74 at 76 2M'ilWaukee ' t 122,- ‘ — " for shi t-,- ' - . V - - ' ' GENUINE RUSSIA IRONgp ,f t N l 9 10, 0° “at-1V_°"' 1 '91".-‘—;'stee1-s..... ..... ..1,283 4 50 5' ° um, 11‘ Y 50 1V6‘ «'7 I10 » 0*‘ atggrt-’.11;I1xé1 $1-1:1: 6 g olgsio. Oats8c?1?i:31tg. wl'oel0z.’§9 5ote9(/7:51:11 mfllei‘sp(I3:l)l(1It0iIiI1I::%Ot:)n %1t1‘t1i]§1ydt°o{15iIiJ;f”1i1§i(i)§et1]1:1.éi)isSir‘}e°s-.3; st, Louis wholesale M'm.ket_ 12. 0 lb. 12‘-’/lo; stained. ,do,e]p'eig,'12}20; '1"are 17l,‘,3;",‘fl‘,’l‘},l“§g‘_3fl‘;‘l’e;,l'l‘u'l:""% Si-e_erS~---o.------1.276 4 60 °1g3fC§§Ig§r"/I80fiyglflibyoilggdgglet etc-:le1‘sI:e$£ld07 "ii3s$..:ii."2:-§§-i.i.:t"‘---- 1-’. 5 ‘*2. ' "°‘ ..s....... ...m.. » .‘;.?.-".;:§.§;‘;..f:.2*:.-‘1.*:.*":..:%f.t;.i.?.;°‘°i.‘.;€‘..:.§;.“°:‘,%.*2.‘.;.ii”.£: 1-AISINS» FRUITS -.-D NUTS-R-1--ns-I-s-e-s -2 ii ‘° ""“‘“"‘ ‘°” 1°“ ‘hm 1 ‘°““‘“° “*1 1° 12332322121231:-.::1 2:22;: ---------- -- iii :88 middling 1°~‘/?-°~. 16“? dull and 0------=--’-1-’ , and S.lst1no11:,75,801d;_::::::103%@1O5 2 spring wheat, 10s@10s ed; o.,,ugo,,,,,,,_ aver- tive any sliipping buyers 5 healthier {one was 52,“63‘[.l1’§§l-of? °°@.2.9-'3 $6135» 1 1°@1_20s firs. PATENT PLANISHED IRON—-—Nos. 24 to 27,1; 33 Fair native shipping stcc'rs.’II’.ZII222221.195 4 37% },‘;‘*f;*,?,;,§,*;°t-V3-,rel<}l f1.12§118- 0010 8trongei' com AND EXCl.-LLNGE. i§e5'd'c1$€f3§ 2065?:-l11Sg(e§\§vC2:1z§5i§(()51dnfi¢i7825?s.l1£1gW833’ lslilclllz-.aiI1'1t:I(>1etc(t)'i0glsilffncgilstgnigilggiglgtg 2(3fg1l)th}’is new’ 6S;@7°' m&‘t§“1§111I:s14€1g11°1'1.1. ‘1§g12]0‘<’?-S3, 1I<)3II:1I’__6€/56 V {B 34 (good native shipping steer-s.....'...::::13396 4 65 changeq- steam 7-c; kettle 7 ,tg.(a)7}4c. Bulk means «-7 1 *“,‘?,,‘§'Q§°"‘ eI°h"'“g"’ °°““‘°" P mm . °°1'1’5]‘‘°fi 909-313 (101910 C8-1‘g0e8 Wheat Ollfipasé-age there were relative y léweiillll $1I>E<;?s bgizllg l1o:i>t£2;1c1:)@1i‘&be1$)s3,c§.I«g14ci%rg1;:gzilsB 2.53 @8cri‘ Wal- GALVANIZED SHEET IRON.::‘Iuniata or first -10 g‘.zZl1;;§?f;g,]f§gS;‘é§:§é ---------- 8 vi -(lg qilllegsaan phi-in ; S1l)’1i(3uld,e]I3'S 33/,0 ; s. 123:0 :di3- 50 ll . .... ................. a a. pr. I50pr rat er worse. Ame ' ' . the t ij - ' ' -'. - , 1'11. 0; 82'-as. quali '—N . 1415020, lb. 12 - 21to 24’ 13 '25 . . 5 . . """"" " ’” "’ “C93 - 3-0011 Q1116 ‘all I'm‘ MONEY. llo lowel._ Falr ,,,,;;’§§§ ?lIi11;?i%yw1s}§?i.t1l:’fi“?fi3§.€ VYBD1‘-i11)tI<)> shigfiéisr l1,I,i,no2‘a‘f‘,.l‘stg:l‘zl‘;S°I'_ateI§9t-hi: g'§£C- $5P§&I;(1l1%%. f8llauessge:nl5‘§9s;<£fiaL§1;1a9711§d 3 and 203, 14c(;)37, 150; 213160. ciJiscount'oncfuu 52v¥nig}l§t?1[:tIi.1V1'<(3)esi1ipping steers.............1,092 4 30 5‘,¥,’g,1d§§S;f€5§4%g3 filer‘ 5,;/8u3ll°1°’*‘l'l5” lW1‘iSk3: B... ..... .3:.i’.;°“:.-i.;..ii:--.:.-1;-.-_-, ----.-5 v-------- and --1- 2.-,-.-,-.g;°~,-,-peg -2-5 ms were new box: - ‘*3; - ‘-‘ii-.‘2.*s'--.ti’s:i=.--t—. . . , ., . ii c‘*.‘:.‘.’.5‘2..:’?.f.‘:’3‘2.§‘.‘.ii’.‘.;Eii;1E.‘$’.E.".‘f.i --------- --its i1......... .. .,..-.. .1: ..:..... .3-:...m-1521. Outside amounts‘ good“ er”m::.....i0m8 cent. r st 11. - _ II_1e1'1can mixed corn for 1_ c H 59. e.t11.V}£coff;later. 1tbroughtI):'es- -CANNED GOODS PICKLES E'rc.-—Pea.cl1es 1oc- N °s'. ° - “'1” 15- °5- ‘- 3- 9- 56 Fair native oxen and steers "" "1’2-:5 4 37y active anda, shade 1,,-..l,,.l..,p,lcl.l , odes $3 ;,,,l,,,,,.,,,, mu esme mm es‘ 3% y-e:llé_7@l0 Gem: P 011113 S Ipment by 82111 edrans lower. flsllgizl §31<>aIi<>1-e?e%tt<;e(t1dyta§_$}/15 d‘ 8-8: V doz., 2-lb. $1 40d>’150; 3-b. $2 0002 25- strawi 12;~4’c- (1)-isdsloisllicllf c ~N(1)~fo12i7ui§f,5. l1,11fl’S-1813-lg-5 -gr). ll-zilr native shipping ctecrs..IZII'.‘.II'.'.II1Z2§2 4 30 2 -'03-45; butchers’ $3 45E>3 50’; rec$i3t’s?,5o0 head; _ 9 . ., . a 7,20, 08. berries 2.1;, $140@15o- Raspben-leg 2.’ll, $l 50 N ’ _' 3. 1 ~ 1 _- ,- 2 2 - 2 2 ‘ ‘a1-native shipping steers ...... .......1207 440 shipments660he (1 ~ 1 nu-D WARRANT8. Inspections of Grain 880 5 cars No. 4 St. L. and C. at $1 05340 1 do st 601 75 ' 1300-se’berries 2 ’lb ' ’ ’ 0' 19’ 190’ Bnght market’ fun bundles 63 ms ' Furs‘ 0 0 ' , l . - , , - , $129,331 30- xvhortle- 50 or cent oi - _ 1 s BALTIMORE, May 9.—-Flo -quieiand nom- cr . F‘ . - fl - at $1 06. 1 Cal No. 3 fr. reg. at $1 118/, 1 do b . - _ _ .. ’ , . _ 3_ , P . scount. Coppered market same 14 Good rough n:_ltiv_e steers ............. ..1 432 4 50 ,. . ’ . ’ __ . .. -. nil .......... ls .............‘?t‘.Y.“iig Se,“;.;-,5 ,,‘;,‘,'.§,"‘;,;§‘i°"‘V ‘°“*‘ h°“*'-°- end--e at 11 a- m-- sell; :51-{0.011‘>50- '1‘ ’ ' 1 ‘ ’ n ' ’ ‘°' 1 S 1 West '- t d ‘ -’ ' - a (l l , , l - . l l 121 _ l N _ . , _ __ . ' . . .. .. _0matoes 2-lb, SHLET Z1;-qC__500-n, k 3 . , Powell . (‘-111 _SP0 .-9:11 May $1.363-“@126; June at E.-.:. --...:-.-1.2. 28 ....-.~:::: :2 5 '1.-.:.*.i*:..-.;.;'.:r..’.‘.%’-.3 rd; in E. -. ..S.::;“:’..‘;*.;..‘.i5‘.. 1112211225-.1. S.T“.*'-i:.~*-..‘i‘-i-1%-’ 7%-~ °“’°’ ‘W’ “"°’ 25° "’ °‘°' :5:-: ~~~~ ---- ts iii .0°i—’-W:-it-7 winte1'.l8cars' No.4 ' t - ’ ’ - ’ 90@90}’c. 1 do (special bin {at 92c 352 1; t ,. - ’ ’- ' ’ °’ “en . 1‘ T1N'.'‘Ban°° large Pi » V 15. 210' 1 " ’ ’ ' n 1“? 81” an ‘*1’ St. Louis Clearing House. W111‘-9-1‘. 2 03-1'3 3,110 g1‘a<‘1v61 1-cacrglf -re’-jl‘%(0t:1(.I £1356’ at $1l’J 1 ctar at $1 02- SR3 3,70 4 9-0 $1 0%. 11918 ,$1 2'I5121>'1 8$01' 5(0§@i2n:l%’w YaC‘g1'(1)1uth2-(i)t.0rn$1 §»rsarix§a’§i1“fg§,e Egg’ 12800; Eng‘ ref”-1§31'8‘e Pig. 130; 15111901111? 1(()i<;1g’1~ado Texan steers.. . . . ...... . .1,039 3 85 gggifit-11'!/90, W‘!(131SIll3:1'5l1 c?’.4%i1>1:3lt?(-§2?m}1£i%edO3i2L:c§ C1 -1 ................... .. . 48 cars. 031’ 0011 ‘"138 t1‘aCk&t$l07”.2ca"d d ' - ' ’ -’ ’ ' 1' 9° Ne1SeM01"is-- -1 ’ 7 . - - 7 "- ......'..ZZZZ'.ZZZ1Z'.ZZZZZ$3’%1‘§.§ Q00;-n——Reiected high mixed, 1 car; high mm, glmgillogag do this side at $1 0s,”1 do slgec-.i)a1nl0i11(s). 260%: ;8%iin§t§rd§l1i3Sg@hlfi,f. 03$,-gs, g,*;,,,ggS,;§,:,,3,;;° ’ St’ L°u'is'I-;lTg;_ M k t lg gosrse nalllvc slll-pplng slecrs ......... fig ,§6",,,’,‘§§§,51V-§‘l‘§,“‘ 3flf’,)§1f’°,;n§3,fn‘},‘l‘,’,‘f,§§?,§1.S‘°‘j‘3}%7 e . cars; No. 2 white mixed 6 cars; rejected ' ~ . cars an 470 sacks scant No. 3 at $1 11 2-lb $1 20001 30' O rste ’ h ‘ 15- d‘ 1 ' - ' ‘ ar e ' 1 arse M V“ pp "gs eers """"" " ’ 7 Via’ ’ dill ‘ --'1 -' - . . _ ,- l 103 Sacks rye mixed at Same 9 l _ N , d _ l. V , is. 0 Olce lan s, it, 7555 Revised by E_ H. Hymmw Co. 3938Bmadwa 17 Fair corn-fed Texan oxen and steers..1,1S2 3 so 1°11“ ‘,1 9-11 n0n111m1- Butte dull and By -;el,_.,g,.,,l,l,_ White Imxed. 3 cars. No; 2 mixed, 11 cars re- _ l . cans cs. 3 an soc, 03 sters o-oo brands, 2-lb, 95c@1 05- Oys- , J . Y- 31 Coarse heavy Col -d t ......... ..1,450 4 70 heavy ' Western 15’-23200. Petroleui -. ‘ 1- Ngw YoRK,Moy9___Monoy3%,o5 per com clO8_ je8§’,g§__i.g9“23io o},t‘3l'§g1l_l°12‘:l°a1'S'_ N. 2 ’ gidlgeafltttglmllé (b1(’;‘}7.dsIa?:Il1§1jt\1‘Il1Efl‘<0>01li)I1‘1:§f)ii)n(:1’qsIé¥;E) EE' _1§3 Common corn—fed) 1"Iz‘le1(()£I.Sl1e(()3;:n ....... ..1,116 3 37% refined 10% @110. Coffee firm and hi(]].1(1)l1iI§1;l?(?1‘E _ ng at 3% per cent. Prime mercantile Ilaper l ta}, 8 cars. . , cars, o , 4 cars. To- and 24 Sackzs at $1 13, 3 at $§ 15./2.Whi1s)tg;‘e1s1ltseers .......... ..l,(2)§g g 23% montS__Wlloat, 20300 on; corn 5,500 hm ‘ ' .. _ ' ' « * - ‘ - . =‘. 2 ‘ . 1 ‘ . -' ‘ - . ' ; 2 . ' ‘. i " 1 ~ .1 ‘-: ----------------- -- - . """"""" " ’ 1-‘reiwhts to Liver ool er steam stezl ' c tto was $10,500,000. Gold steady at 100%. Car- . . . . felled ll 00 for Rho. 2 Ofi.Can’ but none ofieredl {l1Ilf..Sb.1‘ gc es ‘in’ rls 36 gillons, $.68 Yellow pme rougfi floormg mud rate or Martin. F'lll.1eI'& (.o.. _ ‘H e_ . _ V D _ I} _ Y. 0 n tying rates 55401 per cent and mm Govel.n_ Elgvator statomom." C0111“—U0mDa1‘9-Give 01031118‘ prices: kggs, 0 §£’t1lf)4ns0 ,@ $g§"4)3’év)?}te%s:.{l111(<))1lga%1C/)11l?.’ $«$i5l.5dG5 Ygfig1\g13§fe€iI§§gnsi0""'":1, °°°° 11 006313 00 15V’(V!193(V0*$1l1°<1,~1n fed Texan °X'en'""""""1°13o 3 ‘5 9 81220161331131? mlifgv gi918—l:](1)3t:f£19}i?ed ' m'd mcnts strolls: and 1‘ailroad bonds buoyant Ad- No 2 R ' 0 4 25; 2-113. $3 90034 00' Salmon 1110 2$1 00022 00 ' P0 .1181‘ strips and boa:-1dsm£rs1.;u;.lnd°se'c011d 1 mam 00 16 G°°d W’-1-iv“ feeding St‘-’¢1“~‘--------------1 931 4 9-5 (11111 "” 100 10110111‘ (11111 3:110 1111C113«1180'»1y,W1i 1“ Vance rmlgod froln K to 3 er cent latiler on G1:A]:N1)EL1v}cR1ns1rRoM ELEVATORS, MAY 3, 313‘. 10 17-; 503/ ~ . l50cJectedjNp;w1nx No-gr. Boston codfish bans: 245 $2 46 9 . clear ‘ . . . ‘ . . . . . . . O . O . . . "7"" ...... H 20 oo@23 oo 19 G_ood native feeding steers ...... ........1:137 4 20 (1ull‘?1_ed‘$1 15601 16 Corn dull. h»,.,°l5 . “jut New York Central consoli at-ed finsts The 0 Yestel-iat .343 1 55%‘ SUGAR-——1\'ew0rleans ‘7}’@8’-0/c‘ N O refined P09!” strips and b°“1'd5v 1-111111 510.00 . M~'S°enan.e°“’‘‘°~ ed 420 Oats d1lll'vIl1ite 390' 111W 1310, nlltlx. large pul-cllaoos of Chicago and lilolilllwest Conssflgfion Rallfgads gm'I‘:gr Tgtals. Tojdaét -)1 3545/... .3553’ :3}, 3; yellow, 88/lqpgxo; do refine-id fiflzlllfo 9'}‘:@.l93/lc Pcolnmé)tn_ .... .................... .. 13 000115 00 32:11:: €33 §g7}-5 steady a.t60c Hg, firm ';lt.$9@i1114S,D1'i1{ $10013)’ gC 1' 1 9031 ’ coal shares Northwest, Lake ’Shore ' Wheat............... 14 661 44 6w 1 204 347 Cars No. 2 white mixed fr. and st fr. in Ad and dered, 10%o’&>10%c; fine Powdered 103;é.1o7;c- B sawedto order. extra rates. mmkem‘ The butchcr dgmand “'33 restricted 1nand'No ésprii 40c °%1ew§"%&138cma1i? -ztm de: st. Paul and ivcsiem Union; at close the Des; Corn .............. 213964 45’77o 339’335 this side at 4034.10, 5 cars do in Ad ‘at 40:/c scars Standard A. 9’/.®10c; St. Louis A §9z.@9'%c‘ Yum Rules by the Mk °f Supply °’-*“°°d S"‘°°“h 11°53’ N0- 2,26% R-y§1uw’er- 176 1 5315 Shh‘-Ba-1y" FY1088 Of the din’ were current in most in- 0”‘ 3.600 8: ‘ 68: -' and 2.300 bu 1'€iect«edC. and St. 1:. at 35/Iago’-—same Missouri -‘*2 9%@9’/405 9Xt1'9- (3 9% @0‘/sC' Stand-, I W kite Pine.’ Prices opened h.igher’ closmg at 559190 3dV"-“C9 unsettledfi No‘ 2 Spl‘iI1°‘ fune 03c ‘6.v"~"n ey stances. Chic-a o'and Rock Island Road in Barley ............. .. 1,493 12,333? bid for‘more, 1 car no-st-ado in Ad at’ 29c 6 do ml 0 93-:09}-sc; yellow 0. 9}£é9%c. ’ 2 First and second clear--1 inch thick .... .435 com; 00 “W” 3"’8‘°"°“Y.S fi5“"’3- This 0'” due "0 the Mess purl? $8 50 Lem?-Px'ime ste 5671510118-0 Aprm earned fifioo in excess of same mo'nth me """" 3’l68 359 592315 5t- L- at 280. 2 cars relcctecl white mixed this SP1éE5'“N‘1tm€°‘S. 95@$1 00' cloves 45®50c' First and 390030 ‘>19-at‘--1%. 1% and 2 large demanfl In e.X‘.3eS3.°f0ff31‘1"a‘3S» and Part INDIANAPOLIS‘ Ma 9 -1100’ -‘-10:9 t last year; Cl) (‘.880 and Nolihwestefn . for flrqt, 1 side at 39@39}:.’c. Sample sales‘ in bu1k—-99 sks Pepper, 16c; allsn ce, 18¢; g1n'ge1~ 10,,-,,’llc. ooof ~ inches‘ thick .......... .... ............. .. 35 004047 50 sympathy Wlth 01110330» that 1'eP01't-ed M31131‘ $3 30603 371’ ' 1'eceiptsy2 lroisd" '7 1? 1.70115 flve days of Ma)’. shows an increase of $41 000 Receipts and Shipments of Leading A1-t.ic1es White mixed at 400 1 263 sks. St Charles at 513-. 1 - ‘ ' “ , ‘ Stfw’ °”e.c°nd'claSS fimSh'°1m°h tm°k'°‘ 27 was?” valqes" The market ‘closed steady at the ml’ - 11930‘ F1/02-1’11' 3163-3 ' 00110 $€5¢?I38’5si-‘£:IT]IfiIl1 8‘ (:3 over last .V(-11.1".’ barllings of ClllC8l"'O BI1l‘Ii;:1«r- For the 24 hours ending Tlmrsdav Ma 9 1878. d (2340. 320 sks fancy (1’0 at-13c 2 ‘s no-grade in RICE“‘L°“iSian3r 5%@7°3 033011113. 797340’ t"l?ic(1:‘nd-was flmsh—1%‘ 1% md2 lowmg: Guns and rough’ :02 50@3; light’ MOE 550- .W119at Q11190'y1\T0 2 gill $1151 16 303$5‘1l t‘f."l:i83n'§ Quincy Road. for March Gan increa§e corresponding day in 1877 as rep01:ted yby,the LI‘; 31380181 bin 813320. Dealers ’fl11 dorclers in new J0 &T11gh7@7%0 V 05-0 0 '0 0 . ’ Box bo‘ardsE—1'-1"Ecbcs"wlde";ndm0ver; 27 wigs 00 §6?(.)0‘m1s3’a1§i3n2g?t? g;2t0‘f7¢0e3‘IEtig.e3o17(.23§’34?10g3810$&;303l§0(&) 0 stead¥1at 40640;“ , ‘Oaks 0 met at @2600 giro 0 ~.J9.aIdf 'th-- '- 1 . ’ ' sack..d1' -d t4~i '. ~ SE——Ne York-fcto er - ' -- 1* - 1 ......... ...... .. .. - ” 9 "5 ° “- " ' - " . ' ~ ~' ‘ 1 *0 Ms W11 01. $%014(.3it)300?m'1‘tlh3S ezfilrwililigszsl chum Exchange: . uA?1‘se—137§n?na§at.iv24§§>sing bnces'- factory. 11611120; factor; skhr§§ngd,1s1c%tf.’1o(§1i%? Boa?‘ bgggds‘-I-314, inches wide on ;.'.=.;;; 32 mm °° P“°k‘"3.- 53 1503 25' .P“‘’°h‘”-'- 53 2503 E033 §16ecr's 8}5((:)'V1csli<;)z:1's 13060000 L:.lr1({1 6n.?3t‘;s-_§hOul6 Western Union Telegraph Com any are lm_ ARTICLES Rfaeeiptsb Shipments ‘ poor to choice; Vvesternl 10%@11¢; Y_ A_ llro “C” or select third-rate.-................... 17 501822 59 ‘memes 1“ 33133: 3390053191111‘ $3 9-'0@3.30- 53195 -'®7}£c ’ ° ° . ' ams ‘ an’? the flotllting debt is eing steadflv Ii yer & rat. 187118).’ ralizlih may 10 1877 “$0. 2. Jieziected. No. 2 white. 1238556‘. 13@41(§)i ;/ P. A. ,t20@%3c. 1 5 ’ Sfggg 12?‘%y;‘,15“10 and 12 inches wide, HA" m at the YARDS » LIvéRPOoL, may 9._COtt0n fir; sales 10, l e . ratlsac . _ _‘ : , .,, . ..._ . l __ In 0; ex” - , _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . ' - ‘l . l ‘_ ' o‘ l ‘/9 o 9.000 were Eric, 42130005 Lak?a00SSl1](1a1}:S’7o(§()0v iL3‘3i)t‘:-"1:-3'1t§2?"""""""" all 3534 no ,'o3;l 3° Ye3t01'd3}’ 2% A 26 bid Castile (Marseilles),‘1l®13c:awh01f:li§arsem}gg: St.§)rg§¢E.)1(<1.:., 1 . _l.l00 ‘ ' :3 — , 1. .............. IIII .. ~- - - - oce Easte d’ h d- -1 11.. ............. ...... ... .......... .. 19- --193....3 10 53... III.-- 2.32-x ' . - ’” '- - ? 1 3l,..i,k,,,.,.,,,,,,,..‘} C-,;(,),',“g¢}"§f*,cl,lg,,,,p‘§fi§§§fa‘}1 1},-‘3,°3 .§;.ll1‘l(e3;. lE1sl’)1lI1§.b1'll1l ...... .. 450- 3,150 456 an3,3;‘dde°,m§l‘;d f2”‘;‘,§‘l{l°‘;£‘(} fiicglged. suitable for 81*ocIeI:~vgli?.1g.dl£:C:n0ca1-paonat Thillllx-far}-ge or common board, 12, 14, 15.15 W16 5° 22;. 3 $2. .1953. 03 3 'ti}ilj,ll?1_%((1ig10iSa (c’:111iib(1€:1g§(c)111i3s%2r1e1i“§L0rlE-3:3 1 1 03 und3 000W U . ’ Cans. s'sa!1(1 rs ...... .. 5 12 24 ’ . . . ' ' , 4- @2. - an eet—1inch .................. 1550617-50 --~- _---- ‘ 15 80....723.”....3 25 - ._ ’ '- -’ c .. . ’ . ' -,1 d Sterling ljxcliaga ’ll1l)ann}l(é>llS, bins Weak. 60 lillgll :33 glzlggttgg. gl;ls_l.. 94% 506 1,173 626 gggrerlelgggli ulht lifgaleifi/:;(é?‘l. bfigelg xC(l)lR1)AGE....}g inch ma lolool. loxol 3/8, lo,/‘C; §:g3((:3.lng"£-g 1'1eleti8.1.l.n.&.§b. .m.e.£... ......... .. goo gg ..3 g 203 . C11lVe€;\;'é 2é15sSbdg>§i: 9:<31S,2((i»OI1i;0‘fi§1.4;..; s%:i2;s aoss 9,8] (.at!]e 9 to 2 1 1.fi. t! . ‘ 9 u , '0. f . ii —"' , , l . - . o o . - o o u o o on .) -co-o ..sc o... etc: 9). no s... . -'1 9d.',l 9 .7 ‘ -. . .. . ' . ’ . - - -------------- .. . . . s 1 ebid %C1’1l8her—noneo1fered; No.2}? -ti - . . she.ith g—~cui1:cncmg or£'1‘ub. .......... .. 120001400 64----3 10 88---.193....805 20. ..169....310 » - 0- ->8 s 1110011. B-m-.908 ad. 1: cw... .1°=.?§.;. it. -7;. do --------- . . ' ; §"”rf“"“"’ “‘ 7- be er No.1 do at :3. W°°- ‘W *° *°°d- ‘W ’°.‘:‘.‘.i’.;‘.i%’.-..“.‘..:‘.i‘...". 1‘ '°--H 33 1-3?” W-- 1 1o0,=«.’; ’<1<><-ouiwrrs. i<'):L-..‘ra>103='-;'- ;.e.$“13 C1-301 Com: 11*!-«.31-'-'-'5-‘I303-'5-'333.'3.' 37I200 s4’06o 50,300 3252011’ ie‘c'...zi’;7Z3°“".?.;‘.’:fi"""i' 1Sai.3;ge§l’ G.‘'‘‘dg-1 031: 1'e- CONCENTRATED I.YE-—Pittsburg Sanonifier, Joists, 18 and20ieét'1°6n§i312'in2.iié1s'°.25idé 1450616 0° 253333%“93333330 -5233I31'81IIII§23 0' "229' "320 5-'1“o¥.i«:l¥0 giav 9n—(\)lI71l1e1E&sdu1l ml: and lo - istex-ed, 100,5,/@1001/,; coupon, jo5%@lo0%. 'lo_4‘gS Mega)‘. brls.... ...... .. .... 13 ’ 77 col. vqo 2gl'nal;l"a’l’l(,3l’2 (loost ‘jg’ g€%]6S,',c1 (Ii'1'<3:}‘;or1is.':)kt.:s ............. .. 49 -20 2 N I -4.14.1-I)u)]l and weak. Salcs—-4 cars and similar brands, 12-inch, 58Fa>(‘.0c; bright qillgiss ”"l‘;3-‘.13°°'°i(‘l“-"' l ,. 5° °4"“218""3 30 65' '216''''§35 3'800 b.3193.-3 °rd“‘m'Y 303 .300“ °1'1‘1a1'.V 8%-05 ware. Lac-kmvanna and w . . . ,‘.’ ' ..’ m ‘ °"s""‘”""" 230 78° 9.5 Orhefn 3‘ 47120» 1 1*“-“$3.3 01111 t. uarters, fine. 5500600; medium bri-rht do 50@ “~- mg“: 1513‘? se°°"d°°“-".""°', """"" "13 °°‘''2° 00 ""1 53°‘ ‘“"".2§3' "330 4?- -207----030 10}V m1<1C11111f.-’.' 9950; middhng 10%c good mid- P. Tclegrnpli 21}; ° Missouri 53-}'(’;lA-' ‘ma -h§(1)IxI1c.tl)10c lower on g5c; common quarters 45@50c' extra havics all ‘§‘;§3{“**"‘:5‘*,‘,', sefimd ‘1f'§‘l';'-t:3,§)"""" "" "15 000317 0° 55 40""‘“».9""3 .10 19""°'15?6----3 30 dllng 11041100 I‘<308i131>S 1.557 118-105: ‘O55 2.195 Burlington; and dulnm, 100%,; nm‘]31:i‘1;al alxlfilgg. Pork. b,:lS.__.'_'.:.':.':'“'_':::: fig 442 133 £10111? and cho1_(-e and l0fcbl5c oil‘ on grades from sizes, 52-70550; medium do do ’45®50c ; fine biack P1C1:13gfS~k-,§ql1(:1l‘(L'e;l§(;l filial T0111! :: .° 3:: :11 058 67::.:179::::i3 33:-:::".12?(l)::::g 13 bales; e3513m't‘S 10 0°“-tinmlt 49664 19053 00350‘ Jog, ll; Control l._.l(~,lfic honds 1073/_ Union. dame” 40,500 36,073 25 307 he to X1l1C11lS1\C, -.._h1le xx and xxx are held do do 45®53c;mcdium do do 46@50c; twists, 48.7.) Yellow pine flooring, mat ed and dressed; 15-16 37....3l8....3 -20 33....253....3 25 21: :‘282::::33() 2 _ wise 3.90.-ivbalcsg stock l34,204ba1eg.- Pacific do 107% ' U. 1’. land" R’l‘ullt8 1015; - ‘ kl Heats. lbs ................ .. 285.000 60.775 84.180 127367 st6‘}dy. Movcllielltllglit. Sales: 50 brls at $4 35 600; do unpressed, 6-inch, 5000620; brigzht cable 10011111031‘. Same as white Dine- 96----199---.8 ‘25 73.. .155....3 10 65. ..l69....320 - MEMPHIS» M9-Y, 9-"C0"-“>11 Stead and un- inv funds 965:’: T’cnn. Gs old39° donew355’£§{.h ' Elbtatoes. Bits and hi-ls..... 1.3702 535 818 93 de11VeFe<1. 100 at$0._-15 fit $5 10, 50 at ” 15, 100 coil, 6551750; fine-cut, first brands, 75703850; do 1’°“°" l)?l,i‘.‘° “°°"1"g- matched a“d.d1‘°3?-eds 1 111011 '65'-~-183----2 75 43" -134----3 3° 05----130----330 0 °h“"‘ged3 ‘OW ‘mdd1.i“g 92‘-303 mid lg 101503 on 2-,-;(10 new 2;; llllssourl 63 1'05“. . a.. _(lfe8t(al§£Si. in bulk, bu...... 2,3017» 111:3; 3-t‘311i91'C1,1t1Y atf$5“o0. 600 on p. t. ‘e quote second brands. 70@75c;do low grades, 5000700 9 tlllféillofvl iI1]9se1,3g()0i1?_t1eIc;-t lllO‘lr"catt;1:ll£l1el1dV\'I1’1‘t§ ]:ime._ d 1 loans 3 sales 900 bales; receipts 170 bales*i11ipments V I-0>jI>oN. lhlav 9.-—Consols95l5-16; new 41,. tyeim bn'1i£,‘i.'.iI'.'.'.'.Z.'I.'.' 1,400 2132 ‘set fine $5030 ii-’5‘3’”x°.-.."«.%‘.i‘°’gso1"‘“°' $“§‘Z.%”f- ‘-"me" ° ' inches 011011» $-'-¥¥1»0°‘§1eet "me t11§'I~vhi1§Sx§0ne’- % SHE1‘:‘.P—-R 1 ts d li ' 0 M11-6 bales’ smck19’Wba1eS' S1gi]ex°hang° I 105% . 5-203 64 108% ; 10-408 1071/ ' new 6-‘; l061/- lice. pkgs ........ 10 133 210 ’ ' ’ ' ' xx’ 65’ xxx’ n33‘ Yellow pine step-plank 1 11/ and 13/ inches -ece p mo eratefi 1 ppmg qemand pa. ° Erie 12%; in-t-for-1-00 32 i—’- 111111613 Central ‘s73: amt. sks ............. III: 8 11 $4 85'@$51.famflyé'$5 10% 20; °h°‘c°' 55 25505 5°- 10011. 90 lb 50 lb ‘ thick, dressed both sfdeis...‘ ...... ..' ........ .33 004545 00 Steady and 1“ 9-X003-‘3 01 3°PP1Y.- B“t°h°1'm‘1“i"Y (."‘u‘vEST°N’ -May 9"‘C°“’°“ Stead-V middlmg New Jcrscv Central 28;’/.’ ‘ >2 » salt. bus .... 1 345 ass RFE F OUR‘. ‘"37 Sens 0” °1'de1‘5 3‘? $3 7°@4 00 Mackerel. 20o1b1.h..1i half half Qr .15 1.112 1) 30° >'&P8i<1ing. clear. dressed ................ ..15 000117 60 fan‘ ‘ind P1"’°‘-‘3 "*‘”‘°1‘ firm 101‘ .3000 8W1eS- 1°/*°3 net ”°°?1P‘5S 129 1’a19SSS=110S 49011108; ex- yullo may 9 __Rente;10of7oc angel,‘ ll,.,,d _____________ ‘l3 855 ’3oo ll‘-53 (101. Country at $3 30003 60 del. brls lbrls orll brls oils‘ kll/S kl .‘u v in aiding, star or second quality........12 006114 00 00111111011 S_113eP 910W- L9-H1133 111 5003(1)’ 010‘ Imrts °0“St‘V1Se» 53 1’319S- - r - . llllgarl llllds ______________ __ 72 3 3 CORN M1t_AL-—F1rmer. Sales 450 brls city at 1 5 30) at aiding, common ...................... .. 11 no mand and in excess of offerings. The mamet MOBILE, May 9.-—Cotton quiet; middling 3323;. ill-is . ........ .. so 414 55. 1,043 $2 15072 20 del. No.3 Med. Fam.. 9 00 5 00 4 70| 4 40 2 50 90 so -‘gglgfl °°co‘l§‘l§t-°‘°“’ “descend clear.‘/. inch 16 ml‘ 00 closed steady at the following; Stockcrs 52 25rd. 93110; net reCei1>tS 437ba1es;su1cs 500>a1es; ea’- COMMERCIAL ;;tg°_;;;-_-_;;;;_-;_-33;; «ox ,,,1-;p;§,;=,;;F-‘-§;,;,-,-,;,-;,-,1-;;.-,5,-;--813;»,-,-.s;gg,g;e-, 52- 3 F--- 158.” as 2 33.‘-’ is -.:.-.-..--..-.~.~.;.~...-~-.n~.-.:,- 132253152...iirP5:2.2;‘:*.e;i:::2-;- i?§’?.3.‘;9‘.§“§; "‘zi::£:'i-size-.3 ‘in- . ________.. row.-... hhds ........... .. ‘sis ‘iii 'iéi . ° 1 -= - -- - 1 - N :.‘n"':::::::::: 1- 00 s 00 7 2- '- . inch we-< count---- ------------- ------ ~20 0002250 ‘ .--.- _- ' : .- - - :. .. 2-‘ 1. . -= mu me The has-bound r.~en...c..... 0.2:. at -1--1.-. ------ -- 1-‘-6 1»-1 at?%’.‘5%‘i.;".i.*‘3s;.§t°i‘.i‘..%‘3..“§3i3.‘é3 tiimi‘ :1‘ N31 -3 0° 70° 6 -3 335 333 1% i P01-2.-ri.ii*;.:‘s:.§*1: °* “um 9‘ 0...... .. e'i”3e3fse°‘é’£%3.§%’ t§°‘*.?£“é’t‘>.3?° ..‘§‘.i“ .3“3.§‘9“S- ‘°é*::a;.‘»1»‘.;~‘:6.§-°‘*.‘..fg; 1<‘.’°.E’.i;1:;i..;.:‘:‘.*’S 2°f”“*5d.- .. Chicazzo knocked down freights to the East a V":ool.‘lbs...t1,.;.'....'...:::::1 15!-11000.1 116.3532 at 77%° dd‘ ’ ps u S 1§g.11S01h9t1rEi' '.l’r2.'.-‘éi 003 23 1?) 2.0 28134.0 1 031 1 P0001“-r 110;‘ b°ar.‘i锑;fi.h":é£ 11.310 .‘;"’..;’.‘;’-‘d- hear 0nd 2563 65; clipped TexanS:"§o°dd to chgiggi ’ 9%“ liiet raceipfs bales; “‘;1'g;Lg5”gé1i1)tS1£§3 few days Since’ and St. Louisfis in dutv bound W lllsllyl recmlod ln.l5_____ o 156 163 HAiY‘-2-l:)Iarl_?e((a111§11taivg’emg1t1g')tl§)51]S """" “ 94 5 4 69 - in all departments. Heavy wooler goods tier 4 5"???’-1.m'mrifis t“ 0 f“."”“’1' 1‘9dl1<'ti0r1.p11tk-tinstlle Flour. tab:-1 ....... ............ .. 20 20 20 at $9. ’ ‘ ’ pnme ' ‘ """"" " 2 2” 85 75 flooring. $150; t0sid’1n8s’$‘;%03 t§S'ce$i1in'g’. 0?-ir"s?111",g003 14 Clipped and wooled muttons.'.'.'.'.'III.'.'.' :35 3 J 3191135 W931‘ m°."i“=‘=>’ S‘°‘Y1Y» ‘exalt W°1'5t"‘1 0 §‘“‘:‘: °f ‘_"“"S1’."“““‘°“ “Om -that point to New Perk .............................. .. 30 30 30 HIGH1VINES—-Firm; in demand. sales 91 brls Col Sba'""°-”' I . “eh 15 -‘_I”!m*= 0111’ ed W-We muttens ------- --105 '4 00 1 °°‘““‘g5-. 0"‘ W010“ °1°“““”’5 31*’ 9301113 .131“ £00 31,9. iwllat the result of this lllslfy a__O_ ____________ ________ '_ 60 so 60 at $1 ol. u11£I(lilrl.]{l1g.x:er 14 00 7 50 7 00 6 50 3 7o 1 30 1 10 ; 1% £"I(‘)l(l)ICl1€w“(/')(:)?e$ldnI;2tlit:lv\(7l(i]‘;l;l£€g%I‘lS ........ o 5 00 7 orders. Brown and bleached c0t001s_ 111 light -lx rates from i.‘.§.~c, ‘f.;...“n..i."’..°.."‘,’3°..‘.,.§i‘.?§,’,‘§. Igiggéggt n.;“..E....‘?f'?:::::::::::::::::::::: 12 it-.’ i‘§ ..fi1En§5‘1..?§f)<3iA1€iCO3-310 enéig is %°‘l§";‘;‘° H,-lrht §;g- Ila-bqsgoll '3 33 500 .. . . ................. .. st Louisr-five Stock Market-_ 101;.-me wooiea net?“ matte-iéf 5 -'3 31313126 $33 %:‘i.‘i3f§.'i'c‘32?n%‘;“f;E¥iy“$?鑧§y‘?‘i?§§;§i§%,L’ic‘?.1';‘ifd but the grobabilities are that if no change 1;. Meats‘ 10 100 ms """""""""""" " 1° 10 10 a few lsaclifl-8'08 Cglslllnollpgf) fiLi1‘a1V.i1S;1OUl’0..cloxV'§-fled Nevv;(§:ibIiledl?...::: 6 00 g &’ ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ° " ST’ .LOUIS’ THURSDAY’ May 9’ 1818'.-The 1-»‘:iiil131031i‘1‘1rg?>1ie(ii1-fi:10:zV€1riE1l€0t%nS """" 3 0.8 dress goods in irregular demand‘ ’ tfl_“'(1e at, Jnoiigo 011,1‘ fl8'11res will be subject to a THESE mvrns ARE FROM EAST s'r. LOUIs—-40 ADD - pers; good leaf Very scarce. Market steadp. P°w‘”3° R” 11 0° 5 5° --::- :-1:: 111:: 2:11: fonowmg were the receipts and Shmments of 55 Common 011Dl;0d native mx1It':t.<>.1.1's:'... .... I. 78 2 30 pl ol,ol.nonate doclme_ TIONAL BEING CHARGED FROM THIS SIDE ol 100 E S.‘ with ,l gooll (looloml fl.om- order and shlpplgé Houlmd Herring, kegs .... $0 85 livestock at this port for the twenty-four hours Petroleum. -—————-—— Bv ,.all East to___ Bosh NJ,‘ Pb" Ban buyers. _I1 ew regectlons. Offered--55 hllds and Scaled, boxes, large and medium ..... I333: 30 ending at 11 a. m. to-day: B T I P1-[TS URG, 1>A_ , may 9__potmloun_Dull; T Provisions. Flour. E brl ......... ..... 66 46 42 0 40 . %71')XS', 'reJected“bids$On4 hhds at $3 10 to $4 90' go‘ L boxeg ......... H. """"""" '''''''' " 25 Hordes LE Y M y9 eBegraplLN crude $ 56% at Parkers for immefiate Ship‘ here was 3 gellomlly ll-,,.ht demand for th.S Bull; meats, $ 100 its .... 34 29 27 23 lrgmia wl~pbper at 15, 2 Missouri doat $12 7550 usééull sar ines, ke s .......................... .. 75 t an 7 to 012K, ay .- eeves-— one in _market; ment; rcijned 110 Philadelphia delivzry. class of goods, although p1:ces\ve1'enotaffecteld §~'.‘.'i‘.‘.§.‘i;'n'.;.;;::::::::::::::::'::" 32 3'3 3% 38 ii§3o1“?.’$‘°i.?8.'%”§?o‘§“$3.” ‘i'i‘3é§sI%%S§Z.°“?*”7 “‘ 833331135‘-1eh“5i?-’153‘i» ’s3°x§”a?:'3‘13§fi'?‘é3’§33I 0% 3 R-‘M-*-9 2103 ' Sh?-913' Mm?-13 §é3?"3d5§.°fsii§§i33R3§e315’i3°3f§13§§?l3‘a$3’a1§9 “TWE“”’ May 9'”Pe“’°‘““m 26%‘ by the paucity of t_mnS,lcllO.nS_ Standard pork lécéed meats .................. .. 23 25 21 20 4 60, 4 at 20, 1 at $0 20,’ 1 good leaf at $0104 ‘'1 333333. g§}}fa1e§s~ 1!; 30”’ ofend 351!’ b9Xe.S~ 9 ‘bx: * shoginents """ L923 "711 3°? 23° mg 9.570 head in three days against 10,06 head A 801 d in job 10 lg at swag 10’ and dry Salt meats c on, compressed .......... .. 45 40 38 37' common liissouri wrapper (small leaf) at $10; lb b‘ox'es, $ ib.‘.)?.e. 6 Nativq0§‘L1]3:J1q-i1rEIi];‘§‘i3p(;.fi;I1)fi:§;l~i§l$f%{l%,§q,ly93fiallescl falne lime llfst lWe%k;df.at S1136” dimand at , Horse Trade’ 1'-11-1-nlyheld at previous 1,a_teS_ Bacon quiet and ALL RAIL TO sournnnn POINTS. b‘;:‘§l‘35’X1’;f__;$S1bf’3(l).f')l';,‘ at $3 37}, for Soft H. , N§:;’;{5e’:l1°%*;le%)h311but. in 100-113. 50-lb and 25-3 do $4 50034 70; fair do Sf 30@4 45; light dc’) g$4Ol5 at: !11.1()l1e§l(‘3i§1’,e olit fgfiy J8z£cl°a§§§pe?lnsl1C<:-.l£(a)1§(1;1:;1(3$z21“t:c)., _1“raI11,‘ Ifanlnlanfink, a g;-al1g9T “'00 00111111- easy-—slioulders 4}.»,’@4,30o. Clem. rib 5 17,, @ 2 “ea: in M .5 sale 240 pit:-S at q'uota.t;0n_ ° lssour" ‘ ’ """"""""""" -------- '- 9 6174 20; good b_utcher_steers $4504 15; fair do $5 50;unsho1-n $550 to $6 62% ; Western lambs $7 hm’ mmols’ came to St‘ Lou“ yesteflay with 5.20c; short clear53/.@5.40c.' Lard supplies 3e_ 8 3; £3 :3 _, e BALlNG‘§TUFFS__l-Obbing rates: Ba°_o_ing____ DRUG‘S--Acid, citric, 09 lb, 75c;t.art,3_1-ic, pow- $3 87 _/2 €734 05; light mixed $3 60; fair to good to $8 50; Jersey $961110 50. _Swi11e—Receipts 1,430 3 "9-Mable 110133 that 03118110 the 8Y90f 1401113 ( pondont on cmfllm make and SCm_ce_ nominal H EH § § 3 § 2_ lb flax me; jute____2_ lb, 10% @103/.c_ e.§y_m dared, 530; 9,mmon_ oal.l,__ 240; alum‘ lo; oSSo_ feed1n'i«.(,r steers $464 25, scalawags $2 25; good head, making 2,510 head in 3 days against 2,200 Dottlesweig, at Dan. Honid.-s stables Eros. 1022 . all 63“ fol. prime steam. Following. ale yestm__ To__ ,5‘ *3 so lo/1,;@l0;lo; o%_ll, , l lollllgo. hemp Wjine 8106 fqatida, 25c ; balsam copalva, 50¢; bismuth sub. grass exan steers $3 40, Colorado native steers, head same time last week; none for sale alive. d 1024 N - . O ' dc-y’s tlansiwtioiis on ’Change: 5 3 -590° 5% 1-79 gig: 10%c ; iron cotton ties—arrow’ grip and St Louis mt" $2 253b1“° ""133: 4503111116 Vitriol. 12c, bo- 3'00‘-1 $4 40404 453 (10 003130 11901711 $1 70; C10 fair CHICAGO. ILL-. May 9---The Drovers’ Jam» an Orth Flfth Sheet’ Lammanmk was Pol-k_1_r,0 brls otmldarll mess in job lots at $9” 3 8 3 B 3 to hoop $2 50 ll, bdl_ ' ' rax. ref. , 12};c;ca1ome1, American, 750 ; do, En, $4 27%; fair Colorado .Tex_ans‘$3 80003, 90; corn— nag reports receipts of hogs at 11.000 head; induced to 8'0 1111'-0 the St111>1e 51-TIC1 exanine $110 9 10; one lot of 50 bus olleered on levee at $8 90_ no __l o (5 E neg lll,3Ml,.__,_Dull_ Undressed’ $505085; dressed $125 gllsh, $1 40; camphor, 35¢; .ol.o,ml tonal.’ pure’ ed Texans, good steels $4, fair oxen $3 15633 80; shipments.‘ 4,700l1cad. Market opened active, animals, although warned by lpitlcer Dowlinc. on 01 ders, ily denim-s_130 brls $93-ly. 120 in job’ ------------——-—-—- @140; llaokloll tow $60@65. sllorts $lo5,ol2o. 340. C11_101‘0f0I'm. 85c, coroslve sublimate, 65c; °°m',n01,1 <10 1-3 3425- . flrmand higher, closed slow at yesterday’s . - ” logs moo 5O_ 2. Nggigrlcnns ................. .. 3% 333 33 55 81 break tow $30645 V ton. . : l1Y0<(3)01-.n{3. 205360 $1g1%1O'phine su1ph., at OZ” Sfhlpplllg clalttle gpggodeslow, and contllnlled rates ;choice heavy $3 35533 75; light at $3 30(0) that the sharks would gull lnm into some _ P. Ha _o_ _ . ‘ _ ....................... .. _ - 55 31 . 3 V - - - °op1um '- (1 11 d. . so or severe 10111‘ , 1 11Vel‘S were e cr- 3 45 ° - a - .1 . _ . '. d1’ , - ,- ' - ' . u, ...':..-:-£213.13? .‘8?.E.%.5.‘§ 3-. . 10°.-::.1.-.-2.-3-..3--ii-.1... ~~~~~~~~ 5 2.3 13 ii 1.2 ..B...£i1£3i.Rii::.:e-i3i;.§°tf*.i:i.§5?JiE;¥ 1:13; 32.33;-t-2;-’ 5°;’°-1.15-1-V3385-ind» 13- réeedii 13::-:i‘.’é:.‘°lg.‘;.;.*;.t;:ii“‘= °‘ 3°‘-‘ mm 3- *3; ‘-‘1"’-3-1‘-”~ ‘3>-1‘-*5”-—‘”’—-1“-”»‘-’=é--1‘3¥‘s?°‘3-°‘<:‘3o 333b$?:i3§§°i3a‘5~iF$f&1g3?o?i‘'0i°11ts' '00.. 57 57 57 5‘-3 1 00 50 y counti Qmake 661100 ° grease butter 3%’ @-1% c %aII(1)a1ca)i;v 1'' ’ 250; §5‘,’°"' rhubarb (E' ili(let;:n“mt1lII:1(1>E111"(11‘t111;“§t§3§,, a11?«101r1S§’a1I€1St¥V§ nit strung $3 90¢“ 20; oxen $2 9O@4 50; calves $3 20025: shéep gé1n1?§tkht;1‘§cé1§g‘§‘eg1%§0t1‘g:Wifigglrisméélhztgrggg s - , _- . ’s.- ‘’ ‘”" 22- w . ’.__ ,' 1. 'roo,s , ' t, ' °' . - ,, 1a>e1'n0 .— .'. - ~ -. ’ ' ‘ . 1 251f':):]<(s€3(§ 3:11? ?.4b3.0§’t.- 1.2 0 .‘.‘‘’§.,;':’; ifgfig m‘§‘co‘§."dc(§.' R’ R """"" :5 :5 13 ,4,-,7 te§G('S_ “mm at Mme latter f°” g“”'““" §%>8;csa1 epsclil, 23.403123 ;e§31 nit(13-e ,rg0)mn?::111'1c-1115' §1‘e1‘€l“’a§ a1‘l‘“° m°1‘g actlvltyllbut not enougfi a1¥:.0(fdpeE3i-1§’;0nltesat(i16i§§a$ifi%Eis1?s§(egdat1e§la§5%.S f°”’dd°‘V“ bl‘‘’;fd,§‘‘7fi' 3‘ fl“? "“l’,,‘{f,1,}l,§,“"‘1,,"},‘;’,"l‘,’l‘,"‘,,-’°,T 1 - _. ' '3 - 7 -_ """""""""""" -' * , ,. ' - sa ' ‘ , - - . . ’ ' ica e a mu r es’re - ' - ou enou ' o e rear our . (cl1,,f’;l1el,§_t___l"5,3'40‘l::(,1q6_ ‘(13?r.‘1‘tS5-$715540 , on orders, by §31’:§flfllPo?,‘;‘tG(§',“ """"""" " £7‘ (‘.3 (‘lg l 64 1 POULTRY--In moderate supply and steady; 370; geed,“;‘,,f‘,‘f,;,."y“ ’ll,I3).l11:l3o14(o‘_E,fi:’,(i,’l,£;l‘3’l llffiflléggg’ 133311‘? to load lgl y freély 0:111; ii.-1(’,§”,1..'i°lf,,-S;1c‘§,’§ 5 gorolbo N Y M -9 Ga . named He§nl‘y Richards had foilowedtlie animal clemv Sgoog a1g5j—*(;'._,',6c :1: Guilder-3-31%-tgggtco 5-500. forlt Gaines, GAIIIIIIIIIZIIIII 37 537 72 55 1 19 36? d0arr§i:33dr§:013i;m§r?dB1s)$§ir cc1l)c§c1:1mllS.1fn.1”(‘1Sk $0 50; €19 hemp. 50; do mustard, white l4c'- 1“ fact» 9- 00110111 degree Of easebin prices 2 529 head°’tota1fo1"tl1ea};veel;7 000011101100 60111233 k“°wi“g She °°“1d “°°1g°1‘}°“"d1°fi§-mid niade ' S_ C_ l:lamS__Sm-es -16 we at 73/10. 0-n-Om-ers at éléi lbert, Ga ...... ....... .. 90 90 99 71 1 02 77 mono fol. old hells ‘Solos. Old olllollge ’S 3‘? 195 3111791‘ “WT”-0° °1'YSt. 1? oz. , 950; do do fuséd, {.93 was noted 9-3 33119 day W01‘e On, some or the kbt modei-atel active- 12340’ advance fl-om. Lammfmfillk 9315591‘ 0 9- £3‘? ‘H9 3'3 $11‘ 191’. 9@354<3--fancv city at 900100 ' 3.03: 8at1<;;vx1.(.;ria(.}. .......... .. 8-2 82 61 51.1 12 62 oz tosoos for cocks and inked - Y1 fl $ 1 oz., 950; soap, casme, mottled 9 ll, 9,,-ollo. sellers not. being quite so cranky as they Wednesdav 0l1%1ltCh61~S§ a d h. _ , _ she beingavaluable horse O1. omg. 1c of- ~ . - , $2 40@2 50 for (1 (1 1 °t - . ’- ’ ’ - arl th d ° ~ . 11 5 IPPGIS Steers. f .~ .- - ' ted Lammanfinh going to the po- Bl._ Bac0n__Sens on Orders at 73/0 to 8}/P Americas VG? encva. Ga 39 go '_1y1 02 77' hens_ Sprin at 75c@$1 to $1 50f , f . o o w 11 e, loc, strychnlne, cryst., Yvele? Yin 6_ ay. Perhaps the slight mod- good to cho1ce$4 90195 50. 0Xt1-£1. 1 740 its $5 ~ . 01 has its c , h . A.b1 t Lard--28 ics at 5.705 125 tcs pxinie steofnon Albany--.’.....'.'.'.'I.""' 93 9? 3'9 731 Z5 33 small’ $1 75 gto $2 25 for fan to or .111 911°? “"9 V °Z-- 52 103 do powdered. $1 95; 8111- Ificamn "1 01611‘ "WW5 W-'-*8 Prvduced 13 the good shippers $4 60034 80"fair t0 inediufil $4135 1”’ W N’ "’ss’Wm°h t ey were mm 6 0 gm)” ¢_ llofmcdd “(H ,-F- H D. Charlotte N_ C___:-:::::::::: 60 on L_ to 275t - . me mm. $2 505% hnr. y it. ‘Wee; zinc. sulphate 12c; forty loads leftover unsold. There were¥1uy- 005- light butche. - 10/7' - - . ¢ _ ‘Tal1ow—-St.egid1?‘ I11:"11vIlJ(§é((3‘011I1tl’V at 63-{c w11m1n8t0n. N. C... ....... .. 52 gg 1 80 2; and t%§’r§°§la1r.§§.‘;’},‘}l§,x‘‘ 51' Pucks ‘W $2032 2°’ '-IUR-P1*4N,T1NE. OILS, ETC.—-Turpentii1o 31@ "3 e“°“3h 1“ the Yards 13° h3V° 9199-190 17119 St-O0k6I‘S. (3OII1InOflSt$g cl1gi0c?é0:$f%b0101fc§43‘?'50r§)l31 60’ The Happy Tallors. G __ l 9. ,, _ _ -. ; Greensboro N. 0.... . 1 - ‘ ‘ Omma. - 32c; lard 011, 65@70c- caster -1 2 . pens easily enou hlf rices had suit (1 S1 ' - ' . . ' ‘eep . .. . rease II1fLl.l0I' 3;;-it go 1, n , .. . _ 00 1 00 .. 74 1 52 .. VEGET B Eg,_.w . . . 01 . 1 @12%c V as . . P 6 - up and lambs-—Rece1pts 2 400 head tot 1 f ~ . H 111 t in-h “ ...;.',.......... - 1°“ * 3-1 c2£‘;’.?.‘3.‘.ii§s ---------- 23 .23 is -:--1 31 5 ... ....:t?i:§::*t’;;§E. .:::*.P.:i: i5.-;-;i.;*°60; .lx1p—-N0. 1 light. $500070; No. 1 ea , E; and good cows and heifers were in stcadv de- 6 cars unsold. s a 2 were thelrn. The great strike had come to an rent... .1. .... .. 5;i:ii:e1i:s:.é%%:::::::--:--- it 5111 2; at we-0-» v’ aoz. can... 55. .72.;..13.-£p.5..2;3.“7.....*°°- 55705.32: iiiiiisl 301*“ %‘o£:°“.%’:.i;“ 151°.-5-..3%.“.“S::i. cit“ 51- “-7 9-‘--C-----~Re°----’”S -°““" “““ ‘°'°“” "‘° °* with good demand for spot cotton 0\*r.w Yo: 0 iislufauia, Ala.............'.'..::: 67 67 64 511 V Crate‘ 25/6335 ' r‘ ’ -3 1 b t ' d'd - ’ ' ay ‘ea 0 t“'°“gh Stock’ and “One for Aswrian realm W111 3371111 “'0 Stitch Stit-Ch _ , , . -k 12 79 . __ - . sole c, oug-h Leather 23@33c- French 11 I not sell readily. The butchers ~ d. T . 11 . . " , 3’ ’ ' -- colltlnuod (lull, While our home market ruled lgggl-;1,Sli:]r"‘ilr_xss_l.._o1s::::.:::::: 2; 275 ill 3% 1 lg gig sigfijfgffgluitgellzbcgoloogchéraoon; kiDl,d0zen.$7(g‘2’125;Frenc calf, $40r.>7_’5; French Were 19- 11“-16 afraid of them. clainr 1:101 100 n‘Z.‘.'i‘i if/‘(:)i.11*(ti1ls1t%:3l(:h;3‘5i;.Sll1s%>"1:)1]:)eul1:(§ fi1:.P33§i- ’ W11‘-15‘ the happy tailor audhls goose Sing duets steady at WodnoSday.S adVance_ Transact. Montgomery, Ala ........... .. 45 45 45 36 7-2 4.3 by W'agons_..t11ese laltol. freely supplying I1$%11(:CCO. $30 . linings, @l2;topp1ng skin-so mgr otiey fvcre not fat enough for _thell. ness done in this une to-day. Hogts--Receipts together in happy anticipation of the luxuries . 1 modemt oh I b , 10118 Jacksonville, Fla ............ .. 61 61 61 ‘ 55 1 06 55 market at slightly lower prices. Demand (1 0 E LEAD-— P11 P0S6S- twill be _adViSat)16 fol‘ SMPPGTS In to—day 1,650 head; total for three days 8,740 . abouttolnllro from the inclvmmd oohod l l. b 1 gr: 9% 53 93 3108 reported at 267 !fii‘I’fa1?3esl;3eB1:l‘;ié.., .......... .. 3(5) 39 60 53 l 94 54 omlloly active. Solos of Tennessee and A$3n- alxlilgle st Louiglfgfglheg 371113-e head Com- Efltflggyfgaf-10T£§1lg_% tgeg Clonslgnlltlellftsflas muclfi head; Yorkers $3 60 to $3 70; Philadelphia $3 75"” 1 pay at last accepted by the inc;-cllant t-ailol;-se O a 68. E Au 9 - . - o - o o . o o a on O to 7 4 on V . to . . . 9 ,t all i , O ly Q‘ ' o _ * _' - I’ l 0 ,‘ 0 . V - _ . s . ...... - _ l .. . . . . - « points still 1'cm.-Lliltobesettlecl St. L0mS___Lo di 7 _ . Mi ‘ gm ‘ no,‘ a 89 w E) 71 1 43 81 M1380 . a Kentucky at 2 ooogll h lolcc o_uti1e1.n 11 a Company and the quick lieturns from their conimisslon men. (lo .3 8 gooflgao. rloos unchanged. ll _ . o l . l ,, M . . $00G ordinary §V%c9r1o.'la§%’id§1’i§§°§’§§’§? Z1:/13.’ fielllgblblgt. 33-‘1:.IfI.'.'IIII.°.'.'IIII -151(5) 33 250 :1? 38 at 35613100? gal. measures: [A ian3§’$ag.-‘{Z§§.“ £'f,‘§f.°;‘3.-‘ic1i§’-af>1ur”én.3hi3.11fi3,’.i‘%i‘.“£’e “S63. “§§%3° %Ihl<1315:'t?<>ff1E2‘<’>a111?ea1t]c1ida§'SH1a000st1i>1:1lgatf1$§3)I1]0whl<£(01i- 3,-41130 N8,” 01"” 0" ““?.' 9'—0ame1__Rece1§pts :31“3?'n§“€3'§3?°0f‘?‘1?::?‘113f C°C;‘;11;“‘1‘I"‘1‘g]ig ling10%c; good nifaajilla 10140. nllddlfil ml ecbe, Ark ........... 65 79 65 53 1 06 40 known as Monarch of the West, wn in St’ 1 ‘t leadat$8 ’ ' g ’ ’ ti ' ' ' ’ ’ ' head; 71° ski mews‘ rgfing S“ 633's 1-13‘ rifles the battte has been Won and the beer 107/,c_ ° ’ ’ 3 1' _ Little Rock, Ark .......... 86 00 28 55] 45 Louis County, sold at 7555.351 1? go measure . and wil e l V 100 Iis; fancy brands are -nn cows they were offered $2 25. Good native rs 93340504 . ~ feeders 014 15; cornfed 11 ~ -. - T \ ’ - ' .~ ’ l _ . ]_ noted from glupwom. pure (1 h.te1 d t botollel. , noes closed stead but are “am _ . . , owed 1:11 an increasing stream last night in how York-—Go]d 100 , Middy 10 _ _ .. Cherries in lar er supply and low - ’ -9: W 1 ea 0' gr 7 . 0 ‘0 exans $3 .0184 10. Ho . Receipts 1.046 head' ll . . , wry tnres steady. Sales flier f11tu11'gg26.000c balltig. ' Transactions on Chanirc. M30? 9. 1878. gallon for SW93, Gooseberries du11raatt$4l0§5g d‘ix§2i1';ec(%)1gIa:dé7e21f5t‘r?it§01or’ $7 ‘5’ red lead’ or‘ @3319” the 8“ pi¥-i()f‘graSs,r%Jxans1ncre‘se8' shipments 350 head; “cave and steady; sales M’; mm! of the vm . “‘ January lo_61c, Febma lo ,nc_ March 10 81 -_ _ l50 9. lm_ .ER’_'ilh arse, $7 75. , tcswerc n .1. rsuppiy. utthc demand ;2 55:52 70, . April 10.910; Lam 10.8§cY_ -Junie 10 92:0“ buff who FUTURE Manna-rs. NEW ONIO-‘7S"Re°eiptS ‘ma ‘mmand light. HGU1i$ov(s)rIllenta1ane:1Lanih_a Rand. Dupontvs. blows active and in excess. ruled steady at am Drowned. . 11,023; A“ St l ‘ago. So’ to . " .1 _ 930-Slialltly better in price, but transac- alable at$350@4. ’ 9”“ S 1- - , . 11 POW“? 0035 ° ‘mged P"1°e3- Much °°W9. and lpfingers General MIIYKOGS 3! TOIOSPRP-h. Special Di tchtothe Globe-Democrat. 8“ . D Elbe!‘ 10-460. 00 tious lar el rt il - - . se1latfol1own1gun1formtarifi- F G F F moderately salable for best Pricesu h an ggbeg, 10.61c ; November, l0.50c; December, der the ,§flu’;,{f,‘; og’ l£3.'ol.%:£,§;"agfi’ 83:39 l‘_%1‘§§1l;1'se1<;ci1%tl and lower. F. F. G. 1-iiie, 1% 25-11.. keg, $.15; l3'%_§,fko' , Stockers and feeding steers steadYnc°’?nB$:gd dii“wu¥){i):i¥¢f §lf;?o9'.i7‘1Cu(i¥1tr‘v:-n“lsp0t dun} mm‘ GR-MW 3&l'ID8. MICE . 118)’ 9--11 W008 man owe-ms at other m9_New York 95% I _ Ensrireuldeonpied with an advance in Console, 320, 1’ carp(p-art]; bulk. part sack?!) gt gchgdl at 16%.. keg5’0§1 ‘G M8 1 bhsfing (A ‘B 25- demand. 8- “ 3,. my 1,, 32-105315 3,-,.,.,§,,‘.’ 33$ ogftlggg nmed Causes Smith was drowned iuthe.Man- E 1 k , _ I 3- es: 11110 GO ]9wer- an im I-ovem 2 . ’ 0 9 1 § kegs $3 _ 9 (.10 0 ’ 3"‘ M, $5“). Rifle CATTLE QUOTATIONS. ’ . ‘ _ ’ . ' ‘ ° ' l ‘ or . . ent of car d . 1 er SIX :1 near Orletms, 1,74 hues, S3vgplnah"41 bales J Qxolook mu , D A lk at 36c del, 1 0 station. trt, ldoat and sporting 1n cannistei-3...,-mo o 2 - . 10 92 moo, July 11 1 100011 2.39% A ll lsteeR v , miles north of Manto , ' 1’ met on. but. toward chase. adv ass on ma 1 sacked atwc on ttk 1 but . l. . - K‘ 03-"3» MTWEs—Fanc.v steers. average 1.500 as and 11 5-1006.116--100:2; sales to--day-Iortuture we the this are . nehas . N . (earl!) dounincase. Vcase.$7 90. 1-I cans. do do. 1. .n17wards..§-003625;3oodav.1.m61;iNiu..It’7b 11 bases Gold closed at 1603‘. that 1.31 £33 a “ ‘ ' s . ° I