._ they wiih_dr_ow." = 4 A A to not not owe oittfarrai. mzwsoaahontlmi 25.13% A ‘ our Afltv mama e Daily. To-mot.‘ semi-We-idr M We-o5<3Ys.N. 5. col’; Fourth and pin» «on. by on _ clot» Maxine Comm: oi St Wk vxxmt at rm: nmv. new man. oer rm. fiflimrd W °"""f;;;' " gygnt {paysbic in I-drtnonld-0I1I~¢o Ml . fig ,m9,g¢wu_ pay you..." ....a.........:.: 3 at? nuo¢vpion........................................4 . win mam»! $14033-DIX 80 aver na- flim- {fix -y’-'31-*iy1ztIJY omen-oxntocur--rrm andxybalrn-odthtc Eleni-Woolly Owflrbuv ocaur oon:‘inoou.Ax.Ll'D‘l'$'l'Il‘I’I~,9!1'1%’fl do eohy_oaAnIl~ to«uo¢egn;etroett1huawbt_qB-Imfilbc-9* mtxtm Ooflflfli, '-ronrthntvui-.I& nook. «unoma. jtirobobaitico are that ‘fit: tdcdltl; towlay will to learner and partly ¢l0*‘d7~ = . cm.» in Key York. romr-hr. opened Ind closed it: my . . \ smu-rot: Ii‘2tnln‘,oi1iioh|gnu, the new Vino- rreiiocn: of the United ststoo, is rumored Inliiticnint, -no the chines: on t1ut'ne_ will be ;opr‘ediiy_" mpeneeeer by tho 'oloot1on‘ot' another man As ~P'reeident pro tent. or the Sonic. .- - ., ;_ Ir LI Idd‘-‘tii‘.\3_".‘_C4l.” Groovcnor bu iutliionly reoontildirrod hi! do- torn:inoiion_toléoinro on. "2te.ti'onil Honor" nan vvinter.?'iIe"Ihouid'1ooture on - -roman Ironor,’ ' end on Joe): Fnhteim opeooh on tint subject i'o_rhie tnodei._ Tin: Pittabnrx P.0d, the Democratic orslll or Pcunrylvents,-coma outinievoroi Jere Jstusxrorners rggjqtaent‘; .-is botmon In And A’ third toxin.’ Rood citizcnz -would ill; I copy“ -to dctorrnine their higixost duty to their country Inilzi bonrot 1>0r'il.'~ _ -rznmgratttuea oi-Governtiontl mu nude ‘. ‘.7 amnion‘; ’nsuettm':ntné ‘aqua iojm Red Cloud Ootnu:is'tionj_ind_ their iovooticetioi Vot .Iodinn' neon. one oonnugtoom lsbvmi tiithiuliy 'ror”ninoty -days, ond= when they ' oilled to settle‘ nfivettstno zédtiai random’ the rate or an «dry, it fiver uoortolned that when.» ilowo, Iierrio And Fnnlltnor were prohib_itrd'frox'n"’ drnwifls pay bounce they titre ntcntboin oi congrats". li_‘h‘iy looked .3: ouch other,-"wt! .V imdoop,‘ «mum eiionce, .iv'xr-I-I.A¥.‘1t-'-’-Antone . -will i.~.°* y ‘? 2ieei;Y_o'rir,’jo§t e.e....:a,~ mo n "Ion or ‘John Jacob Actor.’ tho ooiebrited ' jnorchnnt. A1- _. 5 ter in: transit.‘ eaten,-Hyvxttnen-' finance gno- . V‘"§‘?‘l'rF"-§¥£°f.Y"’r"F§l!“?*:Yi5i°’¥V~7°1‘??"9955" . ‘I been tor n’ he'll! end by his I ll E7: _ rt". var; yon grown" V "torture: oi ‘."7".““’. 99?“ .‘‘.°.! .h"{1i!*5t*1itr to notifiab- lio obicct thnnior hlrfvvoiith. 1 mt. ma hi. ‘““‘°*”' ¢91!§*.i9P! Z*9,Ii:_a, jAIto_rLlbr.xry mug. !»ia‘o‘.‘t-f1':nx1r.7?-11¢ wi:".. iiiirli "it: that Couvonlitm which started Vim illisruuri I-‘or.~£ilc wltit such bright i’?‘°'*P‘~‘-“W aiiiiocgh tiestiorti '10 ullimsto dianppolnh mwg, and tile encrgy and his noquxintaneo with use ittbjcct admirably quality him 161 ittrtirer csciuiztcre in this new 9“"i9°_‘-- 31°“ me whom: z-m'lc«'.-:t_ and abilities are illceiy to ho ctcrr-ytionttiiy reliable in pushing in-'rWn‘d the work in which we line so dooosnn inter- ut; and we merely give him iéuthm that juoucoi-which is hie ‘duo, its this brief repairs.- tion or on overnight which cw. neither be ex- cused not explained. ’_ rotc'w' goon." , firhns tor two methods have boenjblloc_6fr!t0|i of ,,,¢,¢m¢Vga4. oc¢ygt_ruotIt.’1f|i>o2_tIl&_ Tone and P’ooiiio2i2e.iivve‘ty.'fo.itdjlt_"it"’tit'1i9.lns' to be seen whotieor-tbiicré tn.» niufihoflu vliiohiw W pmiI1‘tnm'.oeut}.t.tzauon or mum: .2. fnlrv. _"r$er‘o—‘tl'.erst __tho culture method.‘ -ivhich ‘council’ in‘ mixing the proibct '- .—«m.‘.1.~moomen eutu-am upon thin!” ‘or the tmbjeotz and than l-M1‘! ‘N593’? "tori: method, which is riouonnbte oncatn/it to my this it tho rota woultt par. cspltdw "would stcjsln Ind buiidvit without Govern- noeut rid. - «ya the Chicago obioctiottt short answer nood be mode. Doubtlctti it mny suit the Pf°!¢fl* pm-peso oi‘ tho chioego prone to mime tbxt every one who approochon the bfotioonl (}o\‘ct-nrncut tor my xmrooaocr oi>5ooHr1M- ovor is : thief, and hi: object It no-.1, but wg very much doubt whether-this autumn- tlnn lniriy roprucntl. the opinion or the people or Chicago. 1: to does. Wu our thorn. ’Iint_ thieves do not generally give notice otmtr. canine. not an "fi°iiS” "generally lniroducodvvlth 9. request the!» i-ho’ Vpersan tc'bo.'rioti.b'od ihAii flxhiaovm condi- eito tho.ir1n’:e.otlon he g,...2‘,'¢ to ¢n'&_¢r.Lnl9u 'l.‘tto';exnxnpl_c -of the Union :n'd7O'entrei mire subsidies, with their (halt-liiobllierv ring, does not oifor. any-precedent for thin icuo. ‘If: N19“ we subsidized those tooth. we had known what we know now, we could ‘very easily lave gumlcd ngelnst all the evil: we now be- hold. We would not have had to mourn tho corruption of o Coogrcu; we wont») not here «on our gene:-only ‘perverted by nttinir diecdnninotionn we would not have exemplified the truth oi the saying tiutt the longest wnyoround in the ehortest my thorn. lad would not homing in the eourttt tor the inmost on on'r'oern bonds. it would be guyggougii-now, in tiaoilzitt oi our past ox- - which vrcro pot-pointed i:y'li_it, 011163750 Midl- ‘me7 not too: then: in the Tour end Pool o, nor‘n"t ed the cry or “eta? ’ ixlshtit any one. ' - " ' The cement mod.”-gtoua . ehie onefiuotnovvhnl. oi the "condition: under-‘vvhioh'i>flVW3 ‘Nd ‘outline to show how entirely _mtotnl:on_n1'ol_i In nrgun'mt't'ie when ippiicd to__thle ‘underut- itove pox); 'nn'ti live per cent ontbe can cost demo ,,...4.r’5u.tm. in order to redeem I "" ',-.thc Government by which it: '_oo2npictlon_ ' mu nsenrod. A ruiircul V-ma per cent, bond, the bond. ot on unii.-1~ {shed road, could" not be‘: sold !or more then ,,.,t_.,..,., to gage‘ ngaint um.’ Hmmv‘ tint prirnie énylmi /would build the road it it would pay, being Amoro- rtrcngor,bnt_:n oxnminition oi tho diiieroneo ._Vyobtte . crrdit :mp¢cu_v'ety would work will; ing. ' Afivo.per cent Government bonddrili ’ mi torpor (they oroqdoted "ct proton: rnu'ch2' .°“_ham“1 H ‘u 1K&g w— pr: lending moat, ‘built rod owned and insin- teiurd by the Static. Let no honruso more at tie-sin or at ptiuto cepltol in this matte-.r.. Those who utter the words do not t-nemthem. but no tectonted either by but titnidity or boxer-jealousy; and having once etroinod the reuouroefot the Qovoronttfens to the utxnowt to their own: behalf. in now orgonirodln at oom- spireey ‘against the extension of at conch more roodernte-auitstwco to other-e‘. It remains to be new whether incl: at motion, dirpioyod in such methods, will finally prevail. A 0115.350}? FOR REIBENOHMENT. our Detoo'c:re.ti'o"l.trethveh have eotmded the herring of economy and retrenchment to ‘long not! do inceottanlly. tint we are confident tint their nooerilon to : certain enjoyment of power will be mnrked by Itvigooonr uppit- cnilott oi the principle: {boy lwre proton-ed. It in true tint. when they have incitlontnliy gotten hold or thodistrlbotion or local 91lir'cn- ngo Ind exporditurc, thcy have '33?“ 5 tendency rather to rnulilpiy oiflool B66110 ||I' acne uloriel, bytt. title Wu prohehiy due to thofiiixodneu wilitmhich their. ottontlon in: concentrated on the necessity ct Notlomi rec‘ irenohznent; they were so nboorbod in their devotion tdthlc, that they had no time to _notico iooni dotnilx or other minor c‘otuidora- tlone. one point on vrhioh they did ovpodaliy ln- _ etet ‘war that thonontingonl: oxponocl oi Gon- grera were beyond all oonscienconnti ronooo, ' and ehouldhoreduocd. It we: not enough flat. for the Home of Bopresontotlvu we should my 5 million and at hill in calories. as hundred thousand (or mileage, two hundred thocuiid for oontinzonoioo, besides the ap- propriations tor the capitol; tbaro wu. moreover, a sworn: ot overpdd And umierworlted bxroncles. ‘zoom hanger:-on of the llo\°ornmont,.einocutdnnnort'_c'I nun: who into tho bond; 6!. Wiutim. it in we to ny my his Iil"II¢,1¢I_i'°¢fl,I'y1Il1z1’Itentod tho value or even this énormouf: esule. '. . . " Tnyz’.CinclnnAtl7-.I.‘n1pt_trctf,':-which 1,... 3.... -lolorobcenitntricndiy tatnogrett Sootherh, Pacifloitnflmnd aatemrne. 1l’o_onxpol.i_ed to any,»-‘ot the Convention which.h:s been 1.; we-7s'i_on hm.’ unit chntnctor or nu’: do!-. - ex-tee.‘ rend: the’_1nter9si1n£nuoned, would seem to iiii. tho Tex» Pnciflo ontorprino shove the level o£.:1ohbory.’..' .'1'he Enquirer in right. Then in no Jobber: in it. The poopio in whole interest: the new road in to be built have been more intimntoly ooqtuinted with the burden: then the benolitn or gonm. ‘meat for was put,’ and my v'e-ry'~'un¢1t {nation oi! the Amount oqunderod upon ire. Pfndlcqbio Jotitel to the Pnoifio mu give; them ell they air. JW-o hojaitoget therup-' port oi the Enjq-uircr tor thhnow ontnrpriu. C°N1d¢Tf5K.|}§l 1_It1mbo_rot_ Democratic .P_roti- dentini candidates who were in the cm... tlou, this in not nklng too much. - . = V worn: the ‘m... imtrood Convention was‘ richin illustrious runes," are rrgnt; to ‘note thst there" our onouune which. won couple-i G011! bill! jtbsonco, the name otwtbo Hon.- -Iuncli. Bturigzon.“ 7 Our rouon-.!or ceiling. . nitration to thin omirfrionfllv ilnipiy because it it..mro_.not 1ir‘._ Sturgeon‘ ‘tho (louventioni . would not have been called’, and. its eminent. ., 'lltc¢t:8I'Wn‘.la'i'geIyHdug’to_ 1.1. nu‘, ma ludicioun Lnitintion of the project. ’ We 13. text, without fear -at contradiction, that whiio the quution at nuitlnz I dexnonrirntlon in level: or the Southern route to tho mctno has been long r:ootod.')5(r'."8iurExoon ms the‘ 'nut one‘to put the doinonetniiou in the ohopo it mama! with melt’ rich results. Under those cireunntnacoe, it in imponibig to understand why Mr. Sturgeon was -not on _ prominent in the proceedings or the Convert. tion on he won Latin in securing its meet. ing. iii: nuns does not Appt.-or among the lloi. of ‘\’.ico-Pruidonu. nor on A tingle com- mittee. We know that the Oiutuber or com- . meroo paid" him the very natural compliment of appointing . him ': doiognto, nithcugh ho is _ not A member or that body, ‘and we tnpirooed ‘ that . u‘ such )1; would hove rgooivedj duo§'rooo3‘niiion. ‘As ‘the crganiution oiiho 'Conv'ontiou- "way on- . tlrely in‘ the tunic -or thej_.oiti_zensjot—StJ Louir, who know-hit. tliturgionrhgngi yyhos ..e1nnut bo ignornnt oi hin.eii‘oru end him work, the omission oi his mono from xii" hon"-r orohie mention is all the" mom gist-inf.’”.[t in iizposriisio to think .ihnt itmutd my-5 bug‘ the zesuipérciettgn. '1: it girl the ‘mutt oi, mu a6oidc‘nr,’Mi-. Sturgeon tfentitted to men V 5 repetition ‘ea’. thnii place hiv onto where it 5°1°I8'. blah up among those whom future xcncrnuonr will then! !or n great public oerv. too. He is no nov‘_oo in [big worst, no; ‘[3 hi: tcrviru oi yesterday. lilo viu a moving ,1); wit: Clinton did not think so, and the . oihnit-century.’ the brighten ltsinojin lhG_'bi‘s- iron: the eutoru. to tho __w'eotorn‘tli'no oi the hints have donero much to‘ "open ;her torri- Iiou! could at All ‘in I to mourn, or three syndicate: thetyoould be formed in the iznenclni vyorld cnpsbio ofcnrryingtho begun and maintain; the’ credit oi the corporation until its road WA! completed out in running order. Thcec gentlemen ' would consider, and justly comidar, tbntior Liking wolf’: risk, for putting forth ouch tremendous re- nourcu, they vvon nirly entitled to the ten percent which would be derived iron 3 seven per cont bond at seventy canto. . no means that ttrood b.iill:_ for the Iowa nctunl cult con would carry double tho load 0! bonded debt, would boroqitirod to corn doubio tho intoroet, would uko ' trout the pocket: oi the yeopio double tho cborgol in order to put the money in the pocket: at tho bondholders, it built by private‘. enterprise end without ’A Govcmznout zn:r:tnloo._ Now,‘ it in not -claimed that the road would earn ten nor cent on its coat, nor in it .218’ y to‘ dalrti this. "no «mm: gives to the Gov- ornmentlcouirvi ovor it: freight and prison- ger tnrliir, end rite’: the C_}ovornn:tent' hn nllovrcd its a-‘¢ditto_.be‘_tuod to build the road. choepiy, it will notbo likely to ‘sit idly by util- neo the mod. xrtirunod to corn ‘extortloneto profits for ooortrnction -compouico, or freight orflnutco rings. Itls proper to my um 33 therood is designed to turninhon ‘outlet to the ‘ryatom 01 Bottom roads nonih__V of those centering in Chicago, the interest: of All the portion uowyfovoring the’. enterprise would be beat tuned by having its role! cheap, thereby klvtnxite connections on ndvnntago in the com- potition with A the Union‘ Pacific connections. V Thin circuhutonoo in the best guarantee tlnlt could he naked for low rates, for the lowest.‘ raice consistent with urolng tho Clove:-omen; interest. We Iubmit that there .1: neither Justice nor consistency in martin; ‘tint. the road will not pey'_iniomt on its coat, and than seating to ‘double _ that interest by- bortlng tho mod ircjn the only condition un- der which no interest Account wou.id be re- ducrd totho tninitntun. - ~ We challenge the people at Chicngo to look down tioogtho length or their Illinois Con- tral Bond, and than to court t!ut- on grant enterprise: which not 1. Government gun:-‘ mice pro steals. -In two your: train. now hapyty pooyio will hove no State tn: to PHI. but all the‘ expense: in their State Gov- ernment will be detrnyod by the return from the tint ruhsidirotl. laud-grsut railroad in the country.‘ We chnllcnke tbh people or _.\feyv York to hold in mind tbcircausl system. .n_n_ti than to sssetfthet ‘every cntorp rieo which .wilipey will and private capital to build it. ngozoi Do "i\’iti'Clinton‘Vit, otter the cost or‘ 'tory.o£ the Eu_:piro__8t.tto. so her input 8Igl- ‘atone end 1:.r~:Iight_ed_Governor. -Hie woric was puma the vronilor oi _-the world come to light t'n"tho_'.nnso'otvtin riitroakl; but not even the cornboti_nk—'r'oodr' —'v’vhioh’-stretch like thospeetor 0'2)!“ - 0“! 810! W: . 9 ' iaaromre::.:.e&..._____.__..oinr'h° do"-r mu ’ .&ilré-- —— "r l Cm "d ‘Wm ‘ lie completion. There are not-more thm two’ ‘ not in motion. on on nreretzrnnore thanrovoxi months in tho year, And Lint consequently nnriy All of the oliiciala have Almoot lull I year to themeoivcntho enlarioo’ should be, if inytlaing, lighter than thou pxld for work whichiuut the whole renrround. Messen- gers‘ who no paid from ttvcivcto oixhteon hundred dollars: your are well psid. even more they as .tl.:et-rooted nillencury, nnd firemen ‘tor the vcntlinting engines, who re- ceite _froxn.’nlncty to it hnndrod and twenty doiinrt in month, could hardly be expected to know tint iboro was a panic. We will not undertake to say how arduous lrtlre work which the Home oi Representatives oxncts iron: the long int of ,ll’P°1nieo! who eonetituio it: pxtronngo. But even 'i!,lhey are kept At work no tnlthfuliy no it they were more editors or day lnbororr, there is no loot oi use for the pruning kniiovot rptrenehnient; it will be curious tc’noto ,tho,Alr with which in Democratic Ooozrou will.op1rroooh this do); ionic subicet. nod it wiilbo more onrionritiil. utlxough iurtrili be much more iikoly, trcon-j gran does not nppronoh it ct nll, but-tor" ob- vioua reuonn keeper: 1:: stray from it no possible. ' was rnlztore ix INDIA. It in painful to thinlrthnt thcnstln prince: of Indin do not mob torwnrd to greet tho Prinoooi Wnln with tint olncrilyol enthu- ointn which dlxtinguishes his English ‘rob- joota; Lost the Nissan, Gwloownre, Amoorn, 5011331: msuml. Baillie, out! other potort~ tattoo of high and low dcgrvofwho are corn. polled to come sod pay their respects to the Englirh no). content thcnnciron with looking _ ont_ho iliulnr representative oi tho hero of Aglncourt. but decline to entertain’ him in their homes; but what else could Enginnd ox- pcot? I-‘or hourly two hundred your England ‘ha tnught these ylghtiuirolcrn of India that tho only luv thnt run be" lookod up to won the luv at power; ihrt might wan right, and that the Indian: had no rights which England win bonndtonxpcot. From Oeahmorn to Coy- ion, And from Bombzyto‘ Csloutuytho ex- icmlou ot 'Eugi_1si't'rt1io over the whoioot that-semi-bnrbnrouo country bu boonztho. znduel cnorooohtnent or usurpation which knew no restraint of mercy, or honor, or of Justice. Where {area was inconvenient and expensive, -fraud wu nlundy weapon, but neither lorcencrtrnudvvu over v/noting when the occasion When nntire Btatoywithr tho natural instinct at independence, append‘ "30 Kmwlh OT Ilorcixrt power, ihelriniorlor Iran and nntiqunted tactic! served them lor_no better purpose than to giro their oonquororsn pretext for punhhinlt them, so_ouiiy were they detected. Whe'n'ooo State had Iulimlt. led to i.Runt:qur.l'n1iir.n'co, it guofitgd to ¢!tXll'i'BlW1lh_iil neighbors with tho oortsin »l'0i_il1t0l bringing them into the tune 'com1[. time of dependency: but there wu" never tiio lust pretence of r_cepecting’_ 0:-lentil’ fish”, oi coneuitiox Oriental Internet», of being SVNN _b:r' the wishoi, tridltione oygcepk tested religion: fooling! oi.’ the two hifiadrod "credo amounted to ' yeorwnioh they Atonitl tut, perfiumo; nod vol-- -utu-tupnythntthi tnmino might lwnvortocl rrnditlon Molt instinct: pnyu..t::n nmu.- net. at the evening bolero. the uoood op- Pmua zutdnrnohlpootnehtnigh ..: mm :,,,-..._4.. plenum woollen. Mr totho oocZ_t"n‘d lulvu changed to a tent, tho zzoumlugton lbl.nlg11>1.h3,V|ndI.b¢ tncmory oi tIodoy,...., ~ ‘ iunnnnuobnnnnou‘ Another loirnot tit original 1'hxn.h¢iv:ng.Dgy nttribniol iu-sign ' iotboprcjudioon at tho Mom old Pnrltusl nvlt-¢hil:ihood.i'.q hntoutiotteriy to ovurythins which on voredin the leuteiropéryor odprelncy. they Lbotinhod the obecrrlloo of oil holidnyo,eApoe.inlly astute" days, And soon; olba-trot Christmas. itrcognirlng, thcrotto. nothing lnbcncn‘ in any neancryotnrnztl dnytlutrendorodlsmoro‘ holytinn another. thyrodootod Alldnyenppolntod by cgteoiutieeti Luther-ity for plane ob-= tcrvutco. . nnd, bcoonlux‘ 9. but unto thcrnroivrn in his. no i‘hq.wu'o,in uemhlne also. the annuity Aet nportoaddny in lhonutnmn. oflzrnnoot. to :~otnrnthA'nb£or. theixuitaot tinsel: udtho hordsod thonnlt. 1iheyoonld.not_ laioovhnt Iourokdsyln the ‘ " lunacy ‘ "bd hnllowodrnndtbo lictt Anknovlodnnaotol this munpuon;-runmdntoongonnunouxwuni Ltblrdcxiahuuocodthoorigbxciiimnbgivteq my xoufurtherbno: thnnuyi tnuntteriioin tkorcoet oilinl oolohntod bylhodopng bring: it down who sntnmuliootivuei tntcrvulnsI(¢I.lnd 988”! ,l§’.u’cn'.tx, when Pnntxno round it? Letonz‘ rudnnteho rant explxutionithoy viii.’ fioulvcl_ uivtmltr roxtmct no on ‘American bOU£h.]‘2' movnbio in time, inded. but on ‘certain to come. Andin nneoro qnletvny, no jubilant An occasion II the Fourth otdnlror Wuh:nxtcn'e Birth-dAy. Though n.t_ present iunowrd with oorrnou And turkeys, it vtu iorxng-ly hep: holy with ‘nqmgn ad nxolnuco onntiy,'tnu the lung tn';m-nu; '1... rt-xntiied no eo,oucatin.i that no vfnll-regulated flifhnoxigivinx could the conducted Ivitltooi ito entering poet-coco. it in aid ox tho inbnbttnnu at ‘Providence that uronono oocuicn the West India all}: n til: it: eflgo at tnoluooo did not arrive‘ on time. and on it wnnplvionniy inpoooihie toreium thonh tothonordiet-nu goodneuwhenthoohlo: rvitlonooor no honmyvru locking. the Torah; [giving Day me potpotnod nod hvridonoo had not Thsnhrglvingheli nvvoek mu thu: All the root at Now England. It in noodiou to remind our rrodcn at the not that Ito-day‘: teolirni is ‘celebrated in oil the Btotu. and that , tboL31’:o§u.- tlrnl'I yrocinmntion, advising tho prdoyla ‘to 3.. runbic and return tbonh. ialoohd on.Ae'nn.gg. otury iomclity provlonqto tho oboerrnnoo oi the _d_ey; lentil knot Ivnu\l.hou5hs'tooonua¢r tag any,“ 3 rpontutcotu upro uioxt at A notion’: joy ova: tbs haxvute oi the put ennuoor tad tall. and tobcliovotiznnwnrunoyroolnnotlon iunodmd no day nppointod, tho tinnkiulnooe or the people would be mnnttoxtcd, in other way: tntlood, but no ‘niocoroiy And with H rennin Njotdng, u nut to which exprouimi in to-dry being" given. ‘ _ . xiomnn Catholic Benevolent society; A ball In given by this oooiciy. int evening, .2’ numbers or the beauty and tuition oi the city, the Iiiklr. altogether. quite n lirillllnt one. hiuxy oi the city and county otilclnln were present with their, iodine. Father Mof31fi‘wy was silo on V band. ‘rho hflivru husdwnoiy deoomtad with -Atnqionn nod lriAh flnp,bAqncro_ol itnodoomc do- nign, Ind tootoonn nnd wrutiu or evorgroane gj. ti tit-all Arranged. . Excellent in tlowu ’ ‘t . ed. nndyeverv one weaned to :fiJ07. which vru kept up until enrlydnwn.‘ The pro- nooriy $400, which will be mod to nilortlin: relic! to member: and that who no in trendy ..lrontnottsn-non.’ cud nine in‘ pro curing employment tor who dontro i;_. ' . , Lianne Circle. ...' . 4‘ '1"|ainIugttr:l:Iooo1l.ngol the nou_\Q‘O[|tflQ currodlnotnigistnt_tho~‘I.tnd_cli.:,'.t‘ho.ottenslnuoo ya lergo,whilothoontu-tnlnxnontwuolnoiuo atc_tcrthr-onghonttoroloot‘ro__rooro=t*oms1rs_ honor. Proceedings on the iiigixth my of tho ~ Exyosltlors. Thee Tbnnkogivixx dinner giirfl FMWGII it? my aim Ignite? (tear tacos: beprrtetcntobi nyrtgoxy mm. mm as cocoon. ‘both tor the moo hundred roots afimli no for the conrltsbto or not for will-1:2: the dinner ans given. The bill of thrown: at grail variety and qmthty. unit the so tuition and nroosytootc lot the any howlilfui you; raise: ‘oi-coldlnx error the tables with in press otfrootion. ,;._. ism! EVEN? 0‘ the doit-gutter to the ltliiroui ‘Doo- vrnticn vii-it/all the Hall during the utazrnocn and ptriook or the excellent cum: I. am. 0. 0. actuator, to resort: _n-maggot: 31!. J. 1‘. Mo- Cuiioo it, no fléhrriil tiirocwr; MN. Tartoton. rm. euicli mu Johnson. firs-__i5« 1J**tv?5M M11 mu. J.(ir;otliolio!d udrvioinrt anncdawwiwebts. §nd flusaxgoun ‘gggauvors. xogilotmoti, um ' . 3 yo‘??? 3‘¢0I1¢*"“o x‘§“§.'i2crn. fie:-1 Hllinr rt rwmmx. reason 35. J. innit-rm 4 M .9-1, t a notation lute , i:L0lMfl‘;‘:lHEO$l':l')|‘0Y1I50U$¢1InIlldi - , . "r. - ' - o and until next Sumo}, me who cl’-the ditmgztttt be to once. This 5-ftouwon tho din uoriviilbonwrod at tbrlutuk looked»! at the Armory met, but or trim and Etwudoy the mourn will he ta-«mod no a Armory. or nix max. _ Oaroftre alt:-nrruoac at tbollht lttba aim!- vaufs Automatic Wonder. iituatod in tho walk- out rtorrtt-rotlbo bu ileum: it in 5 ploooot mov- ing; outvmteiun. show to: iortpitve mourn- : c obtrlcirrt in A com eggrzm : ‘into so mean your. an . . by Jouph liar;-$13.01’ TN}, N‘:gY.. Mud II (or mt ms: limo txhiifitod in 51.. Louie, and its in charge of lieurn. J. P. Giiaienioove no can ‘XV-vrrr. aim 1’htlo.coucncls tho laid in tho’ counte- meat of mo _ at 3itu’mmW”;toc,u pnbilabout in ytsuorxta: A ‘room . ' . _ . ~ . Mine Phoebe Oouxluinntemcbinttoo be altar actor ct Northo. ‘6'n4l:tnoicn.e.n:£ be I grand teree. ’l‘iIin:v=mio;,l.b.ae1'i‘..irtr¢ul oi obnrmm too tho-oittrnun In the y l¥'Mhingv.vn'o to erptlon will rive n reiouti-an onho tableaux low ncditari-mnuflveittn . fliu Sallie lit-ittonvttl ' zholoviin 1-. Sit»: Pfinpio human. no Goddess oi lsibrsly. nod with nttuduu, mi: aha join in IMO cntorcsinnmtnt. THE HOLLAND DEPAIIXIXT msoy ytnnt, the great: scoot oi tgiood end" in ‘mom. 'n‘;nxod_ content. ‘and '3‘ 1-,, St. 1’etrirk'e1iAll. which vrne attended hyiorgu ' ‘£3 - I *. turn-.,K_noxoncA.’ wiitueu no titer ‘The Now, ' ' Homo" iunotbordivielon ah :, and in Aitnntod no the t aide. ttbointcrior. iv homo ottbo lutocntu . And nice: of the iurnltarele seventy live you rt, bcciduagr morte.rmoyonuold;1.hrooIi- tan. in )ure;lou1in; glue, iso your; at you . fittn$Il'O dress svrtmi.,10o years’ and coating xttn:i:e.ui yous. Juoroutho oaiingonso-inn .0! . dried malt and "vubo.'.' On the “mode 0 . rnnhi n. \h .- aeme olpnt-J: attraction. A't,both tbntnoy have We at Pbootoa Dip." which inteoo casein! euon. ‘ - . . . V dlv1clcn—|uitutod of simthoscriptoroonal. booth,|n-1 tattoo :1 unity have: been weigh: tisero _b Kins: Jntin mm. lens; Bonny nod Gnu stump. Min- to hr, the credit oi’ being the gm: 0 "w r. .. . —. ' .\ Tboniziuterry otoroialn n booth oppoelto the fine Lrt 0 And in Ivhetn ‘rushes rule: or! the land had polo. besides .1 "itoliuxi tmmy -' ox ony noon. tlonund or Mr. Hound and in Eubinhet-4.. urn Bovkor | in , uustoa Illa Ii:-ale blend! of Boioit. in. All the cbzrncterr in the Holland department on unique- ly and unueiogiy ooetnnud in the olden Nylon.‘ - -V_.-_nm on) route’ coxcrrr. I’:-ch; thagnotut future of tiutfirpcoiiion occnrreglyin thin dorm trout tent evening. It -no ¢n"0ld tutu’ Oonoer-t.";lr¢:n in tho Iudito-' ‘r)m_iu.li use ovcrcrovrdcd with ohlghly rropoctnbio nu . -|1rlniad_In _ he ,;,“,,(,,,-,,-,£ .5; V - 3- .;(r,t;el.Ft>ee:i_vr_:r1ow-e ~ '3” Learn _?:r§sr:ll.§iir.. H2. mt mint ores;-.4:-ziorii’; Barry Zéniltratn omoonrod ate Hecate: not Biglti st thmsheeictfl and ‘graves perwnnfiaum! "K54 53599! int: oqgalftst.-t, hour as rhetoric am: in xos$ms.Mi‘- £.0Ioiv'6h;iAfi’ s\oc.r.y carom. it so lilac to plow or lime»-arm-rs work of wt. herring swan Etc loco the ammo":-y oi n etegaorted oahnrnit. Error: on Q‘~1Kb63‘¢.i§& tel“ no «mot hirio tho moose or the six; teams‘ am that line 3:8-‘wot our hi: mm. sad htr fielltlldfi S1234) longer young enough to do §l§5.1l63£ 3uriioe in the ohfirxetor or Ilemlet. In detects arc vary similar iothooo pointed out in it it uneven, and with bare and roots in nu by rptentitd dociunction. in many ooonoo it to noonotooone no tastes. foo owner or the instruction to tho players was one e-xnmplttt or tttth,il; being trusts-d manly in 2. collo- 4;vI.tAl‘ ne.ntener,:_ at loot an-rls or its Iowa. '2'!» corny-pseztxty of who chorsoter._ and his tunliy, tor dioplnving , Ill donation.’ which to almoqt t£olfloaa_.’. not out gum.» me. which it thovevyoooi oi azsiuc. horn more to me were owl law tbotlorl‘ ta: lv,ow—-to as which alone on rnxhlv. gm: hhtrrlon-in srfir, unnohsg. iuui-on ‘and hlemo-though otscresfme 3>bot1nu’ioo, no on rtoavoi the “‘*." in-ofipootlc, sithoogh its latpreilioll W3”? dnuliiae Wall): on 3” 3" (what. an hours troqtten -'1“ mm) ,3. may”. 9; 3; g {Ia Meir, his pu,m.n'“,«.“°u‘,g ug, . nu; merit; it :1 muting innnoosvoa very pure, and all or on xrnooinl in tho extreme. met! I Inow hittwlzutzi if ‘-22 01! 3 I‘ no on - 3:?/"llUID§LI,"-bdn Ive» neatly used. so "1 More n at m to Alerts. ' . ‘-- Jnogiuuou. '.l'bosvnolootthiuoou'vru sooty tn" 'pio;ezl,nno.tb_uetioncl.tronlo:onthoruo9:or- /‘Andi: the eollloquyai" tho opcningot the third M-.t.tho into "Orlo an arm: Against 3 Era of trouble!" vroorofdnrhpeot troubles. Certainly atomic e. more oeulblnrordto nu. although there to bolt littloim ‘ “ ylor curries tbcnxt. Thovhoto oi thin ooiiloqny WM spoxon bully, with o 313;- umglotonsiicn. ' - Tbototolbotrut Hamid tad Opiioila, which lotion this. we admirably yloyod. and the but one in it onto entirely new. Acton troqnontiy tron thin uouins kind at Anna tuna, bu‘ air. tantra’) interpretation in satin-iy dliroroert. lnu into. ‘'1 did ion you once," nu odninoly cpotomtodtltociiontooubrncou the onto! an eocoo. oodtboiinxvring, nod do-onvtou nucleic vxwytlcciin. rho traditional loolotr Into 5;- 'oorcdi Jleo tho ooppooed portrttiu on“ the vmio.'n tho, Gunther y vritlttbe Qua, nerd were node ntmiy pictures or too’ anoeolghcghootvutbctlout bit ct noting is the whole tn¢ody._ Great good more ‘was room: tnthovritoloot thin moo, and it won tnzaod by great xrtietioiexocilenco. no scene with-nae tint. whore his at his ynym, in the third act. and tho eoiiioqny commencing. "llotv might‘! do it rant, now be it praying," ywuoottzely ozoittcd. ‘rats is not 3 rue omis- don. ll, nlthonyh it is not vary‘ important in developing thotttoty, it it inaportsnt Ac show-' tag" the irruolntlon oi Handel‘: czundgr, and this in I rtronglpmnkcd ieatnrc in air. Sullivan’: whole pcraonatlon. Ito soon» to bonisrayn conooioo; ct his own wrdtneu in thin particular, mod that!!! on apparvnl M46 frequently shown to owtututcr it. We do not ocroldcr hir. Sullivan’: Emu: o gt-on oitort oi hbtrtonio on; it done notjclnim the nine rnnlt no hie RR-lurd U2’. nu dual; yon Arocbnrnwd one minute, and diuppointcd we not}. its principal Monty ill in in action, but ogrhbtaxh grnoeini co» Ibouorooaonttniin nu.lln;'u: actor. the moot important, rotinlritu III mental. The Ironic: ortnentodon title slog: inst night has’ neither the pnuionoto mm human interest oi Dsvcnportu. -nor thcooldcxnclicnooot Boothwind v:o_Ib.lnkiti1 interior to either. - ’ ' Ihonotor vrn well supported generally. Kr‘. -Jortnn plryul Ron‘:-‘o ‘very evcditsbly. Lin. Gricnon in alwnyn good no ‘oi:-nt'uo, And hilu Elorenca Ohnso mode’ so exceitn Ophelia. Mr. Cnihcnrt ploy tho clot! and Ludo:-the iormor Admit-nbly. who grew: diggers..- Mr. Cur- lcy end Mr. Joins. both deoerro corntncndntion. 'ntio evening Hr; Sullivan will nppcr AA niche R" _ .<'>x.nrric rmurzn. "Si Slocum" in on-Lntnly one of tho but. it not i1utboAt.ocnA.ni.ionnl__pio.y thntlhu been put on II&£O,f02 there Arc in it more startling scene: that in ny otoeniorrot in kind. Border lilo. «rennin; htrniobou the mmecr.-no the control iixirc, St Sidcvu, very well 'p1o'yed_i:y hit. nu: Y1-oyno.in a sin Apeeinaonor the Mall wcodorout. '.l'bcplLyio iron‘ tbopoa or ctiiton W.‘.i.‘nyienro;lt_ln _woii_ told. and the numerous lhuv um!" ‘I: ploy: oi - its 4 clau- Aniong the not; rattling rut: perforated by st it tho cutting‘ dovrncl it negrowvho rm been lynched; 17! luv)-_ki‘nt '.°i>°:1tiu: l’rll'..-M11160. ~.nn? . the nuns use story of _mm.s:n ‘rat by Ahcotiox an Ipplc irvxn his vrtto'A hood. nan; bwlwnrd ovor hie Ahonloer, tuning his sin tron run-m.“ no My -noon an mus rm-x‘ 3* Steam’: laud. nod their little boy (3 child and to be only on your: old) dooe come good shoot- ing. A dog and n pony no anion: tho pcrtoracrr, and the former in 5 dog oi romnriénhio ability. it in 5 combination nrvrtth oooirtx. nnd they are nuy nnpportcd by the ootnpmzr ol the I-hotter. There will bit I nentlnco to thy. " - rnuru cosaqtn. very Attractive ode. Among the non inter-cotter ltruu no thorax Pnnzliy 0! Bell Rlngon, Doin- ‘nuty and c nmtngi. mu oeunnetmu. use vocalist; La Petite ltoen. cor: and once u-tin. I lino bullet and 3 number of other interesting nttrectione are on the progrunao. Than will be in ‘1‘nenkAgivinxm:i.itu:ot.hirnt- toruoon. that tho ‘hole at tho rtrong company Wm wpfin xono ix -rm: Ant will he heard thin (rhnnyyivinzl evening at In- tonic . nortlurut comer ol-xnrket And sov- onlh ‘ ‘ , it being the occasion at the rutivni tor the benefit o! the Church at the Holy Angola, St. Ange uvonno. V In rd. itionto the botvitolunx pow_u-- or music. our India will be thorn to row cclvo with mile: the petrou oi the entertain» neat, tutd retro then with‘ rnnpor. ice cream. iotnonodo. cto.; I110 take part intho user-rydnnco thstytui enliven the evening; while ‘charity. who ever. look: with kindly on on thoeethst do work: oi ntu-oy in be: none. will rewnrd your iiboraiity. Do not iorgetvthu invitation. -. _ . not come nieboritrr fond o'pp_oot, \ '- And ehovrin her good own your root. ‘ to M39 inc. noedyio dietrcu. - r | 3 Put rho your futon lzio my N.¢ll.’_s7 , -—————--<>—————-- ' DEMAHDIEG DAYIAGES. fhoubieo or 8. British Subject in, Search of (1 investment. In the United Btatea circuit Court, Juno: K. Iavrton. by his httornry, lion. John 1-‘. Darby, has entered null. for dunngn,ln the Inn: of 530.000, nniut Ohnrics lliecr. Louie Lipnnn. WiiiiA:n J. toxivnnooa . pculin-jroieixooyti-rtiéii govt lino 99901-» ohnncocrnbnvo oelooer connection in-it: the purl , The entertainment being noir liven hen ion ' 753696: tits? o€=r»%t'.r; été.-45 them to tho. ants péotnttd ‘ogre 2 on itaswmzs §'.'§t:~$,nr'.tu1>2a?s' ‘ad Eirérrsaav-o -yam.-,’1r.'c g-at - . 9-.r.a:a:.iv¥ ' fit-"-3 réjrt so? the llezottdt, 4.1fi'il'itiat§£4§ yew ngsage, rho. miter mus, aim; nearer: err”: -dram. cflfih, . Mae ' ' ac=te:-dc:-cdanetocamd nook hm 351 =1 ” ‘act-somociog firmrtchofl .J§......t . I N4 that sum‘: en¢et1vilrx1oounrin'ou- We in oi the splines: ,_ V.;.-‘..' Z°.?.§,."€’.;.";’*....““*“...‘h’:_’«...s".‘§....;s no htm:¢9$~ 39!“ 3&9 alleged nctiroagoo Sr.’ 133%‘ It. in meat ‘Dill fir toruo tone: in not and ‘ 3-‘?- ns; tor Moor yorticc ihnrum um’ . 55' platoon‘ OCIINJG tmtbh aieaaii the recording 4! some ,, may the iiroworwu mnemo- nt and when out (I custody at yrrtt 4:; inhase nor:-{on ixutodiry ihecoort’ oft; _ biifliflt Kr.- lnortoropropmro to werhcmor at £tr$t:.1..“tar lies to; right: atlxlcb so .t.=u-worm to bound noreopeot. . 3 Looks SEE §3l.‘LL‘£’.{“i-213.8. ‘ git; collection: 3:. ' ,, Itrmnntezd. is lit; -vfiflfid. 346-B38. 1‘ma- Cioexoofi Oomuluoe on U23 thsngsng 91 cistrnos hair: A letter Cay molt yoskc-ruddy sikmoon. V at’. Iirrtccrrnxxa, on: :ot—"hE. liorohicr,-'5 was elected hm: Xaccic-trxni of the Taylor {loud at 312113 or too «time. 11:.-1. actuator: and her tam scheme, molding at 2330. 79! South ’1“l1ir'd attract. an ttjboirlnxi by the period in destitute oiwcmstanooo. 1. G1ut.:u.a¢ named John ‘Wogna woe picked up in the ttreet Tuesday right by Other: mitt-ax, very sick and earn; to the hoot-mi. ‘I111: "¥yaticBr,veleu’ " oompihncnnry uncut.- hly take: pines oi‘. l’txzoit“e anti. 1%. 3896 Ctliva street, on Fridny cvonicz, December 3. Tu: Poet oflloa uni undone am: done today st to n. -r.n.. no the nails or igmn. ‘uncut; morale; collection and delivery zrliibo made. cowrrrt. E. A. }'0)1l$,o.'ti2o ilimtic and Pa- om iuilrood. woioomcai as little ilretrtipo-.xn-.1 1-3- mtlo Itrxoxor so hit ht.-art nod leo,-no, Tuesday, morning, - Goxrmxr A. st. Lo-.15: xateouri G-inert, nacho iboirjwcosty-min ennui p-strata many, leaving the Armory. owner 0: Fannie and Waoiiugtrit avenue, at it :30. ' on hundred ndsixiy new box might iron, from {M IJitt3i§¢M,Zl1toonI, cu worn. for the frcxutod footie Bolimsa, are ooov hosts; mgg. Jcrrodocrooe theatre: Aocnroawia-lot. Lin evening the tour you out centres: or written '1'. out. living at ttmmitl mmvistrey, lire mine the no pinyin: odor utovo. Auntie alftogtmcuil ior tuo‘tsrgs:yVuz'r:i ut. nofl Mtqflol M _ ru Goiodoniton iiooiety no it.- Aodrnro nor. ltiovmlocr so. at the" unrioti. have been ootepictcd. ’A';rhb4 tttntm ttaueiysiod. mu ltiiuouri It-on Former new boon ottntci urn tor the put in melts‘. for not oiooko; not the imuoe to expected to cut: running us!» than rntrninr, 1.’-0,005 inuhoiu oi who having too: r;-, cclrod iron Pillobuxj. .- A xxano united atnrtin Bwhfdfl rte caveat».-ti yesterday our lodged in the Cbeotadt -street Sta. (ion. In rumination oi Ijtxdj:t!rea8rcn6era.1 in t‘-o Foiled Court. S4-ptclnbcr _i_5. Richard: is on oi-l bird. having cetvtd throc term: in the "i'on.." and then Arrested yoelcrdsy 5 dutzcrom looking knilo wu 1-un.l in his yomeuion. A xzano name John Johnson undo vim.-one are at A ruor.-mthc criminal or one [lorry Glitz» aghcr, yuiemsq oltornopn. on Seventh abort, near Oiuiety omno. producing i wound or so ugly chunotcr. tnontolo grew out or 3 dlrpulo no to the merits ol 5 micron! nronuzn vv‘i'.h whom both were on loiimxto tonne. Johnson made his escape. - 'l'c'r.szu‘r night three oi the rosidenpos in Wrin- ttor Grover were broken into, an I tho robbers in each one tuorocdud in gt-tzirg ‘M757 with over- cretn and otter clothing. We would odriite our eui,-when Irirnde it they do not with to ;:r:.- tuliot._e‘y. mud in 3 lhstkleu nnnne.-. ciothtliho tramps prowling uounvl their homes, to pot nu cxtvn tnrtt-ninze. Cold load is oomeumon c rein.-t‘;!o ldfuuct in snob emerge:-cl: 3. but will not do to rely on, in nlmoet invariably ti-to ism is discovered to-v lute. lzotta era the only rule i’tint94.'_y' to make it on. cl tro. .____:._.._..'_..__..__ - L<)C.&L Pi\;i't:i().\':\L3. DR. G. W. N:w)u.'I.i'tiocc:on. him. is oi the Photon‘. iioec. W. 3!. Iowxsnxn, ot Sprinrtloll, in at tho iircnit. . Ilox. Jon: '1‘. i.'ir..n1n_ Sc-latte, is l‘Pg16!al:.i‘l:l3l the Lrclcdo. Juno: G. W. Dan. it'.£htnood.3h.. in e gnu: at we l’lnnt/arr‘. 110:. 31. L. cunnr. Ftmntogioo, its». in: meet at the Laclzdn. . Dir J. A. Gmsox, oi Greene county, Iiliaoil, ii it (cuts: the Everett. W‘_J. Iiuncnxntioo Afcfl-dill. ertut. is an 9- ping at the Clarendon. register-ed ut the xvoreit. . cuui 15.‘ nuorr. seritxzzlanti, vu oxuonz yes iuviAy'I nmvnloni. tiu-Lindcll. BT41: iixxnron E. A. Si AT. iteiln. was among yutcr-dry‘: nrrivnln ct tho Lwlodo. Cutoxiu. G20. 1‘. Llrwtn ttnd \vile,ol Phile- delpleln, no rntrurcd II the Lindon. moon 1:. II. Ktzttxactntmr, llontnnn, WM unong yutudn ‘I nrrivnln At the Plnntont. G. Li. Bnncocx. Purcinolrtz Agent ivtiuocrl. Kllisuord 1‘:-xu lLIi1x'ozd,!e reghtorcol at tile l'innieh'I DR. Dux‘itLilI rtturccd to the city ymitcrthy it-om New Oriuu, and will be lonnd At hi: otiioo, 1400 Olive Itzeet. Cotonnl. O. Aumzrurm, U. 5. A..nnd mm. And look x-corn: iottthc vviuter v.l tho Lledoil. D. It. mt.x:nxmr and Gccrto 0. Pm§'q'.1,;-y, pro. priettr at the Wont Rod iiotai, Long Branch. nun nnronxrerterdttyfi sneeze at tho 3-mthcrn. Gtsztur. Jon: B. (inn rotnmod to I36 city yretctday from the I-toot. in lime to participnto in the tweniyvilith ennui parade at his oOI.np.x_ny to- day. _ Gxxnux. Jzrrznsox Devin tell. the cityiut reverting for Xrnaphin, ntcornpnnled on MA ionrnoy by 1 lnrgo nunberoi tho rnlirood dclcxotu iron: the Booth. Atchiton; Junta" 0. Aniohoo. ‘ran and Pull: ilniirond. and pony, from El .Puo, have room: At tbo5onthcrn.- , ,' ‘ __" Cowxnt.’ B. D. Eincxnuotm, mutuippi; Ooionel Gcotzo R Windilnz, iihclbyviiio, lll.; Jurlgo John B: Iiobiuon. Pcrryviilo. )Io.; J. ii. An:broee.'Jcn’ercou City; A. D. Brooke. Earle, Tex»; Goo. Ixieb. Mariette. .: Colonel John O. llomphncn, Port Gibson} .iu.. Arc rt too Llciodo. ' Tit! Anurlocu Rrymcr, ot Xovomber G. [lice the wiwrcnboutn oi the hllowinx-nnuwl Bl. Loulunr, trnvoilng in Europe st tint ditto: il:Jn:o—X.er~oy )1. Vernon and Anhloy Onboii. r=*.....~.. *.:**.t-.2.7i=m~ to ..“:"°:.*:“....~ t".‘;”°.*.°",....‘.*::‘ ..‘t.“*.‘.....‘" “E.” ’ .“ Iv . . 9 ~ e on . . . . ...*:*;:%e.*::'.i.t:.:."..P:‘.*:.t°:.;'.*::,.::::*:.*st or .==m--»- A ‘ o - . ‘ V: ' my,}pcu>rn.oaees om: Britain no - ' 1f°'"n-3‘"- W- 1- 93°31-.IIL 8- -_ find, abugcetbs who on Aiioiti-_ bicnn-Jco.J. bully.‘ -. _ “",g‘,l.‘,‘;“t5“g{,°g§"{-m*;?;}y,';*fmh;°W. "V London-Bi’ w. Poteuonudw. mu. rum. :4 A.rnu,: reunited" tho»_Anid tilt % 1’”"'°°'°“13-3‘~i"P:“V'§”gA ~}Y33-"7§-:To’~T- ‘....."’°* ..~'-....r...1*:.-*.r.°:.-..*'-4 cm--iV on. out tooomud violence _ V , ' 9“???-§°-56 , 3"‘ Abouttho mid Malaria’. and than and thoroauvo 3° °g34fl3_1J‘¥!- N41 ,. 30790.3. A. And this-— undrtruoxanenldptsinuo Axrut nnyv_t_ on: l;i.iucei::hont_em,a;,n§xmR..°d“wu&_ ’. . I}. ;‘.. . 2 . _ ’ ‘. orrtii ' sruuriooctr tot-nod bvhovter liorciotitoo rm ' comxxz. W. 1'. liars, at Lexington, 31:... is ' ily. returned to tho city Jeolerdty iron the E at. _ T_’uor.'xu point». ~.-....t.s.; w. r._ no-rm, " ,~sv- "‘