N .5‘ mm. ;.m‘x.'. mull‘ ~51. éééllirélmc-Qidiirzazrrriilf.‘ M L it A, ~‘735.omiiz2s;1sz5.- V BENSON vs. mzoimowfir. - Judgment Ravo'r'$'e_§.-lri {hie . Ejecimant S_ulij.~.'_ ‘I’ho,Tii'.lo t§'1‘_1tss‘¢‘.u;?i5.1iirex~ mints : -tliiyolroti. -Judge N9.pton’3 Construction ' .. or the Oa.se.. -Bpeeial Dilute! to the oboe-Dueocnt. Jur-mtozt Om, am . ‘Kovembn 2i.-Au in- -poruuit viecuion rendered in the 8u?Nm'5 00*!“ in tin! oi Donor: at el. vi. Llano!!!‘ I’-.03 -e.1eeim¢nt.in nigud to the title to inland;-la the Hiaroiu-I river. jut won the an ill: at the’ onus.’ -4=dl>t|°!IriM"°°4‘*"“7 °°““,*"‘“"‘°1"‘7_""."" tr ubieonmoa nouummniq mou- «plan at tcilmn: ,, 5 V _ . ta Hgythstihe are-1rueverthtn.','_ tbexlnsvl. mpiaiaximixwua . tmmiruitwerooe-ms »,-M Tnbmv I-W.-ndooima. . ' nub“... hymn.“ mg “wan-_“y¢g-ngmhggg. 3 Ififlllllnnd inrtreotieoeior the defend- ’ 5. ‘..., 55, “.3 "mg ;.»,...,°", = ..., -.3: out: should act invehoeugiven.-_. no-dotiniiiou ‘ rut; gugsgfigg $459501 - . Old |Vlld')Il. 2 W ** ..~r.~;°~r.= M hove ' -mu.‘ hen lureotyyesreio‘ the out quot-‘_ vriilehtleoalcturnedereeerreotw; ' uvenhytoooa It vtonl"anduAi')) ad” flllthileetriwlvloua - . -ha nhqeéttlonvraxe » ' E ' tt:e‘l.tnd.n they eeen »- ¢ : .5 - y - ~ 3. - . ,5 _itlHIl before ext dovrttato and ~F.’1.'.‘§$..‘§.§}?.ai‘.ié°‘:§'§.”’- :..".‘.‘.i":‘x‘z‘i'.£‘.‘ém.'”.1‘ «am new with hm».-mar. use .-«-- ']‘hg fin"-figuogg |-ygg , mwm .3 ug. m. luvicamor nxrnelue nixed bolohge-dto the ,,w,«, °,u,.,d,,1 “,.,,,,,.. _ ' rvrnvr oi lal -:6. This unnumbered Islam L 51... "_-n._ -ggogieugg _-o u “.331.” {ha-jg. «be-eased to the United sister; but up it ,m.,um,. ,,.,u,..,,, uh“ H, mm. and been WM ioapriveaeeitiumud the luv any 1 rug ' . gnu: . '1” i°rlm3“" "°uL‘-“ ”’u‘§?'I§f. fiféaxg lg‘ 33... .232. ‘“‘“":i" “"a‘;°"L§° re:-‘u.':3'.1iuvio.§o:ulaa¢lnd. - .9-”°. . . NM lN°1~5¢~tI=t-toutrolviwlllwvion baseline ""5 mfihw“ '°:§Jmn‘:‘§ztb nrveyed)‘ ua ‘F n9 QI|0T.I Qt :’cr1.&!ane which NIVOQIOC oo'cIr'.diapo-edoztey ta - n E ii. . noun Go rt-rt-xn‘u.t'; he e um urveg-or in . pond -oi nimrl. wit. lie aoerai.imu.'il' ‘tho United Hutu Gt.-Vt1iii‘t.:¢nl, than the limo Ind ialuii?vlTI' o la 1 ' ud , no -. ‘graded and impercrguubio no-:reil>n‘I'“or': “tho otter. Irv mod by Write!!! on uluvln m mm,“ cl-iinxitiz-la A unldun Illhliapilnu 4,; ,5 “gm, ‘,1 gum mi from one inaleisnq to am) he lollawvcl no dcM:ri.').~ci ; >.y__-‘anti, which slowly or rapidly ru.u'ie (rum atom.-, , .‘ . t the ‘ the: um‘ -':.'z..*.=‘:m.'.'::2 = 19°». deemed not . MIG 500 13 yuurueemere ln Lalo niwmllr ‘slrur hyithe oonrt . in.iu -._tvro_. in-' '“l'?:lbJii°:llhvleo‘we uiornedtb xmhait ‘ta ' I . 1'9 . . - ~7|lINl.5¥. I-Mao: tonne nunhlou irleutzpohgf re! the pitimin vane enililoli to reeover; other-' vr Le B¢x:,‘;:d that misguided on moiraou Ir at.-. ‘ hit! peued . m;l;l‘:do¢d1nt1xmaht in ‘}§r..~.§a.-ua lg: aur 2' w ma éiurmea Jud Vorlrexnid I‘ ufigt ublont. . W2°§.nll‘eImty Olrenit 0kirk.vru- Isarruid lattrlgln to. in union. daughter 01' Dr.'1‘.'1.‘;llI}on.o£toieelty. ._' - ‘mm. ’ ‘Any Amotintrof It: in ‘tho Northorxi. . . Lakes. - - D21-non‘. malt. . November 94.-Dhpaiehu: ‘tron Banli_8_t.e._Hario. this htternooia. attte that e. _nevae aeow Morn in loot over. and thereon’ ionri.eexrieebu'Vot now on -the ground now.” The loa‘i,wotRyLeighi_ _d¢-greet 35070 zero. Kn ' Lsiui youortlny vru tvm Inrhu thick. ' ' who canal will remain open until olowl by co.» The steamer lhut. now there. exaeote to go to Duluth usdrrturh to Otevelued. Tho pa.uen.- vo about all ouud ‘running to superior. At Nncklnaw. this warning. the QCIEECQH stood at I-floaty-two. j,_-’t“bem is eon-‘ nah» ion in theitreiu.-. ‘rise och-ronor - rrneko. vrhieli ._ u Kinceulina, Lakeliuroe inn boon’ reionod; dun-.3: -llriti . no-~ llxhbolvipe, AI Minrroiut . mt lchetier Red vritlbe withdrawn to-marrow. - v - . . -Floating Ice to {lie lallululppl. Ipedu mum. to um Gininegnuauoerxt. . Qtrnsar. luz. . xor,cutlm-"st.-_-‘rho river"-at Livi- pciai tall are inches time‘ yeoiardarnorninmeml uovr strut‘; two feet viz; Ineisea IDOVQ lovr water mark. it run covered with tlneiinrloo ihll morn- lnmnnit has bee ever In ti 1 it work, bniul wank-Scar agiiigntiotrztoga. M as t g AX AD\’ER_‘!‘!5lNG DDDIEIE. Al7'rlt.o IQ: lite Poet \Vho Write; the . - BrstPotY. Itxw Tomr. November 26.-L private latter. roeeivrd hero. iron n iltcrn-y gutlemau. now in London. hey: that the Crown Perlmaicry Cun- puy. at that city, tun oil’-.-red I renrd at too ruinous‘ for the but prim poem: by Engllah. _ aintrrkxndr lllndoo autllorl. an the subject. or the Prim-le of Wilma’ visit to India. to be treated wills reference to the eonirun at tho molest: uni- mclicna mthetlee oi modem life. ' 'i‘l.a vrlk r an that this news will be 0! mzelx tntrrut ioymeey Arne:-tout Authors. and may in date wan tolnondln contnbniloan. whlll: nnut tmve in radon by ihe tom 0! Jnuary. » . - ..._..__...__..._...... ntztvicx T0 nksvmzauox. Blxultr mu-in ma-Bert mom ma Brain: in . _ epoéi-A Dttoetch to the Globe-Demoerti. ' Mclliuitsnono, lu... Normnber :i.—-slmritr Harper vua found this morning dad in his once. ‘rho Coroner lummonotl it iury, and the venue: urn ihot Hark llnrpcr, the dcoeered. came to his death by I pistol that in ma ielt tide, and that said It oi ten ’ leuxsity. ni(i- ma-unity - being centre 1: mac ll ernba_n-uomcsxta.v Mr. flu-per was he in iiigituteun in the county, and was IIVU ncomidcral hopeot. ~ my -no a ummbar ll ~n. Jtudinir’ in the I. 0. 0. 1.. anti they will _taxe'ohu1e_o¢ihoboay. ' . V _ _ r ' m{u.noA'orsrio.‘ . “ '113oft'.. _.t*.'nn£t_ ‘W. Reed _to‘ba said. _ " 2~'lsw.Y0xx. Ifoverebcr !i.—-A meeting at tint xxorsgage borulhelder: oi the Eutern and ‘Wool. are dlvlalon oi tbe_»7l'olegl‘o. Pearls. and 'Weruir xuhvny Company vru hold :_utet-day. The ‘twin tulvmlittd providing for the tin: or tomc- itmi imacd utter has no use axir. In: re« sewn on account oi’ lad: o on-ooention hyltlu human. or than ' rocuritlu. til i ‘it was re- wired to rrocead in ncdiuely with the toreoilw me at the nut marl;-1 as on dtvuion In: this Lenztit oi the nut fnorixiflzondhoideu o'nly. .i boundto.~tt:a.r.tn;«iaxan‘,m.na.. ‘rut. mppum, diztrtct ac urn an Wuliln ion ttead. Court‘ error !bo..,int:'crer4oi V?lety{‘rv::'ldeni on'.he:d-baf and '.Ix'£§‘?§ uw.:R°ume.%? g.\“Y‘|‘:I= r-reteaiuiize opening at Uongmmi. »li.Ith its con . cacao! Davol vs.’-Davies: oonniy; one |:xorzD¢moorn.t.l>ei>cer-atho rrspettetman till ‘rzulglyanti jtuyavrerr euosubeilitod on wool prtlu and-«vrilltareveanhble representative: nx.ri vnrilct to .piIi.\tln‘in the‘tnm oi mas-ll 1 mu;_’bce:}l¥;g-l1;i‘nbg:’iilri;eh:i>\°cn‘g.dn°bgr:'by sorvlees cows.‘ 'Polls:.rti va. Plesaxnt it-ll irfolktfilfllec ' in I I .' .» - . I uuhrctuu PERM % . The Uooiormlxl '1'.-i Won button in Porzugzph, IE1?-.luege :1lAhk' JOfiei?!o?‘0‘lty tvu guognga. hailunhcro has-oboe: eol _ it mun oi; Iutlliu arponttoayot this court. and I369. bum. _ .gtiq§tei:‘ittherIe‘e“ai;d‘ raga. A--.AT:e°'.w“r°isiarwe. slxnedudex led. «~ r . - , M 9 ii ‘- ' (“Y 5 "-.. . . . ' limci.u‘o 'usocx.\*n xi. . ' . ' ' Thfilollomaxutide: oi nsocint‘-ion hero becir 33P4P1*'.i‘3QBA?S- 5l“.?.i';}?:a?T§§££.‘?£u.“§j3.‘?.3.?‘ 5”" ‘*‘"’ . ‘ *-'---~~ : . 'm.1.o I mum is .c . c ‘in -3»-mam .convxcud~—Pmmo !me-- ...... ‘.';.‘...‘:‘:"J...f‘?:‘?‘H.....“ ‘... . _ 4» . .Wounocxu. 0 vllou Oltr. R-Iflmd (Comm! 1:8 ohm urn iolilated by his own hue}; chug lindar it; try (arnnd Commando.-.r Iiloomiluld-art-"l others, and LOST Snips. Ugly Developments in Relation to the Pacific nndwaco. O Numerous wmiu ...... out: ... 3:. Lsmronce»-Jlany Litvefllacriilced. Bu Fiuscixco . Cu... .\‘ovu-aber 2i.—-'l.'he 'Vlc« iorln Sln:rmrd,rcooived by ttenmeratyn In en ti- lort will be made to procure the stimliznoe oi the exphtin and crew otthe Orpheus at tluiinqeeot on thobodiet oi the victims of tho mowe dioutor. an-errhtrzg inquiry uiil be made“ to theemm oilheulamliy. t_.’lim-lea Thmnpaon. mu} oi the oqelolthe drip‘ Orpbou. liaaumlo it mm rteto~ moat helote zthotuy rmblio in I’ort mnvmend, which ‘rhnrgu this etptain of the Orphruv irlih -lnvisx been use cause at the oiin-icr. list can that. an nlxiliir; tlao tlyreu ul lhe mama. ha mu emu-ed iy um lmtor.-1 unto to haul tor than‘! a low tainutco alter the captain exam on duel: and weave him in spin -put bar upnvir her 0 rune. Atrottttlxree uiaemkmrn M» be true ikviered by the o.-xpuiit to let her luii'.—vrhieh he did. After this tie on n olpininod Ill intention ‘to apt-at the «tumor, tor w ich nurpow I iifht vru kept dead about until the turn vouch, no ilded.- ‘run the meme: to! red the ship, the to on board atoeotiag cults; an thong I moo lieu» reoduo them. . at he did :32‘ wire.‘ '-and‘ ice on hie: course, utilise .r}nir.cruu coon loo’ >_$9_4Yi9‘l'._4 " H,» ‘;' " y I . ‘.W5°°? '=. _. 1fi;‘\f0n1.I.lxll,. htoviuigg _grg._u ailldaviia talaee at tii.Il'e‘rhnt pe¢'a_oz_i_s who not _d!_15ii'¢!¢_ tor the ' loot-ysuee nusiad erevroi (Elly oi 1Ya«_eo.‘»_ lnrnlab ii full-hid complete wooepr oi. the inlormailon obuiiwi. vlrltieuoe of Leiuuel lit-earn, iruureeoo 581023.‘ also at oflxri ottlia ins. and the ’ Oeptain at the Cdculen schooner, vhloii picked up the roman: ed thawaoo. All agree tint the meat trait burned eioer eltbelow Ibo deck of the visual, showing .°::..‘~ 2"; M" pm in lnvyer n .- o it lint anti Item}. J. iw-33.1“: who Ivareottt two .110]! mil-|— , show there true! lent 300 one: or ‘iv never time one ,(_ :..Ig hm! mi,‘ 3- rear» mu :1 -nummini iioarci by on the llregruehcd the droi- qc_:nco.‘xay...u..-2i.—..t.- mgr... rcotéivrdf to-dayhy lion. 1'.l*ex-tin. aintea’tlx:vi' Mu vcueh., an int write any liver, and it is -feared thareziz dttbenecthninscréduo umeiste‘. ran tale. pm an the G-unmet to dis toll tutexxnn iumcdiztetyxorrieten vn prov! , otherwise. :.‘larxe “giant: 0; ihelitxhahitum will be in 1. hate’ The Den’ Deluxe" ht Jefferson cu;-. loeau planner. to we 9tot>¢-'v¢noen:._ .. Jxrrnuox crrr. L(o.. ltoveiiaber .91.-Tin ¢IJ‘u:iicniia.r)' leuere ire opening I bnrineu lure Company. with A repretoeiuive capital oi $100. V mi. Colotcl 8oi.1{iichen is Prmidutt. J. J. Pree- min, isruetery and Troosurcr. and A. Rickey." \'lco-rrelldcni. The catrnime object it _A derlre to carry on»: general minim. aeunmeturl:a;.- buildln: end tnnsyoruilori btulnua at this ylnoo end 8:. Louis. nail ixtliluoeri oh the winter: of the Nluonri and llluiuip lrlrere. To thlaetroc: I - in mm tlele ' 0? in C'i;gnl:3l.crk'a ‘oil:-an 0!-Hill eoeron rfuwa 1‘ we 1‘rior‘to taoc:n‘§;u$§§3g¥'o‘tui;:”'bntm amen Sarotgl: ‘Q01:-t.'thotoIloI'lu: diapoaition oi euev United. stated" ex rel. Heldéhoper vn. Macon A Louis hone rellwa -eomnusy). I) n oim 3enlieh.'rimioherg. Joluuan Ind Print. Carter. C?i|::l'tl!a:?iii7°'§o' tlii -I'uiiilahln': (lam try ‘ ny or , st Si’. l’.onir. Du-ec.torr»,~éhao. 1:. Wm. van. igéléeoittrichuci Rd. A. Lewis.-,Oep|ial. nook. ‘ Aim to the Lawn Oounty ammo mni:—m- rcrlon. A. L.'llloxert, G. 8. Moore and J.0. ‘Day; capital nook. 5'-—. » fill xxw C0it’nf_lTXI'l'iO‘.T. The return: tram every county in the suit on the vote on the new 0r.n.|tltauon.Irobow in.—’l.‘iio two counties only iaekln: the odlclalvoto an pub- llt-hro inure GLonis'mt!ocu'r In-e'Atc.hi5on and Dvugiau. non oillciatlly reporting a.t.ioilB::l: - ' for. Art. K11. rote. MehlIovt...........'.. ...“: lid‘ (20 was Do lan.'...J.............‘l83 83 - nu ' an "Th e giro: I totrilonlcial vote for the new Den- ttltution oi 7635. The lone uudcrtixe llur oi makizgtluo cmeial count hnnonnein . the umo.wtllbe tionbtlcta mm through wt on Saturday at the preheat week. .:_...____....._...... TREACHEEY. Indian lizrcrit ‘rm... shot by .' Redskin —— loatlliilea Anticipated. Wljilixorur, ~,Nn-eraber ’ Ii.-Ierlln '%tn£ Ali.-Ia. Irvine telegraph: Commluibner Bulih tint in an uliercauonwhlch rvzcouily occurred. M Olin- nrrm: Agency. New lfexioo. bCW3U_-I underlie the hand by an lmiieu. and thiit the litter. le sh tiling to «cape, wulhot hovtilluu rnixht be loo in charge otiho taut r wtl:'oviuoe.- In replyfluu Commissloac ieloxntp Md mt iollowl: ' ‘ - ‘- Put the u:li:tory euuimitiea in tall ooetml and give them hearty eo-operltion in brlnginglealianl r.oiub5ection." _ v v - ‘ A. Deal! and Dmntr Boy mysteriously ' Disappears. . .» - ~ man Dinvetali tothdatooe-Deuoern:.., ‘ ’~ .uc1:r0avn.i.z. ILL. . November 2-i.-Itllatvorth Krwiran, e pupil at the Illinalr suio lmilitttiou for the rzdocatlce oi tho Doe! and Dumb, at Jeer- Iotaviiie. 1 boy twelve vumold. tan mpterioosiy disappeared from the institution, and cannot be round He in ntnrraIrrait~mInde(i boy. When iao dlaapr-mrui he wore n dark unit at clothe: nuvitcvi.".\“rurm:n." . llia dinppcareuco is en: tirtiy uaacmwntnhle. Ami, 0! course. vet mneh to tho tstarcr-iuiontioui of tho iliuuon. l~‘aete.r \Vili Swing. Uotetai DL'i'Iul¢h in tin‘ aioz>_o-'‘ .. Wnixzxrox, 310., Ngvemtior 2i.—-Tho one at , the Slate cl alluonri ‘A,-.almt Wm. Foster. tor the in nrder-oi an rrnlmovrn pegre uiaxt_ox the an oi but August. Ira: concluded thin evening. The jury. miter twenty m|rmttI' dlil“}EP3lI(1n, returned rivet-dict oi guilty at mur.1r.r- n ‘the lint degree. ted by W. 1.. Home . proooen . and mat. .< Dryden. is St. Louis. and delta ed by inure. Stewarta Dyer at ibil vueo. Tho prlaoncnru sentenced to bolnrscd on January it. ~ - ‘ anxiety Bayard C>exnruandery'0rgenizod. ' Spatial Dlaohvch to the Globe-Democrat. HAltRlE0ll\'lLL!2. 310., November :i_.-Iiayerxl Oommandrry. No. :6. Knights ‘reiapbu-. was eon- ttiiuicd this evening. by Grand 0 mmander Jolie 0. llioomilrid. utinied by 11, P. Gny And John R. ration. The Command: , iua nearly any members. rocrprising many at the bout ottlzenr at (.31!!! county. Alter tho orximiutlan, I splendid tum tact tuna given. It which rpcoeiaaa were undo I very plcuut evening war enjoyed by all. . _ , The End ofllllurdorer. "' LOUISVILLE, iiovambcr 2i ~—1‘rcoIoaly .iwo month» ago. J tcoh Renter. "oi Sew Albnay.» triad to burn hie vriia to death. - but tailed. lie thoni murdered her. "and "tor-ma lsia mu wlndpipe. lle lingered" on the m.."o¢ death ior ..m.i weeks um: improved. and ilnllly it run uepoonod tan bu! To day he endeavored to than this rvecrerc ti. throat the I110 doctor that am mu I hate in his «:1 I nickel. and tell over dud. . . _ » - _ ‘lilo Blue med the'Grny.»' _ _ Rr.w Turk. Novrmlicr Ri.—-A movement II in loot in l’7xi':tdclpoiIi to uauaiiln A large number at Soldier: oi the late war it: the oily. ll route" limo during the Cuxtuulsl year. it it yroxaoievlto lure both vim Korthnnhnd southern armies rep- luomu he the Writers Klein; Ind )(t.hIrb.otixtlxig= \ ‘Glitch! F956! of their rank and lie it-om era.-y Suite in the i at-on. the purpose being .to about to thdiirorlfi I! a fact that murnrho were in tune a that «oh mizcr, n in rear: sgo. are sour Mi 2 in outa- i»ntlr.¢ the one hundredth blrthdxy ot 18¢?!‘ coaxi- mr. and are invited by I nplrii oi patriotism and ieelin; oi comma uatloruiily. . Liv: Stock‘. - Bvrrlm. November it -4:Jeit1e—IMeeipu to- day his hand. Kane: anti nnciiloarz Iartrazw ectiom maddprir:-s mciutrged. Ahout all tire shipping cull: unsold were Dhlppld tent {or auto; $0 head w_ero dlapouvd oi. Mice oi inclines oiterv. ringing from 1 neat-21.190 lbs. at St non I 87- Ohio amen. roaring new l.i.t3. l xiita argue: &t3§R5 isaa rm; comm: he at so Indlmati-Booemin loot iaoeizesci. Mlrh ior cumin Mooxodpend ulrij satire. melon on-.ri cnxiinr re: yule at stmnglut ‘-er-ii‘: uotl one. - it-’rm.m aiump ramme- mnrd, or rem-as Ho «mm w¢e9:‘squ~ttt.lelI. mu.-.-ma (lnads lamba and l tooheld woua-u Dlittp wrre is sacred oI.ilmtv_naiorit tlrtlnicutera undo. ararrnmalauoeoldg Bog‘.-rot Mieiltxnzs uhcrp. In-i:flIg tr: Ia.¥Mi5.‘.‘l: Indiana the:-.vv._ art-2:15;; no. as $4 73: 89 M. at H 1’-5: Cu» Iltmbontts fififi 4035 50; (319341 nee utiilaflfl. ox:-lleoeipu today. this be - 1?lbl‘)-Bilipg‘ me<_:e;’u‘i:l I¢HI.I1N'YoIleriMIhJ stir; Eoodqr. 1. .:en iaofiliw. with new Iv oflerlur-{QA-'0 heulqhf I 1 xiii-cl! clsuged Mruir vre qI.3to'1’erker-I, $7 $531 35: ;-ifi-.;1m¢1 30'; a his lot: mixed oomrn.-nu nap .0 1 . mnmtonx. Xovrnbov N.»-—CAitle--&(Ar&et dull and price: Menu lover: vary but $6650’ gunlnty tad-ozrsncdinea orgood hit qo ' 7zi;on1in¢:y ll: 1:0: tr-out otulzs ‘ 3- 200. demand at 1. ’.‘!Jtrlir'll§f(‘l';:cre§ttvet.. _ _ Kxw T0li,'Xofe.bb&l N.‘-BGCVOCE no and we rmpltgyea in the vniour aasnutsctortu '0! limit Aivoofea :ooc_lli.ln Amsterdam;-thh Mate, ere» on -1. strike paint the reductive at ten per out out their wxgrn. A nmiinr redaction mu nude I fear weeks ego. ‘nae mill owrcn ray they Are nettle eocoutmeo huainruln the prone: Mme oi the muiet. voice: 1 around reduction is accepted. Stine mine have lint: (ion. and may are not open snail) this ercek. Quito it eumber oi (coma ayrratcurkl are on am stnte (or true: claimed tor ovuw r .. ' ‘nee milvvsukce Whisky Canon. 1ltLw.u.'au:1l, “'15.. xovcmber ti.--"l'.he euea .‘t..'.i:*..?F..‘:‘:::.:'.::.‘£.':.'.“:aP:,‘,'.:.*i:! .1‘.i‘:”:$.‘;":.“i‘.:“f.3*°£”‘¥.‘.‘I?:.‘”..zt‘.i‘§::?: -‘;:.'.*.;?.::::::*;"s*.'.:':::-“° ..:'*.:::- W -I-"”:° .=:;=:;,M° W-m.'~ M- r ‘“.‘;.‘§.’“.F‘i€f—’.?f:’:..'°'..’:°.£?'.l‘:‘..“5.L?'{?.‘." lgrfiflcnungm :$’x§§’x‘i‘;‘?.‘3‘.‘:.$2.‘i‘.i'.‘i ::;:.::‘.;'..‘.‘i.°...‘*‘.:=.‘;;':.';::,::,.;-_ snow =w=<=m~- '3?'..Li£'*€:‘.’E;€."”is‘§.‘1.§'.’.....‘.’.?.‘;1i’.‘3.°.:“§€; '; _ 5 ...._......_,...'.... _. -- 't.tJ.P inougcri-r'ne-veulmrhtot $16 .' )0. ' "Ah‘E‘ur°F1.°°.gw”°,‘°-a‘ ia::l‘l:¢‘olv‘::.'(::::h3.:.t:z?‘ . hurtitoyio M: lieoto races-l ninusgrr nu I meseivcr of the Ohloago Dlltllllux Gttnpany. . _ . The i-fneitic Slope. . .aAx"rm:scnco,-rtovembcr’ :c.——amor ma H. Xernr. at Los Angles. wu*thre1_rn from -n’ heuyandklllod unity. llevnis I graduate oi Wo:tPoirt.iind served on the shit at court! mxaruzinim man. "the ltaxleln Oonrnl_ hero ‘hid 'rooeiro€l"telc-f nmrirona Ibo atexlcuz llinliggr at Wuhiagton I auxin: the rt-Bert: d annexe Custom: 00 actor Shanon hu reoéivel ot- tlcre ee.rcdm:e Ulllwll-hDtl§_Q Iipotlal niuen per 2. . ' uilrlvfid-.6hlp Aiiee IL HIM‘, It-om New ‘fork. Laborers Badly l'lc_eded.- _ Fort scan. Kn}. xdmnimai —-rm demand tar Sort Scott cool in lu-xelyln exam at the sup ply. in connqoehce cl a roireiiy oi mm... and icseutcu to an-lp. on; and haul the cool, while: oihersleert no complaints: oi A nurplau otistus-.' srs. no hundred Iwtnoreuetthaanube ubralnni sue wunlc lnuxaledlatcly by the rim"-tram oolti oomprnlte ol for: Scott, and em mt rexnlA°' -ark tar xiv-vriowr. Ifllbolfii onto! nnpioyumut at other plueawoulxi dovrcllrio «Ono to rm :L0tl. , Kenna: Cilv ‘Live Shook. hoods! Dlroasctz to the Giooo-Democrat. Kamua an-r. llo.. November :l‘.—0:tlle re odpta. 71‘: head; ltlxippcd. ism haul: driven out. 196 head. Market dull l.nc_|'dng:ing for allbnt ‘hr-ai"pr1K_'as. sales: attire 01-173, 3: too: lo‘ 111-; 13: do tire. ntterv. n 506: no; Ooior-ado corn. :2 ' . . 325$. -Hogs-r 93 held; driven out. 936 . lhirkrt atrldy end. may ‘native: yeelteu. 568036 '13. sheep-liethlrezdono. . ' V \ 2 _ _ Recoptured. ‘ Dinueh to the filo!»-Deuoau, ._ rout Wnrsus. nu). . November zit.-_—lv.l:(ori.l')!siii‘l:iily rewnmt Iron: a I Plimst The for DOOE . Gnu. cures, but tamer MSG. ‘--j xunvina, :12. Bergen. of this 3» port {or sum» our W. 5.! uilucut OVEN), onto! Kn. Dr. Lynn: '2'. Goodecr took place from [M II. E. Conrail Wcdoeodl iAfM!t‘~ tnmfnlic (fiend mg: ihlnleth 3 Dr. 1:. 5. xii-amt; of Oct?-‘slit. LN-M. now in Row York ailendm;'lee- a inedlou tttéezit unfit Or. soon) at on an surgeon on 5 fiifllsf Kgd. and ‘rlllggva that an hater to very or this oriunty..le¢tovfrlg:hhln lastly tor avzuttorena. 3 . a re! it died 0.6 an I 1 - uxnm ..."'u3 sltfloct . at ‘him 0 U. ‘MY oiztmmuo. no tau hm , hit §:‘th“lo‘:’e:nty- upwuda ct torts’-nine you-I, one emu. '..‘2gg.~g. . or e a an meet his hernia!’ u l _ as speed and upright ‘Dali-ii-'o£‘un‘tzlobe_z ' ‘ ""‘f.”’ >01 ntthe 3151!. of ya .'t)fir§I- Urn ‘fiwghw :v home, two A Mwient '~“:§?.§°”‘m:.“mm" “x;"$l’.::3'u°‘" ......’&‘.‘:"f..‘.:*.’.*‘”".....z"""*..l.«,' *°:r.c the vpnmvdime we allt::‘?.«‘votezg-3:5,, :8: 'x-'rm»m «S: {E 'l.8l;ilt¢).fl:.V._1ce4ezar‘rrmxs4?*r2eaefit. smears: '12.-a;_de slate. Jlitlblv‘-‘!'3t0il3l'H§§.3.. Woivmfiwfilrsmcnouml at 9 °"”¢<’3‘~"'i‘*.°4'1!*' 9° !3|I!I'1'1‘Ii'-4!‘-".«..‘1"1ili_t bay. to poll on Ind 11 an oixgsm‘. lay- out or noon we anon. d(1'nl‘.(.m.*.'ii went. The 2109: xx! Ls-tier‘ no fin». re‘ gout: lever; lugs and will en.-erred. WIIIEDON. “l?'l'Ll§1t. 3: 09. BY 0. Jo $06.; lliwoonutvfin lhtroooh 8 Dietary), emu»: as!) (moms.-10);: utwitun. to; am out tam"-ire: mm. aroma. xt7i1!‘>0