-<......... ., ._......,..... ......- . The Annual Premium per 31 H. 1 Mn I s 075' mews; _..,.._.... .. . ST. LOUIS, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27 ,' 3:. 1875. VOL. I--3:70.. 222. THE DIFFEREN‘i$E! Life’ Plan, no es... - - ,. An nmrre x I 310000 ' ' The n I.i!omP?n1: cmulged by tho 3'1‘ on C01iIi>ANY Larges: ordi ’ .1133 I , the - pnnyincxiatonco. - - - db 00!!- _ . . case so Insurance’ tit‘ :35 .I.o?fi§°LIrrl - - ‘.°"‘'"'. ''.m‘.”'-‘ 204. so Ahnnni difference in favor 01 the piitns or the St. tours Life, - $59 so The difference is equivalent to a’ guaranteed dividend or over 22 per cont. which is far incxccss off the average dividcnd paid by Mutual Companies. . WATCHES, JEWELRY, CUTLEBY, VASES, ' ' aat—l_[2}m|cr:|ml:n[-cl lcnlnwjgl-{loot--|o:o|:i:[o '10"‘P;M. Ixi 'a'ccommodnte'thoir put:-aria, who desire to avoid the - ' r ' crowd during the day, ' . nll,lERM'oD,. «J-ACCARD & Co. I Fourthnnd-I-.ocust,0dd.FoHow8’HaJ1,' * I ‘Will keep their cstohlishincntg open until 10 p. m. ovoryovening until Christmas fozgtho solo at their sbockof . PARIAN MARBLE .3. VIENNESE can WARE, ETO.,, . ' Which are being offered at prices .'.BEI..O'Vi7' ALL ooMPE':ITIoN, écozlsmnnme Q‘UALI'I.'Y. ' ' Como before the broken. Send tor Catalog-no ‘fwhat shnlll buy for a. }Preecnt.” rnnsyzmy-r§,rno-rt so cmrrs T0 $10,000’. ‘ ,_ FO"URTH‘.AND' LOOUST. . mnuouns; sm/yea wane, . MUSIC BOXES. . LEATHER GOODS. ' The United State: Law issociafipn . - . mo couscrxon ulnou. . S10 NOR!!! THIRD 8!‘. . LOIIIIS ......-.::1.....J,....~:.é.:..**:.:r.*:..' .-r.-..°% :q'e.Ih:-noxhiu sod co . also cuts am. am! eflleizu “'1-reIt':il°°’”n..,""L:°‘usu;aK3z’sx"‘ “*3 cinlnswittbe anode:-titan: unneo. -. Fees and conn- nxnwu--mounts. Ootuhit oreddrca may nuorsey stlsvr and Dxncuir xér umonit. mu. 1. sxnsuox. ' now. an xunzr ANDERSON. N‘ISBET:'&‘ 00., ‘ no-.~.a'ns rmixcm. AGENTS. an at 5t.!.«_:a_ua occur: .2 screen sum ' ndm€ni sccsrtuos. Ind various iuncsoa n-ax-sc.§°°.o'?.'.‘ "3$}’.°'n.'§'ict'3'ri‘:,n.mo.a liemtsann Dlcaubcunvssuicoht. .”mz‘0cnsoer=$I1l'Ip¢rInd3callststexotaone- ‘ than nprvrrd real tflloxwnand We Na tin ' “r.$1,5oo,ooo” s-lavage It $111131! 4! to be 4. to mu £Ti.r byvartgesbanh eniu llletn-rt. The house nnuinéienader Ylvtkinghsen 80c. 11 Wall nu-rel New‘ . ark. who voosccss\ros1d~wI6’e ustoonorlixlrsudrt ca: :11‘). liiiovtuloud icnlyiercuc nasaoialwccrll leycrnndahock. inflow ennsficuten umhouands & Invested. whehnutuuic hnvune can as rnornmomn .' co.. luk_enua43rots_:-s. lI'Waiimert.1£lwYork. _§_:.’.¥""‘?-‘.’.’.'u.."fi~E§’.°"“°“" ' st-no /mg ~'FAIRB‘ANKS’ _ 3 STANDARD l _o.ALEs1- ‘raxnomwks .2 _ I3 IBd.IK.Wssbl»uI’\4)os\r:nIu. 5:. Louis. THE GREAT BRIDGE PICTURES OF THE ST. ‘LOUIS. BRIDGE , LDTD NEW mncnmrs’ EXCILANGE Ocnbehsdsttbeoflwofutheflhbr Democrat. Prico25conteoach. Bent boat-paid. 'YIaIz§a. AND 8 '.a., COURIN G. COAL co. Iamnzum ; 93?i9°1i:i!8?1_iBfi'Bil—.K“iflI 0031- . g1'g;(:n_es_mu£smec. **mnhN:rbN.c0.AL-' . . ‘We take. Inserte- "°*»‘I-“ér';:. “Eta ' Cl rin- 7‘ and No» ea ,_ nous. K(}°§1nt.oro,'-‘ Bhoivin turd . show Cusetrtor Solo: mt - , 6 up more Jm:.nary.1.. .%;3:§§,';:.?;,j.3.;.t:r:°1.:r..?“u':§tt”.“£f l8..1IV!nl)'-Gt-r uu rlopu to. riirlaons be I’ - '.i.°:.';': :¥.~.”..*.":.-:.‘.:‘.'::'.;-..-. ':;:r—°~- -W»-' one Jnuiarl fluid )q-y\rI1Iry)f' 3;‘.‘;:;|;‘J”' oyrn sway no we mu.‘ d," ,3. . iurrum-uLrr~p.r4. ll; Fruku ...i... H avenue. xr. nvouly-foul sheets note ‘ GLOBE-DEMOCRAT _ AJOZBV: d PRmTING“0O'M1=ANY. Printing, Binding II. R. rommmr, Manhger. AT 1.1.4.. THE BOOKSTORE-S, AN AMERICAN IN lCELAi\iD . $33 '50- Iaockwood, knob C 00., Pnhlhhon, 38Wdbo--mu.Iu-ha. . lnnolenlu-esgurprsee. "f_IXl.l!0l"'m3§‘Il$3.“—-'Kfil'Ifl.Iifl&o sILHouE'rrEs AND sones . 6890- . -« Lockwood, Brooks It 00., Publishers, 381W85h;h skuflluha. ‘tn urgfg Boo-kssisorncr cushy NEHW ,A'ND»ELEG-ANT STONEFRONT ‘ DWELLENG HOUSES _ Cm-nor ox Olive meet and ‘Ware avenue. For Sale on Thirty Years Time. 011788 EA! 'i_".vzx'ry 51,; m\ L 9333 I531: un<:,'?.;f)'fl mi 5 xi '0 0 . 1‘ {rm 1: are u!-I with an a. D50 . 8 nuns. nlonncr-wg’u‘.iosrsand moiursusp 311) AND FLA mun: to theontnncc r. house cousins night reams. oxctvudw M the beuu-ooIas.:z_uv eI.¢10-Iotsusdcoalceilnrs. u vile?-donate. .lDechn mm. cte. no I s’-will soldiors6.@oa¢h.ou tlieloliawi n sum etch the batman Enable soy limo {year-I:ce1'errcd pégmen u- to Iperocnttniercs uniting the ,o no equal to PG! you only. vtlth the ptiriirxe oi psayégthc clcrndpa can atau. Y.insdu_rl.n(tltslp¢ .Ln sums cl not on (in SI. l*'orpisnIsncrcr3acry.. nlarlspplyto moms WALSH &'co., 914 I-2 Olive street. Urnmans Ann CONTBAUEORB. "‘&.:: 20 SALE». AT Aucno... AT 3 CVCIAOCK I‘. 21.. WE will sell cs public suction. on the premises. south side at Ooopcr street. between Junction and " . all the in we ‘ ““ consisting cl tune and ma stables. kneel. aw. sndvlli rcquirctho pcrchsserlo-remove the suns within un cannon the.-9.: cl sue. mnusf canon. 13 ct day. Ilse to _ .51?-thebcdy T” ylurenneer ‘ 000 n ‘.'..‘.'.‘i. ticisrda J’ strnl he I. ‘::........."*.:.‘.fi'*'t.'t V .iubu{nc.~ ‘ . 2: ' Bcsdlorunn; "Both are pro-eminently Parisian. Th oiolleol lU|_:a§>ioIc5|>|=-I Ioliolzlmzmlz’ on THURSDAY, nmrmmmn so, ism- Ju I, ' |'lQ!i::‘r . , gig’.-.5. -r: . c‘vY'o cm. FRENCH SINGERS. Horlooa Schneider’: p.'....:.... Talm-lie: Deviltry and Semi-Sentimental License. ~ Cannabis! Infidelity A Perennial Source of Gallic Delight»-An Allin-Ins’ Por- trnyor of Oiicnboelvs Heroines. ‘flu l.'.rni:la and Unique 'i'hcren-Benetton nu. dsrinqly cum. st otlm-I fltrenuly 4 Fucinsxing. ' Special Oorrupcudenee or the Globe-Democrat. Paul, December 7.-l*'ond of novclues as Paris Is,s.odind1nodl.hough she be to wcuyot what has once grown nuuiar, she soxnctixnoe cleaves to her idcle inner she has worshiped them lromarcry side, and remsee to soc in then: asingie nmv. Bhchinscrnhou of continued worship trees this fickle people must hcfltho result at ties in tho some uwhose shrlno--incense lsotrerod on. wnu those properties are would be well worth knowing, though it is doubtful 11 their pos- eesecr cosh! hianooil determine mean.- ’ ‘two usnxo nvonrrze. ‘macro no two lIvorltu_here, who have been rueh tor years". one who pin on much spproui £o~dsy as ever. ‘i'hoy are ecu-assoc, also, and ecu-asses are apt to love applause iorno better’ reason than because they hnro reccircd it so often. I allude to the singers, Schneider and Thoreau, who. though call:-cly dinerentiu appearance. xnnxuaercnti style, hsro a strong and 'pc¢nu.sr licld upon the‘ popular proicdlce. or sympuhy.whichlsprcltynoch the some thin. girebeoek tothispeosxiiarpopointiocvrhat is Inn in Hull; ‘ _ Irheaitoham, ;ly.ugh when it Isngixs; rcconlwhsxlt resents, sod. Above Ill, express that combined rein ciseoilx-cent and cynicism which lssollccr to cvsryLn1ctlsn'ehcartns hcsztiesaneal. ‘ '.i'hc'y In so ruprucnsulvo, these twusrtisl.o-tur1hcyIrntrulysuch-—1hnsthoiran- tecodenls, character, and the secret of their tas- dnationarv dcoervins of considornuon. -xontrnren clrunun scxnmza in born in Bordeaux, as were Ansontue. the Black‘Prinec, ltchardlxcilnnnnmrcpc Clemons Y, Kontsine, Hnnteequien. Bangui: and Onxie Ycrnet. no ought to hnvebecn dropped upon the pluctstthc center ctthe wine trade; for she heaihasplrtt sad the 11010! Kedoo l.n.lI¢ blood. She bu, iikcwtec, the licentionsnese cl Ansonins, andthcakopticlsm or Bonlalgnc, but uotthononisolnctqninnorlhepiety ct clear- cnt. She'hnds,.. intent for the IMF. W995“: V353 "'1 70138.1-fi "Ifl¢'1|N>l and Ohristina. ' ' at the Atheuminner nsuveclly. Prol. fichcilhor are her tcucns, Ind then she went to AIM. had plsyed snbcrdinstc pom than torttnecycara. Bhc wssadriscd to con: to the cspital. hu- trichds end sdlnlrcn declaring that only here would ehcnpd a 1n-ope: acid {or her high ce- pmuy. She leeklhe and,niter trying in nintoroisdmlssiontothcvntiotiomshe was engymi at run noun-as 1-Lxurzxe, and but decided mecca. shesppcu-cdin"I.s Ololno Isa," "Le Vtoloncax," "IA The ac l‘a!chi.oellJ." "RocodeBclul’ieur." sad other piocce,end.A.ttereecasoaortwo rcadeherdcbul It on "Varieties" In "be Chfea ‘nus manager wunry;lnalteeoeIxreher,csshc hadthen pained c nnnioothold, and hndpowor to in his purse with nspclccna. ° Thcroiuekcysl wantcdher.snd,ouwldd1ng the Varieties, shovoatoveuou; uznlnr thosrccn. ant ctisntolsin “Les llooxoircs do 1itn:iBun- hocho." "Ln Bceuta do Dialhlo" and "Denis at in Bonnc." By this two her rollicking etyia, ' K3! DIVXLIXY. herscnivocnlkneai-ll license M43 rendered her (an-acne, and all mnnseers were contending {or her. Xothing Ihatohe liked ‘better. The Varieties ~onu mart dnirned he by reason at the highest price. uni thither she proceeded. «liming her-sell in "IA Belle Ilelenci" also in so ddigbimlly wicked nsh.s!s'ulst2on-mohody crcrthinh at her as lIeau:a:«' wits-that she seems to mun all con- hpl eisuyalty. Khcronden wedlock near II sflielbessenalucuikiwhenhewrotehis samu- wlostllrnca vlssshu bccnon tiresocoeiy dmlgv Iatfialfiodlvfna lnstttnflon. Tkcthoatct I'll.‘ ' ' cvuyIl¢t;‘hccseFru&cnjaythe'= cpcctadcoi sccwold. wncatsaysrcoetbeyond anything ciao. -11.. ieveraadlhc tllsuhrlio are among thenwvtcilnring characters on the sun and in literature. when Olhnbcoh conzpoeed “Belle nctenc," hound Ihchonch biaein his eye,sndhn-nod is tecaocllcntpecenlaryndraw Iago. Xotcecot hlaopcnotn-day sccppeals to antsecllsnoonaaudleaoe. . "war no we Luzon A1‘ slmlxnacet" laqutuc oocfnrissanot mother. "You-any have hccn in his piece." _ "‘1'hot.is rcryt:-co.l.tc ‘ . We Inonnovor know the surprtsca thstuvbonceth npctttcost. Iianxhnow; but Inssy not feel inclincdtoinugh whcnlziiccovcruvhcms. ll Inyspouscbe Illn- icyfl.‘ I have the sweet esiisteoucn oi knowing that! hsyobcon morodielo-yni than‘sheean be; amithon, Icnloythe lcoobccsosol have played Pax1soiuninroeili.te,anditis..., "ctobchol/,, our on rice: reiiecu.-d ssnisbly. l’ani.Icc’_ ,. rnusrnos be melancholy for lest we mny lug" 1,.“ dcocirsd. 11 women did not dccoiv_,_ ,1,“ Mp, should you end I hsroo1gni1s;m.,,,_,, nut 01 that. Ind don't Inoqlisc. '* 503331933’! inn-rear rnmrrrrr N“ 5°” 9' "1-‘-9.'mndc Docbeeae." ans crested “*0 U00 13"‘. End nil who have nndcrtakhn it H35! 3"“! lmitetotl her more or loss. ."nosloo, Hontnland and Aimee, who have been in the United sum, here modeled their Duchess on hcrsghot, 0, who: a durertncc more is between hers and theirs! You can_hnr~ 'i‘oa'ocber.n1glutatIern!ght.is toiose'uz,oom to:-c<>nv0nuoo.s!itysndr’cvolin the prospect o! A son sexually. Shcrapscthicai systems by ex- citingthoblcod; shopnts philosophy toflighthy moving nature to rebellion; .Aeol:olsriysem1- ,eecuinrbricst,1rbo -an’: mm cI‘thel"anthcoo. toldmeohcdnylhcthousod to think Psrlswu going to Tophet; but Incrhe heard sczmomr. ho tell more tlutithsdgone. Shcisslcoxing devil, insoo¢h.Imtshccn:i:odieI\hewotiddPadsasit into-day. - . - ' rnzusa sI=mnqI:'.B. - -She is more Parisian than Schneider. Ehe draws like gravitation) yottqoontioa it shewooid command Audiences outside of France.’ aha would hardly be sfiproclaud or nndcrstoodby tordianexn. not real name is 2zun.s"Yslnd.on, mdshsosmchcrolronx thcdrpartmoutoi kno- It!.ou~o.whlchisce.ilcdthe;ranary of the cap- uai. 8hcisoctpretxy,nordoessi:oimn;ineher- selisobc; Ihorciare, she frankly tells her ego. Ehewuborn April so. im.-which makes her nearly thirty-six. ornveyssr-I the junior ad the Qoccnolthcnooircc. sbehasbcen in the cap- italsincclsfl, sndshe ismoxc ortisucsiiycsp- tinting (mysteriounsihisie)shanahewuwhea she‘nx-at nuhcdiniarepmauo . me nor. ‘ Oohorarrtval shehndm idea of. beinxaprrr fcuicnalsingu-,t1:ou;'l1sleehedsungnlihcr|i1c. Shovrontlnloashop, cndwas zlsd tooansixty -h-mu 3 month. Good-altered. except when aroused. I-nddlepoeed to eooouunodatc,she soon bccorncpopolar. Whlashcwaoetwcrk she tro- qoenuy ouoicd in harpoccuar way and wassm-~ ptisedtococ thotuxc other;-is-is, sndcreatho nunoi‘ use cotehltshmcnt, stopped to ilstento her;thstcom\‘.ttmcssbcbron;htthelearIiothcir «yes. ' “Who langhtyouto sing?” inquired her etio- pioycr, snexevrhiie. r ‘fllchody; I have nlwtys song. It does no Inna. (‘Get it?" “1likcltr.xceodinxiy,'.' ' Mr: wnxx rou I110 xononr wmuu. Your voice will brlngyee iarmoremonsytheh you osneerahaxc." , - Rho thenkskod mrersia-ltice to listen coho:-. sndthcydeclsrodtnoyhelhcnrd nothinalnuothc strange nsclodyshc uttered’. ‘she’ was nnn.lly¢'h- gsgcdst|)ac31Dcxcd,o,s;ca£c chsnutmsnxi, in nlowwoe.h.the plans would not cousin the throng. Pcuoluvrcntwho had never gone he- tero-thewcalthy, thodledsgcuhed. tholeanad. thotllied. Tho7wore‘cMr:ccd-why Ihcycooid notu-J1. lhcymnsthxve both: the salons,and uu:ydid:!orl.wouthrecwi.nter-seho garecgzer. tnlnmenis in the June: {actionable amid ssptumu applause. Iaahiotn. she heosae the voumotcdded tohcr mm: by u.nupt~ do Gerda." via‘ to analyse her paw“--sad influence, Ig_g series oflpspu-. aauoeo jifodcnrl die Etorybodymu resolved ‘;e'h’e7|.r the Showman.-sgcdttthc ‘ n.- Perle raved over her. when she nnzitnc kxchcqner spots tor her in nanny nnlssu: oi napoleon. she csnsodthunnsorpcrtclthgh, W ,_ ysn_occ§s.nt "1cOhcue,"lnufl--cndlhat ‘S than cnypcu-lax-manccxircnln thnoity _I-.I\:r.a1xy- r nsnsgortncnguchcrncwh to be surolelecco can. she rises in value‘ every season. one is worth o.tthisIeomentl.¢0o'h-_ance|Vcek, andhcr turtane is estimated at 1.ooo.coo trancs (tsumooo) . she iaroportcdlo be remarkably virtuous, tore. Parisian nctrcoo. She-Stu bctcac losers: «tine. sndwhc huhsdoolyoncinriocry-curs. Whale usual! Not nu-sage she hem.“ ' it 1-nnssetu u munntxmcnr COLIIB. _ Bhccandtncc the csn-cu: hrs manner that Yssuidnukao,‘ .czwe.thc:n.oelvcauds.sya. douo goes. when ‘she h at the point or diI31ut~ .‘*:#.-:*.‘..°‘:*.:::**:.:,..'°“°°'“’... . '***’*°'........;n': ;, abominable honey!" and the wfvwosatél more voacnistinnlycyo. -_{‘.-_;_~‘- ,,~’ . ms to or 1-sue bntswr. '- She is lame, brhtaii ‘bounding’ blood the torn tsuouln . _ coo, at! it ,1)! universal sorrow. 2- Ken is the law oi the And the to . offivthc cube. She symbolizes tho to otine at {B5 and Inch-rymoec emotion at to! the broken wln o: u wcmndod cps:-row. V ‘ V Puref. OLD SHIRE H‘ WAR. skmneaor o...v in to be Sold at Auction Week Four lsrgc vessels 6? use the Steam ix-tigvya mu“ um»: n'l:’.m-4 5:. Inns: in K0129 cold st auction ' United slam Navy- and Severn, and war -; thcnresentwuk. y hcw‘veesel.' is ... Her mushro- I at, Brooklyn men 112.490 tou,snd esecon we or no service. The Delaware _‘tno'pa.rt the oper- otionscsntod on dull the rcblllioh. Atew Eire since she was ioas- by the Department to Basic hospital ship st nnthoriueo [or -v w u a qunrnnilno. and. alter -h s her. she wan laid inordlnsryln 4 . ‘the salotckos place not: Tuesday. . Eeyore man as, will be sold the precodin-. st Ilow London. Thievouclhueocnconse 9 so who in American and European . at. w- tons, ore st Kori cod oi on the list Lust. on ooncilluled a portion vtoflod during their in cox-oer goody part at tho nbllahlofil The . lawrcnoo wsebuiixLn1Bt1. um nrst carried tort;-tour no. on. nude a cruise in the Ilsliic. and: min; glccnrlyput or the WI! ctthc se cc she captured the noun. was in ton Rosa: do u on: between the. '&“..‘3., mm. sudncrro the Cumberland. w th these ships (the navy, and luvs to convoy. provis- cntry, who were in come- ldow iocngreu in no , or for; to the to olv th not ill - tseo crop. ‘nae us‘ ‘m“onI.hat “$2”. n'1an~ei wax» V taxed thirty are ‘ OH - A 1 "'5 being mt’-,wun proper for one In her Chllwtoolo) stnuon. Going in lmrcartissfi. one 0l7..to tho Exposition. cm: was driving into an entrance where um nobility Iiono were admitted. she was stooped by s un- “! have Atitle," she doclued. "Who are you, it you plcuc. madame?" ‘'1 cm’ the Gnndo Dnchcuc do Ocrcidstcin," she réplicd, and her carriage rolled in. Schncidor has earned _s v.e1.' DIAL or xoxzr, . ~ not Ices, it is said. than 1,500,000 tr-one: ($300,000). since she once hero tron: tho provinces-lntely fourteen years. she hnshnd quite as much more from, be.rlo1ers,wiso are obliged to pnyhand-_ comely lor lhclrkisscs. ,Among_tizcm an nunod the Prince orwuu, the Prfnoa of Orsngo (son 0! (boils; of uouuua), moorunamnooamg. _ Md 33318! 7 «W» »-:.°o~°°-:-:.-*=:.:::- emmrnt whoeo '“ ’°°“ " ° ’ mm to be struck r 1”“ ‘'‘*‘‘§ sou. However, the ‘°u°" °" I817. assllnuonal vossol . llcr 5“ 3°‘ » n were ‘ygiunlocn. '"' yosrs on used as n ~ship us. at the Anna us Ns ' will be on.-.§°.. t.heyrl.ilo§Atr1?ed.st':’a§n vessels vn.‘1.\ i°u‘:solziwlth such ouch nery ssmsybooubosrd prorlouuo con him to none -doairi stth timo&!!°sclhc."wsnd’ ‘ V days oi a.2.‘1’.: In ??°'M "mu" W‘ on H: d . - me £i“.‘.’.';u.2." °' ' ."£“;‘?-’.i."‘:{"“"""“ :r;'::.°::'::.'=..:’.::‘: .. ..........-M-=*~’ ::=.:. . Jo but A15 lnnntc ct inch cles as my Mfiwdmtmmcn. 1% pcrcontcithcpvzrchusisoncyxc tbod l 0 balance old a when the want. Th use?“ nurse-be H G coal:-mad .‘ 9 crew... 1.119 to: 9.0119 *1. 1 i...}1ld.9r' . .33. .....1£?..3 i3.:i.....2:.’ ~?“" .. . .:+.\...- - CHRISTMAS cums.‘ Numerous Deeds . 5 The Day Desecrated by of Ixwitcnsivo Whites Eliot Downwithout Warning by Boiaterous Ilegxoce. oinburor, In... December ao._on sum. dlywhilethetamikr oi John Know, a wealthy ian:eer.'lf1_1sgneetthlsoity. wueoungnchzisr. nus'din'oc:-attlso honscol $7.11. cm-ic,un«aoor tour mileedieunt. hunters entered the Knee!’ I-ostdcn'coandcu-rio6,sways. inrguqnanhr of valuables. xntranoewascfllectedbytoactaxcpen suindcw. Pzoputytothe amoontetsomcthing evcrxloflvfniaskqmincludingaflnpsuitot clothes, nvolgcodrovclvers, onoorltu-c-nlisesm turcoilar. undone niiveroernaanwstch. at n rcrypocniisrpauszu. lrthelstzercvuvcooscctc light, it our easily be recognised, and would ‘ ' ' avsiusblo dowtolluborgiare. No other uaceormuoanmnu beanxolmd. htr. mm huolhrodarcvmdcumiorthencovuyotahs stoieaprvpcrty. Whites III:-dc:-ed by-Negroes. lfrw Oannnxl. December as.—-.9. diflocizy oe- azrrod in i‘rcotaw-n, opposite this city. yostcrday iorenoon. between 3 low whitunnd hiscb. It ruuixedinorusurtwo of theiuzerbclngrouxhiy handled. Aitcrtiutqnlet reigned until about 1 o'clock. when Barney Xccsbo, John ilomctti and Jean Bcnectu, while standingin [rent at the bar in Bowen’ compo-house, waiting to be sex-vod,wcren:edcoIryncg1‘oes. Thcvfizst two namedwcxolnstantlyhilled, and lhchtta proh- ablynortally wounded. kcilcc treat this side crccecdlhorivcr and made some an-oats. The iirc-bollswero rung, and ranch ucil.e:nent’pro- vaiicdcnmenlgiers sidoclthcrtrer. A Wife Butuheretlykiflcd by a Boy. Nkv Oxnuns, Deocxnhcru.-V. , yesterday. st Gretna. while drunk. ccthin wile’: most. The Iconicrcr has been arrested. Chas. Adams, aged nine, vru' shotthrcegtt the head uidkiilod, it is supposed, by the discharge claloudcdpistoi inthehaodsoclsnws Gnsaocu, aged nineteen. no mu:-vs: muted. TVABHINGTON ‘WKIEPEBE. important: Supreme Court Decisions Antioi eodin Jenn The liiexicnn I-ad Other- Troub pics of inter- Wfi-. . Bocdalbirpaichiollufliebo-D'cnco¢rst. Wunrrorcx. December B8.—'X'hc month o! -7 , promises-to_bea.n ixnportsntolu in the npnmoowt. . . 'thedcolssoatnthcarsntparishmso,uhichin- valve: the constitutionality of the cuiorocmcht scto(187!,is expected sobon-.ndcrodsi_ao_ox_oia niddioolthononth. g, '_ oaths Lltltd the moth the srxsmcsztaiafic lastcnhcgrsngorcssoa amt...»-oo,‘ use qucetloru,lna11its pheeos, cl therfightct s to . ' ‘ i|u;,x'.IicI‘o¢ freight sod thofatesol railroads ohartezcdwllhintzto 8taie;viilbc’scb- nuudnezsooonrt. _.u csriydcoisioqis , ed-gossiblybelme rohrnryi-asthosrnncnts in In «the other cases hsve been cinbontcly nan-dconcunmuinec. nniucc somewhat diirereartirexn those raised eoecoanp in the Chic.ago,Bnx!ln¢1an and Quito: In to ho, nrxucd.oI_u2so1i.Ih Capital Gossip. W"..“‘!P.. flit. 3. fin;-It-: ‘.'."*1W°.*- .. I.~=I!*.W°#°“!9 . _Ga.ur-_ ., :.-seam -tofolimvtsideia his-cos the'“'bcrt:ci‘¢!gi. 1 ,'oi-so mu’ such se"_I’ d¢ecribed"-la_or.“cod:par np'o__'ew:n' ' rnoro beaixtiiui fsp at the I 1. - Iupposc',‘tor:tiu,. rsz.ti:no'..ln:t.f.tort.rxco1l:’-st . U1 ~ vans}: .i;gn:?.i?__r.§.T3.°3. .. xI0.'.hmch'aK6° "9 .‘“1.§‘.... I o world hill - ' ought lior iixooss sal‘u;goi_.;_ This “