took - ' ‘ ;'-uummeli J-l;-121 Qlfeude ' inhabitants, and ' fol « Piibils!~6s¥.‘b .. I ‘lVl’l'el:iy;’ii: . ml I'ti3°'1‘!*“""’°,¢. '8 °F!‘l.h.'i=!I" W345- _.g?_ fit» Ennis bath Etmifihhzfimmm Solid-lgvockly and £.O'0jf". Pbiiilll and Pine 3t5"I by Printing Company of St. Louis. -2-’ *=~=*°"W:"...... . . :3.‘-"§.7Jl°'ré“s&‘§.'El§ l'.'§°°.'2‘.‘lZ'.’L')""§.‘$-=§:- p-all} the proprietor: per reu - -- flroco'plu..,............. Tim SUNDAY GLOBE- ” I. . 1'IIIu'z?l'.ll1-WKEKLY GLOBE-DKXOCRAT-(Tho 3-ceosr Daily and the Bole!‘-Weekly awn:-Dim- oceurr wmhioedkby IIIBJG PI! 7381' (l>°5f4xI - imr¢l_l.). i'iveaorlM.t5- ' , (‘B3 8!!!!-WIIKLY‘ GDOBE-DEMOCRAT in Nb- - that-a erexyreuohynnd T1-idzr xnominir. rm»- igfrusueu price. >9 to per your. single com‘: 5" .eonte-rm (pounce lM'¢l>Il<|}- . - trro"w1:xxI.r argon):-Dzuocxlur it rah"-bed Pride? morning; Iehscrlpi-ton price. 03"” 'oot.t.ui can }'I'l1l’i"f-l“i‘Y1 currs rurduiww ‘age prepeidl. Ito club rues. azwonuhxns ihmchdut the country damn: ta procure this paper rcrnlnris can do so 51 mull"! meiroroexndzis.-u.orlcit»e iii.!4ou8I300t “4 ya.” can"; _ay])(uru-i !'venrth Itroel. 51. man, -who -rm tirraish the Gran:-Dxuotziur pqempny nt the pnbllihorh pi-hell W #03“ I”? copy. 'LI.'l..DRJ\.'f'.l'8. check: end moear-cram would in nude pdynhlojotbo Globe rrlaiinrooaw-at at _ill..t.:_mi:.,.. " urrzns. malaunlcuioaa. uiegnlsiee_diac:l.;ecs. vino-use bestnuiux lasso-M mrrubltwtio-. lhouldho ucru-some thoGlo_la0;'l’!1nl1B8 Gm- ,..............-..........-.... 11: probobiiitier are the losatlxcr K0- ’ _ "and clcér. ' - inquire ‘once n:iore'ebout the Pope’: health. .'l'llo old gentlemen line not boonheard m... on this subject foratcw mofnthr. endwe begin to feel ltnxlous about momxnnluc maths lmporulnce or all home guxrd, end is about tomo- ' bliize the militia. Eight éorpel are to be formed, besides the sorleottry Army of yea- nlsnry ma volunteers. It is somewhat dis- creiiilabie to mislead at this late datoo be obliged to admit that she is t_ioinp'eretively do- ienreleii. ’ . ‘- rm: Clncilmsti Eiuptlrcr has mien outwith Mr; Pendleton become he lr reported to here said that the people oi Ohio were il§"teror of returning to specie payments as soon ‘as the rhilxgeouid bedone without detriment to the Internet: of ihocountry. , The B‘ii<'zuirer in- cirte that greenback: are better than gold any dey"l'n the Thin-is llbed cello of zeal- ouidevotion to an idea.’ Lxizituxa oi jiiepnbilcen journals have seconded the .6108:-Dxu'ocx.t'r’o ‘appari- tiod’to‘ -Phflsdelphh er the place, and the (.Lh':of3 iy the time, tor holding the N:-' tionelco rcntlcu. They agree with usthu. thtulominsuon ought to be nude in my, end unitha convention ought to behold in my. '.i.'he'DelnoéretEc lion will probably be a» ~ -- -zu .Iluie'."' - . ?."«' '*= in mm darker - :lan.m::'.- di.I_s‘!lrkoel'-ci.f'.‘iifelrlisIolia'1from_' the 'bl't5w_,_tor.the_lrirllrgont:, and-7 now they use eeveril _moro'- for . theli_i:;elvos'Vln nogblttio rtylei glint week they dutrbirreian. the house: oammi plum- tlonn;[tlu_ry captured a tale of seventeen lotdédwlth Spanish rilpplleml Those captured Carlist relnto qemeuu from 591111: lire not doidgpluch filed. ' ' “ i‘iin'Xhcdlvo is no fool. 'IIo _oil'cl-ed e per- tion,oi‘i'lis Suez canal stock at private sale, knowing that tho Notion which bought it must. become measurably. responsible for the ‘whole. England invented, lntl the clock ber- Lomete went up rapidly. Row, when the Ihuo: have r/cubed a quoted price which thcyfngver bolero _h_.ul,‘ho_.propooes to unload l.ltobJlxllioo—luhot,n1lhohnl‘—onflhn:g'otBt1- gienii-and I-‘rilnco tohiddlng witbgonch other in‘ him style. ,The former in bound to have those nheror, nomntter what they cost; they in ilie o'rI,!.*~a.tll tohcrl:ec_tcm,}:nlpire, and )0; in her noceqelty; oils will be nxede to pl! flchb’ iortlmn. Hot? Iliiihll mull. chuckle overfhc nlcecca as -his little guise. ' mvma tried almost every other in lmovln to eecoluplisib. the subjugation of the ' Cubans, the spguun Government in about to up other Govogrnmclats tree: wolven fen a.‘»’l’l'ilie.’»‘m"liz". tobe ._r$l-‘:il'l.é intirder-. " of ‘nnfroil-’g-town’ insurgent;-children," heif- prioq-_-_-cod.lL the ,8psLnie.rds.hllvc gocdluck; ' Ind iiaol-pl-or-_o dapunla oueuu _lum')e"hto be onto! dosh, perhaps on_o‘eot ofislnndernmny, be induced to xnd, when--they ooulef into the Spanish camp and gzlelm lhorcwllrdll title, may themselves be not up sgninst nail and um Bil muramrs.""i.'iro Bpenlntda vvlllnot am. done their mllduty by the rebels, however," until i double rowel-ll is altered per csplte ‘for Cuban mothers in tonne-wplres, - fslmxxeu.-r he: at last spoken in regard to the dliiicultlee between his roedilllnd those we no competing with mm, and has is- sured the blow ‘fork incl-clients that he to on thclrsldol The Eric Bond he; been claiming the elunipionship oi‘ the people’: right: in this jireriere, but ‘Vanderbilt explodes its pretensions by declaring most poeitivoly that ho forced it: manllgerllto lower their nice when they‘ were unwilling to do cc. In re- press the dlstnriminntion alleged egelnstrlcw York, he uy: he lsrendy at any time to meet the merchant: of tin: city sud confer with them, and tonhow tint he in in cement, adds the lnlormntion that ho proponcd to refer All tho nnllroed dimculties to Charles Fl-luact: Adntgs, Colonel Thonlu Scott, had one other xnjnfblfl hill opponents «ouicl not consent. Vanderbilt sprint‘: to have the best oi the _;____.__..___ ".l'i!‘!13_xjobebi‘lltill_x_'p,re thnl, after every claim -90?§k'S¢$(Jl1fl3K0!.'.1(R.=,1l§9.AIllJlmI mile llfll beeajyetledcd, at one-halt oi the $l5,050,0il0 will be left oil lune‘. T.ll8_ expecta- tion ot- this unexpected: residue _hsswondcr- mliyfiuiekened the W}tii'_‘$! i._lic"=jlli'surlrnce tscntrgnc well, as or the tliouuiideud one othcrclsinnnts who are earnest in pressing ‘their nglouar_pa4me communion. ‘Amopg 181 llutely determined was one which ‘ ior tholngcnuity oi the pine and the confi- dence with which .1! tyne urged, deserve; would notice. when the Shenandoah went into the memo Ocean on her career -01 dertrnciion she cum upjwith mud ciptumd ll int n! ‘thirteen, Whalers. The crown ‘WON moo cl. Ind the whole (loci. in: ‘burned. This occurred Juilt eilcrlthc elm “ ‘*9 '7". but boioretllc now: of pence hed reuliedtlusivozle Pitetflo. nimomn who uulrnmlilcs - rem -ofum. If 03- crow ind iilliiined the burned wbalon were all really 1:1! from the revegee of insects next .=. ‘ aboard of mother chip end ndrnon- year, entire communities truly not be reduced ished to learn, which they st. once did ‘under to iltnrretlon, as was the cue lint murmur. fullscll. Oniheir my in the nearest port they tell in with the Richmond, ‘another wlnlor, end not at pity for their crowded and eboerd, _ _ and covered mired’. ' . account: or the hoods which provnilcd which was ellxioxt lncslculnblo, there we: lit-. tion as to become untenable,’ while the violence lei-ed many other: like cggebelis. But the demngo done in the cltv we lncalculnbly leaving them nothing but lilo. The letter sustained A very general ions or such crepe es had not been housed In the higher grounds, and e_ wide-rprced destruction of fencer, walls drowned, and not 3 row hunnm belngsloet ships and email vessels being driven on shore in'eiewt!_iy§. _'_ _._' 'r1rz.~-uorvr-ri:sr;rr¢ mm. lira, the git: of foresight does not yeppcar on - is not, or nhould not be, end the severe been enough to‘ render the pcoplo ihoughlru leert,_not tcsey Inbrict, the one is. this. Good authori- the West ni‘tl‘iife‘nev'cl-. botoroboca neon, and log Lion; distance won at the Block Hills to the center at Missouri and Iowa. in view or this probable visitation next it. But an a good idea rhould be acted upon, ebeorllllxg grnitehoppor question. ‘for sowing their illrriill in the rprillg. II the 5'» TIIE OAXAL BARGAIN. '.i‘l:icI~3ig1l£1'1l>l'8'i Ind people. rtxtdiv Id- unconltortelllc condition, the captain of the herlng lo the right ssanrodto them byxsgnn Richmond tool: is in-go number at them Chm-1.1, or grumbling loudly end lcngthily at ' ' himself with anything thcyvpiene, ere beginning to mice glory for ' his Iiumenlty in tramlpol-t- their voice: in clamor nguimst the notion oi the ing them to in American port. The whole h[inLItryln melting the Suez Cans! pu_rch.ino. girlettcrvru almost forgotten when the Ala- .,l bemonmrd was made, but upon tint e\'e_nl the morning litter Thanksgiving Day, and the captain of the Richmond, who, it seems, found jhnt Great Britain had renlly bought 3 well ebio to smell a clollnr es tar as the next herfy interact. in the canal, everybody recog- innn could, saw his chance, and brought in nixed it as s most eonrummste rtroke or his bill for the board.-l.nd passage of the men xuteunnnshlp, llndbruch is complete check- ho enlisted, and tor the loo: oi the whale: he coating of llussle that it was considered not would have caught hell he not elnmloned the prebeillo the latter would soon venture to lo- voyalge. Oi‘ course hlseiailn was thrown out iortom tn ‘rllrlzish or Ash Minor mitten- withoilt hollitlitlolzl‘, his own dlllgurt, ‘1~{ow lint the tint _mlyb of iriuinpb has faded nndto_tli‘eVl.eii.i'1"tl_l rorr'ow.or the lawyer: who sway, the English lire counting the coat of expected to divide with him the damages rev --this new enterprise, and I closer inrpectlon ~ rails to reveal to the nl_'el-ego British mind the ‘When the English reading world woke, on -. ---~---—------——*—‘' '' were clear! 131.1“: London papers give the most thrilling MIMI u on“ faded y All sorts oi objections ere being raised, throughout the valley at the Thames in the man u no“ pmmmy ‘ha 50",”, would latter pert-.,,or-mrvomber. The high water amt mm’ though‘ or adundng W", mo ‘"3 '* Ln” ml’ by haw uh!’ but by“ pumhaso or the shares yet a matter or fu- tulproccdanted tide which l-occ lntho river, mm’, ‘D be dmmud ma wwpfid or". d_etl‘l.‘Qy9d ts", dock: and oolzvnrtied menyot “cm! as dmmmm Man“, U: jumrb the over portions or the c ty nto reilcnl-_ H I. am’ in “V”, m“ nun“, I-Pm illancca to e_Venloc. The houses submerged of h E 1, nun payment at w',.ooo’°°°’ c§'h“ counted not by hundreds, but by thoussnda; no mm mm “Kw”. ,3 ‘M Dug,-aw" at “'4 '*°“''“*''**“*'==I~' “W WW ‘°P*°W*>’v the ....l tiist an l'.l..r....~..' us cw tlui emu rendered neceunry' vbythln pur- tlo ice: oiiite, under tboclreulnstanoos every -‘hm’ “.0” ,mm- °oun,“,b—dm°a an strange thing. The lower nu-eel: became fiaunwp at in umnmmehd Bum,“ com. °‘“"1." W‘ ““.°°"“’“"“““‘°“v .‘"“ 57 "°“‘. mnniooiion. Shameless grumblcr: assert that or by nwimmiilgqruenuroly cut oil’. lieny Engknd ml was chum, In um bug-um houses were ‘so injured in wall or iolIndn- um, um ‘hm Mug,“ by an Lmgush malt, try he'd been hewked ebout for sslc for some - °£ H“ mm ’’"‘7''' time belore England’: investment; while other: denounce the open ilbendolimcnt ol . the former policy oi the Government in re- Iesil that indicted on the tlllbermeli oi the sum-to the cum’ ma mega mi, Puma“, cm‘ ma °n um mm°” M Q” lm°fl°" T“ will never sanction the not oi Disraeli end his former lost their boots, nets, houses, and c“h,ne,_ At um um“ “m,‘Y,8°mm an I. dun "H um’ h‘"l"um “cm m“° "°q"°“"7 being nude on the Premier and his associated tor the rennin or the purchase. . - Soferlu yet ippcm, the hflnlntry seem to have n tolcrehly clear understanding oi Engiull character; appear perfectly elm-e or “d '1:_'§““‘"””' “"45" ‘““‘ °°““5“‘ the fact thatthelrprlnolnel ofloc and lmi. mn - Ed ‘"7’ “M9 um‘ ”‘m° m” lieu are toruxnlsh the people and papers reb- jccte for’ wling; end by esllcnt end rero- umk 5"‘ m u" .."‘d“ "' w "'7 me“ into gripsoruothe bu-pin they hnvernsde, dc- °H°°"' T“ ‘u”'“" l” ‘‘1‘.'”"‘5 ,"°“ cisro themselves ready to |bldD the canoe- numorour and unusually fuel-nuxnbcrs of quam‘ 36504,. cm dhmm U“ mmlmnoe with . great loss of life. The English meteor-I rmfm‘, Rf "f',:':'””n‘, ‘figfi ologiri.-i ere anticipating another natural coe_- pmnd by we uhmrri “ion h ‘ho Adm“ vulslonpf the same klndebout the middle of nmmnh mu“ m, ,3 Wmnln‘ an ."‘° _3"—"""" "'°““'e' ‘**‘,“’."_‘°,"”_““,“,“ 5?“ Plimsoll shipping bill. 0n'cno.h of these oo- hsve advising people to tor. .“.“°h‘,_&c,,ea.Pfi ind_£h«°'pn-‘MW-‘E’. '-". '1‘ ‘l‘°.“' ""‘"°“°‘“ "“"'°.‘.”_' °°“~‘?”“‘ ndlfloreattoudnolnthntlloifultd, me the‘ :"‘°‘° '1‘? '9'“ "7°“"“"“°'E‘.1"’fl’l'°1”‘°“' "9 Governmcntwero quick to detect" tile? my expect to hear of the-prophesied riot-in Thohgh “ praem-n.‘_P“‘”‘ Q ya " ‘ v hear oi‘ no popnln.r_ meé_ti_ngn_ celled" bythe well-known-lender: oi the opposition, end or ' _ , , nou_e‘el‘tbooo measures by the mic‘ of which, - ‘umauxh um P°°PI° V“ m‘”".: H°bl'.‘l’k‘ the I-Zngllah masses are socuittolncd to make 1 °““ ““1“°“‘ '“""".““’3”"°’ P°"“’ ‘ml’ mlnlsicrisl bench so imco'mlomlbloror:'anp- vlrtueg.lndi:pcn.:abletonuoocssinsgrlcnlin.rel papal“. wmpm,‘ , . On the contrary, there Are lnnnylndlcationl utolllxh 0! their elldo1Y'l1‘te_iilD. Though 1013- ms‘ um pone’ ind populu. menu‘ of England "knowledge is beyond their reach, prflmlt"-I-15' hero chen'go'd completely in rcgnrd to Turkey and the Inn, and that it new presentation of leesclmof the past. two or three years 11°!“ W’ the question will be me much of in relic! to V”'°"” ‘mm’ ‘'1' ‘mm 9”“ would h'“° Eng'l1nd_estonnyot.i:ler Power. Bile see: no clclrly u do the rest that Turkoyls falling for the fuluroas long as they tired. But it ,0 plan; an, the mo“ “gum”, “mum.” reel-in this has not been the are, and thinking Wm mm” ",0, ma munmunm ' 5, .mfid3'h men at the sections overrun hurt year end the mpmmuy tn gimp. oh,’ “ f", more ya” i W“ iW°'° ‘'7 93° K'“,*"°PV"‘- "'3 ‘P-'“"'Y' me it is suspected that it are.» Britain could log the prospect for 137?! with anxiety, st 5, um,“ at “,0 why’ -1-uh’ mg,“ be- lrueccssiully picked ind gutted iodnorrow by . anybody that chose to underhtke the job. The ““r ‘.'h° 3"" 1'?’-1 °I'P°§*“l1“-‘N 10*‘ 41‘ one is, the urureocetohiglsnd ofen unin- tangled-ohiicrvetlorl in Idaho, lifonime, Utah mrrnpud "puns, “Juan ,,',,,,,,l,, ,3, 3,,“ "id W3'°m“‘3r " "Cu " °‘h°' W”‘°".‘ Oneal; end the ‘the of the‘ Btntea,. declnro that in all this Iectinn the pymenggf u,o;.°'n',,'° hu,',d_nd mung” ‘wt, WP.“ 0' 1”‘ WWW’ "id #11 ‘WV "'7 lie; thnt’i.heBultulhs.s borrowed iiuzngland, good. Tboush in mm district! 13° Emir but nu‘n’mr repeili.- no out of these 31091145 _d'”l1'°l“’d “Wm 1”“ 9*“ '-"°P- 7“ wishes began vii: realization with the late . tho!-mm Wm -N6 -*M!‘°'-”<,>m° WW9’ purchase, .na"oill be may carried out, it their dtilicuitler, and are tolerebly well pro~ gecuuq. by ,3, ompmm of 35,,‘ 3,’ En." pared for next year. Below the insects died gllob troupe; thorooond desire will bagzaurod they deport“ "mid ?3‘“‘°n' °‘ W ‘'5 “*° hythe European pertitiop of Turkey, ulna‘ ETWW1 819138‘, 353 2°91“ wboercrxelcee ,Ttl.l'k|ly leke, 3-lie‘ '?Bl‘I_On!, whose’ exp-esifhee. tu,_Qi_1_0D-;"f‘1‘°" deb . p _ h ’ ‘ulnngucolaimliulona ca ig',e:_1io8fi:i¢oane§drrs2:_ 'tv'r'o~oeln'nin'-5qiiii>s' 6: 'tllé"‘I.o'll'do?e". }_lio“"§hI'-'{‘\"l1;°il'-Vi'c,-tehc~tbo"Pl‘B€W=tl than,‘ tie: or line "gym; Government ml petiole lm‘a_lllr'e‘aril- will um. oxen-,ursn...«.sr .,,-..,.._l.o'yjlai~a _in mm ,,,;,§y,-,,,;_~;3v' that‘: good bargain inn ., . . _ hecumade,‘th:1£ngln‘§ti'r.'.1'..‘_""“‘”"’ “<- thetthetrndbt .lr.\»'which they will mndodmd c“’m.pfin-in-uf, ma"R-.,,.;il not will be wider that GT3? before, rcaoh- he munqfihhéd flab“, '.‘m,w6 N35,“ " ‘ ' "J: 1vhole,;' npm ‘ _ dLH87&O: not extend the lrctivc" hrduenoo ncoeeesrr. A light-house wiifncither drug si drowning men iron: the waves norhnul his propertysxhore, and until the Government in: devised some method oi‘ calving both the shipwrecked seller endihcweelthhehs: in charge. It hesnot performed its whole duty to its own end for- eign acumen, and is therefore under obliga- tions to make still further eiforut. The lli'c-saving station: new in operation embrace the Athnuo cont £3-om the eastern extremity of lieluafto cope Iisttcru, exclud- ing that little frequented portion from Cape Ilcnlopeu tot'.‘epo Cl-lerlce. The eilicscy or the system ooniisis in the rcndirleu and ability oianuxnber of trained and fearless meg ,, render I.“ possible assistance in case is vessel should be driren on lholroefl. The Life ser- vice is not designed to repiacti the light.- bonlioa, but to mppiement their benefits. They ore to were vessel: ol the dsngcr, but ii‘, in rpite of ' their cautionary nig- nals, e‘ vosnei should b6 driven aground, the men of the Life Service have boats and excellent nppantllu whereby sailors, and very often an-goea, maybe delivered iron: the waver. To be convinced of tho etilcicncy oi‘ the Lilo Berrloe, ii. In neceunry only to see what in: boon cflectod. by its elroru. During the lesson or 187$-'75, eighty-two vessel» were driven ‘on shore on the Atlantic coast, in the bound» mentioned. ‘rile chips and cargoes - were valued at $!,(m,‘l22, ‘board. 0! these, 488 .woro octuelly brought on shore by the lilo’-slaving Apparatus, ‘and lnnnnrlyellllha otliercuce mhtcrinl en- siateneo was rendered. Only sixteen liver and $1,217 worth of propcrtywcre loot, end- fourtecn of the nien drowned were on one vessel that oonigl‘ not polsibly be reached on account of the fearful tempest.‘ Since the ndoptlon, in 1871, of the Life Service in its been 181, the number or lire: imperiled 2,583, end liver uved have numbered 2,663. The vnluo as the property at etslro u‘-‘us ec,2nc,ecs, mm - which 1» port was saved to the value of $4,514,756. From this ex- hibit, it is certainly mode apparent that, ulde iron: the humanitarian aspect it pro- ccnts, theI.l.lo Eel-ripe ‘ha: strong clelina on our Government as in economic agent, the annual eortof it being oi_ily$1Ga,I}03i. Ah cz- tenlon of the limits guided by tile stations, and I still fnrtherpe;-footing oi the npptratun uld dloclpline at it: employee would reduce to the minimum the denser: of shipwreck on the Atilultlo ‘ - ' -;-;.._...--—--..-em rim may It.KDU(7flOK.. -re. General otfio in-myimallawn him- mflnshmwdbdlclmhxhintenlngwoocupy setrongponitionootlleizneetloe or reducing- the er-my.‘ _ His epeech at the New Eligiluid dinner, la-rcapoilu to the inert to’ “tho; -Kivyfi-’. closed with tho’ ogejowe ‘‘. mania‘ not .nog'lel:i the monomer ‘e¢ but lbofild <;l:crt:il:x‘x_ili_ illh urns. so um. inthe mix’: oz.£yruw‘e'.meid not be com. p¢Ll_od‘to the" Ittimfllsilng"_l:ecoaility_ of having ourpoldiori drilled by Ioldlortrtrom iibroed. 'i"his'is e’very tolling :cntin:ct‘it,' and’ ltlwns ye ‘ J by ‘HG gxilent Géfl‘ ex-el, whose otter-dinner apecches'descrvo tho’ Hetloinl importance they Are to rapidly gelli- ing. But the question is one which will por- hnpobo bellerstodled if ltlc tlnlken uutoltho glow and vnrrxith or : patriotic banquet, and examined by the cold. clcir light of the ep- proprietion hill.‘ We have no right to con- alder any source of public outlay without tint mnkingrahocuruto estllnntootthe cost, and, nniortunstcly; our little erinysh now so costly i.iu.l it 1,: impossible royal or it Vjllthonttho qlxeition or ii: eostpr-ecbnti'ng_itn'ol.t in striking proportions. While iimigm notbo trio pm or military‘ prudence incur down the enny,. 1t.wnu.ld\oen"laln.lz=bo>n great financial impru- denee not to clitdown the cxpenro, end the" nnsneisl ‘ueoeulgg: . Ir pcrhipn more pressing than the mlllffirtfg ‘ "' ty. 3113.58 -.tM.0o0;0oo‘ truly a mllltnry neces- rityl . I_nee_ sdggigetoiy pmuzcmd by thin. bittfiiuxpensive, establish- ment, slndwoold; our uietybe impelrod by coet!nuing' that gradual ‘hi reduction which, in tmyoer: end ctr n_loeth:,' in: re- duced enr_cnmiiod‘dniiu;de§n 1:-om 1,000,000 tomoroiy!il,00Ol wellre an-aid thuthc an-' -om as i.e».n§‘qu'eauoaa‘l-opla_ ii.reiy_.eem_.l* \Y1})1'_IXe opinion o£_ : _8ho1:lnI;n,, Ind .- . _ the seuilmeelii ’ ;vl‘ur‘=o_:' lite‘ ‘ quu‘il_6n.'}':; , "be rquedthlls the country wIli_e_equi}o ornate‘: vi-_ili.'_aau_'-lnyol1z,ooo mom iswlll: _ux'~ y-my, gggmowfi -. V . . ‘N. {we mum’ ‘ream-oe'.perpou‘ ‘ ' ‘ ran-‘ viola.‘ en er-my eiist: Is for the Hetioilaoldoleneo in" .._...l......_........._........ I THE LIFE Sllfivltm. T50 "Silk! opening of the winter reason year, Br-tghsm Young, eftcr duo conlcmnco witbtho thrilling tngodyo! the Dcutschlsnd with the leading Bldnul,’ has promulgated remind: -us that for three months we may from the Mormon pulpit extreme for allay-lug weekly’ ll" repetition of this brilliant the prospective dsnger of ' ‘ nvcnlence or drains, to bereguillrly ioilorred by the lnroe, _run'ering, by ordering his people to '' ‘ffinvnl Investigation." We_hsve,u yet, no their grain in store, and not, on my account; idea oi‘ the euocculyo pieces at whlchihc .9.- io sell or barter it. The common sense of this ful piny will be prodllccd, and can, therefore, requirement iii no nunilest that the only well- at pl’e.Qt!nl, linnounoc nothing oeyonli the hot that is some one did not see it before, and that the “Grizzly King” will appear on ouch place the credit with Kansas or Blebresks occasion, enil lend the terror: of his presence farmers, where we might have been proud at to intensify public interest. . It does not yet seem to be clearly under- riegardlclia of the source whence It comes, we stood why the Deutochisnd wen wrecked. The mun hell Iho lucky notion of Briglieln end sends cnwhich she grounded were but e few nu Saints es the true soiulion lo the gtnirs- miles off iho mouth oi the Thames, whore hopper diiilculty, and one which our Wcst- thousands of vessels enllnally palm and re- crn people mutt accept And put in practice,‘ peso,-end every spot is so well known that if they would be lroo from the danger of onl.- without 35 right starvation, to which for some years they atupidfi} have been, at lutervlls, exposed. Though ll lblp_ we--‘o the Dcuiscllixuiil went down, the policy in not novel among the lliorrnoua, because there could not have been an oflicer it in new to olir people, And, in certain or anllor on board who did not ‘know. per- boullds, will prove the pcrinct solution to tho fcctly well the presence of the drmgpr. How- ever till: my be, in unccrulniy it is best to At present the ilnmlllil and Zicllreakn fi\rll_l~ well. for more light; lot ull, ihercformivetch for era are selling their grain lit the highest mice, furuxcr dovciupmente, and see ii’ the Gemini (or club, and eeropidiy all possible spending steamship company ‘can niccl-(aln illo truth lilo money. 11' this policy he qelliinucci, next iron: its sllbordilieics, .5. L._n1,|g “,4 gllllgg mllluler will and thorn with little money, to with lcllll credit and with barely enough It-od: committed ll blunder or ii crime. Though not so frcqllcnuy the mono oz mmngj “h°V5"7"" °"'“°- 7-5° lzrowlnx crops will be disaster Al. the cousin 0! Eilropfibecaugo of dfllmifid. Ind again the farmers will be the vastly greater amount or lhlpplng plying’ €83“-D8 10" |0¢d BTW‘ "10 W|0“8l1 provision’ them, our own lien-illioro is sulllcioutly den-' 'i~°}m mm W11 “mm min can be raised. maul to mom to merit. comidernblo am.-l.. T39” '5 3° ”°€°33“7 for thin. Precautions lion and caution. -The Bccrelnry at the Trees- iflgnuth 3°35’ '13“ W! P0881510 mvaiu of ury, in his report, cell: public notice tothe mending evil -Ire-dr done. and when the sysiem ee.~lml._:o'r the mine of humus" life d“'5',"' ‘° ‘““"h“"“ "‘ ‘M’ l‘ ""94 ‘'9 5°. Ind P|’°P¢fl7 nloiig the cxpbced sod dangerous '10 WW‘ 0‘ ‘_W-'Tu08 “*9 7079504138 {Amino counts. in en article some time ago we detailed ihliflldmflkkdéd. The farmer: of \'fcst- etoonsldcnbie length one of the moat im- em Missouri, in-mas. Nebraska,-n,=d othvr pomm menu in uunor tho warning of vec- thrcstcued district: should hoard either all or sell end the protection oi sellorl; but the 011003310! their ruin -mi rrovbiofir 1° tut llxm-helm system, benclicinl u it ll, does ~' miraculous carclvsmces or ' ‘ciullldiltmlil [lnposiliblo lo wreck ixil there if they are discovered to have tune ehnr, ltndrroln this point or virwtho h‘_'4i'c.ronoc betwoonen army-oi 28,000 end In " ‘ 13,000 to quite imperceptible. , There army 0»: . _ . u no I¢W°mj\_blc ‘ oncmyg‘ foreign or do. mcstlc, who would 9°‘ " mm ‘M’ ‘D swallow up ma‘ larger urn? " ‘M finmfi’ and the eneunzptlon thn. our p.‘."'°m ""7 would be my adequate defense In my .7“ one that will hardly stud onulinetiorl. A certain number of manure needed to keep the mdisns in pesce, but‘ this number" is elweyr needed for the: duty, and the lsrgilr we malp- thcreqpimnacnt tor urriec among the Indian: the nmnller in-tho elfoctlvc tor-on ion. {or my oth- er military purpose. In ouooi I repetition of civil war,‘ it would be oi’ no advantage to have a large cl-my, so it would be opt to divide into protiy nearly equsl parts. _ In ceLc_ot_e foreign W11’, it would certainly 53--all Advnnugo to have 3 large army-'—bui. only on condition that the may fills large enough to hold its own Against tile gigentio nrmelncnts which are the rule with other nations. As long up the army does not come up to that condition ll. ll merely it matter of lute how large it ought to be-—or how aniilli. _ The economical motors for favoring I re- duction in the arnly will be sircugthcilcd by tho reilcction that in losing eithlrd, or even a lull, or our army, wo’will__not loco much. A‘ force so smell, and with so cntuevegnnz 3 pm. portion at odlecrll and or administrative serv- ice, ought to bu the bee: drilled, best dil- etpllnod lied most citcctivo force in the world, but the one fact or tile rroquency of descr- iionll is enough to allow that it must be among the least cii'cc}l_vc; that liilitescl oi‘ being the best, it i: the worst. We doubt whether there in en srnsy in the world in which ‘go- sortion ill ea ., men as in our army, lindvthe attachment of the‘ unicorn to the service iy seems to be firmer than - that of the men. Wee! Pulni. alight to furnish enough trained lnliltery rtliiiente toltecp the, router inii. but as e mettelmi (Lei. the cadet in - apt to leave at the end or his two years’ service, end almost aml'.thoro‘_1wcro‘ my ‘person: _o.'n' present iorm, the totsl number of wreck: hen « anybody who went: to be e Ioccrld lienleinnt earigoteocmmiuioe. - ' - " - These are not: which could iiot'be;lro‘pcrl1' mcntioncdln snnvetto neat, but they on tech in which everybody is interested. We csnnoteligotoliewltuglend dinner: entitle vim-mod" and melted by the rich toast and the generous hospitality which make us see the world. in very huea, but we can all or or pay texee,_ or rather we eui {gel that the taxes are getting to he more thszi we enripey. TM tlmll has come (or cutting on’ iuxui-lee and su- perilulliox or id] kinds, end in order to get its wanted epproptjisilon every eetnbllnhment inurt vindicate itself, as e nooeulty. It is tortunlitc for thc’peopi.c, but uniortunlite for the army. that the military establishment will hsve to be defended on its own merits, and will not be chin to nltn political protection. It: elelmli out be discussed with ildrneee by Deinoel-sin end -llepntsiiatnn, who have, on the one hnnd, no it-a.r.i.hxtitwill banned to put down the amine! autumn! ouibroeti, nor, on the other, my interest in maintaining‘ the "sr.irepiee," ofivhlohwoined iahurec much. And when its appropriation comes before Congress in the nistnrel course ol ivontn, there will be nopertisnnnhip in throw- ing on theermy the burden oi‘ pmvingihxt its eppropl-lotion ought ncttobe in-gely reduced. OUR CENSUS GItDW'1‘H. Eight of . the State: heveoompicted their census returns ior"l87li, and am in table pub-' -ilshcd in the Chiugo .'I'imec, _lt_e,, . i.t_nc,« in spite of penlo9,eontr-notion ct ulo ciirmiay, gr-ssehopperi still other troubles, tho avenge inereeséln are years since, Uultod States eonniswuteken hanbeennbout ispereuit. The following is the tibia oi‘ the 5mm. and it resemble: irgreet deal of the news we used to beer from the rector wnr in _ being ‘ ‘inter- esting, ll truc':” flutes. in). 1873. Inercsse. sauce mm 168,014 naeiaillu ...... .. main ‘um 130,294 hlaaeechnsetu . . .l,m.:.ui 1,031,909 191,551 mchigin. .'.l,l5{,(!50 l,,acl 1.-lcsm .. noll,ooc l.o:a,:oa lso,loo New ro.~l..-.......l,sas,-lilo a.:ae.soe :2-l.m BhodeIclsxld.... m,.-.-n glans «.33: Soiithcu-olliu... ‘.‘O!,Gm iez.u1 !l1,8ll '.l‘otnl......9,5fl,S3l li,'m;m i,lre.soc The only diilieulty is, that when we iind South Giroiina end Lonlslsns Increasing more repidly then hflehlgxn, and oven crowded centers like Massachusetts and Rhoda Island ggnlng on their Western oornpotltnru, we are dlxpoeod. in display is great deal of caution in ‘accepting the runltn. Bonih Carolina. has. ocruinly hedno hlcroe-so of populntionfrorn foreign immigration, nor have we lieu.-do! my migrations from other States in South Caroline,-yottho ntectincrehe, 80 peroeat lnflve.yc3rr,ie more rapid ti_an~ hsebeon lmown in Any state, we in those pelmy days 3: early cettleincnt, when elnignntscamo ewulr-lnlngin.__ _,, .Ie£lnlnecthorohubccn 1.-very lu-geeml not-iooab_l,o_ Iocreete from immigration, the ooionlci of ma‘ Englirh 'lnl'1x.>O[lh0‘.lF@l!I‘;I8. --'=°=.° °&'fi.ns' .83 ."°°9“§.‘!‘.**“’.l° I‘-4'!dIfl°ri.'ta ‘teu‘ 'ih4,"Blht5). ’nel,, ml. ‘will.’ ’th_euo,.it;nay be the ‘censor lm_itqt',boén lzicoi-rectly titan. It is very eertntxlthnttho increase or popuiirilon has ‘ha: been able to keep pace with um incl-mo of rnl1ro:ds,'i.he nanny extensions of the rail- rondryntcxn at that State having nnliormly come togrtct in the nastier or paying Internet. It is possible that all there several enumer- stiolu may have been ‘socurn:.oly' lemon, and that the pnnling end contradictory return: are nevertheless true, but we ‘inns: contest that our tam: isruggerod st finding New ‘York and New Jersey, lifuaachuseiis and Rhodelslend not only exceeding the rain of tnu-cue of lfichlgxn, but encoding an the celculsltlon: which won: based on e steady increase of immigration. onl-noigbborimsillto of Iowlieen hardly Lucrouo three ttlnea u rapidly cs ){lchlgIn,. and yet, wording to Iowa’: ialdyeer’: censor,“ eel» popiilntlon in- creaélgd ti'om_1,2i5l,883-to ~1,8iitJ,54i, an in- crencctnesuiyeightpereent in : year. A little [uilleiouc skepticism is always desirable lntheprulencooi census rctumr, and while boththoceo! i870n.nilot l873mey'beecn-reet,‘ woprulertobellevo tint no reliance is to be pisood on either at dgureg.‘ , ' xx. Airrlrolrr. rnonwrn returned tolaindoa, ,8flF¢l)'8 llgo. wel|_e_ied ii_egrty'-elte_rhh long .—!oiil-lacy.“-n~e i.r'tn_ good than fertile ll" “_ _,',eo:~ i-°#~‘.*Bl¢h':1’-°rP¢£'C?‘lih1¥!:'9Il4~'?§"“¢°¥hn. 8 inbrunonielnure .of-es..n=flZ':§dd_itlon‘_«to.hIi‘: .:etejd;"!or.the,'noxt_;£e'w neonllil _lhI npvelbtwill 5.‘ '*'*1*9'i‘."‘!19'35!W'7d-r-f.ii1l'!§*i"i*4i%9"'-' -least, Ahow eeruincry.hp1‘ro7lppe.winuhoruy booomnonoedhflbtplcxarmegnrlee. Another-,_ by Wllkie Dentin, ontitled"'l'ho'i‘wo Daihiiu," begin: with the Johnny nelnhfir or -the sun- periodiul._—'[London' Oorrospolidenoejicw York Ttrnu. , ' , ‘ _ ‘nut Psnsooole-ouvttq says the: in vuionapsru or that city benshe elm (‘are nourishing’ in Ihdflr visor,-ad In ruinous their trait c_ml_et thib coupe. Fine hunched or n superior qosilu oi that‘:-nltlnyhecceeinthe groondno:Bt.ln- ehul’s (Oathotlo) , ago endclsowhare shout torn, ,8. ,_ mn bensus have ripened inf“ ' 6! various 'Ns'5t'dents‘ on‘ .'.'.‘° “V- luiliilugoct Ibotreecindioata nu: uiaycen be cultivated wiuutumeo mulls. nay require lit- tle flrlflfihtfi, ud render an extraordinary ro- ‘nrn tor the oi planting them." Auonrmi min’ be: men and products! In» other good pisy. according to tho teetizno , of thoxow York critiee. The auxin “P‘iqne," and the oil ‘ c iaclnden stylish Xow Tort belle and is rich Xelv Bnglsed manufacturer. 9. genisl old doctor, in nun young navel oillccr, e couple of cunning tnnipe, and other Irelhdeilned perils. ‘l'ho'u:et liicledee Fanny Davenport, Ern- lly Rlzi. Cbtlrios Fisher. John Drougilun, end other member: of the company. The am not is net in an immense conscrvetorynvlih iutural end rel-o plqnl-s . Gzflfiun H. Ilulli/rozt, ewcek-minded young men or ivrhfiithrvo, committed suicide tor efl unruquiwi lord, in Cinzlnnnti, last Tuesday. He in: poor; uhovwes nail. Her parents dldnitwent him tor e son-in-lax. and Jim od. ronody tor mirpleocd "‘ on would be A cul-loin" study. It ll. oould be tucortsincd end tollowcd. -' . _ -—--—————-——-——-._.aa..m. ’ra'nlnte Joel l‘erker'e bequest to Dertxuauth College provlllec: rim. a law department. for this object he has left property veluod At from $60,000 to n.'lc,ooo. This in {or constituting three fund: in support at the proposed low department, viz: An inntrncuan fend, 5 library mud, and e building lend. Booond. lncreeul or the Denmonth College. Libruy. some time ego he. with his bmillore. eotebllnhcd I. fund called “The Porter Fund." for the bench: or the llhnry. In his will he adds to it the your at il!,a(ll. _,...._..___..________ Lino: Jolrx ii. Elnnillnc, lately connected with tho Tiler: in an editorial capacity, is About to locelo in sheep ranch in the vicinity or Lu Venn, New hioxiro. ' A .”.'9.h1a‘.‘d5°..'_i9V.3;,W’xP5lT‘°“‘.°~l°°3:|". oi kleglend--in en"tbii_bInt1#sfee'o§$l;°3§_nt,' ‘rflxdfi vs. srllmoo. wants. :1. mile» .8-. one -sooner couienadoo-.9. Beta?» era.» iicado um. K2. 3. E. Blehopr.lIti~rely':ppeeringyon.ugg~:n- ticleul, viioei-~n_leweoie';:wnoe_: are news- yzpcreorrecpcuicnt,-naeoiod the my ’, ‘r-' y ihontzusIloolo8hir5tnte, night dropped lain the anon-Dnxocu-r onion. in. Bishop was inetenuiuve hnmoqimdnnde rnhcuzltieiiy the follcrwl.ogatttlAniant,vi.ioliI¢iv3n lot Ilia: ..ltinworth:‘ Ihrtgnrdtothehfczicsn {2oit'blaC,Zh.l9‘li&:aii:y Ih-3 the Dnbllo aaulea or Tone as seislnio-ruled utothcistoraiue-raiding. The Ifzxiotu Ire, Oflmlvank. snrecchcroeecetor I'etlow:.'bei not trenaher-our enough to real .11 mg auug :1,“ here been etaten of into. 1'02 l1uu_no¢_ m. ‘age. tie stolen some low dxyu prince were not taken by 1‘-vtiw-1.: ihcvmn urea brows Inn. This in eislotwhlehcanbo pros-“en by the method they Adgtod. Tho ilakgflphio iirlru rug 3‘: 3; deaeoviiie video sorcery lee: cu-rim May. The opemtar, mfurllgkl dey, fixed the‘ed place, and on the succeeding dhyxli. win cut again. Itwuthendiscoverodtbuthobendiuwrre while men, not Noxious, not nrstrcporrted. ill: quppoeedihettheputtesero emu operating in thointereetoithocettlothlrros. ‘ There is prejudice be‘twon'!W:xesandid'c:l:- loo, Indihoformordoeaelllnhezpowerta rnibctilseelnrne. endupecisllywhcnsoim est- ticnre etoicn and run ore:-lho\lIio0r:l.ndo. ‘toxin wenxelhe union Government abolished ettheexpenseoi tneilnited States. The Eeri- cnnl&mnt1¢0‘|b‘ti'2!l,tudIl6l|0Gbt$Y$e‘ti¢fl33lO do whetthcy are charged with doing. I‘o~dAy Kexlooisimprovirfg morothnnsheover did; sod :orpeaxoune'rxeuosneyo¢I.a:eo,ic he: node , uu,ee;2l_eel'nlo 1-Ema! i-fl¢flnI.4rIl<,1ay." -' ' The act of li£m'e,éinln'eé.oiaei:I.ciiil bci dedicated to" Bi. Jone would nntuutlly 09859“ ° conclusion that there would tools’ have been collie epoch! observance of the lestivlulg 51310118 the Roth ,:ibe ):plcoopa.11iu_ or me Celtic- llfl. there rerelyshoeld he 1 set at nervlu‘-2 ‘P l"'°PrlIte to the oooulon, but the letter cm.'°“ only will observe the my one suitable con‘ monies. for seven! year: the Knight: Ternpinr end the Knees oi es. Loni: leave hold collatin- tionc in honor or the beloved apostle. end the beautiful ....i-elnoninl should by no mean be din- ooiltlluiod. Tho peihctlo lnieroet ciaiéll hang: rounltllo ioereory or tile dleclplo Jones loved still adhere: to the dsy, and in the circled 91 thouczvt C Flu“ ' i ' ' ' .1 ' l . "=3_3a=“"‘§nl.a—71-3% nor. 1-. r. auucr. at Boulder, i:lol.,i: reg-' J - -al'l.ller- - -. » Conosrl; otnrin. oi Little Rock.’ erranm, is stopping ct the Southern. ‘ ' W. B. Dix, evreelthy reillor, oi’ Cerbondale. in It the Lindcll. ' Knox J. 11. Cuxxrxr. or see Antonio. ‘Inna, lengncstst thelzclodo. V’ Ann. Gi.n:x,e of Wyoming, ls‘etoppln,g :t the il2lrent:..~ . lfuoli. E. 1‘. Scutiu. '1 prominent politician or Row Qricnnc, in at “ ‘u. ' ‘Juru B. mwwm, e ‘wen-known groin; ner- olnnt. of CMM50. II slopplngot the Lindoll. .8. 3. (inf. (IL, A Chicagoan. was registered - _,t.ho ‘ ‘ attire,‘ ‘ .., ‘ ‘,. Joni). Jtnsxn, n prominent tobacco denier oi Koytosvilli, 3(4),, is stojplngxt the I.-Iclodo. Iowan 1;. Luxlr, Vine-President of the Pin: 'X&i1one.lBonk,o£ Xllticucity, lent the Llhdell. , .. John Jones in Trouble "_nlu‘liighI by Once» ‘Och ‘end cea¢'r_ov_'o’.oe.n r ~cbLll’I0ot grand ‘lnrooay.'._JonoI em- plqyod that morning hwwlllieu Bu.iieq',.who liver - It-No. mi Clretlot a6r‘eet;}o Jone drvvcule vehielenll dsy,’;s:dt,.‘e!*h.;n;;;l1g'i.lbt°noeme pot-.lcotodtIu)!x99°04l_ 01‘ _ P“ ,the inset: up at zlunil-.i:'. liable. on OM-tr ne- nno nes.l'§’1tlhl1zoet.' Retold tho" PWPTWWP 93 thoctebtcthntttio hack wu M-I.-KM b°1'|‘°W"3 thrndolieru on it. '.ltwy.lrootv1n be won: out to-dry. ' ‘ ‘ . _ . A Puglliet in Quad. ’ Jock Msddoo, oi mile nine. wee n.ncerueo- nlouely gobbled in Tom Allen‘: saloon, last night, onfiuxpiolonoi‘ ring-been mg-Aged he the rob- 'boryofe men. Aftorbelngtnkcn totboThlni Proclnetstetlon, eadscercbed, he was I ‘could 3: once. there being nothing tending to show oolnpiicity in cr1.lxle._Jeek, though a prince unonxrongtil. ire hxrdrvott_iegnu,,nsl until lI8f3.l‘i||,lI«I£§0€Illb01’IbIlyIdbI\OfCb€3. In 1set.meey_ttnicohehu:elriItedtl;o pollcein "" orcndcnwboso-ncinriou u-innocuous hue boonbx-oughtiohlsnot_.io_o.' ' «--'---‘---‘.“".?——j Wer of-tho Weitcro. A couple of the waiters in the olive street Hotel. named 'I'bouu.e Well and Ralph xllollo. became involved in s quarrel about 7 o'clock yes- Umlay rnornillg, over -4.23 PM.“ °"“"m’"‘"°°' and the former received seven! 3‘’.‘''_' °‘"_”' '1” bond with a gnu. liliollo immediately ii--. '“‘“ he: not Ilnoo turned up. Well’: inlliiib con- nirtcd of several ugly-looking outs upon his scllp. Dr. Vognn well called in‘, sndettendcd lilin. Ti-iv wounds no not considered dangerous. _.......—..........¢.._.j..——.. snnl nsw. nwrruxrxo WIXDIDY Wllcrrlz scorch put the we_akncuon~ or en who are [medio- podcdio-'Leng_Ooiiepl.elntI. end. in consequence. Oold:;,'0o\igh's,nad_1!mncbl.\l Dieordon er!-'7)" , whore prevell. '_rhoui who’ have contracted Golda should no cane:-1311! tmiflv ‘W1 W‘ '“‘i“"" dentiy wellun.lll,by cons:-mt wuirhhm “NI W irrileia nndl-nick their learn M W "M8 °“ ”"-“'“ seivea every‘ notions Pelmomfl’ 4”‘-'°“°"‘ 1”“ them rather irclltlllelr sy moms rnU°M'-'7- ‘'14 notice’ and by 150 Pmml" ‘”° °' Dr‘ J"yn° ' Expectgmn, can me“. cold. “.1 heel ell eooonv pguylnlt our-ones! oi the chat. ;?- 0,,-,-,,.,,,-3 .55 prejutflted minds must uzrro:x- y gm we admit nm the wonderful: can-ea o! conshs.C0|'-1' -ad B|'°“°l.“‘“ =|.*°°*°I¢ .l?7'?\“***8 Dr. J. 11. iilcneanu cough end rhervflullus G ‘obnioe. run near v:y.:egvr...rindeio. rm- dnkd‘ -g in pa, 3‘o!lxdlZ§€{lO_,‘l-bl III§¢COdpdl'U. [I W °m'\'IrnOlaeliIIOdf\*‘Ih:0 elm «Lon: Ind .:.....;:.‘~«.«-- 7****“’°3‘°*” ~« gm_,._'“ ,r”'um“ _ .linLeeenotiicc.8u It . mrr. G.,0. "drillivllllr J_{3SI-. 11 I9 I‘ ,A_na‘-n.nxlnot John. 17990-I wall L - I at e