‘V 1 ~. its I . - ...,. ’ 1'8 ”"m:e”u?:':'mf;.§gne " in lead ofllungs-:13-B'8TM5‘1I‘5 . I V H,‘ y , ' w-.‘?:.-.*s:.l*.:;'=- ’ ""‘*‘«*-'l..:'..'.'.*.:.'*.‘:.':':.'.'..‘-"*“'*"'*°**' -~ hudttmuh , . ' vmousofffiusxuuuyfifmrmeme. "‘."" "“o*3‘€§ii‘l$¥‘Z.5‘.‘:’3‘; ““ “""" These aeldtol green rsrd law]: are heed the all like Ilqufll 01: int wing: ml, for than the grain: Tie t in vain ' . - We te_xnd.re . -. lnthlaouz-|uppy‘._Iad ntdentels. - v and weather the ds dim or mm. In ruin Ind e use, These lends are mine, And iiehdt oi thine In cloudy elude end in sunny glow . will or riiow .gu;».m«,u‘ "all; , _ I - ux c When coltlvllighhgimmelod :h€':;'e low. "lJ'nvex'xl with anrmnflar stociasndshlree. “'9': . and bulls and caret, retreat ' " . . Sweet can meet With pien1y_nl£B:,’?ltfl|;huu" _ Deep Flowing. - — Deep latch: .13 good notice when yo El?! I-3130' so'lF. It t3€ll«g1'.10t some crops‘. then»-tor: ._;f-1 ;-1 _ _,:t_o'r. rook than‘ , .- . 1°01‘ corn. sincein . our Ikfttumrner-.eom «will.--'mamr'n' qnlnknrj ‘ll tlzex-note -to 250 downrlnw‘ 5‘ °°‘“r"*::F; “»‘:.*:‘.“.':*‘-~ '1:-I-.t OW . D11 .3 4 Y0 fill sn 1'bod?m1X€d-‘II¥|tl_t‘.U’iO ‘inmcspsoii ysleoepyou dulre tooonnne the that for the sake er the; \-vnr1is'th..vBnt above all. beware of plowing in s Jhsllow oeii.—[Tomnw Home Lite. 1’ lo may well rejoice that so Is s H. at iltlzplles out of the rung: oi poiltlfb. %'e Ban on; daily work sud‘! Iru is; we here - veur out-door unusonaents and our In-door di- versions; we have ourtsrms sud country life, all Independent of the vmuxgle and contention and scandal and emhitterrncnt or political partisanship.-. The India: mmmur. the wood- mek, the srlridgea, the quail, the hicko nuts the e estnuu, the orgeous forest: In the inning leaveu—il:o rt es, the mm, tho‘ ‘Nth-firm am not the oltchulro property or smypsrty. .12.-it not tortunuto that so large a psrt or human li.ie- lie: outside ‘the tango or politics!-—[Now ‘I'ork'Lod.gn'.r. ... ' ' ll'ooti-and-lliiauth Diseosoiny , dz»; £ome"spprelienslo’n* has ‘been excited, by the reported presence or-ihh-dhessetn the net is- lforhood -of London, Csnads. . res‘ rs uouneea t°l=?¢aee?'whl:h- mg ggxbe one or simple sphths _wlLh_not_hlng.oiim . . !t.-.:nsou:l:c.to.I>- neodbylho oovn hsvtng been led on ‘We ni'i's1°i"1:s';$'."‘efoht{i'v:V: on 1:} abltieot hex-utter. -‘ y '_ . "~ -'.’ 'i:1v;etonovinx:§;tr’tliJ :..aa§3.§y hr *.n’é.-' 1.3:-i. .n.-s. a. .._.r_ n W: _.s.r wellgvgg ,£?2O°=OOo 1’ pose ntieedinglomymueh eovu dnxinz tho ‘:§:‘?g:J;r *';l::'“_1"n“u1;‘¢¢1b3 :13 -I Elpodsll should the superintendent or s jfifiwmmm The’ m at” ‘ flu; mmmua ‘W l 06 “ CURTAINS OIL CLOTHB "in-'”' ’ ‘ ' . ' ‘ ' ’ ‘eds: my n'>Llwrweed'snd be'zeIno7ed' to mum ,::,:1’3:f,v:n:‘,f’§'f§"“fl:°:,:‘",§§§,:‘? lolhe common ndeitenud kind. 3“ L#,,,.,,,,_,., “(,3 ,°.,,,.,,,;,';_ ' I ’ ’ Tn‘uncnt of omnofla ,“°re-plscesi gills thggfiylhth it W .‘h u 5. 1,“ ,, gm “,4 “mg wh ch um, um thetgenuine. Om}: our Trlde Blarlu ‘nu ummmenuum. -.o_,x..,o,,_,1.d,,H,,,,,, . . ’ gmun ‘F01! - , “Q ,‘;-Q . - 5 .,..un _Whst ehiilwedewlth old horses, is Iqlloso 1m7.be»r:pi¢iiy taken wzutrum ‘mos: the °:‘Lx"’i.'T.§ W |m°nhi11‘|).1: *’i§.‘,, u‘ m‘ mu Burn‘ 3 "d'.’- ¥,:"d "' mu"! Mbwénlfi N03 709 and j] (ton oi‘ some in-l’ ‘ tothe omaersol that .. with s flnestnot nine. The bore und. irinewith some curious mu): n vi: 5,, ; in ' I hbeued Z W‘ &31,55‘3:,996 1 .. . ' ‘ vhlushle animal. Alter an-at ol l'alI.hh1lIer1r- mm,” ,h,_-mu am, 1,, .d,m,,45:»‘fih- cry’ °“ 7 mm “cu” 1 ‘ MN! . - _ , . M! ‘men not themselves to work came 5, bun dew; ed 1 1 bun; p I. The snuuzisematrvu rmnium and mum 1. ice umiorthe uddloen in the lilmwh U518 compel: containing about 5 tenth N’ wood hm mawngg mow um, hue,“ “uh "“ " ” ‘‘°” °'' ° - 1 SEN‘ AD ID ITIO N TO THE :‘.‘l:':*;“.3.::::r:..*s*:.'?.°.:.:::.P:.:*.':.=*'¢;:.‘:: W :.*:’='“¥.:'°-°'**°‘.‘:'.a.':.*’.”°.“Pl::.°‘ o-=~«='=m=«n=»a-°=°m U-we» -‘5°-mu “".£:‘.“.....“,"'....~“:.‘s“., s 8-9==°°°=°°°1 » r‘ Miro-dowithhlmi mum him out Me 3523 «’=‘nxyn»?u‘3?“ ‘fin -ow°v'1° 1?-scxli ""’.‘§.“.‘ E.'.f°..?.’..!‘§Z‘&“i‘s...‘5‘a“’ul°iI‘:’-*3» -3“ ’ Brasilia PRICE. - "‘*'°‘*4"" °-‘K " **°‘ “‘’'‘‘°‘‘' "' ""“°’ WHOLESALE STOCK ‘ ' wouldheeruelintheextremeztoecllhirnto q“;;,,,.,{,1,,m.,p,y,,5,,m,;_h“ “hm, kind in rk M d mu hm or &Lo“._.uda’m.”M£ vndibx ‘- _ ‘ . some mrgnfilio thzsgme ois mania, vrhowfiullg _ _ ‘ wmb‘l’_lnz'1"_}‘p‘;‘; uh‘; g:‘,."flmf“m° hfndwf ‘"9’? ml;-nt‘lL(|:h _ ‘hegaroerhu been n - .17) I. _ I-3'I‘C., A31‘ V . $:x:?mk:p him (who m’ ‘metre or at u.‘."‘i§"“°'.....,-."‘;..°".;. nivfignnwmup ” ‘"7 “'° 93 “-9 ?¢'1‘I.hIlIdt*hi3!- '§7:&.V‘o‘1h‘;l;: ' 3 m,om(“Mm h’::'ml"f":_'m.mu.“ wmc”""h m an nrtcndn Zstehllshmmt. emsneasg st eli _ ‘ hlsn,woui¢l l:o.,t1-onhnwnae fll 'cXP¢lulv0.‘ 1: us be eradiosbed In the manner s¢f;‘“m,,,_ 3,,,‘...°,.,,.._,...;.._,.¢ 3;. CD-.. heuuuld without ngpuan. s uumxmurs-mm4cnup.s;suen.....ernnvGs. , especially tan rm.-our oz-other personrwhcrts -34,“; , g,d.u.¢u npgoug :7; nowmfilogry mm by an," o_, "cu m, “,7 3-.“ mo. ,-; -< -~ - f-noftrmdsnuaneeyo A-es-—,-clue: mu-nee. .1-1zmc.u.s. mmocnxuj smmnuzs. rsuxr - com .1Ied.b1hIs oommuon to keep to: or dennoly with Poo mum, known as h 5. him“ gmploy. . - . '*""°'3*°°"3ms1¥!=I¢r°-Unlh°°s.v-n»«-1- O 683 6 1688 ‘tar berm. some individuals would _mn,,.g;-...;, Kcutuc blue-grass, etc. This °"' °" “'7 °~_ _. s , - ommzy as zsoeucasneoenseaunslunuo» ‘Elena’ “"'7" 9”‘ "T" “1"'°”‘“' , dtrwtocndhla.mil’ex-infixb 1>oieon.orby keeps ‘man “.1 _mm,.;.,,; 5,, :3, ,3,,.g. 0; Animuunl mm. -, ~ _; ls;suma.me um-maxpeue nuog... .... ‘cums. munbms nu wnmxms. msnow _ _ ’ ‘5°" 2 5'“ 3, '§"°"{ H: , Inca bean? thin 18! 03161’ W931?-‘N: ' mnmhflm walk ‘ma 2“ 0°36‘ \ V lidilpeteenll ‘‘0A.K‘8‘‘'ntlevI.In.)J)e¢ :; ofsssnannualmw aI.A88WA.B.I¢ruomsred ensues” s:5n1l1’lt?h'sl‘l :i'§71§.§§'w::§ h ultra: °"|'h“'4"”'“"°" u“p“d' °u'm°"’ ' y Sc:wdY& shoe Isndegfsrfior esch'd°K 0”’ 0' fin" a N‘ m'm°" "m 1” °'a.°‘' *!>"'-'“““3“°‘- W ’ roan-<‘:’o‘7J£:¢:¥c:‘ea:iam-s. . '.‘,I.‘;}'$; '.¥,’,“;‘}‘;.f'1?.l‘;?.§‘,.“£ ff“ ,3: no bysullmrity am. am in Yer "',‘;f,'°".,J°“..,‘,"§; ,5,’ “am. ‘,',,,,,,‘ ,' .,...,,..,,, V" ‘ .. _ NOW is your time to be’; even if i . 1....’ .... n...-. " -;‘:.’t*:;:*..**'.t..:':.*.°.:*:*..';'..:.:.°.;': ‘:.°...':*t.°:‘.::.":r.l:°.: .°::.':‘.°.'.::.::.=. *“-'*-‘.2’: °°““‘*-"“"" “ °‘‘ ’ ::'.:.:'*'":: W ~ 1» =--to-» ~- m»; we Attention of the Public “*1 would notwuh com me u .- . ' r . o are Isles. ' - ‘ ' -V, ' ' V to... , - 2......“ beam» trumuuumdr do-armed. _hg;;3g° ggnfivgg lgggggif-;_g;; _l{;d«}n; m.....;...........ex..s.w.....m 3°°“*' “M11 8Prinz.as»'°fihn11 be lwishto s short soeount of s young ~ ' - om p,¢h¢{°,p"W“, °tm.u,n_ ’ utmamtprenn. . 1'1!-oelaeczeatouzaov-u-ymgma-oace and nuxniih ob" to ch 6 “ch” om Jersey, I: . lame’,-which nzsyhe intorestln A Ysllkno FARM!‘ In K1-I F99 0!“-19- ~ fim," 1,, u, 0553,41“; 7.11,’ ,1-0 3, Th!» Irv-twnouloa-mm as cutennnuose: ge my “'5 pa er -tbthooo who Int earl! breeding is dc — V Fnnklln count nu-ion been tunom tor gt-ipplngnndoortlng tobsooo I. now an °'=b--Illmwl-MM” csoommrnm houses alter the wave specified = - WGW dI°§>°<1lfi,-7m »1873I‘Itx1u cattle brrtho 16 Mm hndnw sun ltislhebatoropnlse. ' °"*""““~°’-’“*““ mumonssao . ‘ma toned by bollin oveusber,‘ Itgflzl dh5p- st-Ind! in u ltlblel-0! cargo W".‘JonoiI, coy;-‘da 1,” “nun 1”, 1,0,4". an up been :treI.tormr'“"’“ ‘V! m“ time" :7 0 » a Angus 18'li=~md wns exlslhltedn ,u,p..'§§.,y¢,v ‘gm; .gg;..]]m.'.h¢.4of my- ‘haw .n‘°°nfld¢3g . um nu,m’b¢u- mn.¢g.....,..eLnea «.1-Pctteaeed ntul._ _ / , ‘ /. V ‘hi11"'I1l3's“i1-I”-I709’-" Q yet-’-boeI=”in the pun} .":=.’!'he «Ire-1|! 7 -hel1.Ict0I00d't¢i 0&l§$.hnaother.yeu-.' '21!-shell " .- L»:-.—’ ..-. 1: ‘ J “ . "‘ . . . .. : - . .- .' ' - xltxnxmn _ " L‘ --.01‘ . "= ,"-‘1°ll°"v8’~’.02:‘lAt9-=?{h6)'.*iBtiI't‘ ' --ln".tho‘Dotmectlcut'~ ' . , ‘N;-,, saa.:.§....r ,., e , ~: » - - ' 7 . ‘ _ ' 4 .,§;,i:§rpmfisyat‘orth‘::r:habreeye:.z?p.::3. hsslizgagagi ?';:_nq‘W=.’i?rufi1:%m‘M..‘- b;3m’»nd . 4. 2-, u _ .. ~._ _ -_ V... K .. ,: p‘ _ . _ .,.. Y _' . .. minus I-x'oi:riing.'~.I.~sold'.her lnnolmm-3 wg. " ' ""’:=eI€ar.'oop»'p’¢'r.'ons;:! g,}’.,"""“-"’ ‘’»°’- 4- "*9 - ~ ‘ . ' ' T‘ ' —. »- ' ' - ' - .0 V ' r‘ 'o~ .. - ' C0. " Mr do-ear fl r. ' " m ‘..-;»:.,=o.2..3o’-‘v.sari' may‘ F - . . ' . 8’ 4.: ' .. ’ . v’.'- 1 ‘ ' " ‘ ..hn'itv.1h.«zisr-n$':’~Vv.I*~°rfr-'Fegslishealzi-sau5sne»su yrovifi‘-'&'nao:' <; ' , . . - /' -" ' : l ' “ » . . ' . -\ .. ‘. ' . ' ' i " ‘ . a all -nssgnm 1. pss:.*'-'no’¢o- 'm°¢3¢”.”m]‘-gagqmugm ¢:-15311149; » .- . «onmxu. mxxr. ~ * - w,,,,,,,,.,..;...-._.~..¢ ; . - « / . 7 A ~ — > 5 "1"'"“’°-‘5'“3"*°‘g°"°“"'3 ' V" b ~ ' '7 I ' V -' \ sndw \hlPo1ru: "I I ’ ' mg no lsenullk , an cumum wamaxr.~: mu-. ' ulnar‘ V n A.P '-proprietoraf the '15- 313 ouve street (second Floor)» '“°"- . ,- . WWW “ “ " ' J-Minx-'0 riot‘ ‘I3 ’ ‘ " ‘l 1 ‘Lisa. has *’““"° . ~ . l ‘ 3 . = i ’ ' m'g{"“d'°‘ "" "°'a' ‘ -Tm’ "'°'”€ ““'°" °"“3°'”"°°- °’:“?° w°°P- “""m“‘ ‘ br3>§'d°5o3¢hat‘ 5:551 W’ b "'°“"" ::‘§.7’§5.. awe . ', 51'. LOUIS, . Retail and VV} . - . ' . well on] htmllkingbroed, us many thin dozen horses. our he cut t 860 at Chester 3‘ ____ __ , _ *2 N thhlenm ohm taluolbzy, ‘s;‘l”cl ws ehhe1edout,snd'Iome §,,".‘,’,}’,,‘."g',',‘§'.¢f”,°_'.5*;"H - " ‘Y . °2"’(,,,_,”""'._,a,,,' M, 33:». — ' fi£‘“1mn...5-5..., _ 1M8. . \ * “iii __ DURTH STREET. .._......._ oeteuty- o more. , ' ‘ ' rggnns o only . . ~KI33fl: - » _. ' __ - d“,,,N,_u any eumpctiilan. » ~ -‘EB W . ‘». Buckwheat I url . x 1 h-buementofth - . we for - —-‘ll’. "-" - .°U'SE- And“ to ,« pm, ,:1m,,,,,,°:;,m_ buck. ,. \?lzio;‘h.ss :oPtl>enV:e'lIIl Yentlleted dude; Eff’ u For the put Luau CHAMPAGNE COG A0 A & elsliy named to an -ad um!“ :’:::;? inn” ,,1,,,; “hm gum ., mad“. 1... be,“ ,_,b. the winter, eh: invouki boeiomo czrpnalln gun the f1rmer|_ Jtorag Him. gxpem: . . pm, vh.l:ntsnollbei.n_;.als|>|-I! . ., ’°""“ ‘°» ’°‘“°° "’“‘5°- “M “' °““‘°' W“ m” ‘ ° "um °§.13 °“u.°m1°°"n'L:'u ' “M ”“’’°' '”“° mmmm l¥ovr::b00 “' ' ‘T313 - ‘ shuqune ginthocuoottho 1.-mu-, - thtrvi-wJ°n§9 Pnlgvgsk ‘oath Co .3“ , corn, and this year 0 P & CO ,9 A .- -I D rt ent‘ ""' "‘“""" ‘”““'°" ""‘,,,§‘,',”"f"“ ‘°“, ¥l?c?2or"n‘;1?.'L'°7z.ne .11 °um ‘inmfi 12?»: $1.3’ :‘a'{.'.'c'i32»n con.) Independent records 3- 11' BURFEIND - ' ' mowotmcnn Reta: epa m \ an ‘mkgfi£ l’u§ 1!: n 2: hi: stoeltbrslulngtwglvo or fourteen sumo! he receipt of e msmtnoth nto, raised st 114 pm; gr;-3331', ‘ ‘ 5,“, m M m mm, dry‘ to seegeegeurr year. iortghleh has 3:44 sneuingan, Her-ear county. V: lo? $3315: LI: 3' ,3 mm W, ,. ,,.,, . ,,..,...., ..........s. us .1 the uetgeu‘ Mind’ 1”‘ on] “on am now. Khnwnby llytiont !e°rtlilx.eru.m1n he? 1:’; m cl‘::uu:xIorenoe fare _A_E,LISTE.C)§'x$' oouclllllon :1 mm 1"'°“1“‘“" “""’“"“" " M" ., u‘ ‘ w” . #1? I‘ 9 uwd‘ ‘re belie one lumen who has found out how “,7 feet. en'd two inches. Its weighlwu nine And _ ¢oNo ‘Med . ' "AT; ~muusl- " even said to tell u the flowers in state of ..m¢,, gu-mu,‘ p,y.rn.._{3p,h8fldd .wm_) um” “I Found’. - h C ’ m I. u1$t- , Ind ax “I3”-§ho'u‘§fJu:3".’§33.§. ?h°.?i°‘1‘.‘§"nxo5I°'i."d B»vnuW<=n- 1‘s§ri8%~b0~l};,;*;;~wn ‘;{,_§!§;,»;1;1,g»vg'-_°’§‘i- PFBSS Brick M80 me 0. “Mm Dispensing Department s..‘.’.‘m. u. $'?;i§u"u"§?‘. 1..'w‘"?'£c:r_”-;;;u.. ,,,_ \‘ ah to his in int is ' t ' ~ ' *0 ‘‘-‘ “" I -‘ ’ 8-W--”°=‘*’“‘° -'.~’-”- "’" 7‘ P” ":4 ds cnr.0pBy m‘Is§Su3°u'.‘o he :‘.’3%..‘§. h"‘°'°'“"5‘°° “mm. "“‘..$.°.nm‘%?" '"dxl}l‘{§»‘;u'.5fZ'2.§’"c§.13.§1’n1’f:“§3n to sun-so nu public W O I Wood Sauce ' "-‘3- “°"”' ":""&'£‘L um amhhd °m:1.§° qofll M M‘ damaged at tho dli’w1li'1":u‘wlt“ch 5? 2;-'e X“1so°33'§io§ we ‘inhale of auto’ n 1 - - . whuhlseodzrtheimniediuesnpanblou or sblesad once: ““‘““"w \ _‘ '-“3r_‘ ., :‘n:’v?:l':l"l:‘K ly_3.vi‘§lt , .o1f.‘u".‘;¢i3§c'fs5§f£§ ll; ciggflgyg; m§.':‘:“.“z,**,:,‘ -puy terms the noun}: eom trom two end one‘-Iio1c.1‘r‘t_'ho:1ort:;; Hf Perfect Brick Mac 8 Auwwumup . mwum’ fimwuhflumwu my mum.“ x{¥m . "my ‘M °°"‘ °‘ ' -> ‘ mild 1°m"c°“1;.'n.°1'llr'I.°°"‘ '.'‘"'"°“ N Kgeién m'19h:):‘o13xd‘!;fmul::1Tll12 Wen‘ 'l""“ 08 ERY VARIETY WNW» Dvw--M WWW" ‘"°"'P°°“’ Nel.lcoo!Al510I¢0’3 813°“ staie.".. * fie farmer. in all his plumes lo the bushel (:1 cars. which was «I W-3°“? Em 1-'°'='~4- °*"'“‘*' ""'°""""""'"'°°°‘° EV 9. umsum. ln so... we ww“"‘°° B"s3"'»l‘."5'r'fe’?€~1»‘u‘3z'€‘L?'fs‘£"’:3‘I.fi'z'.’a war as " Aa°°aID"“'~‘° wh1“W”h' dl has ever msde rovts- husheleolearn rIm- 331a}; or mxu ‘hill-'~"*‘* - ' . ‘ f .2 mucus I1rlllIell.>‘°P 12.. . Insnsvrer to ‘ - 4 ndent who salts (or f&l:1glrl_:ll&°|:‘uu Kitty” 0:}, conaldergd the 'l‘i1eNewYo Tribune contains the t‘ol- 18,000 BEST . 1 Es“ DRU Gs fi.::x.e{:")‘l:|hI:l;"1‘"‘bmu". Hg‘ :33‘ W ‘W I VHNOWISEWMWWU ‘"3 '§9°‘“"% W “" nsesne of «thing 3 living. Everything out‘ lowing: “An 01-117 in “W (v°“°"";";:r'f§; PIrd.Iy.eleeeel-I)! _ PU BE AND FR L-b“«lts§=l;;I‘?;r‘¢‘;L"‘¢*‘°j"‘,',;*” "'“,."‘ weather, we gin the low ng, 1-: lot: we “do 0, ‘E’,-_"e,-yam.‘ relating to society ords indicate thstthemiagood _ n - _ v (“am _ am D A1, or know to be good: '1‘ske~-hslt a bushel 0! mm wm,,,,,_;,,,, 1,,¢,,- ggmmy |KugfQd, 11. 914.3,“-y ms: ‘the Wethersiiel ehmch V3; 75 cost: per i.000.5ltls.tho KB: Bid! 9% . wwfluuflmmud _n xusnxmnnf. ‘£112 hm. V huh) - ed limo side it with balling [In th d iegoaoi schools Irolh‘ onions.’ W road thstlt wss vo We now hnntm-eeuaschfsu eueouelul gm “°°“‘ ‘Mn, . v,,“;;,,u; « ’ W31“? WT‘: "4311",! 910 llmotils W 1°‘ in $“reo‘:>‘g'fsIl1:i mlthe gag! '65: lheseiyery ed: _-4,‘“‘2la:.'_'I, 1873. t0 157 3 “f gfifi? °” 3: ." '°.‘.'.'§' 'd'."t'svu3?u c i ’ ...‘2..?'?..°i‘.'.;‘.‘i;‘.n‘i“.'.‘ solo Vflsoienle end on Drporutim: tlutPro)r|:a‘ - :$:i‘;‘c§‘lx'tb°tho mg:-Sufi.‘ nay»: nE.r.*;,,‘ the steam. Sunln the ltqn d lhroll 5 1‘ ° vents as cellnfnto me s new not or social ;_g,»_».::1toderrsy the chi?!" ° “ "3 had won. 3 u.eom . -nd '-0"‘ “ “' um LEA s rnunms. \\oneest.rr. tJlK1U|43 um PR3 SOIRIPTIOETS um endlnienut o1 ixenrywuczuma 1‘ ,3 sieve. uni sdd to it seven )ounL'Fl or all mugs, ; bright, well-educated isrniiy in s mum;-houseimsnd the collector meg ucge _u_ “ow . as.l.”.°“C'l‘b:\"l;g‘f.I},r;_ 13:1‘ nzuilhybedzn In is-meet nnenlly out o ;:".),:mI;.,."..l:;:‘.::u;us om “:1-cm.“ 33,, previously well dissolved in worm water; mm," “m,.},.;,u,., is every dlflmntmstoxtfl onlozu use s nth, well cureldfind ‘I: u; . vmrut. uxyon _ 4 ,3, .¢,..,...y,;. . Lot . o. nrtnty~l.vroi!!)snd pm o:l;°°-e three pounds or ground rtoo bdicdto s thin‘ mm “,,,,ny1,mught u in lgnorsnee. An es same law directs. The co LL! hue“ . umeesneavtihseearscna alum . . an(n).sd)nln§§dnidn:2'IuenW~t\vou no pests and stirred to heme huh one-halt Am flan 1,,.m¢,.:.¢hn :1 who have hunt I aellthcm stthulrbcst discretionior e _ . , pdoca. .:: sue! s ndflh ‘M uflfing‘ 9°“ °' P°‘"*“"“ 3 *5 "“"‘“*' «'=w"t«rm~-l--«‘z*=b°**n~5°°°"=' *°*°"""° °‘"*°'°°‘°‘ ' i i l B OYS Lea& Perrms. Sauce. ..;m°:° .. 4 . Foundotclosngluo w ch has been re1rIoIu- m,.,_.,,, d.,g,..,. um ¢m|dn.-e-or the ‘Euro I-B -The 8 hvmerino wumhtmdlugefiuisolnlgy . '. __ ._ _ ' -A nu umMt;I';°§;“*'7' 10;. ydlssolvcd so: itweilsed lenium - .‘ rpm, was home with new lens gla.ud_ ya:-orgoil-I,In1;_1, en .2 . ‘ . ._ p . A ,» V . . p _M,,,,;:fig Jt in m I . bc¢n::%g=:m"Johu°"' ,. L” " °'m«i‘m1ee3c§?swm‘ 'rm‘gs§d°§;3!:aks:Iu ‘"3 '" ""h'’ "1"?! lh°’1§"dk3?§§¥e7:'§;“ §:91b4Lw?a§°§s‘«he°.' ‘2e"il3'{3ehnmré'~§§:;«§:n‘ "b‘”"'-’““' "&‘a“‘§':'1:‘° ' §’x‘$"‘n‘.5‘.u..':‘§:‘anex’?’é‘:§.’; -“"1 . “W ,°".- , “‘ ‘’i‘53“?'='>'‘§:'‘<'?Jx‘u&‘ 571'!-93* 1“ ' A ' * . 1 ' nlllootorthélrnsnnctou, ' . . ' ~~ "T-. - IIaonu1‘1~U2>I$_ih3l:.l'I'-‘$51l'I.1'V3l.‘ 0:531 ,‘.'.. “ff. . "~.. ' ' ‘m-gym ' with fish‘ ' ~ .. . ’ ' ’. 'of,hot'wat;'.rJ9themtxmm‘nttr.ltwoii . 5 u. rii. to thetuutnd mm:-eve‘ -5831“. ‘W1 W“ ~_ _~ . - 4- ‘sum nxznrxa-rs . y ‘mi 4 W - ~ .210 lb: “°3'&'§§."g!‘"*i3l"a&.°'”;’“‘?s:‘“£ §’-’°‘=”“-“3’5"v- °",...."“.”’ ...........E .. ‘‘:...1='.*:'*;.;..:°.*:*.:*.':.”;:*-§::.°’:.:‘t=P.:l' ‘.*:’.?’a;°«.‘3;“.~i“"o"“‘"e‘°**":'s«‘°«‘3‘»‘é;’»-.»~~ .:::".*::‘?:""*"‘"“"""""‘i t ‘ll. ‘“‘ ° ’ °" '1! thafitw ‘Fm’ '’ { » " . 1 «man uéasfeé-ire JLI nsswn" x -:~eeum'.=B‘;T»\ I . . 1 - - - ' ....m-mo m,,,.m.sonu - \ -itean kept in oksktls e spo M6. .=.hu¢un»n»rhtm;/hemm learn the uni er». subsequently hellerlno . W 1'“ °‘‘8*“- . . ’."'~ » - "dmud MlMuhu%(vlm zu eax- . _ .wnnMmnAn,rEB .,.,.,..1 In :.;.&¢'n;‘m“mmfi W x_ “,1 _ nrneee-.'j‘.Abouu in or this mlxmn will .¢m,,.,,“,.,,¢,,u,; '_.g*¢1-gcttingullvingx sud Izod node: the P_rc_ald ,.ot.8lr Josgpth an-nuns,-.5 "P. ., ';;;_Yw Oahu .5", nsbhcheufiw .. ~ V ‘_ _ _ ' W1» W8?“ ., "".t".7 L _,,‘;,,",}‘.f’.§“.,’}1..e,.z..;u.ml-oxxsau ‘ ? W ee1_eI'el.c:;mm1-;_‘amn - Hm; _’ . , __— _ _._\. ... ‘ xi 'w‘am“"”d0°":V°*‘:“”PV"-ujhu “atone”. mu um I ' "I ' mo lb '0 -W’. . ll1.I.:t."!:0:-°lPuttu'tanouWe:eestershln§snos. penis. I! . .11 la 5OPbr_eent more durable inn eelsll ( 6' ._ ’ g6«s..~n-m:,,,»*--°°*';......~ ".,....::...'"‘ ~r:.:+-**.......ms~......T~=».....: .0-u.e,.~.»::..t,»...er~—,..,,..u=.~.::::“:. . W” ; , . ....“.,.....-- ~....,............................ .....~.».. ~ $331: ls‘3?§f1“$eb‘l§d+um»";@3u thisoois adflxthlstx tho who °f g‘°‘;j:u','¢"“"“":,3 “““““' - ’ ' V Esr 1.34.7. ...:..u.u.u.a..uxw LAnI.l..l:osnehesi.ni.Le .2 ‘ :g:m:::u1::§.:g:‘.;uo;..m&. __‘¥: . m,,,,;,,,,,v . . . I mm‘ . V . ¥§3ts§°umnm°§:‘3P&?§fiu3 '3:l33:l:':£ ‘To them mmunoemmnca b ggurnxsx :rnIr!:l1‘1e||";s°h:xv:o:lverslntfe gang "M ' . , T 0 AU T I-I 0 RS, §§‘:l,‘fi§:Jil:§f‘§z';;;“°1.$’:-43$‘-’:“§;n“ mgé. huge’ in Lao ocean: ~!orn:- -- 1- . . Floyd 2 mm 11 who _(,g)(."¢d *-‘“’ - ‘z .‘I no "Inn 03! - - l::.~ W ‘‘‘° °‘’'''’‘’' 3*‘-""°7*'°'*':.*‘.5"*°;.:.*:~ “‘°*'=’""r.#":l*;..f*=.:’.-2: -F- J- LAITNER 3‘ 50”’ ~——’—v‘“ ill common In Popular L1teratnrt:;;s%‘i=..’3i'-:*"’°°“-““§=.=*:-.21"-:='r‘,,. ......«.:s non‘-‘nu so» rm--mm was -» &‘l‘:’.'..‘I..u’5..a‘I:°.e’“.‘32orme«r mam» ins-i*mrw.--an-9°"*"°‘ » ......»..«-»--e»-W A cwsws ~::..':=..*'**=**°:.*'=.* ...:.°.;'*:*;‘ 1:2. *z°:.. ..:.~.:...."::.-:'=:.':a. - .-~ »' ’° “W “ml H tlfillmfil-71‘ u”‘°‘_"""‘7-' 1 wlllpnttnwhcotmd corn. Letoveryisrtnor ~ . ,,. ..l.’,.’I.‘..a';.,‘?f.T...c4ms la-no lnelgelng um et_yg_g-§_gIIl"{l.'!'.°'.’.V,‘l|.1‘.. -_u the are terms 1 sad white both - ~ lizo . S . y u::......:.... f -5?-"--s nan wt ~ :7 block 3 . the same the will It _ . . 1 sun .1» y p 3;... . the rlntive Duch th nu found»! vsrlonl . inthoflomhgg v “flow or N . , . . . . J s.m'l..y-sum ‘Anmm'.y w£m ._ "33 union. The quelrlny o7u.. milko theflels Wg$"*§:fd“°g$;‘": 9-“’°°m,,“,o,fi‘f ' ' ’ ' " . . - xgw gong, . , suromssss§‘no.uue_u. om. ., 4. ._ v gdncanw A I ::1k"ul"u"‘.“£“°;‘7-:ne:%"el‘%n;v'ellIl‘l{lopulslir-us Into the cities ‘ We answer: y melting eoci§'tysttrsctlvn. boo end periodicals. reading-rooms, or neighborhood co the soclsl meeting: of the you . Hsve ennoerls lectures stnste t o sssoclsttom. Elitahllsh 8 Bright, active, social life, that shell to some significance to labor. A eIll,.hu. ss tsrnposelbleinvfl . It is honor to go I mile Io'one’s_ daily , than tejlaoe one ’I sell 3 mile sws from 3 mil lthor. The lsolstlon at Ame em hm lilo tlugrett curse of thszllle, end it hits» upon the women with n hxrdship that the men can not sppreelste, and drives the educnled young away. a Too Ingenious.-' It hue often been suggested, In the scheme oi‘ education for txnnoxn’ boys, that they ‘be gxtght the use of mechanics’ tool?‘ and then _bM wn.eoir-£g_‘o_:-sued. at 1 M-.. Inn sun wn~ Io-as. use . her tufidenfln 13 Ch:-UV er‘eau._ Tnoodliatlon. Is. ‘1;vheoneecr:' Iuadu-d pzeuc copy. u need- .- —Doeenher niekud uu. um H‘ can Puanniectvlnelhuhephzo this day. December Ihuip. ns.. troatheruldanzeat his mother. 60" Mr filnewentii end spruce us-nu. ' GENERAL ENGBAYING BIliG&Vl§ITIllGBlRDS J.x.lInns'I1m.111n.nr"1'H Sr. 0 A L L O A R D S l - 0*:-m:=*.=:.-;*;.*.-.;:::;.t:_;..*:.;.s'.:.:.':: “°‘*'*fi*:.*":‘:“‘m..."" S, Xlsolinetreot. I-UlIlI"l.fl.I *7 31?” ‘noon? ”mmoo‘I§' 5'3‘ ‘.'r’3u':’&.“‘°‘ 3 I 4 Lxvxsogl s hum ." let his education he in that - direction. There is at wide enough tlcld In lhn nu-m work forlho development oi ell those mental unli- ties which are d1 1: ed In the construct on of machine , or lnlglg eren coring. 0 rre the us ml superiority, u the oxecu ord ism: work oi eworlunsu with an in- tellugnu mind and il well ednutod hand. ' Whatever he door, is done-hotter and quicker than it can be done by an unintelligent work- man. The firmer’: son who he been at school. end who has had his mind and his head propcrl educated on his rather’: tsrm. shows his I): l in driving _t s 1' 0!’ bars, in hatllln island or manure, in telling on in load oi‘ he? or driving snack cheep. There in more ngenuily required to drive In nocltoteheep thsnto nuke nahoo, and it in oniyul ingenious and welhtsn t workmen whocun lumen his mum hll told: low .3: sun» the man or-I':,su instrtg t. i sure am!‘ had three _h men who _ :1 take in team to 9 ins wilhoutz neeeu elm? sd milnghis wer . There art? n the Amount end vslueuithe dnnehg an ingenious andinreil-edu uh I: scarcely ererrluly sclcnow -* edfied. _ . cm the young is:-met-, who hu these III 1' qtnllflations for his proieealon, tnustnoc spend too much time in trylngto show what a eornpleto ploceolosblnetwork he osnxnske. no my shoe his called. put it n so we head ;’:%‘x’.>"..lx"a‘s'x'£’.£“."5.'.§i..‘.’€.'.’°"“‘ .‘32“."£‘:’}'.'.‘.l **""”° 1*” '=°=U=»====M|=°Wh==">*r~w- ‘,°u,n‘,“m.-out than ‘ dym. we r" -and the ours and leneuinsnn,grep:Lir,- - 13°. 1 “Quinn. W”. ;bntn_et- $00 abontit; lielhsd-hotter. _» .;-2,';,¢§3=;ér°_elvs«»fi:,uz~s?+uu\+uwr'l;3aés:1taa»+aad§' .5: -"3’ _"‘.‘?‘."°.’“.".' ' * -rscsuuwxxffia ultra--an ‘ 1:3 3?; rig‘ ' .’ 53' '3-Ifhii-"rmlon for it’. Baltind pche'rw1u“seuson'-:e= mu; .,n;,u' ==w=.hln.ern._ d1i£l:Ia»~n‘fsacinstlon.iorscé13.° up ‘aurvvr initiates md:sem. the'uiilahe'1vhol'q' '3'? ‘Mg; ‘'‘’° "1 3° 0-“ vlhurln done: .by.&s .0: us.“ merbe cmiucnméi-Heron" ' " J °’* . "’°- “W '.“"¢-.l~“m.B°#*3>‘vx: sin .satl3'éprbulle “dwell es re -' ”’“- ”“’“‘“'”,.%4h"°7""“°‘”‘d°-" ‘ up is -‘S’ ‘surname {sad is is the my }’,{,’,‘,’{,'“°“‘° ‘BIN “"940 h°"*°"~ '*b=g;};m',*§,*;°-v **,g.°.' '51:? ;;*°;,o~;~,,g;; .4~.-:nln§‘-in ¥.'i‘.:’.“i.’.a°‘2Z’€l.’s-“.“..':£2 ”:§‘.‘2 :13“--mm in dfiifln 33 ° uimn _ ma you the barn, hdmosnt to nuke A nlee one.‘ he Mm;-‘ “mama 1,-Huh’ which w M‘ H“ on proceeded to find and chip out n piece or hard htzrdgooy to the horse- wnrthsoe . In ....‘.".l‘.'$;‘:.'Z“i‘.2l.'§‘.;.¢'1“...'€”3i mi’ “*5-*3 "f ~ *"9“'°m‘ 3.’;-..l".”::.:f“...‘°.“*.,., :7'....'“‘il.’."l'.:.’.‘...."‘°=I.::‘.; W3“ me..rr=‘- ,...s the nnuahlneb sud lm loosens or the inn, 3; '1“"3“I F*l‘11.wg~g'xP‘'I§£‘”‘ “*3 thus saving It great ell oi‘ Limo Ind ex- 3., ,',_ pensenetn. --k . _ nsotmnu-at. fiowycgfisd better have s ulgtlosl in this ..___.__._____.._.______._...._...... an no 0 out too . " .....z..a.§....’: soqus ntsnoo .. “.;'.‘.?.'¢.... mssoum smrn IUITEBY. lce’:::'is desirable, and; shop in an i.ndls- - . VP“ ' ‘loom “£33”? WM" §.l§,¢l'h¢°y, mm: nmxxnmu. :x'rn.l"az..\sa tn. may 8 ’ ° V‘ at u 9. as u .“°.:.'.’::;?.:+'.:‘.l.:"::.".;.:'..:*.“::..:*:::'“:.2 ”*"~*:;.1~...;;.:.;.r*...-me"-‘t vcfexzfed" snd'theeh1ps.md a mu‘; tall :2. n.'io. st. 2:. 1‘. r, as. :1. syn.-an. :2. ~ ’ nag! no {in gsthczedup at In convenient" time. mm :12. u. mane: 3:. ii. I. em-,sn.xu. _-The :1: use . agricultural man-.msm-y Seflnd unzsxu-mes: by manuals; xunnsr. .nq_ re: s 1)‘ knowledge ot‘_ bolts. nuts, suuxn e 00.. 1'. 0. nexsusaat. Louu. ks. strewn etc. _WNOh‘WIl not :2 v » r X'dl"lnt;:§{i’i3’ll£&1l'].'i‘tliI is soon gchwllga-. _ ' Dd 8 bdflfi an e m 8! O. fit hehsssydeclded gyius thafipewsy, let him E’ H‘ H-YHEB8 & CO‘! e educated tor a xnschlnlst: or engi- neer‘ but he in to be e fnnner, Lumber Merchants, Succulent In Iluuinll Brotherwn. PINE, OAK. POPLAR ANDCEDAR LUQBER. Shingles, 11111, Sula, Dom, etc. UEB'EBI£c.l'LD FD OZFIGE. 33:8 Friend- l:.'.':o::'_:......*~ .. m~...*:'::°'..... :3; on when on status. In '~Ill_E nosrpsagzcrmilnsf ». ham ' ‘27z3_52 1’,°11°ilil;IWll " Z '-4gxnussosug,sniuuoa'u.ss2,as§-3:4,. ' = psameuafau ~'..2\tg_- néns ’ Lona. ltstfied THE BEST srovz or :73 H. H. BNYDER, 112 North Twelfth street. p. in. . . Bl. Louie. De:‘.elnl>er11. 1318. I: I F IE} I nsu réhce Company, D’ KABTYOIID, GORE. CHARTER PERi_’ETUAL; TE! clI.A.R1'.I:E OAXXIYBINEUBANCE couspusy nu ocxuised mine. I!‘ IILDDI I‘OBC3Jsunn11-13": WALDEGXBB arson an Frenkll n. .1. mm 921 ranklin . ’ om. mzu"f§§' oocxsrmao-fit. P ~ .m“° ELECTIONS. slgnoszsmrro. ' Election Notice. OLYMPIC THEATER. '.l'.I.0'UI8GR_AXN' KLEVATOB COX? —- ..._..,_.___, ' .....T."..‘y ‘?o°a'e'}v:l°r§§’?§xe'3§e':.-7L°v:ii"b§‘?u§?a°:zW§ YEAR'S vn:n:—:reuas December at “::°;.:;.*l*:.. "“;:.rz.':';,;'.:n:°: r:°:..'::“.:*:.~:: F1-...!:’.*.»..l’.;’;:.*t.':.'.;',..°.';': W -“M 3-‘ I D 5 '11‘! 1'. Secretary. E‘°°‘:§,,,.“‘.’,“§,°' .,.._ 5:5: :::t::I;.:*:.m.',-..?°' '"*~*~~"°-- W- in-eleo fozxzuua ilhlllluflllk Home .1‘ 8»-Chili‘ in Mi 1; ‘fZ::=3:‘,¥‘,f" ~.. w; e .» =«~»«=«~='n~*=e==<'c~=-««- °"* W ‘M ° tfifnpmmum. _ DEBAR’S GRAND OPERA ‘D. 11. XAYLQB. Treasurer. own r -————-—-—-—-——- _ A DEC'E1I1'lER 21. -uul every even- B ,,,§Io°wwN°;§=;—, ,, ,,, ':*..“.:i;::*;;';.*::;”:.*;‘<;':*:.:.*‘“"'....-* . x§ . 3l0.!e.r'I’I¢l’kXI‘.Byt7DIl '1‘:-enye :“Io:uo;‘§§Itg«m%0m-writ °é'%;7tld3v§-Ffi 13:; saga:-a rsemr. mm raga? - ' - ’,‘‘R n, 1,... 4 serxom.z.as|»aanz41‘cz.ow:rs.a >;e'z;n;horw9(1).!‘utxn ‘mlgpen “min; to! ._ lzmnmrnflyv ' V Hbkflhtfl Thou. Inputs" Chit. Alli W» E19¢.u°n Ifofles; Ituhcrou eltiu r Klnfm-Lie “my ~STtn'sII1D!tre '“lIt't'ID¢bO. 9tl1 —’%'fn“!eus::1-yrs’ Wsono‘:s'os’ 1~u3'e°:§? unur x.: s’: the mumuehwmnmuamum. ~ ‘ hoenoH0¢.n:.s.nd$p.h. : cacao: ' '~-——'— - ‘ ll1:i:%m$:j§..%“$.?f.i:$¥2w:. '¥*._.:......"*"""“.. nu none»: rm:-sr-am Mm“-d.*m legs dllflrfll m,tnsutnneur- . ' 5 NEW STARS 5. ”°"" mm sw-=v- - g;g=':.é:.;-:~==~e.2 ...*.* .*::=; '6 ol " in ndlA."tho SnetI'enr pro- _IN8'l‘ALIsA'I’ION--KEYSTONE ‘ ‘ I,‘ ' ‘m ' " K5,.’-nun .....E..,...a.+~...'*.:.+.:.;:.= ::"=..~.::;.:.**v.=:*;1..:::.: """° -»«'‘lziz'~».=-“-‘}g_a.’l-‘..+..‘.’*-:....‘:.:. .. ... um fink“ .u_“m ogn we M“ 1% Ann. admitted Menus] and irridsy even- :9. :x:s.s:1:ao .m.. or n ‘ mp‘ nuou, mu: ndmqsm comm: invited. 0. F. ALLEN W. )1. us. nouocn. fiery. ' GRAND CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL “ '90 PROVIDE ’ ‘ I ‘ I * _ ' 4 4 [gflifiw . MK susimm FUR on P003! I I . ' BY ‘nu: ' ' ‘ g ; 4 . i GE, e BEACH 8: (30.8 Se1f—I5‘eeding, Bose-Burning and Base-Heating Stove for Anthracite Coal, ’ GOLDEN l LIGHT, THE CLASS 2-on 3451.2: IN THE MARKET. VAL. PATHki902 South Filth street. NIUK ROBERTS JACK AND JED Comm Trick Pisntomime Troupe. .5) a:'z:c~r§o:u§::iiiar:~--- -_. BY ‘EYIIEIDGK; ’I“il'Is.'5.3 &: G0. Gneni xnexsats-bee-U aim: amminiok harm-tannin. xoutatsautss. W.Oetxutr rixtnxea menu. Boots and Shares. menus! ‘ ,Deeessherm.sumo'eioo2. vrsnextn-the aimotalugeud. Cddflbiuiay-ante! sooigflnmo ml kayak fife-an knstuetea by sllwunwdoeeuli peed: out had Mtomzhs mar Jsauzy. - ‘!’T0¥.‘1'1’!.xfi£06. BYO.J.LEWI3&CO. -meeoeeeersta alersloeh #2)!-cboal. eucnon £80 cmemesiox Il:!:3C1IA2t“1$, wt end it hlorth ldnlnxtteet. JOKE {. HU¥tDOC‘lL..................-.....hnotlenaes'. :- Cloeing Sale to Close Consignment ofstnpioaudfnneynryaood, Mace Goods, Llsdlor apt! Gena’!-Jnnhflau, Underwear. Hosiery, Iiaukar-amen, 61073:. Sn:-ponders, Towels, Table Linens. Cardigan, Brunei: tune-7 Goods. flattens. eta. HONDA? Morning. D4-oenhcr 3!. 1: I o'ei-ozhn ourxniaroouu. mnnortxoonto! show: good: to the trsde tnelou eouzpuno S. ‘ n o. J‘. LZWIB e co. Grand Closing '1‘m.do’Sale for the Season 01 1875. Ninth and Last Fall Trade Sale of 2,987 cases Boom, Shoes and Brogans. OB’ TUISDAY. December 55. camncnchsg sum rclocltn. nu. To the irsdcx We would rufie-call.) all your attention to our Grand coda; ‘fade ssh whioh nus ptsec on ‘Faculty morning. Deeenxzsu Us ' st our ulesroene. commenting u was o‘elook. 1fen§AYf.IlI1n;.If.02!ol'!hIlll.u¢sov1 Prune et:legooos,usdmtsbeis:dselsst'!‘rsAssslew¢ nu._uthoxoo4snsnsI.:sn4 srtiibésotdtethehixhut - hidden , 0.J'uLl.'TH3£0Gp ‘J.J.fll7l.I>ct.'ll.J\ttct1unegr. - Cathedral Conference, Si. Vlnwd do 1’:-ii AT MASOKIC HALL. Monday Evening. Dec. 27. 1875. ADXISEXOX. nr-if cums. FOURTH AND LAST BNTEBTAIKKBKT Baal mmr issoE'ia'fin mm Course. Lmmbyw. 5. sxnptws. canon... one at the greatest of American liunortshl. Estesuiienlhruyxsll. rsulsyxveoiny. Dec. 28 eta-retool. snldeeb-“Dialect Humor." I sdellnestnr 0! humorous ehanztzr. Mr. Andrew: ‘ no fire! an the phI£orn.nul in thoufidulof out he bu neeunm-tor xsvr. ll nny.eq~uds. lthhte vnudeztnt built)‘ *”""‘.'.§ 2. .m“"°"*u1‘x"7.’\‘.’z"..3t‘3:‘i"“‘fi..s“s‘t.‘" e.‘...a."’ °' ".“ .;.s , cents. than to!’ lilo wttheliths ' ow .nu'ro)nr+.-‘nu’ u- ts . use-nsanaz, Dividends. ate" the enoneeunnet . . - »$18,'943,0-'30 1 Yet the Burtnnxfeel remains the: the coupes, bu new not’ invested tor. end belonging to. Its Policy- heldu’. the rvyel Inn at - :E; MA ‘- pitta.‘ Rem: '- IN MELLi“L‘R.’:_ ‘ ". ems- use . 's:nd‘Arttuae pen. r . Tet penaczau n . bttlulfl Betnntsy s?§5‘)I.Nn‘..' Es’ 3' ‘ Dun 3" £ By J OSEPH ROSENTIIAL, Genus! Auiloqfimfilgslxnnmiuhn Merchant. 611' n.s:'rw‘~r t - Clzming Ont ' Sale of Bankrupt Stock 0! Boots and Shoes, Mon- dny, December 27, 1875. On above one. commencing at 9 o‘chockI.. 11.. us mysd .!w-Elem.-rtothetnde.inleuusult. uni wunou ‘limit or reserve. so extensive stock at nooakshou see nronxu. soluble in: u:n'I. hora. 'youlh.I‘.3aAlee‘. senses’ and ehtid.nn‘s west. The suenuon oieonntry merchsnts ls upadllly polluted. JOSEPH nosmsrusn -ax» is. W. BROLABKI a 3110.. ~—,.\ uurxnu. sutnosrszxns. 1*-<._p see 10 some rum In-eel. nexuur use -I-'7-. -rm-xsy. Tixnrsdsy us smmy. BY llfilm, CLARKE & FAULKNBIL, £5650!!! Kll¢t55Nben& Commission Nerchants, Cong Sixth no 1mm: at:-eeta. 3- XADKCOYJL---~~-«~.....................Auettoueer. JANUARv“f_.\1§T; We are ohligodto move from our __ present location, No. 408 North » I-*on,rth street, to 506 North Fourth (Collier. Block). tux-merly ‘occupied by 4.-_ma>om-.'n it (_:o., and ‘we ' luive aeelded-"~to reduce our tin- menso sbockof . ’ Gr F‘! ._,AR:::=>ETs' .1, 5 .7 _ I at -. I.- I 1’