, fit. Ennis §a:iIg flab:-§£mncrui, fizzixtrhiszg Emzlng, Earmarg 29, 1376. _ 3 ; McKEE’S CASE. A -...W:.. :£':$$’t?:.“§‘;.l7w.:‘:.§.§“§l ma ..z::JPj;j° mm“. “::..9::. -.:.“.,g $L.mf£u§$£W§§f.§§§;$§é% gaégzftég ’“‘§.?'5‘;...““ “mm” "*1 ~“*:.".:::;*:°°°* *“'*”°°"‘:t.*t:.:::;;.:_§; gluon tam: ska . “m“um”d..._....'.... Paw.) ‘nva€:$‘l$o.o my dmlnguulml 9.4 nrronndlngnan that cnuumaum7am1nutq.m ootuplrn gun; (Jana. that ms :5 59%, imam lb was rtmd tlatseia. oltimu wml ; ml iowa 1 among v"-m It .. xv ~~:.,,. mm or -gm «~=v-mm Oh *::.'.:s’r3:,*.':“.‘::. , .:,°2*:.::.,','*.':.*.*=;s'-.;:* 32:2,. 22:.» 5.9“ "“*~fi?‘.?+;.r:“?.: ;.=.*=.:.:.'°°3*v‘~° W***r.t*?*.?: i"::r.*?. W ‘W’; "3 *5‘é,,..M...”*‘ ~.:::‘-t' “ t W = u ,- I,“,'‘,,, ,I,‘’;‘,,. ,,,."g,. "EM f,§‘,‘,’. ,,,°’f,°”,d , my 0'} g"§}a:§°;"_“,_“ wggfikgfi “W “'33” ,, ,‘£’;2 (urn tutlmony am. one clthuo oonapxmué -mayo: :2. man. was ' $f."xalsco and be apart and pa-actor we oolmm um in clwstml lmmy on war, _ 'rta.\;u,b«‘»§au Eu ' pain "1 3 ‘II’ I? EH11-I It ta. "7 “H V“ ' eheckr |:alronlynno'ot'rll theueonu Intern who “ 1., mg, 1,‘, gh .. ,1. —Mr also at them. ur a who]: at them. It [on oonvieted. be bells one at Ma consul‘-mton notteatily. Ayn. omllamml. when 32:5 mu ba- paparurttbcous ‘s calm, 1.-o own up m M 190 ‘N117 854 cl bcmlcly Nranr: tslual “NW9”. "I L“ “mm, or u,. me man "I1 cm “IL: "N ‘In tsflnyg: In 1 in "5 ¢'3..,.',,. belmn mun—-ml) mm; mu In brlnxiug‘ r. m. who come: tum Aug tam you than Ire stands how when a stand! t can you In the laomou not wry tmarlu that may been 99°‘ DWI“ IIGUII1-111501110110“ "9 5 by mum, Ensg]kQ “,1 3,5,,” grew’, Mg, :3”, §"'.:'°M?f H1 ,'°"h: h¢°°dbw M aldt at guilty ngninu ulna duhendutst ‘Flue to-dny—~mrtng autersd an ten of gut: —wnl1«lnq rtaanyour luuul thennru that than was ertag thaw mamt they 3»: Beam- rtylo m,,,¢,,.,,'¢,e(, ,,m.,n,, ma “,5 who mu 9,. Am, °‘}“‘“um°',""h° ‘M g‘ ¢:_.“n"‘, 3,“ I oaarplnsc ulttui, uum gt-ntletnan tho oauuenca at thus an {or the o mu bdrm on Maori and conlchumed logcrtser tn Ixrey “fl pcrpe . In other vmm, 9 x xzrmgrnt-rrxo>rY' ,, 0,, M .,,,,,,,,,,,,d ,m"{,,_ 5,, mm. ,,,_, 5:“ ‘E [M mn7_,,.m'§'m1' ,3, , ,, ,,,,,__ any they run. rm to ran an {rant mllted nu Mm? l‘ltxmytc1lIyonl2uth¢,,himccl£. tbotrauau rots hsdaonrpietalthaoonupfiac um myfi fig‘ "°’f;:“}“J‘“ b:“";n"‘:."’;°£fu,";f, warn paid ll: can-armikuoept 1. nun Curran. mm“ {fl,,,':§,M wuum 0 “Hunt: “K” o, rt: lta m’ ‘alslonh-3‘ lwuudgfffinxfliaeo 5’1.;¢’x-1:: lfianl to-daily bu :mw‘rI:lvul::b. soul: u vgttt 2:14 :;ld’w:;’1'tl¢.-ar“;;:*_;:,gr fir Hm Igiaatrbud ‘go: gbtfgztihé mane;-,t&e.y mégbemnjicadcuwnalé : ' , , nlrllk 1 CV {IO W 093 II" II 3 . "II It I‘ desflflb,‘ (K303, , Kg” tanned that doctor: that Sunday !nom- &“!';’n‘:‘;_:R°'{:°);:gto: g::f“f“%;:h.:‘yqh:hnctwN‘: mun to 0:3: $>e::m0.lt‘lc‘;t[l.:.:‘t ‘‘ ‘W05 834' yes no magnitude or thnyt have coma Ln mid cater-ad nylon of 3 :3; walls the gram; 311:7 «mam tn neulon. a ttwzvltnonneuanvo Poor lgtuley mm Isandwriflnm ‘nthulmnlfin l:uoo3iht:::|:IJ‘c:'nl;nlruMor: ‘W5 111006 thochl. Ind um am’ lost mm, but ha u,,,., €,,,,,,':§,, “°hm“uh._u_w me n oompxrncy, the fn;:d&I.haL bar.-3 bean perpetrated Ibo lndlnunenu. “ nun -nu surunonod below: It’ vxho was aroma the any at all sun. Ftztlézy me», its In gnu; m-;|1t;mé£' M Mdm“m‘nm “d F“ dmlhen ..l,.°n}’. lntho rnmunmu atnqmv nxgmm 111- Then gveuthcmeu at UM u-ur.¢uea- Why an doe L7 in ft no naybody aim. who . mglrltkaov, had!:&Lg:gl_a; charncwr u am; But ttk comm rum u (or the slum. {gal mu..w§1" gab mtnrumllot so umllmony 'o n. L “ tltolcti . hood his nub book. {In return the their un nyln to these _ , ‘gm .. nan Ghla dlcu~ld,u*a nhawnb man a! dldn't on enter a In at my to lhts count‘? Imus, II otnuda warn exposed. 0 down rum 3 maul in St. Lonls. :1 u c that bu ’ 5° “mv "'““°"' "" “‘° "”’°“ “"’d‘ '1 trot-nth: t>egtnn:n:11’o°t’Iu:n:n<'lF“l5‘t: had A pur- ¢'§:’K°§.,‘fi,.,“:,a’:;§”§‘,fi‘&‘ :;,"- ‘,§°u,,:3 Ki 1 q onnljiirntors Lheumexme. I L: by my to’;u- Why .1 tin‘! you dovufln, ofuumx, hr the other we mu. Then it vrnnthnt we {hug .: in with all that Vlnlzy man rpm oral’; one; rnywu l Wflllngto admit! Wu H ("I11 “ “W “"3 w“ ‘M; 1,, d,d,_,¢d 1. pm. 3-¢§.¢¢.-my, Hts par» pg.-,3“. 11,“ ;, .31.“, N I H.” ,, mouy otttsuo -theses: mun 1.:-and unpunueled tlungi" wm: trial: at -no-rm; that than was me Ingumry Lhatcuunad could t‘umman(' ms I mrmxe-at fwoul new as Hg}: 3» upon 5 . "h° W“ b"’"'d “d bum“! on womm’ aou'wn.aLobla¢k-mu] norm-body—hold It In I rod mncau‘ M ,,,,,,,{:,,, ‘zfinugc g ,,,,,,,§{ In the auto of thl: country Its» been unloldod toms pmmloe, some hapa at ruwm-II held out b? All the power um: um grand §ury mall could mm rz-rs umvu or run mun . lb°*lKh1‘“d W‘ 4" 1"" ""1 "‘° '”""‘wb°‘"‘ figr ggmgbod -,3.” up an no wont to Mr. m,nd,iv M mdd 1 V M nu” , 1, sad datallodrto you. 1118"” ‘‘‘’““‘*’'U 0! roat.l- the Go’-rq-um-ant to than men to mat: the r slams. Min uxrr man»-I-"ll.zroy Aurcmg the In)’ sun, but I an xlmtln an znvceugsunn ufthn - """‘“"‘ °" ""“°°°“ "'”’d"h° mm 5"“ llelin cm oneyoreulnrx and rule! hlm that 11 Mr. of “Ad, mm 4'}. ,,’¢,‘;’g:,, T,“ J.” .1; "1 flu-fund dtatulers and amour: or law re-ream: eontoulon, and they say these-men Bra Acbnuul a:tubcr—-tho nlnt.-Ilene null buzdmg auL.—«a.me tmol, I-X u» mum : e whole truth about técl-s m. " '” “|"“‘ ""’ ‘““"’” '““d wpmnnf °»“ WW3? "at:-let thrn huirt.-,2 Attorney ma uouerup on ., ,d°"",";, °,m'.’,, m ' ., Q, f 1 :15‘ tlmyon have bend hm. lhuflmvlncu you that war mrnorxn um-xvm baron ms purl urv and -mum Km M. 5 .u-me. ‘vlhy, ta. gcutktmsu mm La am . E“ ° V” me" you “'0 $° 29°03“ ua ; tlm In 'nom§ mu null: ‘tn flail pesndlrag a hut nude?“ :4 am: Swrwcrd ‘be 8 ‘I med noonnplrmy uuud, Ind that connect: the is dragging Hr. Liaise into this matter. Thanh Inlomnuan u to the mu"-ts that wt-rt pa-.r,.crruz«x or other vlay wnutlng (0 know it he could no"! l.-r— - I '5“ " “M” I” b"““'"3m°’° ‘mm ulna he would tumhln the whole thing owu ,°w " fin; "n B M ‘ I 1 . Ru 0 - DEYKHDAXT wrrn ‘fllll cmcaruucr. no nun that heart: the orldonca at llammlt E1. l'ln- tn tbla d55Lr$4:L. rmany, u tee mn1¢«..~me_ <1...-m trodorw mm! at tn the good chm-nruyr or cmuau u” “W-" "mm “[0 |h° '°°m""h“‘ “on mad’ he: nhool: them check: - II hlm Incl 1,", '14 Ga? '51 no g m“ E “- Jone’ ' Thay Arc vllllngto uhnlt all that bu bun ma gelka upon that stand, md tha lntclll t :o.ta- sacatm-7 in clxxncxe-r, auzuutulntmi ngnzms mono w, run}? 11,. wan ,,m..,,,,m4;; 5', "755 3 9,‘ ‘"" “d ”‘|"°“ mkufinwfirmm 1" ° "‘"°‘ t.h t the tktlondam I-«I4 to him Y0?!’ I 7!‘ truss? «Ema ' ' ‘X 9? ‘ N de‘ la ntnreaoo Lo flnttconn Ir-Icy. Ind at that eon- mat um: be nude in your preuuu, dld not ductile:-I and rccuuucrs,grn.z1nx1ly,u st-mulmmvrt pcnniuerl our to begun: uim men mask perv 3 T08 ml)‘ Ifldfim-‘u ‘v5‘.'-'5*!W3‘WflY°l°°9°‘““""“ tylmma u-olrlnngtruun documents. What list: 5 ,.,.‘‘§ 9; §L°“““" ' 1,}, be .,;°¢"'| "N? u ll-My rest: u n the antimony‘ 0 men whom bellara aver‘; word that he uld In relerenca Do that the Government wu ln earnest. than la wu an: the good ca-rm.-taerolnu Ltacue otbex-men tab: 9 ” ‘°m‘“d“”“¢h‘::&¢°‘u“l”“‘uw‘mG"’°b‘u”“ w'Mcl{ee? Why would ha nuppou thorn to “:14 3-: me’ ‘:9 many’? ua '3 E ‘f S Mokmu Impeach ln retunnpetobho oer» nus ease . Theron no noun Ahowntrtry known Ihzttbeaouvvmld be cowl. the mo Lute, and you mtgm nmumnn the waola at E 01 IN ION-l|.N'IN' _ b the «remnant mmfimm, . 67- nnlhfi I190 N 511501: lo rueux :.o'n.1. nectlaa at on delandmt, Hr. Nchu. with um mutton) test: lalnetyln ml: cue. flu lo not: moment that than the an annual Lhem- .t. lame to cum; to Lhe (rod rlnncgg,» 91 (n. '4 ""°'”- ‘“" 7°‘ ‘ °°‘““ ‘ 11“ '‘° ‘°’‘‘ °“ Them in no evldance that u to thin time, ho had .. um“. u...-.?t.p° 3'1 manor. Gentlemen It In flmnxlhnmo. um tor man who won] rvmu misery. They mot solves, the moment an mm appeared. rm. 1-rem, uzazral M: Jerald ma fln)ost .11 ' W“ -“W” u '5‘ “ “°‘ °"’ “'""P' any connection with ttaln W1: Iq lung or knew 31,, ,,,.,a,u...h.° who 1;‘, "§,‘“ mm tout yam, 1:: Ltd: Dlstrtct. under the quot Ihl than nun were 561011 the an avatar: than rauutlnod nothing tor the distallon and me» the rut. P°"W'd W5§Y°“1°l'N4ufl°’17"‘4VM "'9 V“'“"‘°"Y with‘, AM“. "_ 11,,” g. 3,, mg; égumg gr good‘ ‘ad dmun.‘ hhdrbu ‘Ed :.n“7'“ gum“ ; ,P°1g:.~d to gupar-vlne the lnterrut-I nva- mm . ‘But Kngelkn ulys e was below tha tillers to do but yldd. Thcy tut lltat Hm-I. rmuemeu. la lt- nol at , yu psndng “°‘° Q°“"“-“’“““"’u"""‘ ‘"5’ '“'‘I’ °°"' the are ttmtrun of these men. an: tho Oourt tell: “u ’ L, 9,. 1? um‘; ' use of thla Dtsctlctrtb-It under ‘be are at I-hue grant? jury, and he was not was. “*1 ”’”°‘ "mm K0“ “D cm" ‘ '‘*‘'‘‘-‘'8% that Queue fraud: nruwl rel boon per- larndlotod by Mary single wltncu w o mu LNG.‘ 3 you t.ba1thl!Y¢l’“‘°‘P“"’° ‘H’ 9'" w" M mt“ °°"'{°'E“’°“°" 3°‘"’°l3 hi M‘1°¢r:tl)J'?t>mu‘towm; Iwnrn o-lean mu than friends could have nude 5 Lu:-:_ statement um!-er oath Ln rnfcruuco “#00,” M‘ mm, in M” ",4 ‘"7 n M", sled rlmmr «filmy my list: And mm yum g... “ '-“7..u“'° V333 ‘‘*”{l‘’‘ "‘°°° ’°“‘ "° “N man . .But1srl:at'u-M the run twi all um! The mm“, 3“; ,0“ o; bn,5{,,,., No n “Mn 3, unouutcd on vrfut Bu been thaw: to yun they dld to than mntsqa. nan me well to show ms wnmnwd M mad baumum, Va, mngmmcd are the death -2! Mr. Yon}. whom the 1-» con‘ ‘~ N'° °°°‘“"'°d- G"-‘ ¢"“"r W’ ""”‘ °"‘“' ‘’ result of mm um he and am at mum-m at ;..,,.,.u, ...,. 5 ¢ ‘,5, ’ 5° ,u,,,;,_:u nmotustto. mam. Indcr Lha urpervuloa and ta: u n am: by at ltln tho monthly b u, l mu; ,3‘ ,,’'m, w,”,,(. K umu pmn pmuu us me am r.,(":Kf-.4 mm °°“““'°“°“ ""‘°‘“‘ "°P“‘ “’°" ”""‘ ‘°“h“lc§"‘ the court Mr. Psurtélrdld not pull uxecueu for 1;," to 1,: be. %°°3:l}.g M " '° mu] m dlpocuon of wmmlulonod and sworn omcem return: report: mun an not ytn; eauxzum "3: N” ad.‘ ‘f:°:d,m, t ' 5;“ uhoultftzavs rooulned la rm 1, as during nu; .,.. 1 h°"1“‘l°*‘~5° ‘"'°°"“‘ W"-V “"1 “ma " M uni Upon crou-exnmlnulon no bdlltltl he 1 mg, 13",: “:1 dntjggbgq 1' ‘ haw thooo £1-soda been perpetrated in am men!‘ when he t.-.11: you -that It mu 3 part n-ld d a; V" “I” ' 3, H Do 3 “gm menus, and HQIRYBI hum anything lbuultbase . *'°m°d ‘° "°d““’,‘J"‘; E‘ ;"v'°,°“°‘h'f“'::'i‘d_:,“f,7e:; went la thou case: M an wttnasu ti hlaova Mull °§{,, ,¢°;a_ubu°:V:M‘,g”2-_—v.:..5 ,0, :n"’;',":,'::',:,; Dlstrtot-—-non splat whose uhunctorl, until lhls lot tbu munmmr sad Indentaudlllg bo- 3 '2“, °, :1?“ “am E‘. 5'1‘? Lou; ” 9. tmu-in He was wither swan ol thew mean, (53 I :l‘:':K|$’}_:’”m Mfmdto M mug “man on M“ mnnran ax hl.s wry court, and 3,“ any ,5,” mm") my,‘ ‘ W‘ Lu“, m war brolo out upon them, no vvnl (son A! be MM. wean mun puuea Ltnu fiuorfia Fxumy, who was 1''," w an ‘umfi M“ an “M 5 mm" 3‘, be was blind to all the dtcumntnoccs gala; on l mu .' - asuo 5 ll: Ind: tn , ' . . , , u am» »~n-I-~»a—u»«« me = .. that um ..........,. ....?°t:°:?.?*'::$ rv~»*m~- ma -M .°r n aw .T.*;:.'*..*:.,::.. .;:. ..:.':. .32. .: .. . :;,;:°.:::::.::'.: 393,2: =m«s~~« 1» wwom wmeumes- L-mu r:°.:‘:.“.::.”:...‘..":;:*. C“ b“ “‘°"“’°“ "’ ‘hm-‘° n‘d°“ db ” hang and th:?a'¢oml rendcred as «rain: mt N” b;,_'},d°“,°.j1,,,r3:;,7°° 1 5“"-1:-,,“”°"{-"°” um‘ mm counsel. that John NI‘-llolnld the super that he should not nW'I.\r lheao men to ‘"" “°D°°‘“" E‘“".' "M" '"'°‘,‘ xuunnnence ovcx(.“tuu'len W. Ford. is so-nu “W”? “ P“‘"’“',m3“"“"’"‘ "’ "- ‘'‘‘‘ him thmosarnlu. Well an-mg the uncut "" ,3," 5. 5., ‘i,'’‘‘‘'’" H4‘, &,° §f,’,'““‘ vborotlnlanutl uomno for um tilatriot Wu: .‘§...: unumm lo:-mthatthe-1 wrnsthmnxth. W}, ,3“ ‘30§“' ‘f, "P ”F""‘°' ’‘°‘’‘’“‘‘ .3. rm; 2; was has also uontmfloc Mr. ram. °“‘“° M’ “l‘““" °’”° ‘° tn‘ othlnmrncr-lam sad epllnectlan with tho lung mrfio ‘ 3-“ W " wm‘.,} “ ,1“: ° °' eotupmalnr. ‘numb no doubt in the mind: o!~"_rha om were rvqulncd to b¢'aqusdn,uu|I.2m Wm“ Km 8*“! co: :1 s anvrluhlxu. Lann{Y1- TM gum“. ht u,°‘_«mBmmg ‘H “unfit. 123"»; ".’:°1:$‘§en'° guud ‘ .'§i2“...‘°.:‘€’.'; fit '-‘ W" “°"°° W‘ W‘ W‘ "”‘- " '’°’‘“‘‘ ‘W’ W’-0“:-°:il :xl>‘°::{yB-fun tag‘ :01 dem'r’§u:.° {on not the PNP“ "mm" ”““’ ‘N’ ‘W4 “*4 mdmil “4 '-° '-¥l'K“" “P0” "'° "‘“"" "W" mr2)tn.'r’?s':KZr'§:” \‘\ro-t|‘l§no;;’y‘ .?.1.§°“:3oe§:°r§: M-ma. naked if Mr- Ford war not I my hxfekfd ‘M“"fl‘a.m.;fla“°“ gm‘ u,¢u.°°n_ 2 the Dtstrlot {hurt were not settled to his outta» dam. mfdabu. mm 11 3. “[3” M, [5, mg and tau tntlmouy that has been than to ran, any warn and In a omen of an collector. And muamncuu _,m,,d by ,;,,“,h_ “~h,,u um, cautious run, when A letter was lntroauccd la . -- 1 no would do certain thin Docs that 1-99¢-g «If, I.hu.Joyoawu 3 cotuplrltlor. There Is no (ms was the to lmpuch tho toauxoony ax Utrtd evidence, wntten ta Mr. Ford, an tbensru ' ooumld hA.ve§§'t‘l§fl‘ 5 “z‘§u"€:s‘§5$”u3‘§§§ limve duo ntntamentthnt thh detékut wan ca- 11,“: uw,,z-Q‘; .°,‘§".5’,. “£5154? y::::.::_p°:m°u' upon mu 1:? thbt doubts torn ruomant that In uzd Xlcviai-‘*1-nncr Md ‘Fauna-.h'nr by uklagtbetn. .,£:3‘:)¢3:3" t'.'a“'”..§‘;.'i4'§’f“ ltzegqftm , "revenue ofirte! Mia, : ldnd o! d we; be an tag“ “K, “W “Maud u “M wmoa‘ gazed tnrobbtng the Gov-mamcnt? Does It only Nov: gcntlemcn 1 Mn tnwalod pmu; gm,» entry onn thou dutlllurlea 1-avenue ofllccrs "Dtda'tyou cartlly to than ntargg, mm! 9,,’ 9" 1.; W; 9,“ “ V" am‘ 9 not I‘t‘.pnI‘t4od toner l! he exnntneazthodlstillerles wand Innthnxrtho nodwi fxozmthnvn wank W“ M’‘‘ 1“ ‘M '*“‘°‘°" “SYN WM 3' I“-'“'°‘ over a nllunt ' ma 4:! this was hurrledl ‘"1" '‘'“’°“°‘’‘'‘5-‘'*5°’‘ ‘"4 5‘°’’‘'1"P‘’'‘'{ “*5 V-M)‘ V0" '“‘°’ ' 1-3°79‘? " °“> ' they came Into sour: and amenul pl-an ' Idea‘! uunk 239 4113"‘ '~°.Y'-?'U!x Wrong: but 1! .hhh'.,,,,,,..,¢.m “ha.” 3,". pg; 1, uu, |°¢‘'hh‘'~‘°fiI°°U°'1“ 1'" Wm‘ 150 “"3 mu‘ in y. and»? uytecbln way ll: order '5“ "5" ‘“’’‘?'‘‘’d ‘ V“ “d P'“'°°' ° ‘M’ ‘-"5"" ’°"““ “““°°"°“ '“°"““°‘°’ at tytooouo eounu of those lndlclmentr um 3° 4°“ 5"" “W-"""K~ F“ “'“'3 3“ "km “*5 W0- - Ha“. m [53 ‘34¢d3. comp‘ nay. Isa «ma donbta thnt. And old man Ulrtel, thstdld not bnllne are we aging 3”‘ and in may dun-K pm“: gm Emfin me; rum um entlnlv ta yourodl." If he 81 BA "‘°“‘*' “‘ "“- ' ' "'“°" "“‘° “”" winfiisl-n 10'}: it I): t hmegrl "° ’°'""M’ ‘M P at. ru-uumn mo v «Menu upon which that be .’m- nowmm um ha rumor: am flung wrong xvo uw and Le . _ , , . . lcxrsph _ 45. f;";:;‘;§?}',;”f §;‘“"m."b‘“.m,“°“'1',“' ‘;,*‘;{“,,‘f.',"“°K“g and mubeulgéngoff a5§§x"by 1:: 13km’ and slat?’ §';".‘$._"}';,°,' 1‘§.§,,";“u“'.,,,°‘ ;,‘,§f.‘§.§';{ .‘§" ',.;",‘,' 1}, ‘.1’. {re seek to connect thtfiefwdmt with tho cow an alert: slut. In 3:6 mm mm thtn rung; how I: ¢,j°u;‘;,L"_‘,’§‘{,§°f:“;o .hf,",”g'nf“.“. ,‘‘;‘’__[,’f‘ :5 ,3; l\ -.,= xi’ n... ma. duty .4 the cine! bepuly 3 . mg . ‘huh’. Md pawn’: lty oltho cnnrt, Itxd mo ta ta chuacur my aunt gonna, ‘meg Na 3,.‘ H, u-, tg_ u,. gr,"-.,,u,, Iplxau¥ lube tesumozr 09 KM '30! Who make was Hull utter than other dlntllleru went In and who u . “lbw”, “km. wd ,0" would lncmr waub: I318 Rzvrntm Agents tn ta-Hug tra- Wuhu r mm. M ward)“ ‘O M“ "mm. “d uuhllxbtd bclon yum yrs may, r-«tad an nn- “,4 gnmmmy M Q, wuwou, or ‘M, Pnuecm an In lava and run and every run: that hm heard flaammgn{wd nuhn nllclt wlmky he hlnuol! Mb '0, R3. lwu‘ ,0 “W why “my ‘bank, medial: poascsslol or thtoinroyi-arty. If :3 thing kn mvfi. ya“ ‘ ‘ram ml 5"” ' ‘mi ant’: hope: for extrlcntlon {mm the ‘run had an “M u,. mama 01 u,.'d,,g.,n¢.,.1, mum; ;, believe. dill W ‘NT! 3 I?!“ “W1 plrcel o! thla dad on an own bu: nun maul the tprlag or :nm- N N“ 5° pk”: w M“ ommu H3 in mma_ mus wrong. But aver-an’: nu lane: on dnr~ mi“: 14 '00” ';‘’“’‘M Fun“: Ibo,‘ dgd ‘ d clnlnl althese «hangar-our. er-Jared ma. I felt n°.,.,u-“mod “M ‘Mm',,,mh,d_ ' ¢o|u¥Lr.|c{h.l no rand-, ul vuuedto on In the mar nllB"."l;hafoundhnnh'up1cK luring mm In “em ‘MI ‘MN "wed em“, puhmmem“ 1.5 gm; mmmmmuua of Mr. Ford.‘ Ten, 5. tb: be cfnertuan ol?ci4?rr'ual;t;N1r-a the late Concise‘; 7‘”°V°'-1 M10311 mcuun w an his Honor I81?! I0 The one at tho Govwnment mats sold] Won ulna‘ I Vmwmmgfl ‘|;‘m':_’,’_"’wM°;*°' "' 3: h‘°‘l’i:‘:£'°““d W‘ 9'33’ !‘h‘§‘l:“ F? hard labor. wkllc use ddoadant urn under “*”-'d|‘"'°‘“- “"5 “‘° "‘§‘“‘3“"‘ 3"“"' °' "“‘ “"‘°“ ' v r ; - . _ _ ate :3 g-~a «worm ts rxutte trnns am o u- ' to tztulr.lm,wc:-thauvcmrw one- §,’,‘,‘},‘:‘,§{,?“‘f,,,‘?,,:; §'{;,"’,f,“,,,,";",,°f,,"f,“, ‘§,{s‘,’,"f;? “$1: I: for ma Jury to we ya me am lrutnnco, In ,‘§Z°,.§‘2'au"£.° ..:’.‘...1..‘i';.."l"‘?.';"2§.°,“'....1'.’:.‘3.‘:.’ moved I; and lasted Igmhgch four run nu: dlmlnhhéd by the mud. um um fl’ ,f:;,“°:§‘d‘f,‘- ,,,{‘,‘;"1, “Ed”; 3;§,,‘,’;,‘“"_.‘,‘o,,,°,§ flag um . fig °°m'um mm“.-m“_ ‘ml 0‘ kno,m,n “nu, oonllderln wntirnnn oi‘ dun dnnctzr, whatnot. 1,,“ cud”; “.5 “gm. 9; “_ ~ n sad down tong}, 187:. unlfl um Lronrnumul lald 5°.’ rpctraud under the SS1 :1 the mu,“ mafia“ 0‘ . mbMm“Mr_ “la, we u-utgd‘ gm; aguugz-lg; wan nixed; buts: the I ‘,,::M, .1] our 3 gogu um flan“ W533? 701! 1"‘! 3! In L“ ‘fl"m°'57. I-Dd 713'” the oclustlon 0! than man wha an dud. Ind '13 “N9 5334 “P9” ‘h‘““- D‘"|‘“‘ um‘ u'”°' H“ H"'°‘“"’ °m°‘" L“ ‘M’ ‘"‘ "3 “"6 um’ noun an:-r you mm have rand: 4 your ‘tor ""81"-ll!-Ill-10¢! 03 "30 m“3- ‘*3 571- “ “° "75! "*5 ' lo 4: nnmm Noxee wtth It bears“: httyhad but-.t: hum lb” ch”? M an °°n" In "5 m “N ‘"‘°‘° “‘°“‘h‘ ‘N °‘°’¢d' ‘ “"9 °‘ '3" 9°" mnunn ” upon m°‘uu‘d' of 60"". mm uku‘ "‘ ‘"5’ “G "‘°‘ “ml “'3' $5‘ h° °"‘"'d ‘aw diet, in; IA lut dbavuoa to as I’ X‘ or not he ""553 d3-"-m¢‘-TT 55”“ V“ "ma" ‘'5'’ d”“"°“ tho plrlend ot't‘on1 and um txluad at lfagulrq, me. the law mm tho svklnnbe, n u or them an mmmmu solely on men tulémony and u n “N°=‘1‘*°P""'-‘°"l'f°-“"7'*"“1 P°‘*m‘_" ‘*0 t‘°°*°|-I um consvlracr. Tm he entered mm It 1- true. ,,,,n,d 5, “M aw. ,, ,1{_m,,; .,,,,,,,,,,, h, Oeuuexneu, than H‘! mm that stand out my 1-R”.”k wuyoppunuu" “wan” Mm “uh my wbethmr tho ooxuplncy h utablhbotféjgvgtl {fhthbgcgagng :°,on gag uh fog‘ ~,.,d_g.-,g M‘ of un men w ware n oon.IplraI:{I; Ttut than M no exact» tor hhn plug into at la “on” be mpflwnd we M“ or hm flan. p,,,mm,,,,u,. [1, ‘M, mywgmn mm W‘. 2* 5 9. § tnrthn whlch In th lnapor-tun com I an . a men who orgmlzod and curled It lonnrd gym. 1 gm no; man to “gun mm, but 1 gm hen ~ } um“ gm 1;’: (.3: [of mu; jun wlfigmmff“ “’,::"° "ffi§ ‘*3: 32¢ a uon——:l?:t'l:°u; the jury and. mo detcndura con. 1 udfluxu ,0 u ' ,9 m. "1 hm, gm 1 vrcm the men um wen in H In Im, an tu as to denounce Ln 1):: strangest kngungn um l as d,mm,‘:_ Z, ‘{‘;,,“"Wu,“:_“‘ 1.:“,““ e,f3___m‘:‘: 33,, ::..".,;::.:,§{,.. 91 thlpbkmgia ml; at not :'“hm .,hJ3u-t W 9:11;: 3 Di? ' . in “kg uctlon mu: that ooruptncy to by uuxtmaruy an ,9“ W] punfl ,,‘,,_N,,5 3,“ Q‘ hm u ml: avldauocngooa «uh-ow. la urn a nvvnue oommnndnaysum so mtwn and cor-mp: that H ‘mu beat" um, “GM” mo“ . m,,,,. “N; .1,“ u, .1; ‘kg, U3", mm m.. or we'll ul|l’¥5vty?cl>wn lg tie um‘ um w t.h'ns.". °'”b“'h‘d mm “kick” °”"r mu Vb“ “W 5°“ '7!‘-5° °°'1-T‘ “N3 ‘M WIUBIOKII in U;-38 can. 3”‘ ‘ “ "° 4‘“'c:“ U“ “:1” °‘ 5“ bx‘ "911 U11“ by M‘ '°'‘$1'°'M'’‘‘°* “‘ 5" I‘°‘“‘- ‘V eats. Iher-o!nr~n thty an: oat!-«runes. d ENHKMJOB. in 571. UP *0 50!. "'55- _mm£-mm n 2--maul *-N w W" NW" NW’ ‘° M w Wm W rt-W W ~= mm ‘"::;..r.:..°*.:"..:: .r..°°*"...“:..:°..°:'.::..:‘;..: .....”“°4:°.:1:.':‘.::.°'.:.".;L*::*:.‘:.*::*:..::'.t..*°‘ :2 we-=-v Wrmd“ vim T-‘~'~*=~~~"*=~°=“ °' ‘W .“-fit “3. ,m‘, p1,ad“,,,,, 5,‘ nrnountlug to nenrly tl.om.ow In thl: 411-trwt th at! a oootthadote dust sd- _ at o 0 er, a n pruen n J16 In re 1 know thu Ugh ¢g,.,,4,“,.- urd £50 gofioctlon In-ul dlwuroénzuatox thn monc oollech cmgld go to and My bclonl Mn um (mud: tlul had §‘m“'1‘h“:‘|ih mm ma“. ., gun,“ “mm M" "E ,,,.,, gm-.-M 39¢; M", 13o_om._on¢.fi1:g DB7-m§!»\‘l"|!l«Y Y’!-4N'n‘-'9 A COWFHACY In; the canrplrncy. In other \tnrdn,Ihesb dceJan- 9,-mg, gm. 3; 50¢, 9; mg“ pgngmgum Q. ,.¢. «-4 that which bmnxht 31 0 Mm Clwnn-ti to uom vrhlctt we mu admit mm a to «mt wu "flag .4 com um uucu math; 01 dlnulled an rtu. lie 5... tr-and mum um aumcr. Thus he mu, .: . not. ouuzctad auxin the am In vru BK ‘mil! In 550 9‘1l||m"° “'73 TM 55°" "'7 nld tpelvreon the trltlu,-so And Engelke, I! any §°('§°‘}f,,‘,‘;I,‘;‘,';‘,f.I,',',‘;'fi ‘mo 'i§,..’?’,'j_“"g £25., we «am. That ntl«m.m--the flat 17 men that ,;o,4P[:;9.°u;¢u organ uytnfilto do I lagltlmana Ea‘ ‘ “'b’“::n,wl W,” g‘,‘,‘;.§’°,.'°;g_,"",.':f§ here, utter paying May 8tor~c- oepcr mod Gnu u ‘"11 ‘M1 if ‘M! wild ‘ OOHMMI 1“ M-98’-“N thing nu -uld.m admitted, (M the pr: or N51, “,9”; u,,;‘;; an N. .5 gm 3.,“ M“ was Iutrodn upon the patio! the Government. g,.,,m.,._ In . ho cornea In tbta tor promo and h M M" 5., 1“ ,4 1. the ltmonnusot name tor them. Am! 01 and Wm. flnlioa com: with lhetn ta this oonv showing‘ to the jury tan nature of th r em)- gm. Q,,,,,_ 1 ,, um, ,,,1.,n,,“°o._p.,,°,,_;. lltop-t:o—~ststcd thnt mo oonavlrncr Onthnlead noun [or himself, or who :0 late han_EnIPK!« I gab,‘ "m_°M:'::.d_ AM , 5,," ,..;£.‘;‘,,§ would have you _bellar- that dunaintgx um ; rplnncy, that than men Ind mend: whom they apizacy god who new In it. but not tax the )!ur- mu“; “,4 .¢d_.;_g,u; 3. .34.,-“.3. 13 Q, mg, stow UIKLY uuuzu, gay men I; no «xcuu tar Utrlcl In tluu rugarli, flu Ma“, 9,,’ h‘y° ,.; ,4 ‘am, u..,,.,;.,, n-20,000 we» collected md pm: toJo LQJVQQ. could mfly; that they card tnlluence lhglttlmy pom: n It rut: on wars statouaeuta and ya 5“ “gm,-¢,.¢;,.5.,,,.;11.a¢o¢ xugmu n"..“_ ma 1 am not has uhla apolog-lst-.bw.twl>u ‘M’ M" “u.,..,¢ mac 5 ootxnpuncy Jun 4“; worth. and Laavcmrnrah gocketod the whole "’"”¢"'°' “W” W‘ “W I W’ "-‘“ 5* °-K" eciuwoua. oi shown-5 that the dmadant VII or AXT mm tan Collector of Internal mmnuo and um detend- rm! nub Wmuxrn “J 9,”, . ,,...,,;,.q ;. 51,“. um .;.. mm; and naval um bao 11 Keel - uzdtzls n-land: would make nan.-lfurttorave turn 1, ‘ flu xonwwmrcn ' I I and In dolngwuuat that It would poulbl‘ belt’! it buy I‘§lh¥“:D.;:{K:°IhcIl % r°%§.Mt: 2' (:1-‘::dmi:dp‘ur:{uml:o§: értlotlarguorlut ‘IT 3‘; :35?” I‘ ma wV§?°§‘}“u:'"‘§',:§ ganr1nb:::>‘lnE:dt:nr£I:i‘:u;?a‘:eI;:::'tr;0nh“n§;;:¢?.' I ‘rid u’° "°"’““’"‘“° . :.¢br:,:,.k vEl:s:l)taut;t::::pg:od lbnul’tc::;o1l’h'num of g§a’g;*°'-H gg dug‘ iv:zuchc;-.I‘1~l;‘n§‘$Wt;§fl dig '-NI wnrghgcr. many, under ttn law um will bb ma down to am s ; back. who by the fmmou r In -mu am an‘ t;;:‘u‘§° '"*° ""°“m‘.f;““;§_; mg. :.?.dre'?1'}n§.'z'o¥.$7i‘u¥m and not: :13. Mcylieo? Then our four 41-«worm: wmmr-mains‘ U ad ' . an ~ :1 an , than they took the only nddltlannl mt-MN. u. .,,,£‘;, M ,§,,,,,,,‘;f,‘, W. .,,‘,.",,‘,-,‘,,,,£°,‘;,‘,, mgnggngrfihi "x“:l:1.5°ln;l;_n gun»-31-:& 1_=;§dhl|fk;fi::°:7|.M:::°:7:l|: ‘mg 15; usage; Elm)!”-€133 30: an _gg°;_f*m__ mm H, God known blow of none. 1 would rather am not come Into tho m In: Jun. um be: m ' - Mu, durtnqttx month: otthu a sun not running ‘hill Wm 30 39$?“ "183 'l|'1l¥I€,“ "M4 ‘W1 M0 11’ Inasmuch an thl: local to turn been I my ad t to In all at thls a sold 2 neceuarfw bu In the com dun-aetlan, and stood rt his door with r dnwn “'95 5”“ ‘ ‘““ 3”" “‘‘‘‘°‘'‘"‘ 1 ‘°“ ‘ 7° (mm .31.; , 1-1,, ,m,.,.“ (,1 mm, fgcglvgd 5 the coufd not tell unmcunr-.u poring for town tnkan in the ,. tloa-—enn-yln ont—ol that my 1" ‘.13, Junk}: min; ft, mtunnly ..,?3" (bl; to tgozvlmm the ulaulu of the amcggm nrons, an 1: went and and: "Come Ln, or \ru'Il at mhE""‘w‘|3§’fm,;°:a“;' ,_;1:,n:;',,,: )1: L“ can um; duguag mono lounaea anon anon ’° °”‘”"‘°7“"“‘““’ '“ "’“°° " '.“““ uonlplzlrea. in hit! I0 N1!!!‘ *3‘ 0‘ WM‘ the gcatfznu who will close on the 95 the Wuhlng-ion. There 5: nothing wry urange In hrul: you up. " ‘X that Mk W '19‘! 0|“ “*0 39°‘ an 1,, ,3“ °,,,,.,,,,,,," ,1‘, ..'.;a gum or .1, to 8400.000. and Ulric-I am In 11 unui stx uwuthn menu. Atthalutmo'l1'tnIlt‘!:g turn Butte r art. name as Mld tor um firm“ 0¢Ih°*1!!81h'-‘ autumn, at the or um, flu r or fq)u£I- tut, tt mm to no. Thorn la noctatn very tlvn than mummies the vvtonnllaa In us» can A M“ to ho mmma won 3,, ,m,¢, mmsh war It commenced. Atu:-mu-rl» Mictlot noug- ""’°°- “W” “'3; 3'“"°7 me “*4 *1’ warp 7 and wfiowm simply bewm tlan. m . and no ‘:51 do more In mum nu: they muaud the dc ondant th have got 1: mm. kw M11 hm won‘ 05 mu, wn‘- duuuery In a-and om no Blnznm Ism- the balsam of ca new M much in my mm mam tosettwr. and arm Hrs. ‘Ken. I am justloototheoue an at we datcudnal, 'l:':m°oon-piracy with an album. bcouuott am Apaog am 1.»: John McDonald; u wl" M" ~.;v,,u‘ ;,,,.». Thqrpg now. in ...,me.. ..,. .,, _ mu the emu dnunuy psma mm the man at afnmst wllluux . an tho did in 110- km: jxut oullectod ,0oatorJotm.lonen.orJndgo . at um manna’, um um (um bun ghown no you that ha an .3 gm word .1 W01 hm tor John A. Joyce. mm :7” x«_°um‘- .nm_W_ 1 an, o,,,‘.,.,, John mm: . 11 they rmolu-:4 ztammo, um dmtl- rt verabcr. '1‘he§l>ct30 I-h¢1fl3l‘"N 509979 W9 TREK. ordndse 91 0|! 107'“-‘h |°4‘“°5 ‘ PW’ uazta yen tha Lav. ldynfiaan have tm hand at an tnnacntnl otgsh—t-eprm Colouelllatch up I‘ ‘NJ’ bi" 590' ‘JI'°’|4.Y ,au 5,,‘ “gm mu 1,, bay; H3. ,;,m_..,, and leg-ta dlrlngvd up tlu other t-tw.ou), mg 1 mad lnrrln » "armed thfimfiivkwr fi:co'—ot coum that {would not in «Maui to been nxm, became he 12 to sun It up. man; to some «mm, on admtulm-m eourlctetl. OM ommn. he urn. Inlntlw Pen» ,,,, ,4 3,, ,,,,,,,,,,,_ ,, gm. ..,,, H, , Jon.) totho Government for um um 3soo,tm. x after it, wlhallutlllgy I-on “t!I‘:‘a;;‘eo‘:rld‘g>:‘¢nlbl7 dug ‘Yuan Jonu,.or ‘heat or 01110!» And gentleman. I1 I have shown tn tho lave» tlou Al Wuhlngtnn and tut lsu connection wuh Ioatlu-y and the “N? “ 1“ 9" °°“';'Y . 1.; “,g.q..,. ".9.-, mm 5, a usage trltncu anvvvwe "181 ‘M ‘B330 "1538 *1“ 4°“ . n;",’:‘gm mm-°"?_‘n'LMun mmmufiggrfi W. xtntlunaa. n lgtmmind 930 at-fie Ilfatlnsnot macs-o. uytodlng ohm um: um: -uuzfiéuu mugni bounce! ma knnwn nun» nu. rou will hear no‘ I-1>‘g1£siu_ fig; mu ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,4' ,,,.,,.c; me am mg Lu mu m. _ K W "mm {bu “pm nu mmumuuuu given you by the mm. an I x Inn this - o “Attorney gathering u tron. nu tenunuay mm poworln um ally and ma county. 2: them. nu: ma vtbtumgwn flfi N mu-meat by Tho nu am, and It as our g¢.......1,.,.£;.am thedanfito 9.. ggag. _ F god'm'{1h"a N“ élmtmimd tn m’.“b°', anon fig nmuunqfl that no utldweod on tho wtttxncu-ntgnd, ‘til la en‘ Igcbsvxndtartook Iolnrmaeonsguicilo I:/an noenNn‘net(t!o:;bt.:as1:n at an wwwflhxm 0, “ch ,"nN .,m¢..o. mm M mum u-yrhca they la a. runny at 0 mad: rad ;, ,a,,,,,,,_ “°°°“‘ ° MY " '30 *9“ ““"° °°°'P "° ''“‘’'‘‘3’ " Mu. does say? Emu Mr! I0 F‘|I-I- theme: cnpwedtnthm. flmonmeaeuwu! 1 Unix: room: In an rjnjjojii “.‘3§.";'c’I.‘ :13: §:{:p"3:;?’,.u::bI?5K;°.1; 3:‘; 5h°"yc°h‘(:o§2I°):'£n‘l°:' fig: 03 111! K9“! the klod bou1,gen:;;um slapoaluoa ud uanllled vru mulncan um than-urn nuhodln the uud- an as they. wt: nun who M" ac", -mo,“ 3,, Nu“ “rt gbou: ma tuna um mo every real». art: any am, no; 991111533 5 no . . m "7 be are m mm» by an wuu«-»- on an Ford. and ...... .. the .. ....... ..:‘»:“'u°':f..:"... .*:r.:*’.:,.*;*;:.‘:. mr.'.:’::.m .1". 3:: :::°au:"“:‘...'::+*"..‘:.°.:*“'-.:m:.°:.':.**m.°:. :.".‘1..*':“.;*;.+';::;'.;*:.':L:'*.°‘;.:' §l*:‘as':“.i:““«ai‘; ***‘*‘W“g,°“=° =-.:,=;,=.m..-,;,v::.* “.3 Wm: :M:;'.'.-.°‘....r.°..°°::'*:z."* ";:;;;W- ’ ;‘§“;"f,',4‘;°‘f‘f,'§,“‘”{,“';,f,";’;*,§,{‘f,';7' ““'§,°";’f‘; lb-Hmrmké by Mcbonsdot Jorvmvlw but men that is -. —‘ to 5:210 cxuat lRl'1.hutelh1°Ilhu cdldnotwual lo known! Jena rad uumua ‘tron ttgsnmgy (onm mgmxmn. rah” {Q N‘. u. "an ”mnn'mo~_rgw m."vwm Mmrlufis 6 :2: I New convict: .cr-Iolm lauvvnwofihndvtham nnawnlenhrmxntsoutu ‘is:-out a mug; cl nontbanhnoouldhelp. nuts to ullthu ton ml the men whoa n the n: __ X g? hm hm, M W, ,9, 0, ,5, ,m,4_, "J ,, I ,. 9,0,, mm“ _ over six rem 0! An. when M810 bun who have goal to render an nocotust la a ttlgllcr mg 1.1,. ‘ n" n ‘fgkma mm 1 at (:1 tr lt tn naunuga V, E 0“ am’ , _ eront tor nan outside at the eaunectlon 94 no urutod to know wu that u was Au 0 to at, on, n on . H ... mcadm 3,” M mm 1”" mm. 3059.4 at m rs:-wan. tnk «um I nut: an «an u mu 4 oourt thin thln. tn tuten upon their HM tutl ooamel and client. But. demon. ractlllan that they to strike terror to: orntnd mdgmgm unflunuw‘wMcfir“_..n“ M ,,,-nor”, ,9 ‘N ml’. hm,‘ dbaum awn onrwlm. 5'1”! "*°’' " ""7 °‘ “'3 °‘ W 5' ‘”“”' ‘non to wnnoct italics with thin eon-Pinter? tn eoncl lo mu! 1? X W “IE2: ’“ 5 w m ufilflmmwd be none In am is a an N1 ‘H ‘ ‘h I . d In n_ nan: In llmlanaom coal mun mu tvr thaw pmtoctod by pet man It 3 ",3 nflwhlm. Hnmw um fir“. up ,5 how, 13 3“. uh hm tr:::"tr»2..."t:g.:..;,.‘:3 ms. tum: ...£'..’:.':.°:.o:=x 2. 1:. :2: °°°“.....m'.:'. “v-122:: z::::.3: ...a*;::; :: .‘.'i-..*:.m:::.:. :1: .*::.°**:::-,:=z:;. *:::::=::w.:2h:.°:;-:.:;=*:.%: -- ‘-:.m. .. 1.,*E;.l*."-.:.*::.*'*¢..';'.* .;':.r: m -;~,,,,»«.«5r,-,»,-4 ;=,;g,»«.g m;,»;=,,=~; r,,.,~.;.-4,5 2;; mm. .,.,. .' .=~~*...... ‘:.‘:?.£:'=-*..:;'Z'-.: W: 156 70“: flit ‘'35 ‘=53 llanoovrulfivflfll ‘M 00 Wmfim‘ 5:: . and out to plane tr the utmlxnll of [BIIWOEO let: In Man. 119 want to 533' were rubbing the Ganralifl" 13 1! _u W," ;"{,-[b,, 5,, mm” ' '3“ - - 7 ' W“ 5'9"‘ not! In ems mu we . so the on ymttstgfname 9! Wu: Ion: torn!’ W candid", um um! um: ,1; gm. mm no the vurfuman who are ls. I vs nonr u u a now, he wont to a lion: 0 Anal. ta ml. nu 3 «:71»: than mud on that dcunm rebate 33“ vu‘u‘a::‘r_“{ gem?!" ‘ an ‘M; M nflggit/K an“ “d H” “ flrtvuflogfirw g 901 »::z I Y" 5 tn a mu -w won , . ' “,4 rolnro cut W . 1 mm mm: a -w§~«~-- um‘ um 4!! «SH 4.. -mm :”.ta'..1*t.:.":°:::=.**s°:;'.:=*::,'.m.'*°“..:::.. z.-“*:."““*'” ....‘:,r"'°"..,..’,:..’°° *.'::l" '" ""'*'°*r:.,.'°'.:°:.°;.°.:.**:" W... . . “mag «- w vnowom w~:- mu»-,,;-,m M ,5! mm ,-re gnu 3 °'*"""'""*4 " wants to II 0 tom: 0 ttvtnilotgand mac '7 the am: use 33 35» t r '33:” rromtho W“ W '1“ ‘° "W" ""' ‘"' "°““"'W 2 ntmrtm at to out at mg Mg boy pg Kern! ° °" “ "T ”’ "' “ M" ‘' °‘’° 6!“ be ad to M the luv 1 Mayo: 0 roam. -, M n I v m a. mu an o-ttlalobtttrlct 93 n certtu. 'loa0Unfl9I!'|Itn1acbo 9 a ruaann or “N w u" got“ 9‘, . KL M n—ua u um at gun o a ta to sand 39° ‘ ° “N9” ‘ 5“ '9 5‘ vo HtvI‘W':€l?. “lg 29 ‘lawn W th Eta ‘ m ndwosu son to luv wrtrodnovuhtn :94?" 95- ' f in to . lots»; con! 2: 3:3‘ $1’? gnu I ul:l°o‘ot’:%:$;:g r:.l‘um:%t‘§‘é:'vr1El'r‘£t“w at 1:5? ztrmuiazg zgézé .l£'3°{‘.;§‘ H: 3:: mnljfgiifififj as f%E::_¢vqs£fu.ll=§: mzfigmaz tea mtg u 5?;"’E’:§’rkr'7 J5.’ ‘ Hui m%n|E{m nmtrglito «nu Jar M Ho :1 av n. , "u mm avzg." mama; .l:‘?§J$§'1xu§fJ‘il:&“Ja BM "53 ‘am; f°”:‘' "” “'Em E‘ 3”’ 3 3 g" " Ia; ' W D Jn'(;t-3J3g ' align“?! $5 indium’ t. I 0:. ' th a ‘gen: RE): ax.“ B M W‘ I M .. '7‘ ’»-‘~‘:'§~*:?=~a~:r«:,..§.7»*%E:.;:.-t'5'~ “M W“ "m" m’ - 'l%»~r‘-.:.!zl..-:-.<«....z;Z a$’§:::.*3 -E-: .-;-".:{;«.€=t.:%’»»»"£.z.e~*«*~*»» V "F5" "3 ' 3:’ gm!“ ‘' '7: I W n u ' a mcorvlr ' 0 "gr at ii at: N 0.? 0 funny» 4 _ 0 ‘U 5». .9. '.“'t '" tanfogw “.3; -r -:x§?z:'.*:5. ~§§'_,..: .3 ..:1..z:.s!"_;:*.'*‘l§'..r“.:...'..2r "‘ ;:I::*.é'§ ~'-'3ns=--»'='«~a”-‘f«‘JI«r’»“»«3»3-.’“‘“ "‘ “' fill '*.z.'l€i'.» '3{"«¥}.""«§«'5:»«J ‘“i“"'$"53$'3'zi«7’3,;5¥5 ???;“%“7“3 53 .4 ‘*";L:?"'°" “$193” - 3 r.1.L":"r2',,.2°:l,';;..:m.;.g%,F,§t ::;~,,:,. ..:g.a.:.*:,=:;*z:.°°;°.~. §§'.:.*;:'.:‘:**:s':a »-ia“}"~S»’3‘«‘3-°5«.““‘ °“°"“ ""’ " “ ’“ g;*;*,,';§$v::£*:s.%=s: :. .. ., £32.».-'a..-..elt=’%z§::z"‘§.'° lg . -- .. ..: ‘*.'l°..'*E...'.::2;.'?°.l:.'.°"?.* §rI..’?.§.:€”E.¢§_az§...%,M~'3.§§ ‘*‘w-=r °~=«~~l 1,... ‘": ,flwl#§°g,“;,;§; ;"}‘:5,7}*;+,:,':g! r°“.:~.*;:;.:..'*"..’.:.':'.;1':;.;..;;.tt.,.;....,. :31-;,€_;,.:::f".r5"~,3§;?::‘*".2a?”3.§=”°"3'i;u *"*"~‘-‘~*- -El‘?-’~‘~'.;‘*"‘~“r 1”». “""- aw: " '° ''‘~'‘ 2! " ““ °° ** t -ldlltdfifll-LC! . l " :5 t... mtmm 21:“ 5: O 2;’: 5 E‘ E fi I . . . . ’¥ 4. ' "'°“4:E’%Z{§?.m'§"3":rlg&Lt.5s §3'«*:=§’§v«M--~«=r =oe31‘«'r‘-set»-,3»->3‘ ..2‘."‘“‘ "’°’ '“"‘ “““‘“‘ '“‘ “*7” '°" §§,;...-..*.°.f-.*:.,,***..:::r° 2. .::.t‘§:m film: W ~:":.m:2s~'w‘f§,§ gf*...“5::*:.‘§.&“::.'l?..£.3;'t'5 2:. W ~" "°"=--= WM}?-wr -um 31 on Y G V‘? "1 ,“,m.,,,. H _.. 9 am ' one Mnlobommt 1 gm mm. - §&Sol:l, “E nun “R333 L, oaothflng .,%¢.,{[¢¢u ; ,9 u. Gamma “Golan: Ian not uurladfnlar “on “m nun”, E05; “MMn::.Ilorhr::‘:dn:gPmL W ‘ 0“ M. 0 yswggg ” m I ma dd wags D1 3" Attotttag 1 tug:-no 5 am '0 lzmflfifl ‘K 3: I S 0 031:6? 6&1‘!!! h1I'II.f0tAI¢1PlM\8- tbompoutbmly mun mung upouyvatntlm uthau goumtmen ta ta that!‘-wlhltf man axons whim! ml ' 1 am no Joy“ 9 H, ° ° ° ° ° '“‘W' R ‘'3 ‘° W‘ ‘JKOOA sub oh/hm trim, M I6 nor as on Ind u 0 whether ltwuth 43,,“ ,4 4 tbs mum mu not aazmm to all: v¢n- mm n wmuu I f1.“ '11» hwy would ma! o ac:-ua smut Grunts mews: Nmvugrlhh “"9 ‘H00 mm Hum gash! B°ml:$° gfigyplmltfid am-n-malty msflauu :odwun%h:nu' ho mg m “'3' f"'°:'m:"' “°t;’“'1n‘”"m“‘”°‘u_" worthto£;i:.lIvcrvd to Ma..(u;'.lwl ‘£2.56; but not rt . llownoaoolumu men who ggggg, fig‘-aggtggggg I-jgsdzd-1x3.“,. gm“ 5,, 1, up 3",. mo. b" 0:): . a noun: flat I: my ‘In the ctr. mu-o my: rm 7:: ~. Mo out our: main». of the am zapd vleu-Pmldmo: mun: - (haiku. bowl)’ have odabout the mount cl otthc chsrumna: oi thntlmv-pvay (uwms. §f°u'§‘° u “- 33¢. how In haw he? §°‘,°fi Wm vim ow tram-Nu: .: . emymw -onh rooontvumom. Loan, saauelm fnnd-Inivuucniiemn W9 M4 whet“ 50¢‘!-° money he puawuoxoo. onrtmlm ho mun nrocnm), them wu non ch hora ha ma ,0 W *- C 0! "N in- NW the t N “W “M *9 NM-but -vm-m7 "' But wtrotl A ma bit of ban in oonnoczlon with the to tttlaoommztnltyahlgh N-putatloa torlronuty, anyornot. A erlod at time, land 0! cartoon eommmalt that tholnthanxgg not oomutollcxao °"“““”°‘ 'n'°"I‘° W’ l"V"'-5857 H9811!!! , 5"‘ Wm» "M 3° 594 '0 £5 .513 3‘lJ5°°~ YW-X‘ , toguudw ‘ll . h tx1al|.1orlI‘lo not mp Kr. Harrell In“. "and buy“ auugx “M1”; My mouth: A butlon nary flalurtia svenlna toknowtr at the name won be. [Laugbter.] I can. IAlDLWAf.\!‘A.l -numx. I ‘""""”" hm "°"“"“"4 “'3 W“ “fig ; gmpmmgnsamg - -- -J" hAdIn{lcanoot‘r‘tlloauul )1r.Ho Mwmudmltttng 5" "” ' durlngfhu tIma,or -nu diatribe as made don't know but what tho on tw-hnroconnuad wm .. pa; 1., ya. 1; cm; guqw,/rm "" '”'°h"“°‘”""‘”“"~“"-"’°"-"“"“r“"‘ ' " nu; tolalm an: be dbeenlntho l\'hhh'}.§o-f. Th ,, . , "' ‘"9 -‘ an llxac that ottn Uoarozulrorth who eonrultod )k.Kee heron: . to know what tho u,¢"'u 5,, U,“ ‘,,;,,,,‘m,, dwfivu """"7""'°"n"‘""‘* ' *°°°”5 “NW 311‘?°V- when you coma tamnko ' :33: mlshl ‘Iago rourioougw and Nae nggxfi‘ I-mm. should Bah 5° Wm‘ E11145‘ and ' _, and magma was when collect-L: ‘(gr wax wouldbo. lauahtaa-.1 ‘rim tullovr Mag:-no would have WC ??::mbh:tu-:5‘ t::::l‘$>og1?:xr° h0 ‘og:§a§. - - -’= town 1: amino dggnagnt. , I . - - 5 "53’ W "....a. ;=?.°".'i§»t“t::2 r.:2."‘:‘.-§*.é*;:.2fi’~‘.r:mr;.:;:°n:: a""“’.m1“£»““mm‘““mm;‘Jm m up man‘ '22:’ $3 -’=‘ ‘~13 M» “‘v-~::,w:: :.~.-.“.=m-*.::m+-= — ‘**;.-::h-z=*as:=o:~ - M " cum»: £om'wttlchhol.hruwI .1....u-uuanrexuolaa. xtimpsmamtfm bout, 1 nu «ma zmxamuy and honestly X99}: at or.1eyoa.wbokMv- 11.. Pm, “mum gr L en» mm A nut mu: o Thorptlen un wlm fiufieo rim‘ _.I'J.l't‘i1'_n mu tor n!m&o-hailed and‘: mr lamballavathntltwa (ooh! athln term "4 bpmw, ,, “am, m 4,3,, cm trIbb°¢danwun&da£IhlakI:oo::g°m ggrom _ 0,“ mm M m:=wkhk;';nn*>‘0=un:vI;I;I_‘?_9“t§un K.’ ‘ hmgmly way m_oyu.oK.d 2:32“ “'.:.‘:‘..:::‘.’:::¥;:.‘. ....'m=:.:::;.,.¢."°"....*°.'°:*:t,‘::.‘.*.;....:.:..r:*; we mend‘ mu m. u an »-em 3. ° .....r:.,... 12...; wmm'g- ‘ “P “t... ..z1.‘:'.'.=;.*:.*:°.:'.-.. ..,,.-1. 1 C ‘M-~=.::*-2-..':-*~°‘ ..’."&:'.<* :;:.*a;:: war: M» *=.=*=.:.:1.~.<.':~.:.:*::.:‘ 2%" '“a.....- M M -W M M M12: :3 =:*- - r... .:!*.'.,=~:*..=:.“.r:ms:2.".I:~:=.:r*;*..:%.-;: ..::a .. .. ,......... .... - - 2.3;; ,2;-5 mm»-, :33 EB II ' u . I midrenunwwn in §<>=rhwf'»'zh7twswm $313 the «mica. or my own mm; tn an "“' W’ “ “""”‘ ‘ °"' ch -9 ‘W """’ ; bad ooutrlbnted annoy to an than "7 hlch cuunwmboxmn by Ms Bonorhi bauosnto ,hc.ldth azbaylryolnbdontlsq MY v°4=“9€W*°'¢"P°*"°4°‘ '"“°'"*¢‘ Itxwmtim iiwommnvuvl-*4 NW‘ ynmmlgg up 1111! CAN KKWFN |‘-°'-h°¢X' war tanoonrl¢tlo't:nagttlnstlfim. ‘ m9£Ih.l.oll.hBOdD!Ill vroxztonxpooothooc kudn. Magma vs: ted clan ms . ' . ruched. R: an rm dcclmmonzbol Aura thug!-)3 ofilu Imam In any mnaeuzm nr. Hexmaalsd nuutl ",4 M,‘ g, ,.u,;m.... “,4 W3 an §outE:.d:1;ar°t lI.¢v_gu an mugbw“ W ()2 In . c ee-—-not an at d‘tnto It and was an- to makofizpeyrour tafnds until you 188'! hard I11 no°t:t?or‘.?Iell;tn‘:lelmrcarI'.-t${5lt from Btfbouh to Wuh- “°'“““‘ P“'P°""“°d ‘”°*'”- 1 5"‘ 4”‘ ”°"“ undo, And mu use mung) was put? to John. the testimony. Kb! I-rxlmwfll-I In4‘1|°9Nl|'H000M tugton city and took In rt at tho tlznnno Dc- tag but that t oonoulved hobo I In: and bonus lannnwonh. In no: qua nod M M1 L3 “I at tnocourt. The court an 111 retenaco tottsu utxPenl_I.lsa3 ll mu mic §lA't.lalng, blggtr 0:11; maehghumfl Wm“ ¢,w_ ; “,,._m,, can B. be quuumud 1:‘ the Us gm“ M pant! ontntamen m?"l‘$’:o' ttstnk tho lnchratlom at Ixeavonmmh, ta: udjongndufugh know‘ -"—.. Ania-It W4! fivfwdml. 80!. h- an 3: ;. and at they would soak mfex-cnootoxr. lcngc made to M I H to What 130 054 with "10 mid‘ In It not: ltran pm nltlon for the gentloswn soul, man: my nun who was Implleatod in to main zcflflflmm ‘a ‘W M193 money re all! received. an competent to cx- oocup,-mg metal; pox lon ttwydo. ta coma bo- mm m“¢,_ on an ,,,“n,,._ u 1 5“ M“ fl._ gpm-sod :1 button moutuzhhn gt:-“worm in wire‘ lalugwfiloce Inn: 9 not 0 nctlnng other tikntuds com ton on and am: an to convict am am: booum M“ ‘M Y c r mm: mm weer to'wecl:,and to show the agu’|.dmnm-ralfiulerlhhtmngwu an ovu, wwdwlmobow x°v¢m°Mv M! an nu-or-dellvendndo rmr “M u d M Mammy, "Uh ?e!::‘:n\Vo?1.’hm?;.tg:n:rnl|nsooflo. 'ame3'::‘:$gzt:. «chad mg 1‘ mu no mt‘ ‘mug’ 7' n’b:mu’”urnum°N1lJ5“°m;nWw Ftnboux t:“::1"t: =30 udilmen 'to the uncut at that wu “tr: 13:: “"1113 um country}: wo“c:‘li tell all 1 how If! tog! “ nod ":12 th :but 51 thodalenduztla tharwtno ooa- mam” “awn” GOYKXWHT ” E’ “Wm mouythnua xncctrod torhlnuwnoour f tour. _ 9' (mm ' on." :''|V¢U.__ ‘' um Ilvru sent or I 0 W ITS“-gad gccgd w.“fi$h:‘:o”‘,1,“ _ ,u.j d°,,d,nu,u o.- 133* “L n°""¢“ ‘"9135?’ m’ 5’£‘°"“‘u;'“ “Q” nyult. INA pronoutkon. probably. Wud not they uklnfoyo to bdlavosgrott vrluaky us In Colorado I! an M oz ltlnd bl-lrxul! or ant to o clock. Well. It Iélnnei. 1 "91 W“ W" "°”” °° ""3; %%fi'"w 3 In I wnnldyou mom f MI’. E H; ' low vrlunihlgl-lea, ungigera: *'1.‘::t'fl,:,§nu both \w.tucuc:. He mo ‘xnevgnny andtha u.'. 3' °:z..‘:°i:“;;.. ._.s5:":..‘:: ..,...':=:.;.: .. «»*%%..»v- *-=°°"°‘*'°*"W°**“l.,*.:-*=.%:‘-“°"‘° mwblfl 3;“'°;: n'“‘‘‘ "13, 5”‘ _ .m:;‘,¥°;x.,;:§gg the qitluulfitnwklrfihod _ u .. mum u A’! t‘ v-‘*HoxruonrIh-'-°l4- -w- W 5° W " " ° ::;2.'*§."t%“°’.° 2:...“ 5. . an I tn“ lh port! Ht- tnhpm ornumuwarus. an arm was he run 3f,**g9;;;:f,*;,‘1;:”:°‘§,“'u:‘:;,’},,,°¢':(”:;°h,;,°g';:, luvs urea place; because I 1- you my word . all men mv teak nbovr to t.lvob}ul1J1-3:33 m In Ind no mum no; 'g:,°°'°.§'.‘;;°d 1...‘; '*"°",,",,, ° " ‘ "‘ ’ u';f"*‘§;., ,,,.,‘.‘.’§.§ .‘f$,,},”¢‘,‘u‘u,§.?‘i’,:a'"l$ J§rX;,ea»9e'}a:vorta ::utb'l‘l$:la" ow£at1;.tl:?:£“t!;:d:|:l‘I:.fc‘An4nnn.°§ dblgd unmfiln ‘” ‘ ff“ ., “N 60”“ 21’: “'“,‘°,§3 umnndmu‘ nu wtfil tgn fig: fa-Svonwunh can not ‘u at-ldanc’o'.o!° thin falggollcvo that O went to 3LeKeo\ or had not a In town arias“ UK? to segnubalh; tIt,l‘;uqr't.lon oi ttu floaty $(%‘n’\;33‘g}:::1'3:":‘} “N "*°"'!' "4 °"“’°‘ °°"""‘“° ‘ W‘ "‘ "'° "$3" 1:11‘ mo 27:» aivllflzmm -51: ' wt can»-1. lhawhad B M-‘NW. and In --cot» oonavirwr That It *4 -41-nth“ "“d“"“‘-'3 ‘“° P"‘¥’°‘° °‘ "°"" '”””‘°‘u“°°z'.'3w{3: “%»7:1°«:§m"-' '°§f?§‘ u"’T.‘r '°'§"tm. ' ea‘ ”° " 1°“ we“ ‘rm 1:: déctntavcsxflczsi |t.Ru um: l’ he eota véthooom nu-slut ” um‘ Ho undulations tlthhubcmtcfm-n nboon ttsocouta-thatrlyaaonthastmctshonldnaytbnt in roleranoo to thla nutter. Talia -a 1.1 . by or) P °‘¢. eun~o_4taotnn_x3 hudum fr. ¢Z:§..‘Ia.u.';'. tnwgtlaer wusxutié gm rmnt |:o fi”‘wu fen ,:’:‘.n §‘§},"’,§{,;;,°.{,,,a‘;’fi”,,., ‘M at usual: 5 alurmctu u to sin in II! lvu-snanbur at I can . nus run your at utstloaugd m:nI"'x1wzo lgdtlhotntgayr. 33%; h ‘hxgummfium ‘shame. gifiggamlgnlolylio rfh (W m¢{,‘."-‘§',‘{" ad}: crxduzooauunda. ,0” rtumnont .lhUW1£Ix mallow u my uuwu 5 number at lt $3!» uuupponod mlgu . ‘ . 7 uh mm, $525.1.‘ cg; ma’ ‘E107 mdxtéoo da~ °'_g::=5l;yy, wltm;:dt;°§l::ul3;1::1M..t h%fi mu an s “dull-3:: dnalwfigt wn In and ummt1o‘r:::o3lé‘:hou3:lm§vt.o’oLIa;¥::m;£ovv§; Eu tcaunu“ tuuntiagh" lgsfl :|.;.x4:§Ma’t::z:‘xm:ua::§ ‘g;?InIx‘?Lt£tn xmloaarg . $132.: ‘:3’ :3‘ mmwurauxnh um l::§-$33” mfg cu an ‘t-some I «NW N 3 YPN" ha [hon huoyou on httobo Glclnpc-gob! and aigw n mmuru an-sad dgnootflnr nudnn . sundlnx. ! Huh _ we "4 m,,,,wg,. pm _ om.-,. the aunt: and um u ' [3 ma (non of trust ' at m ox; . .y uclpnwr the:-nlrr—mtut benxvt pxvmqwyy lndo- m, mi "N Md 3“, 39 an 5“ mad , to ya;-ya-oon and totha court-_xoonuwcthcr~ that» We «mud non: oluyu Met. 0 tn ml; oocnmuu A V I i N I H’ “r"m “W. hm“ ‘emu ,, In-onfm. u 0‘ “I um um“, um” ,_ d t ed mo, dd other: than the . ‘ P Y ’ ttvsndnontzler deulxnthonthuot hdnpn; daowod.lnthonrstpluo.h1 ca-run. saying to him t use _uu ma o u: n r _p H as. . ‘ - name I C" I . '..y""°§:“ E:-:1:r§l£‘«1°<‘:“«?»‘ v3‘r9'5’v'*'-=I‘1'r‘=’>'%3’~5“t'3 ‘“:...**'*‘- ' ‘W "“° ‘am :r“-..* 233- :::.?.'....*".*.*°...*'.:*:'..*’.‘.**.:..*:2'+*2-....,"....°“ m *°...';;*.’ .*:..°2.:°':::° '°"*.:.'°::',';..': *;:.:’;r::'.:*.:;'5:.:~..:.';t:;.::;:;. *".::..::.. ... :,§::'g{,-,,E:«*:{,“.'.:,‘;‘:‘..T.{‘.',’.‘3’.".,.. ... amd.ugur~ ~ °°“°° °“ W" - - “ tcullolu omm Imclcnlpeapll eohrmg tum mo *0 mm. u «very Inn was an I « ' 4,. r of ballet mm lt wltnou-utalul and um tn. mot Htxxeo, and um _ W, W, u..,'u..,a. mm which he had to Ihclr duly not to constant any dean-r.tlorn at wunw And an um mm“ 9, "NJ “,3, “go, .lnt.aAnyoomta1natlnu or {animation 5! which Illa! thou tr-suds that have boanpo gel nut: meat It no we I ’ m N K“ “ldwmm mm Mkuwd to “Q nazmm I L‘ nflhmo :1 we lb“ M wnmbul R, My Leavenworth not nndotnthopreumao at the do- “dpn,'u"m on O m“. M,” ‘:11 N13,,‘ um nun or that mu would be bronglrttaund thln dlatrlot; hoe at the dlst:-lbutlontbblwu was cor-mbarntad by M-cry h fizhxlnm “I: d ‘Um nonndkwu H“ “M “I “n help :_ ‘A-vfinv. I! wmazhm “CK” mm H” w 1 ml: t I the amount showing his wnnoo- ,,,g“ ’ hand hob notgunty‘ wt, lath-cnrulnm made every may evanlng~—yonu-outed In . nanlaw tron: lnekto Bun y I My an H - - 1 . 1 mA_ or. a . B ; um‘ .‘ _ Jon Irntth 3.’. con’; lnoy." ffl,"'“,§,‘j,d 3"-‘1’.,§'§,t,' H .33: °fi{‘,h§,‘ ‘§fi,":"”fl I}: 5:“ ' time mtnoau, ltrsod thotaocot that evidence. to my avatar. liokoo lagoraubar. 135,4 Knuth an that 1: was In your teuom out. He noted llenrll. ‘ 110* “W | at You mu man at In hence hmmf: ed dollar at an - October. 1 . _. \_ , 1 In. . Jo?M{.cws’v’ 11°; '31- gas] tb‘:dmec1nn° “‘?u“.3.?§’.‘§°$‘.y,a‘3 "’° 5““ °' ''”’’‘°‘’'’”‘ 3° ‘"’° °"‘ °’ "”‘f‘|:“"“ :.,°.2"i%‘$‘ 1|: Ita‘;fl’oflncmddnMmP"lmtIl:¥u gunéd ma my on that also in n uonvtxan‘ y to brem:“dd‘::: ofl1¢o“1" ‘:31’. $3313“ ‘u'4':'i:l'fl°t§l:§‘ "bx: l;‘.ll¢‘t';.‘.‘J§E.°$‘.3 ma?'e"5“'Etha,t' la gihlq’§hx£..e1r'lr{:€‘l8| F 353: mu:-3 '3$f$1ut§3d‘;{§ll:° ailfifitfimfi 3;‘ be I m “ "'" ° ’ - WM‘ Wllld 5°” '3“ mm“ 9'‘ 1-If-"D0" W0‘ ' ~ the Rat lt would be All out‘ I'll be at wake to rot! 133 0-‘V5 “ no ad or I will create an up 0910»: -- 0' um 31 Donxld ma gr. gun: com into: who 4 angel lt. hurl! «and carrot! «then an» Hr. II no. A not» true by whom? 1120: an auto tharn( nudawnyn . ,__ . . rm . ' 2‘. “J has -:3 tsati§od.bm‘.on )-5: an the m can “_’§,’,',“’§;,,,u,,,,,,,,, mm,,,.,¢ 3,, M R, an,‘ M, aim with no so be game unllolom mam dettook to account or 1%; moum of taaawho fight. In xovmtm, ml. in punuuroe or mu wuzuogwu. . We! ho cm keep out by that W, mu. M ,,.r,- dnugcruna um. owr any I - i th . . born be An)‘ dcdnsllanu tluttnn one at tbooo non nude wan baton this ; 3 and nnangotnont that wru undo to run! up “'3 °'°'° lifllfim. =54 5}‘ “B1 E“'- 5° ‘W k°°P °“‘ ° ° Ia) CID’?-*1! 0'-8“ WW“ 5‘ b°”“' ' “'3 _ u ngalnn. any one, In bring the box 9! 39" d 1 _ . g, u; doubt :;.-.:*:.*:,:;=.-;:‘.2:;,1*;z, a::s::-=.....m' ':.‘:;+';‘.:; ““' rw,.° :7°..::*.~ ma :..‘;§°..‘.2a ‘r...,*:..:§- .2‘ W... :2 tr; 3:.-,::=.“:.°' "*°..:*.::;*-.: 2- .".::mifa:::*:»:¥ l“.t’:;.‘;*a"s=.rm::. rggaggzgggfigg .3;.W“§.:_§gm .5. ..u .4 do at an. n ldt ' . - ‘ °““°""“‘ , “’ "°“ ' ’ ‘ “’ ""“° th a tear micro: _a. motives mt ncuu mun ' 1-My am The mdnon that bolumt tn than crm.nm1a- gran u Mstw“ “- ” ‘ ~ , ovderol-1° '1 "°‘"“’ " 6°. "hf gugwéiza »: J». M W '?3é‘°l~ 3: :‘..::".» .':.=:::.:.*=: f_;:t.::;t;::.:;“.;d",.°:;g-3:: ,;’3~=‘«r=-§§;;,z;_',~:,,w~,,,.d:.;-2°‘-° .3 W °'“"- :‘.wT..‘:..:x~::.“.; ::.'......"=° ..=;*;.‘.€*°' "wstg é.:-.*....".:;..-*:°:’.."s;:u}‘-’::l:a ..:;a+‘&%J::w§:'s :23 °fn':%o‘é‘.u‘:r‘i %‘«“‘€-F3» ‘”°~%’é»%§i= ems: -..*.:*.*"':°‘r¥.»,*.*;.s‘*..*:°.:.*:,°m3“,:' .;§j.;; u " _ Y , ' wm weigh umut ng he on a jury tn tho use 9171'" , ‘ » ~ 3 , W,“ mm. gm, u,u,¢.,.-3; fgy (kg ha“. ulna down. mm: mm: mvunwpflh war’ 14 Lhmru In n at z.xz:n-rcuwtnnnflns . . -ma oxnxbutr wx-1.): xxx. 1 to aooauntlor the mourn 1: - tolzworthellln . .7511 H , v mm ;¢|£X6;:0‘l,E;&C. that ‘lu Irv: ggnncagg It g:t‘ll:t?eu;1-Laid? gfifimrix £2‘: ¢:",g;£"b“’- .:;V‘:M"':u‘e‘: g? “ “la :4!“ ‘gpo:aflxnxr‘h8Mu‘ nfl& §‘l;;n ulgrmgsnmyuya 3:?’ 122112;‘: 1:: t1’)lIlx’1“'g¢:)cll|t‘J:' mm; '§§.’a?Zl“‘;3.':x°d t‘: $3: ‘;,‘;!gl:,:.:;‘r.‘:s :3-:r|:c1";)ul:“;cdI::tt‘lx 318$-Illgd gull ‘tin -0“: '1 ¢?°¢fl V 10"’ 9 T9’ - “‘ no you the tour)“ and R153 you will Vs11fythM "" - Wu” ' '3'" ‘ p;“,_4§.;mg 3 gg-uggr. “gnu gum,-1-ad um pmpertyto to cite . an 33 V ". mm m. “gm “,5 thcuunow. I the usmmou outs aaltheu declarations com 3 ml“ u“¥.mm' ,1“; ‘M u" M nu, "M untmdo tut grand jury Isntrnoooeor n th lsadkld zloruon. Itwu egmo uutflr. whlchtmwenttollo pmrvoo‘ u r m ‘Q Ma 0 -h h h H ‘J an mime" yd mu, auxin; tn-. ulioolntbc ramm: Mano with (2, ,,; ,u,,_,,,., N," nu, .,. Mn... “,4 tnlnooua. a Gorcrruauzt around nu ma rt&n,1n rm u-gamut to um" rm. vmxld ur and out. The: recg-s;_}.':"“"g‘g';, .3 ‘;",,,,‘,"{’,}-‘{,,‘§, °“. §.{,.y.-mu no-nvnxxnls worm °“-"u‘. “‘,,“..”u.°.I pf.” A w.e.m.,.Lr'u:or. and um wnnpvuoyl ' ’ mhll and KI-‘sodas-ondnot when odvwlug II.-la.I would be eondnotod by um I7 wonmavan oontrurlloted the:-r other wltneapca. and. thun— flagella by at 5;“: W3 “ M“dmm_ mu m bflwoum d H “d an an mm“ St! Em’: my mm M‘ giuewmm’ than than on. bythc mumou at tho only {cup ac, WHO, 0, ,m,;,,,, “.5? fin“ gm, of the dotendmt. The ocean! who rapruont tom. Hague ubctnxhum-. klohoawunotplxt orunoato to arm .» vita“ ‘M ‘M ‘x. "mm 13° .9 ml. "3n‘“"" Mm om Wm‘ aw” cm a y V ‘ wanes: wborpo M to thatat um, Ilia: you Nm- "1, "3 “war”, 0, mud. um, I, .1“ at, “M Mn are Ev-muenu at great lumlngsnd nhlllty. sndamcol of thh oonxpl . lttbon wu natlv stuns. were 1: n m?n“%n Rswdn 3' gnaw’ Md, M“ win ‘a “mm. W‘ T533, u‘;_1(o\:)nu| wr:-s .4: “Nu ur not an n rm-dlcwoi on their tcattnolu. may cam. ,, U,“ 51 ,¢u,w,, ¢,. dhtlnxu had turn. an w¢llMa.lnownero,lo1l.h-Mt baton tlxlo nry;!£ ucwu nothlngxaln oapulsobam uwfiwl 0 Inf!“ ‘hug. mm ‘ cry can gum mm mm ,1; an . lntmdnocd I, the l.uovurnutcmJw loner; Man”. You on,“ wuvm . an” am am‘ ’“‘ ‘° "’’‘°" ‘h’ ‘"‘ ‘“°“ “W” ""°” 7°" °‘ ‘buwmd wumm ‘ml mu“ "0. M “n an own", M ‘"3 mum‘ M °°’ ’ “W M Eu" “ ta la In em tdoei um» (‘study on the - hold your lorcuxrall NP-K°“ “'m' ‘ ” “""""".’1' ‘:4’: live ls: 3:’ "°"'.,,““n"" M '3 "°°°”'m°° "Mn ”°”‘°” “' M85 '—‘h"‘¢‘¢?°' m“ V“ “"°"‘°‘ M‘ ‘mo’ ‘M5 M h h M‘ °°,.~,“mn“m’.‘"wc' mung: “mo wmhm h wmdfxvctedundn ‘tgwlga “w"r§:vi:‘r:£a rlwunaacompletaly the aule- In kind at cthct-,"fl¥;n't whcn the tllstlllcrs “*3” "“°“‘ “d"f*":“’J "“l‘“‘ 53:3, 1,,‘ N, ..nm;.,.,C Amflmpl‘ F’ 11”“ mm‘ $"‘1'?l3°:§’.°dmn Wm Y°“- A13‘; K';““°‘:““-m ‘ 1” ml mu m°u'v‘:x:d}m ha fit wag flu?-$ of “tags: in tutu:-rte‘: fiocfmmo by Kttgcléokaln cg; lhn:‘|?nl8‘l£- l.'N‘$3:§l’I 557° :5;::°’.‘:&3’°:l‘ 51:3 5;?,’f.".5.r' l:c;n=1l'. nu {‘r§a'.;.;a"z‘.es: xnwnlzhrggg; ‘ ' n ' can “go” ea . bu-ans , ttorxa _ 2:: rk?rr: 3 w an an gf fifiiz '§§§u°3'1§5':$'a wot p“n!a!fi‘oho:d Bag 1. math .rh£‘: & ::l::‘§a 2: 1: his é::np}l‘l:>l§; hr than M ggelkykhgiwzw o t: talggo. Ila tnuyitho htgdhsd llllglhlnfi lrhgg gyhfiigrgirhflmglog wt‘ flxgh Ham“ Ham“ ' .53.} NYE!-IMNK 30- worth I h prmseoutl 1 true one. I 3 X relate: to that it late t tan-in rowan run Wu autmn 'm nmortn. my: a ‘ an L: ,n¢ lm-.ru.tag 6l¢h!Id- 011121 mi; 1du'm:.z§u&uwe駑f‘ I ,°"°“‘uh':::fl:r1J:“I’n vntfl the tnonaletuinra mu: to death.-. - :{.‘,’.a‘ gun the 3&3.“ ml aaexnvnso wt; Intro nncoleatndlctedz tn tags; B: com mat wntmued than mlsxlon. a mat to lulu was any lmmunlty pmmlnodmhllm ‘_rtfi5:;oéIo.:hz1hu:“ 1“ dz’: m““;:wn”‘h.?£ ufl_M?F I“ “M: G, ‘ «rum 0140 (AM that you well number, mad Audlttrudona yootcrdnr. vnoa wttuon um mknowloil counplnhn-cnfitlaayaybanlat wtrzulatalmlzttgrg am“, :1 not 1% know :5; wl1If“d.t1wfi"I;, ho um, their ult1nn.l\un—-to!-I fi;$¢fi alnaznmgwt mm ',,°n,d {nope to V1»: mantis‘: sfwlfh t . 112:1’:-are: 3°? .§2$’.,.4"““. ,.{’°“§‘.§"‘ gt‘: “aha? z.‘::°;‘g’¢m:::‘ ....m"'”"'“’m'3‘:°o3?& the ».”«°n§'§.‘?!}’.¢ my man the thayarnt oollocifitot-‘tho firs! am -3» next nltiwl that th -My oomm“‘po?tabd‘e! 43:: lh‘a'I‘(.tboBzJJg'ernur5anptBl"sl|;::’l. Vlczurrssldent Whnuga. but K:._Wllson tnuyllit’ 4 .1 11». 1 lloa, ( tolndn thctaont emu um -boouod vrbonmu:an- tortlwttlngr nho land htat.lnuhundez nanoanltupoaw.-tuo If v gxnnttuoanachlorth tummy and ,' 5:):-'.ru:-r.crl:.n»: ;:Z'apl:l£oI.:Ii .:"§.°':"". oo Jug 'i:.A‘¢"i.’°:.-uma 5:3 tuba-, :1 tortgvti: 5 oonaplnaynt 13: went End covert com tr-rwot to’nau'\r Lndlotmc t ‘ ‘ hm at 1;: tin nuooeéstul --In oachmcnt of these witness théalzgg lta rvvwnae: ‘:g0m|;0I;)c';::::§ V3,.“ 1 did ‘at It. _ Be that lit. Malice Lisa of ll. um 3 "°‘v‘“‘-9° m: I at to an _ _, . . ‘ tor. And out loaded with Intwny ou cltiun and gun, his‘ land bun bcyond nfirvsch cpl:-my. 1')-ourttw at:-:2 ol lkeaflbaac It mm lmtaotalf A W nuemga my say that user mum: ls to be bcllovod. tor a °7""° . tntoh ¢£.'¢m,4..,..n g. And um. ugooxupm. olthla Sum ttsuboen naatawkomlhaygvl-W503“: Hum Hus tho monfemuul. . ad not munuut. uadnnnulll z odd . m o xnumuadmm; am will not nk ntzlcadl ogn Maxcou : "\\'ell.mla Tau rrxncmlat.-1 0:’ new of the Man a at olumza mou nmlndt in at the marks at 1:: thmmouall tlaroughthnelt o . lauhradthlz ywttluyzqthn: can bellarelbowltnauoa |hm'rnmootootn1)»e ylnthllwho BVNJBBOIIOIL Go finial the Mtglfkmlmr h5;a:A.§"-“|°l::;{"‘; 1 ulmpgowmgx dkect1y,‘F It o_n tnln 'I"!u1m.mIlIu\won «um my nnutodtha4ce1m- auto: when he uldnm the dcvigandhh dh-tries-wbowcto entirely nawtodwtth my wbouuunodln matter, no canon» run It was that we ax - W’! lull *9 ' 1 h [9 -' thlutttallkstboteitowwu but about. 1 u: ucal3n- .4 . . L J - av " “ o -_ ' uvd bounce at l omwhca which an uunlt In . rude u I An lta wuundod nor. 5 . h gag gwgggary ‘and beloxvo the ant to 0 I. 3 Ruth, nokrly won the urn the po1mno{dArIu:ou and u . . 0)‘ Claim‘ m t can“ :0 Must nun’. 3 M," 30 1, w fl tentln.x.-ray on. (ml-;( nl.-an who uld: [wont bestugwn thorook u u wltloh mu Church mu would lao tetrodwed non use t~ mm mm tocrtmm cammmulb out at tt a wtumm. boom» 1:: a w !mmwfl,-8“ - 1,, mg. npa4,._ u {stood on -n_ war the water ucflux Wm. Mmmm: .4).guo; {um-on ml.Iod1bowln- toumasdwlulouttm gwyemeotupnnlt. nun stand to man I ooupln . hm. ‘rho ootrfeuttgttzeyooeao and ttrovrnyoteoosw txvmthlavudlotthut mut nhoutthctnz 9 W‘ "M m exam “._.“b”‘ in ha‘... ‘ha My dart; 1 enhsredtho room. tool: um wand: {mm u. flthgflovorumcmtoould mutupxy I",..,..,,.a,nd t1owuhould1b&how&nu t tall howthzoe erlmu were orumnlttmi. Thou cont thclr wont.‘ ‘I1:(L'ob§‘ct term. go money! Mr‘“ was Nam‘ u I“ fit, “:3; m‘! an 90,,‘ um: |nl1,l.urougbtItl.ot2sawlndov, tmmlcnltto hlm, E:¢olkmwlthontnumber,uuuppor1.od and um- llowlultttnt 9.. t fi game than nwkllodravymt law M WWW“ Willi” 7,51!’ M3 ‘ M‘ 0 “'01. 50- ‘N 8:.“ he-maunhr mhwn” - . mm. mm . no“, "1 59C in and he at l_x la hls There was no cap mmbmma, they cannot slurs tn. :1 Atzut nunnnonuzp lnctdulnl-not . law 9, lahonoonu-adtctlou Iyctvoeu wltnesua - «martian an an lwronll lxzout um» was “hum “M “X50 ._ am. W“ hunt nn° um“ MM, {then gotzzt robon nonhatermcnocuto thotwta stlutfl olthat chuacm. «that men ducuaaoetod with ounuwrs that have nothlngwhatcvertsodowl alum, Itl that ho la 1 con wwl>8I‘l‘l “RMVM f°',.°,°',MuuD¢,.1 ;, M54,’ um rourunff. It wt‘ much ota1str>urrI'I,.uI:_ by turn, gm] thajnry, under tmuucuona of the Bs¢r1nnlttd,w‘hIn.lY10ll wclat the ray mkcouysmazaatl hing than Mn 0: o the ' gnu and 5 oonfuscd flimlulsmnfim . 1‘ hmhknu ad . ,1.” Map.‘ wk” ‘cw: ‘,“g,.1,m 4”. yepiy. [.a‘z‘_. a; court, magi.-md n venues ahwtsullly. The jury andkpgp below you uu turn an tact. and oauptneyr tM.Jn7 gains to deans. Goa» «nu; on urtromntcn or ux. ll Ir.$I|- on 15 MIN"! ‘"" °' '2,“ 3” Mg wmuo§nwwl':ln;-‘gmoi ' Initnl: Dwfilwtmbtowomrt raw Gcvernmett ‘hm . nld: "w.;wu1na:ganv s mural ua ammo ttlnnmtnlunocont nu: proved to be gnllty. tlncounnoauma .nnynsntuohMm,thatuu ‘nu your to about byntnvy tbctlso oontnv ah natanuu, or an ‘ N “u “Om” aw“ Y“ am‘) “A I “”J¢¢.“ )moufiE to en: he anon the mm--mm -n IM9PP0rt¢«d antimony The sum wlll tell on, an you nualma told 190- Q-o1ornnoa.tm::%°&!:Y¢ by vilaemn who wen dicta 6onoul.nou' my neck to mow corona» borne out 3 tbs rvcuon an u. mace: —H)mh..i§°I“d J um mg“ mm W ,,,,,,,,m.. cm, men. It . . ma «am:-uhcc Ian ra-inn" sad {at man was torn um yon In . booonvlnood oi kl: u: be- ontlm-1 disco: wtthtlrls aonaptmay that r non that In oaaér-mam. amm; dinner: la- la shlapau, cndlamgud rm hsuuéty. -nag . o “awn”. “mu m,,,,-“. gm go ho!-tthopower. tony whether tbs hacker?!‘ natal:-mt that run «run» Mabel": in road my ruuorablo daubt. I do not ntand to aanpnnoy armed? Do you helluva that than mutuuuomtmufl-tum matter tab» nokwmowuuuwumufldonhga W wmh . B, flax ,. ram km.” 1- uxoomp xv. Ila-M, ha nddltloo to that. we t>nn- argue to you tlmsth munch ht: I loam ¢on~ muyrrstomwvnidfilhonwuwutouactberln fi0nI10I.W!7 “Tl “VI. 0°00‘-““°“ “Y: W“ HEX“ 5! M 33$; llllwhflflllm gt“: Au‘ ‘M mg 6‘ _ bm:w“‘.'h6gm % H mink“, w,“ mg: on. lxmmt rtotoacz: otlheae wi no¢o4o1decllbernm£:11§r7; win your thntpurtupahalalnnooent. Bl. Lonhu and than 13:13 this new the tfifitflii veto destroyed at the mine. He ttuthc! 1 0"? ‘V ‘J 9"!’ WW u‘m“"w’3" 1“ ‘N I .m,,,,u,,_-mg y t .9. we wtarktl Uncut 0 lylnx; In mutual t :5: no common; nun: roman ovary. muoudrla I lncy unmar ‘to: hunt hotter than A319: 1 5 uldttr in] put M ttooruponslbflllg thamlu mules Hurts la “:07! eut_ b; ‘I! new ‘ if t Mg‘ “ '5vlu£a{.im u h ,0, “N 3 g,_..¢ ‘ tuthnony. \l'erlwm!:7 cvdttatflmonythatyou doubtolhlaoomwddoawltbmhoaaaylrur and . And ,0! we Wpaatodvbocautna la Jortltedutx-acttoaol tkooorxoocrvilhl-!0HE1Il}fi E0 was the mmmntg twdtfigey, . ,“ an Inc I w “an . 3, “,5 h H,“ arnmun In tho wabartolg. 2 WM. °* °'".....:" '**'..z°**.:.:':......°" mm: ...,*- «aura «rm rm M.-.".‘:.£‘-”*-*‘ ‘W :£::*.=:-....“°*=-*.,..."::.. "*°..*°'°...l °g...'*°..$z:‘;...%é'* -:::'.:::.:*: =»‘§“u’l."*‘-"~"°""‘.’, ".*'+....,‘3::‘. 62:’ aa°::z'&: .a...« «M» ° ““-- ~«-w=°°‘*‘° :.:=~»»«““‘.~ .x....., 1...’... .:°°J..,... ilkcl toll: mu mum» wow?» ‘=- ' it an run] , ' ‘ . . . ,> -- - ‘ ' llul lberalac atom to at as at co-cmnplrlrlora. nwaavttnuun who Era in nuodamul. the osnuonwu alum dmrtn Jltlao flmo. Bu pou have u muuls to do I5 N5 N7 » Os! !iW1INHI.an