it psi. girl... only edit-ngi.n¢.;.i,,,§;i.§£a . tar quoting at 51 47K cash or January; Si is February; $1 on March; 51 55 April: ‘No. 3 in-intel. 5t cs; No. is winter, 51 to $1 01: 1'9" noted. 76:. Corn unchanged, cloilnl‘; 51044!’ st $90 cash, Jautiarr and Ifcbruary; go usbllrh oo—o;icr~stIvo mill: in this country rim- ziimh; min to am April; imc my.‘ one ruled firm but un~rarted—21'o. 2 cash, &5l¢e; rejected, 83¢; nothing done in futures: Rye quiet, arid nominal at 68)“ to 690. . Battle)‘ as quoted, dull and weak. Flour devoid oi any new teature looking to improvarncut«—-dull all round. my invariably suitors when rain in- tervancs, and tho lint’ day or two hnoopcratcd aghinab its movement, except for special “pickings.” Ilighwinee irtcady at oex. scripuon price, 338]; pay you», page cop,-;§ru 1 L_083 quiet and dull 3!. 57 ft)? soft Missouri. ' Tobacco yeatcrday reported interior in most oilnringa, but there was a fair demand, and f for the better grsdoaincrcaeod inquiry. Pro- visions unchanged. but firm . - Sl.£fll.'£Ifi éélebz Qzinecrzrt. Seoil-Woeiilyand rth and Pine m., by pony oi’ St. Louis. «runs or hire DAILY. §'."‘?.?.§."i‘.'.‘.'.’I.°.£ .';“.f.‘.i:;3.'.‘.’2»‘.'-."vI.‘?’..";I.T"... the pro_priuurI. W!‘ 7685-- h,,Mo5«‘ ________ .., _ . . . . . . . , . . . _ . ................ 5(1) THE KUNDLY DLOBDDEBSOCHAT‘-C N D" 38‘ the Globe Printing nix -rm-wmrxnr amnnnxuocnav-me Sunday Dniiynndthe Benz!-Weekly (lhoab-DIt8- ocular combined). by mail. it not rear (vow-at run emu-wxziand onita reiuaal eoaseworlt; again the employers make a reduction of wages, and the workmen strike; and though other neuron of disagreement between the parties setnotirnnr occur, yet all sink into in- rignliiocneo when compared with the linen- ciaiquertion. It is, 0! course, the most im- portant, ea it is the moat interesting, and no xnatterwliat shape the strike between the companion and their men resumes, the prob- lem oi wages in aiwnyn the pivot round which the whole quarrel revolver.’ The present diillouity irfzzaodo inland to one of the moat sgravnted hroils that have lately oo- currod. and ‘which presenter ~aomo-~poe1:l- W‘ “W liar lectures. The Goddard Brothers own mills at Lonadale, 8. 1., which run many thousand spindle: and employ several hun- dreds 01 hands, or both come and alleges. An examination of the book: acme weeks ago satiailod the mu]-owners that in continuing to ‘ “pay the same price -per place no baton, they autrodng a loss which could not long be £48130!“ 03 i-Mlbomn. An aitoxnptvrna made to explain the Leoutlitionotthe marketandlheooatot mm- ,“ pm km 9, thoabsencooi such ancxpianation it lain- ‘(acturotcthohnnds e erto nee om. Penman) “ham uh“ mo.“ I quarter of I tnlillonoi douuvwona oidruga, or how the m in h ital stewards and , ldatvn, and astriknwuthe lnunodlote mm“ W“ m riff“ -m;?\ cannot be occupied in nttcndlns find as H11! in tho 0'0‘, r°”°“ 1“ um ‘fi"‘~d why they exist, we ought I109 10 P5Y_"”' it we do not need them. looked into, it might be V enough to allow the cadet: Ill _ P’”““ n“ he “'1 clther will yield, °‘ 9'7’ A nnromubu gained currency in the papers thntldr. xoxwn mm. has been greatly ‘W palredby the trial now in progress. ‘more in note word oftrtttlt in it. Mr. }{:Kce is not one o: the "breaking-dorm" midi Ind 1115 heaithhae notbeoi: better to: “twenty years than it is at the present writing‘. In-in Mr. xunougali who la pi-oaccutiag the Enltna Kine lull athis om: cxponaowonldho 3 vgjnnhlg kind of a citizen to cultivate in the United Bulbs. Our bottom iv, when min- dled, to try to recover all we‘enn get by cont- pmmim, and, telling in that, to let the whole thing go as one oithe neoobary rialu of bus- . Tim weather was very eoudy yintorday andon ’1'borsday,but. had ltboen clear at _ and alter snnlet, B View inightlfave been had of the little planet Mercury. Ifiie sky in un- . clouded this evening, the planet-l,-ill be wan Jlyouthali nnhour attorthe no line set. «Though very small, it I; nsbrlshiia aim or burnished burst. and PNMW I ‘ some appearance, hens lust above _ ~-...\-_.. -non. ittseo elocetothuum 534' ""~-ttoaxmuiscithat luminary in no rapi ior1n.odT_tllatttis very mi; mu me the earth, and it la Mid fiat moral smug; . astronomers hare mu-it but once each. -. L...--21 Ermtllingland i_e at but beginning to\y¢ that no a manufacturing power the must -aseoendrank. The dcclaratinnot tlielih I Sold rnerehantcthrtzngiand wilfncver ,' have mph ‘a trade with, this country an (or nae:-ly,_ it a direct acknowl tailuro the more sharp-night/ed of En- ,_.fllI_lt philosophers have seen for some time ' looming up inthedim diatance. ’ Itla not the -, rirperiorlt"y,’oi American nxnnuhuatmoa orcr -' uxokngllatathotxjlvoaus the aadvnntnge, but, ' an stated by. the Ehoflgld mm, the greater chea manufactured by xnachtnarlf by handgirca Americo.r.n _-will probably never be lost. . .9£ we cu-t=w=*.v-'""= Centenrxiiil zxppro. Ffllfloha Whflfl Philadelphia -“kl Bkow. hogan. Oshkosh and__—Walin Walla to con. trtbutetothe aigpemdu at an nxpbaguono, realize! all the direct 3°‘ “kink too mm. to tribntion shall he no large , ,0,’ Manny. Momma.’ ' fully to examine their books, gpertalri.-the" lcd to inlerthat it is not in uflouriahlng con- stntc or their business, wyaclier with their dition. and yet. while its liabilities amount to losses tartho post yan.r,aflil report ‘fie same, only $13i,dlb. -its assets are not less than without note or__-dlnmcnt. public $1.'l(rl,7ll6. It is not at thhflnngndjgpgg- meeting: oi’ the workmen: but the indlvlduairi portion bottvecn iui naecta and linliilitloc that who mm intcreetod themagilis to mediate we would speak, although the dlzymportion Tnxboattricnda ' which pecuniary profit, Phllndclphiafiould not to readily have secured T the locatlorhnd prestige of this Exhibition u- -it had notgiven roll assurance that Congrats "0314 9'‘ 5° 1“‘I'-11190 I0 contribute even by it bill 39”“ Pficuniary support at the em”. ctly to eonaentto the reduction, but it was {$1, and so without more ado the rate ‘Q 9 F0 on; ‘men tho cxnplafal of the mill: have idle. and though some rioting" has taken yd. not enough disturbance oi um pairs.‘ in: * nlted to cnuaejnoro than ' The one begins to rloua e rnnoc, bothror mill and the Qmlltgglt be . ginning to rum. 1;. omm °y Wm M, 6 to 0 agmuuh" orknnen in "15 P1! controversy, otherwise ry They hav osmod disinterested penoi_u4nrn- one thing: should make the ruin. nonmghatmoden in their demands grntaml for small tnvora. Sh /0* M the pmmpungs or their pr /fefusetho, appropriations with the ' which trnmmel it, the country may be .51.. go but death oi‘ Fro erick i..eniaiLm ‘close. one of the longest and meat brilliant stage Lives on record. 1.exnuu-g wu born about . the beginning of the present century, and crorn childhood Ina been on the stage. His lpwarulco an a_ loading actor Wan flnit made 8* the Comlauo in Paris. in 1323, but for clown ram mcnho gave little pmmna of the talents ho poaacaaod. 1111834, no impc.-1,... ntion of Robert Mieoairn and bio position beyond anvil on one at the am scion or um BP. and irorn that data onward ho mlgncd on the French stage, almost without a rim. For some. time he played at the Theatre Franonta, but the aolemnlty oi the audiences who assembled there, not to-enjoy but to Wmdu. delrnmod his genius, which was of I» lighter order. and he could_n‘3j"er,bo por- suadcd to roturn. By turn: he played In nearly . every prominent theater In Paris, and when. ever he went, Vina followed by crowd: or pop. 50331 fldmlmfl. who ilsttored him until his . head was woli-nigh turned by their ndulauon, ‘ Personally ho wuontocrnta'an the place of holding their idenfla-.1 COEYG-b\l_0fi.g'K¢§!‘lJ7 all at then ta: vor st. hauls, and "a ‘Western candidate. outside or New ‘fort: nod Row England, Tildcn done not rtaadanyehanco with mono loading Domoor-ate nowhere. Kesrnndhtati-inndraro vrorliingliard ‘ms: rrnr nurr ‘ _ probably be iurrodnood on Kon- dzy. it will note ten cents on ten, tirroc canto onoomro. and provide tor an income tax on nil aalarteo om-33,.-loo. ' ~ 4 A CAUCUI ' of the llopnblicen members of the hrn Homes Congress will beheld In the Senate Chamber at -T2tio'ni~ocl to-rncrrmr evening, for the per-pooo et hearing the report at the committee appointed bythelest cancer for the reorganization of the Republican Congressional ihmpalgn Gocnniuce. cttxnr Jvrrrton nnatui. _ cl Cleinu, was heard by the Home Appropriation Ooezi-nitcee this morning muon- einiilng again“ any reduction oi the uterine -oi the cutters 0! that court. ‘Utah Anni:-r. Wumxtrrosr, D. 0.. Jnnnary ts.—'!‘he Presi- dent was interviewed to-tiny by a delegation trons Utah, ccnaistirig oi 0lirerA. Patton, Bagiatqr of the Load-once, salt Lake Ctty;0ener_al Harwell, United States Marshal for Utah, and other promi- nent elttuns oi the 1‘er-rttory. The dolcgntton dctlred particularly to obtain some means by which the crime at polygamy maybe reached in thocourts. and tothiseodyropose a revtriori ct ywblch pol”,-aintrt: that)‘ be ex- ru. so under the int rflitcin, gill Hermon poolglgamlata in the nry-box, in an air: con vlctione. a interview also related to the sum-age PG‘- tloa in Utah, the delegation oontendln the the Ohm-eh loaders entire the Mormons mas? o whom-would vote with the 0 too if Allows . The Proeideot exfioued hia stay tor no movement taodin t More In tall, and the ovilad}polien or control the in among alleviate: prosontoo - hie por- tha Coiooe Pattouliitobe“E- pointed United States District Attorney tor U Capital Ciouip. Wsmmo-rmi. D. 0.. January §5.—IIenry starlnroaiitcr. lteproeeataairo in Congress tron: Connecticut. died here this morning. minim. weather wits conscious to the int, and convened with Hrs. Btnriuroathor, who arrircdtlsls morn- ing l.tdo'e|oc.t, twohourn botorehgr h|tAb&Id'd ping at the Southern. UOLOKBL A. D. .urn.s and wire. mum. on quartered at the I.l.ndnl.l. Gononzt. J. L. Ilarxna. Brownsville, Texas. to registered at the nndell. Oowxmflf.’ :1. Pnmneon, Jeruoyvilio, 111., in stopping at.tha Lwlnda. Juno; J’. Gtuxarm, xdwndnnlc, 111., is quartered II the Bouthera. ' 001.. 15. hi. mxun, a prominent rallrvhd innit. 'x\>lodn, Ohio. in at Bantttm'a. Cor. W. 0. ltrxxannu, or San Frnaciaan, la registered at the Southern. .3‘. I’. V - V son or no-.--n.‘vr.' n .u , yesterday morning rmvn Latayette county. 0:. the lath oi February he will start to ociect a sheep ranch. abouta hnndrod nulca south oi Trinidad. . -——-—-- -4r:--~-— A GHAFPLY LOAD . Sale-ntriflo Subject: Fran Into the Honda or the Police While on their Way to 3 Grow in the hllneianlppl. Washington Jachon la a' colored man. who ovrna and drives on exp:-enswagon. Last evening, about duh, he backed up the sidewalk. corner of Seventh and Olive streets. and loaded into his srngou three barrels, nil tightly headed and hooped, and a large box. securely nailed to- gether. Eflie lnsuuctions he received from the party who engaged hixn wnrnto take his load to the river nt wrao acccutbie point. and to “dump it." That the barrels were troll Eliot], and that tho ratio war not an empty one, was evidenced by the Labor roqulmd to hoist them into the wagon. Thou, too. there true a pocollnziy udeorivc odor arising trot: them, such an is thrown oflby decay- ing anirnal matter, and which mode the passen- by draw out their oambrio and "take "a mat" in Enu do Cologne. some said, “corned beef, badly our-cd," other: "apoilod pork," but, with- out enlightening any one. Washirmon, alter tn- lngoa his load. drove away. He went to the {pot oi can attack and proceeded In "damp." nu: the dumping-boat lice near at hand, my the watchman of the cult, goons; nu-on “wgjj looking" burnt: and I box about to be consigned to a watery grave, put in no nppurnnoc. and men lain objection In such ptrgn. none terms, will ‘l\'uhlngwn was forced to do- sist. Whatdld the barrels and box contain? one the qeosuoapullry the n'atclnuon;bet as Wm. infion had not pro hinueli to meet an in- at ttioa, Moon! not answer. Ila mpenud Lhg atruotlona no had received, but my mud nag rnnioe, and the wntolisnu nziuaod to ma load being thrmrn late the water. no lngton then called upon Otnoer 0‘8ull.lran. who was boo: JIM“. kndaahedto be relieved oi thaetnbnrgo laid upon him bathe party or the dump boat. But the onlocr unc. inquisitorial, would sanction nothing he was so ranch, In the dark about. it the barrel; andbox were to in con. signed bcurotcrnli undcrtnewotcr. the-reoouid be no bannln it reuanabio one Iclon by havlngtho eoatau exposed to rte . aahfn . ton roteatod, but it war no use, tor be was in hands oi those who would neither let him advance OI’ M0051» '-M3¢°N11|181.Ya hatchet war rocurod. itndthelidoi theboxwaa riod on‘. I; In auy to e the horror-ctr-iogcn ocuntauanoca oi the trio. ior there, exposed to view. lay the body 0 deco I ma Ln the around ced :iti:m. the trunk out in trig, 1o:ta ve the :1 , end the bend coinpletel, Leg“ :1 M3‘, mha i r " once to the mlnd.f‘?at th:u llslxuliodgil-l¢:4‘ c _Wa.ahingtoni:ua ed hbnecil nnootriiortably well tu-ted lb mod turn I W ‘axon ind ll:Q|lI-1 '3.'.£..'g°’.'i’.‘l."“".."‘3 :::*;.:*;°:.:‘.‘°°': “l§..",°‘‘."‘.‘i.’. " "' W" alhinztou exp vehicles, to Dllllli snow up onto the aideivsiliil, I0 Peel: the pamngm in like iardinu. and to prevent any other company irate iuniirhlng better iwoouiuiodailonn. All oi then right: and privileges which the no :33 received hit on mission, and Jug; a been so ,°” g:'l°“::;“'. :o:1r;el£°etl;lli3t the ..,.4 ‘ up up?“ to M n *i:f"' "'~l¢.ri' Luv _ vat x...m.5-.- an-fitters- tionn, this morning, nitor prolonged discussion, baclrto the senate the spent lugto the crednntiaia oi the e ion or . lhuiua as Senator from Louisiana. with recommendation that tbeylle on the tab! without action, because rt the time at hi: all there war no vat-anal. ' report we: determined on by the vote 0 Morton, Logan. Mitchell and Hellman, again Beula- errirnou and one r. hiatus. Wsdlel h n:.oi~on,oHV'aoo u, were abeent. e Inference interidodllythe rily to ho dnwn ride that the hall _ Government nro government, at that Pinch- llm atinns. onaideralicn at the mutton itml I hell my oh] nppmpxiadon bill to-d.a{.drcnm-I it neces- °"=' ‘° ..'°:.."".:.°‘?:..*::i °.§‘°l....’‘ .. .. .... . o y , nn 0 pnuageoi the mcuni-vs by return-‘ once inr concurrenw. they. than-u— tho laillpreotuiy an it came iron: 5 or the National Democratic 1-lxcentlro was held at the Arilngion Ilouao to- nl ht; Aug-natua schell, Clint . n motion oi Senator Randal in, ct Row J’ ltwasrocolrodtobe nan y _ nluition of the znouratlc party throughout toe i'or thcrum go of ".e. senator in was (Janeen Hoe» airman; l1ari.W. Xlnrnnrn. oi Connooticut ...... .. *“.r.#*....°'*“*°.*.*.°....**°*“.=.':.: . ' BIT. ' rs ce,o nu unla- Geayn and Siovcueotl. oi Kgntucky: mi lioproeen re And other: were prec- L! the ' preamble. rman and active or: 'I‘rnasn ;A. D. Ii‘0IlT'l.'-FOURTH C{)NGllE8S. Eormlc. Mr. Merrfll, {mm the COKIIBIHOG on Appropria- tlona, reported without atncmlmont llonui bill relating to the Centennial Celebration oi Ameri- Piesoed 0; calendar. Ho gen notice that he would then call it up {or action on aicnday nut. air. Horton, (mm tho Committee on Privilege: and ltloctions, reported back papers relating to the claim otJ. ll. Euatia for is not as Senator troxn Loulnbma, with a written report declaring that the opinion at the committee in that there so no vacancy In the Seattle, I‘. It. 8. Plnchbnck hatvln been elected an Senator tor the term corn- ng March 4, 191. no roouinmeatieti that the paper: he laid on tho tablc and prtniard. so o mpurtcd on n uution not yr - the one at Kurtis. o to It A: seem to be based upon the ca was oloctod, and he did not think the question was betoro the committee. Mr. Horton gnu: notice that on Wednesday at next week he would act: the senate to n-ccecd to the oonsidontlou oi the lmuviann uxtorial . go thought it should be Mtttltxl In one way tied thatwodncuiay had been not hates to the memory ot Uta l_.;i.!.e ,u.e.--~- ' ’lta_, laid, nan member of the Com- mittee ou.l.’rivl c e and Elections, he dissented iron: the concina on oi the majority. in his judir. ere mu a vacancy existing at the time oi oi ltnatis. und his erodoriiiaia, al- though not regular in form, were all that tree to cglllle him to I rest and at the Mr. Hen-ttnon, a member oithe oornmittc.-o,al:o ntnd, said he hnal given ILL! 2‘I‘.ID¢i|1Jlln the put at eanaldernlilo length. Mr. Cooper, oi the committee also diuonlcd, and said he believed the eommiiieo l:3éTn.idc.. c (Saniabury) would state the DI ning to uubn-i ted t Plnclrba '- naocticut, Mr. Perry. Kr. htortaou then said he would call the Loni» n the tnllowlng day. he was glut to hear hie friend Morton) give the notice. it really scorned to him ) the la queotimi was one or the highest nvileso. Itnot only nll'ocu.~d the right 01 a man theseat bntit utroctod tho right or obtain to n on this floor. Tho Senate rhoulci cl er till the vacancy or reiue to do no and lot to oi Louisiana send norm) one ciao here. he expiration oi the morning hour, cou- rcaumod oi .the bill to pay interest lrlct at Oolurnbla bonda. Pendtn dlacoaeimi. M1. B0 prcacniod Ibo cl 0. O. Bllagluim, It ntimt (lent.-ral 0! fl. ruling the pacuge oi a law authorizing xauilnniion, allowance and layment oi the claim» oi that fltnto alnu the moral Govern- llos urntahud to United biota r. elate we i "ed tie it - ‘ "‘°“““” ".£.t..{.'..‘.‘-.’..l.. u.‘:".:":....°...°i.'.‘."»'..’.‘.$l. the action at itwliouu taken there- is.'.:.i§a*.ii,rzi:;:'.:° “'° W” llollfiflv alter armo need the not W :.g::?.i;.l;:,’i’°‘°"El'.l§. flit: ’Mfi.“ "'1 mo, preuated a tame- each; to Clslll, B0- c! of tie showing the coneeaéru, extent pertode since these ooon~ In.trNlo9e.-ldesi ion: at the Commtmoe on Revolu- eted a ml to mend the diets of the War or-tau. In nsoqoericc oi dirioyalty. no no-red lit. liirniou, from i com at The point a order was an :3 § 3.5 I-2 employee to per oont, and by service trots e to 3. Mr. Hnle naked Mr. Randall whether he did not make any except-kbets tot to all rules. to the commit thin "in 3€r.<‘.ox. ’l"i‘m.t 2-» is small wine”; name 9 old loll». as.i-mum it-sa7~x‘.7$d rm-2:: Xv. £321-tacit whether he wirndew me call ivrr ihd odometer Verde in M reduced in V7'r::ng_ liilr. Garncial setki be wmsl-ti mt marge oggs. 3 rm -M-I7 vm...x.»..». mm nerng'sbm .,,.."§.;?:.’f"‘E?:‘s‘f.f‘.'é’ W W M W to oerzrhoia tarhotnyanrtrillzy. lyswe-r.-2...-lrwfi the nclasaatn atficfiftcruxvlori. xtriummulx the my 3 sgmua b‘ ¢ag,)x§:y. He had no i"fllA§ 2, 3 ig ‘mt ZR‘??? Vflfflfi C .e §¢:‘iM3 for Ron! 1.4-. e.- .-;».;m.. ratahuvlheccinwnmal txki imt one game» a ‘(tie E? - mixers. " . 1' voted: 21 : '_, gehrux; j‘)£i;:0ox. ?t‘ont§‘t' .3r'iwe!n»-§1Mse- % , gr. girls. N1’ 7357; for both ‘mm r.‘x...ovr, . ooul*i&o1w.. ,_ ranch exottcsncrit infill and‘ v}_ , . . yrncacdiarv. ° "1nf“鑧n:?relr7:P§£:§e:ywray, mum tfnudtgniiiedali . common cad decency oi the reeled‘/ere ct '-‘iu'i‘$... thereto rut-rain born 3:, and ssgcojlsn’-peov5vl.e wont’ =5 W“ 13 33“? i-ftha , coco ordorthe “imam cleared. The (Jun cannot rnainentnorder ovszghe iictiezénot ttsodtiimac ‘-'I€!l|b¢t' to who if an mor- “7 to are Eloeoe of lteprzaox otlwc S-pezr:er‘ii hecniriflocti or- 'eodPoi'rt not caching to reduce euros .ondwha»t were in 1&3. mfiopvpooodfla Mlettl oBis9fi.“;‘:§ ronw as n their lanommowth: who dia- ia the muse of ermxm, X ~:~.:.*= rim W e ”.l“’i2..”°“........’ °* at r e ouuu man ° mi your g-n.r¢oma“‘num- ..:e...-.x.- moist, and the ltary tar it everywhere . and who 12' °"""‘.1.‘$' ......°iW’‘‘'......’’‘§§ .. t...“ "“‘:.’€..’i of biriourflznlboinoaul Mu. " laatoraa ct their prwviorul hoard. Eco:-re. ' stat! Garfield the ra- doctioim ad‘ .-lnatiirtanred . ‘ext rothrgaa-Ilnntibe - ‘ammo lniibolaa€O?an- '“w”% -””‘°'°l.‘.‘.’:‘..“& wwoold than hnrecom theaovere Inc tootho boleooetolthefixpoettlaon.» fiehnd noirer had :2 nnpluunt poraonnl oontrore-ray tb dis-couion loud. and the commit- lkwxftzrh, You 21:“ ?'"°u."§1x'2"°§ pay at . in it's amc men n mi... into, without additional rstlon, was agreed to. All other anaendinentamithecria regard to cadet: or lessons. were voted down. ithout diapering oi the trill, the committee rooe. iir. Barnum oiifonid nmoiniion tor the appoint- at a conuotttec at aevon to who tor an nntendlni: the moot-at 11, n, tusweather. into new cugnocricutr who diod in Warhia I Land that his rernstnsbarnov to orvreik, uonnxwendor «it oh oi’ thesa- ot ‘V and .(s were .'P‘,rg‘tthI,"_“G§¥Vfi¢‘l'_4, Wheeler ripe. and: con-irnmee, andthollonu ed- anl ,‘t:a:IoJe;olontorto~nroe-row tohetoe-you Jtvcmocr-alto. evening. , canon was announced iono- muzsurm ......&§:m. An mm to Get lit. the True lnwnrdneeo of the Troubled . raw O1zu.4eta.Ja.nunry‘I8.—tn the senate to’ day» re-ointion urn: introduced nailing tor n join‘ was in favor of lcgitlinato dnotious. but he would ninth: in", lir. Durham whether he was man on the door. but be use not go- I reduction on-payed the ion, > nHourn.ko;l;n:n£ hwnnemglgxw York) and o‘r'p°e:t20 ‘ 1 taken on Mr: Halo‘: amend: batrnctlo iota to o n oppose rat the vounauiar hill lrll florrloo n, it not here on Ihin nlarl y-seen: et \ out l'ota are use nohoéixr place where could arrive or retired. Ilmll dint“! -1., ‘without. being called upon by proper authority,-. :9: recommend any couch to tuber green on a question of military bnrinma. o gvntlomtu from ilnrlluit) had had turn anggeeuon ofl-acre Pout I. blame‘ .. mi’ MW General Tovmsond. conla . 1 ml iriinonuiato and Gnu‘-i. mid ignimt the ‘tuorfiul lxuugmg .._y,...,,.,_ 3! of aevcrnl at tho sum u ,, in: also this sentence: la; is not Intended to&t;nroni. oillhofir: o aancslon as-lava War, or General at the A nal; simply to have this pu- ndieg to General 'rowurend‘s hat naciubcra can ccewhenco thcin- - moa by trh-id: tho gentlemen on tho cuac oppose ocorminy. per put on recon] (nil P lessons in economy trons the geutlcma York. I have had come in attempting to reduce the la ntmont. can. an I endeavored to lion. No that 1. nor the her cl that committee, nor ride of the Hound, arc-r reoclr tbnt vrurt lmm tube experience in thia Hone: expenditures of the nnnh, nor any mom- gcutlenian iruin .\'c\v York he stands hero l0'llI)' turd points in the WI)’ oi vultur- tho Uorcrmaent, ax.-I hiiuoclt nod to bin party the cz-r--in to leaocn the burdens ot the people. Mr. Chairman, that gnntleusau knows tint we ans to~d::.y two month: adrnmxxl in this Icilirpn. lie known um the m.-tin time or um aculml has p In the tntruductiun oi bill» by him- irlcmle on that side or melding twat: doman-la upon the Th ilcncnre that theae (‘Joints onnie up irum in demand; running irom 310 to F‘ to ten ilmea an uni .35 rarcd liercloiurc. He knows an in the South who Ion, the Federal unity. that In no! lion in the exp;-ml through ndrancca at here mid r.laJiniu (or pay imm the at there in a ri- ‘.u i‘m,0m,ixititu p:i\' the cotton tax. point 0! all hat I am ta)‘ ng, in that rrliru tlsmo claims conic u . and um pu.-lied lmui llul nldr ul 0 will not d.'u'u to tote against Mr. Cox. l have voted against them. Mr. llnlo. I will submit to the record when it what the KCLIILCIDALI hu 0. I know that now be t which he utnnot rectal, and link when these claims come up nml him by his rn.\.-tor he will not dare to vote against one cialma will be auelnlnod, with be. on that side oi the wine cxcoytloua. it run all do not believe uni he llouae; and 1 say now ) Do in unit exception. Mr. Cox. in reply to Mr. II in, acid: "The en- timnan cannot Lind any ill votea. either to: rot:-enohmen saying that i have so ‘On what moat doth this our in: no great‘ as to tighter and excito- xuaan by my master .’l1alc. Does the gentleman want nae to en- E Yes, and promptly. - menu the lending. doirilnatin ounce of the [mrty of which the geuucrnan an acilrn and honored member. influences which be will be boom! to Iollow, amt. no {or as I Ivithouttreing omrurivo, to ube That bcion r to thomturn. '1' W (liaie) has been ‘norvu in the lat three or and lncmucd excitement and confusion .} Mr. Garfield risen to a. point at order Hale got in ,tn the uproar and oontuaion,h fly that won ‘aligned’ use into member from Bauactnueths (liter and loud rope to order by, \ again rolled the 41". eodlir. Cox called in alone ‘ JIM you allow him to put me in that 't can ii‘. til I’ §3°w‘§§o§, on! I int n ln"l'lfil'llfiltr“lO M37 -to‘... "the into‘ J. K. West having been elected by bribery and other corrupt measures. and alive the charge: agalnathlrapr-etarrodhvl.baI‘nbiloPrinlor. ‘rho rooolation will come up tomorrow in regular Bcrthtar Weber, tr-out West Feliciana, odhrnd the lotion-la rrpolutlon. WMCII VH9 flflotwad am: it 5 riled chute . Iuallbcre snag the objection oltor noun; toaincnd -Ma iota-i finally ooesnrtttoo .2 that both liou!a‘<|u. it vim goggcr, 1::-fidcd mm .T:':¢~an~snt1yrn?o thord exlatsin portal-Ice I "or: t Yelldaun. Kai pnrtahnc, both state and ‘ Wboruts lilo miri-en y reg;-‘teal sci-oral oi the the Rep n threaten rrl lot and. in some instances, death, nnlcao roslgnod, nod in ca‘ name sent no to the pro their homes cniortc escape lurk-" - boron in laattdcntiun oi ‘ nt mou- regnhtoru have t‘ and said otkizile their so tics and utter- , nnworthyjlahonoat , ‘La ooouary th be niovcil ‘Lg-a mn apgsoiratlsdrléz su-:2 we‘ ;a‘.d_I\I:‘_ pcabe an o er_ them 2.‘... been r or said parishes. which, tl proved, won dealt to dcprivo‘the:n_ or poaihl-one uolrtili ,"- an wi-mu ltlcroportodth tthoao into .u. the measures oru oycdhy than (0 c:-9-yuoulrtlholr eruh have pl the limo and rmiscrty oi citi- aiirtnorltlca are und the ciri .7. {iii e to preserve 1&1!‘ and order. runn- c 2 - ltreclmd, That a committee or are be nppototvxi by the Pr‘ «lent of this body with instructions to investigate the condition oi the r.ilt-xrcl dlrturtmi i-lanes, and invent to the Ch.'Ir):i:l 5-min.-rod against certain o is or raid pnriahcl, with putrcrtoatlanlnlaier outlet and send (or pcnona pe.pcrs;and that end coinrnittoo .i.-o iurthcr lrutnlctod to report theronpon within mavens; -iaye iron: the p.-mango of this maoinuon. ——§:i:.ii.. Scrape . Sal-rlni Dlcunteh to the l.ilot-rullemocrsl»., hio., J.‘t.|Ill:tr)' '23‘.-Janna: Ilainu loft _ hlilier county last Saturday tor Sodaila, and. on an-wing at hit. Plnnaant, took several drinha. About 9 o'clock at night he lcit hit. Picuant tor home, but is supposed to have inllen oil’ his horse. lilo wile tpvoumrng , , smumonod the neigh- born to search iur him. Next morning he era: round in a lcuce-curuer dcnd. Llniuor leave: a wiir and the niiihircii. It In n-ported that i'rot. llcthln-in u-on ieoo tr-om n $1IlI'l(uzl.l.$l naim-ti Scott, at iinnrnnviilc. who bet that he could lie the Pruicuor so that no oultiltl not release hluncii. t is reported that liege are dying by hundreds In i‘-yoper county or aholcra. They cameo in by unguu-Ioade to tho song:-tartorkn. knit noontn-d:i}’ibotlIel'|nnmI‘1cralO0tl 85° llbord Tu night it Ls lo: above. L‘-u:v"r rm-got \\"I_.-gnu; when you want ehiru. Ev I-:nr non)’ cluuL'Lu bu C.uu:vui. to sin prompt attention and rnumul treatnserit to a .t}irt:n'I K‘-»t«l—ur a racking Cough--no mean are coramouly the chic: primary rymptonu of a dis» ordered einlao oi the Lung, involving a tendency to dcrclop into n nctilod Consumption. Persona at a delicate constitution, or those having weak or ttnwunxunngn, should in capocially mliottour. to treat the earllcet symptoms or a Cold, in onion. in head oi‘! more danger-one complications; pru- dimtiy ktep byyeu, thontoro, Dr. Jayne’: Ex- pectcrnui, Lhfat you may ndutiutntor as onto a judicious curauro, during the fins! iitage oi'any Tlmloi or Lung disorder, tor not only nru special symptoms or these complaints more tractable and easily controlled then, but the general atrcngth and tune oi the system has not had limcto be anrtourly ndcctcdmnd ii! therefore more nmcaublo to the recuperatlro and healing properties oi the I-lrpeclornnt. A little attention to what may room .1 trifling Cold, may one you iron: the law at a lingering consumptive. No mob sending Oonnnmptiveo South.‘ Thin new principle. Dr. J. 11. ldc1.ean'r Cough uni mmw-, mu, m,,_,_ [uuhm ,l.ung fleeting Globular, to curing every cone or Consumption, Asthma and all throat dlaeltacl. Trial aarupica tree at Dr. J. 11. Mr.Lean'r name, all Chestnut street, at. Louis. Ito. Trial boxes rs conic; they can he sent by mail. .___a_. You Throat Diseases and aifcotlonr oi the chest, “Br-=wn's Iimsottnl 7‘ro€Acs" are oi value. for Coughs, irritation oi thefhroet, caused by cold or enamel exertion oi the vocal organ: in speaking in public or singing, they produce bug. flfilll HOW“. s Elm flhrtuias cl Wart rays that tobacco-ohm. Imueeoteoter the Kingdom at lioama. hwy. tion‘: can. and would sun as us: go r piece. tor it is dlegnritngiy true was away etiheiuseermeaescti ealiiateyntohithe _,,___.—-;'-.1‘.