5. l eec:icuaun:oeg1s'\necwgoc_«u. .1 5:. Efijizuiiii§3ilr:iiz:*_@1aIi.e1§2i;tncrzxf;.Sai1tr}7ug Q gaxiiznrg 99, 1873.. . . ., - ¥l'UB3r-1)§.Eninl>ov nrprixea Iiot-‘gen WW1 . , tiexnnn I "I kid II; N- Mnm. '1}: E1114 rednsm. "'3 r. Eunbow ranks. {chill In] rlebtnre ml-rtnetlr In every . without on dieeonxlnrt. and then and In Eek: rm‘-. {Tn [end n1r‘asi‘n‘ef¢u*§"ert\-nleaaio and ' "oe.‘.t’.t.e4ay.a1)r.xnnnsu-sec. féillxma out 1:-Inter good: at reduced prices et the name City en.» store, in North Fourth zlwwt. ““ . ' ’ -m":-nun man, an sorcnseveams street. . Monday. Thmmdxy. Botv;xday_n5eemmxe,_IintIl_n for ladies. Sunday,‘ geiiIl¢men6n11'I.‘¥e'. _m: um. Yell, merblevtopdfeedng ewe lets; latoetetylon, I,N1.'5’imdnpmtIr'tl. ' ' _ . - hill tnartile‘-top‘ lgoxeenieete 34$. Kn. ‘I style; _pu'iareeie_._$i5h-tittnahvaxd, atBi_trI.-:11, Goxnnod: &Go‘."e, em nndeonienhronxth on-cu. Inuit Cabanas nun: Company. J. Barbe ie no longer Ielllngniiikn-on the Kent Cebenne Ell): Company, and thou parties who doaire to be tnrninhed by that arena- qneeted to have their order: at the 0569; 'l‘IeLlflh uecnumus atnets. J." 0. cieuzxn. —:-——o-—--—----—~ - Catneithelleona city ier hernias in heou lmdnhoon, in North Ibex-eh street. . I>_l'1. 011 M. Ohariee street. a regular graduate oi medicine, ha: been lea;-e1-on;-aged in the trnstment of climate diaeuee than any other phyeiniitn in the city. * Ne:-rem debility, blood ‘diseases, all lmpedlnwnu to marriage. can or xrrlteu Olxnniaz tree. .¢:_—_¢______ l.oox1t'e-ou.nx.e—-A In-we steel: inst received ; tor sale at very low prices at numn, Oomteok 5 Oe.'e. to) end in North Fourth moat. :—_.— ‘ A um: aeeotieeent oi genie'g~ooda merited dmrnu the Hound Olty sane more, in North route street. ‘ , Gerri’ irintcr seed: telling cheep et the Mound City Shoo Bio:-will Kent: Fourth meet. _ wear mu. coin-med. oteee. beating‘ and very’ double; none better, giving unqualified eetinieeiion. Any Iced not giving flliiiildlioil, putiea more and pay their own prim. ilecnoxiw, 600 olive. ___.._..._.,..._......._... Ooirmmnn mild warmer eampei: D. ortwtord tile. in nalze put reduction: in every eleenoi winter good!» At A sample they efler Boulevard- mnboued mminu mum iorflie. and those that were 31 mo: ‘me; also Beilied Boulevard lkiruthei n-ensue iorii M.Imd nliniiar re- .-----~.— 1.1 a@% Juxam-r'e cocaemns-A. Pnxwr nxirurxm loin-nu H.ux'.—'.(‘he Ooeoeine hold! in a liquid _iome)ar'xaj7ropottianoideederieed OOGOAXUT O1L,pi‘flPl!¢d expreuly tor this purpose. Ne «-\«r.'._ m.''..'' whleheoexnedyeeistixernrieue eondltienaeitiae Izezeanheir. A Ii_ndu.eppl§cItbn zendea-e‘u:e batriaonutterhovetifleeddry) epctendxleuy to:-ave:-nidnyn. itieeoeeeded'tiytnn'ne have ssodittobettsebeeiemtelneepeaiilnirlereuiugin 1» mrw_—.._ » , Saki ‘on Account of the seizures. htr. lX.VI'.L6iiins1re!l.theUnIted States liar- niei, heuuaidthe diriilluy eflloeare. Devin A Berton r::"t'hww”“decmxa3Il:“diI lied as ‘W52’ I C)‘ Q 79$‘! 3 I ha - §*»2°~:'%'».".~1°.$,.2.:»:....'s:«m2°~ we 01?! W -050 I‘ . hignvriauerereeinosofi. Stan . on taiiaeere. Q Item. and mraitnre were dityeeedo ei 'eleep_tinet:on~BiCI4ei'eiv to OIn'eha,vie Kenna ,Ol9y,~A_ie_XeleonendLineoln.=on Bundey, Jarrnmvy _'M.1.l16. 'rheii.neiriiihe“knon-nulhe"8t. Louie aod.Omahe.Ont-e:n',v"Mx!I.hn but through int: wilileeve Unto}: Depot. es. Louie, at 3:50 a. n., flendey. January 30, 1.876. anti will theroaner (Senders included)-, suiting nu ini- lom: Xueu Glty.,l9:l6 9. n.; Iiuvonworth, Union-Pielfl4§_Depoi; ntonuhe. with the "Over- land 2xjpreae'” foe-eii pointele ‘Vfyoezieg Utah ix1ah_'o,_l('evad'e, Oregon and Ceiiiernie. ' ' Pauengen ioroxneheand points‘ woe! thonld . lien: in mind the (allowing table: "Tit: 51:. name an OHAIIA co-r-on" in the only line whieli r_ung_a Pullman's sleepers and ooechae from ' mo ea. I.onin.l1nion pm: In 'A_:cnim, Lincoln "4 °“!h“.‘!’“.¥°9I“P"8°.i .5." ‘hi’ W?! '.”°"‘f“ Kine‘ Bi.‘.Ia'§ie.-tvhioh not emu |1I'd_H1i- wu3;lx_iv.¢¢, Bit! by 1vhiehbeoond- lP".‘?9=x¢n'*°r OMMID-1 ygrinle Hf§§£.hV¢‘_flJ3W£¢‘y’0¢lW¢ eeaaisivofbon at Thxongh tickets‘. pentphlete, lime-tabla, sleep- hx cexjbextht and tun’-inioxmeiion ean |Io0Bl.nin- " egiiweenlagetiheomeeeet thaune. nt llhilorizh reexih. etrreet, ticket once, union Depot, S,» I._q£ia;;_ox ‘by uldreuI'ng‘2. A. roxd, Gonexeifi fauengeaixnnt. 3:. Louis. .' - * ' Congrfegiitioetnl Headquarters. _ At a meeting yealeedary site:-noon of the clergy end prominent laymen oi the deeonzineilon in thh any It was decided to eneblieh a denonnine ' nai lama artereiaeonnection with their Church in riesinu Iran. For in purpose tgcy B2‘.._...u‘?.a.: .e ll lnenrnn min which n "“’ °°"“’°€?g°.'i.’$’“x..m..'" "1’ corner ' . and mod] icr nee early '£‘rn.nanat!o:u in—Iinrrcin.. ~ About ten den ago Robert (irehnm and George Qnitman, two «dotted men, in the employ at Hamilton A‘ Jgertle,-porkvpecken on Cement :l;:e$ wlea hrg€:‘nm their on ioyere,. cold It loose a when» , mrnerail’flee,wd 2 . tor e ich l-htrzrecciv equlroien toils. They nooeeded ea ell in that v met yesterday that, stole Another but-ei, t‘ (on it In Jan on-ten. were n no one nd loaf” Ln 4 Third lmiriet Button. B or In er- tqied to: buying stolen prayer-ty. -——-———-—¢»-—-—-——— Boytonfi Contract. The uunuqn may will he captain mag 30,. 009'» "rim-int met. In his liie-saving dxnu, “PENN! (0 "III city. Llrlngwmgnu for H.“ egotxreion are stated in the uiuruaemeai, in .5. Qififififillnn. Xi name that 5 many at use name erg ieduuvna oi lmmorteilzing himeell, _ e_i the man. u wilneu the laflowitug .. .X_t3.loti - ' ' -. :‘ufi ' 'fl.l8'lB‘. tel r lBa . 55.‘??? ~m'=..~~l~u*i‘.:’**r“°« ' . - °3XWIfi 0 B90 mnltd. to N; . ‘on paid yea"-wen . me or women . _ lumv Wm. .....fi?.':2*W....:.2.'~*°*.. ...‘*esm:. - _ you give no Imwitmepthe utea:in.'er,iIsat iii ee«LIilneren».e' -. en. W5“ ,iozle:$f:=v':eu'.% gs -_-"‘_1e' the :ahfi:fli’ 3 o.:ny_ ‘unlit .. ,3-aderill ‘ doyoereinueet .fl;.\m.-.9-. Wrv . .ksiimne lomlll. ‘em giant. , ’F*|¢l*-U. s-‘‘«_..I ‘ * ~ xxw mun- Kn Collier introduced the tellmrie wry _ a. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Seseion Last Night. iildcrnae O'Brien Intianeus Brien-y ruption,nndVal:uUpea1aree pmguannngu. - wicerv _'rhe' City Council met lag: mate}, .. “ “'.' W’ miw‘ _£isn_abmtiahx*uArx9n.»- . . » has been gireeiin the weetern WI ..z.':‘i.‘ n"..“.’3?.‘.’.§'x.°;'... mu‘ ...... 1181'! . mu Imym Cnmpi ronm nil: diredion at uni pmrrdwbenveqe mueieei ‘ ‘- Q31! . 'art.oi the only. let the edm r- ———-———-a---—----— . err. nouns in sl>i:.i;€'rna3. . ..'..."';.'.‘..-'2,_.b ,Ilet_‘rpI;i _ot' cieaimx em- _neen'.e ‘ teflit. I.9eii,depx1radwula- n'zsweiix9icf:’§2!u4be.1eamxz._ . , .L9izk3ix'I?€!Xfi3*r°.°mpl%1§I.W”P*°l!°‘ jemgieehne congregate nightly about Blxtie and W8-I-h"ll:‘oc‘ta, aodinxdlt nienendwomcn at they peel and repul the eon-Iere u the etreeia ‘- _ ~‘0"IBxfen'_" ’ ““n”. ' "‘ “ 0-!_ thereto hyfavhrich the ordinance {oxen inclined ‘on thnI.¢te'e' tortbe Railf beeanee itveeintiueteatehim 1.M‘tthebiiln'n.e pueed‘ bynwneynnd lobby in- fl‘ — , .' . Er. Francis raised the point of order the: tour meetings ‘bed gone by ainoe the hiflpneeod; and It cook! not be reconsidered. The President ene- Iaieed the point. The nnecrtion created eonaidereble exelteinoqi in the Council. . Mr. D‘:-eneie nroeo in e qneeiion o!'priril¢gn,' and moved tiieteoonrenittee lieappointeil wim- veetigste the charges. 141:. Keeling, in n ipefech, teeonaod "mention.-‘ on the no'otienj"K_r'.‘l_"rv.nei.1 I.dvo~ee.e'ed'e'n inver3_ ligation, and challenged ‘Br. O'Brien to produce prool thalinon-o"y'1'n¢l lobby lniluenbe wee need ueongthe members when that bill paeeexl. -- )i'.r'.“8tebo:uiid lhaflix. Ojnrinn enppeeozl that It ‘ifioiefi-was the lobtiyist who mu betore the eouxleittee lorevruent the interests or on-min propexty-holiiera who were man: by the le- olined plane.~‘I‘I:ialir. Kale:-wee on llxeiloar e1 theoannciietthetitoeeithe puma-e eithe bill, but he did not e 4 or to influence any Inexnbc . Mr. Aznehmguixi that he and A letter mom John Meier, uking him not to oppma the bill. _ Aldermen Keaiing. Hoe;-en, ‘mxnor, Kortirunp. Anaeinng, Foster, Fincher. Ooliier. O'Brien, linddenand Btannar-tl spoke earneetiy, and none excitedly, on the qnoetlon. Hr. Collier moved the preview question, which wee oerriedby evoie ointei. " The voteon the motion to lnreeilg-Ate was 25 yea: to 1 nay, Mr. Stanneni. who ex- plained his vote on the ground tin! Mr. O’lirien said the lehbyin, end notthe council, wee. paid tor the Action on the hill. Kean-I. stcbor, Baionson end foster were ep- pointed on thin eoxnnaitteo. mar -mm-n waxn ronuzwa rucn. Hr. llagrty mu rfviiewd to new that he and oerornl o er menu v Ited the late polling; “laced esou em Precinct eilhe Ten ‘nerd, and found the heck door newly broken, and that. M t |-I new no one wait! see into the wlrgglxore twu Ania Judge Aduni ehewed the ' onnrimrcu PAMBD. Jitter reoeivi the manage train the Mayor ap- vin ee n bills iherefaru at oomnmtoei gov:-efageunpondihe iolcvriaghillsw-ere neon ”‘1‘eI¢evrovealIeyInloleeIz Xe. G08; anemia to lo: venienloi Thfigee Tran o from Oho - .8 eagle to use he ital lo ey in .wito'l2;p1eveuw erect. out ii :1 Itreetsta In rare’! tr e I n Oéiiifl-GI In an? one I: n kmI& :vepn1§y n to H218 ode et . tog gluon IV In: to meeairertiio p e in ‘meet me Aim-eloeetre so ilwordeefnr no orig o r"'°.‘”°..2."° °:.2:."°~".:'.*°. '°. 2;: to rev 2: es in evenihlohve I et loin: ll 3 ole :2I‘L‘5‘"“.'e”":“ “in MM . ‘M . e N e on red I rore “emu reeie etreei Olsemitee to ma etteet toleapmve §t.‘LoaLI ea-emu iron: one avgneeln spring erennekto inhinh end 0 21: run avenue iron: eok In-eei' peu Inn moon: on by reeoinllon inetru the L834 ' Itzoci, mmlaeianer to open Thirteen from. mm: e is in Pa in treat‘ establish the Yetgiaihe nutmeg In éamnniciefz lo eetabiieii ea sewer mm-lot No. I, and tor oeneu-acting newer: therein; an plemeniet-1 to otwiinarzfe lfigigdelx-inch wn‘:or- ipgn Vail ii « on B! e e one In no; additional. n °' ' ; to by wetor- in “Y: ureet wxonflwe mane 3% mxiiaorizérngtfie itzlgg oi film: an . luugtheoouttouo/. _... _ '. - wiurmm run avinma YJWHBN. At 9:15 the tpeciu order, the Mlreellon oi the roadway and norms oi Wash raglan avenue, (tum seventh I met to Uerrleon avenue. mu taken e . )ir.l e1-ix opposed thin p‘gpond Pimbu it w -bioelt pavement. on ground that won ta! per eqnnm of mo superficial ipet, to be the owner: along the avenue. 1'. {H15 ' ivrooc-nled two remonetnece nu it» I on reeomiz-eaten, on the xroenii iliwutobe eeigcepec Ian: a. . Patterns: more Ian eno- aleeg e arcane ee Kr. Subaru-av gnignto new menu mpefrtK~ee-note epedei avenge: e Pitu- 'P~I'°9oteo la the wed:-hbioeh gr deport: eecnnty ortenyoue. the avenue can input axe which Iuteeverai b . ..é*’r7....“‘“*..°‘.:.“‘m:..*.:“::.“......=“°“' ..‘°...".’."‘.i‘.; Norrie Eve the opinion oi Gene-ml Hair, of wt oi the wedge-block snrnnent; . Piitrzm-3, in tree in (nor of the bill beeeo‘ae_ii lead to $:Bt1l‘ue(§¢rnt oirtobe qeeetien an to the po;gr‘gir ancil matte‘: eeeeeuee ttcomzi-notion oi aueete‘ uni became this pave- :- uni c than nmeedun ' inent true on . , Hr. he up the hall, Irmeue need E,- I .- ooo-1 1 wine rem nut-nu nation to N043: game: in let the oniinenoe. anx- zested ngene ordinance ems?" all otzeet Ina- {gxwcmeate and regain and w noel: work '“ igedone only by ‘R e nwéoriiy '9 JV‘ . M’ fimfl he would at the next meeting introduce muigginenm tzspoaiaa iy cg; fir. Alnelnn weld, u I ounsapolitnn trav- lho wedge-block pavement the hohadeeen. ' naovedtereeonuait the bill with the The ' wee *4 ‘ . a a bill»: Removal 0! deed nnimala, which gin inhibit liaexrmovni oi’ deed cereeeeca (me: e -73:11: union by pennlsaien oi the linen! of Health; nmendetogogt oniinuoo oonocrning the Cit Er» glneer-‘e o , which I: to increase the can rest- or’; boroivneugor repein, under epeeiei ueeaunent, in . - ‘ ygr. Keeling: Improve Pt-nit evenne iron in street Ohouleen avenue. On motion 01 Mr. Norrie, the bill (or the rim- aien netho names oi ihe atreeie was reeonunlued, and e resolution we adopted inetrnctlng; the mem- here at the Council to meet the epoch! committee ntva. on. next hiondaigfiimhe oiiiee oi ltceordoa ofa otea, Io ualat in .een_ip1etion or the re\‘i~ l n On motion at Mr. Keeling. the bill yrybelng to grant the Union Depot Company’ the p vliege at crowing certain street.‘ one made a model order tars .w.ncxt'1‘uee¢ie ._ Ail J0 .tn., on mo onolhir. Madden. the Council A timed to meat: the Genteet (loan at I p. at. today. Excursion South. Hon. Thoma; Alien, oi the 5:. Louie, hon iienntnla Ind Southern Beiireed, and party, . eched Limofieék yeuerdey, exideiii urge In 3:. Loni: «may on their return you swear: exoenion in Texu and Arhuug They visited Gels-eaten, iioluion, Roeluiale, Pnblline, mu», and other points. heme; travel about 1,800 mlleeon e meciai train. The exo_ niaiereport the wheat crop an very ymmmniuned the muni- gnikul innmenee ia’1‘-uni, and V t Arkaaeaa ie rapidly imp log. Darin thefluetrth literall- Ionic-.o_mpen have told ,€D0‘M>roI oi India Axklneu. / Church 00:: rt. A calmer! woe given Int erefing at St. Peter’: Epiecopal Church, on the comer of Grand and D11“ Itreota, under the man ' nlcni oi Xi1-.Ed- wina been Lowe, and with . B. De Onmpl M Inneicei director. ll. pros‘ in be 3 eucoeu h every way. A one prog wee preecnted, whieh mu nicely uecmeg Tim vocxugig gm 3121. 19.1). Lowe, lit»: in tile Gertie, Kin tennis . lunyn, |-lenlet. and weal one 17! -4--—-*~-«L. . The H “ oi the police Isosnod'ta'ttia tact. ‘lint Boston Jnieerciea-. of Wedneedixy morning, give: u Iynoxpeie of the leétzun detlvexoti the night previous by mu Pliabew. Oouxlue, ei flt.Lonis. tn the Methodist Episcopal Church on Texnole eizoet. Klee Phuel_>e'n li1hJectwna"Portio mite '"T\Vd‘hdl. Johti W)! on end Hinton Boilf. WON eAn5ht_ heredity nigh .- Molding nine bottles 01 wine jllq. E13 'Welngit_"itteet} Emery were’ flnkni by Ser'ge\.'nI.Bii.U.lro'_xI.' n1haeqneatlyrolouIe oi_'rwe1ity-"wooed and Gate- -7.)’ imenooa, and teeth: a tight ,‘ ‘attempted to not the pm of . yrhioh he received rottgls handling endvrne obliged to npply for medical intention oi the , ' Gov-xxxoxnuwnr hen appointed an. L. U. Reerie on one on‘. the delegate: tercgureeent the Eula at Hiuourl in the Bentham States Immi- gration Convention. which in to euemble In New Orleans on Wedneada , Much 1. Burn’ oom- miuion is made out in the Gore:-nar'e own eni- rogrepiiy. A!‘ n meeting of the Park Avenue Bnaptiat Church held lut evening. annsnlanone call was extended to Rev. J. V. Behoiiekl. eiflcw liritiou. Ooitnoolioni, to become its pucor.’ Mr. Bchoflnld in n brother oi Help: General Schofield. oi the army, end was formerly putor oi the Ennlrd Iiupmi Ohuroh in thin city. . Tm: entities.’ community {win be we to learn Ihegihe manager: at the Kluourl Peaine. Awhi- eon end xaemu, and Buriinstonend mnem- Bivcriteiiroada here perfected nil annngeiaente toopen anon-_ iinetrom BL1.oni1te0saeh.|.vIA Keneae Oily. Atchieon and Lincoln. . the nut through train to atert been the Union Depot M 6:30 o'clock to-marrow morning. The linen: to be ‘Imownu the "BI. Innuud OmebeC‘nt-o!i’."- Tn Finance so-i Building Oonuni oi the Pine Street (Dr. !Z¢Ithcrto:d‘I) Ghnreh, says the H-nabytmaa, have resolved to proceed to the one use oi I home of trouble on their lot at the inno- tion or Wuhiegion and (lined avenues. nil lot ieno.\:iye‘miie eedeheilwealol the building new In mm with the opening as spring. the new lion in rapidly on yetelble. 1vn1T'r1E‘°'N1> Bliss. An Immense Congregation nt°the Rink Lest Night. ‘naePregrunanfo(Te~DeyI¢>iliie8aMeih.esL:i4Deve hymtvugeilcai Alliance. Theae enngeilnls ere drawing crowded house‘ eo speak. and although hundreds extend merely i gt curiosity, and without any intention oi nuu have been . uenahl: neoeutnl. Dtirlngthdeiiori iineieinee their adveniieihie oiiy.tbelrI‘ork Im not heenhniilcu. new nencoemact their Qdifiintetphn went at unntioealim. whieh":ez'u5cs'al1r shltseo - I _ m. qnentmaminiiaetmo neeningoiiiw Loni beheonicheieeeineu _ manner labia very (tut he never um to hold the attention oi hie M- ciienee. iii! selection: oi «sad iiilaie qeoia. tionl ere good, £34.13 w . haula- tenaeiy Interesting. Hr. Bil» p at the or- gan, end. by hie nu;-ntnoent voice ohai eeperior mum mam, em good service iii hymn: end pains. in "gunmen: one or N'D'lO!I3'i eeeh eervioa, and {silica in-rorabl: lmproa and own. . ' . no prayer,-neeiinsheidyoatcrxlay, et_9_e,'olock Inthemorniag, intlie ueiiiannn o_i’;“_th9 line tiethodist c_nmn,- tonne. am largely . I and an e neeeofet oentriie tgerehip, _ Dr.-B:-e'nk, peetor oi the central ’ .= pt-'e§id¢'d even use meeting. be we at the man hour and niece thin naming. irheniblerudinxsroibeid nt3o'cleel: yester- Gav Incomes I=.i§'>°.ae=n'o Pi”!-'“‘.V.*! wand- ed by screen} Itsqglyhnlf or when punapeseetunzcmdiegs. pr. Goedell, pause: oi iiserfiigx-in Gengregnlional Oliamh, ine- 1.x-n. * . ;aided,Andinthe'3io?otlh?IeIiane. dwereu {allows and o in given: Tiiu i,2§;_Duet. viiftnnd flSt.Jehn I:' ed ct-ed . . ....2,’.f«’l..‘3'.£‘L"fx°§eo3u.sp”.I.."$§.’5‘:7..i’§, end were o not! with we or it)’ Dr. shaman The ex: ea iiaen co ted omiumg anti prayer (or 5 ten minute: at the we ion the Wninnt irontoit roeirnin endannonneed M w ‘M ::r=.*..,°e..4.2:.:°“.:“: °*.::.“:.~..- "~‘:..".::*.,.~'=.°..:*=-- :- w . uuAie«tflLMo" 0aieno.rnii‘1g,et the 3 church. A was-may -Ii'Fi’i‘thm. &. scleeoe mt sitar emym non‘: Wm G‘rey.'e. street, tiieltoo); wiggle: _. pee? ,,on north times, where . ’ st‘ .annennoed' . his exiting: dfeoogune. the “X :3. ::°.-.e.:°.2:..“..°.'....‘*' "‘*t..*i“‘n.**.7‘°°....-“Mt”-*° Ioio the}: "n "then 31.1%.» «mm ‘ounce 373" _ _ In protest theirjinith to .' Fully‘ one _ Jthe eon lien use no next__ee.llM for were anxious .to M ed. 5 many also arose. nti rn nvee kir- houee will be commenced nndjnuhed Io ooinpleo ' seeking religion. use lnbenoi Hceen. Wluttieeed from other rorirnlistt. and are . Iio§I"ing9lo inan exeeed'IegIy.pouseue:etyie;;whieh eerie; alien-dole hie n.edi- ‘ the Sims, "Welling eed Watching iox 2He."'l1r. . "a;:.....::2 mr°......":'. ztlon next week, sad in taking precaution - them. ' -x FOREIGIII. '2}. . __j__ \ I - _Ouban_ Inaxitpente Enter the Oienfuegos.» _ .';.r .. _ .4 Hm: with e -B.m1uuon.on nel- " Bands. .1’, Reliable Accounts ommnt Battle; in Spain. ' . Otdlictingl Rumors‘ as to Afleireh in World. . '~ England.’ cixxxoxu truck: nxrxnrrxozt. Loxnon. Jnnnery 2s;—'nae Government has ordered the steamship Dir-ins to proceed to a na- tion at Leanna. on the res: Ieoeet oi um-.a., and to take Aboard Lloutcitenvt Cameron‘: party, who Nverdnet nsexeeed through the southern end can pertnuliriea troxnthelndianoceantotlae Atlantic. Alieuienent end apatite escort will be taken to Zanzibar. 1JenIenaat0~ ‘a health II telly tutored. an ear nxvonm. ' - Donuw, Janus S.-'-Th0 Lord Iifinienarit of Ir-eisnd hes leeu a ,zonima.u.i1>n revoking the eoplloaiionoi‘ the peace . not to the counties: 9! Kildere end lcltlow, endpportiena oi the counties of i‘erma3tand Down. Franco. ‘rm: RADICAIA um nauznnx Lonxp. . Rune, Janna:-yzs.-_—l:ie stated they {benedi- oalsud h(.Ge.uetueua have come to nnngree-. meet. The tanner will accept the fi M .?re1-duet tor the Senate in consideration o! )1’. Oansbewra aeecpumce oi KK.Yiotoe' Bieno. Yloqnet end re;-psi. I 1&1)’. _ _ TICK BECIBEIDX '0!‘ 3301.113 E'IoOTZI‘!XHT§ &- HIKD. . Lemon. Jennery fl.~II'be flee Della fa-lie newspaper of Rome, noticing the roger: inthe English paper) or seer-etnegotlatione between ex- Lremiet Anglican uugffioe the Yaiioan. looking to the secession to Reine oi awbolebodr cl rit- eeiim, tn-eneoneiy denies the exietenee oi any such negotiation. Ii we then H epovmM,_het - -4.. 7 ‘N r mi‘ §.. . Ailontm urn: nnmrnxr. ausnnlmia. Jimmy M.-—Ai (iereumeedi the lioniiete eepvewi any cuinu, one cannon and one mortar. Beau-xi L'o1raeen- unneehiaedveeee mam interioreinieur. A beiueie imminent lathe mule Valle . mean r'_e nonzero" _ §c'.'iEe4n: .. ‘A I P«“‘3"e%:':*~°=s*‘*=.-".‘-”l"~é‘4'5'%«¥”'5'%.:~.s.%% &‘:'i’.. the infinite. Wl§ h *~:.=:§lr:-4%. .:e -V e lieerie¢_op.tI1_eteen'e_- coining sen-met. < - . - cu-mun tan 11!: Ban. HADRIZD Ju r caterer Me an- négnoedlitaihew iaheliieeeatlntbecegttea. an Ixsuitomrt nnrzur Amrn-rxo. nmvu. Jnnuxy 5.-wteooanu from iiolxvenie eonrooeadinittinedolea: o£'theinenr;eertaent‘hei _:earmosun Ell? sources but there were two .5, Antler carer !¢l’li’A'fl0ll. xhk. Sinai‘! In ,Jl\i:' ll.- tion _ i~unnnn.tocoe;rr' ' the Son the road to m . mm” mIg1;:£x:he'ineer;ente, mun ring . ‘. . em dispensed In allotme- hotun. ‘the Turin nnmbgrkgiom. ' huh‘ B" - ' run eunriwe fl. qet-many. 4.1: otoraxwue Law. Loner. Je.nu:1Ip.--A. ttiepeteh {rein Bailn ee;1_the:o;b_s'meat fegltntion in Peeen over the pxofie'ted.lav to xniloaueeot theGu-men fieyhpelnery in and mark at leer. : moeuoy ere organizing and petition: 40 the measure bein§pzo- ii - .o§1:..eoon: .."aoi“A'§?c3n3§§p1.o4mm'°:.xy'- libero; L cone. w m cowl additions e reetnetiegth el - ob-neoiioaotiie Si ,4: . ma. - at e_ nieettnd afthe re oi~'e.ll' ;bnneIxeaoitboAr-also fl. gpeggon to the 0euntiIenx1YonArnim. 3”“ P""m°' mines 'Ja$u§’r'}3 ”i'.pea'§'i"mm the Ma ‘paw 'mnoaneu1eaee&ua§tn.neat. nm. is .. °* .11:-at xi. Deni: d and the 3133a iinnrrdmtely ad 13$’- eoon sexton: crowd! a the roaisionee oi theciyingueloanm. , ' Eu»:- nu rnuseu. . Lmmolt; January 89.-Ffliexuiez-nrolegrngrh Company pnbihheo urpilielai telegram horn nar- $291.." oi the miedit-e’e‘:.eueehoi:l. date: a: Blood GAIN denying Janeen prev en inI.eedeu"ln‘_hr:;enl to l'.'a'pl_i.enflnaoeea,nnd ' (eel ' hv ’ meme ....=’°“:.;‘:* “.2”: 2: 4 . . . Q ‘ am Mr ' ‘*.:‘.:*.:..“.i‘.:-t"**"-.':.*“7.*. irtihenlooo with ‘ .' . one rerahiexepert on Zgypflna nnencea. Cube. ' " ' mxveenrre mrrna QIBll'I'lm0Dl. llavuu, Jenner; as, we 2£ar.\Y}tn, v.lanne4-1 !8.—fnte in euros: tlae1zuar- z-'.-.»i‘=.:.‘“;,:“:«‘«':.:.-=e“.»=:«...~*&‘v°+%«.,...,.“’.. ..°-‘-....r°‘€=‘ I . . Yertieelan wanting - _.é ' -.; - v we '> ‘ ' J. . .t nnv annexe OB_1',..’..'§._ it, lnvaxu, January M.--A revelation bulimia km. D... 'nom...- in-tnxom-‘_'”‘ iinge,innio I %m “vii”:-‘niftnni eeeeidi ' I Egmmnt 'i§;h.°§r?v.veei"z'I‘- ~ emnnga. nil mu 3 “W mhvutw .. . names: . . ‘ . Kmlfll.-3':I‘|5¥T39.-AnoouxitIi3¢‘o¢n8elar9ni?I " ‘ at einniinneane teonw . ‘nae innnrgenu you" _ ten onlhe ‘Item _ - theother 3' meat nee: Keen iallsererhhh - nithe X of emuruieaog A; _W_ eiiaemolfi 11.‘. Zfiuidenignnaogdered the-!oroi:cn (Rube: rm MaPrino3lu beamed out in». nu- bell the United her. In eni nit$ee.inb,hae.re¢uedtoeeeede iothedeneend. em: sum Qerxran. -‘i‘,"""‘ from we A-B51151 leoftizeflteto Iaunatlc 2-to? Cell , film: ,.0i.'fl —‘:"iIxto"Doomed _ Epeeieinh-ouch to no Globe-Damn-nt. ’ - * Jnwxmoxbcur. 20".. Jenner; as.-«rec nnnev-_ msriitiesriag tt>.ritea'_e,aet’iIeri:§g ‘bee~i(reoeire?d’~ Mv==¢.e;B.*m¢i=w4=¢*~- v~r*.r99!’»“*:==.W~ 7% to State W 's‘mmpH':.i§='°hil'ir4 " mg . . B 0!‘ n 4.... ‘ ‘ one: 1\oiii1;..;,....v.........;_..‘..E-...........xus,oai xi ‘” uumnm. Oiiloeenriing warrants... .. .... ......... £8166 Bnienoedee at For‘ ptIee,oie., than ha: been‘e2- mg m mm.:.'3I';;.;;.i2.;.:;I:2I2:I1I:11:1I::: 2:13-11: :3 Total expense: .......... lb. Artielenoi eaeociiuon have been flied in the cane o¢'lh»e 0: Blue and unlticnle ieenodto “TM Ui'iion8iockYuxi.e P , , of xumci " nspttnletoaz, no em; dlrecionr, i§s. .. we-roams. ' wemmn. Howard. mm. and Karmod. Janos:-d 6 Go. Wotetue in ever; style er 3-old sand eih-our once: at prince. KEBKOD, JACCARD .5: C0., Fourth and Locust, Odd Fellows’ Hall. LEVISON :3: BLYTHE, GTIATI 0 N E B 3 . PRINTERS AND BINDER8, B19 OLIVE UTISXEI’. OA.KB8'--fiizth ant! Olive. ' W .WAR§ And all other claims éoeettei. rreniglenn 1181 time --m .. I u nil su.5.“3:‘i“"‘:..J.’E "":m'::::.2:".'. -51.2. In ».‘I‘u or rharges In as . Our are and mci}iue.L- ut nu ll 4. -, "’“‘*‘-'*.:'.:*.:*.¢..*;w;.o.;,-.~.»:.*.=_*§:.‘;.*.;.. srrmi-moire '§V4Ui"i.'KD-}1A.X.E8. §*.§§§:'.§I‘ :51.“ :2.“ “’?;‘.’i:’;.:".’:’‘.‘:: “.1. to him 23%’ . Pm: to nm Eu»: 3.) meat geionmuau I piaec. ' I W mg 3°_;.‘.?::'5’"5.*%=.'-3.‘.i:?“t“1.:‘?:iEf'*""".ii..@. . C C- Y! vmsznr yawn-xnnm ' ’ ' O1 ‘ Q 11: B 1‘ 1I’0 med epgfmrer i 2'l1xnn.’Ci‘aariee’loI, TVfi£¥.?:”".i'.3l‘. ‘E3 11 E“ °“i. ”‘“ °‘ an item Wimaw.-'" :.$‘%"“....&f‘:'..”."£.l.'.'“"“ Wfifimm; n...*‘;‘.‘.§"a.'a§'1f.".§" ‘m.""’o."_‘% ~ mm d . git! co- VKXI-2. WARTKI) FKIIAIJQ. ' A.X'l‘E>--All»! Olive. women erred. WHWED4 mean: at enluvnhod lend. plain rm .“.'x&.'f.'.'.'.”.§¢c n .‘.?u;'.'.“‘ 7.'.'.'¥:‘§‘y°'r.".’¢’£ Meme _ ah" .. ' . v.‘ , vg _____ ___l _._n.. w.. thieo_I_§ee. w.e1u'fxn__Z.toxzn':s. ‘DGW . in ztyeau--iron _ Btainhp tier .Wm %?’Efi?~§£‘§?“ “1 la‘ ‘B I {H 399 Aiixml innsuxé: :§:§«:1‘1mr::l§zE;u °I3§':‘2'.§\LdLm§ lrfl(r I . C . mtg sump‘. '33»: 1:. Pooch 3. cof’Kauxccum.' CHIC» W%§§'“‘ .;..*..“::..=.a: :.*:.:.'.*.%z-:i:'....*"°.:.':r:.*2 Book. eprue. rot-Meek ind. Greeting. fire: °*::."“ 2;‘...-.°i*°‘.. a?".t::.':."*"- an en. . an o . . .bex1.‘Im.B¢-£auie.3te.5endttan:;tnr_ CIJM. , W 03-4? K34 Ill¢¢1'$!KD¢d Ii lhfl Mi 1 .T.'.f.'§:.~:Ez'r°5...::':'.: ‘°°*.:*.‘£'° :’°“§ W191)”. 1&5» ' - Y X for "lam-evnneent uvpyuqgin which reqei e lthervmtu bnnh not pm» is in . $‘.“...““..‘.t:. men °*...*-u-inc!» "'1 “"°‘~"""“‘ “‘"“‘“” ‘lilo. 5334‘ W ...u..‘i'-fit“ ‘W isxofmxon. Denrerennnroved reel ee- gooao. boots. sheen. U3 WA.!i'.m. fie “x""£.i;":*""‘§.'§,;f.,fi.“:.?°I.*‘i.?.-“.4.”‘.::.*; itégie‘ 1:241 neg cont:-uia to l we uadvtoepeeun 1 Business iron sane. $3543 08 B8‘il"l‘--Van!-ee Mllll, ion: run. reeds min in 5oed¢zd¢r.mA”d:i3eee dienn mt-. = driven by Goargei Ackennan. The boy‘: injuries 5 . circular and hook. (‘J3-mnaiiiri .on ruin street, between Karlie!‘ eeoekie nntlt-' » an the . x. , *:.*.a*%..-;.K.%~.:*.:.v..-:;‘::* ...:.*+<:m=*'.:;.:-*.:«; yzveoonnu son w& nn nan.»-on.m can neboiaizoodwatiu-en. mai7@Lecm1.np-e1fl1-1. Ink. F103 em x...‘.‘.;E..§'f.‘.:’.f*.’.:\.-'°“’“"...u. “"“"' ' "‘ . mm and at m‘.“1'ea.m 3 S: lie-_ § R 8 1.E——H . and harness. Ayvi mi F°......!.§._.._._....‘.’:.‘i. 3:2: * ‘ Fqli SAJJS-‘G. ()<:r~dmz‘e Kane and Cattle feed 1 no»: put an In 8! pa: aret-due teed use grace antler. ‘l‘Ire.:!‘iB a but Iaudauo. and o Sixth «reel LE-Omen» ' 011 RA Fgadliy. at km um: um: Ibo. tannin mac nary. M mil Wuhingtoa avenue. , 5 men In Lhe ch)’. _ > _ 1» ii. viii. Agent for )1 “fir ‘ion HIi.|.E—l)ms pair xmn»...z.- 7-. an !ievr:aon.I yard Wubinfinn aveune-. §7‘ikixE';i3,t1.r,-eti:.etone tron: hlaniudmqfcneir. urlxiier-gan:1:eet._teareonuauii:si§.-tezzocni aria. lnnPineaxreet.twdrar~oonnnu¢hI/i1l.lnavo6 Y §.’.‘{{s.?£’:.?::?;.“ffA.{°°m..”“$““ Iii: )iI to MOI Ii (are one km street. .1: room: and bulb. visible. Olive «met. a Me nos (mu street. at at-at-rain mm. «natal: to: e I be . 9 5'5 Olive and . class" in menu for rent. I1! Olive street Inn enizetenzi lice‘ :1 moral. mg:»nhT ntrut. line ‘one ‘ urui. B HIIOI. ill. L011 hows: .._a you nz»r'r—noo:u. xtrvr-'1-in .5 one tum:-e. run 5 B 1 &?E.°:*5I:~-*'.'::':.:x.:"...:.: 2°:*nr.*'s.r"a1..:.t‘;2a uhiu lipgwnn Fey; mm to: aensieniea. ti Wn&§2*?¢‘»»:’::«ta:-¢.a%::€?‘.:: gjffmh ...:.&::.*.*'*,j,:;.:.e:::¢mm:z::I_ Noumea: _ . — htrnlalwd an F‘tIt...”fi.‘.'...?”..;%z.. '°°“‘ "‘ Fgflt —-lorenvorril. I on . halve-cl rt:-eei..Mi‘nqn|re fie. R3. Go. in i ..'5‘§§f§.“.‘.'.c§'i'Ya'X a can ececna. _ F01! It -61 -ifllfiertii )‘Ii‘I.h—Ce¢n§:rI.a.bty edtroni::nna.81€tn33?persnca 5113 F‘”‘- .. tliiwr throbb- uxiu Park man. F<2.*.:.'%.....:..':-=°° M '-_i3—E§"i‘_1_’5i_ITi:_zi't“2¢ms KDOMI. .—..,v...—....-...~..,v.¢....-.,vv.,..-V-..~»..a E‘q;i‘7J?-KNT-—Deeh-even: to! net. Bu £00: at Q rm»: ctmx“ 05:5. 4 .222: §5£.§”&°§§.”i‘:t§:l§.f;_..:; I04 meet. - . - \. es. Low. Jensen I. ma. .. .. ,0 __.., ‘ P Clflfl C '€e5§i e on .1»:»§§..i...§'3-w°£" '."°?.:‘Eits.*.': If it mggmto retnrningitto IOGEII lost. . hiukotunct. 1.11. . shill? I 'rxa:su:ux.. Kg; . sold? . 3.3..-:‘~*.*.-t*.r_'*..-.°*~..2*=§,*.;;.-3 §_.z*‘“-3'... . ‘i"u'-£a‘$‘* .wi VI 1 L I 5'81’! Btflelazd addition. _ eon! in vuicdinpea-_ mmn . ca! yr‘-Emuucll _ D .. 8500 Dar: 3 -““”~ 9-..‘:'. ' . cAx,_. beentthui less in Sun or- - tort)‘: law eat. so neck or ' to one. or iii Line by monthly lnztaiiinenu. Bibi? & One». in we meet: - . ' nxxovaii. riixsozui ‘ memo l ilk-ale! '~.=.,:;::' ..':.,.'..°1.§§“*°§‘.....x';°_:_~;*.:ié‘*....-5 ‘FE. ° Ina:-riexensite EIGOK-I I 1'. the suntelhusd age. iiuumc enlenot en money oermxzvoan 10 it. an. to p. re!!! - in. Yveemulofl. R ‘ ‘ Y&Ir~Di'. Forbes. Dentin. has remove to ., Xodh Eléhth Itrrei. than door: eeaih oppotliehie oiilce. or olive. XNO~ ob ioisllnevi -ed me 1 he: 5 5 3533.?» Se 4 blend en ' OOIIQIX1 . I‘ retain I3 .\rl cone? .‘.‘iéi—.".'§.‘.‘i.. l‘®989 §?@“.?£.T%‘:7§°."35§:“°.' ricer. ‘Tune 1"‘ . ..-. so '.. ._ , L NINE AND A HAIL u D. Meenene.Id'I. W n concerning ed by null. iwwl: vo nmmxas. Ini ii. Dr. \\'|d-' HIV IY8D||¢. all legal ed from ll Dquafm ea. s'¥..‘13§i‘i'.om . Eco 8?:-$25 em. A r_~eeu.1i..tro:7i31.8t. P$‘ ':.i:**é..'.2?.°°°w":a:'.e.I="°.; x. — l)‘.‘I.2.§§.‘.“‘”’ M wow °'. ..s'r.__L@e..M -ms dnor°eLe. 3’-”mo”:nrmonAJ’.. _ I ‘ A4... *:.~i-~.:; eoooeeetui In an; , at - is. Italian Modes . mag °"*'-~é~°:.6*~'-?:‘::.‘”""‘v.m»., mil. .-— 2 Fiat‘ '‘ imgzam :,.fi.‘eeiu -inwm. mm *m.'.*§~%.t%“:~.~t:2..ae.."<-:*..‘r°-:-%;L:.+s.=E..s Grnoerr. e . .cwam:u.' nemoenmnuumiapoueuioa 57-.I--_v w “ 5“ c w" - ._ ' nndeetsoeeetnl Ie.oieoz.mata,ioag~sunei»¢eia'. ~B°fi§,> Mm. Oouuitaauoaireoo dtnlelieaot HULK-DIN Go ’ ' wgggageemmm .93 P$s$..??‘.2.?‘$ia':.“.a":.f..m‘;;I::..‘*.:'..".:.§.*:; ' I'orie'e_e'- um‘ Doci.reaa' Ind . more-an Ia. wide eatruice. * ':w*r".;“ “§'.’." "‘-“E - Q-.'%9.:.er*..*.~.f’.“"m*..'..r§5°°-'**"-* ‘ Bolton Denial . RE the KCWZ A in “L”: Association GM: Wm‘-=.:*.>'°*°" ..=....u~ fitasce. ee I.-l wt-en-Iiow to unit. 1." IL Bl1el‘8o . ' F° a+*.em‘.*...“?..... -“*°°°=~“- $3-..s.~:.:=~~ " 0- . PR-ll. ?I1¢AIi!5¢s- ' no»: '"'° W I «E