X. . 1 mama LETTER. ho W‘ ‘Che Curioaitiea of :3 Goologma-1 Museum. fly; lljstory of a Wonderful I:1sl.l— tntlon of Art. S ‘ ens offilnciont and Modern 0(1): Dwmfrom the Four Continents. ,e;I1aro,Arti5tloau_:t.dOosflyOol- loatlon. ‘ 0 ~z.o:pqs','ltanun7 14-0:-alogionl mmum nvfmhuy anlzu on while -wmi-i*°=« I“- hqachnaanavhuazic-rum:uznecen,b¢z\—rooa:s. .¢§,.3.n.,o:cvvanuzitau.u¢ munxsaa.mttm mum-at:oua.'rhuyumuo¢uuwonup18°M ~ax¢omamqym4c1.I?lhovsiItb«I'°i' “WNW N as, . mupecmble And lsuualnx aha‘!!! vm and momaulou, mental plenum, excitement mt profitable lnm-action In thou. ewstzumc ox- omotnnd.\ngna::inon:tnthotutoau.uthapool nu. a-msutaoprctuéetumzttolaudnyyuaxlytotho tatunmtthul huoboontnatpeollugltnolhm cuwalluu mucus. ‘:. ll?-£64, 36°‘ woo Oeolom in Juan Dim‘. 3; trust I than new non-Id? i?‘|'°' ueec to my taunting. tau vtsuuz. H sung mm tall! than oonopmduetlouo! MI. n:mtnr'u¢atn"ma5"a:|urmoamnluta root-alimaot lmzlynetiho no aw in NIBCI’. mt fan a quiet nontton 0! mom of the obleou on -iawlnlhublmuflaa. Tbaflnuuxnoitoononloeoologydnutwuctlv tnlly.lbalhvo,nwnwoutth¢t1na atthtflnl :1-utcxklbltlon at uni. shhousl fin hllllha mwctulhlulttouidadgn by H}. Juan ‘atone. lt heal moan-lfllyuwdl-uJu~ ’ hul..:t:n¢otnm.|huIlomdowoa mt:-mettle-qhndtuntmlnéo. ‘Ion have ogo:-uu.ndwJam*uazultogutln.lhobu.tld- nghahtnasoawoao. flzbnuun. Ebayouy. mm. n.-mag, u gqyponefi by Govcmnoal. r1xo5¢.koolo(ulau.Boou:m,tn bound tn tha mmobufldlng. osmru.-amo 7oapanau:not.llo,ud.unmninmahplaeoc. it " ‘ Myou “ _,,,:ztct K ‘ " . my-hlenym:técetwaehooL'l'hm-ulsbocbnga 'nrAanlntlnn;l4M pubbouundminedbfl on wvry week day, axnept.fi:ldq,ba«reon'tbnhom-1 vfloutdt. _ y 'l'M‘§t~oundfioor.alnl1 fieatby I1‘fl!\U1I wkwnwhkhlfltsifound .MIl1ed'pIhzd-’ )Anyvt't.h‘b‘en~ryupe_c.int¢u; Inqmonu blotb at mmmmemdumuumu. 0: now». use ipueonnaittncdunaluaflyenwdofl trhhtlswa; hoeonpmenxy-otgveqto ‘honareodlvflnotiniltowhlchlhb hsflbfllvfhd vmodoollucuon olnliu, blocks. but mania mdllu-In ¢-.hunluolwu-¢n,nua-mu. mutt: and mnlng pmauam. ‘turn in manila: floor tmltwo pllcdaaavu all. ball ‘of specimens, xuul:n;r1gBlI-auudltacltltlldhzgm thlhthcnla my-antcultouc. It would an Inn: than ln9oczt.ltu.wl>ouvllhaI.ytlt1a¢lnspmparn%- .tIat. Allluapnapalolalflnlatuthugdtq yunnfiullan-‘gfilhcflktaso-I-hdotflhenu or-twobddflsiu. AutflufiuI‘nweAl1t3vdn lmnn:oonteuthntlfldnot_-ctpecttobcuzua mtuutodbthaplgcg. AliAo_n;haoturhdtyl3- nu-tut oi‘ the Iclnacn dgqr2qy.!t.hnra¢lslI wmlduimchthqnpan tha;eotog$cu.l_snlloo~ iloulnthouzithhnaduzheruiinoqunmtoqzalag thuthhtrasqrednlxyla-In Iqnnottumzyo '-' ‘ % has n at 4 gveoloy. 1'ht¢aa£Itbe2:nx3|uppooo.Ion:.ks oootleetxauinutx-nalnxthops-neuedunctgunulo op'|nenannalonu1£hlhnI¢u.t:nduIndu)J- lngaotuvmmos l1£n;uhlhit1nx stood. mubln nndmlnanhundnboihgflnhatlhnyasmd mlnul.i4ynmlq.»;tnmlganl®- Oncnianngtha ‘Wind “W0 ‘ . tlntronlulprobdbtyunihyauwvaflbollumla. Oloovuuc Idosoanua Iouttytvhnthewud-dm~ or-any mm youubemg only :“l’tmun" rank at In, and tunsedst lnnni.nnan:':vhcnon.lz§I‘t 60 um; buulmlmumlfl younaldusll; ‘oonoelm. ea Iooktngnt things I-eptuenmlan othlumtht tlboven Ihusndiyyz mafieeh, And would flat-at Inga path up hunger whklhlthkktflifltflcndofthll huuryunol rm, you would mmeuburtuor nun): guy. You. Indeed: Ihkottgh the lemma sweet Ila:-oulca would not stake you phguleully. he certainly yank: n_on.n.t1y. Your tnugltuaxoa uni bnxwp ‘of wonder would bu moafllbblyhix tblnfltth not aollly. M you gnwd an the oolonad psvponlotn of tall uldnat alumna! nuxotnuolo, Ind;-an would wand-st, p«hapo,.n I did, ubcshca-than rullymrarttumaannnunlxhg about an the planet, slides! to taxation, ioomadu ind came. the name Home: peopla. Yonroddplvblhlyhe rcutndod M Louxmllotfln uaenamh. "tan nuclu M75000 linwny Innvun strung ll trooume.."ndmmkwtnupny1an§ufibc would Min been -lntlchntbottfiunolnmti worthy. _ Ifuuulmhsblvdttiataatttlgh Mro,‘n¢i -nu zbaugt nasal; ¢aMu.nn'u|ud_bodyt_ud wuatlegnmd luau Wcl1tni:1s.&ainydn‘li’a7v~ pada!1arcnlcu—7oIm¢yksawBaeul»eIbyN::oot. no asdooclulaatapaxn dat"l,'l.69.' sinhcnl oodutou lutaaoolrrlseol kn h£I.IaflI'cll "Ibo can-«nu, and the hydm, ad Ibo-D¢Il,& Lllgufi mum nrtltttohotaclu tan: is when they mmatnhuvny. Ila ts nude art Yutundsaom h: min museum (0911:: tron but-oachln). unlp~ mm! nnutbo mtl’qn.nni5 htanitonu tmtnslvo bloeicc ms usnmglvmg thovislbr,l£ nty-re In vuchusttannnomautnnlzyoaboaotnlnguuquslnv ed vdth, aw mtmmunnou-people lmvonsalt. oimcnnmncfisb pnttlculupnodutot by 5:- gun: qurrtu. Pnrtlandnoaaislnvdryummu meter ptvemoml an-'|_ Nlldtacpu-pain. at. Paul’: caumdnz In cltlolly eoaqtncud at an Lune material now inn-loothjgkixithad Ecmulea now. mum: no.‘ that no lb-«Minty wilhoul dnpory or my good:-In ya-no l oouno. twmuud-h-.u-uin¢u¢ueh«su cannot an Inunonl unilhmoit; orchi, ncthinhonronr boaunuu at muonlu-h¢mh'n voila mad. cuncootuetuooaaa, oaulnmuialaduuntsd. suntan atmmorof gt.-was Ilongwntfl In- yrsnonnaenl tafidu‘ Len-d Otflpbdrl mt. ‘ . The central y£\0E¢B¢ in mi Ill! hhnlfionaty wu¢lAlud;oo«whung at on nnnxtclndgrunlh: lnlurl ilrtu an Ittraetlvu plflfifn. Tu;-pg:-quay toibclctmlunntaolnenutlobtutolwnllnxi I)-uckluad, l). D. F. K. ll.,lJ.aa upon 1 highly poluhed cynndnc.al_gx-auzlt-u pcduun. liexl to ‘ml was 1 mm may of llrtgblol one in am an. I ouxum Plums 341613, by John llrlcn & 6oM,l£: Ovbcfiiinl latdtjiifidng ennugh, no doubt. to Brtfilonbu Ind omen no- .,. null»/d with the Irpvnod dmfna cl {Margy th: l'mtrtJa'I mutm «glam: yiace. bum: vu-ym. tu tntixnadl In no. no I soon pnagcd guy. Aguxg. lnprlug rwyllnhcd llulo slab»! Inltnd jxacperl, untu, eto..kmsd ll pobblsu can an hanaultbcry lstwyth, (Lu-dlgnnottu-u. urn Mun worth lounng at. I I-bought, ui showing the vu-tcuau at valuable steam at meiuud round on was pvlnaul the «us. Thom mm a beauuxatiy poiuhed um. Jr" draught board M ll-mo, I] we gfiggg of . “bk lop, Illa nqnnma auulonng (xi Ignton and jaapvra lotixi. Andthuulrmnc ma qgmmyd gnu." an-nagori in arse?-. lo-heinous oi dlflomao ma. h-on Wake. ltu-oh I nzbool, mnuggtpq (me adaoui, uhorvtusmuzu boymfitl nuulonrn m at short um: uwamuom rnrlmm at man much. and with an npowlmsxxu at land tn 5: flimiuftlbht lmll-ling nun! wulun A small eoupau. tum lung u u--mid wtq one. and Uhli an atpqnae gm} bqtauvlt wuuhd be I97 9 lanes to go the .-u qmorrku -ml gun a muslin: Immual of lmluvmauun than Imus the nlncn. llowsniu-, leaving ma dam, and beginning Igiln light bad um uln d0I',lcAnuwu.urlaoflu~g1nl«.vII-ea-ca Thoflrat one 01 we oluseoaweriekleflvntlod will that wry cannon uni! anronuztlo antido- nnaavmu. "Wlutl lain mo trouble to pitta place at tnntlatone tinder sly: tot axlumuon. " nuzxno would say; "how vary rldlonloml" )lo. my friend:-. rwt so very fldlonbu after an, (at um la 2 Mmnum or E4-naumlo (}0olu¢;)‘,&Ihd u samutonv ti Iugely used to: belmlaapnmom. u in Ir-struotlko and mom! tonseytohnva the aizuraut Vlaflaflol plnced baton them, with and: iuuoaod,ai.au.sguh«ruaa-tltlalobaloiaad. Yr». nthnngh unruly "Dutch I6 no," yntl tuna ny- mall ntlulgofllngsfltllslnmreewdln aauxdatone ullnoksd M tlmltloolyckboloduenctmuarny 0! H190 nix-incheubooollgotw many command nudes oi odcclug--the yallow. will“. In! HM ml. hunter, pmdauinusng. oz-st. sun. 7!" In In syipésriuoo Ln um um am. but «mam own Nlllyéf {hi celebrswd "pure" Iofh IV“ 5"‘ ponlnghteaougta tnutormlnn. Umnllo. Sb;-wash‘ llnuuonu be the inn. Then. like um and- ntomao. were la nkdy chlulod anboa; whua us: and oolasw apartment and dtficmnt hen». gm’ “wan, but unto «sham and a iow_da.n.. Ttmthlniuuoumlaudulsnotiior 9mlntao!|llohu1lDInanhawar, b1,.._A. 11.118. 1'b¢nuxnaollnubaat at Bu- tm. Alictdshquunnn-rcuuh.bloIou!l.Iz *buwcmliu Ulxuum, nay, an:-X7 two he: as Elnmotcr, man the Pcfthlad Oallin. v"l’bar um- uonlto," tamed l, "and yuu, loo, van cum: I nun; mag. amt had ymr bopan And learn. an that ‘cvantkun -gnu taut bud unused unynlnca you went Int Kwtonlud, pen-mod, 'u$nnrphoced. Thou Ptflflxid (Gurus aboundlavuadcrml loath. 'l'1utm,wu Iomm Bi.laghum.too.Iuw.u I3 nontplmendmrowd to neicnnc or pupulnr Ina-Uvcflon. to Ivmlndla at h'tn¢n.A1«lAcfl. nuuu1:nlugv:ishc!Il-Itlucutulo nnrqonl.m.tn>ul-:g3gn, pnnonnnd lzyhtnlothu mtuetfln. Timing munduhnr-ply born, I mnaln ‘output um Killings: Smith, LL. D. and z. l'vt‘haI.luutIdx5uuutltaIIoot“‘ ‘3‘ pnvlfiud pedtntxila. anion more an executed bualulamtbng-;nt.oui.y . 1: ruuxo auuscn i'.tomna,9oreomotu21zu and lama-mttng (peel nuueuoullwoud Imcuxydnay. 0-ape Bmwn, Ruth Ana-lea. Illuh lttflhcr On. Mkltltaed my dtfrntlmn. .Tb:3 teen-9 hxtupldauaaofthonvnkl o(t.recu,unp¢oI lhcuc flwoa and Mn: tout In hang!!! and Iltroo Keel In dlameua, Ihowtug Lb; Bari mod pain «rum wood plainly enotxyn. ‘They wax-uthe hufumfln-ea»! ludovo:-non. It was uooruin thnt may laud noon boon wood, u may wen now stem. ‘nu Hui at Dandould pm- uulcdtbcln. Clone at bud Inn unwant- flhudmiluiuulloi Dmkn origin: In tutuennp t_ugnsts:to:thattual_atn tzec hrowthodhtbod ?tl!1JllId;U‘K pculnod . ‘us olooma brat-com oakthat tnd.pu-‘hqwu.lourishodlon¢b¢1e\'oNzsu.h was born, or Datituctun thought at. ‘more an- tnvulod Irlxhta who nun saw oumnloonlhnd hu'Incl:nt§cawueapcunv1:b0¢|lbUfll¢lcl,bt nntouurmauot ls-—uy-Ix t1>ccbytnur—-ctood In nrlbod stand rsxmln nu mad. lnhsllnoi wflhmaoruymvmnd and ahinlagls waned, butymduaawm wyut! vrlthrunrlabg filth bldlhe Ippenrnncefl being lint-180 -nxlottaacnmndfaaltitumnholaotbolu-lo10rav~ tonri Hines” wtpm. ii ran. And xohaumiiamx “u'u‘.u‘uaol" )"uo'tw«:1' mob gftlwnt-lob. Atsothu 3!'O$_lI'.hyo!_In¢snu edlqdxniagndpldzvslogw ltnic'.‘h-on: thuzul -rsogtmn. nut)-onion. Ito:-uwxlxxorloud. waonlaooanvftln-lteuvy wed- ncu. 'l‘h_b. littuae 'rw1,vmpl_u'eodanut¢lo~ ntednund,:nd uoduilbt nsnfultntnsuuoxlna annotate! coma ‘usatvuaautrdlnpnthc sauna. Afllooh nsxauitnrnmntbwwned axLnu-xtuula. .l\Oll'flAl.ll'ftOtIBOW'I'l1. Domtuainw6u-sand no vtculeyukotlha . ~'t“.":s ya-eumlad of the ntunlu xtvaatoyzrs Ifiovannaxuerieu poknld now. ah.-...:w in-ipmmnx; nun II mum pu4m,mq7u'~., mrv rwaartl-Ha. Evayflttngtl minute. 1» onda-stun: how the pzuunmllh lnmnlnoo hnvopvwn. you maul ntnunheriinfl lbvywutnlnlats tho King of hdyktokq Illa abodolntmqnlnau Palace. ‘nan Inn than onlytwuaa-th.roodLi.ltn.ni1 tlsnywuotxrtaan eoalutnuoal tbun-mumiua. nan ruulv. H lTIl.|IIdi\AyblV‘IIAVollt.ltZIh3ah mppaututo thoohnn-2:. ‘I‘hcywers,ludocd. mzrau 04' IN Vntlcummadolvary um. tutu-ut, excepltotbu Roman Cal.hi:>lk| vrotid. Tau could not buytha pnpen, excepts: psrtlculu plnoe4,s.nd you would oaldau no anybody muting thus. ‘I'M! ll Lllogelher ahsngad nnw. Rouse ma bout, In yroaoat. of ulgm or mm 13311113,] thlul.aodt1xott3’ht2wya.t-uvu-ypooinowupaperi. oompamd totbnlznxilni or Jtmcrtenx saumah. thayuntvuttneptovetnent upo -urn: lanya- nodod than. may have geuenlnawo-the-gun» tuzycmall,iLob7ucr ll um» sdealmlormd. llnndredtal the Romans an read now who did Bolknowslaflornl I.hellplu- bat an yuan ngo. The now:-paper ls Ibelr war)- It; lnmmqeiunmdrnoh taunt. loamy»- two eabman votumnl) man; to their nabs, with A fiovlrnal Nlhotn. lpillllng onttbowofillnad ¢w.ln[vihog'¢nenl acueoitlzn oealencen. nmnuouunuun hcre'nnt.hI0p6I4ou.Vni'alnnal¢. the Darwin, the Ouaa-v-¢fivrvRonnao,thnsl'oocdL}’nuln. theta»- /ulln and tan Cayaolo. I'M lint turn me what may be onllod Gotuwamonl organs; dw remand two at-doeclunauanl nzxana; thu Glplfdc in an eztnmerndicuubont. mad thonan/Idiathunor mud cu-undo yapu. ' 1'twrvcmtvoottl2uncnaxnle:;5vtu may mprucntnoimng, ma leadnsa-Jxynixrt ol ma. 033! In unworthy at Irpocmcntnn. T56 ‘bmanottoatarprulng, , "wand xanuuth-!ot_'nn man-mu. suntan n chualtl.Ioadcnly5,mou- 8,0w.tnd donut prtatnouo than one-clnltd tharu'd.tn,g miner oontamodlnma column ad the 0l.0ll~'Dtl0~ can-. It Is non momnxhly tho Gown-nun: mpnnmulvnthh can man h. 138. lifts‘ nuranonay,: _ ‘;"beu:"mnnl. nu qu1:sably0t:2tad;lunc'IMnvurynulypropusd. uadtlta, onflmwho-h,nneht.hoMan¢wn- pup-w,exeopua; no ortvm ts mama! tho wbelohagdou. no Du-can anon fit:-nl. more luau-oodcsgt an un Opinion. tbough!thuumunwmxw- htlau-—¢Mov~srI.8Nor|,mo. uoousu-human» lainumse-ova-uncut -tsupIy,nudn¢_ttcu «au- phlandvk-.tsrEmnam:l'o npyuunt tmlixuruaoa tonlnrnolfltuo. « rhcxtngtnzusnnumhnpsmmpunay, unna- tq In inlI.lxhndpbilaoopblovptrtt.torwMeh pdnoulnveao£§ooIt.Iu-In may now,&s1.2n- gulahed. Heheogood antnmdthuevushlupm Iltlul in End ll. had to haw hm: pan!-oaally. Noingxmxwhihsiucathu Chafibdz at Dopa- uupnueduoazuuuanrothuwuqttttaaflsmtn to the yawn. A committee wulvvotntodw wnlsupoa moxtszmduptoutko papal» din» Agwprulntl¢n.llp:vooed¢dk:IhoQn.i.r1nalnadllad tmmodbu nuttenoo mm Vlowr. who reootvod In nsuubnn wool onnrwouly. Ancrtheyhld turn-ll: upnuod than gncvmm, Ito nuuiafi. BN1-htltll. "Hygoodtnua-an. you haw made A mutate in coming tonne. lunnotths Chamber at Depaulcn. I have had nothlng lodoatlur ulna 11:31! delibctulona at ‘BB that! «lacuna. You have chum lbum mums. ‘null than that Ion haw lobd nae. and ttthcylnlltn-Sohau-Ker about other In that: stem). Tbhtlitho nouns I won! fellow was 1 in yourplnco, and I rec-vmmottd It to wine. dccldedly." Tb-Igooduaunndlustkn of the lug‘: ro- tturh was such that, harm; nnlhlog tuythgyw any. may mum! In some oohlhtlun, but not without tau-sun-d r-upon: lor Vtcxm |'Juuaual_ 11» Oinavnhnnhvury filth dlfllnmyt ;. .3... than what II Inc In this any: at the Pupdn gorgf. ugnty. though It has anon ‘how: utd lbffil. It up-och tor Ho Hahn, and gurucralnny tor the 0..-. alum, not always landlctouuty. but very dogum lutliy. ltdounos openly uppou the uoggn. manb——uuu would be no ponuy——bat an out Ice can It: toymy ls manly amnlnal It 5090 n my ultona with astute. Any ouuno opmlmu. u lslawofl swan, would anon tn ouppnanlon. wblnb valid uotbe in the the M M! ink.-rant. [la ¢‘.lrr«ulnM4.)n_ neatly out at the rJly_ gnu)‘ .4. noel uxnh-stwaly munch: kinds of the nttthfnl, In In an vldnlty 913,130}. though It nhhn: Damn 8.0!» orlhiha. ‘rho Vnulnasymclnlly the mouthmlun M the Junta, who, as I luvvluztnro uxl. Ifl dotlnrvd Io In.-.5:-mt lulltalxnoa with, oven Lt day 4» not 3:. muss M Mrs-fimmm Mm £Imm+..£lrwa 2.3» W; rllrmtzy control, than Pope. It b;_a.2>hv 5-ad admit)! amto-1, and I: better Vrttwn Khmagltout than any at the xmmmdautaa. 0a the ltlrfm-A n brawn lo»: hmulc [halt the Oaw-rwtlura to tha present potmml man: :1! Itmm-, but thl: warning in la mnncqucm-e at Its greater nhrmrdnou and Ma art of Ixprcvslton. No oennlbla port-on blames the mm-mum at the rm‘: to: dlallltlng um uwertlaruu at the tam; A ptrwu‘. It would be very stntaas it they did tsot dlarezuh ls. They oouelcnuouuly beriova It. no dauht, tohav been very bad for tho Chan-.h. whim ls qalta enough; loathe Charon. la um: ayes, should always have premdcmsol sh: an-to. liolthw or I.bo§aa:znnla,n-rv at lung taummla. speaks mmsmatully at Vlolot I‘.-manual. with wmlln, In truth. the: Mn be emu oi’ quarrel. He has acre: must of- lcuively to the rapt; ca mo mun:-y, ha ha Iodulouly an-aided giving hm new protein for czflamauo. Ila la rotlly load o{Plo Koao.wdP‘Lu In £nndo¢klm.u llsavo laden auud.I.lwughllaapet1£mnl nous,‘ dank-n provugu them bun nsnlbautlng lhcl: mutual lomlsou. B-eloru\'ln£nr8ma.nIelonIanhpe:nevnt9Ran:o Moots-a!.g~n,houn2tntoLbel'unxllIt.hat.llhuhuA notutntnnnnny Mmu-tau-kapououl-via! the ¢ty,t.8orwtm|luu IykflWIADolMm1g£hrmuh- anclutlyihotthe mpublsuwouldhou boo-ayrm olalmad In may tutu oi oouoqaeam samba Klagclom. And hoqokotao mam. iulquutsam» uy. imemnshutmmlhcirnstaeatodtiaa u-..._ “E I . .. . .. an _.. tlut.awdNe§nauaznola:-nunzosua serum: oltbopolttlehl events at an instant mun tunwsurmumuaunwabqmdaxm, uadrwv-zhtrutsot tuubouunaoctsy. xmn ‘ ‘ it ‘ ayn4nlnlaioualuhntlsln~ ¢Iumo.beln¢:end by the man; palates all avartbow-ox-ld. Itgoccnosonlytailuptsndpal ewuormumphtaata-unto». bustotaoooalln ‘db. Omn. Japan. nnaihclarnns. Lhanhanl uluultnymuluophlcmauy nommxgu tntlsoynllgtnuroxsulthnatzuoptnlaan-lhdmyun loauub that on bound. Pnbqahcna I‘U||l- f!!3ChLl".fl.I.L.I ta Lpoumvonmwlththo lLepubl.tca.na.ndBAd- lula cube um-mas sort, and obtain.» some a.@eupMnzlul;r. llltnotaolicroo ud viola: ultra: vhcnasnnogno, ta tornauiltow-you mnunbar hewu nnaslnatad I-luau um yuan- Igo-a.:u.rbhnovwtntntMh.alxtouii-J: hmxthema4ra:ld¢n1h!ori.b¢r2cMulnnm‘spco9t¢,ts boyand my strength todoombg. sumeanto My,th9ttwuneeaa have the mmtasinwrvea» tsdaoitinbarualnyof ialaaaapcakahunhodihg ha:aar1'.unlu¢on¢-inuu-cant, oruuhubean I50 5 datum-Mm mung with blood. and aoaadnlncyiu‘ " anamz!.u‘uo:amooa- thk:crpo§nn§zm,uno?xn¢lanoam:tuu:¢rowu klfladllarthclr; “ " . A angtmnztatcmpt undo hymn xl:lan_¢tu‘:i.n2¢:a-Q tholr Bat-fies, B6. on tbo'_6oatrz‘:y,_tIs'o7vuv rpm-red up to Illa lnilflrhh. Lugx-and by M4 dealmu'sved!nalldt:e::tkxm,bu'ladlihhonAln thaborw'asl4S¢,un!1.Hmi1:uppd|n&poml0!BB own blood. Mu-.rum nrull:r$odao!tolaok.5nd4|oe1ngthu Beulowu atartngtuxuthroagh hczapcnt-sflauea at the my row at the opposite rem!-drdn. I turnad entirely away, and In so doing lonlusd rtrntfiht mm the Colonel‘: ntco. 1 ncvertthall forgcl bk panned. halt-nlckgned look, (:5 ll; v11akledbcownndexpre.ulouotu.nsru1xazcn- duuaesnhonredtlrau nauorusaoacyulgz-Hot hlmwwttma then In: ML In the nacuiumo Bunkflndginzwod tarsmomcntuthe-suntan: uatanntvbnulnotwu pc:s'onMd.ud her plan‘: way, an hunt lmlo £385.83‘ beuotlmatolnknhermg xxwuzuiidtou nlltohIun;cvrIb5eu_mrouIt§ou¢tt;|.n-du ~mulx-ofum abo<_lx1o"h'k'a nu ma lhavrsae, brassy mu «mm. mm: is utntnwnna Oulmd. made about mans we Onlt.‘uuu dutyenlladncurhna thoutuuumnehnmod nemgauunyormooanaea. Yul fiesuanlu-:21: tatusomudt plmtnurem than "mnnmyeau" mu. eneasrding unwan- uwcummodttz£annflaIt.:h¢yumt&oe9um'1 uywnsdsaa $m,nwu:zmal1y1 nnuun. POREGN 603511’. A aanptmu B tbs autumn: 1:4-the daylntholltllsltnllaavlll-Isrorfottreso. Gannon oocxpletaymcorex-sdtmulnslata l1‘lnou,utd his cum _, occupations. MLDLX3 IIATTAXEI. ma Imthottsl. aanuuuu hfierlfedlnlngymawhall-worlxlnisdslbanlw 1'm'I2._}- Ixsfinmimflnumcydwuobummubmd unwoout oi nu-trad hwtnttytavtt3auGovana- mutt. Tnzflrmhu-hood oi IA Orxndachaz-tusarw ulaodmnmn a you-noxhnnlsoftlommona Chm-twtnalltxtzct. ANm'trn..u. Hanan! lcunxmt. -aria: ma soar» nonaunklntt\ahumaam:;‘s'n&an,huboaaoony pletndatCapa.nh.v.;ea. &ujnon.thcPa.z£m:.ut1n,nsudnm-npicturm andGixnotzxthrupiduutaLbe0au-oz1nlalEx- hflfllun Bt1trn6!I!I.J’ll>a3ant'n.§ulaset,aud‘Dnla- ttnnuhnwa-been cream to: can and nasal thalnumndhsgm. znhu-uunosquaougsungm-at-n agape-2: than-mt»—oluk1ndatoo¢L Oalxflanunem unéertheG.nndE!omL ‘ Oumniu. Bogart:-.t-3. xzpolcon 111‘: ands. hep-‘on win: mm M In re:-on ct Ida Inphawfltoulaiarylnnlryl. ‘rtznoaldhubouaomvwoln Y‘:-anoalxaxt use eprIngl‘lnbhnah2.ro~bua bald h¢, tho hdlnl stflldllflhxmwluuwrwnundmn. Tun tau-oneness‘ non Ln lutlycnnkauan Prlnoe and 3 W-ntlofi llutn. Dom hnrogireo hug! sumo ol Ixtsonq lo uh-anon the liauonnl Lntervuu. bl. Kzmaormn, the cell-In-nted pnlal-u-1', has beenu-leaudrruldcntotwehuachlonaunyot nmmu. l.n4l'K.F‘rnnools. annn:rxnr,lfino- l1x!:nL.tl‘1'mnoahaudalRtlequnzt'olI1Q%lnn Aboutnschoouu. Anuenunu at both I: (ha Phlhc.rl1_n-:1 oulyoupnuant nu nnnoynnou In tbvfirmm. Ttmllxbtnang-rod ucnthu been vuiung the Povmnadhuncooeded ta go4uag.u ovderm pntnpxnelaanmt aoadudon onazo Vatican ud8t. l'a£u-Hbelldlnp. . ltxcuttnowncu 8tnmuxow,aat_ Patcnbnts manhunt. otmu1hu1¢ds5.t-S4 Eluredlah ummu In aldtndotmytng we cxpcnoc: of ‘fiotasaot Nerf l1:nsfio)d'aAmut:Expoa!t.ion. Tlmfihalmpmifl huwflnen a mu. love |ottuwlxhGoc:lmAI.‘!orblddlng thoaloctiouot I’Hnoal‘1on-Pluuu Deputy. Vclnclpads IV LI grnrlngunqnaadmoropcnnafi. hnnholza or the Dawn: tumty no moving In unnlthn wlllby wlnch tho but male membar. tho and Count‘: young nephew. left slugs legucytathlohnrityfidspitalollkxtn. Afnotxuunzlblo Oumreuclon h in union at Roan. nil may Lbcdma, Xhgikh and Eooluh Ifdvtnan tbwflnd Ihannivu‘cury‘tng on lsmln¢unualdsttho)wtruhrno:fVlnCosdoai. Axkazilchoottnbnnd-eddadlhat the vending olkuunbvamnpmuldngmpaytficknnmad uxpcnautbthoponala b.rfb¢ry,tndh_u on thin 'g1vuhdnnoeuodnI£>a§nlI:ombcrdl Pitrlumcnt. 1-an:.uun.onx,. now ncumohlp, fastball: ouuxsGatbto¢t.ko0ndi1and!lav|nal1ao,htho hrgutatuncqmunanlauthsaponhknng. am iu859_hcllosg.B_Indn And Sachem. nu pus lonns5nhl,l?_I5l6tu. - ' 1-onma:ealmd'n::ysuan.m4;u}o-not boat‘ m-owldttslaedondnlly. In 3 cnnulnn nun: thuauncnlfostonoo 15 gallon M nous an dnatonehagnnud on oxmonu the Burke! xapmdndnmgnpom. Alllntarastlnxrollsol pm-nlauno Landau, tn thoslnpeollho muslva lmnverlaubona 9! Dub» papaumm. with In tn-In and neat, Intel; «.1- lmm¢d:ronad=spme::myt¢¢s.unowumna.& nthamomno1ihoBrt:lmA.rd:anlogiul.Luo¢k- than llinmlon. I'Io.L.I0wy!t!l5ilhBP|8DP1I¢¢lB8fPI!$st'e9- Blxruxta in math of n. ,.lnp_¢f thu tabla, crumbs. mm «km. ldnviup at the prcvlonl day, ooitrcmnm. Ind tluli.kn.bolled lartioura moo- qulnupropupoxnlms .,.lndtbcn nawtlu-tzh ohrybaundynncuwdhgguiootlsanncox. Al fitdhth dzunghbasln hag been committed for lflll I01 {urging railway flush, with whlch Izetlallytuvelod hen-ean Dudley and Dlnnlngv bun. They were made with ponuxlink_and me rnanxuanwuoopcrfom thus the nlmsrenoo could uaagwawdonlykythsudotamlawoopc. rm: ploduouol can place in unnonncod Eartha tau:-saunas at thcibeitnflluonquc. tut-am, whmt: tnsau on an Amerlonn uultjecl. am! winch \vtll introduce among lb pt-sttclpal ohu-nctnn Abraham Linmln nndsumcwnn Jactoon. no place In called "La an-slinratpln Putin." A YOD!UA.nwkun lady who inn oayoyvsd the mnyrlvllezuoltakngouu-all vtth Lbcpoos'1‘ua- nyoma. Incidentally nanttam. la a mu: to a (noun. mm "It wrlmu-Jy am.-clad mu ru- manca of tho nllnnunn what: he pltuvd dur- ing lb-vavnlxw Qdnslrh Mn hack ngnluxn gnu» 900%" In the Judlu d‘ltoeIhaat.atlt1n, 1:: Wm. are noun lumdrads 0! Ianfaauloa, qaaantlt unmd lmxl Aullmlln. The tnngamo huboen lnt_:u- dtmod Into natural range fluke: ha Francs. audli now hunted then: Uta other game. ‘has bull" is sold In tho martru, man couiclnednpant «um. Tungoltlrnoduottbo Brl.tlohBoralAur¢ao:a- tauuou-uy tum bum usmtod non. Ln vertica- lorhls rueautlroa on uaq ihnodon ol lxhilnazr outer plum. Juplter. turn, ornugéaa-‘_1t'éia. tam. M. l.oV¢rrlB!, some ugh, woaittod anlmllunwudlothhnorlonlbshtuiot ylnncxa. . TH: Prtnoect Wales has recotvodma A present, from ma Nalnnjnh at Oaskmtsn. 8 «word nluoé 3: Salmon. no Ilnlyinxali at Lndom wanted to (in Albert Kdtnol mo.m. but ran anally pa.» " (V (J madadbo emu» muouux. 4-W71: was was my tho vnygfis flu:-mum 3:31:21 as 3:*n.am,:.w mnxltn'hkwme. sosmtanexg-0,: elegant»: as tun-Gtrsuaoes 2nghml.x.ancdoo6§x.t:iusodmadmln1aaeruu .%utssch¢u~efi.neusi>c§:-naacsvifudthlza. ‘#89 may as an-ans. tn». Jcnklmmottm=t‘.‘n<§£II¢U£&.z!1.bea,md12w noun msmtnod !h0EIvo%-0068: ’.I'$O"J¢d§v aarycoausmna: bueoadcm-ued mun-.xr.aost"i‘a aoaca.sz.aa¢:nzan-sums litmus-‘la "' “ iha'aam~u'::es:utaxr.J4rz ' Eahunaflynwuxo. 13.¢‘1movu$22 byffi Ethan. onlfcmt-wharf. Wzanaotvod amuse» nknmnahkmlgvtncuhnguyw Hod of motasleuaru-axed!» Izaszinamy ..$: than» offlloaayetdétooaa-trod. ametmmg. ta vczynum: utglnyaau. It nhmanyauzor snuh«u£thonoup,ndIrfl~&s vullsdnvinauecnalsttinea turnahna at good dean-lntususndatsazaawel lhaiytmau. iuloomm Medium to gals gnaw-a :ldr1t:saoaoadt»aI(rhc.-taaiicll’-t“a?r} gwu Chen Direotzorx. mcmmbmduw st. Loch Qxosotztmaamas dufyiwvtcy m as has-cmsuto ubnu-y mm mom. on awfihily aamwt. from ‘Ito lctuthooveshashuuun: mmwumttlsa. ‘ Pvabiianfloz 19. Additional solutions received! item 8. Wash, 11. 5ilvcm.J. 8. . ‘ ' ',J. . Sheba; "T. B. " 8 :5». 1. tvmmq: Xannuimn, GI. . In future. Iolatéon wufba arodltavd truly in ms nuznbcrgtrlngnoaut Busdes mohznnclmlntlozuwmlmd. we an gon-':i:K_u. As 1 wasp 3 saw’; hull mm as the solution Mt "aha Vfllbtbhtfi Wunofialtcrkinfl E “E Mane-L. xaiatlonnncmoonmcny-fisapxofllu. I1.hnhsq1tba;te1.l4p«alh'.u.:o mold school ttpouihellntnovmthmixhthlahlsrynoneuna. tsnizonsoamn. Poaltkmia lnwhkhwhlfa nun urn-wtaclaxafnghoroew,-¢!ms!l'lng"m