This photo shows five different ads for enlistment in the military to fight for the British Empire. The first in the upper left corner reads, "Another Call/"More men and still more until the enemy is crushed."/Lord Kitchener". Beneath this one, at the bottom left, it says, "There's room for YOU/ENLIST to-day". There is a poster in the middle where only "Enlist to-day" is visible. In the bottom right is "The Key to the Situation/Munitions, Men, and Money/Are YOU helping to turn it?" These words are organized in such a way where the three M's are on the teeth of the key. The last poster at the top right of the photo has two quotes from Lord Kitchener, and says, "Men of London/Now is the Time/Come forward now and be trained to do your share./Every fit man owes this duty to himself and to his country."