_S'.I'.A.'I'El$£IE NT 1. lllnuio (510112 ~ll “NEW sramésé. " Elluili 111113111111 cluitlil - (Forrimrly Saint Louis Life Insurance Compluiy). APRIL 1, 1876 an mic wnod.u-ss1nnnnhrnnt'9I.- 9? mini! rmr|I.... o Iglrrnl lmmn 1ui.9... 1;. 11. liYliEIl.B n 00.. . ‘ o Lumber Merchants, lueueoes to Ilmbsii Brolbnrtoo. PINE, OAK. POPLAR AND CEDAR LUMBER, ‘- liniaglu, Lelia, Sub. Elton. tie. 'i.".’.'.'l.‘.‘.‘.‘.'.‘ ..”dg.’.¥.'3.?2' ."r,;g spin rsiu n.u.'l. or :t. Imi put in I an on wmmiuiuu. or oi DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Pnoézfifi AT PRIVATE SALE. " TE luv: to oil" or for deyn ury dnitsbln plan! of Impmu ruin VIOCC prop rt)‘. 11 nun!» I im-Ii.-.f in s good I‘.-eixlllmrlnmui. 113 mm Olilll of n In.---n~rv brlrh hon n. imiiti J... moat Hamill '........-y and with In I in Iain Imstnvumw I. can run! euulninixgt lmugm. Yam "5 magi III Hing -<-II In-1-I Ind: Inrimari on stone -lb iron :1 ill iv-<|"IY no fun M!!! Li 1.-wnhvvl Ind Mn 5" "“*‘ in now min or K "II 0 tom! Ill IIn- Iii I-rungs. Ami II 1) 12,16»! |t)liC'B\1' 4' ( lid ll .lo4«.I I.-m.-me inns: run 1- yin} I burn pm my psi‘) Iusvi» lir rum. Ind Mir bl! fllsi-cllnl ill- vnlmvni. an mun !i¢ilI:1_rii.~uIays sped lo I . MHZ". H11‘ M80 3 H fl. R11 ‘liar strut. _ ._.... . ._ . ...T)‘l-xzw B‘: I Irons. vrli to loan [5 Im I . Ipf lhulrlo even mg. ion I s nu) flliihfn ' I ifllfl re Kvuiu'tl1IhIr.c’i - :5 1* “.t::;:1:1" .""l' £1 av£1b1alf1z§’l::& )1 nI£.'i\iIwVog°' _ ..Izo pail:-1 ‘ 1. I-mu. be. H e nut. tr In No. _4.1.l_.._ Blmlloternt lhlil betur_ . IM A. Y. \1'UJ.lAlriD.‘h1. Immm _£1g1_) sooviixzicf coon: 231303., "~ ‘]“flA#1.lnIiivLt:mIIi:9 ~ Chsminl ii In In J firm ere. HI , Jul. stun. you fibre to ruin’ conic. ixlfiie In» nvu In dyed. all-om noun Ir:-sin-4. Ind mod! to In X In Hell ‘iv’ loll (opium ms -1 éinryr will in AIW -tilt Mid I iunltlw I-«A dine-Mr. only lourirtiou In rl Ici, ztulm. sud Iuhyrci In on prmtiue n-lcrtima. Pntseua re-ellffilt mil 0! ‘I. :1 Iliinoutaui D1 nine . . . /7" J18 '“' vu.1.a.m ”c:o:i.‘i‘ii‘.'l.vu£. o. ! I ) CHASE .2. (31301, Fifth and Locust Btréets, 07?!!! T0 ’1'LiZI.'. TRADE 1,oo‘b CASES; HANDS-OMB NOVELTIES IN PRlNTS. FULLLIXKI 01 snows AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS all SHIRTTNGS TICKlNli3.. I CASSINERES. CHECKS, DRESS 60003, CHEVIOI 8. WHITE GOODS, Dillilis. li08l£RY, COTTOHADES, GLOVES, JEAKS. li0Tl0N8. Irina Olbnntud u not at tab or may other Ilarlut. , CHASE 3. CABOT Filth Ind Locust Streets. AUCTION SALE 111 m'i1LL11s On Autumn Street, Tlliiiill, the 1Bllii1rfl,pal 12 it, On the Premises. We are instructed by the st. Louis hiatus llouu-Building Company to diepose of u above, without limit or ronanra, the tour dwelling»; riot. 004, 008, no and 913 Anium Itroei. Then bulidlugn on oubllonllitl brie homes. and contain Ioven rooms, with ball, bIIi1 Ind gu. Bach house into I lot it feel. (root, with I tloptb oi ii! not to I pnvad Ills]. All city improvement: complain. , Title patient. and lull wnrrsnly deeds given. Terms of ulax Ono-third cub: bnionce in am Ind two yonra with 6 per cent intorut. BOO’l"H, BARADA & 00., IIEAL £3151’: AGENTS. ‘ No. 221 Chestnut Street. iit1'1'UAt.“iv1'1t'1~:"’“1T:‘£s'iJ'1":]i"z~i(7££—. rmiiolllll OTATD1 Intro are no lnriu Ls- ’ . ll ..'.“.'.:.".;'t’.'I" iv.-“' .. .3». . ' “' I - 7 1 I ‘UGO lI1o£l‘§u.Ii 14. no. , ma , A.1..’;36§. sum. 1;. . icunIu.(.. . natal; my . Al 0. ii. M. 15 . hen Int. . ii. 1. nsrnlirfi. - 2:01 stair: lion uilziinu. Wut std: or ‘thud. ( ‘ . "alibi: .i’l'.i. $711: lflliluti Ir.-oi «am 03 It. law. I ml st: Wis1l1sdT0N. Trumbull Fighting Hard for the Central Pacific. .1 Writ of llnlinas Corpus "ammo to liilbourn. Poor Avery a. Very Poor Man‘ ' Indeed. The Tariff Bill Completed--Its Main Features. B1-oodhiaod Divulgoa a Few Wbia-’ ky Trial Soox-eta. » ‘Fractional Currency ho Ro- ' placed by Silver. ' Notes from the Various lnveetiga Oanunittoos. ' fin‘ aoecni Dispatch to the ttiabe-ncrnocr-It. \\'1.nii)=o'1~u1l. April ii.—E::!4csnAlor Lyman- Tmmbull mule A very oiabornln Innuneni beinro . the Judldflry Cominlltoo to-clay in mutual for the ‘Central l-‘ulnr. Ibulirnui. in oppogiiiun to the bill to force that enmpuny In pity tho interest duo the Govrrnmeni. Ila spoke lnr lwltrly in-o bourl, awning nniniy mm the bill WK! uncnnnitnuonni, . .4.’ lha axreuluoni oniwrecl into bent (‘on the com- yaoy and the (}or¢-mmvnl was simply I contract which laulior its obinci tho romtncntion of the mad Ioleiy, and the hold which live Government L!’ kept upon tho property was solely to Iluin titdt’ nod. 11: declared that if the Government Ind bean Iuored ol.tbI completion or the road. it would lino givon the money olimzhi. Ianryor Eton-I, oi‘ Row York, Alan argued the some Aida oi the saint -qoostioo. POYKHTT-IYIICKKN AVERY. lmciilof Clerk Avery, ol Ibo ’l‘r¢unry.wII Inmmoned out or bill, mu morning. to HEILII)‘ be- loro the oommitteo Invmtgsnng tho whisky ffllldl. He! left {or bi. Lotti: ibis awaiting, to tip- pur In Court to answer the forfeiture oi 111: bondn. Arrrr is loo poor to pay his rnilroui into, and bu oxhwnmi the [clumsily oi Iur lritnell in tho expanse: of his trial, and In unable to i'IIll¢ sxtollicr dollar. in his evidence _lo-day Arory przxtcotcd his innocence, Ind drciarcd that be him no knowledge of this Whlnly King, lbouxb .I:m1m\mlnIr- Lron al that limo hall employ:-d SI-mttnr i-tcmut ll hie ntiunwy, and ten ruin; his: to lure tlclleau i'o~ I7l0\'I'I.i. TH! PUKNAI ISVIGITIDATIOX. in the Purmnn invcnlizuion In-day’, Dr. M11131- iniziu WM cxlunlnod. Ills testimony oonobornuxl pm mo lilntlhcl who II on In: week that Pur- Hun tnlll Elwin link he would not 9%}! Dndotaiulp 1 Mm iilius for 13,330. becauu use or party bud I20‘: him $6,000. 0 11...-.le11cl.-nc bili.n~;oorlz-d l-o—Iti Clark private land nllltrnn in louornl land Ufiu-1; ‘-rank Uunpboil, ilogister land Umoo. Kirwno. Inna. Yllli IAVB IIOIGLABY. Gui. Winttciy, A. ll. ilawoousbcnuxi as-iloiti-liar llartiel-i were bwfun: the Urnnai Ju to-till . on tile Info bur iary ihflriifaliari. '1 e Judicilry construction a ill but little on link subject. Till HKMKIMIII or nlulilu The Hunts at Hutu, Iiocrwury 0! Wu uni lien:-I-tar} of 11 Katy trill IO Row York to wuloomn the limp-nor of iimst . IIIUTII c.uwt.Il1l W)! ilonroil. Adprirwa liinpotch lmln ilolomime. ll. 0. dated lo- my. an that fmtrtocn doll-gulcs o in éim:ln- bill in ilurtuo men, the rhllri nmn .rto which Booth Carolina In outllimi. I‘o'n'n'-1roun.'r11‘ ooxoiutsa. Mllflmo M1. Coopor. from the Committed on Finance, repor:od',‘IrurIt-iy no lit-mu ill to provide ior Ixpemee of Idmiulun of ioroixn good! wine C0lIC!lfllIiIKl‘liiJlli0fl. Fused. Mr. ii-ma inimdurod I bill. 1: request. to pro ~ win for chap transportation 4: Irolxiii balm-on Uhln and iiiutnippl ‘Ilia I. Mr. Iiwtemnn pnntlln I [Million of the lm imcm mm of (tlneiunnii Ind lwvlnmo. i(y.. in favor of orodticliun ol the tax on saw to in units pound. llelvrmd. - Mr. ‘ 1numiI.fmm tho Committee on Jillia- iltr)‘. nimriaci luirorwl on the Homo bill In ‘Iro- lec-i Ivilneuu who sin I be roquimi to lull {in errluin rues. with amnion report and Its mi met Ilia-hill be piswi on tlu culomiu, with the Ialnru rnpart. Ila anion-ti. Hr. Munro-an prncntozl the nu not Innuniaril of Ibo commllioe on tin bill, In 11 an u car that both rupmrll in; printed. Iii. Ellrnunde Iuilmllltil I roeniailon lilreclin tho ilanrt-lary of Wnrto inform the lien: who Imiirm. ii any, has be It tniten uuvler Iixo arr oi Fvbruluy I , 11475. pm min; (or settlements with certain III way companion. and nine to furnish tiauiiod ininrnuuon concerning: the I-onion and uni»:-quonl. 1-eiinonisiuncn b 1;. Unity] lilaiu ol lilo Wanton: and Atlanta I llway oi (lo.-or in; ii oomlilmn, ulna. Ilnilrovomonll or up: re I: I a (icivanamont. Imi It-Izolinvr the ini- tor hnvn mm fu Ir lmi for. Agrueai to. The bill ouiimm 1,111 the rri-Ayamont of Penn- I lfliiiil norms ni M oobimrtnn mu dlscuuod un- ll iria. when Ilia Rennie ruumed cnitlllierillinn of unflnlslwli lmstnons. lining lino blli lining the Po: of pmulne on lhlnl-ciao mull mutlvr, Ind Ir, In-ntmnu spoke in rwxanl litenw. The pending quaauon in-lug 1111 the Inwndmnt of Mr. Alunimou in mice oui oi the nu: section the rinnso alltiwinjlii Ibo all all Irtieios not simvu tin wwlizial proscriba of law will:-.i1 Ara not from ilwir form or nlaluns Iiah o in duuoy d - ism. nr olbarutea injure lint runieiih n tiia mall: I s or ill: pnman oi In on: can on! in the Posh. ‘oninv. Air. L on uaun mm ilimi ill- amendlneut so III to rtriiaa oui at llili llxinl rims oi mlilmntierprints ongroril-us. bllu-Its, nul- bio pnliorna. samples, monviumiiao, Immnio uni: plmiograpialo pupa". inner onvelupu postal envelope: and wI‘h|iiIfl’1{ en A, plain In ormtimmtsi payer. ihotogrnpii o rogmauonlailons. IooaiI.‘a11Iiin|' ,liu M roof: nu: Iclunu. Mr. Siorrimon III4 lilo ob adio thin Iniomimanl mule or lulu lilo iourl cius _mI¢irr for ’‘‘“:.'.’l.'..“‘‘ "1.*"'' "W." 1.11. l“ °°".2' m n. n Iva no on II wow a nun mendmanl tol olflcoml notion tlo rszltiu pretax‘: one mini 0 Mel iwn ouxtoos M an: a coat ounce. And I that should be curved to, he would odor another wcllatt pruvld 11: for fourth clue null matter. Mr. liunlin Inirl tiul he thought the theory of the hunter from North Parnilan all men . The Amemimrni 01311. Lierrlmmt won 1 stod- "l‘l.i" 'i('.‘l${'.i.2... ‘said u this Iluondmoni had hauls N'lO\'*l0ii It Iru no use to all-irllmtlo nt- aniu A fourth Cllml l‘nl1iifll!M,i|¢I. Ind‘ ho. thoro- O auppo to urlum man Ill - Innlur Imm Inuu (Mr. liunay) rate of pasta ore, mu road misled by line to return to the nlxi 51. air. Dawes, oi I-imlncinuqlil, tnrared the bill fl[iDl'll}1l ii iii: CDI'\iflli|lIl!,Ih0|IKil ho did not agree Hull 1 was perm-.l. Mr. Murray Ipnito in favor oi the Iubnlltuto Iulmmlud by him. In roeioro the old rIio of pasta 1. . n , o I no. on to ornm in 11'31n1u ihli in am e n on eel Oliicu Ioll Post liofili-hall prupund A man Important Miami, on line bil clmulvi be panel‘. the newaynimr Intorui Iiumivi Milo its than n piilllifi bunl M with all other iuleneatu. lino Hell that II will uncomttltbiional to carry mg!” ltgiilwlliroughalifwill-ul to f lb ll 1'. um Iron in III :1 o o ann- Im Irom linnsm (linrvey). The colored paoplll of ill» iiuutin were upoeinli inlero-uni tn chomp ollrqru on imoiua. Grail I urn tl'6f¢ in-in mitdfi o educate them Ind If the o How rliulllr bo ro« Iinre-l they coulli got Ichool book: from the pub- Iislscro of alien: pnsinza. iio believed the noun- Iporl should have no llluiiliy. ii: boilovoci n A fan pron. and lllouil (ii truuill be A bad day for tho country it on Lomireaa Ilmultl muulo the press by any loglu Minn): irmiily or lmllrxvttiy, Po El 113 Lil.-eiinion, lr. liuvrlll, oi \orIunI-i. caller up the bill milking on snprl-I-1-Inllxm to rob- tinur. the work oi ixnrmving lilo (‘I|I||0l gmumis_ Blilllilii uuxomimnn oi Ilia liuusu Yviillfiiaflllil Amount from !fi,c00 to $10,000 I-III Igreod to. and the bill M-so. . Alter ‘ucnlsve Bunion. Idiournsd. House. Mr. lloroluni from the Committee on Cam 1uorse,rurnrteJ adversely onlholilil for the ap- mu startling resolutions. but in mm lie iI‘i?l'cIy . oiuiuwn olacommisnion to inquire II in the) ma on which I conuuoninl meal: on in l'I!i'ill‘l' an lino Ilnml for (per his toniimony would - J. Iioiilster, lain: Culiecufr‘ of internal Revenue . Iiuio water ill or new ha Alllnllo U4-oIn, and tho- nu-is Willi f‘n1mtlI. A mlnnrit rs-‘mrl wan made Ward ui N;-tr Torin, In on .1. motion Inc by 5 b ll no molirs um lp(‘('iiIi1!.i'di!l‘f0l’ the third Tunn- . an lorry omitted In reference to any possible imide history ' eltor-carrier, In ronuecuon win: the met. The - 0.. April il.—'i'hn ronnnol 5 ’.l'11o ' any in )l11,i'. .\ir. lirlir. from the unto flommlllon, ropnrlrvi A bill a Ilmrixin "K1 ronnlruciinn n! I llrlilil‘ ""7" um iiinoori it nu at ur near Mon! 1:11)’. Iowa- /titcr uplstnuunn tin bill with I-anovl. Mr. llunneli. from lino unto rammillrq, I‘-ii'i0l’1< ad I bill to grant Amuricmu roziswrlo I116 f-Hindi’ -boat, Geneva. lln I'!EIl§_ilH.‘ll that ‘Hid boat was 11 pirnllln) bout built a kin Iton Lan- iuio. for American uwmsrn but that ol lilo ma- cluiucry was made II New lots. - ll poeiliun was malls in tho bill by Maura. Cox. Kelley Ind Tolun-end, of Pennsylvania. the lather ropn-sonllng that this who the c:onnmonca- mt-nl on movement to transfer American IMP- huiiaiing in form n uamutriu. /ilk-rf0i'1licr Icuulnn um bill Mined- Iir. liunmsil also re rted n iii to rxlenrl to the port of l.n(.‘rouo_ \ 'iAronIirI, tho priviloxxn ol the Itcvtsed 1-«mule» In 1-nizrom-e to lmnmilnta ll1ii|a|mI‘lJtli\In oi gmuh In bond to Ill lhlffiol port vrlui: I;-praiscuwnt at angina! port oi entry. ‘Mun . Dir. ilereloni. from.-the Committee on Cam- mervo re norta.-<1 I bill to authorize citizen! of if-Irllio, I ., to rioso the oltitonel ol the Ohio VIP. Mr. W1-Ila, oi alinobrl. from the Committee on Am-rnpnnilnns, rs-porird the usllcimmy bill. and will he would tr and ti nation on It lo-marrow. The bill approx aim Ii Ll.-d. Tile liuuac I il.‘Ii ll‘0¢14.'l"ll(’ti inibn rnmltiornlloo, lu menial nr-I91-, oi the bill rr'pnr1INl hr .\‘- * Henry Hunter, the Veteran, who in said to have Killed (ienu-I1 Pnckonbam. Ipnclai liiepllch lo inc (lioiu-l)omorrIl. (lutnutltubit. li.1.., April ii.—ilenry ilunier. 81.. on oil! niiiun oi this ooupty, and I intern nl tin: xoxican wnr, died as thin plan on Sunnis? on-sling. llunler belonged to o squall oi almrp~ Iiuoopon In the haul: of ‘law 01-luna in laid. and it but Ilwnu beau iluiug Ii that it win the bullets shot by llnnlar that lsliiod the lirltiab 01.-11. i'ur-.l- nnham. lie was nfltd ninotymoron ears. mu: wII respected by B . Illa funeral ion ' gill“ lo~ day It bl: inc homo in Wiiilnunuu County. A Torrilio Fall of Con. gYrom ilis- Nov Yarll ’l'lmn.( The recent mosqlillo eiiowor. ball on It mu. hu boon twlip-all by it eiill more recent and oI-Ioe.lIon- able slxmnr, will:-.h occurred in (‘aliluruII. it wu restricted to iiw nnrruvr Irn of s Imglo any lot. uu V1111 Non Iireol, l.‘IIl{ornII; but I| sun at iiliitllriiiieli vinlotmgl And will It . Early on cutting lilo You hen Iirael mu uioliy Isated Aroltmi the Ioclnl oonlar-Inb I. the nlhor upilllnlng to a casual l’.nIlorn vinllortlio uno- ltmiod beauties of the Californian I'.i|ViiniO.nhI.l lilo uwiliur Inuitinflher baby by road nu in it mo nnwnoun murmur in to art oi lilo I 'I Iain of ining Ilociu. sudden a will pitteriug one iii.-srdonu1o1oof.mln5le« wit the llllllilplil" Ing cry of coma Imnao ton-veal In hi: Igony. The pnilerinfi Ind. tho arise in- rroucd. and I simu-or of heavv objects loll {re the urea an-i 1-Ittloci an the nu- moni in air. Tbs whole hm-ily runlieui o the iruni rilllfl. and by the increasing light of tho full moon lmhairi scores ol uls pouring‘ (ram Hui moi. cuts of Iii nun And on ornraro I ‘cling ovuiiil Ii-tingle: omtmroiru nil sumoraoutoi the air. At one moment I gnutlo loin-cal Wllllil elutelnuuza 1iIl‘Iu Item-ire, Ind failing to break bin in I won «I Iltoo , In 'lEf.Ii‘~ilii¢. with ouinlrolciienilal. Iitmu It tho uonlsimi Ii til. ml I11wIie liilmall on ice iron spite: of the run lent-41. M nnoiiwr mumontn maid lur inn-Ihol mils ,of1mtamisiiconaI1l and llliiiiijtfif Iiuami In the iifaiilli but he maintains that it will in: Ilmwo in m'lfl1\lil‘alliMi.hu distiller! Anni mem- bcrn of the lung were instructed to will-holui an nnwlonigc from Ilia Collector. lie bollovn aml Mcilunnid will be par- llouod Ia Icon II the Pr:-I1-ianunl election Is ne'er. i-‘mm Iioylllve dlnlllivr, whom he met In Malbotmie. he learueui llust Jnyrl mp- vaunted to dnltliern 'orlliarI1)|lunuriihIsl Iuusmanin on em-kcd wlmly mm: levied for party pilrpollil nnd romliied Io ibibrmaix in ‘'51: II that Joyra union. Ii woo Ilw cullnm in |_IIy I-mploy I-I Vfldllillfli slum! for eloaminx Ilnuuue from (1111 burrels Iuxl min; them on now anon. iin has In- lnniiniioit ilili clown Uniirli Mnivo Hennlurl Ilgiltli I petition for liilllnxe-r's panlnmlm-.ImiIug iiiurvey unsl galls oi Knnsu. llotilrcll of ill»- Iouri. limln of Indiana lag-uncut n! Alaiiainn. Iiiltbourlt nml i‘luiIim'i1 oi" .\'ri-rnsiu. lie taro he into suIi'omi will the Agony ronlbiw from tho mn- toqluriicnu of moral cmurd co, nu-i haul -Ilzlerminv ed miurv arrest to moot lino outlier. list will not In bail an M1 rclltrn. At this time 9! bis luvln iii. Janplu, owinglo lilo liiilbf‘ furor be nanui no fat bail on use Inmnlmouis wit u ,wI0mnI iuntilta. lm.-Ilencai ieim, but Ielod Iolei ally in luring II he «lid. Wiiniouau will mobably go But ’l‘l1urI~ doy Iu custody. Cincinnati Olllcinls Explain. Dll¢Ul¥llAfi, April ii.-in In lntorvler with Col. Lawn Wciurl. llevuuo Colloctor, r.¢1nc¢'t’n- ingcharxerol implication In lilo whiny irnuds with one ilogna, oi xcnIa,0itio, Uoi. iileiuei Iiataa: "l have nothing to say cxcupt that Io tar II I am concerned more is not on grain of truth inlho Iiale-mam oi iltrteoliva Bell. (in to the iiml that no u wont to St. Louis I believe he I6 All hours man, but its will there manic tolle- lavo Um. linbcoclt Ind Illa wimla Minuinlsu-Allan use in the Ring, and that while the mold)’ um Eels; he might Inuit have part oi the mug. - -In’ Motion lnluoblc-l hiuualf III the case. “in ho was n1\|uIll Ironllzai, in t an Icon Is ouminui iinxuo has belmyml In In:-i hi. or ii'l‘0m ‘numr. imlnn-ilitioly uimypo-I him. ' n .. ::°£. iillirici ilm-no) iiaiaimun liouioe that in rI~ tuned to ltrrcat lluflilti vrr but bu can Imloro the . ........._....._.._.—.. 32. .‘ 4VOL. 1--No. Grand Jury. Tho Iirnmi Jury and um me¢t_n|\|fl ulior ll»-~ rioriinn. and ch.-.l is--1 runir-.irr1ll)rIn- isru-re-i ll.a nsu-riizm. il.- was at His! opinion um: llngm-on-iirtnot be [ir0M'rliI\‘Iourr Racine. giver gmeml satisfaction bore. no troll u the Ap- iiolnttnent of Cu]. Wssrdor Coming AI mun: (lea- orol superintendent. A 'I'L'ItBL'LFJ.\"1‘ TIME. lkriannlitiou ltixchanpzrd and Piltoll Dntwn in the Republican Convention at Columblu, South Carolina. COLL'Mli1A. 5- 0.. April ll.—-The morning 5:5- Iion oi the State Republican Convention wan lur- bulom Iud exciting. (Them arc two distinct partitta in the body. one all them loci i:yCov. Cliamberlttln. and the other bv Senator Pntusnob. Juligo )I.nri::1y, one or the alclegzuv: denounced the anll-Cimmbcrloln party as n band oi robbers. and _iolLi ox-Congressman Hlllalt, who asked whom no meant, that he (Elliott) was thebead and (run: or ihooe robin.-nu. Elliott draw IpI.s- tui and sought in K at llnrkny. who Ivnltad him. Donn mui I.-gltlu werx-mvrlluruwo, and the . I-srilo-i «is-ic--mica zaiiwrrsi armtnvl .\lnrk.\y and Hilton and crnxgell llwui apart. A chair wu brimdlniicd mar uor. ('b:unlmri:ln’s bond by ut Oxuxviilllfll rleiogole. Nu biota pouetl. walls, color:-i, Butte ivcnntor. iuul (lav. Chun- be-rlllin -were nnmlnalni for i'r¢sI'loot pro tent. The rat! was M7 lnr hwnils and ID for Chnniinrlnin. 'l‘ln« l.nIumillta on (‘ro-ionllail. ngnlnly undo up I'll‘ an anti-Lhnlnlmrinln party, win Appointed, Imi um L‘(IuI'ciiUOIt tool: a recurs. I T111: PACII-'lC 31.0141-:. An Attachment Roll-oued-—Tho Chino” Qut-Ition. sun riuncuco, April ii.-—’l“i1o ubtrhmoni on 1-mac Hall stiiumrclty ui Panama. was tampo- rnriiy ruioaled to-IIIy. on account oi the Ci-HIIEIGI ownership nlvxi by lituu A Winn, who aiiega oi they have a bill oi uuo. ball! {or bar and tin China, now on bar way from .\'nr York. ‘rho Bennie committee nmrolnicd to lorenlipu the Ullluna qnullon, rolnmonced work to-dny. Uor. Law. oz-iliuiater so Uhlnn. eluted ibll the (liainelo ulhin or omlxmitun pnlsemel In Hung Knox were arms-I wriwn IIu- Iirtiinnvl for chomp labor Iron on thin wast. Tlnoy our-Ice Iirnoal absolute power our vmlxrnuu, nmi lune no nr~ run-nmaoi with tile hwltlo Mliil (.‘nI'n -mix, by which the stunum will not «aim t. albumen Immn who ran out their aerlinrulos that they him luliiilud their vulllrlcl vrilll lint‘ Elllliilliii . II was nm-Irari to npmt 1-orroop--minnrie trii ibd Anwriean Iilmsm-to Ublua. ooucoruinx el.iIl[l’t° lion Agoncln. A 1:141-uniijiohx "1-1m'.~'11-11. Remit o! the lilunioipni laloolion in iipriogiiold. -Ill. In-1uxoi'l1:I.u. il.L..t\pIll II.-Tim rliy .lcn1Ion today pauui on rzry quivliy, Ami um rsmalt. In for New bo Iacortnlncd M il|iI hour, is tins Jayno lm Mltym-, Wauoli fur Civrii, and Doyle lull Ilireei Iiupen-nor, on [he ltcpubltrnu llciu.-I. IN clot-ted by mniorltltea miuiux Irum one lmndrod Io lbrtu liunllrcd. Nome ntlmr city of- Ii:-on lira ‘F1 in uinuhl, but there In A rlttmon that too iiepnbimm mm-lninla {or lflty Mnrnlmi iu air:-11-11. 'i'l1¢~1uin uouiuublniiy A nut in Ho wuirilmm /tide;-rm:-n, nllin-ugh ilu- ilvi-Iurcrltl will I III lulu n In-All majority‘ In the i‘ounr.i|. Tim rusuii ni (iii! oil-oilun -‘nu lulri) be ii-ken In an M)-n---inn: ui tho [tropic min rw In Iin- llcrnut rrattic mimlni-lrntimi trim in has mi-mic-I lb: rJly during the past you. it is n uimupil Iur the luv pnbllutn party. : IIllh';lN(l lf‘()_ll.l’_l((.J(‘}l-‘. A Call for |".\'ilivm-o NI‘t."|I‘lillifl tin "('(‘¢‘li('i' N4-mini.-E. NEW Ynllii April Il.—TI1r .\o\v Yuri: Thin will vilbiisii In-um-rrmr ii 1'10” I--r aw 1-‘.1-n:-r rognrI1- mg mg in-1-.-3..-r srnmi.'1l, mu. .I Ivy ii't‘ rnumillloc appuinlml by Inn Show 3'-wit nn=l Ilr-I -i.l_1n Mun- rlniimu at {'nn;,'h',[(IiiIlfI'1I .\iu.i~l.~1:, lie-In-I. llulmrl. ~1nm- nu-i \mzIu. Th ,1 um-1 rarnntly Imitv no-I ur-yr .111) 1-i1i1h'ai1t=iIi‘\ l' Lm Iihifi-sun‘ Ir: inmo as ill-' In‘. or auf‘ U1--«bl.-l1~1_--i trilloiinfl. ymi ..ir.1.vi\ I.s\1'Ll|;.’.’Ill' lot.-.s-1|.-1 niitulirl. la ',,,.,,..,.u,.-.ps..cl..-I-1-athe rum «aim-. 'i'iu~ r.-mmim-o I'll_\' ~ ' ' M 11 none l|iiI roll in the mu-ur--i rm :\4l4N‘l1$lll)lI nhl-Ill. l|ll|\\liithLII!-ill! "W ills all-:1-I; rr niilnl u itinirsr-tui on a. pill») lutic 0 n fa--s I.--in-I1‘: .u1ul l-rlurvcl numllu-r-. -Illl romalrn it’ for the in nu .\II-neiniluii ui llvligrllll-vlilllli liminiuutn l 9 auto,” Dl-2V'A8I‘ATl12l) 111' l~'llll':. Disantrnlu Coufln ration at .\i¢-ll-op~ oils, lilu—3ltt11y ‘en-an: lluntclcll. ape-oinl lliwolrb to the lllolicviiuumrril. UAIIO, iI.1.., April II.—.\ Icrrtbio lire ocrurrod ~ II lit-Impclis, iII., yczu.-1-any nnonmuu, .I.;sm._\-. Inn about Imy thousand dullrtn‘ worth oi prop- art;-.ont1inIt-in thorn was but little insurance. Thuprimzipol nuilcrurl art: O. N. JuInc:1,!‘|rllIl iizius, Dim-isolsplol .10., and llrnry John-on. A grunt many Iltxiirisiualn are lI*nIi\~lru,1Ii‘ul mo imllllo aqyiaro la lllicil tunsliii Rtmcll. ‘mm at IACllnl oi Marni‘: Llmu, ulnlo-In Was! in the mun, turned out Iiinl auto 1: iulcisturslsiaurv amino exhibition ilhi high! iort ii lien:-Iii ul’li1a 1ullur- on. THE DEAD .\ll'ZIlCllAN'l‘. Arranging for tho liurinl of tho hole A. '1'. lite-wnri. Nan Tunic, April ll.—'l'l1o Pml my: the iunaral service: with» line A. 'r. M.-u on will lake plum sH§l.Nlirl1'I Lfhurcln, on Thur--Int Ilwl‘-Iillil M“. lilsiaop I'ui|¢r om.~mm.g. 1'1... 1.-Iiuumu gamin- mon uni art 11: mil iwcnn-n 1-: Inn‘. liu. ax- (lav. Ainman. Junlgr llrnr} I-Z. llmlvh. Chi“ Jusllcl: C. l‘. Dali‘, (‘lmrloe ll Iiuuril, llubcrl L. fililflrl, [loyal Pllti|ln_.J'{|i'nli ii. \'rrIn|i)¢, Wm. Llbbcck, Wm. M. limits. l'cln t'u..;.m-, filryhen wyny, I-‘mocks Uulllncl Ind Judge Soak: Davina. A Dangerous T1-calla. Now Your, April ii.—-A portion oi tho lrcliih work of the Delaware. lhcknwauna Incl Wulom Railway. II the Pusoio iliror nrnulux, which in normal lmn-lrul incl lllyih. 39" ]‘NN|“'fll’ "M13 I nttmlnrr nl men worn cm alo)-1-cl in -irrn limuin. u. 'I‘u'ni1u