e . I Q 51. Innis Eailg élobt-gtmnnttl, fifilehnrsbay Earning, ggril 12, 18% ‘(A y .. . .4: I FOREIGN. . i Assembly. ._ltopid Uprend oi the Insurrection in Bosnia. A Budget of News ii-om Auetnlin end , New zetlend. The Revolution in I-Ioyti end It: Fragrant. _ France. nrorllumo run-rvtt.. time, Anni II.--’l'l'II Flnnco-American Union tree organised o greed operetio ieetivel tor April It, the pro:-ec-l.q_ to be devoted lathe monument to be erected in how Yer! linrbcr. Merlul tool- : ".‘u.x"l.5.2. .'. l.’lll'.3ft:,‘3.§.‘.”fi.°lfi2 ':£‘.’.'.$§l5 "’°’ ttt.l:C'l‘li}X .. NIIHMIGII. Pull Afiritil --H.il¢\llhIt"e elmmn an atom» hr oi the ‘number e Dhptitlcl mm lllanl he: on eonltrtnecl " etilitronnrrr mtruru. ’ V‘lutuit.uzv. April ll.—‘I'lmr,o we: all llll er- unl debate In the Cluueber oi Daputltte till: I loin noon. at. Lelllnnd. oi the committee on the various Iltllteet Inntlunl, reed 5. report which declines to Idvluo he vantage at on Mtllleill nreneuro whet- ever. but recommend: at the t orerntnellt dIe< I I . I :1! id" . . P 3.3 ‘i{'l‘)‘l‘lII,I;l‘i’ll§n£‘. I'll glfllgrutf: route a division or lint!!!‘ the-l err thttrce. moved that live quee- tloe a mine: he dimmed immediately. It. ltu-ertl. Iuleier oi the Interior elated that the Ooverrnn--ht ooneldmrd It ugeleu for Iienuuo xlnrmctllele. voteeletvtvlzic tho llehotewoul tumble to - mites. till litter rot-me. .l)uve Jnrteprlrtisllntatnul that hit irlenele tntrut (I in; mntIou.benmiAe they wlerledto test It: elite at the ltogunbllcene M at government porter. WlIIltlLbI1Ul0tlflllllI!8 emncniy Itiuetlon on rtnet to e ntileyod. the Ilomnpim all. he on ll wahlchnot otter A eyetotnntie opposition to the é..u.m Linn. There who it rloiettt Iltorcolloe tat-tween M. Dani end IlIlIlllE{ ltloort, bteceine oi tho re- nurk model: the alter that e inllan lrlyllhn nae Itullopeftl-u heal no elullcntlnn to e or. '7hu lnlater muin-ted tl. lreul that the tllepnllllnn e‘i till? ltmplle had been eonttrrurd by the recent I Dc‘ Dill. M. llurnl again declared that the {lone- portlele Irrvuzonnllublo enemlee at the (hm-tlteton. arhey do-trod above ull thin to we at run H|!l|I.IlIllt'.al)I who tri~ rnplgml at the eleotlon tested on tho hllxlletertal no u. - A noelponenieni of limiter nebula on the him 903% llI‘ttllItmUt;llIllb.Ifl&bt"IU¢f.u Wllufllllllllllll V0 Y 8 V. A rge at on y, e e oi the IA-i , without exoepllon. euppol-ting e t owrtinieltt. The ll:-pnhlialttl re end we mull ueoan~ rmetlnn oi the vote 0 the Be due: Assembly y which the Elleplrl I'll lame .dt- -on . The {Jhombnr elm deterred eonedernttoe ol tlu-eedlepuled election canoe llttltl otter reoeee, end ed.l-lurned to the lath el nay. _Auetrellh. turn to ruler! lloirrn. Iu fluutctwn. Aprtl Il.—Ily the errtvvll oi the Grenade, lrvtn iihlney. detail to lite eighth of lurch ere nt hithd. mm eotrrte menu. The perllonieetnry uuion has been prolonged beyond the time expoeted when it opened. There appears little preepeet of I pmmgnliun bolero M51 or June. nun elinire hen eltmrn . A little more N‘-tlvlty during-tie eel month. but is tirntlnrie have been limited by 7 weather. vrhlo continue: to no- oil more or on all over the colony. and A ecu th elluvlnl wnrklnpcgn; oruelliug mechinee. l I v IA. procletnelinn hoe been luuoxl i54)ttl.lllIIIh1’I.h0 prohlbltlomo Inn imported rattle, ete., rote pllcea bo ml the Anetrnllen colenlee. Forty-e xht groin and nine wool exhibits have been matte tho Philndol hie Exhibition. mlrrit A ertu ;. _. The schooner )uIvents'.hintt was burned nt eel. nee: Porkpirc. '1‘hree men were unveil. The explain lnnieeigf. Tbereiene on exploeton ot gun- powder on bee . ' . outtiitieheiln. u. A The eontlnuoue eltewery vrcether le luring I'- - reetoretlve efletsl upon it elation. A tornado occurred et gown. Trlrrrnph none- nnhlcntlon lnlnterrup . cvn who [rut de- etntetion or property. Wlt[nl!r‘s Ioiel Ind om;-.0 end eeverel other hnlldl 1 were eveltvd. tinny pie were Injured, In ere deetltute. Ne Ilene V.°..l.... Tholiehool oi Arte lend Itoeyiul Ire -pedeol wrecte. xnw l)lAl,A‘.I"D. ‘twenty Inrvirore oi the loot ehl fit:-etiateore were Inednrl at (Mile hut Tlturnut by 5 line which lnnclml were thtt do for t e purpose. The front event with» won on been the etio- ueeiu Inylu oilbe Anetrnlleh (submarine Ooble. Entire In re'on the that coon ere etting zamawliet complicated. tlilnu oi lrouhe ore rowing between the netluree Izod the Government our blnrlut oi lalid leuly doe t with by the noun Land Uoeru. _ . Turkey. rttoon roll ISODIHA. Cpxevnrmrurtili. April iI.—AlldIllonel ‘turt- no troop; neve been dltnhtchod to lloenle. run ntwttsxorlox IPIILDIRO. Vlxsrrul. April ll.«-’l'elt-[tenet (moi Iloenleetttte thsi the lneurreotlon bu notv epreed to theoenter oi fleenla. The country erennd Trnvlgnne bee jotnotflhe increment. ‘run ommuc or ilnnzzoovnu. Lotlbaru, April it. u Time Ilorlln special lay: the obetlnno oi Ilemgovlnn la nccounted iorb the ho ou olateltzln Itttulnn eul-port at tlteeeventh our. The Iicnvonle papere. not~ vrithetnncling lIuulo'e eitlclel Advice to the liner- nnutolu down their emu. oircnlete auto» menu the ltuuien dlpiornetle e eat}: in Auelvle end Tlirltey her nuttretftliolllir on e tint Itin- elll wll never ovv Autrinn ti-oope to ooentry irlennzent territory. Untle than olronnulencee tllelnsunurnle think they at better fiereiet, tor though the Ituetlltn (lovenlnient -undo b'.odl deo tire: to protect ‘turkey, there to e ieolln in male quernmthet ltilninn p bile og man will not permit the Ouvernrnenlto and t e nfituns ltnyeh over o the Mefiyg or Turk. th Howl uitil nonviotlo 0 up lined. AI! I)i'l'Ofi'l'AI!' BIRYIEW. Lowbmr, April .-A it etch iront Vlemle mu that the To uh Zn: eednt’ tee hfd den ntr.-mmv with UoilI:tAltliltuy intr lch to e- ciered It impmeitulo tor the l*orus to concede the condition: demanded by the Ineurgtgnt leader: In lter-r.r.-auvlno. end the tonne 11 pond by (‘mint .tuereuy.\rI-Iota the l‘erto eoceptod un- eondltlonnlly were the etinoet wnooeelene which the 'i'orkinh (Ievernnune eould, with ullrlupult, (nut to the rebéle. ’ Hitytl. ‘mt! luiI'0I..!7'fl0l. ntun. April 1l.—Jt-trloee irons Jeotxneil to he tone at Much revert the town Itill blocndod. 'I'ronldeet Dominique bed given the lneurgenu notice that In ninety-elx hour: the piece would bobomborrlod. The time hen oxnlred. and the threetramnlne unoxecniod. Dominique in re tmpopulhi. but the movement egalnet him the limo will pmbehly lull. It is reported that en- erel oi the peuengere on the It may Thyru, imin lit. Thonlee, were that on hm lug gt .1.“-,1. nnell. Two United statue men-ol-war. at Part In l’rlln-e, threaten to use force It the decree hunts furolxnere Ie cnrrler out egnlnel Amcricnru, or maneye nlrcndy calico are not returned to them. The Free: ...'oneu Ineiete on the some tteettneut tor French cltiuiu. England. untvttn our. ' Lmrtml. April-ll.-/nge etoemtlilpe Polyneelon. irom Portltind. City oi Ilrtetol iroro Pillledelphut. ‘"35 "0"! Milan. and textile iron: New York, are nmred out. Servten ornament P’ I ’ Algeria. All L'.'II!lP?lIYAl"I illitmltltcrtoir. Penil. April ll.--’I‘Ile insurrection in the Prov- ”‘ °' ‘~-"'"¢“I||“bfl. Alanine. pt-oroe to be notin- pol-tent. Oertmtny. D7-lflt av tut. talcum. Ilzlmil, April ,iI.--Dr. Trnubo. the telcbrntod yhyeiclnu. in deed. The \VeAlllcr. Wlteittzromtt, D. 0.. April It. I e. .,.,_ l’rubnbIlltiee-Joe the South Atlantic end uulr Iitotu, euterly winds veering to wutlicvlyg in the letter. stationary or flllltl barometer. evnnner. cloudy weather and light local rain: will proveu. Foefenuoeue end tl: Ohio Valley, eletlonery pro--urn and lens will tare. wetter; wtpdl end 3-arllv clmuly «do her. 1‘er the Lpper mm.- n« -pl on-I Invver Mlunuvi Vnlleye. motor north- orllv nlmln, thin] barometer perlldufloedy end (luring wemmr. For the lfpper en, el leg barotnetcr. flelng telnperetixre, nppoeinfl mu’ ll» at and eoutlxeriy will u, cloudy not er‘ in Izglxt rule. for the tamer late: :31 the Middle lilute . oiellouery or eliiug mmeier enrterly wl e,lncroaulrt;r elou Ieeee. nod poulbly II ht rein. in: New England nonh- rrly vrimie rle ml or eutilrmer b.tvometer.£ortly cloudy Aotfclenr or Iluy went u, with not any Amnesty Gretta: Discord In the French ternperotnrnn The Mlerourl And Ohio Illven will ‘gr.-rally tell. The M|l‘i‘:lntl.»l ‘will eonliriue E vs I e danger line in urn:-hleto ‘i'lolu~ are and ell aonletvghet It Ill. Louie and Cairo. .'.I.‘!lllI ILLINOIS CAI‘ I:I‘AI:. Abstract from the lnem-on on Report for 18'I'5—MInot Mention. Eperlei Diem-.cIl to the (llobo-Deinuerltt... arnmortttto, It.l... April It.—-'i'he clerioni lento of the Insurance Iltrpllrtnientoi the Auditor's oillce he: been engaged ior eotne time In printer- in; the tablet. ete.. iur pertlol the" Intumnce lteport !:‘l't"tlIo your ending Ileeetniler ' ll, llflb. Thu portion at the report to only consulate. and in e Iew deye will be given to the public. it includes only the tire, and lire-uterine oompllniee doing bualnou In the lime. oi which there are one hundred and eighty-firth. Thtriyrionr at there were ailmfllld during the your‘ and had not pre- viously rl no biuineu In th lit; e. The In loving Ie lulunree o the lmelneu of these onmnanler In the titete tiring the mar: Iretullewritten................;..... . . _erI_n_erieltewrltten................... I.i.tot.m uet.1m.|TDIttlJ|. . For t-moor. For lneurnnmt ......... . . in) In For Illtru .......... . I,l1'FJ0Ii For Lyon (‘hl.Nll.... 1.17.1 00 For in I|.'l'Il|l ulv hill: .. it'll 39 )"ltI’t\l!I|lIIlIf!'tltIlll....... it N) Forgne Liv) to l"orn'mueo............ .. . . till {.1 For ea Anon, oillm-re ... 9.l3:I 30 For enlnrioe, teeahrn .. . r.s,eol to Mr mint-lea, litullun ,.. . uni at for euppllae .. . Ml in _D‘iK!¢'TARY. ll". Ii. J. Llppmen ufl'ureI.l the following mug. Intlon. which who utinnlrnuuel adapted. ltewlrenl. That in porting Illl our Isle rial- in en, Mae-re. trllnrloe l‘. Ioyer. .'llto.t.Weil, Ye x(lnIle.JM. .i. Mt.-ritnn and haul It. ran. the retiring member: at IIIIA heard, we xicaire to exlu-ct! «lure mrltrl-‘tllufi oi the tent and rldellty vi h which I e have. for many enrll. labored frolulwn-ly out eniclently in the nterret oi the ‘ulllle iiclioele 0! HI. Iloule. . new uninltttil. The iollmving rmtetttlv elects-I Diveclnre quell» lied and were event in no member: oi the llonvd: .. J. llombaur N-omul Il'o.r«I.' M. J. l.I lprnln iur one term, on .KlooI:, eburl. term Th rd Wnnl; Joseph ll. llelintlre Yourtlt Wet: ' II.(lwnrte. nu: woe; John W. ()’l‘-onnell It In wmi; Iehtiel til no Tenth Ward; Wllllem M. lwen, Mloventh Vnnl: llenry Behtvuner, Twelfth nrd. "rtucilnntl Arruinutrs. The lollowiug nflmlntmurlle were made by the Eonchon‘ Conan: I no, nod approval by the ‘, . it . ulflar-In D. Kerr, Third Auietent, uieyette I00: n-htflfltlfl A. Herr, Third Aeetetant, ltuluon I )4 *ru’I..m BI:-norheuotl, Tllli-it Auletent. Sumner II It Htzhtull. “bun hlcnrlnn. Third Autetent, Sumner Illgh klfitle A. Peritor. Second Auletnnt, Blow oo . . Mtaoorgiu 1.. (Jrceln, Third Auletent. Compton . ool. B. htennhelmer, Second (sermon Auietent. Charleen Kt‘.IIO0l. Ade. ltooey, Third German Aneisunt. may Bchoo . ' Mary V. Boll Third Alllfilllll. Rule School. “Antoinette 'lukI, Third Iteelutnut. Lyon hool. noon ntttur Aaiin. htr.llueteur moved to reconsider the vote taken upon llr. Lynch‘: motion tocloee the nclluoln on Uood Yrldny. The nnlrmntlvo and negative were protetg nrett y dlvhlntl. and the ‘run Aml_it.1ye ercn coll Ior which reunited In ever or the moilo to recount Ier by I min at it to it. The origin nlotlon-mu than read. and the you and neye cellirxl (or upon ile adoption. The vote stood ll esllnel. to was Ignin loot. The liolml then ullournnd, to meet e nln the I-ocand Tueuley to MI], and proceed to e eleo: lion oi oilicrm. Tfllfi POLICE BOARD. They Consider that Iitoet lntcreetlng Que-etlon oi Satori:-e. The lnlloivlng preamble end reeolutlone were oriented at yetterdeyu meeting at the Board oi Paine Canunlulonern Whonu Thin llonrd recoxnlxing the lm ero- tive ncceulty oi retrenchment In the dlpln intro of public mono r: en mrheroee. ll Ie the cement deelre at this cent to reduce, in luv u ronlble, the ezmneee of thin department com e on with Elect! d , lpllne and Ifloleztey oi the Po lee ereiure. be It Iteeolved 'l’bllI irom and after thewdey at Me , line, lite oilleere oi the {once shall oIulI~ no u Ilfiet And second alone, It lollowe. rltz All elite re eretniore ootnmiutohed by the Bond eheirbe plemti in the ant clue. who ellnll receive I us try 0! 075 per montlt. ee tlxed vv. All onteere tiarcnlter Appointed, except in once at reappointment or promotion from et-coed eleu. elutl beelueed ee eeoond clue. who than be enlplo of! lore term at six lrionlbe. end then he tart-Ion; on the motor at the la naepeclnl elllcere on polieomduty, end etleli r oe ve euluy oi tee not men - lleeolvod. Thai III n It nil tor a olel I! on eveclole under thi Price utlon .u.li}5o....'}°:il the rluhlilinetlone Int be en cat to the eemo ex. emlontlon in required under the ruler of the de- pertnient tor regular eppliconte. Muetoel. Oiilotiltten, April ll.—A nutnllo oi gentlemen tr 0 were prormneolly connected with ibe tiny inluloel lontlvnl llteieeeeon In connection with DEC 1 -the Ilertnoele end iilnemaerehur Boeletlu at this eilr. M0 IWI-Brill: to give e niiteienl entertain. men: oi eultcrlor ordr-r for three lllfililo «luring the mu: 9; month In the hxpueition ulllilng. The 0! I For cunt elrltl Hill I) In lever oi the resolution: end it tihnrtte or last e¢Men‘e foetlnl he: been united to peftlrlgete and the orgnnlution um-tidy mun- berl our luudrud eln era. The Ink! 6105"‘ |‘-“' Kigali It raeent nro I. W. Whitney, baton; II. who tenor. Mr. Otto Stage: wlllpreelde no mtlelcel director. The Mexicali Revolution. Ouvxeeox. April ll.--A spaniel to the (Joint- ton .\/cu-e. dated undo, Texil. Ieye: New hredo has you been eilptilrod by the Revolution: Ilte. Iflghlluz In in pmxreu all over. The United state: lot-cu hove iourteen hloxieetn fetlentl yrieorlure, with I portion at tlielrume. Quintana, LNG Vodevel. escaped down the river with I prrt ei ie ioroet. _ Rich Ore. OHAIIA, I;ltn., Anrll ll.—lV. II. Wood hoe arrived from Cutter Olly bringing with him rnntplee oi quartz from It lode within two mllee at tlmtplnoe. An Irony who mode it the Omaha smelting worlte lnr|lI7.lthd t ehowe 11.5‘-'0.” gold and no to ellro . Iio recliner glue the name or the lode or t o erect location. i o h hi-ranged toehtp n cu lend oi ore to the nor on ntonee. 5 tllnolnnntt Southern Bonds. LOIHEIIIATI. April ll.-—'I'he Trustee: of the I’ .-lnolntintl Southern Itallwoy awarded $3,000,000 tiper oeut [old bomjrto llapey. Heldelbeck & L‘n., oi this all In-doy, at a premium at I2-itlotlt ncerued Internet. The bond: Illriy yen. The International Yacht Race. 'I‘ntmit'm.()rt'r...\pril ll.—’I'he New Yorl: Ynoht Dial; bu accepted the elmileiigo oi Molar uiiiurd to tell the Yacht (Juuntue, oi lltllrorin. now be- txigbulliottmbonrn, tor the neon’: cop. won nanny year» ago by Itciit Aim! tin. Tho nltme Ill the rompeling ynoil will be tool to tholtorei Ueuediau Yeeht Club here Ihortly. .. ‘ . Ho Killed Himself. Dot-elel Duneieh In the lllolre-Demoont. It.I.'ru.~r. lI.L., April Il.--A man. enppetod to be ll. 1.. Ilrownlng, oi Clllrligo, ronlmlltod eniclde lnet evening by ehoutlhg hlmeclt through the Imszl. Illullltllloll Ieetwpoeod to have caused the rub ncl. HchniIold’e Bur-oouor. U‘It‘l£Vll.I.IS. April li.~tlou. hlrliowoll. In charge oi the 1-'nlI.o«l tlinlee Army Iitvielon oi the south, Iiondqnnrtore at thin city. he: been ordered to em-not-41 ticn. itulmiloltl In mmrnntld oi the Illvlel-moi the I'enldn. the change to occur in July next. Mar-Inn lntolllgonoo. l'rriunm.rllit.. April ll.-.\r~rived--8toorneblp Lon! (‘live from Liverpool. tlnnrut . .t mil ll.——.\rrlvod-—fiteIlmebip ltthlopie irum New ‘lurk, l£'a’.(."I‘l'{lO FLAKIIFJ. —’i'he new volume at Phllndelphie, you taken. Jhtlwil it ltupulatlmt at 811,648. -—-Preiidunt-elect upredo. at Porn. Arrived in how York yceterdey, end who met oi querenuoe by it ticlt-gaunt: oi prominent oiuzene, who ee- wrtcd him to ht: hotel. -At lieltlmore. In the United states Oirenll Court yeelenlny, Judge (lllee, under the recent supreme Court decieion, eolteinod the demurrer to indletnnenhl in election run at violation of the aniorceinent I.cl. and uliecanrged til the prisoners. —Rolurm from the election held In! Monday in Montana reaerdlue eulutdy to the Nonhcrn Peotile llxllrood, are not All In. numerous In re- wlvod. however, to allow that the eubeidv hill is deieeted by tome two hundred nujnrlty. -—‘I‘lle relirond elation house at Alkinnon. on the Union Pacino ltnllwey, burned detvn Moods: evening. —/than tree e tioery alarm oi rein In the eootlen rmmd Uuinhe liut night. ' -«The luuernl at Mr». II. M. Mtlle, one or tho oldest and mull rqepeetod lzltlxeue, toolt piece st Omaha yesterday. —run of eonnue damage by the flood ere rnp~ ldly being -llep-cllrd. though the planter! below Meta]-bl: are euiltrm-king like bearer: to loop the levee: intact. -The rlirort t-Able he: been rnpletrod, And tale- gnphlo communication hfbern rnelnmd. --The propeller 8. it, lrilurorth, Irom Gurus, arrived at Nlngnrn yesterday, being the fleet er- rlvel oi the Meeon. Rent Relate Tr-anetere. . I it in . . M - sin I! T Ihol till J H I‘ 1 —& lo.-t nr int and i fruit 6 inane- a .ot ‘J. In ell! lnlurl lll—~w.t !I'|\X|!uYIhln<7III . . . . . . . .. mm m A. Jolunon tr-J. ll. ml-.1»--Iple ltuneil el Ill:-o en-otttlrove U|dIl|tn‘0Hb}P¢I loin. rumflrlnee . . . . . ,. I.¢Xl(0 I. ll. Ilulue In .I'. -. rt:-‘er. Jr.»-Lott I3 and It oi ullro urut I run. uIr.Illlun--lule- It at in lnmrnixruner-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. Ko 0) ii. tlelrlll.-an In M. llnhn--lmtritn mm-t I at Muriel einct er-rl ‘l'Im«i¢-on I|FF\lle‘ nib- rIl1IelotetriMI ule Llmulrvaw elreot . . . . . . .. ta) N ‘l.I'Il no .( - tr e-t‘ II. It1t|f|l'nie'I’txl4lI .... .. tom: no I]. Klulnt-—H hot n III4-I etvrotltvfi it-n-I an Ileyvr um-to elm 6 int on tieyx-e en-nae oyrem ltselu-e-Cu I--loner‘: dead 0. I‘. tire! to . O-lluor—41 51-Irv evctlon I!. |I>~nuh.r-1!. roux.-1 r I N he-lulu-rra ' ‘lust HI ll south n r of mid nerlltrii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. r. em-rl.. it. A. r..Imr—.l.m u. -rel blank I ul Lena A Iiv It‘! I ealrlllloh, tan: in math IIm- II l'npIn -In-rt. no no; vrut oi l‘-.«r-in-nth lIII'fI Ihonrr went I lean: i1lI‘n:Ii‘l‘:.| Illflltu math ll!) loot. thence (‘In re IIC PEI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I’. l‘I.e.yrl in SI. i_'. Illtr-l'trnck—l t In tweet t" rut 'o'i”I'.'lrIt I III! ,1?» Atjtlenlrlt t ‘N|.lIl|.IrI“r’v-g .«.u n-on nee uterine- lr )II at 4:!!! "mill eleret. Incnre wort lit it-rt II’ trwbre. llu-mu smith uu In-vi. theme I-nil TI‘ 1:-cl D’. Iurhu. litres.-or etitlllt lm lost In In-xtnnlne . . . . . . , . . .. J. lltntlll in I‘. l'Ieyer-—-Lot: I4. ll. 11 end In a rig lrlorl l.ltS. lm fret on Urrtou avenue Jul‘ int: also Iota I. it end lulu city block t=.,'l-la;y;|&'r'd't.'."tIJ'E.'tlltél{.3.5}:3ZltlI.i..;'ii.'iéQt rec rt‘ .... .............. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. II. M. Ron k to It. A (‘.uIlIrr-—l.ot In block Ml. Hi In tn: eoullt lino ui Phonhml Avenue hymlio tut an Item Ilrwll-Vllllalt web- 3. rt-nn‘t£ii‘.§ ‘£6 .' 'i't':5g'.'\'l'.'.'.il.'.«'-‘i'.' Eels}! “V3: filly blur ‘llle-Ivllltlrtfl -uvrenty...., . e next» It. .. tlrai—e? vi-luu urea In l(‘r.HlllI ii. lownshl t1. rattle I An: elee. =i¢M-soul: 1. llblfl mi x at low net wt- r en . It . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. 4. oil)‘ to V. A. VeIllmeh—l.ul.40 oi neb- 'tI‘l{(°'.X::n-":lI0 lr‘1¢.|‘by‘llrnldIlJl.I0 . 0 IN‘ I Pl‘ 4 .....n.. .1 0. (I II! A. . lvilota |.l;8_dfi Ir: In: llllétéulwgl. I‘ l'DYl‘.ll!¢llIlv-OH c o 0 rue A Ii. Tliutneau Iu Jtatll-r—I.ol In city block Lift. 10 Joel on llvllrlulzllitlt road. bonin- nlugmieri eonth oi tiolieltery etreot. . I __.____.__._._.._ O. K. llnrlisl. Chlugn. tienorel Adjtleter AI: lemnnla lue. C0,; J. I’. Ilnnd, Trinidad, Uol.;(). O. Ituoite, litunowell, C. ,\I.. and I1. 0. target, llenulbnl, Ire at the lztcledo. JOHN MOKITTFIICK 6: CO., LITHDGFIAPHERS. P.RIN'I‘l'3l{S AND B'l‘A'1‘IONER8. 316 All) SIB HOIZTX THIRD STREET. Superior Blank Book: nt Low Price». IJCOOO ICU li'.‘li'o'l 2.3” (D Idm W LVN (5 I.@ W LIN oe 7.3113 Q Sm ...5<4.l5I N DIED. - s..Hil§.’.‘.l."'sI’i.Z§£§f’ 3.3.. ‘.o'.‘l.'I"l‘£-.'.$’5‘~.“.’.!§il .‘..'$?‘"' Funerel to (Also blue Wednoetlny. April I5. Al I o'clock p. n.. lrorn ililn Irreulslln evenue. Vvlende oi the lentil] no lnrlled In eltenrl. ICLIZAIIIEHI l..*\UMF‘.lI'.ll. Slotltu. II. II. LAUMl:Ii1it. lirnibt-r. ELIZA l..tU)l):IlCll. lilgter. . . 5 .‘l—-(I e , . .35-‘I.'l’."..~§’.....I '..’.:‘...“.l.'.l. .‘I‘.’.“.!.‘ .1‘ .'i.'.‘.‘:..'.?" Iunoni will ten blue on Theredey. April It. II to o'clock e. m.. from the lnrully rutldenen. on Leeunnd Ivonne. in Control Tuwnthlp. In roe no Uburult. rrionde oi lee iemlly no Invited to attend. Vlrsinte paper! nluee copy. Death’! Deluge. Annexod II I Itet oi the burnt be-nnlte tuned der- lneihe put it been by the CIOXI oi the Hunt at Iieeltlu it .... n . l"f.‘;.”'- "-2: ’.:.:~*~'-*- Ff‘: E: J?'l_££‘Stetee ll 0 §%§l’."..° " ~ are .=-:°- 1 Jane Au ntlzd IOOIITY "reorient." '" itcmitm I . ... .". ‘fl gnarl“ leJ5’(e”:'gi?u“:o£m:nlt-align: I lie I I6 1:8) ' I l I k Ill . £§‘ll!i:=el'r:r.rlr’te“’l.'li‘r:utr.|noe:t3cl(|:- line 3: evonwe. utntnm en rtelttm en inter- uellylllrllevl to Miami ' . if; 0. I‘l0MIiACK.__Bocreter1_._ LL l"fl'I(§Ml‘7ll MF')UI}’.H# OI‘ Ill- tum Lr in .\’o. tel. l. ii. (I. .. um: it‘ llllri. re 0 tvlph In can the am! rem» II I I tleiellel l"~'.’“l'§ll" '§:a‘h“‘l? "All": (I) r_n.g, uni rI- ~ tve nu. c u . * CllAItI..lI II..£..lI. 0 ‘ “mud ‘U fllt'rl.l«lI7 prv tun. BOTTLED LAGER BEER PIIOI E. Inhaler 30.’! Brewing Ilstcilliol, B1‘. LOUIS. HO. for hole to the ‘rude ei 3tennlee_tnren' Price: by DAVID NICHOLSON, 13 and II! North l-llxth Ittroelc Bole Agent tor the City of St. Lauli, Mo. Grlwollt Stock-Mtontlou. TIII8 LIN!‘ lnlutll ho told {M119 mmleflll Aflrll er. llott. y the In]: etc» an. unmounted, own are lost. IIUT I MAY ll! tI.\\'7:II. lltorhhoitil-rt unit not llnn en: requested to intend e moolln ltl \'nr£rv'e Cleninu fllurnluy evening. April 11, up. in. . _ l!!.\ ISIIAL BT()('K-l‘llIl.lI¥.l(lV. hut In la lune. GLl‘.I1IIlIG,.DYEIII[I IND REPAIRING: II. .l(Indonnnnn'e Clu-mlhonl Dye Worlte, Gil ('lIiQi1‘.\'II“I'. AD"'.N' SILK AND \VlNlL)'ZN 0001)! .1 -1 ‘ed lull riunwvl. 0»-llllomsm. now In the lame tu hr M In your mrtnt 9|-tlhlnx tlui how were cl:-min‘. dye-«I and nzreln-d. In no In loot u good no lerw, ‘ill to chllefnc Ion given In All Urull dune Lluro. orflo trey n-quire-d. Beautlfulllflllol-no I‘-o.r—SaIe. ‘W “'1-Ill TV.“ (I lti’)\'I’.‘t-,\ null-to-ixullt {rune umrc be lrrl !t»nrte' Iluus It rre «-1 eflililll-1. ‘flui- In llv minute.‘ lull. oi -tepol. tier-lrri. Invri. fruit In-I l ruin Irrro. ernlulr nu-I lrullmququ. All in puffed or-In. itulnll ruin j|3]|I‘|I‘l.ll. ltoinuro mi Inhr lieu. Apply to _ ' . Ill»:-ll .!.\. Previtlrut rlnvlun lttellluiluu. iii tlllve. Wall Street C-rlcaiures. A Nxtv nt)()K, at punt. containing it ennn/ed lllnelnlllolu. wrm Ixrrvuitntusi run l‘!l>t‘K ertu-t't.A1‘une. |'1I:m ciullr ctlihfl Iii relate; raptor tlo-re . rrtul. u mull. g'ilmtInul'. A I . lrerihere I llrsrkrrl. I ell strut. New Yeti. N O T I O E . U. 8. Internal Rlltlllllfl Slletlill Taxes, hay 1. 1816. to April 50. 1811. THE Tlerlu-d ltlelnln of the [fallout Rtalrneecuane 3.3!}. l.‘lI1. tau and 3.131. rvnrulru m-cry permit lllfl out In In I.-u-nun. lI't71:IHIl|I nv uuplaryrtirut vltlc rrrulen him Item: to I specie! Tu. In procure lull plea» ronalrlrutmaly Iu bu nulrtuhmenl or pure oi lru-Inna A tramp -lvuollnx the pa merit of Acid lip:-rInI1‘eI lllflllv nlnelnl Tu Y-er. -lliunlmt MA I. Illlfl. In-lore rt-rrmwllrlux nr ntntlnulng lzu-inc utter Ahfllll. mo. TIN tau-4 emtarntrri within u.-. I-I-ovteltuu at the line above quoted us the itellovrlng. | I pelihnu. U01 ‘lull-rs. rvlnll it or. 7:: date . I mic-Ale liquor. ll-IU-.rie-elen Ill en t It cure. who . 1.. kn: enter. in melt lluiwul. Irllll en: emit.-u In flu tnhu-I-.0. #1.: rtlnll nice on in level luburn, till. end on ealu nlorrl‘ l,urJ. titty ¢-nle inr new -lull” let turn :1! lI.lu-; . rnlrn In tunulliuluvm .ii:ozru, 5.51 menuhrtureru of time. am. one Iar fioh ell trunn- nlnrtnrnl rm. and in: patch lturtn IIIlItBlh‘IflfPI)Yl'3J Yfllltllll Iurvre nf tumrto. 0- mount.-rlurvre I-in I. hit pedrilere ul tuitet-re. ilnl-(inn lumre than [ten urban or nIhrrlIlIlnnIII.$-‘.11;pmllllrvenllnlntrn. er-rnml-rl.steiltv.. run or ulher nnimeln. Uillw-h More :1‘ I--I-um. d-«toe intin Metric 01 “the: enI~ will. i I; lmldlrrn oi Iuimr-1'0. frmvlhoolnauun (ml or nit:-«r mmnyunrn, |lt-; Ilcfllll ut In» than it» her- N e. M0-. Ilnserrre :1! Int tr vein or more. Iltll. Aillflvmn. 1.. limit. -he elmli tell to comply with “In . xuinu re-luirnxmuu wlltlre nuhlutlo revere i>«mltie.. rnrmne Dr Anne ilnhie to pay my oi the lporiel Turn nnnucl above must apply In I-nu: II. Ktor mm (.‘uIIr~cir-r e lntaruel Iiauuuv. It Kn. SI North hlr-1 -ire:-i. ill. .m:le. end ‘re! lur Ind ur.t.—nro the Hp:-eta 'I‘n.I lultllxt at leiveiuln lwy need. prior to “opt. 1319. end wlilwut lltrulrr lenllro. It. I). I'll. TI’. lutlviirtlnireilflolIiilurttll (avenue. Olhoe of lniertul ttevouue.\l'ullluitan. . 0.. Feb- runry I. 1510. (lo! the (HCNUKXII Beware of Imilettone momsows PATENT GLOVE FITTIN COHSETSI A171’! (‘ow " ' ‘ ~ " entire Ietlehea 1 not eiru-np- ,"._. , Eon. I’ v e r y ecl"'l'lmuml '\ dy who hu with in-In I vn-rnttmm re.- nurlnu rruwn. urnmentl I ‘l'ltumenlI‘e t-erl.e rltlu-ir Ulove )'IItln evcryw revolu- nro l in mm frvaxtnf [lupu- l'rrireI. Inn urlly ndume Able end :0» Hill?’ mm|)etI- oumlrel L'ur- tun ueouy on sale made. no I‘ll e e at In El ht riedve lrmrhroe mur- oi I’ rtltl. and I; n prmlbta. «null I jW‘r‘I14I lo utvc-envI(vl Flt. 'I‘I.ltre elre the genuine. A ¥II\'ftI.1'\‘-Thornton‘: riuoet nnll-I trut-uln (‘nmx-«I I‘-irwt itlu In. They I-rm Jenltruhhln. II ill:-II iurmirme do not nl-realm the tin». \ 5'01 into is flnt-flies -nlrn nrryvrln-re. ' ll(I3lKll.‘I'. .t\'tllm,\' .§r;n.. 5.5.. Bole u-porn-re end ‘at-suture tor the. . 8. Imrr.._.gs; 1873 7]-Vfgrmg: "‘iUN(lTON X'l|l.\'T ‘YORK! NI FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS. Vln ‘United slruoe. Germany. Prnnu. lltllllfle Bruit. Great Britain. Denmark. lrvlnml. Jrtpem. Auetrltt. International (patented) O L D CONTINENTAL from o 0 to elem-n lieu to tlze yum. Alto. YIXLDS ntid 3'1‘ ill’!‘.8. For ulo in II! Job 11. BOOKS FOR LADIES‘ GUIDN TO N JHILII WORK. lnltl Mill It 1. rliillrnulllr lletrunlluue lo! cut ltlfiltttl nu lull under r:luIhln'e end In I-tulrruldery IBII '.erlIn york. Illu-lrnlrd er Ill ‘I61 cnugrnt-‘liars A vlro gin‘ (gnu l.Ali\"tI lump: or at If AND ‘P-'I‘fTINO r.-nlitnllts eeva-rel Iumlrn. lurmllu In Ih»--to rm- ;-Iuvmenle. l'rlrr any route. For sale. I «lull. Ivy ell Ilt-Illrre in hook: and It ruvnltl . Al Ir nleul by .)t. NrwIl‘eI.. llullulll Aim-ru-on Serve Glen. glow ‘orh. lull NI. Lnnll lioult and Kerri t:o.. tit. Louie. or vi-all--I. nu rt-relpl oi prim. by J. Hh‘IlI'1 llytuouda, 66 Llvwneblre elrt-oi. llmlon. COUNTY WORK. - S!’-‘.A!.Iq'I l>'lt0l‘t} A will be under: mednuul e c och S. in. Monday. April 17, 1810, n .u I It 1 ' I'.'.'.!..§ f.‘3.'I'.i'."l‘fi..§‘.1‘.l’. nl. '~.“p‘t‘I..'l".".l...' ‘ "‘° °‘ "‘ The county noervn the right to rnleot In] or AIL he nrramrenled with the mm M Ito). ae- arrived by the air. Ilidl rette mi 5 eel vrl itlte (.'ulml 'I‘ren»ro!. which Mtlotltll III I In cited to an aunt It . uIe.- in r lie! oltinoi otn enterinto zotilrut. fen uvlr te In; A tn mom bl' tier. d “ I f H or mu he no. fl I Ileeeesery norm: on I 61 llliauoo I l .'.l‘E-.!..‘.l :.:..°'°. ’3Jl‘g'§; g.'.;ll-'. N’ it 1 In seer. GLOBE-DEMOCRAT J‘ OB PRINTING COMPANY, Printing, lBindinlg £iNGnAvI1\TGl ADDIIRSII ALL UIIDBBHTO II. R. I’OMEROY.'_ Manager. AUDTIOHIKRI. mam), CLARKE ti mtnnhmiii,’ General Auctioneers & Cornmlttlon Ilerchlnit. Corner lllztn end Loan eu-eete. D.l.tNCuI..N............... .............Aerueneee. Extraordinary Ltir o and Attract- ive little of 5.0 Canoe Boots and tiitoen. ' OS WEDSIEIUAY XIOIINIIWI. April I). at I o'rlorh pmmnt. we _ehnII otter el While nncliam one not the insect and times ettrutl-re none at Itoote and more Ive here lend eluoe we fflmllflfltfil hueinne. Our lut- ern agent: have been melting ulru eiturte to! the put Innnth to secure full luortmanl of Int «due ‘movie for IMI uixv. We urn recelirlnl rilnorle every any lmne dlflnrenl muittintturerl In the Blunt 0! Iltfll titiguuenu at their goods lot this epeclel nln. hlereiinnu Ihnnld muse their errengunlnu to at land. so we limit otter those loud: In Inge enrfrnlitll loll. toeultthe tr-ode. our I'ltII|-lelphle. Itueelureler Ind Cincinnati liltuu on the lint-et Ire have hurt in the hounnlnd Ill nude in the latent Centennial putenu. We shell have the [code upon ulvllvilixm tile dny beiurc the tale. llr data: no we give tnertlunt: n ctunee to cumin: And moire meuiontedlm pl the ma. Hnrolnlt reeclved stern etty Ilenltrnpt Block of he mode. Olothlnawilrench ..n?{i:'}{E1nn (‘imi- ttlmorcrl, Olatlnt, Doceklrin, Tall- ont’ 'P1-Immlngil, cm. on ‘t'lIL‘iiiiI).I.Y. April In. rotnmencin: el 9-An o‘eloeIl. we wlllsall I very eitrectlre line: of II:-rt’: end Ilorr tilulblnu. In iull mile». ten of Penn and ‘fun. Coele and Panto. separable tlooule. coulom- mede and new «tiring etylrel on due. Ilvrralle. em Brlileh lull-hone. I'll» tlentn’ timer halt-hate. 503 due. Ilen Ind Hon’ ltutpondrye. 300 Joe. (It-ate‘ white And {Amy [Iron shim. 1.60) doc. Linen Ind Cotton llzudluirchlela. r.-te. ALIICI. AT 1 O'Cl.OC'K. drtltle-lly the inxret and hunt utock of Morrlnnt TIIIr)fl' (Ii-mle t-rev eiiorcd In the city. rrnlrrnclnx Fr-mtli and l:nnI|ell_i~.iu-It and colored liroulciothe. Doetzim. in-icy ifeniluoru. light end been Over- meiintrs. hmmr ‘Mine. Wigsue. Conn». iiindinze. lstwnlnx ltiltt end still Twist, 2-to.. eic. mu City New fltnul Tlflurii lnd Jntitnn ulmnirl not {nil in eumine then (made. an the-1 rrlmrlnl at the but nut-e known to the trade at Ixupovtrd (loo-I4. Min: 1 Marvhnu. TelIor‘I lietthmpt Much at a twin urlng uIiy.nruointI.- "Ht tdovvr 55.90). Icvnry lot will be cold rogudloee ui price. (IS YIIIIIAY. April It. uh -‘.t)‘urnIl-Ire end fitmen- huld lloottt at private eve-tdt-nod. Puileninre hem- um. 0.vr'r.n1.-irl).tr. April I5. rvlrulhr we no rurnxme et our ueluroome. Purttenlore Iurtr-nitnr. "13f.i0sI-11>}: 11031.-'N'rimL, General Auction end fkrelmiuiun tterctnnt. LIJ Kterlh Nllll ntnet. H. l’l'ltl)I...................................Auei.IeMer. Ln!-[I and Choice Ajnortment llootlelluwl E rupture. \Y)2D‘N'r:ll[lAY. Al: 1!. on above dole. easi- navocing u Io‘eiocx n. n.. It Inyeeleeroorn. I will tell evllllottt reteno. e Inn one choke euortrnent nt lltxru. Iihnu end Iiroum. en! Ible for neetfe. hay‘. ’l0:‘:hI'.l.IdIV':£. union; on I‘1ll"41'l'Pn:'lVlII. I‘ n to e war: no ' ' W"! ’ 4. itt§§r..~1'rll.u.. Aulgnna Ogle of the Large and We-ll-Seloch od iltook or my dotxte um yurnmaing Good: of II. .1. Powell. I506 Franklin nee.‘ ‘l'lll.'Rfil).tY. Alert] 1!. eon-lraenrhlu Ii 9o‘elorI: e. :n.. at my Inlalnuun. X will close out the entire liner. of IL I. Pntull. 2203 Franklin avenue. compris- -ina eteplo and leriey Dry (loads. Whit: (Iooda. lie- etery. Vurnlshlxuz flood». ulovt-e. Untter-vur. Urn- brellu. and everything kept In e IrIbeIuI_ Null dry good: I-tore. At some um and piece. Ielulloflcr utenelve etorke of Dr! Geode. Cioiltlnx. Vnrnlehlnx anode. Notions. Oil Clothe: nee. lulu. Luce end Islet-roldrrr. BY 0'. J. LEWIS 5: co. ' llneeeueln to Namath O Dlcheettl. LUCUON A)‘ D (KISHIIXHIIJN NKBCIILHTW Di. 1!. Em and no North Mela etrwet. JOHN J. IIl.'ltDU(.'ll....«.......-..-......AIe¢t.lo|lnf. Large Treulo tulle‘ of maple and Fancy Dry tloorle. furnlehlngl. Vnnoraootle. Prelwh Artificial Fltvwerl. naming, ll :1 o is In B. Collnnttae Ind ‘nee. llnmlnerg K4lg~ Incl Ind ltuevungo. itllk Lncoe Ind Yrtnxel. Tnrlntnnd and llnmxee. Ptquee. Nnlneooiu and attenuate, Lemon’, Goals‘ and Sllueei‘ fleetery. Ptllolr Lnooe.llu.td- Itevr-attieh. crochet lcdglnxv. Uurtetla Lawn. Paulie! lloolu. 881114. Underwear. Bhawll. Tnwele. Tethlu Linnea. Tablocutlory. Knit“ and Forlu. Deeurt Dpootu. Canon. no.1 _ ulna. I large neeortmoeet oi Bnulme. WIEIJNKJIIAY llllI(2€l.\'lJ. April 1!. |I9e‘elo¢k. let our nleervotit-I. we will ed! to Ilse tndo the above Itovlt in liberal tote. without rooorru. 0. J. LKVI13 II 00. Boots, Shoes and Brognnit-Over $25,000 word: of Prime, Sca- eunnblo Goods. Ova TllL’i'tSI')AY morning. Aylrtl 11. II an! inlet- romrte. ll 9 meter! eiurpnve will once to the Inc: on enlre Itvod layout of prune. ireoh nod eumtumta Iieale. Iihoon on-.l Ilmx-inn. mtnpuwd at ltetfe. Boye‘ Ind Ynntiu‘ (‘nit lloou. our end Itnrt .\k-nu Tire end Prmxrru l.laiters.I‘r1me Albert. Oxiurd. ttinp taboos. l‘to-r shore. Itrvgnne. eIr.: Women‘: no mun’ lngmla. (last no me Pellets. coat and Kid Inztd |'elI.h. no-rge Pull-ti \nd Cnnxreu. Now- port Tine. Kid ned Ooet slip:-In. Me. Our etocit at C1tl1Il7€h'I3lI.O¢I II very ootetplule And verlni. All will no Ilohlwluwutlltull or runrre. end duplicated freely. to due conelzttxnont. 0. J. LE\'r'l! II C0. FINANCIAL. BUDD & WADE, - snrzeeeonw IIUDD. 80.‘! J 00.. all 0l.n"B STREET. Mariel sure lnr but-rn end Ioul umuiiete. um I to will nn Ill. Loni: vnl rrtnle In enyenlnelt G I PI’. 28)‘! AND Ltl\I'?'..'i'I‘ ll.\T)‘.Ii. Yullde al- I) Dell . (I E.'|.'."‘.‘..;.. ..'1u..‘.§ of §‘.“.n L.“.'."t‘.".f.'..i .;.......i.l"“" i5'...‘.i'I.‘!..".ll m . 340373? I8 MAD {enter one ngore anally In not-7 nio- tlrmin \eu ettrrt trim in my alher 4- llmeie trey. The llllhlltf llotue oi Stuart. All-x. Vmtlllnr hetn ('n.. I ‘AI elrret. hitvo paid to their rim-un. ml urlnl lm hut thirty dog over }t.in.0UJ. They re etov um cmlanmre, re rullle in dltiernllt nu e or Iltli world. Tlwtr popularity erieee Irvin do-A lml with their znnleaxon hone-tl . Tlluy lurnet Iurne nlixlnl v-mi ten dnlllrtlo ' . . end nu u ttrlet perm»: attention to lrrill lnvontntenu no to or er. Tluy II./V It-ml n ‘lI’ualtl llepnrt free in than to ept-chute. Y M‘ rm . Jentiery it. IA’-V. AdJrel.:.e—u'mw"‘ cum. lnercl ALEX. YIIUTIKINHHAIK 5 c0.. Benton and Itrulterl. I! Will etrocl. New Yort. BUTCHERS’&DROVERS’ BAN K, on ST. LOUIS, mssovm, lterthonel Der. Irma Mud Hot-fan nu. I"...‘.‘.'r?“""33 .‘.’i°.l'.‘l?.t.°‘p.l'..'l‘.‘. ‘°’““‘' “°‘‘““‘’“‘ 801.1] IND SILVER BDUIIHT IND RULE. Dntte at £1 out upwerdl II Inloed use ruined et tenet rntee. fi. IL Ollhflflllllt I. l_.'bAlI‘G‘l'0!¢. ' swarm EL, on THE nunornlx PLAN. COR. FIFTH All D WALNUT STS. 8'1‘. LOUIE, 3&0- 1 M ii I the . "E.i.i§"“ .?.?‘i:‘..ll‘."°..l‘.ft.'.'....°.'.°.." °“’ no Kenegyle eorete. mic es" hifeugsenghlier day-occordiute toen- R. BOYLE. Proprietor. enonne A. trvtnu. v. n. nocnenxmv. GEOEGE A. 5 oo- IIYNIES W ‘.’.'.~fl.i‘..‘.‘.‘..’.i..“é.'.s"..fl‘. .'I:..'i" :2. College Catalogues Printed at that notlto c. n. BAJLNS, 215 villi-:"§s'rttim'r. rein CI to ' nun.-x mtI1erI'IIl..-4. ‘W9 9.5.5”??- BY GEO. F. SCOTT 4% (.‘0., General AUOTIOKEIRH ANT) cnlmlesimt §tf.RCIIJt.h"l‘5. 902 Smith Voourth street. Lnrsro Sale of Elegant Household Ftirnituro at Residence Ne. 36 Elouth Elglttluitz-cat. ‘Wednesday lllorning. April 12, at it) o’clook, We will t-ell the furniture or mm: rental:-nee, oen. Ill”!!! 0! one -plendiri 7-octave mono. mezzo: trance and Ubitnehe hall. Velvet. itruaools uni ingruin (In- V|"‘~ '1 5 1""'°"°0'1 1'-Mauro. Hell-true. Itntmoenl Elmira. Nomi»-in» Ht-l-lmlnl. Herlrle-lap ‘tibiae. Ullfulntlnul and IIIMI Dfnzuvlnze. Htrvure, Tam; Sou. Lute Carmine and l.om:m-qnlue. Window- itludee. Cinch. Purim Ornerm-.nta. llelr and Mail bultreeeu. Vulller Pillows. Cotnlurte. Itrd-nprurin, liheeie. Wire flprinn. Iillvnl--vtro. Uhlnelwnre. menu vine. Ext-zneion TIMI. Kitchen Ynmitnre. etc. 0. 1. 5001")’ 6 00. Large little of I-‘nrnithiiirorcetrpete, Denice. Book-cubes, Stoves, Mat»- trciteon. Shoes. Clothing. No- tions. etc. A110, two Fine Soda Fountains. On WKIi.'ll‘.NIJ.t.Y tnnrrllne. April I1. at Ionwloei, we wllleolleteitv Illetfoome it turn lu-mimont ed lluuselmtd femllurre. rtnhrnc-ma Perl.-r en.) t__'g.mx.“ ban. Wnnlrnme. Mart-In-tog llldulmetr-it. (Tune-oi-or and Wood Chem end Ron-ken: Tersiu. llntnt-wt-. llurnne. llr-tu. ll<>oI.rIe«II\'t€Ivet. llntnnln end 1.. I Ullelulln. Mu-I end .lra1»lor hlelv (‘It he.l)lI Huiutlhua. Mir. rnre. ‘I'..ll.-t rt -t-. t:i.li.ra «in Parker end 49...: 9|-rrre. etc. A w. Ilr (I_o< e._ Ultrtltliifl. Irwin so Iilmce. hlllllnerv (loo. e. .\otiunI. ea-. Ai11tr‘cloe.l we will sell two line mule ioimleim. ur.o..l'. item‘! e ca. .131’ \V!H'.'l)0.‘I'. TYLER :2 C0. Oenerul LHDUUIIEOI end Cotziixtluiml Merchenu. Koo. I2! end :11 H. W- Corner Fill): and Pine rte. Ltu-go Pcronlptnry little at Elegant lieasunnlilo Cltittflm-tllitde Cloth- intt. Genie‘ Furnlahlug Goods. Hutu. Cape, Etc. “‘l’1II.\'fiillMY MIIIKKIKO. April ll. bezlrmlrtj prmnyltly nl9o'rlork. M our ulrm-amt. Ila. ill. llfi. til III!‘ in North Fifth umol. We one: to we tend: In title unit A lu-outliul stuck at ere; $90.I.m. renaming In part»! lull lime {or Naive. U0]'I'. Yunllu‘ end ‘lrl.u.lm.'u War. In men... Iruummn. T-tn:-«la, lieltone. ll-u-ehlne. Woreu-lo. Trkuu. Ilnilnru, June. Litmus. Cottonulu. in finite. l-tau, cuuu, I’enu-and \'e-dial Iiturinl uh-ereoeu. l)\lIll.IJ. ltpectni otfterind oi Pit-co umee. Genie‘ Fumlehiny Honda. Jim. Cam. «In. All roads uttered w1II to tote «un- nut I-curve. ‘IVIiIi:!lUh‘. TYLER cl C0. Special Offering of 150 Samples, lteprcsentlng 070 Clues Boots, Shoes and Dragons.’ OnTllUlLl1DAY teeming. Aprti tn. beginning or t o’rl<>¢It. we am: to the trade in am uh: I Iplendit Iey-out oi noon and stance or all erect-iottonn lee men's. bore‘ end youtlu' weu‘. Also. I run flue ueortmeut at Lulu’. Nina‘ and C’ltiltire:t‘e Goods. All oi which in from flnfieun inns- llnetureve end nut be eoid. WIIXDON. TYLER 3 C0 Ilevnnuher the ltrvat fl.m.tXIl bankrupt onto 01‘ D. W. B-ted 6 L‘o.'t eteck oi clothing. Wrdnceduy. April ll. . WIIEDUN. TYLIIB h 00. lelllill Ilclln Sail; 1,282 FEET ‘OF GROUND N PKYIB LINDEIJ/S VX1181‘ AND !}'.O« and utdluou. In 2:»-loot Iota. 1931133133’ tut. entitle- nut turner I'Inc etn-ct and Cornptue nvetiuelilllnlfl In-I tlrsehoe scum ride I)! Pine need. bfllwu-u HA4 comm on-I uned avenue: Mann! eouthvn-et corner linker and (‘alumina unnuee: Moritz loot nonhtveil comer Lulede end Cahunne In ennn. We will tell. no nboru. on the promises, Wecmesdny, April 12, 1876,. AT II O'CI.O(YK A. M. Thu owner at Ihle properly to dctcrntlnod to eell. lot the lance be high or low. Put-uoa suomiln; tnie enle ore punt-ed they vri cvsnpcta with none but genuine tat-ldere. Every lot out up will be ecu. Bette commenoae corner at Pine Itroct and Compton Avenue. ‘I’ E R Li S : One-third uni): haienee In one out two years. wtth deed: M tnwt. And It: per «at Internet on deterred pennants. SJ cunut money inset be bud on irid- tlull on etch lot. ' THUG. l!I7N'I'I.\'llTfJli'. Ii Nov! ' AMUBEIIKNTS. ljs BAR"s GRAND OPERA counrunclnc ltonuny. April in. THE KIIULLFY BROTHERS’ 0:-and Modem ilpoecncrttni Drama. Around the World in Eighty Days. Ill}: (trend Port lit. hlertln lallrt. Fire‘. 1 are In l|l.1J)I|!ol)l’l.L I.PI‘|I;l)‘[_"lI.\'.,.‘[:)£$‘ 'lVIillr7II otuolnte rapport.-d by I In Iltl 1.\i.l.t'.1. umul lnmll mxlluee. it'r:i>x:'..-il)A A.\ll:~.\'rl‘II1i.i.1'. nun y evening. gr-and Hermon pertureuuice. _ , oLYM%=1'ci' 'i‘r:l__1é:_'ATfi:Et.l “ BELWND AND LAST WEEK 0’ MR. JOHN 321. OWENS, AJVD M1851 MINNXTTH THO31l‘80N. TlI1’!$flDAY AND \Y)JDNK3lZJAY. A9111 11 end Till‘. Y1(7I'l|I3 Ind BOLUN SIIINULE. zllllflillf Yntiey. end ltnlerdnv ‘fillllttllv-"l)(Y]‘. " larder in Alprll lo-—r:\'1r.lt\ Il0U\"3 rltizxu and ruin mi.-1 i.l>:. tune in ueIt.AtrrilI1—Itl4;hItixv-Bernnnl linxtuit Opcr-I Compnny. _'T‘i-7.tEATRr:: CQMIQUE. Pine street. lvetw_cen Third obit-fourth. ORAXD MATINVJ‘. ‘Hllll WKDNFAIIAY April 1!. ei1t30p. m.. vvvvvlelly lnr t..Lbit:‘n. Ylr-no i ‘Putt!!!’ TIIIII. lthlld Cornet- Irlgxlee ' mu lur- 'rl :l:l. elm.-d 1)»?--mt et.\I.iit';‘I. .o.u--l- n‘s] Mini! em tlnvlrn‘ Illilllt 'l'IlI!Ml'hII\ and HI» A or. vac. nmu llpcc uum Mia unI.i.u: wlt.so.~t. p it-u-II\ce_ ).II‘§{’Ii.\.'u ll’lJItl). urloor-mule . :4. V‘ . I. . * ‘rm t'reetItlflII N}: V BALLET. with the final one- lnlnon on-r we-nlnt Ierlly in addition to IIAIvI.l'E.Il lint! I‘AN!4lLl . oeu--Iellml Inn; on I on nrtlub; run Merl. lento! Ito nlde. llln [hue tilrcllou. end the whale Inot VAI )21‘Y TllDUl'l1. GR-EGORY'B WINTER GARDEN Extraordinary Announcement. VIENNA LADIES’ oxtc-tn«:s'r-mt RANK) CnNC}2lt'l‘ }.’\'RIl't' KVI’.‘NINO led isetutu lltrmouue. Allrululuu. ll (cute. V LEIKIIH (JP A.‘I.\'I‘l)3lY-The hlievoun state # uerumog Anuluruyxcloucc and Ant: nowopen a! yet No. 6 hurlh lfuurth llrcel. rot rnitielnr on y. Arlntinluemrohlt. fr or-on llnndny from I W-alncule x I. no. I .m. L£'t:lilru 5 omter a Soloed»): .1’:-.>o p.m. uIt:i.li..tlJ.lIA\‘ll:e H. I Capnrtuornlilp Notice. I I ttnrlcrelltnml have lnrmed A roporlucrelllp nilrl in-in \l:f\'li I In-I. uluir-I Ilrm name e ,,N..rI,» fl!-rlller-, fur the |-urlum. r-I conducting (ennui lnuhltmy um-rulutrd u-3.: .. I...-tn.-... ltevlur nreu t- l-nl Juiin KM)!!! -vi - _ wurl iluu r.mu.lry Itleltei eudfififlw ll will. we on new pr:-perm o t'rv'-lvtli _ I I oil under: lie- m,.;..«lto INT rare. ltnvlmz en . Illiy ‘or at cullng wort n ulit Ii 4-. we . oily Ivlolt I gut amen at o rec. in «tonne the public in [on- l; st enllrm Ind mortitltte-4 to heel. emu nuenu el en end true "4 lg; nu to on, we will merit I o Iv l‘lr..l..u.a on onrdecu eat or bird toe- tner proyr clear. when in «um-ex‘. -8. Iirvut alone en ‘ I et. boutt. Mill 0. ll?!- umi Kgpferle. WM. x.;£..i.. Lorie Keefe:-Io. Kt3"PFEB.LE E1398. luteeeeore to Joint Knpierle & Cm. MISSOURI BRASS FOUNDRY S’l5.ijl_.;1‘l§f9.”‘.,§.’.;:;‘.3..?’.!.'il..‘:}‘iiflf‘lt,'ltt- 2 ‘en nrznnv. trim: l1i'fltIO. at tile. 0., muitierturen o every rum et brim -vurk lama: glue huildcrt. slum and M ti re, Mmeiherl. were trlde. e o. rotten: ellollrle iron iilthlxt. lob- bera in Iron: I run art it lulu-e. inr etneilt. vveier. leather end rub re! beltlnt‘. pultln e eoie mute tor comer-no I epootei nu-em nip; own I. tlltuh e and at-uuumlul llrlfllliltflpilfl I00: into ‘n it alone at-giuo.“gobbiuz we oi ere an one plknt promptly alnclll . -- QRRNMID BRYAN it CO., A . /um itoounnggmk rm. ‘rm? 1 not |lCIU“Il|.'lI'I|l eon- vefene tr. ll. Llneiui will Itelel n. In nettutiniln Ioenl. room it rmul. veniua pwptny, uni men In: to other uetuue.