8 fit. Ennis gully @1113:-Ermiirrai. wzhiieshizy whining. Spril 12,-1S’ZH. 301‘! CI T0 KHPOBTZBS. !.e1ls.tid 13...; lieanaers-Liverpool to Boston. The sittetittcu of Importers is elivvttthd to tho batnbualsmoul at I. new line of steamers from Liverpool to nation, stallion terminat- ly. rlwstemraora are iirst-etaaa. and. li-i'aui~ once is xuaraiitned at lowest rates. Through Bills of Lndidg will but issued at Liverpool. at In low rates of freight as vlis New Worn. BI!- tinsure or lfixiiaiieiphia. Goods at ltoatou are loaded d§l'l'I!lI)' from line steprsyar into line can, and will be forwarded by tho HER- GIIAXTW D.i8l’A'1't}fl TlIAN§lPOIl.‘I'A1‘l(JN COMPANY. 511’ IPECXAL FAST TRAIN. Time from llestnnto lit. Louis, six days. it is believed that the facilities nrrurrieli by the line are unsurpassed. and will win the favor and support of importers. Italian as low as by my port, quiet: time. luvs insurance, and no dnyazs or extra lianrfling or goods. Order your goods via Loyiand Lino- ‘ _ . ‘FAYLOIC, 'l.‘il’i'K8 & C0.» rririglit Ilruluir-e In Liverpool. rnzu. t.t:vr..um co.. ‘ Own:-rs In L I-carpool. TKJYEM A LIXCOLN, Attllll in Heston. ADVERTISING W .. i“ " .. a -- il;s-n'I‘.’:‘iiwm roéljau aafillm . ilslst. " name . LI I3. 3‘ 'fg‘fl.‘‘‘‘'{'3‘"‘.5‘I.l.;',‘!!‘‘‘'' 3:? .::!_’.'.‘. 0 mm twist str (:0. was ii in». Pfingmia arlca. . ii. i-or. til. and ‘lmtuni. '””“ "om: NEWS.‘ Tms morning no the magnificent display or Trliainad lists and lionnotsin one at the spacious show windows at the haiiklln lY¢!iIll_ll'0i1l6f D. (kawiord a co. also see In another nl their show- windaws. on the same frdlit. the ana display they aisle oi How .t‘iu'aIi>ls. - For a good Havana cigar, wholesale and retail. go In P. Buddy. dfll N. Ytltli Itroota. ’.l'tlitKuls and Shampoo llatlts I118“- Hsooia.a'a Cnntlurango removes torvor oi the liver. ’ at 410 Market ___.____...___._..... (lo to Eater's tor dinner; only so cents. ....-————-—--OIs—-——v M.iuuxna's Cfllidunllfiv vegetable anu-bilious rn-'tW*°- ..____. Du. Wlstrmrir. 411 Bi. Cliarlos street. s regular graduate el iusdteins. has been longer engaged in the treattiieutolehronlo diseases the any othlr physician in the my. Rervoits deblllly, blood , diseases, all irapsdlrnsntsio oisrrlsga. Call or write. Circular me. Ha.t‘l\llEl'¥ Oandnrsnrolxress spring mood on- riser. To ours Rough and matter: Thread. visit White's Thread store. new Noni: Fourth street. Nsoeiars Onndurzsngo. vegetable substitute for eaioinel. tree iron: alcohol, relieves dyspepsia and ranorabee the entire system. Sold by all drug- gists, depot tleoond and Olive. _ ......_._...._..___.__ NEW c.AK!’l£T HOUSE.- ' our Dollar Carpets. Tl‘ll.'Y near ‘rm: WORLD. A hundred new styles to -elect irons. to ad to the trade. our amount Car-nets DB!-‘Y AL}. (-'(J.\tl'r:‘l'i‘l‘iUN. lleery all-wool double "Iv. spring styles. ' loo!’ to dealers. Our lid-cent Carpets. 02353 0}‘ H1481‘ WAT]-lit. Diilsar Patterns loads to order. "to 08 to east; buyers. our lb-Cent Car-pets. ll'l'Yi..lall our-ma OILLIX. I and I one the trade. 7181 Our so-cam. Carpets. sac noun nan-r 6-I D0l.l'ltIl( irztrrs. . asmlaoliotiistritds. Iliisr Oaarirr llousit. loutiiwesi corner Fifth and Pine. .... -... . .....4u.- ... -.. ......-... To tio-raxss.—sin. ‘Winslow's lioothlugbyrnp kn-Oltlldmi Teething has stood the test at thirty years. Klllioisa at inotbers can testify that it is sdiaole. Believes the ehlid tr-on psia, soitens Bu guns, regulates the bowels: gives an laiaat. troubled with cells pains, quiet steep. and its parents unbroken ml. ' . Ber trait and snail shade trees. fruits, ste.. oi Colman t ads. of the at. Louis Nursery. twenty years uiablielisd. Leave orders at flame! lferld ales. corner llisth and Olive. Trsssisrgssad lee.‘ low Iteseli st haratilile: Goods. Hills h Averill. corner ieitrtls and Olive. - no-asy,";s Xoon. at no Oeart issue. will be said, nodes deed at inset. totise iilxiiee ‘ Bidder, {or usii. thirty aselraiiis lots, at the estate or ttetgt. lisaliea. baakruphsaseny which is a splendid liaslness lot on northeast corner rims and Poplar so-sets. See legal advertiserasiii in myistltcae. sieaod Julia Jaelisen, trustee, and ltalmt1teaken.Jr., assigriee. For tell turtlen- tar: as to location. pods oi lot. title. ete., apply to anther 6 lloeok. Iflcoutaat street. .——--——-—-v--O“ ’t‘ltl. New York Lodger. Weekly, daiiirdey mails and fireside Companion. oi Apriltl, and the latest dailies oi New York Oiry, Chicago. Ola elaastl slid tmiisrliis. can be hand at Willie it. Gray's flaws Eiaporiiisi, No. set Olive street.- --—————-4———-—--—- . Fractious Female Fined. Madame Aseasubeeh. the keeper or a low hernia on Oarisly arenas, was lined we and costs In the Police Oeart. yesterday mortality. for later- tsriag with q-mm Aileen: while in the set at ar- 'rastiii| her bnriteepsr. ‘rise evidence showed that the berlscepsr liad street: it man out on the sidewalk. and than want incl into the saloon. The eliieer, who are seen the blow, went into the plseeto shoal the beriteeper. but he rotated to go to the station, and was back ii in is deli- saoe hyllis madame, who illiall scams so oli- immoiu as to we the em or to snssiim. be Mid lisréiine and departed on her way. ...... »-o~—- Before the mud Ooimnlssloigor. The Lead _COIlll|IlllSdlltl' yesterday appointed Geo. W. Yard. Joe. 1.‘. Grady sad Jnlliis Conrad a Board ei Appraisers tor the opening of ltataw street. ire tiiuouri avenue to second (inroads)- let avenue. They will ale their report April so. fie hesriu oi exceptions to the opening of Sara- aeid avenue was continued to A rll iii. The a - prsisers or the opening ui an afiey in liloclt to north. ll ed their report yesterday with the Land commissioner, asseaaln eaiv nominal la-ceclils and damages. To-day t is Appraisers appointed for the upaitlair oi Anrsfsllea street wi liesr testi- aionyd as to‘ props y values in locality aams . . (Telegraph Bates. ‘I'M Atlantic and Pacino Telegraph Company has tsiian a w departure. to which the puiaiio is interested. izlit messages containing twenty words are to be not ior hail the full rate tart! tor tea words. ‘these nieusgse. properly stamped, are to be dropped in the Post Oilioes at their plane at destination below 1 o'clock in the learning, and are to lnnileiivere-l by the lattor«oarriars'. The Isriil for sun word in excess oi sweaty is "J/°iW"'ll tel 9-M060 l I one ie rs s r.eMe, n i i as to 60 cents. inclusive, 1 cents; ¢3?.:’i°i.. It-otlls. %f ltailroad itegeistion. Yesterday the recently-appointed receiver; of siseatlsnile andraclae ltailrosduianrs. T. '1'. flaeltisy sntlin. ll. Amisiroiig) determined upon the loiiowiag ufllurs tor the rose: Andrew Peirce, of tilt?! Ycufli, President oi the Atlantis and Patina flailruad, will act as General itse- A-yer; linmaei ii. lien, or lli.l/iiils. Vice Prui- gfnl, will per arm the duties of Assistant General ...?“ "i “i i..'4.""t:[€.."' .‘."'.‘i°.*.§§‘.‘.." .‘.’.‘.‘.'.1§“£3' ditor, 'and"l". '1'. ittio 013:, dllli ' -..p...._............. Valuable Vote. 19!.’ A suit was yesterday tiled in the Circuit Court _ by Henry C. Lynch. it well-itiiown resident at the 'i"liird Ward. mixing for ti0,00o damages (mm the Board oi llevislan of voters, the plaintltl’ silos- lnx that the deiendsnts illegally struck his name mm the pail-iaoalu, and if that means prevented lei Irons volinuil theirs lcctioii. The psutioyi was tlisd Iiaurs. Tattim t ratiini, the p siuiirs alters: ye. ‘ l "HIE mzrummis BUN. of the Great River Trill! Trip . Leviathan. f The Finest Floating Palace on the Mississippi. An Excursion to Arsenal ‘Island---No Music and Ho 0‘rs_iors. The "trtiil trip" oi the steamer Grand Republic tool: place yesterday: The best had been an- nounced to leave the loot oi Walnut street at I p. in., mg as that hour a large number at the In- vited exonrsioalsts were than ready and anxious to embark. lint the mammoth steamer was not 8| her moorings. as the Mississippi Valley Transportation Co.'s wharl at ii o'clock. Ind even at that early hour quite a crowd oi visitors were Ieyiiiglog la the vicinity. anxious to set a glimpse of the river leviathan. by I o'clock several thousand people had oollecttxl at the wharf Indicated. and still no boat. Wliim I p. in. came and brought no monster steamboat, the iniimtlcnce oi the crowd became painfully manifest. and mi- uicrous blessings were showered on Capt. Thor- vregan (or not sending word wiiy he did not ap- pear. It was estimated that. from 2 to B o'clock, at least twenty thousand people visited the Levee to son the Grand Republic. About I a Own:-Dnuocnir reporter went down to the foot of Lupe:-auco sirest,wliere the huge steamer lay. On board everything wet in a stale ot ad- inii-abie contusion. The lower deck was piled with tho chairs and tables intended to be placed in the saloon above. The grand entrance was ob- sirucied by rough boards nailed across the tool or the steinvny. and painters were double: the bauistsrs with varnish. Capt. fliorvvogan. who was in the onxiiie-room, gassed with awe upon the llepitl:lie's [rand madiiiiery. An onerxcilc blacksmith was pounding away on a boiler. and the air was melodieiis with the sledge-hammer explosions." one iriaciiinlsi. was lliilng a new up we ooudeiiser, and another was pounding the pinned with a ten-pound hammer. for noise it was equal to a German Opera. filiortly steam was no and the engineers began to try the machinery. There was a good deal at ‘wheeling and coughing among the pines and condensers, and the cranks complained like time well windlassss. it was clear I that Thorwsgan was painfully uneasy that things - would not work Well. Much hammering. tap-. tightening and lolni twisting, and the lafines start ' again. the larboard niaciiliiery is soon all right. liwerlulsslly. out turns the wheel last enough to stem the um. in about hall an bout the star» board engine-is got in working order. In tile irnianiinie, work on the upper decks was rapidly proyreuiaa. in the ladies‘ cabin oar-pub ers were tacking down the elegant Ilrsisseis, and - a platoon ol ronstalxvuts were bringing the chairs, solos and tables tron: ins. iiuvriuiae doc-3:. Tlsonvegan hears about the iinpatlant thou: ' swelling hire at Walnut street, and drives N thing with wonderful energy. its was terribly behind band, and many men would have utterly tailed to meet use engagement. Asll by maglu, the unsightly, traehdaasirewn AM iinswepi eaialu was translorrned into a gorgeous saloon: The chain and sofas, with iiislr neat and snowy cov- ering. the tables. with their brilliant covers. the rich carpets and French mirrors. conspired to present A view at unusual elegance and gorgeous- ness. A half hour was spent in breaking loose‘ from shore. This was done at last, with ‘HIE as- sistance at the tug "linens." it was near 5 o'clock when the deep-voiced lull run; out, and the noble steamer set list prow against the our-. not for the upper wiisri. _ About 5 :30 the exourstotilrts were all aboard pod resdyto start tar Jotlsrsoa Iiarrsi-isa. flat the‘ day was so tar spent that 'i‘honvegna wisely con- cluded to uiaiia only a short i.rip_ai-id return by dark. 'l.‘lie itepiilillc swung bacli into tlse channel- aad began the downward trip. But she had not’. prooaedad more than seq yards when a eutious circumstance intervened to prevent lurihar navi- gation. A strong south wind was blowing, and it was hard to get the boat painted with tile current. The prosvinoliood ebllquel, to the rlnit shore, the wind swept densely from the ~ south. the water no utility from the north, and with one wbsslrsvolvia; one way and one another. the boat stood still, according to Capt. X‘e1rraaa's time, orsrslilioar. Ilia was like I ship bscaiined. an aggravating cases at this was the tact that the es-sit was top-tissvy will people an the upper decks. with not a posted oi might below. finally she got turned islriy dawn strum. and moved ea at three miles an hour. The en- [iees Ivorisd slimy. and the lssuya was consid- erable. it was apparent that some marl: is neces- sary on the ltepablws boiler deal before sits nuts loose on her trip to the lattice. Al the head at Arsenal island the boat was turned. and the tiny wheels began to am their war beefs to the city against a‘ rapid etirreni. The trip was so short that there was little opportunity for eiiioyaisiil, and yet the exam-slanists managed to sqistese con- siderable hits out oi the brie! time allowed ilieni. lntiie ladies‘ cabin refresheiii-I were served. The bar did abs-lillsnt business. in the Texas, where the captain ties his private apartments, s in o! the elect were invited to partake oi Krug. Ecru. Ospt. Pexrara proposed the health oi Tlzonvexsn, and his friends joined -in the use and a wish tor the success at his ioity trip. Special attention "(as paid to members oi the press. Capt. Thorn-rgaa displaying his usual courtesy In that respect. _ - The absence at one element depflved the es- eiirllon oi ail soul. Tim was no masts. A brass band would have shed a lesser upon the occasion which no other aglncy could have supplied. Not even the grand plane was opened. though several snssieiir perioriaers at no mean state were oti hand. than an organ-grlmier would have beep "welcomed. The crowd was liuinsnse. Arepof» tortai guess would put the number at iiiieen hun- dred. from man: our best tloovle. Heveral oi our roost eloquent public speakers were present, -betraying a readiness tor active service that looked oiaiiiotis. There was much appretiensiou on this score. but happily the ball was not drswmsod lite Iiifilciioa was escaxwd. There was no speech-ranking, A circumstance which almost oenipensatsd lor 1'iiorwrzsn'sdiisi-oriasss, and the absenoa at a brass band. _ An hour and a hell were consumed is the ‘... turn trip. The monster erali climbed the current at a snail’: pace, the engines coughing sad Wllfllllbfl all the way as it they had it horrible cold. The landing was made at 0 o'clock, and la a tow minutes the palatial boat was emptied ei its multitude. Among the sxeurstanists the innov- in; ladies were notieeds lirs.Geo. 'I'l.Wut. Mrs. I. ll. frallclscna. airs. ILA. Hoouau, Miss Taylor, Itise Fannie Gornwsil, Miss Hattie lleaiey, Miss Josie Janos, Hrs. O. llolnrt, Mrs. J. I). tiicliarilson. Miss Alice l'usier.1lrs. N. J. oslnoun, lilsscsrtis Calhoun. Miss Bessie lions. tllss Ella ltaatmg, Hrs. J. W. Pararaovs. sin. oaldsan. liiiu Laure Coons. Mire ainiirigian, Hrs. Lewis Dorsiislmer, Misses Lois and idlls Dorshalmsr. lira. Janus, lilies Josls Yoiiag, Miss Jessie Smith, at lrlabiie, Aim; Hrs. Lewis llilioii, Miss Ada llrsaioa, Miss Lolita ltwlnu. Miss H. W. Quinn, lites May Tlyiia. lira. J. P. litavali. Mrs. John O. Tslboti. lrilues Kits. and Illnnls West, Miss Jaimie lirutvn. lira. .1. lion itestli. tin. John iiieplisnsan. Mrs. John um... t'lI.Nfl-15-U- ‘mew. inn cum iiliios.im. Jiis. Oarnaee. Kisses lliirliu, urn. Win. litres, Airs. J. i_l. Oogsvrsll, lire. Geo. W. cola, Mrs, W. ll. lllder. Mu. Toalsei. Ialse Clara Tucker. Hrs. Jest Woods. Mrs.J. Cuiisn,iiri.(:iisitee llisaenstol, Mrs. 11. Cohen, Miss lliansinstek, lire. Lorena. Mrs. Win. lteoil, Misses Ada and Jails Clears. lire. it. 1.. liiillnzsiey, Miss tannin Luke, Ilri. llodney Wyman. tire. James ale- Ootd. Miss Ads liillon, airs. Lester Willis. Mrs. Charles Iiraason, HID. Joe italics. lire. Charles Tlzsir, lilies Dixie Thaw, Miss llsllia Con- nors, Miss Mollie (lavits. tiitss Eugenia linlehurj Miss Garrio l'ticiiai-(leosi, Mrs. George l‘. Willie- law, Miss lteile St. Orr, fllsser mile and Jane iteeissy, Miss Della llavrard, lire. 'I'ho1riasl.low- srd, lira. Worthington, lrliss De spatter. Mrs. Joel swaps, Airs. W. Li. Wilson, alias Kate it was ‘said that she would be Tigris. Mn. N. N. Quinn. Miss Dora O'Neil, Mrs. Naimia. lilsses llsuiiey, air-s.0lisrles liarnsy, Miss Llule Mettlovrell. leiiss Manila fsireiiild, Miss linker, Mrs. J. 1.. Morgan. 1lII.Clt.|.i"l6l Iitu-nay. Airs. cent. It. B. illuo. - . ' The tollowiot gentlemen were among the ex- eisrsioiilsiaz Capt. Dani. 0. Taylor. ex-Mayor llrown. Geo. Iiain, Win. l'l.oe—H!instioa ii! a German. I all": N A ii i ll tocia rd it nir- nix‘: E...'.'%‘.‘.‘."I.i'..?..'.'€...'l. ..i”.§.t':. i‘.5‘°:'.‘. 's.‘.' u... 0 fl- VANTHIL-IV siucaus 'miort—i\ rlltialtort by X s leLlIrer‘l':u£ID:i or I£;lll':i’|::“l;lI|fr;_ll;"l'i||_~ W DI!) If! All I fl II I " ntlxlill . "Address tor one wccli. ..l.lo.sl‘6i. ecl- OOIIV I7. . ‘ - HELP wiur-rim rz.\tAJ.1ts. .¢v.,\,~...,.,\4v\,vvv.,.,v. ‘ Nl'.l£l')--A nest. mid-looking girl. not ever . to do work for um perva-its: s roiiilorialals heme sosiemlismallwsns. can nl I-I22 Marx!" I‘; . ... - ‘ ..b_”d . H . ivhtne .i.i.'3.?.‘.i.-'.’§?§...§‘.’ ..s.iufl"«..f° I “IE! I All-it!)-A K . I rock. washer and inner wls es Illlfldllzfl. lot loath Yiflii llleut. ll new we rt'r.v.n—iui.r:a. .i'rrzn:in ’ out or MflP1°l'5‘""~~ ! I‘ I W p‘a£‘|:xf‘|r‘a1!(l’ii‘fl»m:'i'sn!0¢d maxi pm twat "- inges. Outlet street. If!’ D-/iroovi i hos s semen: one Ihl‘-l alfiissntiriam eprelemd. 4- dress. stulugsais y expo: . he o to; ‘”A”u-x-" ".1535 " '"' "I. ‘V one last iiiirlzgs-tgfids Ilia and ucrulu’ pm‘rrN' . ... »’.—....... «...... .... .._..._—. "f .*il('l'1'tD—-aaiesznsa in a mail. arin insan- _;a4:iuriu imsiaue. )'or portion! adr 1110 A. 11. t.‘.. (.Ilobo- rrswerai am-... _ _H_~_‘ . —- nod - . I‘. 81 W‘ .'.‘~7¥.‘.‘.‘.. .'.l..‘:.. ..l’.’.‘‘.'.' “““"‘ ""'.' '"""' 'w'.izii-'ir‘ii'«'i»)iit'-.'r*:"&i'>:it'3i"."—“‘“"' %A~%~« ‘VARTBD-I'mMr. with about 51.600. and like ... .."£‘..’.‘."'."".’..‘.".$"‘ “‘..".‘l‘.".'i1.‘t‘if‘..',’.".".‘.l.“l."..£" s in is ii u or - I mi .1 Ilse ni.J...n 15.1’: Foundry. in smnniini street. at. Louis. - ‘ W H WAX III)-Kama TS‘. N'!"KD—-Air:-uu h Rev‘ Willing articles. .*-’:::I y'0i:.’.1l"it WV —"*- a agents tor the AN'l'£I!--'1’ b I act ‘ American ‘;:iu‘x:di:. (I'll: ‘Ella man’ if spiral vs.c§tiuis. J '5. I TC‘ 6 a da -;a:l'l;lNs_e'—lll“1‘l'.ll ix.*x‘.;';&:.;;.}.'..i li—o7al egg 0 6 . §.§‘.....5 ":.“.£*:*:.':.:i*.*.*."-.:.*'::.'::'.'...¢:.a:..in=:..:... mscznuumous warn-s. ‘ ..,a......d...‘,--.v.,.,~':v..-. J D | "V.-\N'i'l':D—-(Ia to . urallvir-e so . on and storm}. I". saflsriceie. 70 to “B inst sf.n_ ' )t‘l'Fl>-A illl uh. mm: or tree. so- ‘V '§reu_l_ioua it'll. its age. AN‘t‘1£l_)-—A riarrlieser tor about an suit: with ‘V iron in aiidtlol win ls-tr. luilali efurilrrry or print» sub :4. v&‘1l_l_Il|'_Il V __i r:urili_iiev.eniti. _‘ an Ill)"-q'l..eee eurtelns, in do ‘art ant-eisse sly e at law print. as been-i at st. A.N1'I!I)-1.541!’ t her BN1-clue rifle by squyim at Hlifhfi’ rioufs. aoi_§<_v_uth ruin st- AN'f1£D—Ciui.h ;i'...... i-iiil«tr~vn‘t rat- ton avenue. rinses. . lotlpa-it or repair. atloif Washing- i‘f'.A!¢TR.B:.;fe':cir~:roussn . ‘ M W (many respectable employment. apply as limit. 9. re. '9' at splendid not start. “VAr€'i'_i'.1>~eoam§E.i Muir vuiria /moi-cu. stallu pdflltllan. Wat N_._'i'vtil_l_i I St; Loiils. _ ' N‘l'Kl)-i‘erenns tkslrlrig situations in stores. oirle Mates. 1 any respectable vmpiriyn-ivnt. spray to no Wallis: mi seeiiiie. up-stairs. room I. I/;D—«l’rraeiis wishing to obtain (arms or an. s in Kansas while the are cheap. either by iiuau-iiamiiu-um l-y pun- (min slit-aid st-ml lo! I " lilesl1rr‘slltildo." Addsese'l'arsuelrs .s I11!- 'M‘T .- ,.‘__... .... ... to nutnu Lure oxwii.s.Kaii. _ > ‘ ‘____ A Bl)-it Ill iii flsnier bnsluvenokei tmmuhire anti} 1! set- lllsn hi. I. Moisioril. lttll and but b. all: L fins. t well tools and isiulsiurn euiituvcll tb- su vale fax we issue prospecting s is. BUIIXESG 703 [ALL ..-»..~.....v.. .....~.-.\.-- -....V~.‘...~....,.,. y It flA!.B-Mineral water establishment. Nath- ewa ziatcal numerator and fountain! imliiirip l-I ho ifs. Imus. e.. viniwill in and Tr use on L . is or pas-tau an address A. hieln are ill. it"-u.’ii.r.'-o .41 i we 1... i «$6 ." re.esor.s §iIEl:rl:I'c‘:I’llin%.n'I:4‘il|.N at '13.? ‘Lucas iii v F“l.'l.l..ii.l;:f*";'.° ..:.“.’l.l‘..?.'l.‘. .l.'l;‘.:' :.'*"°' },l“l§.l.t.’i‘.l‘°...l'*.“J.‘2‘l.i‘:i:5i.1"‘i..1‘.’i;°.'sl.'.i ‘W t A .14’.-Kim nslasssustslra in: suitable in; you is-lfii res rooms. we . Call at is hunt: to a rut. ... "It i.ss2v.r'.'i.'&. be rr. siisiiias and Va -_I--:3‘«'-‘-7-M-_lef'r.’l..3-«_?=‘€ .‘...A‘-fill’.-"9‘”-,,l§-.-3é’«‘?'l1?.l.5.-¢’»=.'r‘i35. .§‘.l;..*l‘.'.‘ ’;2:::i.-.,i.::; "°".*-as *.*~.':r.-.*::=. e .. .siulii. ‘a. or lizariirulsn esiiirese '. iléliytoo A (.‘o..'1 ale iasoit. no Cm. xsmu. l'it0l'l’.'tt'rY on or -rm: gr-rt you a.u.r.r.. F9313.‘ r3v”1”ii.-‘=57’-l.?l-Z5’s'3‘-T=T«?.l?.é.r? ?3"IlI-7'" Il.llA'!. —-"ll kw‘-torvd ll ad: ' A. “[3; F...r.'.7i.::'?.‘.“..'fiT. ...r'"*'-'3*'"w- "31 55-5“- "c‘ii'-'v"ui5.'1x. iisiii-iii" "ii-i3'si'ii".iiIir.. ........-...V\..,...........,v.....,...~.~...vv.,..-. :[]!i')lt:‘r_l'.:'l.E~lln1ifi.tdettmoaad on Osaiiii-e street, (‘I i l and l|lf:|‘lI‘:’a;1o:N'l'la§"o:;: Wu‘: ’ ' cl’-iiiznsma e- ynxizii. Ne. lot has slmel. "V you sane-.—uiaoxiJ ivxous. ' " ' ..-..~..,.....~..,.....,.,\,...,-»..».,~.«,—..~.,~,...... F0}t llAl.li‘.-Ytrriiiiare so it. lmiixlzt a :1 starts: at .. A. like-ale a stores. as. M in no at ei. R l|AIsI$—lluviiche or sale the-spa is early IB’1llC€f‘l repalrviisnc tlu mien-ii on on is ac mine out vs? (>0!iI‘t'!|ll i la! srltinl 13 M4 0'4‘- llsa s soon luv nu iiys st factory oi ll. Dot-glieriy. earner Nliilh am Kl. l‘lisrit-s. 1:‘I0h]g.!il.}l:.'::;¢3sfiYonIsn. five yrm old. and A Case avenue. ""13wir.i.i.ii~:aLiiiiuiii€s"'ri>'iLfti‘. "X?-“T-“0llII lb!) Chnlmtl. si 01 tune nnlsr and watslglnf ¥‘.I1l’9('l|iI I-iii .lsii ry. mm... etc. . ic -i aiiagx §£‘{All.VltClt. ‘in street. at |‘|1’.)i"‘l'—l'>iveilliix l'arulsiied—h‘uv 6-goons cure. with modern lniprvrnu nu. EH81.‘ estr- tint in-eel. inn mcly rmiisimi t mug mill will rent let’ all: iismil (I. or ouster term. Nuouaisiy. In» quire starts chemist street. ;E°i*.:i.=.':.*:'l.-r*:i.:ic-L. ." l.'.T‘.i.‘“..'..‘(.“....‘..I.'.'‘‘‘ .. nltuys «-5.. ur new or real?‘ ouse, fs'§ixai;'i'c’s°‘ 'l.t'.u.f"(‘;':'{¥l ).\ ° .‘.“"u"’ 31! Washington avenuo- Men on Block. F‘ll§..""E‘."".‘.’.‘I‘.'..°. ~::::.- ""“?.l' if ..ifzew°>’;>~:s!s:~‘i=2e.i&;::3'~_:-‘*3-'=’a’ flonlwarnsr. .i’iae street. ' I miss on North 'E"“"'-"’*'§:"..’€:‘fi§".°I£"?"§1'i',’*"’7"-" ~- it 2“ "P" " - .2.-ii iz.'..i:;.-3;-.*...z.rfi. a canal tenant. ‘iris street. . l?§€:_gl’.’:l3;”t£gf2m i'%.3gig%_r.t;m3 . aiyesrs. the three-story luirtoa avenue. eenlalui we er-Ii mt. s,sxieaii . I“ ‘at?’ 9-:».'«I-.~'~*-"ni.5.r«1l‘ei?-:5?f_3~'«.-"ii-it-2-u~h~:--92;. I7‘°.’l..E.‘.” .]‘..”"‘.'.°':i‘.'.'.’x'if'll 5"?” .'..T’.'’': Iillin 5'? l'eyeI ' am‘ hi I 7:. ar e sl e .13.: ‘J‘.‘.'.''’ L can silo it mgppl to Mc- ‘i ‘enter. ‘exit all... Il¥l‘0 . ""‘“'”'“" rots iiirwr-—ii1-Li-i«'."r-§‘Tir’T-ETTi?T.“' it limit "l”"—-nimii —~,.~»-.,»\.\,\ B 'So."lsi'l iisrim sis berth fourth im._ on Page av. . J lttsflr rooms to! . hnmrir-er-in: he the second flour. two a-‘mans south 1; $7". -re on Fourth sires-ifi-net‘ Waihirurins svi>uui- , one at live L.-.i tuna; 1,. um Elly. Amvlr at flit North Vuurlli III :6". "Fe-‘ri-‘. on rows lrewanl will be it rest. ..i.i'n'c:é:.' 0.. and paste intwn. oi sat and white color. red ran a. . crap air at eat-ti c-si‘. I eI‘l‘ll I I .I It ‘'“.':‘..'.:.‘‘.....'.‘,'...l f- sppratseas Na. rred‘k op:-maye i"-?Ei'i‘i’E.Tx'.i‘y’§r".2E‘ GUM I UGO H amaroas.‘.'"‘ ” r month st No. 9!!) Lo see: 7-llarvalln cs gs . 9 (‘hit er I: [planning ‘ll. 'iayeIl . iltlsl. is we Hielrnva . slit-as fee. A. tiny .2 Alt. cheap. Di-octave. nee. alsugaiu. Ml.'c1CAl'r- ‘lanai and 0ry:aeit—-lav-zest stock in t well known manixia.-iunrs. o rt". "tsos'IIsiisrm~e." D‘ lseruuliie 041.. '1 Nos. is to llxrerai i iellmsuts. Lmsis. r can . or ...,..d.~,.,.,.,.,..A,..—....,Vv\.. B 0A1£DING~—l1osxdcrs wanted No to or sale at reasonable prices r rs.sh.ori nIonI.hIl§ iyijutsmts. of lo‘: rent. 0. vs I rec . F{‘i‘.ll'..;'.’.‘.~..?‘{%“‘}."ii.l§-"":...i".r.'$l'l5".°mi% U in EL [Ania ems I11 Irluothli i§T0lH' I CARI’. Flt ullve street. lit. ,. .~»..~......,.a at 7.6 at. Charles. UallDlNt.l—Washlss ll - Ml per meet 2 iyisalwsoi mouse tor ran Vfllhl iktab t ntuurpuseii tn the iism—my —..A....... ‘A iuxoi.u-rich:--rm eopsrine iualiy nlssolr u.m ‘ A pill D’l8&~t..’i‘l.ll‘K'ION }ll)‘X’ICY.It. . ... ,.,\...,..n..-./\.- ..,.,v.. rslil . illftvlolatl eeisllnl§1ctsvesu the it " l'l)lAx1i‘C1AL. Alrtloaey to Losii-slum in loan NAN . ‘ flfIIrl.fl'1b‘‘ICllI WA] vsia . R in (ii vewstrecl. F'.’lr.‘".°l.é.l.': 259.2‘ ally _r_s’ -_estale._ :5}. s lfl til” vl street. I oisv'_e”_l:e..' for a ter1)il)i:Ly‘:z1s_.°a1' r1iu or listxrtet. am: y to Win.‘ ‘."nJ."l’iul."}.‘.t "1 "‘¥‘_'.' ?WP**'i.i’.'°.'.:-:.::*..*.*.':.:'.i*=-.*.i*.i.:z.°..".- to securities. ALI. sonny." ' ' WWI e lea work. it _irls. 1'9 ell. k _ 'l‘.tll"L'.‘.."."i'.'.'."‘.‘l. _ ttons end we ta ear-talus‘ mfiiagy. ‘.".'.§3"...“.. ’.‘...“.$l2". .°‘2l.‘?.‘.“l‘.’.".l‘.’i‘..‘ ."“..'.‘l ll 7 lnlty.&\\lI he iris iaseloueoaiiiim also res. ilclessse bytiiein. Il.C..UIolec-U|=D:|_0i:i; u es. 1' I ma KY): D PAR lmt'l‘t‘{ll1'lt E filigesiifiitslreet. see ellgicfroiuito daily: . A. 1J.\Vil um. Surgeon us use. I. It ‘I'll LAII ' Pl lilcl N. Wt: ' ala.dy?sial'nr1ilile’sfi“s fdycaiisu iilia orig)‘: a tin-rive-vi-i-s. Asslsan sport l.‘i'."i‘.‘."2.".1’...T$“é.‘i.‘?“.'l'l."l“§§“.l‘.i dress it. itytlth. I‘. ..,\A BOPl".§§IOX®L-D5.) Aileen. one so ili successful lair Lprneniya future 111.. runs 1 nerruiss diseases area. Eels‘ lit? stamps (or uneven“ and Addnm . lsii-o. FDIC ran ii; I a.la. ’i¥i:iiiriav.s' dist} ’ e I0.|¥l8l of reiuandrc er oi p i Vrtaiives es alilefin Lani: tile. lsppltiess. 0 volt Wain street. /M 1'1. iieisa..tsiroi- rm-rlra. limsl alien. to its pretty InIlJlrl‘U“I: _PIll'(7?§3W|0NA!¢—l'IKll Merrick. inriiuis teller. r.-rth Fifth street. 0 I0 A!a—MrI IAIM. It - 1 s lf‘t'l|i:K%“tfiO$ 'e film Alenni .n_vsr u'i'silua. auceriie an upwards. ills mind: it as- ivo ennui is on smmin-rs. ea N0 DIR §2o :'iii’.‘.' Ton yxxu ii stare to get a fllP(ll:.!";‘l?I|ltfifl‘E':: 0 Teeth luv 50- uaiai iiiiii-rs. :2. The Cotton ' Dental Association NP.’ iii 0 art lasiars or iiis use llitrous U is yet MI I! site rulanee. P‘ HI s in t. WELL DON}! AT LOW rates is PRI NT! N G .. Ell Pine sire-es. o! On. and racist’ l.eot§ w tliout salnmntlu si- . an s liariulcss. had)’ alwuy All dents operations s iriilly ttrtonaud and at reasonable ram. 093 ll Olivestroe ‘Is 7 illno nook andflnm phtot. Wot-it El specialty. Il..'..l.. ii‘ SEMPLE, BIRGE 3. 00., Agriculture] Goods and Hardware Specialties, BLD and D193 Wasiiliszton (Wm at the Liudsil Hotel.’ avenue. at‘. wow.