Series 3: St. Louis Streets, Buildings, and Landmarks
Series 3 contains photographic prints and film negatives depicting St. Louis streetscapes, buildings, and landmarks. The series starts with street views arranged alphabetically by street (e.g.: Chestnut, Locust), continues with depictions of individual buildings arranged by building name (e.g.: Mercantile Library, Wainwright), and then ends with categorical folders (e.g.: hotel exteriors, residences, rooftop views) arranged alphabetically. The prints measure less than 10 inches by 10 inches. Some photos are dated, ranging from the 1870s to the early 1900s.
St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis
Planters Hotel
7.25x9.25 in photograph of the third Planter's Hotel that existed in St. Louis from 1891 to 1976.
Portland Pl.
Photograph of the gate to the Portland Place community in St. Louis designed by Theodore Link.
Security Building
7.25x9.75 in photograph of the Security Bank Building at Fourth and Locust. It was designed by the firm of Peabody, Stearns & Furber and constructed in 1892. The Security Bank Building was home to the Noonday Club, a social organization composed of area businessmen.
Silver Moon Hotel
The caption on the back of this photograph indicates that it is the Silver Moon Hotel which was replaced by the Arcade Building. Other accounts suggest this was known as the Hotel Moser, which had the Silver Moon Restaurant on the first floor.
Southern Hotel
Photograph of the Southern Hotel in St. Louis from Broadway and Elm. The building features corner quoins, an elaborate cornice, column supported balconies, and large windows along the ground floor. A large American flag waves above the building.
Southern Hotel Dining Room
Photograph of the dining area in the Southern Hotel in St. Louis. It features wooden tables and chairs with white table clothes. Gilded Corinthian pilasters and ornate plasterwork on the ceiling.
St. Louis Club
Photograph of the St. Louis Club on Lindell just west of Grand Avenue. The St. Louis Club opened in 1900 and served as an important meeting place for the organizers of the 1904 World's Fair. The building was taken over by Saint Louis University in 1992 and converted into an art museum.
St. Louis Courthouse
8.5x7.25 in photograph of the Old St. Louis Courthouse on Fourth Street between Market and Chestnut.
St. Nicholas Hotel. 1898
Photograph of the St. Nicholas Hotel on Locust Street between Eighth and Ninth Streets. The building was originally designed by Louis Sullivan and built in 1893. It was redesigned and expanded after a fire in 1905 and ultimately demolished in 1974. It was later known as the Victoria Building.
The West End Hotel
Photograph of the West End Hotel on Vandeventer. A caption on the back of the photograph says "THE Residential Hotel when built."
Turkish Den. Planter's Hotel
9.5x7.75 in photograph of the Turkish Den inside the Planter's Hotel in St. Louis. The room contained various chairs, pillows, vases, and ornate architectural details.
Union Station
9x7 in photograph of Union Station in St. Louis from the north at Chestnut and Twentieth. The view overlooks brick buildings on what would later become known as Aloe Plaza.
Photograph of a donkey or mule drawn trolley that is marked 33 and BELLEFONTAINE.
Photograph of a passenger train numbered 273.
Photograph of a streetcar in St. Louis. The side says U. S. MAIL.
Photograph of an electric streetcar and a horse-drawn trolley in St. Louis. The electric car reads 777 and UR. The horse-drawn trolley is marked 33 and BELLEFONTAINE.
Photograph of an electric streetcar and a horse-drawn trolley in St. Louis. The electric car reads 777 and UR. The horse-drawn trolley is marked 33 and BELLEFONTAINE.
Wainwright Building
9x6.25 in photograph of the Wainwright Building at Fourth and Chestnut Streets. The caption on the back of the photograph reads "Something new in architecture." The Wainwright Building was designed by the Chicago firm of Adler & Sullivan and constructed in 1892.
Wash Ave from 10th. East
Photograph of Washington Avenue in St. Louis looking east from 10th street. Large American flags hang from the buildings.
Westmoreland Place
Photograph of the entrance to Westmoreland Place looking east across Union Blvd.
Westside of 12th Street from Olive. North
Photograph of the west side of Twelfth Street in St.Louis looking north from Olive Street. Two tall buildings are in focus. The one on the left is the St. Louis Star building and the one on the right is the Hotel Jefferson, later known as the Jefferson Arms. The Jefferson Hotel was designed by Barnett, Haynes & Barnett and built in 1904.
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