191% 12: The LINENS in our Shir-tsnro 20 to30 per cent heavier than any used by competitors, Wllloh (W03 on ole ruled in appearance sud dnrnbifity of service not found elsewhere. The, utility of work- mnnuhi In likewise for superior. There -an uotunl on.vlngtoc4>n- sumerso1,10tn 20 or cent. The tor out line: of tie FURNISH- ‘ GOODS in the West. WILSON BROS., 108 North Fourth nireéi, St. Loull, 87 Ind 89 Wlthington all-eel, Ohlonqo, Pl|:o'o Oporn Houu, Fuurih_I§irI_¢3l_I_1I_1I_lf ,_.-_1... . _ J REAL ESTATE. GREATSSALE .._'m[...... A U-A<:'.; ;.:_[‘:£ 0 N, oar.--trill PREMISES, MOISDAYJUNE 19.1876. 94 LOTS‘, Frontinzr Broadway, TIIIIIIMIDIU. Howard and lntorniedinto street», from Broadway to Jotferaon nvo., North of Con: Vnvenno. of which thorn are 21 CORNER LOTS, On 1!1ulinnphy,Hownrd and J ener- son avenue. including the I. L oomorv oi no and was sis. and Mellon)!!!- Ei. W . corner: 01 um and 1211: an. and lnllnnnlu. B. 3. corner of Ilth It. and Ilniionnhy. ' N. W. co:-n¢voumuL nnd Human!!- Fonr corner: or Llth I1. and Iultnnph . Punt rornuiad Dtli pl. nnd Knllutph . 2.‘. 14..-:45. W. oovneuolflthu. Many Lot: are on" Howard street, between the Visitation Convent and J eflerson avo.. includ- ing Five Corner Lots- lul Lhue Lou nrooonvonlantln lit-no! Clrtltbfldl-I. churches, eta. at:-out lnvmvumanu. hloooaulnldnl. Curbing, sbdnvruzu. Iowan. 052.. owl! III-I ludi- nu-ry lot win no durlzluiod by miles Ooflmlwndlnr -mu an rim no sale noun: 6: each lot- uu: rouinvn. by vcmmvi-2!‘! Wm M WW‘ ~ resident on-nor. 'rrt‘Ll,’_rlRl'l2C'!‘-Drrd of General 'i‘nrnn!1- Inn to‘ caoinvnenuo with pzopuny on wut one of Emma Inf, north oi can zvonno. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. 5']-I131!-I-4 CI-lb. 1-! anti y-oar. 5 7 CW3‘ 14 two yanrn. Lorett- 1-I iluoo-yours. SECURED BY llEl}DS 0}‘ TRUST. ‘bounty Dnllnu of the Cub I’fl!m°l“ 79‘ quu-my .2 ugh on such Lot. l'LIla and other lulonuatlon. apply at 219 Chestnut street, Bell Estate 0500 0! JOHN G. PRIEST, AUCTIO NEE!‘-. BUSINESS PALACE! WASHINGTON AVENUE; Bouthwut Goran Filth BL. AT PRIVATE SALE. “YB OFYEII FOR IALB TI] '1' MAGNIFI- oent l-"iv:--Story Ir-In mu Krona-Front look, at pres:-nt ocrnph-d by . ' Id’ 1 CO. omit n (iurduu u Boring: lsnnk. Ind being --ounce on the two hues: and most in: not urea-In 1: Lb: e-It . Ind in Ila: ccnluroi’ the I ulrulu trade. rho Mail In: ll now. and buililn I-cvar-.L\n<:¢ witmllto dernnmiv ol Lh- proton: wants. havlur -lure For rh- plgu 5 wlndowl. vwu thlln-rolev:inn.vt-sou: hesi- en, 2 . and the lo at uni nun-Al duinhrd huem-nl a (II: “Jeni. The In 2111’: l't0nl:xoflDfB¢le::7o":’0'j_l"|;':I ‘u xlnynon nu-nus on seven )‘~ V alnwl. it the nhovo in not dispnaodol ll private uie. vvn will alter unto AT AUCTION, ...oyv... Tuesday, June 20th, A: 2 o'clock, on the Pramluet. TITLE PERFECT- 'l'EltVH9~—(tne-hull cub. Minute in one Ind two an. arm 5 nor cent lnlnroll. Rota: to be secured fly and at Inut. for Lniunnnuun npply lo 8. IIAIHUSON: WIKITI. s. ulstsax/Irt, 534 Pine It... 'l’ruuoes il. 1. Reilly‘: nun. or BERNAND-J. REILLY &. C0., 419 Clmstnut Street. HSNIAGARS _ A FIRE INSURANCE 00. or uxnvv roux. 25 YEARS Pliii}“i'l__l:l_iL EXPERIENCE cm Mania - - 91,500,000 lmmsiod in (I. 8. Emil, over 800,000 Tuna Follclro ondvvollingl. 010.. wr-iita-u prior to iii?! in tho late Uudorwrltarf ll rncy oi’ New York, or In the OEIKMANIA P RH INSUIIANGF. COMPANY 0!‘ NEW yom(_ gun:-unload by the aunt: of the tan Umlc-rm-rivers‘ Agency. may ho to- wrlilrn ni rvnirntlnn In tho NIAGARA. LOCKWOOD’ 3: NISBET,u.g§‘enfl, 301 Olive street. It. 1.:-ula u. 2 HEN Y B. BELT 42 00., - flat 1'1 Agent: and Anotioneuxn. I16 NORTH 811211 373.121. TRAVELER’S S.A.I1¥EPI4IE1E3- 11 URAWFURD 3. c . Otter to-day. at Q discount of Thir- ty-threo and one-third par cent, the wholé ‘ SAMPLE STOCK 015 A NEW YORK TRAVELER, Consisting of Towels, Table Nop- kina, Embroideriea, Gloves. Ho- siery, Underwear, Pocket Books, Lace Tier, Skirts, Fons, otc.. etc" and ’ {HE FINEST STQCK or r.}Yi1ea* sum. hllllincry, etc., in the city at . Great Beincflnns in Price! The Popular and Progressive Ono-Price Cliih House or D.CRAWFORD&C0. 4.16, 418 k 420. Franklin arm, and through to 826 N. Fifth oi. ........... .. LAKE SIDE HOUSE, ILADIGON, W18 . , Ll. opzgrtov the nunndJnnn II. at reduced D1111 1111. I4 - nu‘ “ism. I’. H?(I;s. Proprietor. Narrognnoon Bay, Rhoda Inland. FUROPKAR PLAN. will open tor tho rv.-cc ,1 non 01 nuts July 1. 1213:; rtuubonu dnl y I I‘rovni¢.n::.- 4 Pl 1!. :1 no Wm Lnfl. lltlJ‘;¥l'lIl{Xt’B.'i‘rnp_ri:eiar. _ City Hotel. l'r~ov_i/ulln~ lured with dispatcher, mun ni thou: very Idrulily wordrd, no no to slim: their obk.-at without :9» pouring to be intended to tonic Hr. Blunt’: cue A[I]'I¢Ar worse than is rally in. For lnrunco, one dispatch ray: that, ulthougb tho patient was bet- ter than he won in: night, ho in: not lpokifll, e1:~ cent in xnononyllnhlcu, for tn-only-iour hours. ASOTHZB vacuum; tint thorn Are tour phynlclnnl in uondnnco upon him, and Lhu may are by no man: hopeful In in tho ultlrnsto result. The evident intonuon it to create the lmpl-union that while Bluino may ro- oovar tron: um particular launch. its character In ‘men that It in llohin to ho rnponlod at my time, And uni the second urns Ii mun Ixumtubly nrovc tutti. i doubt)! no any hrolound opinions on the tuhiooi oi Ipoplary, pnruiynb And Iuuatroko, and their oflecu upon the human rroicm, wero over expressed onuido or n hludical Convontlon n hnvo been freely Iutomhuagcd oi the haul: thia morning. New York culrun noun cunxx. who do not know the dimsnmon in pathology be- tvvcon n one or toouuchn and 5 can at typuold, have been making thalr hand: morn in sorrow thou in Inner. and uuu-lug anxious listeners that in I can oi thin kind a man never fully recovun. A: lens: twnnly member: at the Gonklingfluurda horn hzd nncln or aunt: who worn aluolod. sud they all died. This In tho kind oi talk to be hand at the hatch, sud ‘ "y In the *- noon when l3lAlno's stronger: rlvulo most oongrngntn. Without Attempting to truw the origin or rain: xuaoxnrloxa, It in only ruling A very nppu-out not to any thol they have been used very much to the dfltrlmant cl Illslno during the «nuns dry. It may be that 5 pnaluvo uannvnco cl tall and Ipoedy recovery would create n notation in Blaine’: tovor, mg]: on would in lrrulauhlo In this Convention, but in the present oxcltod oonnllion at public untlmout have I do not new how these nuuruncca could he put beioro the Convention in web a rnnnnet to to duty contradiction, _nnd Lhll thoy would be 1:91:- 'trulictod nlmolt u noon on utilized in nuuilut iron: the rapidity with which T113 FIR51‘ flE}‘oiI11 wens uugxuntcd. Pnopla not nunuuu mm 1233 way: and mum at the door at man svha Ittend Conveuuonn of this kind ounnot imaglndbow ei- Ieotlvcly ouch reporu am used to tho Iictvirncnt or those who are made the victims at them, but my onrniul olucrverln Cinoinnui today could hove hid cool: I pnaucnl iilmirnuon u would mu convinced him nod dinguumi him" st the nuns Limo. ,- Notwlllmnudlng to-day’: dlaoqnngcmonu. nlnino’o friend: are null hopolul of his uomlnu. lion. Tiny any they will reoelvo Inch nun mi marrow or Wodnudny u will - _ nuarurn Au. noun u to the phynlcol condition or their oandldnia, Ind thu they luvo rnoelvod nuunncu or I num- oieut number of your to ncura I nomlnlllon on the second ballot, it out oh the uni. I do not think may unggerato DlAino'I ntrnxigth, u o matter considered Apart tmxn his much oi sundry int. It in utonlnhlng to nu tho onthuolum for Blninn ilrui. is manifested by dnlogntua trout tho Nurihwoat an-Iving to-day, and who have not 7:! Dean nubjectad to I leoturo on apoploxy by some ruetnbur oi the Oonkllng ununin or the Iiriuow Club. A gentleman who nu attended every nu- pubiiunn Convonliorn, beginning with that ol X856, rut.» nu T0-DAY that ha ha uvvcr noon such n ntrong expression In (Ivor of any one man among dolcnioa repro- nuntlng um mnl Itupublxvnn voter oi the country. He oallmutod, otter non-oloi cnicuintlun, that tho Blniue dolcgltna represent ulna times In many llopulnlucan electoral vote» on oro nzprcaentod by any author candidate. it In usolou to speculate Iny further on Biking‘: chntlccn nitor what 1 have mid above. ii any ha shirt with surely that he would have been nominated n lihout a ncrloua urunzgle but for the mlriariunu oi sundny, and A Von! nxuxnzo II rrmvznlurr in tail condition lroivveeu now Ind Wednesday would pulh him to lilo trout ngain; but It in Ihould null be in the hands at me doctor on Wed- nesday, Ind In tho meanumo be the subject of constant inquiry Ind rallclludo. I tear uni his chance: will not be Itmxi, and 1 Judge solely by the other at to-day's bulletin: And dispatches in dapmoslnx nu mend; And cheering bu rlvm. ._...,.,, » ST. S i.9pISI‘jift§EéDAY”3l'6tii~TIEiGS._ i876. It in very ouy to see that In n condition at ni- Inin like that ubovo nlstod, tho tzizndl a! tad: of tho cunt? RIYLLI or Burn should too] that may an Both: :2! tlam may vroru on sntuniny night. The Ce ding men. tho Briaiow man and the Marion mun flu ouch nu- dcrukan to administer upon Blunt’: mute si- rondy, -no have been dxuring All ‘K17 upon the burn at no withdrnwnl. and upon I-In number of umsnou they no likely to ncdro from tho Blaine rush. C0llklln[’D lrieud: ‘china Illrto number. and the hopes oi‘ an Brlntow men.’I’1||¢B were drooping yesterday, hnvn been quite revived by tho proapoot odor: them. in point 0! lad. howover, All such oalcnlotionn no run with!“ or u-tccufioxl. The Blllvn man no not vrllllogto Admit that their uvorito will not be nlzla who in the moo. and they luvs not given tho llighieal mtinnito'n ru- pecung their purpoles In the ovont at his aniorood withdrawal. 1 think the llnyu nmvuncnt would on tho gn-atut gainer by inch on event. There in unong Blaine‘: lrihndn I tiudiicr mun; toward: Ihyna lhnn townvi my other rirnl uxpirnnt, bo- uune he bu not given his Aid or Lnflunce to tho circulation or my oi the scandals urinal him, And then In a feeling tlso Lhu. noxtto Biutoo. Ilsyu would malu the but sod nos-r Avlruhu unmlnxifn. 1111 Mood: user: mm In would certainly carry Ohio in October by 1 lugs mniorit:r.‘nad than on would be sure to carry Indiana aim. in my du- puchca int night Inpaln at rumor: about the transit): at tho Illlnoil dulegntlnn to the Coulling column. and rnanuonod Senator Logan‘: none in caonoctlon with tho mutter. Thou rumor: In npiu niloatto-day. For the our-pooo at user- Lunmg how much truth there was in than, I nought Sooner Logan and land ncouvorution with him on the snhieci. Ila Jtznnxly denied all knowledge of lunch a schema, and ulurtod his PIIRFB xcrt mu nnuxn, . nod his intention to luck to him while thorn was I chouca tor his nomination. Ru said he had hnnni tho Iiory oovcnu mun. but full confidant that it must Into originated from name oi‘ nu person! enemies. who urn Anxious in onion him for the Sunnis nut winter. I than Irjut Ln pun sulloi air. Licdiii, oi the Chicago nous. who on my numority in: Jan: night’: nuiement. Modill ronoerted all he had said lgn night. Ind 1.111.! he ind hand it tron: Stovrut Woodloni. or flew York, who In on: or C0.‘|'ItI.i‘ND'S XARAOKBI hone, no tell sure that Logan and rural] land agreed to deliver the urgent pm at tho Illinois delargnihn In Conkllng me: n low bullou. Al the menu or um l.LlinolI delegnuon I iound than was A good dot! at oxcltemant on this nnhloci. It took the turn oi very poulivo dc-uinlr tint uny inch bu-gain had been made or could on tnudo. htnr in the dayl max Inmo prominent Kerr ‘forte:-I, who are hcroto dotoat Canning. llld they upen- ed the old Itorv. uuuriu; use that than who no doubt oi conning’: captnru at At least one rut: up run 11.1.2301; hxuarnon. in uuwer to the ntutouiouts tho: was out on this subject llll night, A number oi tolog-rams hue boon rocuived non: Xilinoln protesting against the nonuhulon or Conkling, on tho ground that his roconi in Congveu would nuke bin: uupopnlu in tho Wat, um um Illinoi- conld not bu nurlud for him. Cunning hu bean auxin; I very 'ug;n.uivo fight within the put twenty-tour hours. and has undo parupubiu pmfrul. til: campaign in nutnngnd much better thou that oi’ any other roa- dldatu. HI: friend: vtnit ovary newly arrived dul- txnuon, and plead with them, sud try to coxvnn mo nuuunoz rust. lwu prunni to-day It the hondquuurn or on: wmam dnlopnon when I mend or conning‘: cnllod, and After receiving no Introduction, orlurndn bukotolchnmpngno. in which in N- quested that tho hu.lI.h oi‘ the Box! Pnsaldeut bu drank. Ila noon After dopu-tori, Ind it In un- nccuury to any that he took with him the cordial good will 01' his newly-mndo trlooda. Thorn in all: at n much more acnnnn mode at Iloctioneab log nun this on hotel! 1:! Conlllurn nnnngnn. It comes hum the Morton hendquortor: in tho Ilupo o! A ohugo ol the nlucr on or nmutr tor the Inutlpuluion oi some southern delega- llnm. Whulevor truth there may be in this, ii is very cevtnn that Cunning’: Southern atrnugth has lncruaed within twenty-(our hourn, and um Horton's bu uccrenusd within lhni tlzno. Arkan- nu. which (‘Ame hero instructed for Morton, I.- cfilmod by tho Conlnllng inch. and so or I auto‘ or other delegiuonn. The no:-ton mun do not ieél enoourngui-to~dny, except by the hop: that than my bus good luck in Ilovo tar then should than be I gononl braking up in tho lllniuo camp. Horton‘: hope: of Wuturn and North- wuturo urea;-Lb hnvmbouu nuonr au.n'ntnnn, and I: ha in deaortod to my oonnldarnbio extent by the south, he will have I very poor rhavviug in tho Convnulion. 11 main: won not lying on hi: back in I nick bed tomlght, than would no no such thing no llrlstovv movement in existence at the present writing. Tho llrlstow hnndqnnnun are at the Ernst Hanna, and In occupind by n ‘ at ‘ "1 . , ‘ ' , who hnvo Inter been rouurknhlo for polliiul wlodom. The only one among them who ll likely to rank: I ravorabln ixnpruliol upon visitors in (Jan. John 3. Union. oil..ouinv1llu, nun~ovr'a uw I'Ln'rnn.. The other nxomben of tho deleguio noon: to content thuuuclvu vnth diuributlug lrlclu, or which than let)!!! to be lbotll lmllllon In the room, under variant munu Ind tltlu, puuluing mtho auhircu oi nrilow Lnd rrlorm. I mod- utiy inquired 4:! one genuczmn at these heId~ qunrum it Brirlow‘I chances were improving. "Oh, you" said he. "didn’t you we um Gm- ouenial or this morning. showing that Brulow could in uoxuinouni Liter the worth or am: bul- lol?" I replied that the Canola-do! nod Gaxdta had been working tor nriatow ior air rnonttu, nnd Inns“: mocixuxo In electing our A down delegated outside at Kentucky which would hum lxutruuod ior Bria- iow Anyhow. To thb ho Annverod lint be iolt confident that tho roionu element oi the Repub- licnn party would demand Britten": norninnuon, nod hut as he utturod thin nenllmant, that nobic reyrvsentaurn at Lhl rulonn ulumcnt qt. tin Bu- pnblusan party. Col. William hi. Grcrvonor, have In Iixht with a uni: that lot! the imprvuion that the whole rupannlhility devolved upon him. Before 1 ion the Brirtow headquarters, Guorgn W. Fisblncx. oi tit. Louia, enterud with I nvraol. rustic and a palm in! inn, and immediately altar cama District Attorney Dyer, who gognod no great the ltriatow people Ilka uncrrrrnu m morons. Among tho nzou ‘ardent workers in behnl! at Oonlding in Senator John, at Nevada. no bu related I whole home on Vino Ii-root, oppotltu the Knqulur oniu; A-nil intend: to do the hand- nomo thing by All who call on him. no in firmly luaproued with nbeiiei in Dunning‘: utrnugiia, And nuke: I very good uhlblt 0! much: in In» hall at hlo lnvnrtto. [La la A very ugrocablo and nifnbln gonlinmu, and talks name" Ind pouuu with equal fluency. On tho tanner aubjoct, ho said to me Lhnt no lnionelcd ro vrur av. Loon , ital: rumor, for the purpose at inventing a iorgn amount at irony in tho maouincturn or loo by an ux-Iincial promise. The Action of the Punnlylvnnln delegation in I uubiool oi prollflo speculation. The Courting men confidently u. Dec! 1! W 58 hill in ruorve by rope-Lied vote: tor Ilnrtrnnfl until an opportunity annll prucni ltsnli lor umtlnn In the nomlunuou oi Conkllng. Them ll numlt-suly a very strong feeling oi frlgnd. ‘MP between Dan Cameron nod the Gonkilng managers. Meantime Coxllllllx L, experiencing I good deal oi’ trouble in his own delegation, and will have aoxnadlniculiy in uniting nuyunug mg 3 unlud vote lruu ll um me am bmog, 11-0017. nomux 53 MN. ll» Lb! bud o! I Largo number at unu- Omlnl-“fl' NEW 3011011, including among than r-' ' 7 tflttuotrai. .. vex. 2--N0. 25;“ Hr. Georg: Jones, udllor oi the New York Tb-ta. George ‘William Curtis Ln hero, and In very b-xfiyr in hi: dnuanntiou oi‘ conning. II will pm!’- nlvly bu tho only New York dolegntu who will not vol: tor Oonlling on thfilru ballot. In nonver- uuon, Lu dny, Curila expressed tumult num- lshori It the ntrength of tho Blnlno rnovemaut, And, although not 1 moine unn. he said Bolhlllg but aickneu oaulci proton: Blane’: numinnuon. Thorn in A arrow to-night that in the event oi Bl.I.lue’a oontinued lllneu I motion will be nude in the Convention to udlaurn over until titer the SI. Loni: Conven- tion, in ordbr to giro dcleptlon An opportunity to gut Ill expression at opinion iron: their consum- anu on the sntuect of Pruidqnuul proioroncu. several aolenuonn which um: huro lnstrncud tar Blnlno are unwilling to make A choice between: the other clhdidlltot, nnd they four that tho do- moruliring olfeol oi lii|l.no’n withdrawal (mm the roll might rvonnlt In tho choice o! I man who could not be elected in Navunber. it ill turd to tell not such A rnoronrrmzv would he received In tho Convnutlon. Coutttng‘: friend: would In-onnomly obj-rot to n, houuu they nrpect to prod: moat largely by the and event at sundnylut. The Brimnv on would constant to It, because they no no prouuthopo oi Iucoou, And the Horton men on in about the ante In. At midnight the prospect: for lllalne new to have very decidedly improved, and lo hue I. better ap- puranon than at any Lima since an beginning oi Lhl struggle. ‘Thin In due in part to tho reception or inurxbln nun II to nl.unc‘ii condition. and partly to tho rrnsona rrwvtrcsuan you !ll..A.l‘l'l axnzuood by delegates who have uvtved on the late u-ulna. A row of tho princlpnl lltnine turn hold a meeting to-night to compare notes to lo the fix-at ballot. They hui boon instructed to get its! nut roilabla Information, nod not to count my doubtful dale;-ales. They dgumd up ailovotea u a certainly on tho Int hollot, with I proba- bility ciao. mums‘: friend: uy to-night. how- nor, thnl they have quit oountlng votes, and that run ouzsrrun or uouxznrrlon rosu with the doctors me! not with the delxueo. They no confident mu 1! ninth: in table in he on his loot by Thursday morning ho will be nominat- ed on the tint ballot. The friend! 0! tho rival cnmtldotu uoncedo mi; to-night. Th: lazeet news from Wuhingion represents Blame on par- lectiy cautious and cionr-ltunllcd. ill) will: tale- graphs that he is able to not and to Attcnd to his corroapondenco. and hi: pnyuirlnuv con dr this lhvornblu showing. Tho roman oi Canning’: increning nu-uugth frxghizned lhu Kuuu dele- xnuon thu ulternoon. And led several or ii: mem- bers to work our-nouiy against him. Tbuy my lint Conkiing In: the utovnoy tor tho railroad: in the oulnm-nod ) onion urn curs, which tnvorvud the hornea or lama people, mad that the nolnlnnllnn of conning would kill uu R-opuhlicnn puny in Run» beyond the hope or rocoutructioo. This argument bu had I had extent an thantliuqu pnupccu in line Wul, bot his friend: In making dupenlo nflom to up- turn tho Southern delegations. Tho Michigan delcn.tion,wlnuh but been counud for lInyu,hui a routing to-night, ma non nun three-lonnho cl tho nurnheri declumd for llluna. uni will stood by hi. The Illinois delegation I-I30 hold I meeting. nod showed I urong dotorxninntion to - Aoumrn ro nunvn. Demonstration: were hold tonight in behtll 0! on lhl princlpnl candidates. A: tho Grand Holnl. tho Gonkling men mule I very dim Ibow. They had music and Ire-worn and nvnrruxlng to nttnol I crowd. The llriuow mu!» Ilrnoot toot pouenion or the meeting, however. for when one of the npcukers, in pruning Gen. Grnnt. ullndnd to tho untlment, "Let no guilty nun escape," borne on In the crowd suggested Ihrva cheer: for Brirtow, And they wori given. The Brutow man held n amnll meeting in Pike‘: Music Hall, which wu Mluirulocd by Hr. Chum- lur, oi Baotou; it In 2401 prmmurnc. A large vnl in front of the llurnolt won 36- drtuod in -thvor oi Blnlue by tho colored orator John ti. Lung-Mon. lie undo 3 good speech. which wu wnll rualvcd. '.l."o~mormw night than will be rousing meeting: In ui plrtl oi the city, in which every caodidnid, or likely to Do, will be set im-tn in his non invornhio light. Ben Wade in but working hurt! for llinino. no sud ho had onougl oi lioninr-Stats llnpululluniuu from Andy Johnrou to int hnn the rest of hu tile, and that win: ho wanted now II I good om-vuntoxro uxvn'u.,' ouch II the nomlunllon of Blainn would start. Wale nyu the Ohio doleptinn will givelixluine 3 hnntinouxo vote arm the lint ballot. but it lllaine hu hind logs under hlna by Wednesday or Thun- dny no will not need more than one bullet. Th- lfluollri dologulon la oonsldurnbly ulkcd about. Ithu at mode It; Appuz-an except through two at It: moxnben. And them in I grant den! or curiosity to know how it will wind. Blunt’: Kriendl count on loom.-en votu from it, and horn hope: or more that the defeat at Morton LI rude to Apponr inavlubla. ltnot 001.. vut noun In hour ago, no Ba and to no that tho only qnution run In to undo‘: physioq oondltion—- thnt ho would be not-nlnutad without I doom it be win out oi dnnger by Wednesday. Von Horn‘: opln ‘ acorn: lo hnvo ohuurnd Iomnwlnt alum his urlnl. no on not ronnlud no I rnlunlo Blaine mun when no came here. but he did not expect to ‘and the lllalno sentiment so Ilmng (mm other Status. The lriantin oi Halstead, oi uao Ozouurrctol, nnd Smith, of the Gouda, any to- nighl. that more gentlemen om umded to-night ihll. 028] cu‘? XLKI A Pan.-arr-:51 oi llrlstnw. mill: is and to he in (nor or natu- ilton run, of Now York, md llnlotoad in too loudly dlllctoxl with a big disgust to be In fnvor at nuybody. Joe Modill, at the Ohlcago 1‘:-tbzuu, was at I Illa hour to-night hunting, with A search warrant, (or material in run 1 wubhurnn moto- Inrnt. no (call grutly discouraged, and win hunt to any. with much sadness, that It looked n it Blaine hnd captured tho Convention. The ilrvt any‘: proceedings oi tho Convention will be do- void al_ gunnrnl HIKGYEIL N0 iuuo will be undo an the ELBIJHOH 0! 07110331, sud an ndjeurumnnt tor the tiny will be ind utor tho appointment at commlltom. The Buchanan bomocrntlo Convention was held hon twenty your Ago in A ball. which oouuinnd but lilioen hundred sun which won not nil dilud. Then on nirnady more thux ten thounnd npplluuom tor nuts in Wednesday‘: Convention, and It in utilnnlaxl that u mnny more will he mule bolero Wodneuiay night. Ibex. ~ Lny Associated run.) ‘ cnmnnurt, Juno l!.—-The Horton men, nut- lng with the nmptlon thn Blllnu will not ru- oovcr In time to nouns in couvennou the vain in otherwise would. even it proaonte-l than at 3-H, are In much better aplrltv today can youtorruy. clnamiu that tho dwor oi tho dclul oi their candida hu loucn . And lhni wbnl. danger in to tour name: from u now Iourco—not. as yesterday, from conlsllu ,hut from llhyol. Tixey snort lint odurio no he ug undo h the Oonkilu mon to recur: Bomburn vumulhot iufinuppoees who the moalvulnernlrlo qumer. -my inn tolled Ind delv ates {min that section oalumul and whim. rem n,ny'ot,iallJ1fnltol whom they won: Eledgud to support. The obi ralliuoe ol Morton on oooeuium which iii! believed u II mm: to him Iron mains men in the North- weu and liorlheut. Shouidit hoionnd that the laticroouid ootbo nmninuod it uclaimed that om-third oi town, I union oI’iViaconain, unborn 42! Michigan, 5 iron on of illiuoln and lprttly full rota Iron: union will go to Morton when llloiuu drops out. Tho number to ho thus ob- tained from lllluoir la not no in o in nu been claimed by oouau. Uolonn lugerroii and about flvo other: will pmhabl more up all that or olruluod n lromihni source, tumor to the 'iaappoIuirnout oi Indinniana. The delrgntlon from Iuxllnnn In an- noned to no determined to suck in Motion to tho blllcr ¢na_ and to nor» no second choice. The contented seat; :.:-In Alabunm will be me out mane; much am can, I».-inro the Convention which vvlllcrealo an dlu:uun..'.'- “"3" D°l'r0' ceded only I: formal lmninou. '1-.5 “""""’”."“" will D0 hill: to order by nor. M4-rg:\n_ 01 5°" rec, who will make a brief addrcu. not cxeoediug the minute: in length. ‘men Jud titan- ic ilnihevn. Telnpornry Prukilnig 1 will 3 virus the Convaouon, altar wh all mitten on Cred-minis, I-‘tuolutions. via. . apuoiuiod. Wlmme report at tho forms’: the Auburn: cane wllloumo usa. 1! la {moons} bi some to settle in dltllcn t point :1 admit-ting neither. but the tooling anion? Iliaino. Morton and (lonkllnx men nouns: to be a lunar oi minib- un; wlntlnknovrn no the Spoocar delegation. since none of it: Ascmbar-I will vote ior lirtaiow. who II rcgxrdtd no I common enemy, uni since tho friend: of each of the three uudxlatu above named hope {or ntrrntth tron the Spencer deleguion. which they clum has I shadow more or legality About it than the Warner ouo. Owing to air. Blame‘: stint} on Fmndny a valve wsrfsro on the pun oi Ill: friend: war not very zctlvc to-day, and much or ihril Lima wn neocunrllv spent in venturing deiegntu who had been normed by the tone ot some oi‘ the nilapuxclses which men rooelved from Washington. Thuo _n;3:urenuy nniuvorsbla tel: mm were met by e an ra- colved from his anally, and it can not he safety raid that no yoi. on voiu hhvo been lost to him by r-anon In his alcinaso. [should in: condition runun uninnprovcd for inronl - tour hours more. hmvuver, were are ‘laid to mural who would nuppori him on) an the in- ionnul and pourbly on the tin‘: torn: ballot. This evening Senator Logan slums mot Mr. iilntnu will have 303 And morn vote: on the nut to ballot, and on the Icoond will wear: enough an- vuren In puthim through. saunter Logs: deniu the Intement thin he in at heart for Canning, M- um»; than the choice of the Convention must he tvvoon Mr. Bloinu mod the Beuutor from New York, not! that he in utrongiy in favor ol the tanner. Umtow me: no nsnidog clnixu that on tho second louunl ballot their conditions will have 100 votes. may on that instead oi two roles lornoriy allowed 11 tow in iiliooxo. he will hue nu, and um liter 2. ballot or two nonr- ly all Hluourl WI" unlto on him. They admit that u ycl their fume II ohietiy made up oi notttcrtrn of: low dale ate: tram ouch mate, but they claim that than w I Itnnd arm Against all ressure sod persuasion, and will not is low thorn- nlvoa to be coerced into letting their -«Hinton vote u A unit. Yet runny oi than seem to ontoruviu no faith in iivi-tow’: uarninluon, haying lhut xtusr Klnino In Ilnvpnsed of Morton and Coukimg will unlto to ala linu- tuw It in no other way by giving the non: union to! ayes. There wu u meeting oi Ilnsiow man to dny,u Iflllcll Solldmr Wilson Ivan preaeut no a. loading nllfll. The‘ oonntod up one hundred and sixty voter is uich Ihoy claim curtain for lirutovv on tho drol tormal ballot. Ohio men have grown to be very oulhunlutn: for lluyos. They held nro meeting: this ullernoon and evening, at winch report: wen mode by prominent member: all the delegation, who have been In coniaronou with other dd: our. sou: to show that than is 3 xttrcrsl toe my 0! con anon In um ultimate nom- ination of uov. Lina-an u n om-upmmuo czndnintn. ii. on stated at the meeting tho: Iiluouri had .uIi¢l that with lllnlno out oi tho wn the majority of we deirgucn would power to lnyua and tho rvevmnmlnr to Morton. Pmmlnom Mutu- chusclto ueianren, it mu also uuki. hnvo assured the Ohm dale was Chi! theey all do- pirrd tlnt Uhla would run ifrm on the ballots and Huuchuseul would eventually oomu to Lho mp;-on of Hnyoa. Conkilng men have done nothing to-day and kept In aeeaet. Ti: have bczn eonlorrinx tugcthcr nnd ham kind yucca that tho kiln delog-Mun [mm the South but had plrulnl and ontoylhlo ride: In tho Iuburbo of the city without my upon». Ooakliu menu havo no in reported, ltoprouch the - tux-ul: and Nevada delegates with I pro- nition to uh: ran at on nxponseo fifrurred by thou: in xnendln tho Oonvontidh. it they should bl oi:-lo toloo at this good oi’ the oonn to uh-ed tin nomination oi‘ Roscoe Dunk- iing. o Artrnntt Club. I)! Phil.a4.Iclphl.| 1% in number, nnived thin evening, nrxoxnpnnlod by I bud, And marched Iotlu Burnett Lion“. The rnurnlnrv sro unliorvnod, wearing black cloth mm nod white dmu Ixnu uni a hxndnomo por- Lrnli Bldg: 01 their Lnvoritn onndkihu. Among tho Inaru prominent man in the any won Col. Win. 8. Klan. Wm. 3. Gun. 11. ll. ixiughana, Puumulor Yunnan. Msyor Stoklcy and Iilsdoon Cinrko. A Briatovv aiootlog. cucutun. 0,. June 13.——Ao enihusiuuo Briltow uuouug was held to-oixht st Pin‘: Open noun, It which thorn worn over [.000 pooplo pmunt. Ilwu tho tororunner oi 3 null iuguroutpouringto-nifhtutho suns null. ‘mo meeuu nu pi-aided over {I hir. E. D. Lincoln, ouu alflinclnnntls ornlnnzxi arluta, and no out “.€i°mnmmn'i.I ‘mod to k b Ln ternoo in uoryrulnnrnyo ¢h:ir'nnn,'iun which allusion was made to Sucro- Lu-yliriotow nnqihnlitnzu for tho Fruidoncg. the rncouu wan Add:-cued I3‘ Prof. I‘. . Rhyndd.-all Arbor, 315613., I eleg-nu: to the Uonveuuua. Pml. lnd time the .\pprll.Ila Ju- nadictlon Bill, which rvtuiov the Home oi Lt-nil as as dual Court of Appeal. .Invi pmvrclrr for uncr- lniu number at aniurtoti Judgns to sit in thy llouu no Lard: oi’ App:-.11. Frssnco. All i3lPfIltTLl't qrrnsrins. runs. June it.-A meeting oi the Fnlzinel us to be held to morrmv, when no important question will be brought up. which. It is feared. will tear: to ndiiter-once bemoan the President nod limin- ‘evn. The latter have rtoolvod to support 3. ko- nnunl an nchndldnio for‘ the Lilo t5cnnu>ruinp, made vacant by the deutholfl. ltncarvl, \vhIl6 lgroaident himlduhon is detormioul to rupport ll. uflul. Swiucrlnnd. sinuous xsusnn-Iozu. Bnrurn. Juno l§.—5crIou- Iniutdxli-ma have occurred In Eutem iiwiuaritud, caused by Eiuvy ruins and the melting at now in the mountains. Bnilwuynuo much dnihnged. Tho whalu Crown of Tlhnr-gull is Inbmcrgod. tlury bridges tad housgu an carried away and sevonl [fauna dr-owner). Al r‘rn.ncut:-iri the éaplui or ucanton, iaurlnmnlen of: house worn killed by falling walls. Thu Vederal Counsel has deio- guod mountain to ground to Thurgnu and ate! nulunnco in tho in llnnts. Central Ame-rica. srxrrrr soI.oIzn.s nnowxxn. aux !'n.r..-romeo, Juno 12.-—‘l'he Pooiuo nun Iteuuu City or Sydney, from Pun-n, brings new! of tho rounder-lug of tho Guniounnan gun- hoat. Gen. Baraos, cl’ flan Jou do Guatemala. dnrin 5 gnio the vvodk pvovioun to the itmolho Cityo Sydney touched at that port on the am nit. The crow oi‘ the gunboxt worn Jared. bill sixtoon Ioldltn wont dnvvn with ha. 03553. A Woman’: Revenge-—Arrcst«ed for Mur- _ er. loot-in Dispatch to tho Globe-Devnorrsl. nuunrown, ILK... Juno lI.—0u the night at August lb. 1374. 3 person named John liens urn murdered in Bunrdstowzn. iiin body wu atrippnd or In clothing, and thrown Into the river. Tho nnxt morning it wu found nearly two miloo be- low. To-do one of the ucrgyfizostd umrvlerora, Willinrn Col Inn. was arrcnr y Marshal hm-in and lodged in jail. Collin! ha been living with D dlsreputnbln woman, who was ordered from town I 5'-‘W 41 ' ‘K0. Cvlllns not proleclinyf her. film in}:-nu some turtles trial I xlvnih bee onulcuion hid been made y lxin mm. recently -leceaacd. to the odoci that he nod Thomas lriyl-on noel mur- dered lit-ur. Other ll-silmouv bu ulna come to light qullo lhomughl ranching the horrid tired upon them purnoa. unrated. Sentenced. ltrnwmtxx, “'13., June is .—-Jacob Kanna- nuchcr and Clurlnlnn Gueother, convicted of oon. Iplrlng to delrnnd L110 revenue, were oenteucod hy Judge Dyer this torenoon. the farmer to flva manila’ luuorlooulhoniln the county jail and a lino oi sxa.ooo. and this inner to Liurue manila’ tlnpl"ll- oument In tho rounly gall and a flno of $1,000. Nnnnonnchor is I very old and wealthy uiuznn. Jnll Delivery at Jacksonville. lpecinl Dllpotclr to the (llohe-Decoocrnt. Jacuoxvrnu, lu.. , Juno 12.-—'l‘bis evening dvu pnxouon escaped from the aiorgnn County Jail In this city. Jnilur Canon wont to their cell. onddron npuxinfi‘ it won knocked down almost ton nu. when oy float. 'flIruo at line number, lnoluxiin Rabi. unynn. chrtrfed with the murder of h n, were ro-raptu , and oxlivtoru are In hot pursuit at tho other two, nun:-1 rupzcuveiy llyrnon nod Ford. Collared in Cnllfornls. 8.4.3! Francisco. Juan l8.—Jnmen xlnnn, or- round on I dispatch from lKu.~ltIu,furinr1:rry, Emu Etul to-sorrow under ohm-xv oi‘ I5 Boston ntocuvo. An Aldortrlnn Convicted. Cinema. Juno it.-—'l‘hv: u-inl oi Alderman 3. I’. Cnilcrten. on: chnrtc oi complicity in tho whisky rnmu, torlmnoiod to-day, and tho Jury found the drlemlnut guilty on tho [mirth rnunt 0! ll: wu acquitted on the remaining oounts. AH AWFUD ACCIDENT. Half a Dozcn Gentlr-men Killed by Lightnlru In Tennessee. tu'uurvTt.ut. June it.——.t spcclnl to the Arm-iron (mm springduld. ’l‘cnu., inn: 0. P. O-wean. Jena Ovvcnn. John hiurplsy. Arch Enn- . dolph. ilunrv Davisnn. willie men, And [lo Dona, ' colored, won killed, and sum Manly, While, was mortally wnundad. Ind James Murphy, whlto, Ihookod by lightning this evening at 2.’ o'rlnr¥, at: miles out of here. The while men were gentle- men or high character, Ind their unturxunnlo (loath has cut 5 gloom over the ncughborhood. They but boon culling lhulr n-lur:-t, and stepped under a iron out oi the ruin, nu-l uhilu under it ‘ nern Itruck hy lightning. Commenccment Week at Illoomingtan. Bonn] innnnich to the Glohovbunocrnt. Iimouucarmr, in... June 1'3.-To-marrow begins tho Ooxnmunoenaent wool: oi‘ tho lutnqu Wrolnynn University. At to o'clock 3. in. tin oouunanrmnent nxnrvsinel oi the kw deputmont wlliboheldln College chapel, closing with Ill Mldreu from lion. Low:-nnco Weldon, oi tho illoomiugton bar on Wednesday, Juno ll ion. In. xhamuumnaiion or ill: president. acldren gretlimlnnry to the inauguration oniclal olmrgo I.- lnhosslnspsau. and uuguninzidvcu ollrus don! um’ on Wednudny Juan ti, lip. zn.. odtireu lull in mature lilo Alumni Society address by on. John 1-. wxnm, .1. 31.. ol lllooInlnglou,lBoom ivy W. T. Collins. ll. 8., at Wlnchovter, Thursday, June In, to I. m., efloot to-marrow: From 0'“ , to “ . vlr New York, 518; via Albany. SL5; to New York, 314; to Phllmlelphla. {[2 to; to Baltimore, 31%: Wuh- lngtoo, $12; lluflhio, Sll. One Wny offlutting Even. LO0AlG8P0lt1', lxo.. June 12.-H. ll. llaliilon commlitca auicldé thin morning In this city. Ho outn Uniird Bl-Blot licnuut, nod, rather than on prosecuted, loo: poison. Ileruld Enterprise. Cmcm rum. June 11,-The Na-v Tori: Ilrmlrl will incur an million in this £11,710 '°0|’|'0W. containing all the leading rslllnrinin and news oi In rrgular nI_v v-Ilium, Khicll will be lnm.III-IIHEI1 York, Chairman or we Nnllonul t;-mmal C0l.nuIli- I by tclcglnpu Io-Milli-I vru urrtltcd I-lot Sninrduy lur oclllng liquor \r1th- I . '1" ‘ 3‘. Juno 15, i 1:. m., Alumni reunion and banquet; 'l‘hura.1.u,-, Juno 15.3 )1. m.. President’: lnvuo. ‘ Reduced Freight Rates. NSW YORK, June 13.--The Erin, l’cum-yivnnin Central, New 1‘ark(‘entmI, ltnlumorc and Ohio, and Gvnnd Trunk Iullmndn to-din‘ rr-luced rate: my Is‘:-it-bound frugllt iu iucnly-iivu rcnu nor hundred pour)-la to (fun:-ago, l’nllz«bur‘,;, Uinclnnlll and Ilurrnln, nml n prupIn1lnnAlu rmucuun tonll wq-nlcrn p-unto. Tim pump:-1 I: III.-is mo war I will in long and I.-lilcr. ' Al in mcctiug ut aecuxui S1-‘utgaxe xx-ndimlden o[|h:AUa|1fiO and Pacific uzllromi nompanv. hel-I to-lur. the fnflmfll-5 mm!-me.» on rt'0r§nn- luailou oi the (nun-any won nmmnic-l: Jose I: Soil mm. A. Peirce r. nuucn.-I-1. Win. 1. _ Co .., Wm. r. isucxiuy, Jan. 1*. z..g.._mun And 1 Uriel Crochet. ‘bonus I-2,yn:o an int irc¢n°‘”"— the lndlclmunl, which cllnrxn neglect at duly.