fi,:__,,,__._,, .. . 2 l‘ "*3" onzmnnr. no plmsoztnri. Lrszr will visit London next year. 'run'it_ew sulun ls uesrly M B” M 9°” ‘'°‘‘''‘’- = lists. 0. Loosx Srltns will sccomtvnny her bur i ,= Lite rrthnitp on tho dnorfor s thundering knock . 3 which mute: the sleeper sad gives hurt a shot-is. bsnd to Wslss. ' 11- costs $1 to throw In ornngo-peel on the side- wslk tn Sow Orl-unl- Tmt King and Queen of Greece will remain at Ooponbngso twtll Jn|7I5« . - ‘ mas, tbo nine or sin. but given another 840.1200 tor I free iibury at Dertlr. ‘Flu: Pu-in mllllner-I have brought out a new but . called "The Return from India." nu. um huts. Burr-orsrs will sail tor nmerita Ir-out unrppol cm tosltth eftlnno. A mes tlrzvcrxrithss inn been admltmi M 3 Doctor of kledlelno It the I7n|I'erI||:r Oi 7vi"‘“‘~ H‘ In s bed you for Bill. “'0 "5" °”“‘’‘'‘'‘’ serersl bunches ol straw lTllll nous berry on t_he.ln. E 330,,‘ ,3.-,-».r;l)v:rslris. head oi the lamina champagne ''‘'''-_t 31- Louis Itoederer & Sort. 13 deed. _ _’ '- . .r.:<\‘.‘cu:z.n says she prefers no lndlsa _cnDi.t.n¢Dd you lily of t in crime. Tltis tlrt has but my to perform, and thst is to rormunco the ly punishment that the lsrvgenlr-provl- dod or such In ,otl’cnso, and that is the pun- ishment of death. _ Have you‘ Inythlmr to say why sentence at destls should not be pro- ounced on on now?" _ Mrs. Wei . with bereft! cost down. shook bu bead slowly‘, nrld at 1 re prompting of her counsel. Mr. 1- scher, murmured some unin- wlli bio negative. ‘ ' e sentence of the Court. Is that you be returned to the prison from whence you were brought, and that you than be held in the custody of the sheriff or Erie county until Frlds , the flilt day of July’, 1878. Anti tint on that , between the hours at 10 o'clock in the forenoan sud 2 o'clock in the sfternoon, you be bulged by your neck until you shall be du;i;”nud may God have mercy on your son . As the concluding words were pronounced the prisoner sank back Into her ohnir. the only emotion exhibited being s dunked film and :t convulsive twitching of the muscles of the thmat, after which nlmovt irultnnllv she ro- uumcd her ususl sir of stnlcnl Indfllururce. Even while the sentence wu beln pro- nounced tho miserable women did otfils lay the slightest aim) of what wits goln uh it out baa‘. or my Appreciation of the swsr of the sitti- s on. May on Pike's Peak. The Denver (Cal.) .\’clc.t, of tho .’rtlt lush. says: ‘ ‘The month of Blny was rculnrknlrlo lot‘ too: barometer Ind Lourpernltlta, high witltis, fr uent. bcary snow-st:rrm.v.greattot.1I uro- cl ftntlon. Ind generally very seven we-at rlrr. T n heaviest stroll‘-siorrus oct:urrcd from tho ill: to the lib. Inclusive; fmtn the Hill to the 13th inclusive, end on the ?.1.d. The last one is without s parallel In the history of the sta- .l.lon. trvoro than ll-tree feet of snow hzwltly: full- on during lite an , Iimoslt complete] burying the house, add to whttl. was air-.-at y on the summit. it was dltlereut from all ailm- norms that have Dt‘clti'?c_d dtlrirl the part winter. in being steadily nccour ‘ill mi lav :1 northeast wind. As is usual t e pr:-cl’ lila- lion of now was necotrilpstllcd y amen :2 low pressure, but the most of it fell after the III- roinetcr had cornntnuoeduo rise. The only n th tdthe til. wit cb we nmritlnpntrlcd r southwest and west winds llrrouslznut. ‘finger-slonm ooetlrmd on the 13th and $5 . A sueoensful I-‘lgli with a snake. [From the Mount Vernon. (0.) lts~pnbt!rnu.] Horace Sh! lay of Berlin Tolrnsbip. had an encounter w U1 is sllniro last week. He saw the snake in the acid when he was at \\'uI‘i{, and attcxupted to kill It with n font‘--vnlnko. Al be raised the sink-1 this snake dart:-ti at him, and called limit smllnd his It-:~. Ilo reached in his pocket fur Ills ltuite; I: win nui. there, nnd no sllélt or stone was within hit reach. while: the snake wan culled um lightly around bis] 3 that ht’ could not walk. Mu tllrcw hlutsv: f upon the ground. Iilll rnllul over and over until he n-ncluzd some when he sm:uhctI its in-ml with ulw Ll.--vx-_ ll wtts n Inlnck rtntske, and measured I.‘ {wt 5 Inches In length. . What it Sbsrlt Bwalloxvt-zl. [From tbo Attnknt-at tI.s.) ltvlt)-lrr«‘ Mr. F. A. Hnullltuu. tullnluli. kc»-lwr of Ehl .‘5llon11|ghI~Iln\l.~x~. trrilrs that 1-H llvv‘ fill: in ' Capt. \i'lIi|nln- :-ml hlluwif .~.;.¢uru-ll I slmr mensusing nine feet eight. lfltfiiit s frmtt tip to ll . On GlIl1lI);.' it open. ”lt'2'tf were found In is slunlnch, among other :sI"U<'it'.I6. a watch, two metal bullunl and ti buckle. Wititril lisd orldelllly cuuic fr:-ma pair of psnialunns. The itlumtcr bad pro!-mill)‘ made I mt-nl tiff of some poor unfortunate. The whirl: is full )c\\'(‘iC|l. a patent lever, gilded, and l)tIllliif‘I’t'll "...'..'t.~‘. Capt. ll‘ llllntns cinlttu the wt-lcti. and sent It to lll s part. to he left with Mr. C. S. Wilson until he names ill. Loitn /\I.I‘lP23tlARLE. in his slor of ill» llfr. tells ‘us how Lord Evcrsle , vr en n'sm;i1l buy. bad the advent of curing the lzrtrisl ltlatesinnn, Fox. sptv ' in the House of Cum- mona. but he does not appear to bravo highly up reciaied lbtit cl ueuce which so electri- llo. the rest of mania ml, for .he orlt--I out. "What is that int. gentleman in such a passion Iboutf" '.I.'It¢ True hlotllcxtl Philosophy. . ‘Bio terunrhnblo mates of dyspepsia, cunsllrrnilnu. xclycrsl tiebtlliy. intermittent And remlttnnttsyen. uurvotuuelfl. lnsutnl drtfiottdettty. And I host at other stuns-nto. by last populnr Imtsnle lurlxorsnt Ind sllvrsuve. Elootetters Btnsnsch Bitters. prove their to riunu. not to deplete. the sick. lsthetnso philosophy. Under the old system psuenlsonden out n course or tn-tum-nl tlut anon had the once: of exhausting their (law remaining ensrttu. Drnstlo purxstlon. sad the ndrnlnlstnuou of violent remedies with s vsultening racuoo. vrun tnqoeutly Ind most unnecessarily resorted to tn cases where lnrigunuon eoxnhlnsti with mild rezoisuve tresttnent vrutlis solo destdentunr. Thu this tnswtu mods ot lrqcttlcntloo hu been to s KIOSK Client Ibutdonul Is In _no stall! some duo In the serious which isss Ittsndssi till peerless remedy shots nun“. \l’ at sway : ‘ ‘Wilhelmina Weick, stand up; do you uno '5 once lion to Lb“ ruio wfa during the storm of‘ I