,... r gum 13T,18‘ZB. SEPARATIGR. A Plsn Proposed for Dividing the City sud County. important Session of the Board of§ree« holders Yegterday‘. , Col. Brosdhsad Makes 9. Report . iirom His Committee. Cltlnge in tho Ssnitsnr lnnsgemeni oi the City Suggested. .'I'hs_ lineal 0! rruelwiders ill}! nil’:-rday liter- no-on, st1:8l ofiolocit. It the City‘ .lIoi.l.llie Ioi.lotv- ing members yresent: liessrs. Iic‘nI.- comer. Lutkowitie. Toni, Phclen. Bhiliidis/I‘odd. mold- hesd and Rqber. . _ On nilii-Ion oi Kr. Phelrn, the hill cieiining<»or- pomte point! was .tsi;sn no. and round. with ‘slight amendment, Adopted. Ind referred in tin committee on Revision. On‘ motion oi lair. Tmld. the Baird ‘M31002 In ‘Document No. 9, relative to nus u’u.i.ru nsrsnrasnr, together with Iuppletnentnl sections offend hrs nos;-cl 01 Physicians. Conridernlzle Emission grow out o‘I' tho nolingoi rsonnra in unitary rost- ien, tho orlnsini hlli riportotl iro lnvorinz It Kasltiico-nnnisttlaner, in Its __ updiui ' supplements! Ieetton_mklns it requisite in: tin Comntissionsr to_' be‘, I phyaigleo oloxperlenco _- B ' . Ind ‘reputation, vi-hits in srnenginent was oiiirixl to in 9.-|¢1;'.s1‘ gem, u;'_.v_esL‘rhs own: ins Bosrsi 91 fluiih, ';i_ if ynesgnt ccnsliiuied. . Liter I thorough disénaslonzni the question the provision or the originel bill in Iincndod Ind Idopted to greeted I Health Do- Is, which shell in wntroiledu rn-ovldni b and by cuiinannss oi the City oi 31. car who stun ho denaminusd the ..>°.a=:==.::**°=*-r .".'..i"°.r.’.**.'.*.'.*"...‘?.'22'a"“.°.....'*‘-..... I I pony rozai oi to’; Council. Indshs perform the en: in which and LI iii II >‘ lie lhnii hold his olllce tor the lens 0! bnryuul, Ind until his successor umsd be attlvififif» . ti shell possess the suns (1 section 1.. )1 gr orrttnest oi the ‘it: 1' III dlriotod Ami r:m.-menu ,o -. fiinueer srtreiles. A run or sit:-iitsrlozv. Col. Brosdhosa. chniznun oi the Committee on BA:.hs_us'o for Bonn:-Itlon. Islet! I Inspeneion oi the order :1! holiness in: tha purpose at submit- tixuezepavt in: his osnnitttes. law was grented, wl1an't1r'o 8ollowIn_g_hili vrsle mad. read I second turn by Its title, and lsid upon the Clerk’: deal to so ozintsdr To the [loud or Puehoidnnr ' The Cummitwl on"the Schema tor the Bdpflzi-" tlon oi the Oltyaudcocnty oi tit. Louis subutll I!-It be-patiail : c§:i‘::.‘i:3>e mggum 35$: dimculty Inui- sclt utsstln thu th Isdo 1 IL 5?.?2}‘....§€.'.§:.r-uni-0.» rd ‘ " “ ‘ “ detects . BIOADlIlAD.0hfll'In I3. mile 6 d J schomufnndrzauo lwtr’: separation of the K. it I '-boundaries J -3’ ratios or III iiovuumsnl oi‘ the Islinstuteutoi tho zoiinuems mid city Ind-county so that independent’ I. Tbecilyot ill. I.nn1a,nI d 3 notice. and the re said county as now constituted to be distinct and rues, and an Authority hormo- .tho,ConIt court at rat. Louis county within tho I: hereby loruer Ilrropied luv the pnrpcsaa And In e-r‘ni elocflon ins stain on- ollowtnx the that slun- try law. are yhnre sndnmuuad sxéspt r 'I.‘reasnrot. I ' who shall in Its olldo Deeds-—-Olav shnil hold their omens luv the term oi’ two years, land shall pednm such duties no Arc’ hits! V5606 duly) and nititre 2, who shall and every four years his also tor mu: yum. I said county and their ID dis twdins I11 I the next election thcrcixitor tor Jul cc‘: oi the county court any to Inki districts the eiecuon in Sovombcr, 1576 I oflniall oithe County Court shall 133 the new govcrnm the bonds Ly rs In menu as may be authorised. all most sad the easily oiiiccs o locsted. until. tho question oi I ermsnout seat oi justice may be detormlned by a quailnoa voters at said county. In the manner- mvldsd by lsw in as are slull be elected at Inld eisouon snun Justices or the Peace and Constables for the I; may be ontliod to and bold their ollws u provisions oi law Ipxilrins to other counties In ihia Sum boo. . The present Oourstyoonrt of st. Louis men all necessary an- 211.! Si-Ito election In so- Imi rlurll order in the aunt) o titans the elootlon at the Justine: And oilicere tor Bl. Louis Cfillgtf, II Ipouinbt! in use Bftfl srxeio! their present county as eeld eo tyflovemnuuzt is o rorld heroin en mi thereupon their not ssidtlcuvtstuil the ro count u e.....‘1..r.‘Z':‘.§...s -...’a iernse oi u-flick and be tour: ur abolished; provid seen is Go Impioyes Irons lull r anon! Ind custody of the County oi st. Louis ass constituted prcvia tits adu two of title Ichoans, until I lormel mun- u §al!i§ In the proper authority has hour: Bee. II. It shall be duty or the Kayo: oi tha City eleciion on the nuns day Is the general elsetion in November, I376. Ind can iherealtor, {or I Biseril tor the and Coroner for said city. who 1 the qnnlmed voters at said and shall hold their omens for two yours And their unoeoeeou sra duly elected and quit!!- Ih-ll! he nnnlnsla internal and oroprly oi elmuon sin rcsnhl. Ila be i ledetthe uro- 0 ‘M ‘M tar whose term or find artery‘ lulu‘ years then.» ilurd ‘Ind titmsrrnlnod souos msummr smu give a item: the nmnurn oi $—--, the coroner in , and ulnlstuior In S—— with not less than two e larger and nix! 1 be «I mm we 0301' shall perform within the city limits such duties as are nous ni lo the zihnrlir Carnncr an dist. outsoonnty snsatlon that was allowed nit Count priozta the sduptlunoi this scheme. City oi Si. In-uls, in shsllreeetvs the unmoun- IIld omcon oi iii. addition to. his present tiuti i lite duties heretofore Iischnr II at St. Louis Conn ol the City at at. Louis, and Marshal shall deliver books. noon snta sad 3» apart)’ at cvcry kind In his pouennlan by virtue 0! unit! omoe, except such y pruymriy boil)! in the mama Gonnty Government, and It limited to the Bheriil’ [or .}t. Loni! County, to be erected at the election In hovembcr. 1876. zlyai St. Louis county. elected vidod 5h ucllun three, shsli b u! or my revenue 0! salt! county Clerk at uni oounly Court shall be ex o cords-r of needs [or end county, Ind the prneni E» . Louis County rznil sold Lit] hiaraltsl II I Ioecordrr oi Deeds is hercaimrbe known Isciiy lleoanler. and I hold uni onlee hit his tsnn as now prescribed B law Id until his Iuccosaor snnll be elected as succeed " in at"? I timid‘ led yiatu se said unless: Ind ' dt yorti in at. £317!!! Gauging-gshnfilmlfs delivered to Ind Count onliec or continue the up an oi his omc Ii term his duties shal olst. Lo is. an I scctinltdit lull win that‘ ems: E7 M8! snsoofsnld county I taxoallecilnns to tho city Ind coon Ill hill, Iaeedi tor-r‘sfaf‘§*nr :1? nnéolleuotod hfilzuia his II follows: To the rosept Qttflcogec n overlothey I. ttoots olaaid W . Iutho , and to - nfiyoocur um! theflunlcioel use v s gublie garb Ind-pl\7,|t¢i.1)' cl cxle_ud.ntl u 3 the court Jul. the '_.i:nutno Asylum, and Poor St. Louis. ssesu mamas. title oxisting ooun debt. and iheitnn atitntions enhyiilcod undo! its ch Sec. Ii. The to Ieaiiuu not at thisscheme the Present citygaooza tlnue ‘ill uillce an Iiffi. Ind until till 0 cioctednnd qunhilet en: now vestod in Is! 5? 3 r. F 5 the territory oi the 7 ns onier seimae as In now”? ' these sections. limusinsil asgxes-in the present City nnciloaiiod tin lt¢s:.fld0llI-‘Ifl- oi——-—-.l e. county '!’ss:ssnrIr.sh.Iii eons when the sponsihis rope: Intho the cit oreonnty oi B or car, Ihaiil In part tharcol Ihnll be vested in said . II. ‘Din cost of melatonin; t loroe or tnecity of st. Innis end the shsllbo d tau b Inpu ,to Lisa ilnalnlpel aayicrlg auoh Ixpcnalu, and itsital 0 truism kn ’doel'sr«l3.¢i/ ’ is . sail‘ Eliaezd under nsfinmi or tin Gootgnnisnt. Hire" host any .OiJUNTY COURT. e mi nation 0! this scheme and charter, shall ciatin heels ' he I as mmml rgkf "5 -Auditor Health and the School oflcwiwthonss of Mid oonntrbnz ii‘ this natbc dons, or eaa be done only in part, then In- straets shall be binds thereof, In the aorta! some ptirf out oi tire Oil ‘fr-slant-y. T '0 resent Brats Alleged Deficit in the Accounts of n For- ruer Crlurlnsl Court Clerk. loci-or and I: list at the aid hints nu: County 00 [actor Ihsll psé olrer ell coilvettons for tons: levied within the limits as herein anon on to the ‘i.‘—r1ssurer oi _ iiaol.leauo.ns in: was on my- artyhssid lousea is ill. tanlu Gonnty be stair any to 0 present County '1“:-ossumr.-until the 'I‘m out oi ss.irl.sonni_7 is red Ia videvl (or in blmmq Isirueihtbkeciieo-Suing Tunic:--Gnsd Anus Susi-«Legs! Odfitsltlss-Visit» the meet County Treasurer all to In sue): collections ‘Er ll during‘ the its Court was held nsllieo In omen of ilttid éoliumtor hesiutii pan?” . A regular meeting of yesterday. all the moubcrl present. V anon. on sumron aura. _ Judge PI:-nir oiterod the loliowllig or-der,1rIncI.t was adopted unsnlmousiy without discussion: Whereas. W‘. ii. rsestn, county Auditor. hes tailed to comply with In order ottais Court passed in; said Auditor to pay over to the umrsllacnool money: to! In or loans or otherwise In his hands order-od (list the county oonnsoior be instructed p p he ootlo-cilon oi at v vtles indebted to the count loans and interest be n I} no money to the nu Committee amp emins the books and . ilcc to egcerlaln will amount oi school lunch are Col. Ilestn appeared bcioro Court Later in the rented the rollmvlng request in writ- ‘ 1' was granted. , fononbis County Goon SI . Donia CounIy—(l sn- rei-are of youth:-nornhle avenue to school nib‘ represent tiasti urn eadlieve nude. every eiiurtto nuke our honorable Court, I11 is their in the sum manner. At the close um of oiiiots he aizniisnlect I selilomont with tho our and oocntystnthoritisa. and shell amount for euiua, and shall hills on gusset is that city Ind shanks‘: ax-aynlclo Collect/iroi‘ tit. Louis. all tax bills on property outsiders! city limits. The odiesoi County Auditor Is at present exist: is abolished, hut that other shall canunno lriomco and he responsible on his band until all books. documents. moneys. and other property In lib: tliaandsbkor undo: hi‘: charge in Jill-as oiuhllslnmeod so an pro or 3 sccoun I‘ turn: urges Inthariznd by law to receive th . ‘$19.1: mu in the duty oi the County Court ol tit. Louis Countyw sea In building-I, money: and other roperly he auxin toths conntyvrhlch era is mailer tins esntm oi use city under this st: emu shall be iarunliy and r mtnsisrred. Belt! Oonrtahlllcsuso , cw , urn over , 0 er, rm: "“$‘.‘s“' “"u;'r§2'6i‘& ;‘z"".;.;'5“‘ l'“‘:l‘”fi’““{.”“°:‘.'i2°g'i.?“““i.';‘.‘i‘.a“o or o I one e 7-or. - ’ “ :39: the‘ ill ' F otillod by pub on- id Mldilor, and tiutt itu expert to ex- said Auditor's oi» ot their duties until notified . hé tho flavor of the city, who-slusli hero 3' retain or eiischug-o such, as he unsy- deenz necessary fill soy sntanciea tint til cut pro- ‘tiy oniiruume la: the ‘ornament a seal: in- stirnrioes and the regulation or Inch services. See All the public buildings, Ills-tiiniliohs Irma’: molnrsr uoiihsrvsxn y many (:oio"i!rlll W Iuion r thee: _ gene 6’!!! Iilnra 11 Rock rend. -Kiri|"‘sHl;hvt-If to Birdserroui rant Ivonne. Ind terrnina elieiontalno (Jen: I‘ G. (lerixsrt consent loda lleioi-red to Hand Snporin tendon, with Instr-m-.sia Jtondsy _ .uio1' ~ The following new are Ctrnos. 51-. tome. June - h a County Court: Gontiemou—In eoce to the order or your houorshle Lou . present tire lullovrin statement or Inca ooiioctsd d. K Mdifallt. this amounts eoll being taken trons use Ilntnsrts tarnished iron the Stain Jindlto Juli hes—unmrn' coll amount paid over" slurs sat .... . clerks‘ Ind attorneys rm- nnsonnioollocted. . .. amount yield over. ‘A .......... ........ 0 Sf! es:-.rI|lt.ion heretaiore owned 9: can ~s';" OountyoI3t.IAnis withlntbsllmliua V .-- .- "dies iionsa; ' . urn hereby tnzuiu-red and made over-to ins“. , ly at and Minamoto! s Olly of Bt. . mat of ins-county; Ind-In boulders- rinn at the ty heeowlng the or: ‘rlustsrei all use courtly boil‘ Inns Ind property was thin ltsenia limits, the cit bereiry Issnwes the whole oi the o.'°i*l:°'°' —*"- m'- "“‘s—.t’.‘."'.‘.‘.“’ I I WI W -....r.3,..g;‘.i..:....5.. r =- Aantonb shell, as soon as ;:rIc.tlr.shle sttcrthe Idnptiun at this scheme end charter, provide hyor-din the Inn nsnsoi tbs proosrty and public -‘PKG mile] at Assembly shell rirnsta um uxnhe proaslnn by ordinutca for the menthol the noun debt. Had interest there- r: , L! e sense nus. In acct: said debt shall be eonsldevod a ct devil. Inc shsll bot:-Iaslevrnd to the boob on! e oi ennimasotltnlll. oflciel-statoalonla oi the nudes . 11. Until %::v1sion'i.u tnsdo by ordinance provisions or Ibo preceding sections the N.‘0p€l’_I1I:€i1I1Yii xndnscai etiiccrs oi the city shall run’ such Imounts of the Count debt as sultan, whathor lntereetorprindpsl, In is on Ind the 1-1.... 1. ;:;;'.;f.‘.;.‘1:.'1;.‘.;‘a;r oi Ilr. 31:6!-silt. for the sans oi...... 3,6?! as any. W. 1!. Exam. tor. H ‘nth in tho preaentsocre Ind tho Ibove eollmuens were made ol the st. Innis Omninsi Court. )lIM.'II.I..|!l1tOl.'9 xsrrxns. hills to the emanate! [£1,556 (5 up ydiomtnr reported tt;.t tlie lease 3 nennden sv Ilfifltll lalgw Ii-I/st, (leorxe Fisher.» liioxa. as t s landh dodlunelod to public use the iovxner II.:.- lather will he notified to s I L. Krnegcr. Censtsblool St. Louis num- to give anew bond 9 one oi the old bonds worth $10 000.. now. in loot, in was un ii If the tint Tuesday In April IODI1¥l‘0V5d0(I!0! under ehnrter irnntntl Inc esfiop ad I) this Board an n In the pew- ollics.-rs under the existing clutter and ordinances oi the city. uieystiail (am: such duties Ind lJJ:€|I0 such paint: or ad by LIV n Ind other manly ofleea. Amilnrthe put-nose otpassin such orninimees Is my be neceunryto on on more eleciuail S Fiunuy svenuo would be u! y nsbilo Udimuiliy. ihoosl-.-aszpt-ria prvposedo nth: oi’ gs-eittbone twotrnsrs oi side, but wise not demand run urn mnntsnor c0I.Lz on um -run . 4 -rlmasnnxn. -)i‘.r. Llormsn s pnuid an Iiehsii oi the bonds- uuror’ Itoclstieu. Ind elated settlement at Ab. Nouns Dravnshop Collector. s eh tn the ‘meals On proscnung this check was Sound that Meuoso had only whiok was drawn. sud nullit- is usked tint: um settlement at Is. It shall he the dntv‘oi'the I’rr.-siding M“ °' "‘:2:.',*.:::: .‘:':*:=.::,‘:‘.‘:'.;:- .':z2°‘:::2; uucampuouu orssm city, to win rs‘ 2.: Japan! or finance to u:a.nilne’snd verl r us ‘vtottnty lndebtodnnsns the same now utsu on the lusoh.n2- In eons u'to bond» and Ill can ss- xi in tho’ ‘rfiiur. oi nthnwaunEttu“'§‘?c of um: and the source, snicnes dorivyed and X o I. Louis as can- In paid into the vy Ind the sumo:-iourao shall be pursued with ruloronce to Iii runners coming into the hands oi the Count Treuuror alter the adoption at this scheme. I tern: of the present berenchcd‘ o tho Treunrc Iboutfhmfi. ‘Hie settlements! ti: Collocto was made flay . 1623 had been tinkering Judge Etoller mu: Hnhslfl (M) o! coil to roocivcdhiuoou ii. III vrnnmi to e ludnoth l himself into I the d.i/spoeition oi the" ilrliosohoihrnov ‘V in i that Portion‘ or said betnnce which run collected with I the extended ally limits shall be Into the cm, Ivsuuryannd tint riion vr icii wss coileued within , nooun Itirnlsd by this scheme It-east: otseld-oounly, _ 37 . about it over since toil Ht. Beclitien brought in. nianla Iufthooeunt ol St. Ianiaaa heroin constituted siuli have n elected and usllmzd- Oouul Andilarmlehafill llapctfiyl nut tar Iii um I w - I n e we - ‘ls. “$2.: .5 col {rag to do girl: it. must, lot In siiol there. ' ‘ Louis , Io!-the present or ‘mag. ”ny,n,°,?§,¥:;c p.:’rtulpl ioschoolauxfldehtsduetotha - out county oi lit. Louis shell he oonside vine and aid tell: at .Lonis mime wnn‘:1‘iyor Ioaamnadjoysyt llI:‘B0iM9G’;|I sense or to oullectlonafor rl rttvoaea nsn'dn nlther no’ - IIAIH Col. W. H. lieitlh. estimate at the prob: viipasntli urea oi the ensuing § § 3 pmpvinuons-On I ffwrgst (irociusl-Nu: :02 J .......... .. . E El 3 arise Judged 9! noiualnuslzoa psild outosg tho ‘ I ‘n-umnryuso n or ndieial not gtécted ay the operation oi this scheme. yuss cltyand county otst. an o! tannin ridge ...... aisosdauiudundpinnk roads... an?! at '§ Loni: ll -IKE“: 1-nines in osteii, Ind to carry our all Ioeuon Auenihl annnI.JL,provIde for - the dial oi umyoonrr. or sad county sad I bin 3%? nfinnunosc IISOZIJJXSOUI PIOVISIOXI a 3:2: or otherwise, only be All And at some election It the terms on I shall be Vconsid on elected at said election point on number oi oornpoiont UDAI. eoruidet-ed equally Authorized to (I of St. . sud tho» siuil kceya I complete rd riesnciin Ilmlntiiu thcirbfl and the dates sad at tho otrfihrrntianih Sec 4. e IE0! iiioi the OK at lit. Louis to toe Uounty Men cute all procms directed or dcilve now oittnbiilhod hy lair. luv. end the urea edges shall not In the some to be done and an . ncr aontern Inuzd herein. ace. provided by law. into olilca 0! inc President oi the Bond 29. in. twin}. -12 §§§§§§§§§ saeszsssssszssssz Section I. There shall be elected at the gen- eral election In hovoxnber. me. the urn! n oi Justices oi tho Paco lor UIII City of 8!. as is provided (or representatives. and sworn! to rnprosonuuvs distriets, uni their oanuoiasions shell In Isauod bubs Hunt and I rnoord therooi sister, Ind All vacancies in the sat sol Jnsuoes cansodugy death. resigns- hy the Ma are shsli Un ciectod om: .3 5% § 2 atod rocei ts in: ma iisasi yen: C0~illfl0E6- Pmuahle balance In the Tfionury .'ficp|BIn- in collections on ~ . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. I Pl-olvtslulo ooilecuans on virus: hop Licenses MevuhInt.s' Ind other lice.-uses. mad unto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ya and desire’ teem. Uonnutlsle for uni: representative district. uni existiné'°JnsI.iees and Constables in st. Louis C ty and unity. as mnltllulod in this scheme, that do not as: ire by limitation oredterminat . so that the tut nunsbar to vvh-eh city and county in entitled Innli . ............ ..$cw,0M This lonvus the sum of ser.s,nm to be rnlaad taxation, at which nmmmi the sure at $66I,'.'.l0 {or bonds end interest tsnm dun-$160,000 oi the latter amount being to may at its option nehmt or to provide for one-third at the cost of maintain- in; Tower umve l’Ari:——any. about 38,500 in cut- nmny. Also. to pay the Interest on psi-I bonds, snmunung In currency to shout 3133.060. 0r'i:ti0!l or rm: oounszborr. Ononty Oonnscior Van W following opinion on mo Iuh cl of see. 1. Tlsonsyor at the oily of Bt. Lonls. with the approval 0! the City Council, no - "M53 3'' CW“ uivu en neon. snotty Bnrveyon. us In In unis shall uoo sntinltsetory testtrnonlels oi xnodohuu; rend competency. and vrhnn sp. inlet! shsil give bond in the sum now may toinw {mm surveyors In 8:. Louis County, tge County Oourtol St. Louis Oannty may sp- painscouury surveyors under the same resiste- ! All Notaries Public now commissioner! Bee. . mm by the Governor for St. Louis County. shall be 9 mm gansumuon mmgug 1-open; (or county on This resor won as to rate uppllmto taxes at every kind duct! cut, exec t taxns pay valid In.-in noes ex ting at the adoption or the new Oonsuintio ho issued in renewal of such Indebtedness. I thorn wuevuld ind ht ‘ ousting II the time oi the udopuo Oohstltuslon. and is I t -live cents on the $100 valuation dis not I!lE~ for ordinary oouiy pnrvoeoc In to pl t 0 slid indebtedness at tho men: than the Court has the right to rat» of caution on pm party in addition to the loo vsiontion Is will be ., ll 0 the now Conn-tltntisnn. It may be judicious to metro thoannnai nu not to iltty cents on the non nus be Cuondelet 0’!'sllnn uni rum: Puts. Innunliy levied for Forest Park Ins tired by lsvr bsfnrn the Idoptian of the new Corlstituuan. and this nuts rid lot the prtymnnt oi the ban 0 Issued In-.1 sold on- ruvisions of the law creating and camb- .- and the amnion iorim roving the park. on of the now Ones! ti min with that Iuvy. in I?! is metal powers within the city and County Inuit ‘ City Register roco 0! all non- Glty at St. Louie. and or their comnluio creel. . Bherit ol the City 0! St. Louis shall. within the llutlls or said city. exercise the authority now rested by tan‘ In the Dermot the County oi St. Louis, and sltertho adoption oi rhls scheme all writs and other process which as new lg law provided to be executed by the sim- e County 0151. Louis within the city lim- its, shall be dlrocted [0 sad executed by the Sher‘- .nm Guy “ab”. 3”" mo ldopun M “H, thirty-live conis an the eection, In addition to the duties now rcqnirod by §.“'..':’ '.’.".t’:‘é‘..".".‘s.°.‘.i'.i.. ""” ""“' ‘5“”‘."«‘”° ‘$3 III . at over In :3 arm some duties In Ire an plyavlded by lapw to regard to “cud In an ‘arc And the Bhnrlifol’ st. Louis Count shall exe- in him try any Court at ltcoavd oi the Oonnly at 52. Louis u - see. 5. 'I'tooJixlgea at the election lov state or- acm to be held in November. two, rum 1." [ha onlrsrs 01 this city and county Is provided In this schema shall be sp lutod as now molded by rev cit and county omam, Ind ms mtnrns sruxii Dona tatitelllert oltheprosentcoust who shall oflicially tart! Lotus result, an event or any surgical or lure on the pert of sold lioonty court as: any aaloev oi the city or oounty to unit: Ind arr-In e for the election heroin pro- vided, the 51.. Lo Omar-I oi’ Arpeels Buy cause n such event. lup- polnhlnd end this II! o or steps necessary to izuum a holding oi said election in the urn- the right to lacrosse the tax beyond the thirty-nu cents on the $100 vsiunticm this This man may sIso,u it see 11:, Increase the per eonlum oi the ooontv la: in no amount sum- clcui to mart the Interest on the bonds Issued on einu oi 0'I‘alion and Garnndelct pub; pro- vided such Increase shall not exceed one mill on the $lw. ma -1 thsrntzun: must no dispo respective lam emetic sud er-ks rues than the (‘nod 6. t lbnll be drisdnty of In existing oi‘- noen oi as. Innis Ci Ind County to sum in carrying out use prov ions hi’ this scheme so Inns suy oillciei rtci is neccsury iov that purpose. and In all cases In which said nmcars In cautioned in emu under this scheme, their duuu. oornpensv lion null terms at oaloe shell be the same as now at record so as ‘to show the whole amount oi urea to be raised t r the yen-1871. Ind whst per cent, is ior e nsry nnty purposes Ind whet rates la n; vslldlndehtodness cxlatin It sdoption oi the Go 0. 8. an V2"; conic, Thsoourtthcrennon and the our esntmn oi tsxatlonht tbs ensuing year Is fallout For The continued the discussion of the Health Bill. but before cornpietixu it Idjonrnod to ‘r . ' . . ttemt eon Irv}:-anemia cents on each $1.110‘, orin-crest ggipmsiunng bonds in sets on the $100; or Forest. 0'Faiiz>n and énroneloietrfsrkn. fissile on the slot; for Tourer Grove Vs . out- ex city limits, e-no mills an the dollar. - am: atlwnwtnt mimosa». Hr. Kt. nit sppaavod and tuitod that (form to an up the matter oi the iron liouniun ltnumad connections. . Judge ilellor said no; more vans no hurry about II; he didn't want to go through it It I Jump. On motion. the matter mu lstd our lo: one week. asnum mrxxnx smug. James 3. Foster, Cluirxnsn at this Council Carn- snittec on Seven. in I. eonzmsuuie.stlo'n in the Court, Ilitlesi that it: I test asyeet-I3 oi the com- mlttoes on sewers and riitary it run, and at s Oonnlnlttual the Oonnty Court timid on Jane 3, it was agreed to I-monetize to the honovnbie (lounty Gourttu have so mnr.-h oi the proposed oxrznsion at Grand avenue sewer as in locsted on spring avenue between Parsons strut and Cost IYMIII, built stile nxgeoso oi the eounty. Bum for-iion oi the sewers I bell; ieet.-ide Ind lid eet high in the deer, end the cost therooi will not e:.msod.5!5.00o. As this son-or CHI tone I out or the municipal sewer system, It rnuutss enm- Itzuotod under the d on or the Oil? Engineer, and must he auutartsed by ordlnnncsx. The city Ootmcil. owner. can not us an ardiiutnos for work to he one without Ipgiroprtstm the money for the same. no In lasted, then ore. that mocoonty com sppmp are $3,009. to he pstld Into the City heu- nry as I spar-III fund [or the construction of the sewer on liprinlt Ivenuo, from itatreons street to Cu: avenue. undo: the oonditiou that all rooms a at um hind not lpuul In the construction of s sewer shall be roitrr-nod Inn: the County ’1‘rIuBI'7. lath I course would eembie the City Council to pass an onlmsnosr tor the eomtrualoa of Ink! saws;-.. An ordinance for the extension at Grand Ivonne uwer from Iionigome siroet to PI!-so-no street and slang Parsons sine to its intersection with 53:1-lnx svenne, is nlrusd before tlwcoimotl. On motion, the rcootnuiem sum; or lir. renter was ordered to be carried Into emzct and an appro- priation of 32,0“) WM voted. Sam. lien ‘niacin was appointed overseer oi the it man. The nrsttor oi openiniidhyior avenoa trons Oiire to lIr.i'henson svss is over to slord tiniu luv aeniug noticoa on yartsou interested. _ DRAM-Stl_<;‘I‘l. - 'l1ie'drenr-shoscueol 11 nt .2 Ilvovm, :2: is’. high iLi'iloL.“.’iI'II1-Illll up on motion eiJnd lie Ier. A. .ni'e’sii spvoosrrd ns counsellor IE3 n IIioori~I¢gopavI.end8.- oullaizstutd N. U. n J. R. Cisrborno opgoaafi.‘ Tesumoov has E we and non. Apothe- ruostatodtbstthspinoewue resort for oeloi-I. Mr. Mead united man it otters didflnot and th in in tit Iculi '1’) In a or Ices (I v . a poster they di13."l2.I'IiG license was sum. 3 nosrsrsn. Judge Ehullx adored the loilowingz Ordered. Tint the onler puns) instnu-tine Freak J. Iluwatnn to attend to an county suits in the railroad Jar test}: be reconsidered, and lint! Britten .1. El 296 reinstated, with the County Coumeiurnruiiir. Bowman. to Itsend to above cases. r. mama so sequels I . an SAld°p!§"l‘aL is u Izod 4 Inked that this order be u in in p agnhsabannohtninndnyi sw- nvento. He mad I lengthy alts ement, backed by Iflidlvlu tottneflect tut lmhaddonelnou oi the It-orI'ln the rnllsond eases; that the "bond" relevved to Mr. Hill was «my shoes! to Bowman for .009 so his decision oi the Irhitrzston in their partners , 9 settlement. some oi the Jud hail been induced to sign a letiu‘ outside the urt-room andfiir. ilovrrnsn insisted that this was not binding on the Court. Jud I-‘Innr sumoetad that In the auomeys srsou‘I°7£,o discharged, andsgood old Cruiser amp . Muzvazood deal or talk. an Issue: vrss and over until next Honda . On motion olilndgn . Jim res allowed to mus Bowman Io: ices in I rniiro-Id case. land "Il3‘d1Ui)ltll‘f‘t;'!:OwI!In'l greases in go- vo or _ mos, I I onto! the .000 collected Iron: the Pecllfe $0342. 3' xsisrrtvriorusr. XII. Ill. Plflt. hunk uvcra] lgdiog oi the Instllnuonnl liiaagun, ante’;-ed the Court- room Indfira-aaented I petition pr-ryin for the privilege Itinnlsslun to the County J , tor the purpose of soothing the sorrows or the unfunn- tutes coullosd lmsretn. and olzrbg then the oon. solutions 01 religion. The ladies romlsed to his nothing Into the Jail but such Inn Is Are cedenlstod In: use splriusni a! use inmates. -In-ix: Mica moved that to prayer be granted. Judge Ballet I'll violtntiy opposed to the in- noveuon. lie said the rules adopted (or the gov- uwnnnzdrt e! thelifiisfl mm! not n::)1\‘|l. Es pen. nars I-er-I rriee los. 3 use cl am must be maintained. ’ Judge Houston. Judge Kellen-. I heard you hhggaoma visitors in the Jail Lhl other nigi-ur—e be an sorensalcrs. or snmelhln of that sort. ilrnfiiy vvum they slain: more If that time oi n ‘judge ileiior. Thu vrero more to cheer the prisoners.‘ Tee music was llrciy sad ehoednt. Judge Houston. no we put prisoners in }.Iil to be ntmered by music? is l.hIi use we: to punish people for their mistieo.-ds? Judge Hr-iinv nnsilr rial-iv.»-I, nail ..=.uas-axon was granted we indies in was the Jnli on Thurs- dh and Sundays. , reusoastrnneomsaxtv. W. Th: In-I others me read. 0b}l$v:;i‘I:g‘lo the c.Ii;a£rlienn: oi I linu- p out I..n!.I . e erred in Drama op collector uoonnsn or muons. A proposition was recewod Imus D. n. ll'c.\d- un. Count ltcoorrior.,oflerinx so pay LIIO court the unotlh elzstmod as due tho count as rncclpts Mar mun am! leaving in matter ..t'u«1 by w. Tiaei or-duties mocivzd swims sizmmwus - um. and it is clsimnd um um um oliows him only 84.00:) Iyees. no Connselorwas Luau-send to nous In agmod case in the Circuit Court. Adiour-nod to liouday as-.11. _.___._.__..,____.__._... hlUIJ.A.‘H’IIY BOARD. Secretary’: R990; hr the Iflonth of re). The :1.-ruler monthly meeting 01 thus Iiuuanohy Board look place yesterday Ixtnmuon. Alter the u-uxsnctlan or some Ionnsl ‘ ' , ' ' ‘ _ Ibo ruining Ind Ippronl oi the mun:-y‘I re pun. lholioutl uxloorned. no Inllovring is I oogy oi the report Is Ipxrroved: ' import of '1'. hi. Granville. Fncretary oi the lullnuphy Bulxrlmt Relief Fund lor um month ending Hay ~ 31.15711. uczrrra. 'l‘olsIiIoosonhsntINAyl,lB'.‘u. .... ......s'l.Ill1 To . gt! fig:-'0 88335‘-5 . 33,553 7'4 .3 Gfl 9017.1 1650 )' M007 , ens: LSD llyspe . . $03 1!) bnlancn ounhnd flay iii. lzl'.‘0..4...... 7.111 I‘) mass 19 Hallo! has been}-rented In is emlgrnlvts Ind 91 travelers, Iptni I7. Nuionniliy: United States. 43:1‘:-Inoe. 6; ngiand, I: Scotland. 5; lrnlsnd. 19; Germany. is; other oountrle-, 5- total. we. Destination: Missouri, :6; Human, fl; laws I; Minna.-is, s; unnola.a; oauuomts. 3; rour1,l’m. Admitted to the Home 71 non: to whom were allowed IK days Don and iodgin , and of whonasc were sent hy the secretary and lbhythn Coinmiuionera. Jersey County Politics. To the llidltsir oi the Globe-Dcmocr-st: . Jxusnrvrun. lu... Juno l‘l.—Tho Janey Oonnry Republican Convention was hold I: the Court House this Iltnmoon, Ind organized by eioctinsr Hon. George 55. Warren Chalraasn. Ind W. ll. Batu Secretary. All the .'... ducts were rcprossnttd Intent Delhi Ind Jurlcy Land- In B. Stsiford. Sr. of Ovation. was nornllsntad for Cuiarniuioner; Jlmes Bruits. oi’ Piase tor Circuit Clerk; Ii. 11. Barrett ior Shani!‘ ‘P. n chsprnsu tov Ootml Attorney; and Dr. thirs- tan. oi Fidelity, or Coroner. The used ng eased olf pleasantly, the best at Ioellng prevail» ‘glue !- lion-mg resolution was Idooted unani- mount)’: "Resolved, That the non. Janos G. Blaine. oi Mann, LI our firs! ohoicojor cnndkhlo icr Pruni- dent. on the National Republican Linux; that we learn with refusal his proennl serious illness. Ind hope (or is apv.-edyrnc.overy,“ ......_.......__......____ Election 0! Oifloont. At the ennui election oi ofllcers tor the Father Mathew Temperence and Bonovoiont Sociaty, ‘held on Sunday evening, the (allowing worn coo.- sun (or the ensuing you: Pmaiainnl.-Rev. Wm. 0'Si:e.I. First Vice P‘ " ' ""‘ tvBonu;" ‘, Jno. ll. Iumnessy. ‘ cording Sen:-eiIry—Ec.lI‘ord Dsvoy. nnncinl 3efli"cIlrJ'—-Jun. Is. He rty. 00.. , "rm iiecaet ,—ChIs. . Lrvusg. 'l‘roaInror~—JI:o. J. I-‘lixwilliani. Diroclorn-—-llartin O'hInllsy. hiiehui 'Dnnhoy Jno. I‘. (J'CnnnIr. Dennis Gsivin and Dnnlei O'Connell. Grand hlarshnl-—Joo. ‘X’. Healer. Street Railroad E-(tension. ‘nae Council Coxumiltnc on Eltreot Railway-s use engaged yesterday In hearing exceptions to the extension 01 thchndali Bonny to Grand nvonno. as per ordinance pending before the Council. W130 113110 body of property-owners were pres- cnt inpvutcst Igelnst the extension at the com- puy'a trancttise. since the extension at the road In gt sod. it is asserted would be solely lot the human or mass bonlvnd thehlty limits. while the eiisct or having |, a truck extended would :0 IE1‘:-I.1dll‘I,I'i' property of more along tho lino * "II: them Iotiqnities old?" Islrod I Ibup- I/ohssd dalmsfishrrfilw I-llooghrln in the. pyrus and 0 or sue on e um gun It the Centennial-0. In "' M nzerssupon mu be nocese for n30 Iston the mono: lh prooeedings. it wan-and up urea put, to mush srenbh; as am! nnnaysnoa by Ind proceedings; were to Ice cggnnsel for s that the yctitiunsiid the doing of any uaiswiui ‘u‘iYh‘:ul.’.'i'rcuii Court In ocmltarm denim-rer. Do.-Iv.-urinal declined‘ this ‘D .Ind thsnwu ant ulr oi d um.-r which due exceptions use was In so when uaejuilgmontoi um versed Attic inq much evidence was given at the EhI.rI'l-:.uIni'I oi nsngnihaaud the Court lisltl down further ad is delisndto: said The railroad comp J tion,:drM1 uted:.‘h‘: I I rams ngainat e'ntIaiIt‘I amp The Court instruct: the fury ms: at. evidence shows that the Pbiuulinb have not Iur Ierviocs ct ctr unorg- oolsdesnnnttnn pmceodln that theruaro II use-sun th2‘{:I.ry us not wan-ant on were at wunul ten. employed on: itnn and two each. ‘Ilse teas us! not paid Iusi were onnrgrdegunst Lcusse uid.L.us5e end they owed than Leap Imulgasl that the lot was ninety-dvo icut an Thmi I I ha ll! fact on Chouteau avenue, hddizy ixn nldlielsna Is - was ta. 1: banker, Lclssu was I lumber mer- Tnu lot was bounht In low. is was vacant in ms. soundings the y o. The Court excluded All e\'idv.'m:a of tho :1: to oi the rslirnsd munpanv to ate the and I'll lance wsa chant. Iizlo public an . CA-Icu liberty to go the: I use was public, uni really deservod in be to system ui lawn suusea were natural. and nlmost inevitable. But it l))|'I¢D.rI to be nnhenrd at un- der that system (or I coryarsuun to in Ilinwgd so say that the same thlogwas ncoessar or unneces- sery eooovding to the tourist. Whonnplom oIu1_:t-okpsrt Is designated 1' c o . and p In down It (or public use hens us: pmudon ol Ihal , the med aomplny (wo Iphnk ol the lawns it stood hetuvn 1875) la the not: judge at the necessl? to pay e prics which I :1 run v.u.nx or run rxnrnru , the owner is com llsble to sun-cruior it. It secure u loads: ulbits tan the rnilroed oom- peny should It liberty to nier piece at mmflm or I nu-iienisr series oi lots urn-scuo iandnr betskenas the location. ctmofio or modification of its Ir roll)’. by this decleu-uion, a improvement end benedclsl , ‘ ; to ruin their market value temporari- EIGH? GE WAY. Question of Damages Sustained by Private firtier in the {alteration of s flsiimetf. Elna Lev Points iiimzassd and llseirled by the fionrtelwlyyesls. In the St. Louis Dorm of Amvnais, itiu-oh ts-rm. 1816. Apnlfi. lint. august zine as I! p¢iiI.n(t‘;‘vs. tho St. I;0lil:dtli)i _ the owner lit mum is nntieezwznlzy wt. If you an; my mvrvnmt sis thy-‘.-.-1, r art 39 5019 Ht 9?. by Ibo hypothesis, 21¢ slam zlrfis in the iron -ii’ it \’ii»'1‘;!l("l *ss'iiift='.'3s( 51:2: like land. wixbvuil any itnysmvemsnt, Mi i-mps-nsixvuly inalrcitzl for suyyiylnx A i“‘I."Bi.iC vrsx-r. who one: it for rent, or nttacstuplfl s« aw. It in: anal: purposes at , aosmgnixus the e-re<'Jts~.m of ggtuentni impcoron-lento (as, for Ix'z6l.:e_t-’.‘4’,A Iran- I l . critics: seams lit-nuszg’ nevigktm cougar]:- p not am a the ltru iron in etcmvxi. w win he fights u sum ix? . is lnmh-or’ fa <-as-emit; pliers,-a «art: or no hula latter‘ szxxieiasvs-40 M summoned in rnmovc It at his own real. barcsuxe of the zeeammommnorot or she pmoes:-din in -rotors no -'42::-.ienxun~xia:n «A the larva-pony» “€11- ng prevents nut}: in r-scovxrmemsrum. . l‘.~r-mi one can no what zones-metal oworlne"rusae3n'thl.-.s from t-or annuyynnrs-. and in 1? to tn-r pmps-rt)“ _ er; and rt are Ir: bold re nor an sends! ru- iliatlon. of thin: armoyna-:e nr-<1 icicary the law Ives all. but that the no-:~p».'sr~u.cm may mu‘ mum to play stain wasting gator-e mdeanitely unis‘! the ytnipevty holder is -mmpleiqr wma mat. we will consider mmieslly the gums s on fl'hk"l$ {his ex- 1-rsunilrlnry );:r1l‘u:-go of znimtzie! is I‘i.a.B=od be low _t1‘i't’ng : the snntsirln or on‘: noproral. It in not A grit-.-unrit reiieetiou sits: the cnorrm-. oi‘ the right. in writ-:»«o name these practice»: an Ittwmpfvrfi. so In: more uretnily gunned in (Ema! iirltmn than in Minoan. The mvatscsron oi the right or the iltdlvidnui In the smfirsvvm.-.:rl of his gtvparly against tile uraswh mama enthisv as the vernnmnt itoeit, -or any ooryomtzon to which i‘tmisns'¢-ni. usnty ssrstign, or, to speak more or, onrntolg. in n'l‘aoso iawor fariiament may examine the» ri l or nmlncnt domsin, is much rnms‘con-.- teis the United litngdnrn of Given: limnia and relax!) than in the United Ristoisof America. an ridmlssion may not be ilatialrzgia our National paid. but the-tact met: no bonus in nrmri when Iccxing lid from an am-.isio'nr uncle mt this sub- in the nether country. Vi-‘n snail omsrsstso in «longer at being mi.-sled into tlw mi LEM: or ronchrstans flowing mam premise: quite lflcmnr tram thou winch form the basis of our reasoning rrc m'1;ha rtnml rule in Great 3r1‘31;ttn is tsgst when“: “to upouwuoro Ixeeiasn flats‘. but also 2 line of the .ntiormedx‘ata h-min. belars E'xa-lisnsom is «lied on to decide» ‘whether the establishment at such I mail will {aim I WI!‘ pose ntdmhiiz utility. ifu-sis qnamiou‘ in Got sod ml _,W|y. the ymmulmgsg which no divest . the rvglils of those lnnd- n.‘ on with whmn‘ the corxnorntron can mate: no ;-rivntsr 8§'l'di.*§!fl.l| an ‘ ' halos? e ‘ flu! I‘:-A ’ earl ‘t-v.-in; new commenced they can has no more dis- continued by tho mscsrnny than we son!-nrtnnts or propouunls In the . no tcnnrt of I will \I"lii¢'-II has been ndrvxitwd _w we-bait or redacted by the Probate floort. tau Jot lheir an-rx vitxuzlt, In! no and to the sxepntoxtamue-l iur the purpose oi malt- Inx ptoui oi the histrnnzdni in solemn tonn. gas’: " (lie-mist at ail. vs. Huron et 51.. ts 5lo., it 4-1}. ’il1is'ruie no ans in more toggieeti than that which oi-ulna in msouri. it seems to be Luv. ztzxm _ that snch£voe:oedinxs man my duo:-ntlsnevl at my stage by e rm-par-scion ‘North ldsasonn ivessiroad rs. Lnckiami. :3 Mo. limp. Mb). lint tho rio- cialon in this also asserts no porno: nniilra.» to thewrpautton. ' ‘his oirnou (says depend on it ciuoge oi route. but when c-xurrise-i for this note ctr!-Ila wnuqnoncea are rexnrdeti as Jud;-e Xspton, deliver-mg th well-mnslderori judérfoni oi the Sngurorne Uourt tn the tutu cited. p. 7 unset: the campus: is permitted Indis- conttnue. nil the costs eu expenses at the land owner should be purl b the Oosspsuy. This will ornhrsce all toe costs o the case and ooonsel icon. :1:-sh’ isiexnasui lathe Gout whenctbe nuns: E, _. It doeseot Ippesrby the report oi as vise lust cited Iris:-user shy dslnesgvts vvern dalnsnhie bv reason at Ihcnonspeliaui disuse of the land which the railroad comgumrfivmuiught to eondtmn. it It was apoeumral e uiaont sable ioIs_ lo the use-nu-r {runs this cause was mil?» one year‘: e.uiuvn.tian;nnv.I theiact that the conddurnauan oiths field, ovoi a. line usmogis. I Ill-Id, for A raiivrs truck. wu threatened would not yrv-rem the lie being cultivated is un usual mode 5 to the time when it Ins necessary to imi- ground (er the construction of the mud. ‘flu- Ittcnuon oi um Cour! us iii: are in -2- lie. Bern. does uotseesnto have been drawn to the point made by the Ippolinnls in the use union: us. it been, In can hardly doubt that it would burn been dccluwl tiutt compensation should he nude to me land owner iurnii nous, expense» and domains occasional-I in the pror, 3. Tho ori us] design is stui cherished. and . . . .. . had u um, emu an internal more yo: ieéilviexnfinoao £t’l::tE:i:dor more lots, which in the order indicated, 3 trsct o to procure the eas- Im tnnhrsts nrt. _ is to 1 . meat. but Lianne temporary '5Isel:;Jn|Inli‘t.hnlO¢1)lIUal& gs ntnclz oporn on eywc la the nu ulsilion oi tiirdtln 0! plnirrufls an easier :-zrvrl, a wine curly -(bag-—tire vnluu oi the ilsrau 0 I01‘ PHIFOJIM oz nu ‘ I lira! £: iml;uineni:e 0 its exvpmprififou iormfha use 0,!’ I Y8 I081] . We can think 0! no other hypothcelsl. The tint supposition seams opporcdto Iii um Iscta bciolc us; and Il ltwerv ndmssnlaio il. would ioiloy that there was no ncccssig In nnygtropar snnsq (or the eotshiisiimcnt or o new ranch lllil. it the second stipposliion bo the true explana- tion it results 0 counts thet the eprm riniiou o fniaintiiir land not not mean u 0 am Ina noo:nnd In NJFGCI at the thl .rtII anon to In that tho ruad consdruuay oouid not he: . it it nttompuxi such a can uon oi its ac- tion. But the conclusion is that the land at pinlrtilmi was cnniessodly or demonstrably not neonate iortho rsilrotidrnnrl it so, it. has no ustillca nundcr the law tur the steps which are ’ such loss to the pialntlds. nears Ix unlnot be said that the oorporsllon has done nnihlnr beyond what the luv permitted it to do. It won a be more gzeziss to uy thet. under Cour al lawful I1 1, it Attcmptod soxnclhlllfi “'h"'3' tmsistv sane. inns only In s case, the ¢-vzsrlmrv» oi ‘which, bw own oomlnot. It has PWC-“'°¢d “*“"' I011! fill Ii . In. The r..‘§»m:¢m asked the court to declare that the plntnlllls could not in this action Elhtl sa Bfqll red ell tho Olntouslr thorn Ives no is, euin jointly). recover dnmniim ‘W "J71 W" tnaurro in the seonnsto l'¢£I.IJ.lU»l' 01 counsel by tics: of the right to dl-soouunns. Not on y does it. i‘§fl'§r«itBl35T:1-tmiinoasiiéusrvss ¢_,m§? I‘. .. ',l>r.:‘»1- F.‘I?#£‘19'5t.'9L sea W13: 2 Nbvmdftagstjr tiw rm»:-.1» of was .g.m.;.,;g., ‘ «ma =/rs ~x ‘W191 _ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ilk‘: min-of it-.« gvistitvixifs’ FE . ' arts‘! Ike 0';&<*ir i-Hunts. i'?‘~o'.§o;s. «nit T§!té§t*I£‘9§kt‘vssr.-i>'.1nro:'-V-te'€}>3'- tmlemekzodcm-. fingers vrcafes-aivsixn réiss - - no it-12:1 mxg;-;ns£?z§£§£' in r.n~e.)34e-C1, of y. . -. ser‘:"lt‘ea‘.r1lIi$YV9;rt»‘3- .9:-$3‘:-zv‘¢ 8:9! “W: in fer stowed by ant:-.1; gshxlirtéd an the téotsona -92 its «star wemmoin Ms-vi»_}o‘in's. §t_1eiwn'l to smsgsos My such thing as slmsemesas o rims; and atttentr-m, The pinfrvlits are not . on. not to sabre! arr; wvnmsomritv between mu inrokyéettgn the T56 emxenriainht the same. wéfl éatizlrd to la-uni €0ii’>'pe(tni,-Quart tor romeo! me too, ovior ii:-bi it twecmnni loses in n:=l,12¢t§3'- 2- €_ _ rrouid to to ;=o+';‘;ose. ma ratio is that for on i."f§t‘ir:s_ so the rkfiiy. or nail .9 {or Nctopaturn of i2r<- acuity unifihi, 33* C<fl%r' morr must join. now «rs. ‘ , , ll no, 5%, wiritfl aorisbiiaetmxi fl>t!(°C£?§§l 1.‘-2:31-(vary-fllfitst &§¢£1’.l-ad in "LE-1.!) (I-R I’in.~Asim.g," pg. E3234? 7.5., when inns ltxizi down that ' -tersitexu in comsmi ncrijolit or seen $7.: -.-ml: >3st{‘i¥rno'." sod ?l<'.¢A&‘.o itsrsasaot out yernsisuniir. out lézecuiazsy than glinmtilii , ‘Hid windy lot the less: st! mentioned by the ocnrdonszretiou lint thaw must we src§2'e.ntoI3'!v>r and simmer: . teditésnit £0-1' > _ at itnw. -hswwxton .o“iWflr§ 363‘?! Heist given, an-I, I-3: its return, rho-decision of {he Ca-en xi 53.;-(Isl term was yrojierg 2'3.‘ ’ . lot gevlerssi rm-.~n', I! re yamvibicv that is w'&4- use my error wt-lkrlr the I:iwu':l C-zmn nl mznenti MEX! in-mcvzlvri ix.» 2.nua’.n<‘.«r. ii 3.3 g’-site: wamtent with the riicorsi heroin we mm lurch was their view. _ _ IV, .\nor1nerlrnstn:c.-.'um asied by ms mflmad ly that the phmstifls eurrld uni rotwvzz Ei9I’iiifltlt dsuuagesin mnyect at we («as in- Curre-‘. hot I103 i~ni~.i, was properly minaret} sfi the int rlsxoi Tile pinimrrls are i:£I.;i~s' for these into. n in any event nru compdimoia its osty lherni. There is no analogy between the cams b¢?v.~r<‘ as viral than of at oavsxrmireo who own his t'az‘I'l§Itnmtx>r rorbmsch nis. ari’c2:1-WI is-gains: 2..-ujmbrs.n' ..., nu gusto prpuiifio smut to-renaertee lass yaxtri than that he may never in n1‘u$e'tls my trmavx. And its in rustic! :uaonxr'n-st‘ liability to my time. He would merely discharge thee: to xrm-we: 1-:3» lined, and there tony be rsoaatonsnmy be wield eioct.aot.;oao1'shxs-. The jurigeaelt: otthe tsrmuv the Jnalxnicnt oi the s ' in term ,9 ailianed, airs moss is re-nsI~ for fortberprooecdilrgr in end- tormity with this mien. Judgoufifl-minmm. Judge Bakznsaii, sting Booze: ' .- does not sit in the erase. ’.i'1s-os. ‘it. GAME. J. 1112‘ coming. ‘United Stats-.3 Circuit Court. Union ‘has; Co. vs. Po-ziitc ltsilroe-is demurrer snetainad. Onmoti-on oi defendants, sure all A .i4_rI=rsewi trill. . woo: Plowing ‘.!vi’Ic.hlne Co. is. J. 93. Pool at :;l;neoni:zsnauncn set aside; iutlgnwm by do. ——-—— 0 ‘United States District Court. !I'. It. Walker. nruoigvsee. etc... ve. Win. J. D-ttrght-rly. Ind sumo vs. John BARR; 0-zatsfna-od by constant or parties. f“ , Wm. .1. !‘r7 el 8., Iibeiinnis, and in the main oi’ the ntenmnont Csmnaclst: report or Cour- mlsavmer Werner Med en-21;-rusrzotod. Snrna eon- lirmod on mall»-an cf Cnlnylbcli. enrfinsl distri- bution to he maria accordingly. Circuit Court No. 2. Terry vs. can-.-niclcl "it. it. Co. ; deiiulit. Sun 1?. s-. 1’. ii. it. it. va. some; do. rlrnoimin rs. C. 5. of iiarrnar do. Pnryvs. cllrncyer judgment KM % its. bid. Jay at .1). rat. has. iii. .ei.ual<:k; judgment (or uue cent. J. /mrnhsm vs. U. 5. Mutual Lite insurance . unused Co.; 4.45 Circuit Conn 30. 8. 8:33;»: we, I -‘ , motion in: new trial sus- um , . . south Proshytz-r1s.n Ctzerrrh vs. Pieter Henna ex Al.‘ teporury inwnouon dissolved. iiitbalng vs. Iticsniu ; xliymisscd. liclnulemnn vs. Us ru: «iiasntesed. lieuinmsn S. Dorr.r.‘smi. vs. 51.. lama Play Ware- house Co. ; judinncni for £577. In-rd. Gntusclmik vs. Ilotropolttitn Lilo Insur- a.nrg§‘o,'i!udz1neat for $30. 4 M in oyver vs. Chnries liioboid et ah; trial pmgreawtl. Circuit Court No. §. L ' J. B. Wufield vs. Laciode Young Company; ac-mil: Anti nu: Jud went for ma 0 . 1!. J. iacxlnnd ct . vs. Una;-519 coming at IL; judgment by cmsrcxxt en iicngbcr Io: Srnlth vs: Crew C'.l"\1f Mill ifimnpsny; '6:';f.suIt. Whistler 7:. Thomas r durnieeud. Insain E. Grow vs. iirncst 5. Anti; xudglnem ‘M . 8 . liar: Sutherland; in em for 51.930 10. La I]. vn. Rpaltn - smissed by pinlnilfl”. R. . liodtnzan rs. llssolm ltlutusi. Lilo in- surancc (Totnpnny: 53):‘ $0 Allowed deli.-ndent,en-I bnrani-.4: rim: on policy to be paid into Conn. nod ii. :5. llodxnnm grunts-I lasso W Iuterplrod. Circuit Court No. 5. Wlmmer vs. O'Brien ; cttuse revived in name 01 L. linbcorx. HIUII5 Va. Ilnllyt-lg; divon-rs rated. with restorations oi maiden name or iv‘: Snastde. Brown va._!‘Arrcil; nonsuit Oct aside. Ilrothcrtun vs. Iiwithmnnzdirome granted. Wilson VI. Novrooxnlr 1udgrn4sat 1015137. Schmidt vs. Rosa; ltmurrcr to petition nus- ulincd. larmls vn. liccnllg judgment (or dv.-icndnnt. sum use of Ilurck vs. Aibrixht; revived in namo or N. Scnoeiier. blrnnrtvs. zsrusrz; cause reinstated. > I Aralsurouurxis rs. George Williams; indgras--.1: or T I . Querl vs. Bwcgelt report at sale by apctzlll Commissioner flied. _ Pr-obnl.eCourt. h’L€K!l'S of administration were granted so tol- W I: To Jamar D. ainlin and John Fowler. Iurrit-mg Inm-rs. on the pnr1n¢r-ship ostale ol In N. Mn- inA(.‘a.. vitiued 51 £136,300. '.'I‘o'(1hn.I. F. ilisrtean on the: estate at Frank Beeht doceuod. vsiucd at am. To Fm-Jerick \Vni&$1nuIn, Administrator do some non oi the acute oi Goo:-go Jsegvr, dc- ceiaoosl. valued M $2,500. Court of Crinsimn Correction. Joseph Meats. assault to kill; dismissal iuv lrnnloi rust.-cuuutx. Mich: land Mary [.4-nu. tnecoi; diamlssod (or went oi prwoonuon. . New Accusations. Jose I: Blrunot, grandlazeeny; slenlmg n cow from naoh Sh-eke. '1‘hso-dare l'~t'h0i-unan, _; ‘cases! of as from Frederick Dollar. Wm. '1‘opxnorer_ assault with Intent to kill her- nnnl Kurtagnccuaed pro bond in tho sumo! $1.0» to appear. Frank Potts, nssult with intent to kill Richard ‘W. Moran. Wm. ihr hrs, .-u-vmrlt with inirrnt to commit rs n on Y.) zabeih ‘ntrvxvn-.li. lull Danuquan, umnuli with intcni to twmxnit rnpo on Mary Jane I-‘inn; save bond in $1,000 to Ip urn arry IL Good. obuslnm 5‘1,>;\ in by those Zunllinr nitir IL! uti- n e urn ca. I‘:-nm the New York Times. The” In no PviisisIhlfrvrlrrlvlihfrhiII41nv\IYf‘f'n3iy Iikcd In Leu 3; l'I:rrlus' busiuua \\'urrt».Iunislrr beau. Lad nppllcsble la The sxnollanm ol ilris Sana) hevlrrg canard lnlIh"f- om Iiniiaiisrtll. liar .\'x-‘.u' L..\iIt‘.Lb