.1“ -er---~"-.:: or AGAIN. The Stricken Statesman Romper- sting Rapidly. He is Expects.‘ N be Out To- I ills Complete Recovery insured Beyond a Doubt. The Condition of lir. Blaine as Testiilod to by His Physlcisns. Jnné: il.—A dispatch Ins: _ it ilitioa remained an s stupor all any until 23537 9.31. Physicians nro bonny ve- porting i"-9.1;‘. syrniitorss tsvorahlo. At 1:30 he e~.'.'me full: to himself. and noticed his son, just ro- tnrned-tten: eoilegn. ms face brightened up. no called his son to hini, and spoke with him for some minutes. Ilia rornslned nwsto and non- snloue tor about two hours. and oonversed with hisisznny. st about 4 n. m. he tell oengain into an apparently nstnrsl sleep. and at this hour, 9 p. :n., is sleeping qninuy. Dr. liilss, who has all siong taken the worst view or thooaae, gives it as his opinion to-night trust it Blaine rests as well to—n-lghtsshe is doing now he will be able to communicate personally with his trioads to- ssorrew. ncrxovum snmur. Ir. mains’: eendnlon nominees to improve hon: hour to hour. and, I! the iodgrnent at his physician is to boiahsn. he will be on his feet by Weonesdsy. Every" proeantlou has been taken to keep hm quiet, and no noise is sllawed to leschhisears. The street has been hsrrreaded to prevent horses and wagons disturbing his, and all noises in the house have been stlllsd. Under the oounplete rest which he has hadaincestnv sou-nstterbawaatahemhshss shown thslnosi rspld and sntislaciory Linprovuuenl. Indian men- tal oondition is ITIJIOTIIKDYD ‘It'll!’ 3093. II: moves in his bed, turning trivxl’ido to sld-o easily, snd asses his wsnts inxsiiiginis. it should be stated. héwuver. that he has thus tar heid no eonneoted conversation with triends nor has he been permitted to spent except a word or two as a unno. ms pppouta isgood and he want: to es: more than in given him. This tanning he drank some buckles and tognight he ate quite heartily oi‘ tea and toast nndanszad In: men. He iully nppredalas his position, knows where he is, and tho muses O1 TKI ACCIDIIT are gradually ensuing to hire. He knows he is very lies, and that Itls imnortant {or him it restsnd seep sill}. lie oontinses to sleep a good deal. sud tonight he in so ranch better that hisw-ire will trust him in other hands. His two sons, Walter and &suson.s—ouo, a student ln Yale and the other in Ilarvardv-arrBIher pro rem. laid bolero the House the '°“°"!ils' filler. which wss reierrod to the corn- niiiieo on unntennial: NEW Yeas. June 9, 1376.-—.'Hy Dear Blr: Hall‘ I Oeninry ago Gen. l.nlnv_eii.n revisited Au-iork-s and. as the guest of the }~u.ian.mi-do a mum hui tour three in the slates, as you snow in (eagle and tradi on. The slectlonale ontnus us an gratitude awakened by use visit has no nrnilei in the world's history. Would It not equally sf-‘propristn and wise. hair a century after the v to! his grandfather, to invite Oeonr l.a.l'.nyeus es the guest oi the Nelson to snend the centen- ntal lssnlvdrsary at our independence. Our nom- nnlttce has decided to invite M. Lsi'nyei1o. but It ooenrs to no that Confrwsss in in mint proper in we I broader sud per glad we patriotic Tuvu.ow ‘zzu. row. the re oi this eyes the ca. VI: Lnzi To ilonfys. s."Ci’a::n' Adjourned. The Fourth st Boer-dstawn. huecisi Dlsnatch to the Globe-Democrat. llssnvsvowlv, ILL, June ll.—'X'he Fourth is to be colehrstod lo lleardstowu in II manner in her- mony with the spirit of this Centennial year. special trains will be run on all roads lending to - the city. J. Henry Shaw delivers the oration. A host race. with s premium of m to the sueeesnrul eompeiimr, and a base boll uosioh with A sltnllu premium sre restnres in addition to the regular dispisy ei psu-loom. Southern Psclllo Extensions. New YURI. June li.—-A dispatoh mom San I’!-azstteee, received here to-rlny, states that the Soumcrn Pscilio Railroad has been extended to the summit at the sierra xevsdn llounislns st Tehncapn, and remain: trains have begun to run daily between ash Yrnncinoo and Keene station. I38 allies. orlotvilhin seveetreltill miles by n e o! the ins Angelou Division. The Lrsok is al£gr laid iae miles east oi Lon Angelss. The Rivers. Nuuvrum, June la.-mver inning: I foot on shoals. Arrived-1‘horn. Evannvl.lln;ller1noda, Oaim. Departed-Shlpirgers’ Own, Cairo. Vlcllmllm. Juno .-«River tells inches: cloudy and warm. L‘p-—-O_aHand, John A. Wood, Mary A. Hanniori, Bee. haunts. ATHVBt5—nBl< ens, Natchez. Dovvn—[-‘nines C‘ii.y,9 last night. iLrr1‘1lJl ni»cxd"Juiéis‘ 1:.-gycioudy and ~ rver m 1': : on u . lumber oI‘rlals}-’xM£s have elvnn.5‘v ‘h:r1v'0d to s . tend nus nemaaarse stats Oonvsntion whioh meets on Vsfednasday. Marine. Eu res.-rcu . J is.-—-.trrived—Psns.nc sun steamer‘ City oicoflydgxot. Panama. bormox, June iJ.——Arrlved—8loarnships Cg]. tie. Bowls and Canada. from New York. and Pm Lhg} from Boston. J lnsrssnrttu one II.-qArflYv6—6uam.s.hip 1-m'l1,CllnII. from venooi. BALLARDT LUCAS KARKIT TEA RIVER. oolli so at -eiusurns 805' Ba! anrahrvesktasl in {Do mri. Reliant’: rim. ro ‘on ~cud onion Ioilcl JOHN McKI'I"I‘RlCK a: CO., ’ UT NOGIAPNEBS, PRINTERS AND BTATIONEBS, lid AID 818 IOITI TIIID ITIIIT. Superior Blank Boob ant Low Prices. 1 ALB!!! RT-—.M Water as Pennsylvania. In. All 7. bright. VHO 011'. J. lsdght. funeral Wednesday. lssh last... lit 49. u.,l:-use r-nstdsneminilz wood. Wal.5!!—Ln«er n uiurei-lug Innavuonhlouday. Jena 1213“. Il:Ilo‘clocka.ls.l.ar1wi.lutJha vfsisn bard. unus. ’ ' ° ° liar tnnerai wliltsas place today. at Io‘eloehp. rm. horn the family nnldonee. No. 129 Noah Bor- enth street. to St. Patrick's Church. thence toad. vary Cuaeury. Friends of the tsnlly an respect- luily invited lnaitend. Chlcsgopsparn please copy. FINNYIY-dune 11.1 um us... his. ‘Drool soon Le: runner oldest son the in ‘so. and Jane Pin- ney. in the hat vear oi his age. Doe notice will be givsnol tha timerwl» Den.i.h’n Doings. "annexed is n on oi the hints! pennitslssned resino- day by the Clerk at this Board el lloeltisx Rune. Axe. Xntlvitv. iiunsn veers .....tlnll.ed sures. W|linot”l;"..\$'lnn.. .. l I-nr .. nits-d males. Geo. . 3inn:1ve l g was Rafe... with nry . ulanIs.l....... ienosn Kohl R Tvltschl . Selene Bro): . Deni. Billion. SUBK ‘PEAS, TE PEAS, F... .. o.?...’.:..‘Z.".i’.’.'.3;Ii.. I BARGAINS ! SECOND-HAND PRINTING MATE mos burn Iii. Lm 5s split. in nod order. si...............lsIb. mm as llouparnll. in nod order at .1)»: I I. Lim Is Xinioa. iaxood order nt..... ....lioI I. no In llonyallfl. kl goodotdoli It.........J)°‘ h.- 1.ou'iIsBrevter.iagoodos'du.st.... .....&eII. anon: Lunql’rixnerst............... .......fleIl. Irma!-Prsss.soodsseow..... .....wsoo llrool-Press. eurvad........... .. NO lnnpsirsooooa-hnndeasesat........ ....... Ill twtonts of Display Type. antiques. Boll» lo man was 3 ins. mus. «e.. sio.. in sizes iron: .u- H as to Dennis Gross Pnnuz. all in trst-rstaurdar.nt.... .................leQl. $10321! lor sample lines at ltosnan fuses. Address orders to ICIIAIJBSTADYRII s 81'. JOHN. Contra-I ‘Pipe Foundry, St. Louis, Io: “ - . Si. Ennis gailg io1.s:—nmmaa:,:o.m,an §n1u'13‘.l1.3'Zfl’.’ _, rinasouu. .__.__.. I. L -. F0! ALg!A% 26 lKA€B& Ten onto: an seri .w it eanbeios-atmlupou K nn;_por-lion of e seven million urn of peblielued in ass. apply to I‘ National llan . $100 .s1,7’oo dnrlnf the put to-vv months. under our lwlbrovsa sys- tems is operative, In sflxtxe. tin remand to nonu- lual sums and profits Inert Hook cchtalnlnl full ‘“‘°"¥E:‘i'£E:2i’i‘}o°£‘R' "“"°'‘i. .: am... . en us an ‘iléflsii street. I-ievv York. BUDD ,5. WADE, - Bucoessornte BUDD. ION I 00.. O1! OLIVE 5TIl!.'I'l‘. Financial Agents [or lsstsrn and local capitalists. loneksto been an ill. Lorain real estate in any ssxrnsst I I’! CJCNT AND LOWET BATES. Jxnds ad- vanced luv bnlidlnx purposes. General nceuey tor gzleutmucuon as ea! esteu sud financial busineuot s. A. GAYLORD, BRITTON. LOMAX&C0.. BANKERS AND BRO KERS, 807 Olive street. Bold. Doves-nxvneut. Shula. County. munici- pni and Dwraultod Bands. Land Wurrwnu nnsd Telas Land Berrtpbaugtsi. and sold. BUTCHERS’&DROVERS’ ‘HANK, OF 8'1‘. LOUIS, MISSOURI, lortbonst cor. fifth and llorg,-an ate. I'H'1‘§&1' allowed on time dcpfilits. ooflsctioas undo all u.-ousieis points. {Hill} AHD/SIINEB BUUGHT lE1] soul. Draltnolnnndsnwsrdaoa lrnlahd and nausea ss IIIIIIIL U. H. CIIAJIBKEI» Prosidant. ' socinrrv novices. '" MA§O\1c. --The members 1:! Geo e Wssiilnglonlpdfl No. 9. :..r. a . IL. are here y outiod to stiendnregunr Seven P. 3. LA)! 01021. Clabior. communication. at their hail. corner oi sud Msrh-I streets. this Vrnnndnyl evening at I o e X As buomieaa be set: . liyoniev oi Klifil J. H. Wrrru. secretary. In fiance will firm 'l'l:l.I:\'Ok. W. -Nuikeishcrvi: xiv:-ti that. at nnndlnnrued Lhlv meet!» or o noun! or Iiirvectnrsi of this :1. llw-‘I rvvsolvrd to llquidsteita business. All asroslturs and others holding evi- ds-ncs-sonnaeh neuelihis bank are requested to the i «ll =-°==* "M ...:.*.°.i.*:_~r':.r.*t. ........ W’ ' P|:L1-353- Cannon BANK. nu. |.o..'{.’. u'Ii.. June is. me. I30 :e=:Cr;1as- “S. W. LWOETHAN B CO.. K‘ Pine a|:cYt. St. Louis, pnellively cure Plies wllllotlllnlimi shine as pain. Patient tan attend to bu on. o it unless cured: [Eu all or lines it U|¢I‘!I“2 stutter are for to . . ll. Ilc . nown allover he United states and Europe‘? I K it it'll“ G “xfK1.«‘>l.':'i'-".'Jsaeu'£""‘i'.u"n.."c3'oi. l°3£.a..-. N'¢uu:WoiIt. x mm. Iholrasl : ~a. e- wary. if -- r or no a . on e ° (bot. err: Wood. sisanu llnnespoltl. and others: ' ._ .. .i.'..3 JACOB FURT, sons AGENT, 10 BOUTH SECOND s'rnEB'r. rr. wms s_cimuL or ipwlvas. FACULTY. Dr. 0. J. BHGLRMAN. Director. §rs.‘9Alti't'.'.\"l‘lKi‘l. |iuperlniersde.)lidw1.|¢. r. ‘B. FIJSCIXKL. Instructor. Baum orauvulons-Dr. John T. Hadron. Dr. 0. Baanafingten. I)r.!'h. Welnl. Dr A. Wislleenus. tug and Ogre-man classes. ties iulnnvnniagu. elosts )ecenii.:er :1. ins who intend taking the eourno must bung commendation. and apply em git. (3)20. 1. ES .LMAN lmlsou Filth street. H to I n-‘-0°&- U30. 3. DAVIE‘-B "ta '1' g?LLnl):n3Ieu lane of Louisville “M ssneusnirni ns-n.-;¢:' BROADWAY FOUNDRY C0. 313 CARR ST., ST. LOUIS, flniuuketnrers ct ltauonaryaxnd Portable STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS. saw’ all!) 011181‘ mu. usotmmrr. Iolllnn lit! and Blast Furnace Gall rotldhl and House Wort. Patter‘: .".§5'Jo‘xf... u‘a \§‘ats-r eels. Tooneeo an Lnni i'r-uses. lseuiea. Ottartnfliiia and Sme tin; Furnaces ol most approved descriptions. §"8poc1al stlention given to Steamboat wori..fl THE STEINWAY PIANOS B.ELd'.'OV'.A_‘L. E. A. BENSON, liaeoessor to KUITKIII. H303-. _ A8 ILKIDIIIVIZD lo the large and besulitul nor: an Furl!) Filth street. out door to Iislnner A \S;eber, when he will continue the music business on n as-re It c. For Lho next th davn Mr. ‘Benson otters vneelni barxalns In Pianos. nuns and Maura! 2.... Xenia‘; ow so as to close out the llsmltel Bros‘. stock. your time to pnrelnse. Branch house. I11 Kain street. Memphis. Tum. I UP. LOUIS XLFUPAOTURL T. A. OBGUTT, 28108herid.nnnve. Sons! tor Pr-ho I-Is‘. J’. $ &.CO., COMMISSIONMERCHANTS Wl:l’rIN'Dll‘8- 81'. TIIOMAB. Pflglihl. AITXRT ON (I so SAW ox rosdeiotn. Provisions. and all eserimi o aatsrrn prodnos. Returns promptly axacugon ot orders for-the porn sea 9- "§%‘...‘T..‘.'i‘»§.‘.‘.i"ii.i’.‘. .t:?.'...'.“$‘sT.“.i"..‘l‘.‘3 fi1.nl:a'¢‘!lCocosL O°,ll;alt? oofltfe. sssilkd and ' ‘enter to use lI::i{no‘l“"e:.inl'%’h(i::Inas'. OUR TYPE! W00 Uilsxnllcttmad by BUIIRAUBEIADTIB I 83. JOHN. Gents-al Typo Foundry. St. Louis. II». It Is iopor neat anon dvunhls snan type or ethos» make. ' irvrunx. mar: nvsmtslwn. ATS Mutual VIII & lnstna ID- ¥ " ..oi I. lads. ....'.i.-g‘_1._._‘*_;§.§ ‘§"I’3..““....' "ll .. .'.:r.:' n. iv.‘ ‘ ' . 0’. L'O'mls € ' 3'n:£x'i:x°$:'uxfax ' bsflsifiolivs an on. s'IflI6Ioifi91I. lakes sntsln Iasalivandesantyel Ihlaais. REMOVAL. Mlunums rrn_.Ir nmxx is No. me Pine‘ Street. ‘in 001' ‘I’ sxtatlll :_}7§.5.‘m°'i‘Y._*f,'.’“]a:‘"'?i'.3;-.:*..;,$°‘,3;}n.e."r Luno. My rant oonsen girbtng, Jun 11. ISII. STOKES’ ELEGANT iiII.LHiERY‘. 405 North Fourth street. Continuance of our CLOSING OUT SALE. GREAT REDUCTIONB On our Elegant DRESS HATS. GREAT REDUCTIONS On our Beautiful PROBIENADE and TRAVELING HATS; GREAT BEDUCTIONS I On our Pretty CHILDR.EN’S EATS. GREAT REDUCTIONS On Fine Imported French Chip and Panama. |':! GREAT REDUCTION8 On the Choices: French Flowers, lnI~‘ine ' _ WBEATHS and BUNCIIES. GREAT REDUCTIONS On Shade and School Ham. Turbans, Sailor. etc... etc. STOKES, 405 North Fourth street. sgnussssxnre.’ “ OLYMPIC THEATER. . E Ii. 1876. 81: Nilhb and hlorsnav, .r lauvrdnx Mn 2:. the Issuer Mu.-ieisn. Hfifiii Gold sud Ills-erV\'ntehrs.ui~o«-cries. l"urnltisre.etut.. Even awn)’ Mnuh No Humbug. no Yrsrsd. llonuly sioestpoliey tzslsslunr.'.0s.n_nd}.';o. THEATRE cosuqux. Pine street. between Third and fourth. The only Theater 9 o In It. Louis. Conxmeneing Sunday evouln June . every uixht and Wednesday ‘ rinses. The grandest Nil evvrpsv Leeis abctieute. s (lirnrds. the champion b in their asineadln diam us pousnce oi’ Miss rite v lint‘: can-tho. lntroriocuul His entire cost troupe Is! the Lhomlane Us I lrnnd lance lion oftaf lilo lei sr-ls. sun retains-l.IIIomn-ems end isrhahe e inmpiun non: y and Mo-rlou.the shesil nIr.Ihe- ‘ eriulilinrisx. evmmtccillsrvjr cleanly. the pr-Ivnlcr ven- trtioqu t. rushing in all the greatest Nil ever ofls-rod. Ladies ven Monday 0! Friday ulahtn. ‘NIB 1l'i—1lIYEBSARY. EXERCISES _._.oy~....... Monticello Ladies’ Seminary, Godtrry. .. areas Inflows: ’ A:nIu"al hennoe by Kiev. Dr. PO81‘. oi It. Louis. ‘I J Oousrt D1 lnskzl Department. on the evening 0! one . (‘nus ncenseni Exercises 0! Stolen Due. Juno 1!. at to a. re. I~_s. hntontsi furnished In G1‘nuuium. UHBIGS? CAVE CONCERTS. _............ BI-I¢|1- 750043! and nuts: evenings. V0301’! Orchestra of ‘lhiriy-Flu Piecgg ‘ICE Nilhl. ADKIBEION. TWENTY-HY! UKNTB. coxcrmr nxrmonnmmy. sass Lemma LOUISE osmr, !'B¢OIhhntIdGw wwiththe 'A1I(PEIC3K' CLUB, Andotherfdelhd A Iluaictnla. sttnelleru t‘-shtlls Library Hail». ‘Puccini evening nest. June 18. less R. I! BsinerhWvbol‘a. I‘ North filth at u w on reserved sense an be soeu-ed wlthonienra ehsrsn. WWTEDTKGEB BEER E. lnieuser 80.’: Erwin: issuclailun. The-lest, Parent 4 Hoalihi us..- is tlisllgsrilai. “ '*9il!-Wililw - NIP‘! Mm-1 K4 P-vim-Imemli l'erss:sssino'rrndsulsnnssotnrus'rn.ossDr DAVID NICHOLSON‘, II and 1‘ H0118 Blllfiltlvdfi 5010 Agent for the City of St. Louis, Ito Girluni Fund in Horses aiillattiii. Oimeenirahedfitimnlating, Invigorating Palatsble and Benovstlng. ’ ' D D0 HUI’ ADD Id In N! '....1””"‘s'.-*“'...i-41: -.-.;..... :r~n=.= :*;E.15-...§=‘ a ‘:3 improved on-nillflou. sosnntter 07' n. nspos is Is. Louis. us warns: sous. THE GORDOJ 1'00!) IANUFLGIPG CO. Ierssls hysltllnl ILIYILL. Gilli‘. ‘rwsifthstrset. For Sale for (merges. WAY, ul'U'.Nl I8. wswitl loll Io! charges. asosntrnl Warehouse. eixlhand tiyrtis. stoic: torsion! and Household Goods. comprising Bad- alands. Inansinn Table. Center ‘hols. list:-Cloth Parlor Ills. Omens-I and aiasswarmclothlnu. ‘table moths. Towels. Ito. H. W. 8801483.! A 1530. REMOVAL XOTICIE. Mr or-nos ts nnnrovsm -ro No. 310 North Sixth Street. vs 4:. onnsn. non: Estate stem. —.1 §§.jOTiOllElR8. 1!! «in! k room. no... mm is -- :--=:~ GLOBE)-DEMOCRAT A33 WESTLICXIE POST, earn‘. it mi. in c . 0 J. :‘3§€u*.{‘£‘ 0 niszrn. LA K .4: fisunxxn. aosxr It .1921 L. cuco. . azco. le. Lox-sin. April 8, 1376. "i1‘i.‘iiii,"ci.Ii}1_K"r:".?i‘}TLKN1aI;, General Auctioneers 6: Commission lderchantr. Om-nev sixth and Locust slzegta. D. LINCl.iL..‘l . . . . . . . .. _au¢\.ta..a. Grand Crsrirhflilnrltion Salt; of Dry Goods’. Notloma, tints, Caps. Boots, Shoes, Etc. ‘!"(.'}2S'D)\Y. June 13. sit$o‘c.Iack a. 03.. we wfll set 3. very sti.ra«i.'t|ve line of staple und {surf ti»:-yin: sad domestic Dry Goods. Notions. Furnishing Gouda. Bats. CJ.£\0.M.C.. ¢tc.. comprising. In cart. Cheviot! Cusisneru. mu: Alpacas. Bleached Table Dahznak. Loom luvs Table Linea. Turner-red Tabla Linea. Ladies‘. lieuts‘. Misses‘ and Children's Hosiery. is white smi lanry: !.i-isuen-ler'n.C‘ouou nu-i Linen Hand- korvhicte. 2.000 Ditxta Hamburg Di.-(lug; and lures: lions. Ilut r._.»¢lv..-.1. with positive lnsinxeoons is cln-:e.new designs and very handsome: White Pianos. Plun rt-wins. Plain tfiaimooh. Vktrmn Lawn). Striped and (‘backed Nsissooh. Irish Linen. Hist! and [Jun- ask Towels in Cotwn and Linen Table Nspnns us Dorles. 100 Cases Hers and Boys‘ mun snd White ltsnton. Psnsxnn. Leghorn. Iii-aid. Palm and sums mu. wlihwot no nerve. Also. choice lot ex on Bill Psrsinols and Sin Unibrclias. hut received. at the same time we wil sell, in class neuignmentunani iuis oi’ Men‘: and Boys‘ For and Wool flats. as it oieiocssosrp. we wmscll 500 Cases Boots and Shoes, cousnrmng. in part. men‘: can and xi» Bouis..lln': (rm. uoni. urain. Split. mm and stern Coup-all Gaiters. Alexis Tics. Scotch Ties. Blsmaztha. Prinu Alberta. Ouurds. french strap ‘hrs. News and Boys‘ Kip. CAL’. Bull’ and limit Bmg-ans: l. *1 and 8-been: Plow shoes: Wonxers. Misses’ and (.'.hil«.tven‘n one Bull. Kip. Grain. Cost and Split Pepred. Polish. Poikas. Bali and Busuns: also a splendid rsnetv U Lnsiies‘. listen‘ and Qlidr'en's Kid. Morocco. (I Grain. Goal. Bull. 11. It. IS. 18 and 33-thread Bel]! sewed Follsh. side Laces. linitou Roots. bus.’ Wall- init Shoes. lfewpon Ties. Juntatss. Slippers and Bar- sins. manna allot-ether a very attractive line out do- sintble sensonsbie goods. just received. sczosnpanial with positive instructions in sell at onto. ILEZD. CLARKE & YAULK!s'EB- By JOSEPH ROSENTHAL, General Auction and oumrnission lies-chant. I3 North Main street. I. Wedncsds1y.June14,X1e1,'ulnr Snln of Boots and Shoes, tbmmenrlng at I o'clock a. m.. at my sslesroon.e Lane and Choice asaortnent of Boots. Shoes IE Br-clans. will be offered without Hum or reserve. J03. !1U!lS.\"!'I1AL. Thursday, June 15, on in Credit, Continued and Closing Sale of the Bankrupt Stock of Custom- Mnde Clothing. Foreign and Do- mestic Piece Goods and Furnish- tnz Goods, 0! Philip Spahn, 717 and 719 roadway. Also. Large Stock 0 tom-Made Clothing of the Best of Eastern Manufac- ture, and Extensive Invoices 0! Men's and Boys’ Straw Goods and Linen Wear. 'i'fil.'l-SDAY. June 15. commencing stireloelc. 13.. It my aalurousn. til North ttaln street. salevon reuzutov-y. "i"rnnn—Lena than 5174. crash. loci and prone u5flltafifl.l0dsrs. apps-and in-toned ps- I: d to dsrs. sgipeaerx-:11 lnduraesi popes; an ov¢1'. ax-prov a mood. ier. '1' Joe. lil)éi§.‘;“t'IlLl'.. BY WHEDON, TYLER & C0. Nos. 115. Ill. 11!. liland-ll; Sonia filth street. our .n¢rPlna. Gr-and Combination Sale of Cloth- ing, Furnishing Goods, Staple and Funny Day Goods, Piece Goods, White Good.s,La s, Em- broidcrics, Edglngn, osiery, Glove», Notions, etc. TUESDAY HORNLHO. June 13. comnsndg promptly at 9 o‘clo $03 Bonth fourth Street. Auction Solo 01 Household Furni- ture at Residence, No. 2 711 Stoddard Street. On WEDNESDAY h!0IL.‘\'I}s'G. June it. :1 D n'e.ioek. we will sell the Furniture or shove residence. annitrsoina olexsnt Pnrlor Bot. Chamber sctsdtr-usaels snd lillralh Carpetl. Ksrttle-top Tables. Laoo Cue tsins sad Lunbroquins. Wardmbos. llxrlsie-lop Sloo- boarit. Hail ‘Free. Oil Paintings ano hteol neutrino. l'r\tnch'l"Isu ill:-rur. caneoeaufhnin. iioeneimfiasy Chairs. Parlor Urnsznents. llslrnnd Moss sinrtrenel. filsnsets. Couuorhs Feather Beds and Pillows. |‘ss- lo . s in . so . oi amt‘ ..'.=.'..%:*:.t’c...".;€'.... “M um. r. scar-r is 00. BY 0. J. LEWIS & C0. (Iaooessors to Xnrdoch A Dlusoo). - AUCTION AND GDIIHISSION )ll(.H.(;llJ.."i'fl sat. 9!. an and no rlorlh Mans stnret. JOIIN J. XUI'LDOClL......................Ancuoiso¢l. Eighth Gs-and Spring Trude Snlo at 3,000 Cases Boots, Shoes and Brognns. Poremptory Sale at a Large Invoice (mm on Eastern Jobbing House. Full Lines cl — Rochester and Pi: We desire to out the nusuuon ol the trade to the above ula, which will use place at our sniasmoens. es -runnsr nroxrm-lo. June is. -I 9 o'clock sharp. Our stool is still vcrr large. and these»!!- snout eonvlets. in addition in our regular linesn! Hers, Wunmnh. ltiesu‘. Borg‘ and Chllsirers we“. at li'fl'l' dasorlpuofl. We will close outn. Ln:-go Invoice or an Eastern Jobbing House, just arrived, and composed of a Splendid Anson-izrneut of Goods. Also, Full Lines of Rochester and Philadelphia Munnlnotnre. lnwosnexfls. Men's and Ghl1dren'sBe:-xe. ms nu (lost. This will be one or the Best sssonoa lay-outs oxraasessou. and buyers innyex-poet ilaliualsfli. asslllprlnx Goodsolnsthaalossulontwuhlnths iutthlxtydays. Ooodsopanlostnsooctlonon Xenon‘!- O. J. LEW}! “)0. J10. Jamanoa. Auctioneer. ‘WedsIs)esdo Snggofnsta is an army 0 . 0 and Gents’ %.rni.shln Full Lines Piece Goods. Table and Pocket Outle 50,- 000 Japanese Fons, B ‘ lluchlngs and Ties yllosloty. nnndlrerohietn. ndev-wear Men's and Boys’ Straw Hats and Complete Lines 0! Notions, cy Goods, Small ‘Wares. etc. I “V303? M03 0 J 15. MI 0' I. :.:‘*"..':"'.:.':.*:':*.:e’.3.'.‘:'. ...’f..--.. 12'“. J‘ :3‘ " reserve. ‘ 0.5. i.'nwi'§‘s0o. -. 5 \’ Invxrgioes oi - - .....i...l..... /