v ‘ of Scott ' mg-'§lx“§‘:x'To-x§h uiuiienee «.47. ‘ . ‘ i._......._ - . » - ,--.".‘!IekIoI'rflle.= . ‘ JI-nu Fullback, collector cl Xnterml Reremli .3! thin district. moaned OX;-.?:|lnl;‘llY lfgtmnghn: nepusu I . .£’xl:§ar3n: onus: Iucco'n=& n Hector at the Old Tenth Dlmlc oorerln n and mm NI! '5- "..§,‘.5";’,.‘»-".~..’.";';‘f,9’.,...'.,¢"'.,'l‘a" x-'n'.i‘3.".S~3'.§l§.“l1§:'2'§’3 can in an account. col: rm! I $6504 °* ‘'‘‘“1' lb . .. I_ 'lK.'cl|oBy:’l‘lf'0l Barrnbn Iiarrowira 11300839‘-‘v"|' llhnllled to probate an saw :7. In JOMI Ileeugn and Jul. 1!. Ilarrorujme lutde unlculen Min will. . ' O o.?n.unaa , the nth 8:32.. In y Utah:-den our Ihc Toledu, H ebaell Ind \\'ul.ern Ilmlmed. {mm “ um city to sprlngglld. VIIIIII plea: -Pin luv the round trip but Sc. I-Lxexcr Iluchutot. I and other Iowan Clout: vrlll mute n I nd celebration It Wmehenter on the Fourth of may hit. btfl AD. ‘ltunell [all been W M J I exit luttedcolr an ‘rot the ropetty-of II. .. age: . ' Shade? «"53, op“ lye-as mnetlnu In the Pnbl u Eqnlru Perl wfill be reanmcI1l. Another deplorable rnllrond eccldcnt occurred here yzeuerdty IfleruuunIbouta:5I1c',c!od:.rn the {ardent the Ohio and Illuluxp ltallread. At hnthoar June: O'Brien. I url an. en: en- dcuorie to uauple some {rel hIo.\re_ and ml.- einx nu oozing lcll beneath 2 wheels. which run over bu burnt and Inn and ohuhnd lm um out. The coroner er-In III’:-greplxed to and nutmed or the Mscldénl. (rnrlen was Ialngle mam, and bred It $t.'4ck‘I boarding home an Broldvrny, Iur Bonrth street, on the triad. Mathew Cuddly. the man nrrueted l: the St. Luck in south tit. been sunny moon wtth John Mulroney’! home, we; turned our In the KIM st. lama Iuuxeritlu cerdny. John llredou Ind Joeophj Inn were urreetud yulerday Incl-noon,l'or use-Jlug about shrorth ol rellroed Iron man one or the trucks man: the ,—-._. 1... .. HI iieitlennc b a naval Itltchrol uelrilfilu‘ $5 Amado: Mr; I: u-Imamlng the duties of the C ex-lL'I onus It prawns. 1 - ' On the me as Int Much Hr. lfiedel Gehrtn . a! mu my, bad I ulnnble horse awolcn tron: In I auble. igstcnlly he sllncoreml the home on Lulu side in: la oonsenlun of Edwin! Eblngor, who nu! an on Grand In-l Ghoutezn Irene”. st. Louis. Hr. liblnger stated um: he hm purchased the horn, but when Gaming proved his property no In-Illiezly returned the hone. .\'o arrest mean. The City Count-ll met In regular scutun ycI1.cr— day Incmoon, Mayer links presldln , Ind All the rnetmtmn prenunt. .1 int Imoun 0! ruullue bunincu val: tmnuitctl, and I number :71 rlnuru av . - III ..mIl1.. troll I..- cltlzpuq I_5rr¢gIn1 to xI_lI.ir_lg Ills finds " .lIx_tter 11:: . =. -Menu IN .. '- utlke. ‘thefiollthtitllt-let-VII',l*I»tr\:e1_adi:.x:.|>or: £11313 13113500! .3?» " B ealainu GI: ' well . chars’: taller. wen finned were but the connect to not nwfitfia. '1‘he,l’rIne'grv~ ‘- [mat the I" “ , cc 0 Inothernmexu. Ilu-tum ol Iccet Illne. ’1‘hn5et‘wen towodoneu fiber §_ehnt_ thandumm” st. ale Iobvmeu a mum tlu work It 10 per cent Idol‘ Se. IAIIIIE-Ioee. A neg: 1::'“l.;.‘::.°‘*'“' " gm 02 ; I r can '...; 3. . ........ ' vopldbrinnetae Hd tn ottlse . ere: some mlttee 0‘ WI]: till late. " ,I't.’cur-Ia.a_ro. ' Ooh ‘ etwerrenton Janet), bu gum hzdeght tn Ht. Chu-III JAII tor ute '0 . 'De9ao¢ntln wlunlubl organised fiamnisy by eIectSn~$_3!r.‘ A. ll. Stonebmker champ. and air. Ink .-o_t xtlv,-‘Nara, gee- ”“"="W *~="=~- ‘~-.‘°.*fi’-«—',, CIxI~ I. lctt . nut #9 M63! *4 lie goes to I‘ llsllcfiallil. r. H. cmnpenlee hlm. The head or .Itkln.Iou'I Lslenzfiu "gcfllg tut." scrum; II lunonse bar tmiednlely from e! at. Charles, greatly to the detrlment al navi- gatlon. " 0: mt: than nu*'rlue In 3 «me hue: to occur, tng¢1al¢ I Ieu&l¢In it D tin I mmplcueue part. -' Mn. Itelpccca Clem-1. Into er )I.m1.In Clcnry. “:95: :1" d"".§tmn°' at Iona: men has cat I‘: no I w < urn I I? semen. . Spoccbes were made by Duke uormelr. Dunlap, Iced ouu.-re. Ma. Inn 0te,y.;¢:uttu'- l 2 2.2’ H.--\'a'.': Rn «en. dim IE remdnyn Ian‘; ‘tawny:-tour’; I . .’ . eye: In- v. In looenuavip we will _m we we. teoerzrlnfi. zamg. Le wmnloecenl, Iltcra-erlsu I. . ‘ , ‘ f liervul has commenced. Mr. Jmophllhroeder wae llm nrst-an the fluid wlth I reaper thin sexton. Mr. azuuucl mccum ls In-Inglug to establish I croznxa Mu St. lkleri. . I-mule term» prorult In none put: ol the menlr}. Mr. ul-I Moore In chm:-ntee yarn of are, one of we alumni and most Iospcclozi 0! our c nzcnu. Ila came to st. 0 I {been ago. tron: Ptxllntlclplila. He resided It a letter plea: when n was the auto! we Naked Gornruutoat. and ' well W “ “ ' " . Aainme, Ind other like dletlugulshed men. at whom he rtlaleo men] inlzrultlux Ineodotca. Mr. Moore‘: Inlnd in ummpnlred, and nbynlcelly he in yet quue Icllvu. us think: all 7 ll»; the cwxenutal I y. “"if.}?El" 13553;‘ For. rhc;ametlr.1..uho two teespoonlulmt emyarune pagpertoa loficu (ul ul good vlmn Ear: heatu1);,'ether‘slo\s’ry, all not qulte bull; oula ll. Ithe thepuzu ntzlbuusd. A srnzsarnzxtxa llulmrnt, good for laxucncsa we-145.0851: also to: bathing the Itvsmarh la am 4:: 5 apepafwaau one bum am". we ounces 0 orlgnuum all El-".|lI4')l; mlxtlmrou iy; kecptlghtl nlmltc wellbeloreu Hg. ’ InI.nx Bnnvsrmk.—6¢are I Ill.-alt trans- vrm-Ir with I slurp }:nlle,a:t:legittlnmugh; In)‘ it 1| - Ilew pan with A unellplesco n? but~ la-r; sexton it with . an‘ an,» uydggjg W10" tbdbwd fine. Let It eoak three~quI_rt»- crs al an hour I ll! own gyjyy jgfiufig fifiia To make on rural llruldut cake. teke one quart at Came: out mal, wet with one quart or cold Wat", Ind r It into I Br ‘ .g|.1 so that It will aim lull an Inc): deep. to" d-IWII level, and lmke In I but arr.-I our hen an hour. or until It In crlap and brown on the surface. Cut qulckly lnlo two-lucb aqugiu and nerve hm. ' To make coooauul breed pnddln , 99;} {um I rup at (Insulated cucoanut In llln hot milk tor Iulnn hour wmore. thrin ed It to the usual lrread pudding Ylrcpnialfon (tug quantity 9! the hreasxbclug u out lhnse Ifgfigg as great as the coovaaut . l-Jnrich Ind ll-Ivor In cult. This you wll find to be I very pl-.-event and economical desert. I-‘rt breed gmdtllnglnkez one pm! of breed rrum a, covered Vill mttk. add cinnamon, |"|l-'3" IN]. Ind Fraud nutmeg; put them on I In ntlc lire untl the cnuntps are well Iuakrd. 'I'al..v~ nut the rimzamnll and lemon pccl, bent um mllk Ind r-rumlm lugetltt-I, Idd four eggs twll bonanza, one ouxlne butter. two ounwg 3-(fit. half Lmund currents. and bull It one UNI: at thegent cement; to: crockery lg to mix llme with the white at In em. re use It, taken mmctent qumttty uf lbeeggto mean one mlcl-. at a tune. slave all I utumllty at one Int your ad; »5m°,AAd mix, mu . Apply..quld.l1- ‘£004 tired .nnl!- ' , ‘h It "' .~.m.....' 3.2:... “win barrier lli"pl5t-a or the ‘Working Crop: Harry. _.. Lrmm the Pnlde tn/.mu.l tic‘ Farmer ls. llHs13'1.lll3 been continue to be, In nnoompt-omluiag enemy ol I Iluvenly or careless syelem 0! :15. Clean culture In one at the tint re- qulruxnrnle or gmnl In:-lntlK’,:Ind_g rim _qua non at the hmrcmlug in ‘ ml_i‘ epdrntlons. It. I: hardly uccuun-;to repclt. ore whet we have often said‘ before ‘egnlliet the xalmnlon‘ of noxious wce_a.l5._ The mun Iu: Icluux tluzo to deal with them is when they rut appear. T‘-W3‘ um then easily destroyed by exposure la the sun or covering wlththe mrnlu low at I 5013531 W let: is fatal to them. Let t home In min . that when I crop once gate In the gnu: It mm double the work to keep weeds down that It doc: . when they are destroyed la the outset; and besides whatever of fertility In the soil in lshstmetcrl by noxlons gmrrths is just that much rubbed Ii:-om the crop planted on that -mud. Corn, potatoes, tobacco and vcgcul; as require euly cultivetien. and In nine eaten out or ten this count: lmsuru I crop whs.tet'cr nature oi‘ the semen may be. The young <.-em ll‘ )u»t now coming Intu notice dew-lc pm r elloutlan The" Ind lo ll. Stir the germluatcd. and keep ahead of them tlu'ouf- ogtllllle eeunu. ifln any hill: the seed (1 tl n ggrullllalu, replint. lltd where there are too nab-as plemul. Ihln out lmfnre Ilze roots Jun": ;;m\\-n so lame that their removal will loosen the muulnlng stalks. "Talc Rlvnlis.‘ mvrrun rr.trr.n slaxu. nmvtcl Ix!-on. Dally report all the rage of water. with thrust In the twentydour hour: ending 3 . 131.; June 1!. 9 1. . . E '3 .3. __ ‘ In. in sum» nu-.r..-e 4 o e l:t.oulIrlIlI... 15 I64 2 5 *3 3 ‘(l j 0 0 ii 10 4 10 ‘J 3.0 0 '3 ‘(-0 1 .o no -2 "U MN) I II 1-] G .3. ‘” l -cttennn L511‘! -5 (g I .:.nennl:£t:..l.s no I. In .... ..l1l II.-o I ‘lrvnltn\.lI...’l'> ll»-0 6:¥t..l‘Iul.5IInuj'l 0"-0 2 .at:-use !e no xvlomm . u we I in no l.\\'Iru-r. II t,-(! 4 ..1 S’: o"s'x.nl;toh. ll e.|xl I Ill me ill tune. —I‘u"l ‘Below beech mart. ltlelmr him vnler at 1831. ‘In l’nr.\'|-mt. srrrwnnt. Maul serum. U. I. A. llfll IBLI. San rues. loan risen. June I:-4:2). 1:21. lizoullorn. oan~'u rluena. Jenn l&—-0:15 min‘, lust quarter. June 21-1:13: rnlng, new mums. Juno 23--2:ll1 morning, int. gunner. Ile!Jfl:toIvIte.'I.boveIurwwnnu-mu1:.... . .33 teet space under "-lcr Iran bridge ..&) (eel spaceuattnreglfiw uthu lmuxm... ........sl. teat. nxrvxu. . Rue Khmcy. Kenna Bella st. Louta. C.Ixn~ Olly. brklzu. _ Spread Knglla. (lnftnu. Red Wing 83. Paul. R. W. Dugnn. ['ortlInd.Dulv!x1n, lfppcr Bends. Cwltol wt}. Vicksburg. DEPAITUIKI. ‘Northwestern. Keoluk. Calhoun, H lna. Bed WLn,g_ :52. ran]. '\ llclle Mcl.'El;§lK, Grand Tower. Sp:-and Eagle. Gntflmz. 11. W. ‘Dunn. Pertlend. none Iuvlsxruxn I0 Lrutx. _ . Rlnmarck, Set OrleIw........'l'lui day. 6 p. IR.’ Allunuoond luau‘ on K. O... ...ThIa dIy.5p. In. tndy Jehrmm. mokuk hyud. l4mlII.1:m.... !»preIdqh'a¢k~. Unllan 1 I39. 3!. C re, Cal itol cur, VI.-km . . lie I St. Ix-uh. Guxlamlgt: Rlfflli. Wl'.A1fIlLfl IL! The rls-er has me: In: leaner since lul. report. hutwae on I stand flip. tn. Ind cloudy. with nroepects as more nun. Ilnnl— wee only telr. although receipts per steamers were above the average ui’ lent week. worn or uuL:\'u.a um DKYAITUREI. The Kate Kinney Irrtrod fmm Khuaa Oltywlth I eplendid trip, son was pzeduno and I mpsnumbu et stack‘ llellu St. mute, Frxnklort, with lr.*.‘l tone; spread hagla, Grafton. as tau; and Win ,s:. Pan). am (one; it. W. Du n, Portllud, SW ur and nolplmr. tun-—ee. l.;.p'er Bands. 1111!: 1.723 mm e1smlrIee,InrYt_‘apltrzlC1l ,lrum mm: , filth 200 tons Iluuzrlcn. The NKICI H61! 1 I1 Kurmwl-store tar Kwxuk; Win , 31. Paul" gprcnd In 0. uunnu; mm 3191:}: I, Lirsunl usuz; ' boun. Nsplce, and K. .Dn5An for Portlxnd. all with but tdpl. noun uurnw A8 LDTFBTIIIXI. . The popular Nov Orleans mum packet Ble- Cept. Jolm Rpnne. an. E. ltou Powell. en E ax; luau use any no p. m. for New or-lam Ind all we polntn. uar puautger Ind neck eo- eotmnodnx I In an: clue. The M; V’. '3‘. (:oIng‘y:y‘n nod tmrboat Atlantic Ind barges leave for an or exshe dlrezt Its am. The l\. S. Lino‘: flue lhlc-wheel pacxet nag Juhneou.C?ar-t. D. A-bury leaves at In. M. tut’ xcuhuln. and the Bayard. éxpt. Meckey, lat lon- hlana It the same tune. -rue swgeul Eagle In-Ire: at H). :I.tn1-Allan Indti Lon _ The popular Granger packet John )1. Ghana- Ben, Cajit. Jon 0. burn Isl p. 3. £0: Galena-. lnbuque In«.I.e-as Evian. The Jnchur Line’: . ‘. mall uitknt GI Ital Cit , Capt. J. 0‘Z\?uIl. lmreeat.-By. In. in: - pll Ind Vlehbnxt. The Stu Lune-pet, Jlelle St. Louis, (apt. Judd Cru-wright, learn at 6 p. re. hr cuubrldge. rrnnxlort and way ptrlnln. .i DECK IIYBBPIIOI. The new tune lrmn Montana, rln Farthem PI- ulne ltullruati. to St. Paul .I-Dd xfieoknk Northern : Lmaraclmt company's but: to thln part It meet“ In; em line oueouva enxeat, Ind In new puma- tml lnrgcly. fie . Paul at on Betureny lant brought on mm: tom of I Iver gee eonngned In the {use Work: of this 1: tr, ktfi oertxlnly mean for as safety and Ills‘ uth of tr_I.ntt. Cwt..laznes I1. 1’uppe:.lua a tlmflalu . vru an ‘(mange yelttnrdaj. 1! leaves for New Orleans In I luv mine when he will uainme ebnxxe 3;! the lmzlnau al the fleet. ecu In: or Brqghwu Janos. ‘ N ‘ h ’ ' O IIIIGIDCXMQB I! ‘ ' .. the death of !lr.Joh:;wL¢e lfimtuy ’cle2t e .;§¢‘~: >-John B. Meade wan tbenonma o prexret among I ‘lost 01 Ill: [death and gflntlru or this my. Ilr. rinse mu; nntlve tale dty, Int! ha: 1: e e-:l|- noun lmsincu nun lorl 3| number ofyean-he was ed‘ between anyone and filly-turn yuan. no me’ I_ wll Amt two ctnlrlreu, who ere now Ibnent in I‘: laooluln. mrnelna wlll In-Ive here on Wednesday next. Due notice will be Iron ol the funeral. ‘me (lino: -.-{per I not mistaken In mate-1, but I a river mportcr M the A WI-I when he cut the lollnwlag out at the Clineiunntl Cc»-v-¢-rvlnl at the ‘Ill: lest... without vllug for it: “IlcreIlterc.'45r|.l.1us and clar s ol steam- bossu wul have w pay or ndmitaeee to the floor at the bhnmber at Uomnn.-me, the new rule to taste elrcet July 1. " Now. Old ltcllnble. do not tr] to I-111; Inluont lrlr brains. And uxt here we will emu that the 111 loan is mr Idosuthorlty ll-um sir. Hacabe to any that o d male I ountmcl to_tmild I to-wheat. Fimlee who -lo-ulna to get lhl! Itamlard em! limo ran do so un Monday: and Frame; b going to the rum ul bocuet street. ‘the It. . Inch out use p. rm. Iva thesecoad. Cam. K. W. Hagan the well known wrecker, took I yoh nometlmn slave of vrrethie I church ll cure I purllon or which new Ilhillpfl np In the own»: a‘.-uy, ma wtll he sold here ur benefit ol underwriters. ‘me little Itcueer Was. 1.! ' , , Cnpnln Colllul. 1:11 for El: llnrn River yutetday noon. urr trans. '. Buslneu an the timber tandlng Ina qulet yu- uznln . There were no clmsgcgum; an heaml or. are due In the river due Bun evening-, I8 lnclnatloae to: It cuntlneleg turn. will cures than nuulilug lumbcrto so slow anal It come: to I etnnd. Jae htlnoy -cease In sendév with tour ulrinfs at Gram‘ p~ ldl lumber (l 000 Ice!) turponu between are and Cheater. in loaded the nu cl.-mu with ma. Ind shingles hen. led ecu-led -town gseterdu I ma . The tag N can la yeetordey mun Alum slot . with s I: In-Inge Hllstnnsra Burn: lum- ber oollteet) ferllne p 8lout&0o._ the ‘m nznlar. um I for mt {or um, um. ieon I 69., VIII It Alton yuterxlu. she I'll! be In this morally. ‘ 'l'laeJ. W. mun: returned from Ilurllagton. ‘Doe Wlxltnote willie llxtwdey vnttl I lumber mum sehulenburg lsaeeh er. 1 tn expectlu eneotothlslmnbtr I 0- 7. special River-'l‘elexrImI. &mvn:r.x1~omI. In... June Is.--Iurer mlllng. llcalvy vale lnllin . Up——1ted Claml. I °'tJuolI‘ 1'-“ D'KN'Xiello n. In. The Dean got all’ the (.‘n3clnnul Ive: l{l-8? twenty linen’ dell: . Oman. Jnnel‘2.-An1vcd--CI: of Imam. st. ull 3[p. m__-m.¢1;,,,»,'a;_ - 11111161. St. onla.euon;lliIr Mlllnr. 9' '3' ' ‘HWHWW. 1'Ionl’I dbuw. I p. In. "‘°nnc’Te{u l|::pre§s"i"e':}.e'n..ua.I1s:s p.n:. Xnusu (‘Iry. umzln Ind (hu- »£:;:*.....: “-"‘"..€?t:':: :_—.: ‘:31.-.::t;:=.::-::,.. «“.~’»“"¥.'-.a°«:“-':‘.'.'t.’.';*.. *:::.«‘:“~.‘‘:’::.r:‘..'.‘-s.°‘.=°§;*-' '" {linhlnxton l££GQ:I)9§IH.0I . It:16u.n. ‘ ll:§3I.n:.. 3”"““" ' ‘b“,"'“' |"‘”““‘-'4 V‘ Eh‘ “"“"‘. lid ‘km’ E ,a.___ now or Ieurly lr€.tIn1l'lnx to nrldxvr. to the cut o. 31,“ M."_.o.um°d‘m, “am ‘on L‘ .. Haaolmou the uonu. by M» aiuu-.1‘: and on the '6“ 41”,‘ qflun ,flv_n_ wen tr lend laclucftw La and Ewlacr .\:.n. ‘m p_m_ ,.u,_m_ NI. mvu 1024:. all n “I? Mme? nrlcbagxgdélt Ifuia mrrwooeu:eam' an 1a).. me . . Irnmn. 9‘ ' W N“ ' '*“_‘ °‘| . Franklin Mw ..T... ‘ ‘ £:1bI.tn- ‘x’;:?,;:‘;:{,‘,:€E'x., E,"'u'.'s§.-"t ‘:3’?! . at an an ee “‘““° "‘°" W‘ “mi; '*"=‘ ..°°.:..§.*‘5 ‘ §*"“:.'*'.m*:.;’:..*'°l.'- - . tun! street 1 up u e y . e r :.:*.rr.§.:v::.:=-.-.- or - -=» »« um mun! ‘i d in bl 3" 5 I t.'l“.'«'1'-‘1'1e"dE' - Of HI‘?! I lllil C5}. ““"' °"'“"" 3”‘ ““"*'°- -- . '" " .3-rm In the any at 3:. Laura. me . 1N-o km at gn mnulll Accommodation. ‘“”‘"' "°"9"'“‘ - u r 1 1 : lltclw en La Ie-ts loan film :‘gg2”‘m lrvlvtifievt . l’II.(!QI!$1hl3ln::'ll(.n?'l‘hr rll “of? plan, No. Bgzfluu Awommo,nmm_._ . 47 Item; Ion enenberalnud fl I emu. So. I o!IIId unity ns—tn-uadrrmn 8'h.m. e.-153.1: |‘_|}h'“< M‘ Q N m ,1 H“ X k ~h ulna lmpmn. 033.5: __ _ '°°"°a,$,h;,“5',m°,‘:3dco%h.?;ggfiw’:7: . . . »-. ll trhcl hat Vl bl1.>:.o.l .°"“““°_' ."‘1""'."‘_' ""9 “T: L‘-’“". ‘.'*'“."."°"”‘ {Elsi ’}:z.v?L1I;:uuznr:er-:4 4:». to um'4:. Ln block No. tel ['19 Dell 7} .. 2 ' ' “- ?n,f:.§,'°‘ 3.,,f,,,"§w E, 3. 1. A lot argrunnd rmnunx tvrelye I‘:-.ct ten and one- erkpue rllle A l..outIiauu Ar ' 1:2»):-.m ‘I0-.'b6:t.ln. M“ ‘"5"?’ "“ 5"“ “'""" "E ’°”““ "°- - “'5”; fifilnxkld Atcomn-rodnuau... ' t1Inp.m ‘Kl:-flea: 510;! 5‘i°-\,‘7‘5{"!‘h:‘h;"_‘ ‘fuah ”- W“? ‘ 5°- ‘ .. .3 .1f“"h"‘“" “"’°‘“"i‘ *.7"‘"""' '_‘.’”.'.'.5““' ms. ‘.:clm‘r:}nalrx; m MrtIcn:t'r;aJ;nll“Irt‘ genus!!! . ~ II‘! III‘. .-‘u r 0'. .\. CHICAGO run" a‘_'_Ll‘\y" b¢"‘lII:'l‘;3l‘:\'g. (3) ul L-xm¥’Sa« ll) of H13: Ileauibfu Id ‘ . . . . . ’ ' . . 4”-3° - ‘g-§§§i§3§{g '."';§,f,,’."e.2f_‘_"' M‘;-_';:,,.':.’}3'.’,fl 9. flea otrnzum: In mo rat}; :3 5:. Lame. rontntuw ...-... . .. .. . . . . . 1...- ., IV 5 In lrct la de ~tI:. In of St. ill. . annulu- . dtiuerntyégve 'r(‘\.LI‘I”¥l1!h ,. A. Doll '3 uunto c . ___...z!f".!‘.1£ 0l .E.‘A‘u‘m.)A.P' lo! M rmna-I In the cal)’ 01 hi. )Iy Express. ‘lsill Iixvrwl . l.ISI}_lAI\'AP0L18 ST. l_.()Ul3>)1_4\_11:llO.AD.. :.s.m.l' Impm. p.m._ 5.06 min. . . A‘. red In-I (mull: Lot No. (II In bk-ct Na. -1 of aid Id Llan- Ilun lau numbered 1:. Ia.IlIn-l 15 lg 7-lock number (3 éluwlhl Green, lzao I. n:.; [3141 ,1 .-1.131. m.; Q“‘.°k' Time ""1 Favorable R513’- ‘1“’‘‘'' - ‘ 9- W ll“ “”- ~ ' "m lxbxlllot Ildlns nmu cm: -—-v gndtuelfrnlusm the (mlcnzo. lanxnnggn? llenllfetate Transfers. mwm,;=gg;;;;v ,’,,,,‘;°"‘.,,;.,L ts‘. (Joan-cy to El. N. mIulon—-Lot In em - E. nA.\'(.'Rm='r_ Ann; §."‘T.l..‘§'.'.;’3...'.‘i2.‘.’..'.’."""‘ ‘“' ""““‘ “"°‘ an an an “'°“" "‘i"’,‘,"‘§.I6.:‘.3 a‘.';2f;’l“l’.‘.'l3j.. A . E. l{r.v.i;klnI\a'l‘.S. mm: tie a _ on A. J. CH1 4, 5:. rmm‘- nnlxllrmon In Pnlne 11¢: .‘Lld(3¢nnIJ§;lxul I will. on MONDAY. THE DAY 0? JULY. X3-1. bcumen the hour: are e o‘clrxal¢ In the fareueou uni the crrlorh In the Incruoou :11 that any. uthe out lrgntvsu-It ut the Court name. In the our 9! 5!.‘ Lou». mu at Mlunen ml: at oabue Iuctleu. to but Q-Mu. the were uucrtbetl mu. mid enrnlwn And tone. 1'! I.l3h\l4. tthcfit! BL Lnutntxrentr. 51.141011. 310.. Juud 8.133. ‘1fl!Hl1'B'I"I l~l.I.LZ—E!y vtnne no uathnru at three cxnclntfum tuned tum: B:Np.m. can e.m. . I’ .. ..__. OWIO A3D)(l§l35U'Pl RAILWAY. I txfnw-. liaryhtltxru-as Rhea) Accuennodeno Carlyle Aeeotnusodsuon. Bun- dIy Qulv ......................-q lfllune. vlnrennu Aeoonnnodntlom... ' 6:1! a.m. 1:35 .52. ' 6&9 . noun I non: um um 31- LOW 'v:s°:-1-l";rm' 35"‘ '"s¢l.:h' L x‘ 05:5" 3: ‘ . , . ' n on . . 11, re an 0 OR’ 1l.A1l5%o.tD, um tyre Inuu: ta-rm. In-2. M 5:52? Court. Ind to we ' one o! ukl exrrnuum In in {nor It IS. C. HIKHMSLPIEKQN1. '13 ‘$3. . 5.“ 3 1 H . be Qvilur Exyrceleu I‘ 1:. other I‘nuL°I‘vhu:-re{luG.ntl:'Ge:IIm. Ind "'"u§l"' ‘ In 2-.:prmI.. . I tzabpaa. I:fi0I.n. Urr. mm K.u\‘$.\S xomnznn. nuns cur. Onuhn and cu.u— '°“" '°“° W H” mm mm“ '°""“ ’7“'""' ; gfl "“‘li {f_'f,“"" I}‘xol.l‘£1~..“l'onI"lt?fAnll:tL:r l at “ In cub DJ" “m‘ bloat an Fre I egiet. n nld eli{l.):o}:I‘al‘::1 I _ , trout o 0 Iatl rt 81 I ]' ‘-”F~"’~ ' '-" ‘-"- de um: on‘;'h1tudre-d ma emery-am ) mt. ’ ' m§""‘ '“a’‘‘"'‘ be mrlotleren Iernld h‘toe.t;end no I lose DI’ . . _ .- _. , . .. .. . ..__ ..____ P _ v ‘ ‘ sure! of ;rItl‘ln:reIIIa_ All-‘Ag xor‘nE3Pvn, Ip:?s.:tl cu .l-‘n:5J='£'na . K. liu-no e't.'l11ol: . .1-ygfiztuua Valium erg. c. nl>_<.fi:»:t. ’i§'um. 3.§l3375§1'fiL'l".3.'..l.¢I. Q].-Sufi In'?t§ouyIsInt8-nu‘ use-vacuum A -90- 'l'°.§,°”" "¢"° ;",,_f’°‘“,,“ ‘~_§‘“.°- 55*” '13’, ' '$HCl at nth. teem: - ' No. 822 Ohutnux Itroet. n““"‘°“""“:1“"‘”"‘““.';1‘L“‘ l‘°“" ‘ Comet: In It wl:r‘x1:n1ne!c’“=":'fi'I Ion "D gm -—-~%u~:.‘A.!.._'3.“.. "'.I!..' 0:‘ and '' .5“'.l'IruerF M‘; In: er Ruse Igcme trorusmullom Ame "”‘ "7 M’ ' " ‘Aw’ " "' "" '*' C‘ J?‘ V°“{3°°'‘-“3F8 ‘'5 3°" WW‘ e;’IéI¢:§;lE_I mm‘ lllnnuog-' finale: um ,, ”,,_'-5°,,*,m”“ GREEN & Lanxorrn, Wm teetmgeypréglr tzgzgzloek mg 9 E e m ‘ green. .m,¢q_ .,m,.. “ha WNW“ . - v w Jr,‘ gm] g_ I BE! mtnndwcn I .I.A ...'_'°... "‘ 4:... .5" .’.‘:t...'." u.:§::“:’....".:'. !°°;:,*,-. .,,=~:.m-x... M R'“".... .‘.‘.’.&.£'1‘..“"°"""" °°”*‘°*°" pf,-,,-g,;r ,_, 3:,-;v,°::d.,t: ,-;',.e,§>:;v,:,g*;t,l-«,,'-;;';»; * . *' P°'°d ."'“”'1""' fro‘ In! ‘I’ la the ' Leniiondleue . 1,,‘ _:..| ]q¢k ‘ 3- ~ “flu. _ lgguarvéuee. o':e_‘g. rm--w E51. :g:n§_‘.é.5n,-$3» a'5?r‘~°:,:,¢aa cnttlndlh llkhthundohoehn am. sI:.x.oula. mines we: of ael,“;lt‘{;erlth. -9. . Ln,-,K,,,_.“, u.,”r__.,_.m pm, ,3, nun" ‘ . '0',” - 3:} v . -u » fr-mumen_ Ild I. traded north by um um: tlseoexzrltu 0! MIA mposee fllaflm an‘, X", Y“, O letting, nth Dene on 9 mm. wrath uuludyed end In Neel. we or Ian. " . ‘ ' ‘MW “"'- ?”"“"~ 3”” 5°“ - V... llneo ufilhfigr tn:--£:':§':g_nn'lr1u _ I3. G. OBEAB. TUESDAY. uznrm nut 0!‘ =mn:.L.n. mo. suuumua r wxulmnm -mm-n n-not " _ P. P. . 2.1!. mwxfls Kain. AD()‘fl0NI-:I'.'B. “,§';9;‘,§E§‘;§‘.;‘,“"‘,;,",f§’:‘,§h‘:,‘a§°':,‘3,$“:,'}‘}- new rm loll. be the dinner manor III. (on - ‘I. . N¢|lfI.1’“M1€ “I11 CWVl‘I‘It'-‘=f- , mm L,‘ ‘MG {nah um" qnlutluthe clmur lllae of Iflropooe Illey. the north Vulcan Shop and " Iuumgggwn -4‘ 1 “Q14 "1 uggr an. 1.} ztoentklch mweet-lley one hundred nee lerty-' - Sta“ boat wreck N°- 310 393*” 53331 ‘WW5 L, nu} u 1;" uh, :*r*2.s:::.*- -**.r::..- -.r.:=.:“:-.:°.«:..~:*.2; 0...... " ..... °" ‘ 5 W -“ -°"' ‘W K I the mu-It illut wt 1. 10'-' ram 3 . Laugru‘-3. glnvhetinyglgfltentjchaga """‘ " ‘° N” Irty-Ieven eel. And It: Inchel wectwu-dly mm gable (Shun. lemon. rs-ax. la. . EDWARD 'WY'MAN ' uh ” 1r .3 x ‘ the vest line at and vfipmfi £1.-euylvenln avenue endd: Iron :1 rm l3lr¢l9fl1b.I¢0 ' agfifi K5,? (, ' the-m umthvnnllv. - I to ma road’ anlu. All uni-as E‘o‘«m4nuy nan-.-w.. 1411 an .1 mm. AIJOTION 3,1,. 3;. .1 1. mg, “ ’ V‘ wnmylrsnle Irene. one aired -no «he mtently on tuna mater ulu eta». ' R In u>.~l: ‘l‘J$v¥zr. (llama rented. rent: -.-.. u‘ " " ' :';.'3.‘‘..'.'.?'‘’‘'.'.‘?.‘.'‘.”:‘...’‘ mm“. W ‘W M" *°-mt rnmnrss 3...... .1... ..... ,, _.._. lmioll rm-er. 1-{tuna . Mm {la Lu: and 81- L001 3311‘ No. 722 Ohoatnuz Itroal. R I‘: l exocnnoa In-eyeealbtr-3 filge ::l0l elvtg x no: teetfllm-hes.-. more er en. lathe een. 1,, “gr or at. . «J3. It t)ovn-l. at 1. m Gout . re- ler'l‘}:xe et m . e l?Itre‘I.|]bta:'veuBo:tBdex;‘c‘-‘r:'§v"x'.‘é:'”..m°“‘ “ "ll. "‘ ‘*:“’i.:“ " ““"‘ '”"?"“ ”"""- °"""'» -W" "Wm M ‘A » ".2? “'.‘2"‘§z"t‘ .4 ...§.f.‘.’3’-""""""“‘ §fé?“af‘?'.§ ( I . an , '_ ~ . - :7l:’aum§s1.-r_nrmy pt l?y ul"m.‘ll'.u°r§.re:.xa'.-°n "" _”{’.':‘.'," ""°"“’ §,‘,‘,‘,’{‘.,,.,"°‘§‘}°‘,‘,,“",‘,l,“,?“;,",§‘ Hons: um lieu. mu-an-I: Ionux, lr-«1”x°o a In Iowa-described N eatIte.1o um ‘.'.’.'p'.l"é.."”pm“e: l§'5§’u3"°"“u‘.§°."uoo,.°"”.’>..“$"‘ °""‘....."~ ""’ ;'°‘°‘,..,,,‘.,,‘° ‘°" “‘°”'°'° "5 “Pt”; ‘ u.z;'.'s"“’.'€‘-a".'.""°:.4..‘"z3.¢n.l"°°' ‘$331.’; p.‘s‘£:‘«'.'.".'.‘.a’I ‘§‘3a" ’"""o: ....".:’:i‘ 3”” In my 'a°:‘ll'i'.' " ‘°.'.".'.1.:.l‘.:.“-.."l‘.3’L...-.“. ".:."°".: °°".....,..'~“~ §.'-"..~.,.v,r-=- ‘~33’ ;~£=l,?—””m '$“°"' W‘ ’‘“‘'Y "W - 5°‘!-I~ -fl mom»: -1- Iatt'hI.t_ y. -433 cut sou . The uudeulmcd hereby grlvu Mare MI Ibr uondholden. '""' h""“” °' 5‘ '0“ 1“ ‘CW5 0910- 11:91‘ NU 0? innit. l':."“"""'.:‘.:"“"‘."’..‘}'“§‘.‘.“‘ ~-—----~—-—— '-*'-°"" W "W °= "M-*°~ -::‘= "- 1-. ?l£“"‘:..‘l'l‘l“°'.’;.¢‘.°.‘..‘€“.‘.‘:;.,‘.° w"‘7"*l%r'.‘.'"'5‘3‘ ’ *.s"';l'*-'-~..‘.lr.*:.:E war I“£."s‘.‘..’f'..".‘.‘.’¥f;.’." .2239 °'.""= *.:l‘1l.: °"‘°°"”"""‘°“""' "°‘ ""‘“'*“°“"' 2", “=...*s°"' °*.l‘*’l".....'~°°-"‘;...»-=°.....°d’ --* "" .u-fm. o1ral‘¢o.I‘.In__d . It. om:-3’ . :3“ .;7é‘ y§“3;'§${,° Qfi,”,fiug en.-morn. umwnilnn. r.x. mm. B313 ggurkfwrmsrmgl at n -Inca-£33". __‘“,'N‘ C" ' fla" ‘Y _§i‘__u"' _' msen me-r-rlnp of the en-«more at the Ibeve-uued BOOTH B 8 R 9 DA & 00 “E 2g°,,'g..‘“,' Q "“"““"""‘“"' Isrupt wlllbemheld I the can at Sea: (ante. ’ -9 “_!,ul" 3. jun 19¢ ‘ ' GARTSIDE COAL 00. .,‘‘{‘§,‘.‘,';’.,‘.‘’,,?‘:., ,£f;°’,5.,, "3-:;—"3,',°'}',‘;}'°"" ‘:33 3131;‘ ‘WAR gflzezyg . _°'_.___.’._.'__._______._____., - loch .. th “‘“'- 9v Dxuxxx xx & ....1’..’.';. €£I.&"..‘,’.‘§§'.§'°2:‘;’.‘“".".‘.’,";,;,,. ‘.,f‘‘“‘ «in mrooml nation In the mtalaremenl oluutu DYEING AND SCOURING. - - ‘Ugh bill“ '°°- ~. xo. 221 chestnut nu-oor. “**"“""‘“ Alma Barlmnlals all B I COOK BROS 1 IE cw‘ tflN£’!:'8 xuncx-tn Lbe mm: mm ' " ’ HTABL 34D —- Q tnltll D G No. 213 Chestnut Street. "{§,‘°h,E”:,?,.{‘;'n‘,”B'mu :1 3;.“ I 131%? m.u.sre.x.unx. oanuiuzu. roomu. at sort tllxthus_::§:'l¢.aue:lru _ ‘_ _A_ 15, 45", ‘am ' mm can on Jun we . $65 FOR mum; MEN AND Bots :l5§:?':$°s€"“:€.'l§"3.’:‘.9°"l:'& "*§"'‘§‘;'z'.':.‘‘‘3.l5’§.’:':t.’I‘'3 5: v°°mm' “'»"’§"*-'*'*"’*'i'*"='*~“' 33' "=m"""‘" '.'.'*‘*'*-9 ..... W. . - r» -«nu.»-r-on-2 am .4 mi. .'...:.. 3: R"§’“ W 'i.:.*.':l'.:.?*.;-.;::=.z.".°a':m ...':.-.,'...:*.:".:.»:.,-.:?*°.~=.::*;.::: .-.:r.:::r.::. .:...:'—.: I “I 9“ £3 inn: weeks. boon. e:c.. te- uponlmernpemlgnl eeeld mu! etcoert. 3;; g. Maggy, R“,-u,_ 59,5,“ ._._u.m,. .,,. M; V1,“... .4.¢u.,.... Pu-mu re swto! mm {gm '§, _ . &9P§fi5;"flJD'3"3£ V . 0. ave: tuealtu houses. as. §t3‘l‘.oulI um Aeurw In In ar&.;:i. flnnflmfia. ulamxd A- J. Penn. in. noun. xo.. my 3;. we. no. Mb Ohonmm street. us X1‘. mm mm. as. Mm. Alu- T“ I! and K M1359 ne Oil! It the ni 31. {U ment 9‘! can runnl Enfv note: M8" Pill =1 . OIICC '15“'ap“:I_lncI W111. uBoolt the onkeo hr! funk: eall new and oonrvrenu we: made Auhy, rognbe at 0. 5 mmmrndng :2 I Clark In.-nae. duumx om lm.u.ln~..l rt-rt mm nut- vrnzdlyotttxe western llne or Lmtly ell-«rt: thence -run the north Hm at I.1Irl<- Irene: an 111:! with feel» more or less. it the south tlu ol uld Illef Inca suntl:wnrd1§ Irene! Indndudnflyf Lmureectea In at I-\G£1lIlxIn]S'l)&l.nd nan): by In ..*:.z :; .!;'..*,?..‘:,°‘'="..::'';.'.*:,".:.'' P; t........ . Indbel the tune «mu: ‘ pbcll u.ama'. menu and run by or Irflch Eli-a’:I‘é‘;$..l therefore. 01 um worm. Ind In amnnnnu 0! the nroruionn It and deed or I -ru!3n.lY. -‘r’}'s'£‘u'-'ru‘x7'tr or mm. A. 0. between meulgoern of lo o‘dock In the torenoon and °. W pnntliol . . 5 ' u.':“"€§‘s: gun klgeon me. ‘I hloclt -L=.<=_A.=- V$‘!!'Z€L’S '- boo: I3 Cunt . .21‘ an In :7 st. ri.\1 Q and Mag :2 I Ieiheaeflan the: N lgtrmx) rec: north the .d’ «M rt» .533? with! ’9I'hcu fie lame Illa:-at it h ' "PEN owed .l*sl."l.::*.::* s:.2a.a~ '° *=.::.~::z (men the intersection of CA1! 021150‘ Eh cornetrol um block), smrigzfoor‘-bggfa wltfi the I aim tn due: xv-eats‘ (ll); cue-new‘ 13:.-u§.'u'§’I In “:21” fev:e..loul;Ind nrn. Jinn-I sud Iul-dl$‘lId0n:IlIo tale}! 3). ion: 0. I an (it amen 5. are ..U [r . . -htrveu. mednmutdoue (me prlml 1 we L we “I “I” 53- -led (an no . In utolou zm. three 2:). tour mu‘ web: as. Int: ten (10). 10 ex uubdlvugaialga the taxxena pa 2 ;” and; Iran I0 rlruln [1l'0fll'..K\\nr" gag“ all or -ei-I rwvtcp rnuslnn E I’ e l81p£\‘:2;l”‘ll«)lflal on ten um. the under- ‘KTURDAY. JUNE 1;. M1!» at thoccun Eouoe.n..thoetcz -1333‘. between the hem: M- O 9 In. M .menv Ill ......°& .:.***"-°' ‘BOYD-dtlsfl II tun re1:dne.to the nlalwal In ht-.1t!£i'ddee:.tur“u:’&.eo meeoeucfl J "’:.z"l.? UH. Tnuue. _ ESTER‘! 8A‘LE~—\Vhuvas. C. D. 3‘. Can h¢u.n.1(;rn¢r:o-re shrzllt-I cxnpncll Inn at I. by men drvrd ormm. d:I:d'3!Iy 11 I511 lfld re- cotdedtnl>oalte60.pI‘x¢r iuuaea$oo ol the carrier at need: for In . All 3 Cosnl . l(ln.er.~ur1. - rcynl In the under-etxucsl trance. 2 lolla-ring do- Otnl-«I mu sun-. loam: smmre In the coals cl 5!. Louis. In me state of . bell at nnrullcrnl me ta) at blow: number": Ier - undred Iflll lhlr1)'—0ne (1.31) ct tlIe(.'lly 01 ng nrulurervlly -Ive Shelton aware)-In: 1: have bacon: deecrlbed e no latte natlto Trim-u r with me I»npn';v:-cunt: Ulvrrv-n: and potato: the north [III or {Ii} teas: theme eortlnrann I-:3-3:7 nu-NI one MA! {CC C! . lo 83 I I “J.” male» I 0 at whorl-yeee. has :1 pun. lb‘ . "E hre.::11’€iirn. wu°t§. Irequeetd ltnhllreidur d nth ‘I iaundrrd uul my luv) taco eunnnrdly tweet!-ave (26) teen V th fix ly Itneet one the paint 1'! I 37 Avenue. pm 40! HI: Had- Nly I. III. to Iotlto um and ‘III 3 E” but nbewll holed I-own-5-Med aepcel DR:WHlTT 6}’? St. Oherlee Itr0et,\St.'l.ouie., M04, ronlanunnu Itnoleav ~::.".:.-.':.‘:-:-..:.‘....a. llrnt-—u Illhc I I- :......°.-.. been-In-no I-I-eun- _z‘IIwu-1:5-..lnoqra_I‘_s.70BUhautam DR.auTTsV nxspnrsmrms M Iflloflaadrlllthlenlrpennry the 11?: .mmmJ& by I via and OI:-uxlfl Mn. lay!-urn. on the than B! navel. rum KIALTN G U’ 11) whI:u7—n7.IOo|I|. K in I Ifierno-on at am tiny. at the cut trout dooro: thaooan fl‘§.ase.1nl£leQ‘x17sI1&l. Louie. p to re the we-describe Rupert: I: bull Incuouw the highest bidder. cult. to ~".,..-" -"°-W “later. *:.~.°t:.*»t:"a<' . . ru " a. Y. runs» as zn:o.. Aneucneern. 8!. Lone. Km. lo-1:1. Isa. IPIOlAI.‘fl0'l'lOII. Dr. Whittier’: publloauonm; HIARRIAGE GUIDE, file-!“LIAe BC- I ‘ and- Jlng gtlnvnh «unsca- Oanaer In In'lI 0 mlpqeo In 1-vllll her: vi E 1; dlelnos Ins:-1:1: Infill‘. heals. Wrlte are I. PRESCRIPTION ’FREEl .*"{. drugllnz 136. but ~_I ‘IMO: r Ina I Svltucfl-V331 .A. . SWEE TEIIBTG-- It. I“TN'l'f°B'5 avail: IndIN5'~“:;71"‘ 30- ‘:2 udder Ind Urin- lrtctu-e. dlneuea oi Klnl nun, yullu he lee later I Elpcusc .\ln.fi In I yftre rm! Bye . Benin wealnou. hlxlltly ltcnhnnlt-cl Iudrmu of I‘-nun‘. anneal: cc -e_.tnzee1 or excl-saivi In nlpam-I. Price 9 Ir ttnlar I H;-erlne. 7) lie: in tin Injection. ll. gent ovelvvluvv‘ try film?"- Dr J.XLlluIllter. tale prul-rletur. .‘«'u- {Kn hm“! 5*" gnih rtrcv-L31. luula. Iln. Bl-u-I two slam a nu I tr Illu- (‘an-I guaflgqltveik or mnnryn-1un:.r-I. ; 4", ;¢ up...»-. and Imuglvl llxfllu my other 0|I7~ 8 It the I euly cue ol sernlnel vrenucu. in: ..,.....«.S. Ind Ill nllsorrirn llnnralu (In 2.; r l .- reuone ax Inn-u. dtiniet kn the Ia§lI.‘t$IG1.I|4< D1 '» sa“'