' ~11‘ 8 St. ‘grunts 9.1. 613112-Qzixmr-mi, En.;'aag‘m.:.&n.;; am 13, 1923.‘ 79‘ st -'-=‘--“E IIWEIITI I - .t4ulost41:l""“|:.¢h‘ — , Inn. at rubs-g co. ft 1005-1‘ _ ?....‘¥§‘}.'.'.‘.""....§.".L‘Z.‘.’3.ti§‘.f:'.t:§...‘.7£ Ltnrns should see the bsrxsins In Embroider- ies. Housekeeping Goods, Hosiery, Underirenn rug, 3:45., now‘otI'ered by D. prswlord l 00-. very low. being the samples at a New York tav- slot. 3,, . ‘gag gv;1..y_.3... cigar. svholoutle end Run, ‘1, 1.3 539:3”, at 1,1. Filth street- - --¢—————-—-—— ;31-,. 5,; g-n;,vg3-rgxr. t'. Pr.i'r.\‘—4.'a Uzi ‘.'.~'z)'rel~\\'1:ns'rl:R (iltt)\‘)23._ Tm yo.-Jomzow (W£lJN£.Sl)A\'). raw‘ - t.-in 5.31. ,mm__ M, ,,,,,,P.,, 3...... II no mrtgt 5906\- ..—————-—-O*-‘'' '0, 3.“ ‘ya.’ 3.)!!! nlrset. .1.“ Km,” palm Bunny Express train eon- nw ‘nu’ “ pm", ‘An Express train tor all “u kn Jun cam’;-,,' Remember there in no “up”, qumggf 0. better route to the xventnnn kn mu, um, via the old Pioneer Route. the Knnsu Pselllc )l“"1’- nuu. h,]g.mur Pm:-er huetln;-s. from I‘: 15 to n;u_ gun I’. ll. 0. A. Xootns. Singer‘: Build- ing. 8onuI_.___#______.____~'__ [u¢g‘_g’X‘LGl'7lU Itunwn. I110 MW‘ "W" W ssn Jun. y N ‘ ._ .___# flsgtxnxi Pen Ct Fill chI1I!P‘C“°' _,;..._..-.- ,.“".,,agg go.» up Jun remember that the xnnsu Panic itsilwsy is your mate. It is di- ,..., “.1 gunrsnteoe but time soul lowest rates ggm..m._ by us old K. I’. you one A chemo st gtqpplu afl at Denver lad Insneetinx the old ‘gnu, “mpg In the vicinity helnrs ranching till new snide oi the Grant Sun Jun. - —+ D3. Wnrrnnn, on In. Ubnrlet street. a result: g-mounts oi medicine. but been longer engaged In one n-uunsnt of chronic dineuss then my cum physictsn In the city. Nervous dohillty. blood dleeesu. I-ll Ilnpedimnntn to nurrillt 9*“ 9*‘ write. Ctrcnlsr tree. ....___.___—.¢—————————— Dori‘ ntlu Stodanrd Addition sue to—dn1- 83 I o'clock. ._..._....————.————-—-——-——- Fbnsnn Juan tunes. tun Kwsu l’nr.iac Reil- srny. - "L.uuirrtxx" It-eppsyst Banners. lists 0! the Greet sue, ivlondny, June 19. at Ninety- lolu late on Muiinphy street. from llroulwny to Jeterson nvenne, are now ready at ofllce of J. G. Priest, 219 Chestnut street. ..._......~¢-————————- Publle Notlm. I will sell at the Court llonu. on the lath any at JIM. 1876. 3011-15 tent olgrnnnden Third street, on the north part at whtch sued: the south null or the ttinonri pnhlioea Bnildlng. See saver- Ihentent In G —Dnrocn.A-r. J. P. Vtrrtxn, Dpentsl Onnnttsstoner Ferguson psrtitlou csuse. BAUIIIIICI oi Stoddnrti Addition Kauts—-I o'clock to-any. Beptnbllqnn Nations! Convention. nittuus unn LID txmuurour um rt-. Louie tu.u.ni.un. IZSI DOLLAIIS V08 -rm: lt0'U.\'D TRII‘ TO Cl.‘.\'C'12s'}h'ATl AND EKFULV. In addition to regular nwvnln; sod evening |ntu.nspe:tsi train will leave Union Depot leader sn.d'1'ueedsysveni.n;s at 6:45 p. nu. Gun. II. 1‘ou.zrr, General mm Agent. . Boon Palm XIovrnxr—.‘2nrrn¢1nsnt.t Bay, Rhode_ Island. will open tor the reception ot guests. Joly int. Norwtrnnsxnlxo reports to un euntnry. the Grovern. Baker Sewing Machine Company still has nnoaoe snd snlesroonsin this city, nl the old ntnmi, KY7 North Fitch street. Purchaser: of -uhihee will and better in-nunndynce-than ever nflued. 3 ‘'‘'"‘‘'‘''N 231081‘! that we hnvo elosod our odlre In this city an incorrect. We are still here st the old ntnnd, 801 North mu: street. Call Ind nee nsehinns sold on nun terms. __._.______......__.._.._.._ lxxntnnn the Big“ '. Beaumont and Chest- Iitt--i p. in. Decent Clothing by Auction. ‘Tbs most elegant display or line cnstpns-made dottiln; tor men's. boil’ , youths’ Lug: children's west of tho seuen. is now on sxitlhlnlon. nnd Mm. Wooden, ‘mien: co., at their ssluroosns, oomir el rmil sndrtne. ' Dznsnanstxxr of the liver disorders the whole system And vttlstes the blood. An noesnlansi lose ol I.Igttlre's Cundnrnngo Bitters will pre- vent this.u well as wnrd ofldinnseo of my man. Depot. Ill North Bseond street. .,._. . . It. Lents. Kaine city nnd Norfluru Bntlsny. OIIANGZ OI‘ TIRE. turn nun sin: nnrswr non mvmxnxrcrr. On nod s.tler_'rne.tdsy, June is. express tor the ‘Welt will learn Union Depot ss iollows: Onuhn and Cniiiornls express. with Pnliuun sleeper, to: Omaha. lure daily, exosptsundsy, s.t9:Io n. 111.. Ind M1170 arena 3». tn. lltseonri. ‘xenon end Cotorsdo express. with Fnllntnn sleepers, for Knits on; and Ottunwn. tests daily st 5:15 p. n:.', end srrlve st eril s. n. Iimugh tickets to All Western points. nnd Pnllinsn sleeping-es: sceannnodstion, uni bou- cnred all city one-. No. in North fourth street, nnd Union Depot. 0A.I.t'trI'r.I'l BIoddnrdArinltlan bale, Chestnut end tlonnniont. st 4 o'clock this nflernoon. ____..__________.. g u. The Flower hiisslon. To -nil Punua; This chsrity, If we my term It snnh. now in Its third your, ass nut with wonderful success In its «ram ol gathering In lower! end traits And distributing more to the sick and no In hospital, or wlsemrcr there In 3 cell. On! on crime towns have roeponrlod most fnnerouely, and It would seem that thooe who ived In the midst ol flowers srtook somewhat of their netnre In dlihlslng th tr-ensures, scatter- HIK Owl! fysrsnce where n blessing would {allow then. S! eonuneod this mission and lie sums to the suentlon of our renders, assuring them that it in colon rut Iniourli at good. In as quiet we nmlnuile and hope to the nick And des- pxfiins-—«nnd xlltening men; sn eye with pleu- rs st sight or tile Iaenutllul Inwers or luscious nit. Don't target them, ‘run who have flowers or Iruit in abundance; sisre Iromdynar nbnndnnee. You will Ind wlllln ends sn Iovln been: to distribute. send sv st you can to t 0 rooms corner emu uni Locust. In we lnsnrnnce Bulld- ing,,onr1 Wednesday naeruina. W. ...._..___..._.. Death of Charles P. Shepard. Hr. Charles P. Bhepud. I tnebero! the old ulsblivhed grocery home oi Alkire £00.. died st 1:“ o'clock yesteniny stoning. lining needy debilitated lrunl sutny yam of dose Attention to business, About in manila his physlclsn. Dr. Iiuagcn, ndvined hire mm. tri tut {or re- laxation. I or than weeks, he eluted ’ At tinn- toir. he wee niitscltnd by chills, and hm sevcrsl be are resent): home. He srrivod hare Isat TB _ {:7 st» at his post in tlin I I Vxtobilgsl return to his residence. however. had died st um new more slated. Mr. Bhotlnni was shout tony-live years 01 ego. end Invest mother and niece, Miss Lucy Purine». his only remaining relstlves. Iln than n men at exeellent character snrl ans business qnxtlltlcr, end will he (hissed by may warm Irinmls. _............n.... . The Board or Public Schools. A bsndtomo photograph of the Interior oi the at. Imus school Board room, with the llonrd In tom-. kn hut bee completed by Been! A: Hue»- lnlzd oi rmn sari Olive, and will no on exhibition st ray. Iis.tsrII.l».'s. WI North Fourth street, to-marrow. The work was prepared by order of the iiritoai ltnnnl u n rm-nllurp ol tile work done lllg the nape trims tor the Ueniermlnl ct mitten, ” “venue bring Iumu: ltullvldunily by the mem- Ircn and oatcen at the School Board. It is lies- tlnad to no man In the Ilolmi room and a clearly Mum-J isey tot 2 uirtnrn will enable s-Isllrn for g," "W5 V: fame to Identify the gentlemen who .:.'.:::::;'."."::;:"I "* "'“'"*"t W °"°~'°‘ “ an Cw;“M‘rj:‘ uoatlunni Interests 0 st. Lottie .-.... ._____.‘,_ "3" 58-11 'l'0-l1ny. at 4. 1’. ex. St. Joe l’neIImu vs. Beds, at twin‘ Porn. Ad- Ilulan 26 outs. -run In the person 0 ' CUTTING AND BLASHING. Fierce Content: Between the Great Boll Oltibl. The Onemsthlnx Ten Innings Struggle In New York. Emma ouuuoud b, :.;utnvills—Homn riatal. [sperm Dispatch to an cosvier-JonrnsJ.| Boston. Mum. June 1n.——'I.‘hs Lontsviiiu host the Bostohs sgsin to-day, utter another herd and well-contested fight. Palmer won the ton. In tbs-int Inning the Bunions wars wbltewsshed. On the put oi the Loulsvlllos, nnnr Iinsunp wn out. Hague xothls am on new balls. Leone:-cl § mnlmi Devlin‘: beululnr, sud HA;-ue mm-nd on 5 Gorltnrdvs this hit to right Held. In the Boston‘: third Inning. Ienrlds was ‘thrown not, George Wright hit sets ior one hue, went to second on llorrIII's out to Gnrhm-dt,nn4i home on0’ltoul-ho’: ' two-buer to Ken field. In the Louisville’: Ionrth ' inninx llonunervllle parked Int:-Iy to the right nut! cslus lone on itorvilrt wild uu-ow to tccond to I cut him cm’. In the uinghth Inning Allison got to iint on .Hur'nnn's mu 0! thrown ball. llynn bit ; hard to right lielti, and made two bases on Leon- nvd‘s mu non tearing. tinting: went out; Ilaurue hit bud fn1‘IWOb&.I¢8,HyIlIGO|X‘IIlIE borne nmld intense ' ~ excitement. I In the ninth Inmn Mumnn and Hlnnnlng nude ' single base mu. urrtll was pntout onnline ‘ running cntch bvfinstinp, who returned the bell quickly to second, and (taught Human. Fttlninr _ was between the umpire no second hue. nnd Iiodgu It! not see lhficfhy sud decided iinmsn not out. Bonnier um I bard nud aliniclilt hall to llngue. who nude in oxcunnbto error. and the trues were mind. Whilno bit ant: to ten, send- lngullnrnnn sud Manning otne. Hcllrlds undo n e hit, end the hue: were nil filled again. Amid denlnnlng cbcen George Wrl ht stepped to Ibo home piste. waited for s good . uni hit to Somervllle, who rnibercd it up qu1c.tIy,teuchnd Iictirinle. who on running toaeoond. and mm threw to m-st, I-curing the striker, sud Ietunz Lotitlrllle out or n ve small hole. n Boetunn lost {E0 Rune by errors, which re taken suvantn;-n at by the Lonlsvlllu. Titay led in the hntllnx, hut the Louisvlllear Dlny was sosbnry and excellent thus they nude no more runs than they were entitled to. Doviltrs nu lpori wu nuznmrent. Snyder was up-Lop behln the bet. Gcrilnnlt at lured sev- eral running flies In splendid style. I a mule s throw one foot short at lint. which ‘erlurtlt thigh: lure uken, sud which runs the out error 3 he vrsu themed with. Soznerville plnlynd it s posh 1 tin without nen-or. and his doub 0 play won r the pun tnr Louisrlllen. The outfield wnepls ed I to pnrtection. ‘Ryan. llsatizlzrn and Allison ad I Ieniy at work to do, and d II it nnxpiaccntl . I Is was the toughest rrorl of the st-natan for t e ' Lnulnrlllnn. Ind good llcldIng.nIIIexJ by good luck, which lar once n-s.s on their side. won their the : rerun. The Lonlevlllet play in Providence. IL L. lion- d:t_r. Tlxeytvlll stop at the Utty llotciln mn- (om. Tho lollowlngls the hill BCCRRI. I IEPOAI A I I I I 0 . 9 0 B 0 I 5 1 1- 3 I Y 0 I 0 0 .1 g 1 6 I B I .l I 9 I — i 0 .0 1 1 I I la 0 §hnlv:r.3b...G I 3 O 0 I 9 \'lII|.I:Qy.l.l..0 l I 0 I B 9 Mc!irlde.p....6 I 6 I D D O TOLnl.........J I121 I I I’! 8 I nconn nr rxxwue. Clubs. 1 3 D 4 I-0 1 8 S Q...eoI9osIrIo-I uisvillet ..l 0 D I 0 I B 5-1 Unsp1m—Hr. Hodges. ol the Bultolks. Time or unmo—‘l‘wo ours. first lien is Ensure-Louisville, I; Boston, 8. Runs Kan: —-Boston. 3. Bnnn called on Devlin, II; on Itnllride I1. litrlkcl called {to Devlin, 3:; mm: no1§nds,t:. Len on Bn.s-es-Loltllvillo, 6; Benton, 8. Btrunk Ont--Mnrnnn, O'Rourke sud Mearldu. ‘hm hue lllis-O'Rourke, hauler end llsgne. Double l'l.nys—5n;rd¢t' and tsotnervt!le.I; somer- vilis nnd uerliutlt. 1. Chicago vs. Athletic. [hpccul to the (mince Truman.) Pnrunnu-nu, Juns Ifl.—-The third game be- tween the clamp smi Athletic elnbe wns pinion here to-dav in the presence at some 1.500 people. It was very well nxnph-ed by Ilntilcld. iormerly oi the liutusls. On the send-ol. matters looked rather blue [or the Whites, and the crowd were elated nlmost beyond measure. The Athletiu loelng Klan toss, went to the bat. Llld Force’: hi‘ to tune: was mull’!-:I, though there was some ex- cuse for the error. A: the hit was s but one to get M. )‘lsIer hm! Meyerln then followed with clehn hint and Hell nu a high honntler. which Barnes xnn ed, while the cmwd oboe , nnd two runs cause In. ‘Po said to the blunders Glenn then materiel! tram Kn! at, um I thlrd run was soured. T is sxtrno nary dlxplsy oi’ ticlcllng wu steamed there. nod three men were nlont It eno- on tn quiet suoceuioflfflt’ \o I the Whites went. vlxuzonnly to war redeem tlternselves, and earned two runs by nmsw hit (or A bone Hines torn uonpin, auto (or three been, had Bpniding {or two ban-—s. total at eight buu by four men. In the second Inning Peters got nsro on the sphere for three bags. and was sent one on Barnes’ olnsn hit. _’.thIs tied the score, but In the lollowinginnin’ the home nine [otjhothcr Filter who hit well for two bases, and was sent house by Meyerle sndlinlxht, who boiled stielr. but were tbunsel-me lelt. ‘rite were was sgnln tied In the Man Inning Hines‘ run. which nu nude 01: twwbescr to on. a clung hub Ltevev, on which the runner came home. In e stxthinntng the fun e! the pres commenced. and the While: seemed totally irsltn up to the (set out thggwers pisytng with nliveiy bnll. ltleluki led with I sue dro rover second and White hl_t swny Into left :1 la: A bus. ‘Peters plahnednrixht-field hit to prevent 5 double lily. end. when Coons malted bell main}! otuno borne, White went to thl end the strike: to second. Glenn Icllowed win. at tnndel shooter our second, And two nun nuns In. Alter Berna laasfone out, Illhes hit at: Iy ut Pores Inn was e. Anson lollowed wl I be: front?! biuyerie‘ ‘cl: wh Ctlesars-alssltiorrtfld, n nto stnnnerosw,e s threw low. ‘to lglnht, sad, when the bet wne netted. fllnos came home, shat Anson took third whence Itisrnn wae Iorunnht In In love 's Ilnellnerto Ielt. ‘sneldinrs loo‘ fyto lI'ls or closed the inning for tire rnnn, nnd rsnli settled the nuns st once. The seventh AIJ eighth inning bx-on kt singles tor the Whites by raters snd men, as former‘: being earned. and the latter nod on n ma! lg force. Alter putting the Aw etlee ant in the n tn Inning lore blank, the Whites wontin to in run their nvc . Peters snd Glenn tea 0 with this bits, w lle Bnrnoe bit the ball "square the nose" for hneen nni wnn tlrouxht home by Hines’ am an. ’t‘he history of the Athletic betting After the thin! mnto inplnlnly told In their row of cl hersflend In a statement that Ll I m: he nah um; um um: til the 'I:’u°:x{ Innings. , OOOIII. §‘.'1%.$.°.":'u 3".’ lo‘? ‘§‘.‘1f.‘3.°* .1‘ 5’ 5 H ilnel. d.. .8 1 1 0 lend . 3 3 as nsen.Jb.. .l:l1i0 £31 I-le\'n .lb....0 l U 0 9 :30 ilunldlarp 011:0 .01 {£lctu8.r! 3 I 0 .0 i 1 9 'mm.¢. 2 G is .0 2 (3 gait-rs. nu J 8 I .0 E l{nn.I.!. Ifllll. .60 I 1'oIsI......is2t:1ie I .1157? ‘mu 6 1 I 6 I :3-«ll D 0 0 o—~i : 1 I O 0 0 1-3 0 il 0 0-! 1‘vru- ate tilts-—II’t'nes, b; lcVey, I; Bpsidlnx, I; Wlilte, I; Filler, I. ‘Purse-bun I.Ills~Bn.rnoa. I; Anson. I; Peters, ' ;'x'c°z'.'x"1I " Itilsr-Obiesgo o Mason .35; um no 1:. First line ontirrors-chi o 1; Athlngicfs. iiuss-{)2-largo 8c;.§Ilnn|.lc,6, Hlione. Wlld i.’iIc.lMe—-7.etleln. 1. Utnplro-Jenn Ihtlistd, New York. Unlucky Cincinnati. [Spectral lo the CIilouo1'ribnne.i New Tenn, June lo.-—-Pools sold use to no In the home club‘: tnvor. Bo slurp wns the fielding ol both clubs that the ninth Inning closed and not s men had been INC to much home bsu. fltnrt scored the only run dnrln the entire game, In the tenth Innlnl. liter nugtn sec-and blue on It clean 211! to oenler ram. is e home on Troac '3 hit to right center not , we won the game yoscnrs otitoe. Tim Ialluwlngls .. .. 2:‘: *=‘ '“".'.'.‘.-l:7."':'u.'...I; are I I Ilslr-i'sAtr"‘th.r1.g.}?*f°;: A o I I Iusmlb .... $1 9 o J) II} C ?‘rru:y.It.... 2 o o :9! 00 lnlllum I-.0015 H I 0 I rzr.§:z... I3 9 it ? 3 3 0 s. e. 1 g 1 . . 6 1 ° 3 bet. ..... ..lloe 3l'lo ‘rams ...... ..ot3viI8 Iteoaa C I In .. c."“.““".r I l E ‘ 3 c 3 8 "I... ix-'.'a...'I.... ...o o o 3 o o s .8 —1 Un1nIr,o—Ih. Kenny. oi Brooklyn. lions lien: Sane. first Bane on ltrrorea-(ilnclnnntl I’ Mutual, 1. Time oi Goran--—Ono hudr Ind thirty minutes. seven to Fire. A very Interesting guns Ins played on the nth Inst. ,st’tbe loot oi Arms street, between the my- ol Manning's return to second. AIlI- -' V nnkur sad amt debs, resulting In 3 victory tor the Bnrnanknn by ths snore ol 7 to 5. s.bouI1.0°0 people witnessed the tune. Till ICOIJ. I to A IAYIAIIII I 3 3 loan.“ ‘H.’ 1 U. 1 i I 9 nun.”-I..° G I I 1 8 lk.l1.Ib....3 1 I U 0 1 I etxxnr,lX....! 1 l 0 at 2 3 ?:n|ter.e.£....g 3 1 g Ling e e s I I z 0 I I 9 U I 3 I D 0 I B O D ‘I 17 ll . I H 7 f I T I I .. O 9 9"’ ... 0 G 9"‘ K II .3:£tn .1. mm of Gnrno—-«1'ltunr 6" I end 45 minutes. Utnpb'o—-Mr. J. Rnpp. That. Seventeen inning Gntne. [Front the New York Bnrnlml The non renurizsble guns or hue ball on reo- ord ins that Inynd In Pmvldenu. It. I. on Wndnesdny ls: , between the Rhode mud dlnb, ot Frovldnhoa, and the ‘reunion Club, at nua- ton. Ius.. both clnlmnnts to the title at chun- plon M New England. It was the fourth game be- tween tbs clubs, the ‘htnnlons having been vio- tnrions In two t oi the previous three es. required seventren Inning: to decide a contest on \i‘eclti‘elttiny, but the wonderful port at the dis- plhy wne the slnilll number of errors made on either side. The home club ngrre stod but three errors. while the ‘rsuntona . except ng the catcher, had only an um:-edited to them. The bnttingwu weak, but, even considering this the Iieldlnx on both states was unprecedented. e tollowinx ls thutrers: HIXODI ISLAND. TA 3'. Players. x.ln.ro.A.n. Heron. n.in.ro.A.n lirs-iy.ni .i I s 1 o Hyen.:dr..b Y t A 0 I.nrv1.ri.oi32l I120 JuruI.Idb..0lI3o .0§SDD hnndl'1Jl.flIXl!0 ..0llIil0 lsnIon.r.I.E5i‘0O .03fltl h it! B 6 ..1l 1 ‘I I 6 6 I I} 0 G I 9 8 .0 I I I 0 D e 9 O Jntcbl .0 I s s 0 at 0 o no I 'I'ntsln .... ..tu:I2tu ..IosInooaeoouooobi—4 n n....... ..0DDODO0IIG00609I9~—’l [inns Icnrned-Ithodn island, I.. Time or GnIno——Thrse been and forty nunutllfi. wn - l..‘tnpIro——Hr. C. A. Iluse, at the line varsity N he. Bhort Stops. On Snndsy the nmrom. demand the Willows titer s fierce struggle, by 3 score at 8 to 5. There was much reloleln; In Webster on Set- nrdny u the Tempsnnce club at the: village gunned out the Kirlrwood Red stoctings. at to The Olives darosted the Stern on Sunday. byfhs onemlalsd more 0! 23 In 10. Casey of the 0 roe was struck on the month by n slurp tip end Dnvls Ind 41 linger in lit. Oltsllengvos rem all clubs except the St. [hula Reds will receive Attention {mm the Ultras. Ad- dress Frnncts It. Bunny, Becrvtnry, 3300 Issued- WI)‘. A dispatch received yeelerdny etsiet that the llmous Philadelphia club will arrive in st. Louis on Sstnrdny next. And on Sunday nlternnan they meet the little Reds. r\KU‘O|l3 ton Avenue run this nftornoon the St. Joe Pan |!l¢.l nuke their debut In 8t. Louis. 3 Thu Are A clever lot of bars and play I ritlling me, The St. lsnnia Item will turrllsh them with nether ID hunt. The Ifiuumen will ilrnbnhly go to .it¢.hIson this year to celebrate the ‘ourtb. The Court Home layers claim that the llebaen Cordllla have no rgh to claim 1 Inrleii from men: inr lhene rtnnons: The Stocks park but been engaged, but by sumo misunderstanding the Court Home nine could bad no one on the pound on iistnrxlay to give them the rise or the pub. ‘.l’hey.o£aredto plsy the Cot-tllnls an lhcll’ own no _ _ but the ofler was tteclIned,nnd All enun- mcets such the two clubs are declared oil by Court Home snnnngnr. _ B81.‘.l.TE l'Y'LV?.‘8'l'El1 V. PAl'D1‘38 OR- OILULD LOTS--WEl32~7.(‘P2B (IBDVIZS. BALE TO-XORROWV (WEDNESDAY). TRAWNHK. l:l0.L.)(. MISDEEEANOR IN OFFICE. The Clues ohlehn E. n...’.4q end W. 3. Swift. AI 1 0'n10¢l'.yut¢w!sv nlternoon. the uses at John E. Ilngsrty end W. 1!. Bull! were eniled In the Court at (.‘rintIns.l Oar:-notion, Judge Ohdy presiding. the long list oi witnesses was called , but than wen only onerssponu. end that win‘ In. the second ensesgntnsi Hr. sum. one at the cues nu Swift" wns taken up. It being under- stood At It should be e tent cue. llnn. Clans. 1‘. Johnson end I. P. Xefiatty. £541., :3: !or.SwItt. sod Jet. ultendlsr. £343., an on. Join: D. Stevenson npttesi-ed (or Ilelaryeprocootllhn with the trill Hr, Johnson eaered A plea In bar. end moved to dismiss the Macon the ground that the statute at limitation in roglrd to trlnlv {or misdemeanor dsbnrred nil htrllter prooeedlngs. the sututn In question nuk- Iny ll uni etc ,t at In All cases eomln under this bend t e lnlurlmttion must be lodge! within one year subsequent to the time the nilexnd ni- lnrue was committed. Mr. Johnson sh-an-ed conclusively, Drain the re- conis, that nonsldsrsbiy more than synsr hut elapsed since bh0°JllI&§‘ or the onilnnnces which It was claim hsd been inrced through the city Council by trnttdnlent menus. start them- lorn the use than a It once be dismissed. Gen. Stevenson nnd Mr. Obnndlnr Also made some re- nurks on this tech ty. holding that the point won well taken. 3!. W. I! ‘ .. U1 Pros tl Alto . erlnxlitad :73" “$1: '3 6:? lfiiintlorrrge cases were debau-rod horn trill but It investigation should. In lost on. be . e with, M tnstten might be developed, by so do- ing to show that n lelnn been committed. snrfin tbst use It would er-ltctly proper to retnsnd the use to the (iron J In order thnt sh indictment ot thnt dasrncter tn the lonnrl. Gun. Stevenson, Mr. Jahnaon nnd Iir. Chand- hr each made some rnmnrlns on this point, emu- ing that tb question at nalsdqnioeaor or felony lad Nana en decided by Judge Jones, oi use Criminal urt. he hsrllil. when the Gt-nnd Ju ionnd the Indictments tor intsdemesnor outing tbs cuts down to the Court at Orlmlnnl Correc- tion, end by this act den y rendering his lawn as no the status of the set. frhue gen amen said it would he s new plane In lsnsl pnotioe tor the Jail of an Interior Court to overrule the de- cision o n Judge on higher Conn. It-. llngsn, owernr, dnlnud thstit would be feriootl proper to go on with the Investigation or In nruul later evidence than was present to the Grand Jury might, nosslbly, be sddneed, the h he did not know thnt there would be. ‘In: go Cndy mule slew nsnurhs About tits nai- ter. sud then ltnnonneeri that he would take the nus under ndrlramnnt, and reads: his decision et 9 o'clock on wednesdsy morning next. - —4 SLANDKB SUIT. Logan D. Dnrneron Enos ‘R. '1‘. Band for Calling llltn n later and n Mesh Ilse, Etc. A petition wss died In the Circuit Court yssteb day In which I prominent Methodist uh ledg- nuint (or 310,000 against it brother In the Church, for surged oluden. _ Logan D. Dnmeron. plaintlfl, vs. II. T. Bond, delendnnt. The vlnintm‘ Itatpn that beretotore, ta~wit: on or shoot the tilt 01 July, 187:, st It temperance picnic held In the term of Wsreriy, In the county at Morgan. in the sum ol Illinois, the delendnnt. R. 1‘. Bond, nude n public speech to nut! in the rueuoe and henrln at Her. 25. 8. Dlccoy, O. . Menclnm. Jaaop Tnlrln ton. Reuben Dennis, Dr. 2. W. Dntdloy Joel: I: ‘An- t-miltle ex-Id teen otllers, In tvh as public speech. stuld me and place. the ssld defend- Int. 11. '1'. Bend too on to I ask to and In the prosnncesxtclbeering 0! Rev. . . tizttoy and others of and concerning the business man- s or at the Bouihwestern llook and Pulxiisllln out ny, manning the plnlnttll’ with tile lnten to Infsre And dclszne the plnlntitl, the Inlso, sinn- devoua sod delsmslory words iollowlngg "'l‘he nlsxuigtr (running the plnlnttn 0! not publishing earn nny st St. Louis (lnonnln the liouthtrnutern 1100:”-id Pttllllshlng Uaulpnny was rentinf one at his houses as seoxnmon brothel." mun n; to And did chn-gs Ina &llint.Il!tvItl1 the orinse at tnowln lg leulax. e . Y1): this the plstntw a .000 (In :1 I . "i‘i‘t':.eeeond none In the petition charges the deiendhnt Bond. with having said. on the In at June, 151%, in the presence of ltiollurl null null others that he. so D. won wusllnr. An uirlitlunsl 55.000 don-landed (or is. The third count say: that on the In at Bepteinv ‘.33: “"".I“.'I.°°“'.'§:’-:$.‘.‘I:.:'.‘.'.‘:. °-°-".2 ‘:.’.*::~ In an 0 2:1. _ 3 I - lug? Ian D. Ditlneran] II I inesn, nonmpt lnlti. nnd iighe records at the trial at St John's Ohnroit were published, he (IxieAnlIi5‘Dntx;lI‘0i3 would be llililt deeper than ever In it out Ian of tits mimic. " lfolr t::I:’t2&plslntI.I! aye ho is «unused e numnn o . hTI:1flult3t‘!I1!‘i E-(IBIS. stgnatea tbsthdzlellidnizt did.’ at e s l.Il’£I6.ll on .sn ‘ B atennn E. '1'. Band) knew of sorne,thlnn;s Dunemn we: unit oi st Gina w, that It known would sank inn?’ Another Jflxllsdemnnxled tor I.Mo-—mnl- Irifilnnugll $20,000. John it. nail is sttorney to: p . ..._._.__._4.....__.._..... Annie Louise Cnry. Iiitu Cary, the (anions oontrnlto, will appear this evening st hiercentue Library Hell, in A no cart to be given under the auspices at the well- know Arnphmn club. and the popularity ol the vocnlttt who bu recently reiurrmi from Europe, wheres e bu earned the lame]; mu are only swnnled tome " ueens or Song," will usuredly draw at is a and cum. ’.'.'lIo xentlenzcn at the Am;-hinn 0 tab dun-s the encoxu‘33l'-meal oi sll lovers of musical art tor their enterprise In task- in; srrsegunents for sun}: A brilllsnt entertain- ntentss this promises to be. at to hate u season. The concert will be under 0 at Hz. Robert (Inidbeok. Ttehete srs torsale st Bnltuer A Weber's-—$1 sum, wilh no extra abuse for muted nuts. 0 UNITED. The St. Louis, lksnut C and Northern Rail ‘ way Runs Intothe nlon Uepot. The first Train Psesoe an the Link Yoete:-day‘. The Inst an or the connecting link between the old Inn at the St. Louis. Eshsu City snd Northern Rsilwsy she the Union Depot wu Isid yestsnisy, had In]! LI hour Lute: the III-st through express tram Knnue Ollv ran over l: on tins and uncle connection with the train‘: {or the nut nt Twelfth street. For several days past dnnbie gsngs at lltbol-en have been engsxed under the direct superintend- enoo cl‘ 8. '1'. Emerson, ehiel engineer oi the road. nndolvoring to complete the track. And the lut spike was driven about 4 o‘clock resterdsy snernoon. In the cutting. non: the Iintnnl Bridge mind. When it become certain thst the work would on corn leled In time tor Lhe Dinnsu City Express to run Me the Union De t without loss oi‘ time Col. ‘Tam Hcfilnock nvltodn few friends and one or two ltlwlaapcl nine In In him. and rude nnitoife sun tulanunthn nrrenton accom- modation min to moot the incoming nxpnu. no party that -veutont on the omulon consisted at Chlrlu Otborn Agent at the Associated Press: Col.. Andrew it nlonrlonlngzb Ben. Carlos Greeley nJl-Mnyur Britta , r. Pnreell. In. lien Walter, 3. ll. Hillel". Gee. I). llnll. R. D. King. Assistant General Passenger .igent;Sln:eon luv 1!. 0. mm Geno:-at I-‘relight Agent Gui. ‘hllcltlseock, 3. '1‘. kmennn Inn Indy, end I). 0. OIIOI. name 001-. in-some Ibove nsrty Ielt mama street, and I>o'ciock bed ruched Fer;-nscn 5t.stIen,st w Ich Int the new brunch switches on tnr Union put. Ilsre ndeiny at some but honr wu nceessnr1——lI.rnt to nwnlt the uvivsl or the construction train, which nuns down from the scene of ths Isst r-nil-Llyinx; snd seeond,to nwnlt the nrrivnl n! the xinm dny nxpuu. which woe to nuke Lbs lrit trip over the new branch to the great central Botnt ol rsllrosd mn- rlectton on the continent. n bond the Incoming train were it lnrganmber ol delegates end West- ern politicians. null for thus Convention at Oin- ninnntl. end wnsldsrnble anxiety vvu mnnltsnted by them u to the loulhllity of catching the Lantern tnlns on urns. Bni Col. Torn‘: quiet smile rvsuured them. and his promuu were Ertvvod kt be normal when the train rnn Into the man Depot st 6:45. In nlnyls urns. run new noun runs thrnn one at the most bcnntilnl districts oi st. Louis county. the land beln pnneipsli roll- ing and well wooded. leaving crguson 8 tion In n nortbwuterly direction, It nukes. circum- bendlbru. crossing the rim-issn_nl med hand- some Iron brid;e- under the hnturnl llrlxl o meal 2: n viaduct nuarkornund -under the st. ltnrlnn I nlnniewneo o 's;ncrofl lapel: rend be II ‘V I tu kel the UHvo5Lreet rend on the grade near the Inter- section oi thtiglnntlllnimlallil rtilltrl ; ‘thence ‘the rosd rnns In a soul ante rec on or n mi I names $e northeastern sale at l'ures:hl’nrt£ Dwhnrn era is I station. is running run ores! Park It runs over two at the hlndsomelfmlde In the park on lundsorne bridge: 0! solid mnnoary. null then under the Gr-And ltaulnvnrmwhere n bri-lge oI nauonry three hundred tent in loan U1 Is In course or cnnntrucunu. Thence the re runs under King‘: lltxhwa . Immediately In the rear aluthgérlld rcsldetl-gas oucsphi. hiocntusi; thejnaby an n on: e sncuorrn .n.h nnv sppmnehfi the Pndllc Railroad between u:-and sn-I Therese sw.-nuts {mm which it runs on an Inez: adult truck on; the northern side oi the I‘: e treat to ths Union Depot. run iniuutnitnnn-1 Arritovno. It will In rwuinnibevcd that when, nbmil one E???-1.51%".-'i.:.‘.‘3°.‘§§Tl.?.5..{’ia‘}.5".;..3..‘1“2xZ;.:’5?.T$ to oonneet with the Union Depot It was intended to run use eonneetin; link from the neighborhood nfllellctnntnlne Al.".t1>ll Cots Btllllnnte in lllboll A direct line to the point or junction. But the owners oi the residence property In thnt delight- tn! ahnrb tleokéhu ntsnn sud” entnr1enI e rigorous re tnpnst epropoecd ns. t was It thntowlnxte the gene:-n.I]y level ztntnra o! s territory te be tnmrrsect the rsllroad would have to cross All the driving mods on gulls, n.nd that won lsertous e metal o ro erty this Id be :1 tri th And comfort of the Onto Brllllnnlern. I1- nzosutrnncee met with due eoxuiderstlnn from both the Count Court sad the lnlhaduu of the nllmsd. And. nsll . galafinrmznokfixzen ex‘- nsln mule was 1; our road I) - can an [led the orange was node the expense being more thnn eonnterbninnootl b thlnmlzpoftiulllnd local ingot-ht:h whlll us‘: up In e um eonntrv rong w e med essosheeolnes heme for residence purposes flbelng the intention the ooxnpnhy to run Ieul seconmodntton In ss soon ss liens: ll’- rnngstnents on be nude. Another-[vests nu- Lsxu. tnnu st am in costly one. lies In the uni tiint over I route flnniiy ehowoss. only In and Instance (the Olive tltroet Itosd) In It necessary to cross my road on the e. ‘hunt nil danger ot collisions with the e n.s.ry driving irnitie will obv . The tunnel opening at the new connection will take pins in n lnw dnyn. _ _. Due nnn To-Day. at t P. H. st. Joe Puumes vs. ltedn, st Itsds‘ Pun. mission N cents. ———————o-———_.__.. BRUTE FORCE. Turner nnd Jones Tried for Assnnltlpg n Reporter. Yesterday ‘ , the ones at the stats vs. l‘. D. ‘Du-nu end Oruiev N. Jonu, two young nttaraeya,eune up In the criininnl Court. 11:. Indictment charges thnt thou npbolders sad ex- , ‘ or the law ‘ int! n uunlt. with Intent todo greet bodily harm, o W. P. srnythe, wIro.st thsttilne, was s loos! reporter on the evenlul Dispatd. The sunnzt wn namuiitted on the ado: November last, the details or which were published at the time. nnd crested quite s storm at Indigestion. The thus were that smiths had written some nrtlcine ior his psper w Io): were eoinownnt persons! In their ohnrneter, st wi:ioh_’nxrner snd__Jnnes took embrace. on Ad- ITFUATIOXJ WAl"I'KD~8!A‘1.%. "W’A.N'l'§D-—'|‘o uv-Iltoeto end lvnilderw-—l2u=ti|°'.V' Inuit n roan men whoesn Joe books nod nuke hlniu general 7 nsetnl shot In a u: In re - nfdenetnu. wit-‘icing s XflCIg0I‘lel£A:l¢.'.b:1‘V|:*r'. name ex once I: sup: In a; work: but errnee given. Lddrus Cltu. Struby. cue Gnrendon Hotel. £.K'l'Kl)—Bltnnt.!en u driver or parlor in share: (pun llnnilsh Ind Goran" well I tulnledt but of oily rate:-eneos. Adsin-sa I]. K.. 0: 3 once. WAKTKD-almnuw u zosehnnn sud nrdrnér it s slnfle. ooher Innn. thorough! uuynslnlcd business: uity relerences. 1 dress P. l'.. "W'A.'NTl2D—-A yonrt an If yours at s n wisheun rltnntion elvrkinx It ry or In srkeepcr. Address A. Fisher. No.filI ‘benzene nrenne. ‘"_sx-1-um Ki-torts .91“-.;n_;;:' " ' ‘ v - iCD—n s Indy oi reilncvnc-pt. home In ‘V ANT nrivxie turn r whiz re tr-rrl will cant;-enute tor be: henrd; no ob1.te country.’ Ii. 1... title emu. AN"tZD—A ntnntktn ss baueeklréger or llxht housework. by a widow. Call at 3- Quan- dclst svenue. AJ(‘1'KD—-A ng Ind . D Geruuu. wishes s mention 2?“: sxnsl fimlm. Innlly to do I! t bouseworhzts s sewer by tuna and ma- c Inez consider! more n plenum Dome tltnn big pay. Andrus I‘. 0. boxiiil. Galllnrvllle. lilittols. HELP WA1lTZD—II.AL§. —.,~-.—vvvvvvv\.~\A.-.,..~_- .. .-., WA N11!)- plsinly. Boy is. who run write rnnldly nnd I1:-. Whittier. II1 st. Chsrios street. AI"l'!‘.D-No. I homer. on Pun swvnue. nesr Grind nrvnus. Peter It-cdlvnny. AN‘I‘P.1)—1‘ersons desiring sltnnlions In hotels. editor. or say rupoeinulo nmflluymenl. npply to (10 \‘|'n.shlugton nrnnito, up ncnlrn. N»-.im I. A.NTHD:A‘ Br/|t‘—elnsnm-tlnnez. Apply toJ‘.“Il-.- Aflfi. Jenorvillo. Ill. £x1'r.1>-ix‘: Efisten on the Bl. chum Each and list! mile west at Knife Runway. 31 Iipet soznnre. ‘wllku-we A Go. 'WAYf'l‘Kl)—AOKN'I'8. AN flllw \-()0 ‘Ill L 11 I1 I otlfer norw 2.o3eL1°:'§“z':_<»..'3'I’wl‘:‘§'..r II‘. I WA Axenuto umvsss the State oi’ lla- son Mr I but uinl ll 1:3 0! UN Gent-ennlsl rosin s In the en. e copies sent I I with “I I “OH (0 lead nruccp M5 ‘M51551: ‘per “ W on, pos Is. Du ski §;Y“l2‘.u... n.l.'.‘E.'.’-}‘.‘fiI‘.5’...:" n.n. WAh','l' l'.'.D—I’A.R'l"N'BlIJ(.. A.v.-nA.v ANTEIF-Pnrtner. sun In an uunmne-1 hun- ness. Inquire MW. 1!. Cnninll. loan); Weak- lngton srenns. M"n6usn:a. noons. Etc.-VVA.Nf')._ ‘ “A;'lTKD— besr-L for two gentlemen. in nurrh u{(.‘1uunbus street. Amid:-us Ltmndwnr. 'VAN‘1'I‘.TI)#I‘O EXCHANGE. :i‘ éh:;;lnde for n drug sIum: mlshe-i or untaminhce mom. -lib rlrnte (smelly . A. Uleolt. tab rum at 3|) news. In tisilstin County. lll.. hell - bottom. but uplnntr well watered: til) ngres In rum- vnuon. Latin-ss loch bot. No. (I. alt. \ ernon. ind. K13-CELLAKXOVI WANTS. ._.._... . . fi AN’TK.I.)—Any non enn tnnke swzlnniootlt oelllnn our letter-copying boot. Any one thnt Inn in letter in wril-2 will Km)! it. No real or wnter used. an} (or clmutxr rru. Excel 1- 1.: . y. 16 1‘s'Ilmne llufldlitx. mduizo. Ul. ' ilN1'BD—-A second-hand II It! as wngon ‘V with hlun sent end Kn0|—Iknifi!' aid borne an Itsrnenn. cliesp (or cash. Apply 12! cherry street. " AITTZD-4"lnihr-I \\'rln.xII'v. Chlldnt (‘ur- rinns and Veloetpcdss lat repnlrt. st tut! Wul\Iu.n4In svenne. " 1uI1'm»—u yon hnv noun cnpinrl. ma wish to inns: in s new at do at ninnuhctnn which wil filf from . u>st:.oun the int you. cell ll 21! ortlt Lu th street. roan: a. : 2D I A 1\/II O N I) S .. Attention is called to the Brilliant and Unsurpassed display or DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES NOW EXEIBITED AT EUGENE JAOCARD & CO’S CORNER Oi‘ FIFTH AND OLIVE STREETS, And oiicrtd at prices lower than ever before known In Ihls city. . 8Al’PIIlRl-2.‘! and Purl: In of our own importation. luring been rarzlully selected by the . prln‘c‘lrpsi of our house while in Europe. and are the Pureet and Choir-out or Gems. e Our nmn ands, Rubia. have them 0! all weights. from 82*‘ KTS. down to the smnllmt spark of 3 ‘Ron select. . Diamond, and we mount them into any form that the taste of nur cuytonicn may dz-Ase or We ere Inst In receipt oi‘ n Choice Lot of ‘ SILK UIABRELLAS, 8 and 10 Ribbed Pnntgon. which we are offering at very low prices. CORNER or FIFTH AND oLIyE__sTRE'E'rs. SCARRITTS I Parlor, Chamber. Dining and Office. LOWEST PRICES, RELIABLE GOODS, ELEGANT DESIGNS. RETAIL and WHOLESALE BUYERS are invited to examine before purcheain aToR.Ac§E—A limited amount or room In our Furniture Lofts will he need for this purpose. SCARRITT S, 609, 611’a.nd 618 N no 1.5-: ms nnstxnttei MJKPOSES. F\0B ;T\nlnnt. In-rxe room! onld Andi-Ila loan. suitable lev mnnnzuiurinx th or without nu.-an g:\;‘er."Aloc. nu ht rpoees. vi r. i dulrnable starve. Applgi prunalru. or Bnmoel Cnppiu . Fnner. on And Chennnl. _,; Fifi RI’.'NT—6soon4 Soar nod lsnr: front onire. 50.1-.D North Second street. corner llorxln. ‘ ovenl. A. Fay 3 (‘n. W Bl".'N'l‘—tltore ;ne'"r'3«3E'.7.3_.oEtF-'LTo7u?- elnb nod Wash ls. located for most Ihu In-1|re 93 N. IN)”. Il7.'I"X'-lluslnru f‘ur;vo1ae——)i I Icnuy n Tw clltli. IWGIIS I If-OI" n: elm thrv-r delight- ! menu tor residence. cor. Thomas smi Elitntt. Flue. ...... ...-L...-L’. P vrry Lslest vi.)-les. st 93 I‘. ELI th Itrvel. liS(I"l:kI»-almc.-.s-'-'n\‘xt'i2\;t-tits‘ lint-I rnxiy kind. cl-nursed or rulurv.-ol am flnipin Straw and Full Worth. Ft0B.§Ivl.K.“t‘l'—De.s'iI-man to: rent. nni ‘n4a.'&IFni —- I,“ tr‘-lt. itrnvv mule into )xnsoxl\x,—-1.51:“ um gentlemen an get n.$ botngxnynns copied uni enlhrztvd with rrsyooz. In 1:‘; use desired. It till; per where. Atlvlrv-u or IV? 7 to spruce street. <£III Jenn than elu- 0. A. Ogvlssehlm I)i;itiior'l'l'tt.-—n. wurr. an Dionne street. pan road prices In: old c_i_o_t_ii_In_z._ send cn.rci.__ -xi nsnlitv cnlc pnrtin. tntlvnlnnndtnmilios on it led: lbjl roul- Wbt-clet‘. wsy end Ill! rr-snlllh nvnnne. oi. PELQONAL-Now er uné}'TITz3. Illno to a. your ‘muting. hm can an no H An‘ W .—i(<‘0nd-hand. lire- root-I-Isle, ‘ nodlnn sue. Address No. 5 Son L‘oznmu-- : . _ :er§ to meant sn gonev-s business at the I-thine nnd Sincl- o! H. Botslotd. I& n.nd lflfi N. Ilia —ith She It It». Arte well knots uni rnnnhlnery centred! Ln- Inn {or linking ws.|.II nod preepectinl Fun. ALIZJ (roe-ery. anus‘; tor mu. Ninth Ind nshlngton nvetttie. II Bent»-Law. on nooonntot dennh nainserenlnuulrentnctiennry nsloon.nl.l Itud up. Inquire st _nr_ondwIy. Fro: nah!-—Dvu store. rrezty located 4 tom and but 39:? vtnsens iron -11: selling. hire at 1. 1. Ilsnnunnn. '7 Pine at. "103 [LLB-A No. 1 hnnlnees. whiz): an be hsd lat nnull uuonut oi‘ none . with slot-E nnd Ax- tnrrn. for selling the olienvi the any. rortarnrmuion. mien. xorpnoL.npvuI:s.het._ . __ OB HALE-—flnkn . in stood stand. long is i rent Inoaiu-nu. ‘Ipply in David Anderson. no Enron IV¢IIII€- ' "...".-"".io.-.... crn ruorzmfv 1."- FOK IALI".-0}: any terms. I hnndsorne new rest~ dlenee. llld Delnwnrr. nur corner Mlnnetou sv- enns. Onmpton mu. oentnlmngeirven rooms. besides -meat sad I-II cons-enlnnces. Lat 13%. lnqnlre the to. nsnrnne Rxcnnnge nn s llnlldlnx. FOB SAL-B—llISC.E!.LANIOI!I. ...~..,....,.,.Arv... FVOR ‘ALE-—An one oi’ Furniture and Household Art elee. Vnrnllnre stored. E. A. 8tne1e.!W, Itt. KW Anti '3)! Locust street. F°__ t'.i_‘tk‘E'.:.f.‘§.‘:.?é‘.a.:':‘l3 °°°*'7t*“A °*' “'°*- wn nu.ia_'§ "... ‘lg IA-:tn: sir] ‘t§ml‘Ir°i'e:ln::xlil:-.nte. Tao“: : e In n t v on I e um. ‘V. r.('m.u sco..u:1 not-u». £3.11: ' Flo!» AL3—-Two handsome name. I and 1 years. that a any turn:-tr will not nun: Indy out drive them‘ nnsthosold. Linosntsi my hersmm. ms umhlo nnone. on nan:-lions nod rtunu‘ “ ' "r'no—"Ii¢8." I""iixE'xY§ gnome‘. "‘P:‘ms::wm bsronolts. at L. nit 'n3ti.T1l'-1’”' ' ‘ t~§n union. 4 grxne alum MEGA-I. GPAL sl.l::1lI“1 K nrth Fourth street. the ,.In .snsr. _ ‘_.nny- ststuler to point out 3n; the to blue. Jonu ettsokedltlni, wtitiont wsm n; In the rotnncls {I the font nru, knot in; him down ltnshlow mun Me net uid then striking hlcn sever-II times with e cowhide. A bystander Mixed Jones And rnvsnted the oontlnnenee oi the rrhlpptng. W Ile smrtbe wits rising to his be wns stthehed by who struck the two heavy News on the land. The on) than not between the men sea the snit- e elsonte tnnrks on like Ines. two lnm son his band And some of his teeth were I: a loonened. Sn: 9 sttennrds went boron the nod Jnrynad t body found the sbovs indictment ngslnst the pea-tlss. John Itrown A re , tutined that Jones said Turner Asked In to point out sxnrula to then, end Alter he did so they told him to hold on s littis while and he would "see suntnlun." Mr. Brown remstned nod ssw the occurrences he were rnlnied. Brnythe tustlllod that he Ind no personal no- qntintnneo with either Jones or Turner, nnd Iuul published only facts In rc&sr\*.I to them. It they were not (sou. he ssid. s pnrtiss could have secured redress by s libel enlt. He nleo testilind to the assault And exhibited considerable apt:-It In his I’-I lies to questions. Mr. outlnire. one oi the counsel tor defend- nn , thnt money obtained timangh n libel snlt would not plaster n n nun’: wounded honor. Mr. Btnyiltn replied but man would turn tutored up the present prneecd age it he but non wulln to ink: II. He ssld that 5.8. Alte- Donald In elated blm the on helm]! at Jones smi Tnrnnrto drop the cue, sod haul sentlnr blrn seversl times for the purpose of endeavor-lnx. to elect A compromise. The sn eon who stteudod fllnylbo testltled that the worm nrere not at a dauignmnr chnrncler. Eevernl other witnueos gs-we evldenm u to the assault. which the delemn did not deny. except thsi Tamer made no nssanlt on Bnxythe until, no he was ruin , be Svnythn) attempted to draw I revolver wl wltle to slxootlonee, sad the! then Turner sprang lorinrd and nsod his pa on M ... tectlng Jones. They also held the the stun-t wu Sula instlled b the news- psper nrueioe ‘!lW’hh9 Ii GMIAOII to ntrllshed (‘he srttcles were oners In evi- dence but ruled out. Mr. '3. B. Hsebohnld nude the I reset tor the dcteiue. which oecnpiod About Ital sh hour. lie wee very bitten-In his rsrnsriu And ynsttnad the course pursued by Jones Ind Turner. [in snld they on; lat not to here wsited ' they should bus tnrsshe<- lint;-the sooner than they. did. And done the war: thoroughly; that it would have s ulnar‘ elect. etc. mafill. . ortnlle iollowed, In the teeblut edbrt 0! I e. _ The Donn Instructed thst to wnrnnts nonvio- uon the iury mnuhs nuance that the Injuries received were 01 such serious character so evi- denced II Intent to scorunpllsh more than n slrnplo clmstiselnent. II was necessary be- oense oi the not that the weapon used wee out A deadly one. In the absence of such serious Injuries the ecu would amount to simply on ss- snnlt end hnuery. Tbs in rstlrnd ‘-n little before] o‘cleck. sud utter In I urine of nearly an hour returned with s vtmllet so-uniitln the delenduats e1 nssulli with lclanlmu Intnn . ltnse Ball To-buy. Uniqnes. oi Oltiugo. vs. Illa» Stockings, at at. Louis (colored). et Ilrown Stocking Perk. Gents celled su-no p.na. We hlnatxtnctun but (III;-‘I:"l.]‘ll&3III ol the ‘W fliampinnllnlslwritllt and Collins: Fluid sold by sl.l stnuoners. its sure you get the Genuine. LEVISON 8: BLYTHE; s-rArlom:nu.x1nouv1ts'rzu';.‘¢f_- __ "”'un.1.r wnn-szn nnr.u.xn. ' " --_fi..,.,...,.,...,.,.,,...,.,.,.,.A..,.,.,_... —A n a W '2$‘.i"l’.‘§'.’....‘.". .‘..4°.".“.‘.‘1 .i.".‘5§'l:‘. .‘.‘.‘.’."..‘.‘l‘i.'.*. “ .:}'u‘.‘.‘:'. z‘:‘3'.'.‘Ivr‘i‘.‘:‘.’Zi'r'.‘§5§i'..'.”n£““' “°'” "““ es.\‘nmIshes. illnu, 3 ‘s I.“ ‘ ;." . Pnlnl Conn pnnv. irn rrnnnltn nvsnns. .... .. . 30 Du“). . ,_..__ _ __ 0.ARDl'NG—-\'i'uh.l t It I I-1) 5‘ P‘, manta :LI venue on “$5 nltyisnitu as rooms for Na OAILDINO-—Inl “Chau- rootns. fnmlehed or nun DDIIFOI [nod baud. £73?-{-2 .155: in southern s1- ]3OAI'lDl'N0—ltoeni -inn . well farullltcd man. ‘ ‘ lfll Locn II nu-net. HIJIIOLL A.Vvv..Vv.,.,...A....- cu... ‘run rtnied i I d yuggrebllit Wm ntfsnnlgiy H “W ‘:1. oerber. No. unto rent: 9 par ...»—.. , mp. ....----.--..—.,._-. .... 011111 FOURTH STREET. ~ v LARGEST MERCANT}L.E TRANSACTION BF TE AGE! We shall this any begin the sale cl EIGHT ’I‘HOL.-'5A.\'D WIIITE VESTS, at the unhea.rd—of price of at 50 which no now being sold by other houtrs at . Also, an Immense stock of other Clothing at GREATLY Rl£DUCED_VALUES. TICKNOR 3. co. Fourth St. and Wuhlnirtonaive. ‘ I Bonth Filth strutt- than Ill. flfl Muucsms blI0R.Il|ootlI s m..u}-A 6-rig‘ llrltul. *_' sui.u._ gm-ct 2-aeeuvuodi . 1 ts .w want out :0 per month. it _ }.Il78‘lCA.L—ltn elsuni etnnrzglulor ornn (new) to R3! st Si oer menu: at Local! nLr¢¢K. U8lCALr-Pinnos um Orxutn-—1.u1cIt shoe: In the city. fly well lnovrn nzsnntnctnn-rs. Io “beget nnmes. For uic ht cam. on nrrnllilfi be e. Ilercnnitle 00.. _'I.I\.\_'03. low 101 east 51'UBY I lonin. reuonnhln prices tor mnnts, or for rent. lit. Loni: Ullre street. I!’ ma bcnntltnl nfies in YUIADBURY. AIIIOES nnd 8 . or llbernl terms or monthly OLILP. Iii Ullvn street. 8:. 1-ttrrrgr or ‘rain s £DUOATlONAL E-‘I3-UCXTION.\1r-1’flrntI lessons In Grnunn-‘snd other brsctu.-s by s v-allege graduate sud (cube: in the xntblle school: ‘ terms ntodentcr beurelnrveneu lr,r.n. uldclrent B. d. I’. Dunnnnxrg imsouth ':I‘wvn~ y-drnt sllvet. . ISIOVAL-Dr. Forbes. Dentist. in removed No. 18 North B! but street. three door: south to 0! 0tIv's. opposite his 0 USE!» UElXE&8L3IlA1¥CII’.‘—-A $1.00) up! money of ultlre street. c 13-. ran I-euro! s _ sun; I. 0. Quit: y. 1% horthtincond vnfiiirns emulates. iincticsi -n‘:-taller-->13!-A rh.-mcrto male , ,0 . ....... _. DWI‘-1-n‘0—n°Ul3l T0 ‘-3- 08'!‘-—ChlId-A mus rm -1: mm num- """"""""’“ in how her elutw needs . An In- '1”: E m‘§:tfl4:.lJ':§§*;g‘:%:; wk stnglconeernlng For w_1lI be tiuaknn 7 men vent Hm’ “Mm: - '. Igflmn . 9. . by ersnotlioncstlwr “O Neil. Victory Avenue. B {?°§£'§§§.{."§:¥§“§{.‘?3 “$3 "'&“5§3'.‘..i’e’-X L°§"'3 ‘.°‘.£¥.':{i.‘£‘ "§§'..".‘.Ta“'.-‘ ..'.’;‘x"u>'i""l".'."..‘i" . . ' nn e on o §';fll1etlInI.'nrk sud tut.» e hy gfns Line Wn.slt- rev ed bye:-ctnrulnx It to in chestnut street. ’ an IV 3: Mrs.‘ ttetll mes ptnooalrw 0'3'l‘0Ifl1‘0l.EN-A Oertlaente I Dr tit. nmx.§3mo«fi'.':'-... u'ws§oucr's§.'untmn a«i°'r:§§’; zr .ts.m. lama no ro-ml: N:liousip!°l-Ink ' II -' I'll - "1'i'l§'§L§'-tw ty 2 stunt--Ind to §‘nBe"4ollxn‘:t‘s:‘:5§::!c 22”" ll? '|)1;'nt:T:I‘.h=-1.7.; by-Ia 1 menu, gnu mung wntu in uT.§"..'., months not due. with luleus st thenstnoi‘ tour ciotefs. 12? complete: rntitenlysa. percent per lhltllllt penons In enutloned ".’.“::°'.1..'.':’.$‘:‘.‘..'?..°;':’..‘i“...‘.‘i‘.".l...'". '°" “ “' w."‘.‘.:‘.:.*2l'‘“*'' ‘‘‘°'““- "'''“'°'‘ '°°" D‘-T ' Call ' II. C. ILSUN I BRO. "nswumnnon mu ndtll um: uoelz. yno,-E510,“ It lu!.V'r—-Yenr~ste'ry corner nlhnnd Trent- U--vs-we rum wiwrwd-F rt Anvisw The Colton Dental Association .0. Ilnhdt. ‘rennin srenne. B‘ ‘M M W" 0‘ u“ m ... fl:‘.'.!‘.'§$‘..'.“..t."..'.¥:“.“ .’I‘-.’.“”.‘.’:‘:‘I.‘.°:‘.§"..?.‘.’3'a’:Z ...’.‘.'.‘.’!.’?:.‘.’.. ..I...'i.'.'.‘.'9..:'.1‘.."“""‘a...‘.1’.‘. *-. --:.-.~.:~:~ ~--:3 - ~22 ::*.,.»- «»:- ....,...... t.":.'.'.:.'£'.::: " .~.::z*..*-.*.~,.é'.*::.:.*..~. §..°“.,°°” "M r’ " ' “' """" mm’:-Ilv rt dead mm‘ uni us. on urwh. Amllyto mu-..r§"'2 ‘towers. bm.|!lPl.ne me In W os. F‘g§et‘;{1x.5o1.‘;'?:u :93: r');;h|=l"::u°."BEIl:. n ..........-....~.....ff‘1‘,‘2¥:“. ..‘,_,.,.,_..,.,..., cl new . A t vidsaecrao Del -1 Jlobtlodl l;‘.'.i $;’.'i‘.‘.. t..£'.‘.{.’§a‘u5 z..£. 3.3.... " D‘g'.§{§“(L. ..f,‘..'E}6.'.’x.,“'.“'.'...?’ x:.:".:...". '.'.'.'.l the int .- ‘Eco. as: so tn B.2:I0:.. zixrnetgflevenin uni Olivs * 5.123 %’;"IlTET§':I’.‘l °.'.I¥?.’E‘.“£3.{f.“I§.?‘:.'x‘l'*.;‘ffi‘o‘ v re: dance at Y. 0. list. 50 '5“ llllilr. FOR BEN -New !0«motn brick bonus wlllilfl modern rnpmvermmts: lsrm In mom Burk yards. with Itxbl sr hnlsoisllunted In North l'Ar etlhrve not of urn went -Ive minutes Irvin Ooevt-house. Rent 537 to $80. unsurpassed In str_cet. or cemiort. convenience Illtl ebeeymou city. I. L. Wont. Ill Cttutnn I1‘0Bfl-K’N1'—-County and cit oornhinecidrwe new brick broom hens». vti sexes at do end sthnlr set with on 3 within lsw Ixtlnl 1 at ntb ty llmits Booth at. nl “V I‘.5".”.‘.lbI.’I-’. it:x1'- . not . 3 ms. st"; W‘iudowo§$GIIesa:f& h=t'i'I~Rnoae ....£*'.':.—.:'.*:.*;.<*..*°..*.:- '*:..“.~..:':.°:..!'*:*....-‘°*:~..*':: at open his A. -. to 9. his. Ituctsv end inch Jays. nttmn: 1 he won. ' F cum-i.u )l_ox"t"It:hnu~:¢t. 'm'°"m’°'" 17‘_‘°t-'5‘-?w-'[‘{'.'.?T’3.'i.-_s’3‘s§-“-F-*‘- E5?-'sl:T”” '“"“""“ :3 -413 W hi . F'g.m..m..w -- .-.r,°.::.*..:':.*.*.:: v ' B nxng»-mssouun Thin th rooms. rnished. tar slcopelri roll? 3: eeltscping. ted from mvnnl g I't?w%onse.—t.u or unfurnished. Board 1 red. 1‘¢r-nu vusonnhls. _-ltduuou exchanged. iwfllfiloddud eueet. it xx:-v‘ 4 mm r. one . F‘) F e1po:n7e.b::hnngg:n.m|og)°wum;}2;. tiI.n._nventi_e. wiI4‘Ii:énuFti;“-basrd.°“ndtlI.:amr’er';;:t‘rI|m’..“°" flu] M 08 II -J! 1115 W hi F one In a c egsn‘I?y";:‘rtt1Iht_3-'I'.'XI'53»-*I'IIEIll min: and sold an mmtnls-v oon FROM $2 50 T0 $12. Order: from the Country solicited. J..KENNlRH ISGNS, ‘“’_“.!‘§ ‘£3.91: I."‘_’“."“‘_§E-_ hutmmr 3':-m-:1-:r. WILLIAM O. GIBSON, EXTAIILISIIED IMS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. b1‘0CK embnees everytliln In the Grocery . einlty oi ) no Tens. twirl-n. Wines nnd Crennicrr ntter. M; prion are bottom. . I. 0. UIBSIIS. Eixlh and linrkel streets. Prices range nnlxon. W. 3. Cornell s-cc... I900); 1h'I.nhlIi[tDn "am mfih,‘ I , '""xwIzm- Olfllfnt-All in 4 I I sn. Slllimlllll U111) tlux-ct. D-i.nW':\'enil:erby.°n 1'. LOUIE BY! A EAR I.‘l8'I'l‘I'U'l‘F 33 § Ubesui -Iuvct. no cllnl tn 1 to 6 Iy. r. L. D. ttilstns. Bnrzeen In nus. tiered. I T . M hi _mj:“"' -....-.'.‘4.’:§.i‘..‘.‘.‘§-.§:‘..'¥,'i.‘.‘.’..... “'3:?.1‘:‘.€.'3 o D R)‘. I dllll Dec: 4 fort Inigo. II§‘N. nlllotnntli lE.‘.I«|‘¢“! enirait-ea? t.,' no §‘....""'..'.’."?.7%‘3lt‘.".“"°" . hrvntultl ernuuenie . h the ddrnss 11. 0_. owerott. as. S2‘. 140018 Y . ternd W1}-— o. Itltntlon Is now open. ““ ‘‘&'‘'ii! that olltslnee tor tn- OIO -I 1:: '1 I 3.585 A8'l'U - lyv attkl nar? Tenn cattle tslsn. . 0.._lt. Loni: (_)o_nn_i1. lie. ‘ "An 3 the d ' ‘alt’-s ntatuuiz. ’ its"xt‘¢‘::§c:t‘.°" ° Bln Lul- iifififilly gehoel. for boys; .. Mm. ..., 2.‘.-rt: .1! no A fl w::X 9'41:-at gceor lob only. (Inns nysnneifl IN BY OOl.!.KG‘Bv-C!nr- till C 11.!!! sreeue. This in- 't‘he wintrr session will con- ln October. The hos- Oollep lsflopen at all In‘ ‘remit: sttrntfim. rug A Giant]. tllunwlu 'f§."tT1~2’:KS, Ileli worn ll’ iii‘.-':*u'°.’.’°°‘ ""‘ H 10 KM'AN’S O mu: Iritl Marie NEW TRUNK JSTORE. nor. mualxs ‘C55 E':'c‘zn AND RZPAIIIED. N fin anneal. uflf‘ B IOUEIOO I nnblo Nlllt B Th 9 E. n‘u§?.Il‘$§‘itfi-ls‘? Wholesale and Retail. (§‘§_?.f..‘“..'.‘.3.5l‘.’.“.‘.‘..§£i‘..§°.;‘3."' ’.“:.‘...:".‘T.5 B. .A. EiIO ’S fiend Ill Korth Tlurdureet. nau Posioflce. Trunks called for AM! dfllft city. 1*‘ at to my part or the Bend torilltuuslnsi die I. 3383.‘ ON EAJBTEI. _, DOWKI. BED. an ID sprints: 1vI.lt,uot lbl. Phrnielun ncmmnt: the Hut and I Intent. All liirslldealiotil have one: no hodsores. Are ‘ L. 5011'. Brnixur tine KonIn.r.nns. Sltishetion or no I13!» Bold '* '...°°t*' ‘*-.;.".'.°='.‘.-.."'*‘... 5' I.‘ I ll. . tnent ho. KI. oral seventh s_t_rset. It. MANUFACTURERS :03 roan .‘_."-40‘ CHI1.D’8 CARRIAGE, ‘Q’ Q And use mm 1-. .1. mutant a son, 9 No. is South mu-uu street. -YOUNG-’S § ALES AND PORTER, Equal to Imported. DE.l'0'l‘. 50! Chestnut M3998 : TO to not.1.a.nl._ .- ..>»... ..,._. -..-rs.