"Getting ready to help with the Old Newsboys are: (front row l. to r,) Elmer Meister, Lions Club; John Williams, Kiwanis; and Gene Glover, Twin City Area Chamber of Commerce; (second row l. to r.) Helen Vigna, Administrative Co-ordinator, Twin City Area Chamber of Commerce; D. Al Hulme, president, Twin City Area Chamber of Commerce; Zuma Vanderpoel, Business and Professional Women's Organization; and Shawn McCubbin, Treasurer Twin City Area Chamber of Commerce; (third row l. to r.) Allen Gray, Downtown Business and Professional Association; Charlie Ervin, 2nd vice president, Twin City Area Chamber of Commerce; Jim Gibson, Elks Club, Lodge 1721; Orville Burkhart, Twin City Area Chamber of Commerce; and Brian Wehner, Downtown Business and Professional Association."