, » small xusJnrlty..wa l_'eei.cX. - _ crate live. The _ ' ._ oi'9.i1,_rt Democrat a loss a ' Iciitiiux issue. _l. I 240. 23.». . Y."D¢ii‘l0c\.‘i\1 It _n " _ swttmrlrmd 0:-uuty. l_Iel>nl>I$t=n_Mnu kenubiloan untin 37.‘ " 4 ; . ' \’u:o"L‘ouuly‘-'wo,»i{t:p _ , ‘ ' The lilaxlublioann t~.ioct.i_he,,eutlm. . ticket, including-.s_cnauer_ aw two_-ii_upresonts- in‘ . . mun .l'u!.1‘:£:‘xIl)ingtu:|f.Conu>ty.‘5Denit;ct'Atio gain :10-1. “ 2 wells County. vemocmicstsiu-16 ' ' ml l 00,- . 4' -- . mm“ '.‘¥}i‘:SK:l"‘F‘ifl§‘. =Govtgressiensl- . _ I-ict,..l3t*limxttt,'=lta1tnbllc:n iu‘eieqte¢i'_ ya i ...3‘.°” u‘i"“1‘o‘<‘1; "%i~‘.."s° hit" .s, ro Vysoc .:. I §'.'h'u°§':‘... ti)»: ;'i.HDth!ii¢a?1h' ‘eight stud. the Demo‘-. - » l ‘l is I o. .. . V frees firtwersliojmsjnl-lty itnturm {roux llmvonn ' piece»; given-liemp‘ " - if ' cutie vote or 106,990: ,R0|'iU"IHi:KYi.’115.W'l' H:-. ‘J bent . tiunnls, 5.473.. same then in ii§6_ttAVi-‘I: , _ cents, 103.2%; Repel: leans, 1ou..os;Nn:nnuu 6.05:. ‘Net wzuulaliosu ms, The Demo-_ ‘ era-tlewneiurlt . iercevornnrvin lE7ii_Itss 5,133,‘ The nlmvc: is tur cent of the vote at the Stew. 11 um p..1m.¢¢g[.ti:o£tnte to hear (mm given the name vote". of main». I'iurtut-‘I mujarity will he ’ mill. This t'tntstneul~onesnet include Indian- apolis. city end.oounty,’vl-lth iorlyvsovcn voiin . precinct», "whit".-h gives s‘ Republican pain no .05. rrho following ttdditionsi returns by amm- tlcs lntve been received: Illsrthoiomow, Demo- crailu mujnrlty- £32., Ileepnhlieiua nude, 200; llrm.-.n I).-tnrierntio xnajx‘-rlly. Democratic V nu. luo; Dc-Kalb. ‘Democratic inaioril)‘. 26, uufnuiicnn gain, iii;-)‘uit_on. Ilelnncmtiu In - zor tr, Em, Republican gain. 00:—rlty. 1'38. Dem- ocratic twin. «is; 'i‘i1'I|H>C'"!°I> bounty. W-*l«‘|'_b- lieun tnnjorit_ly,. 1.0vM; Ituuubiitmn train. 7:6; \’.mLier|:u.l-g iepnblicnn tnniority, 3%; Hi! [uh- licnn lmiu, ix: Wet-ten-counts’. Ilrr_mh loath majority. $111; Dmnttcrzstio Kain. iiii; W nuhinv ~ ton, X)(9i\l(:Cl"ilUc majority,-.501, Detrgncrnt e_ nln, ‘loll. Twonly~nn\'on g-mtutlus gave Rehab» can gains 01-135! and twt-lvo t.-onntine l)mno- grgzlggsls: gljgfnltili-.puhllcau uuin no - t- . ‘ ‘ . - - 1-‘nil returns-[ruin Mtulou Grmnty nice _I'o(:ile. ’ tlurcuzlntme. A nnnginrity oi nlmnt 1.90.0. lr:v.uli.\'l.u.z. i.-mqvoctoher 13.-—-.lm.llcsiions oi the vou, so iur rupm-ter.i ppm: to the election at xltner, the l)v:iim<:rdiiu_ bnutiil in Lliiil 0(liii'i~ liy. The other count) onicerx outne Republi- can ticket will hrotutnly be elected luystunli xxmjorlliha. ibtlum, 1)umocruti_o< bultawr, will slsu beuicrstdd by n snmii nmiutity. . Iiottat-us comin in slmvlr-. ‘ . _ «nw -mncruxn ooxmedts the election oi nun. man by .10!) umimity. I).-tnucrntia ilherlil’. (Jterksnd ethic eenstwr elected by email ms- urltiee. . _ - 3 €1‘tia ‘ennii-oiiluinl vote of the Citypi.F1vnne~ villa and Duunty oi Viilit}‘)l‘1)ul'it_lI: Lenders, 1.503; I'0i'ii¢I‘ i.8'.)i; iioilniau,Vii.ll."o; Kielmor, Deiuuornit Lila. ‘ _ _ .- '1'Y.ltli}:, lsnria. ’l.\'n.. October 13.--fifixe vote oi this county in nil in, And shows the iollavrinz rvenlt: Pm-tar, 4,9»; Lttnders. 4..6lii; Gregg. 733. In 1878 the Democratic cnntiiduh tor Gov- sn-nor csrrlet! the county by 150. The Republi- cans eiuct the onliru.oun_uty tickeninnludinx state Sex-m1.or.snd two member oi!.ttelezlsls- tune. All the silicate elected iwlugs.1l.cpubii- can gain. , _ liditorials. 1xm.\_~zu-nus, 1241).. October ls.--'i?i'ze follow- ing cditoriale are irom_Ihe iste editions oi the morning paueu. ' ' - The Sentinel (Democratic): Late, st 5 o'clock this whorninsr, there are still over 1.000 voting precincts to hear item. In the 245 precincts re- ported ti:a_uut iiopuiziicnnzssin is 1.5“. ‘roe Repulvlicilha are clnitnitnr the State h3'_b,000 mn- iarity, but the returns do not about it, sud we mp» i.llu.z.vrhen the remztltiimx nrnreinctu no head irourmr. L:-nuns’ election will he use- cured by I tmnill nnuority. _ The Jlvumal (llounhlicsxu: The rcturnairom um Indiana mention come in very slowly. The ticket is}-cry iansz, and most of the .prot:lnet.1 in the cllii:-i.liIl’§zts, w. tint the reports received at thin hour. 2:34 ll. m.. are confined mainly to the meal! county ptt-tzlncu. Fear. ii any. hi the cities will be inward lruln beiare morning. The return: received imiloute steady um jar lknrter, which, it continued throat: tout the State at the sauna ratio. would elm.-t by about men majority. We exheot, hmseror. to bear ol l.e.tvy lit: mblican grains in the latte citioul, esncciu? _l. nu mama ucturituz centers whom the inn question assumed the proportion oi s CllARi.!‘.§1‘0:l. B. 0.. ()(W01Klf'l3.--‘THU Nnos and Courier says: “tlnpplly the Democracy are not nmnmu to 7f!Vai‘t¥0.l!i,.Il|ld the action: oi Tusesnny will spur the party to wslouhleu .» clams during the next thrco weuiu in lij;l.'l‘)' iiinto in the Union. In we not pints-.~ which the Brceidmttiai stmmzie hm nuw II5.Vn|Ilad we can not nirsml to take any risks. l.I.'ux<:o:-.k will be likely 14) need uvery ¢!iu(:i(iiai vote that the Evouttmrn. states cm xiv!) lnitn, but even it Ohio and Indians should vote in hcwcmher all they, hue voted in Octo- ber, there no: other Northern States which may have as utiplouennt e. llil‘m‘hc in store iur the In-puhiicnus its Maine xnvc them but uwntlx." 1.o\lL<:a not scum to have he pad the Demo- creus in the West mu)‘ the Rain oi Indixms isll ton.-in Kiln Rutuhltczum in the East. lion- over, the inlrtorynl politics, mm mint 0! ornnt; shows nrmvy lnsumcos oi, battle , loans in detail. _which have been more than recov- .cn-.d in the amt: ongngctmnxt. in our sectional contest: the Coniadonttm won inure isolated victories than the Federals. It sras wliun tho maourms oi’ the mtnbelsnw were stretched to their Iulitusi iension.ur.d the combat deepened into A Iierca and nan! siruzwdu. Iii along the line. that ihrce nxainst fur-co mvulled. sud.eumlm~a proved decisive. The etuocnule party iuainis A nuxnerio-ti msiurl y in Kill! country. in Ohio and Indiana. it in simply‘ exhibited itseii unable to 4:0 with the mute- 'od tnnterlai which to Republicans _weru able to put. in the field. in Kovemhor tile ‘R.-pubiit-ens will have tocottteud iortsveuty nustend oi _two ststu. '.l‘hua spnsd. out - it' . remains to seen whether they. hold . their own. 011: tune - at they‘ ' cam-'**'not. Our up-uion is that the mm m is eumcicutiy o n to testify tiiotuzbtlu men in renewed exert on. set V to make it Aci'il!I9‘»llI those charged with the esimnslgn to relax. a. uiuxlu nerve. . V-‘ CIA - kixsurxls.-'i‘xnx.. October l .—-'nxe election - » news wan‘:-eoelved in this on with much 0iI-- ’_ fl'‘urVweeks - iron: the» tunes has been sli one wan‘ ' Vs ’ i ‘_.the. literal Y0iin¢*b! noxtoes who ' ' syslemauicaily it-matted ‘trium la. "tnrnsglei tlmslestn by the Repubilcsns,'e¢poeisli,y the Jwtturns iroxn Indisns which the Democrats had eisinieo by muiaxiucs rumind trum 6.00: to J . . y . : , _ . " e_Appeai towtnormv in sueditoriai ssys: "We must eonieu to son: disappointment in the result 0! the elections in Indiana sud Ohio. rseottleg the dx)'.wi.ule(;ti0u news int» lug plainly to [Democratic success. 03° my . Nurses oi thisgtest surprise. this uverlvbeiming. ~-tiniest, we have not into seen. In Ohio in sin told tint they no and to the multiplied ms- chinery or federal omoeltoldemi to terrorism : red by hordes -ex irrupomdbie United I-itucs men: i-isrshsls, and threats that the soldier)’. ruuit .15: their option beenliod into" l'¢‘.?uIuiti'0D. Added to these potent powers ion.- on winning _Ih£I19 was the’. money ring, which tor weeks «Hi ,to helluva that Democratic 'sm.-ecu W_&I_ monsce to uurixuiustriu sad cu l~ tall .40! _' ' _ the geountry.‘ -. Indium te ls. miist‘ story. . supplementing’.-it sii _ had been ‘ inwtbs btsu b the in-gebtienua. .'..'t‘tzls all may be true.‘ No it .1. ‘Th6 nuns that began its eaten: with their and murder, jimt hu- sigmtiised its entry bysi lsr crimna,1s not ii do irons its proposed ;..¢;.,.mn1¢;g' 1111953}: us than eusunetsted. pm 1i Mina iuuu cm i s sell-convict- - 1:44? .lir'ilavytei0r. .j a ' iiersed bed-prer. sad that "Moi.-in ;Bresldonov.ior iiyss isnot 3;“, this -. dual its im- ‘nwsusn iolts triumph. fr-ts solid mm. . 0: :-wz..é::;~.~; "8-5.-‘r"V’." ‘J. spoon ‘ [,5-ggy .. gfllplffli 02 I Q 1.. 'spooini”telugnins hiiv's'_l:'ee'ta ‘ ‘rzmmsu fxrotn the’- Wnruo. connty.'~t'iiepubli:g.u, mull-irit)‘ 9.809;. .. xopehllcdrlws hsve s- msjerity in.‘ . ‘circle the tall Republican ti o -' i .. . . on re. 2 ti not-ltwvezqlseensusiiyilu. ’ ‘enfnbt = wtuoiiy hlomonhois we i nos, 0., oet6h=er_f,‘l::'-’;-\'Vei-y3V tittie_i_"u'ter-_ eatlreiy.'on__ret’nt-us’lt'omIiidiatin.'_ , ._,i F. -1-=1’: X£PU,BiJOAF'fl3J\DQUAR'rER§ ‘ . »§hnlr_niee=ot.éommitt¢es ii: in V'lat_1tTeigi_;'t'.c_'oet:'-—- liosai Oi1iD.',Ihow'iug.c_oruplete returixs‘on;5_ea_-5 ‘rttury oicteta sl1':i8uptetne' deuce. ~Jicc«or_ci~. ieg':t_9,{1l6 -return} from _'th_ese -‘sign: _eou‘xitiejs o'u'___ .t_ise.vot_a' for‘ seeietqiry oi state, the Vkepaillioen , ggine.ere1.9oo, and-'the.Deluo‘crntio~_g_eiesare ; '5.651."_,1‘i.i ‘I-Tltel, Republican V.z_n'ln ’{‘;:ov‘er. -renter‘: . ‘Dli_ar3Allty'»_. V-not = 17,329: in: youth is. _!.%§.; The not _Il.ehulilioetx' gun": on ' B,n‘m1s'me.'J:;dxe'li;-i,ua£ Irina counties nno ’ henrirotn,-srenmwn'.2i.ick1ng,.I.it.‘IK1i.t1’i. O.,; October l3.—.it-‘s Into hour to-night the excited political crowds have let: the streets sntl i‘mn9_ home to sieeu.-lettvlnx qnlot tor-the hrs: time since blunder night. Ali day to~day_am.i through the early‘ hours oi to-night. Vine street -swttnned with exalted people. Democrats \Iu'-rd either iixltllnx mad or wholly di-guumti and di_dn't attempt to hide their -icclinxs. The ilepnbllcans louitcci tuulexr-reseed their delight. The)’ claim that )'uait’.-lfi'!29.3."l election prsntic-tiiy m:,ttlr.s_ the re- enlls ni '.‘K'0$'8lltbt:T,Illld that Gnril-_-lti'u election in ttssuxod. To this all or nearly all the Demo- crnuuuuiettt. A leg! openije user: that Eu- ,;iiel:'eunpopulu.rlt. lostln ions to them and that hisw tinimwnl-irom-tile tic.-kc: should he (Xlit'H|\lidBd.' 'lienubil<:hhselttint that it want’: Enuluin. but umt_ the people at the ..‘latth lnwt: lmttmnn tired at . the solid z§nuth,un-ti tlint it is an {'Ii1l'¢5ll0ll oioonfltienco in IlmAdminiatrxtlnn, and as desire to see no - cmmxu. ‘fun l;'t'tn-txman assert that the old mun‘; spat.-vii ztl-VVIAXTKIII. 0.. put life into the "party, and lillll'¥fll!Cli urdo with the immense rote. r . ‘rite Ohio Returnir‘. Co1.mmns, 0.. October .la._--No news oi ‘shy importance has been received by either the ill» - pttixiicrm or Iloxnocratie Comnllttueflliiii nmrn- _ ing. ilev.i:md'llzuree show tho State is certainly Republican by et letvat‘ £0,000, endnthst nlteenf llnpuhilcnn >C0n[(l'('!s6m_Dl)‘, -mentioned in the‘ ,1 ate dispatches oi int night. he surely elected; j ’ All étiorta thud-int to ulmtin the definite mn}or- _‘ V 'iues by ceuutiesztnnve;-Jtilleni, _tuo Republican .cay.miy' Committees evidently feeling: that", . in- esmueh u Ohiuhu gone liopuhlieen, there is ._ limo interest ixitue exact lfizures. The Demo- erntie state Committee roiese sll Atit’n)pil_ st interviews by newspspcrcorrespondents. They my they ‘know the state has gone Itupubllolm, ‘and tits: the mspuhliesns have swept every‘ douhtiui Uongresulonsl district, sud inst is quite emu it im than: to known. Goo. NM 1. Ohnlrutsn of tbe liepubliesn State Committee, is occupied to-any in answering: eonxrntulntory tclotzruiu: irotn all portions oi ' tho ontmtry, and be will not ntlempt any tiger- int: on the returnuuntit to-ni ht. 'l‘be crowds are now gathered about the uiietlir hoards. hut the only interest txisniieslcti is in lhu new iruui imliuns. ._ _ , Prnnlclin County complete, esoaet i'los.-mun Tosmsltlp, which gives an avornee Democratic majority ut ill. shows the election at the «amino .l)etnocrniio County ticket hyynmjnritins from R51 to 1,016. Lent‘: majority ior Secretary of titan.» in the county over Townsend is Eli: and Pallets, ior Supreme Judge over iiulivairte, is 7.39. ‘rim-total vote given in: Lloyd, Green» back candidate ior Secretary at fitltc, mus but in the county; untlior Donne, Prohibition oattdldatA3»ior,the same since. who but 43. t;nng{se's uxelority ior congress in this county vmst . ‘ .» Ctxcmrwrx 0.. October 13.-Complete rea turns imm iintnliton. county, except three nxcclncts. give Townsend. ilaputzliunn, int- Secmmry oi stem, A majority 02 s,t'.:7;hicii- value, iur Jul! 19 at the .-‘opt-mus (ions. Repub- licim. 3.219; siiey Roponlioan. tor Shcflfl. 3,7‘.'.i;(2nm:iler, ior if-ounty Auditor, Repnipll. can, i.Ml;0utca.lt. ior Pt-out-cnuug .lit'toi'nsy. -llepulaiicsn, i.B‘.‘£.. The three proeinnts to beer ir-om gown Democratic majority 01 iii hut ‘her. Coinmltmu tho vow on Judge 01 the u re-me court with theta! Governor tut car, no a would about A in-moenxtle train 0 737. ilntterwurlire majority. itenublicen Fire: District, will 1300. Ye-amt, liopnlzlicsn, - 8r.ron tile _x-ow. . or New -York sute,'__‘but V-not xix: g his zoplnion noon the vote - oi the huslnou than .0!‘ the oily.‘ V-Jihey s'imsdy"ior¢ss\v, the den er lo beVspprehtmtit:d iron: ,3!!! ‘V mstpalit cei ohtuuze, and were dimctlllit .231: 2 eiiul-ts ios eontinnsnceoi 'oet*fmoo_nt prosperous condi- tion: 1‘lie’_dsieuco the .iiepx'abiloanV.psrly-in would‘ be s;,nstiouv.l__. - i_2‘..Go'vt'gruor’e,isis.n<1. _ _ ' lflficisilihliiioitlo ’ ' ’ If. .. . '—I.n:.7r.vie-: hnrdly Vithinlr '1 _ A ‘ . V 3-r'eitt’.,jnlneo1bly; ‘c'en.-.i¢'ci'the fisthe .jivy,'th'st.! lint: infthe tidiesrt spent;-.‘sed.. , t e. .olpcein¢_seenes ‘oi my. -ubiio:.iiie.«lo_o.trv,iuce. . ndisns was my ¢Ai'|Y~ onto. nndn yitiufeiiiltiren-wetti ti-_t)m the-no. - ned“the_wor , nodular“ has-nc.vcrgceesedVtoV_ '11:}: ~ Applu't:'se.] When: _> .Wcut.Vin-_itar.sbns and dmshtets sviio inspired - ,in stir ttse-.. Ohlozis used to dolnlr inch things. ‘. Jew plumes, tin-on lube whole state. to .11-acne . expected to reduce lilo-ltlujority to It nominnl-V tinctcioro was pzudw.-cdvuxxong lhbleigdtlffi now ' hiclnlne at .‘.iux“yinnn‘i, iluutqn oi Viruinltt, and‘ Assistant United states’ irmn .probsbiil- ' Bu V3,, . ‘ . . . , . 49. . ‘ -. V - . =wu=t‘uoni‘u= 2.u'm:. ‘way .. ‘ ‘er -' . .5 " ..a1:-' niteoclm . ‘:1'5i'»!*!~0‘l¥iI|¥l"¢|11¢|?!«¥1¥‘P¢:'i=’x>°lS5!‘WKI‘¢fl$b:¥li". ‘ , - V jthe"-¥‘ " ‘ ‘ ' et: ."_7 ‘ tic -sll.’ Mini nd...to si>nte»_tlzem»~.b{,:th_e. - , ~'fii1t.himlian~‘:tq.hoxouov¢’ed-hyghe _dls:-_nption_ , erred sil'uply.a..\ri.th_- hose» . ' __ - Pg: ‘ _ --ReQ«biivnnav:rty;.c~¢td.,thq-re-eoostrnoiionoz. -» '-I rue. out mr,..:,-.,. .. ,. . , ‘ Iffl_fil,9i1'}1b‘N; ttes£,.‘l.’im didetqtretlonoitias‘ ¢,'h-‘.',“,-mm . -d _ ‘i_X9l¢f_t,L'r"in ,oi=me‘.:Do‘mo_ct*stlyoy jfgis _ _ V . 2*. .. A .. . .. ;-- -_ Wm. - xmmvsnow u n'e‘uiy.eve . am. far. . “Vii-*1 17¢. t-all-rotclridthon til:-ms . '0. -5 ‘mu: ’n':'tson‘sh!e‘:eensinty . , ,.ntummnu~.:n..=wou~.gu' 9°17.“33¢'9"!!..“3-950”Icm-l|*1.b¢.'.!0nno-uetneerat.’_ . ’ . -' -» . _ 4, H , ILl.(..1f‘0,ct=ai_)'er"11._—lloni- it. _W. .5 Tow}: nt!,‘¢x_podentoitlteBeroiootod Demon--. : 1.’l°i'.oitbo Kieeteehlh (Ii1_lebis)_VDis§riot,rspo)re. -an thi‘_I*0oc’:_'s‘: !Iuii'-in - smssulty to-hi'xht. no staxecittintteegolttndstuu eleotlons and not aiirnii‘9r'1nuch—-onlv_- little 3 ongxumeiuto on the ultirtnlth ime. .:'i‘hcn he" crltlmornlad about hair the. Northern Nate‘: in.the Democratic column’. and tlntnked God net the south wus- solidly liientocrzma.- The - news item Indimm ind min:-n umwlnd OIILGI him, to it great ox- tm1t.'t'u-it 11:10 in tneysso oi ih'e.i)eu_iocraoy in -Kuncrsi. They are V very . scnrre . um IIt.ruels,- end it loolce in ii mox- tzxtd taken nnzovcu-dose oi green squntnh. ~ ; ,l9H'1LlIlinDlifll_-0‘ rneeey was put ixp’on-Duoden- ln t is plsee, and-oi can the -Democrats loci iIlii101'l.'i‘ the twin losa'—1nti smt'mn1Iliumona .3 lion; Gilbert Delailstyt addressed sn~su_u i- unco oi not-;moro?_lhun ‘£00. at 'iinion;_Ii_atli W-‘ night. Iilsveryeppeatrsnce when he stepped‘ upon the pihtiorm showed how-nut he-ieit, mo: it I mu speech that followed was that qt ; man. ' unnerved by violent. ilu . out not awake any more . tmthusittstn than a phtuntamed cinn man = would on s extent comer.‘.»_ Pechnnx --nos more - ihnn twenty‘ xireoiehil-neurons were Orcephnckent. "rho others attended throu Ii eurloslw to .seo the man snd away nu. xonr.'o:-.two.- rruu lie- gublieans are mslc ex preparations (or on trend illiticetion mcetimp; A large number are now unon tlrt4_ei.rot$H. bubbling nrat‘ with minimal- mum. The Ill(H'.|ilil.'fll‘il1 Ohio --iuctlotutwiii itctlp are Republican local ticket greatly in this sec- on. — V At Biaomiugtan. iii. spools: mmmn to the Globe-ue'nto¢nt. ‘ lltoontxurow, ILL... 0:tobec l3.-‘i‘ne' Ger- msu Republicans otliioolninnton had ; ll. grand ' t_nceun]t_¢_to-night st. necnnerchdr Htifl, which was sddicaiod its Gt-rtimu by lion. _D. U.8mith.' -Republican candidate‘ ior congress. The meet- imt was presided ow.-rb Mr. William Schmidt, u German. undon the n nae were runny 0!‘ lim '3 llffltilltg ¢.3«1'max:ulti1nns oi the city. The hflfl‘ was pucketl. 3ii'.' Sinithspbkeiwollaura, ad- vancing able and substantial lIl)llil'n|JlIK«l[()i’, itulmhitcxttt principles. Great-' cntllusiwmu pro- vnlintl. Tltere I1 urea: rrinlclnlt over the result in Ohio. The (iernmh prmulntlon are sand (or Snlliu undinll oi llidigtmilllli ut the chm-«es mstiu against him the main- uxcra , oi the Democratic cutnpnign. At the Opera House, isvnhtor Hunt. of Edgar Cotmtr; nddtuseed nnntllur large and enthusi- tto nltwillur, ex-uniting: nhont an hour. Alter themcellmze were t’Wl'l‘ the jubilation oitho liopuhiicnns was mtulliesied by we put-.idu'o£ sliirxcehumlre.-r oi mun llirou 'h tho prihcl Al streets ertch exit-rrllixc in new broom». The inn mu iigilu.-d up by l0!‘1.‘llv.V.Rl|d houdud by n novel hem}. umdo,up or blslnfl horns ‘I.Il.N.§ lo.'m.VIl., October ls.—'I‘ile great _In- diene yictury oi the Republicans causes great entltosinsm born etnonlr the Republicans and d1-pro.-nrio_n among the Democrats. The not is, Virginie’ilepubliosns, Owing to their D0lXl0~_ cmtio en:-ronndinga. have been dnapondent.~ and many had xnna-over to the llundiuutcr gnrtynbol-nuxe that party mu Oppusvu some late Dcmoarntio party. This victory will cnmeathcem to come topmtimr and unito upon the regular itusuuhliem i-zitcetor-1. . Thu Sluts (Democratic) utys: "Ohio is nutmeg- nuurprine nor n aismtnr." Oi’ indium, how. ever it says: "ltionkn now. I! an. m.. lath oi Uclolxor, usii iinncoolz wuulti roimbly soou join the .. measimn wherein urn ey and Jlilcien rccetlo him. ii the Ocwlnsr iitetea do null)‘ ridicule the Novembur Ireoull, 0 ‘ 0 on 9.. review oi the fluid, he wonlttbo a tool or a lim- tvno nhuulti nut concede that yesterdny was I! (latent lor the ilmnocritts snd A triumph for tlm ih.-public.-ms. We have met the enemy snd they are not ours. . - ' _ At Glrcster. iii. . special i)lst>|icl: to the 0iouoxre:wr::to., 'Ontot:ot 13..-my rs- tutns thus in’: irovn_‘lnd!nn'.-. and Ohio have V been very dl_upll‘iting_ to the Damocreeymndp _ " ‘A lhfdopentlciiée, Mo. . ,1 their curses loud and deep they, be hen.rd"on ‘every sidt9.'_ Inst nlght‘n'nd_tnis morniutt. belc- tzrems ieiililto s thunderbolt In their ‘camp _ iHld_D(lI0!‘t.i noon the most eiuuzuino leader: he: xiren up the ghost. Grvttt pretntrntlune lmd boewmuue ior a..l1cxnoeruue,Jetulioe to-night. iJut..iti.u been/post net‘-,iurieliult4':l)‘.»’~]t is the intention oi IUD‘ epubiicsns to turn (lie-job oil ‘Iii!!! hands "so-thormw nisht.'»_1t mvuld have been'uo_ue‘.to-night’. but (at s ‘heavy ,,_m.m_ . .. V,» _, —V .. _. , <45: Siexlce‘. ‘no.5 spcclsl Disnxtch to tho. (1iobe~Dento_c'.rstt E iltxlcoi 3lo.. October ll’...-The Itepnbliozms rntiiled _:o«ui;¢nt, with music, iirlngoi nuvils and speaking. the z:_-and tictory in-Indians and Ohio. much to the disgust oi prominent Demo- cr_nts.. The npesklng-_wns "somewhat intori noted by the nusuulnnlse oi the irre reuiblo small boy, who persisted in Ltnrr-n ing for ilnncoclr. The licpuirllcans are jubilant while Lyonitlcmte um corrocpondinzzl ' depressed. and cursoalond andriccp nrn ltunetl-at the Green-‘ lmokeru ior their share in the Republican vio~‘ cry. ‘ . . . , .. . Inlowzt. _ Bneemmimtzn to the ukme-nemeern. _ U3DAR,",KAl'iD§, 10.. ‘October is.-‘-specials’ ix-am uoints on tliekmrions railroads _eonterini: news from Indiana sud. Ohio. ‘rim Iismncrnts ttre deenondunt. nmi have no hope oi success in November. The-y are olforinx to heutto bets two to one an Garfield and Arthur. The lie-, nuhiicuu» hem will ' it-we is nllmontirm meeting umnorrm-r night, to be ltd reused in‘ Governor (Ivar. Bueinmu mm: all say all nail to Jim liotmet mutt liuclzcye Stiilcl. » -At Dim-shall. Tex. Special ilisrutch to the _Glol>e-Democrat. llAlunu.t.. '.t‘t:x., Ootoheriz.--me news to- "dil}* irutn lndlnmt delights ilexpubllcans and cimgrlus and depresses tho ~Democru.iic’lcnders and isziso nmnhvts. A inrtuet-_ who came into totrntltls morning with n imie oi cotton in- qulred ii Ittdiuna hadnot gone in-nublicsu, and helm; atnwenad in the nriirmstim. re-nllmi, ' ‘i’ thought (it) from tho'inn_g laces oithe Demo- cratn {sec on the,streo.ts find slttiuz oxttile Oourt-yard ience -yonder. Why, sir, they am‘ better than bulletin boards." _ At 'Pco_‘rixi, ill. tlorchll Dispatch to the Glob;-Ilemocnt. £’t:uiIiA,'ii'.i.., omens: la.-'-rue’ Republicans here are guy with excitement over the election .mttuns. The party has gained runny imsh ro- cruiu to-day, us that-e'suit.oi the" Totink yes- dzw mu V buiiitiucd. To-night there was 3 joilitionlion lneminx and everything was clxueryin the extreme.‘ The Demon nut inltl , Feaurdny sat-urtiaed.:n«mms meeting-host; for : earls and i'ei.--‘the Republicans oi-thlseitv sud surrohndiuz ‘country. are nav- inz a grand joiiinontlrm to-nlghtotor the elec- tiou rvlnrne iron: Ohio sud ‘Indiana. List-go uzirelvilght pmcoeaion has paraded the streets, and n gnmd mus-meeting is being held at the Tabernacle. lion. .1. H. looro. hi this olty, is sddreeslnst the nut crowd in reply to the ad- dress oi-lion. hymn ‘rrumhuii. msao ehen ]este_rdly. ' , ‘ '2 V "At Dnlfuque, lo. aneeisl Dlxnelch to the (iluln-Ihmocnx. Dunnotm, 10.. October. l:.—'i'ne news from Ohio and Indians hexpvnet the Ilopublicnns vriid with joy. sml7a. gtnm!'3oiiiticn'tlon' will take place when the lull returns are in. M. &1..IIs,m, the lam: GOICRMO oi the Dcmocrlltio» National (lommittes; in nonnluseed, and can not under- stand who‘: hm come over the voters ni those states. ‘ Iowa liepuhilcnnu will now give Gur- llcld €5,000 llepub icon majority. At iiiebeunsboro, Iii. special Dispatch to the inobovbciuorrat. _Moi.mmsuuuo, In... 0ctnbor‘l8.-~'i'bn.'newe {tom Indians and "Ohio is received hereby na- pubiiéaes with enthnliunn. The Datnocrstc here very long {seen and 312' nothing. ",'£'lu'eo hon and twenty-_nino ’ wss ehslxed sii over town Illtliizht by some copporhesd. A. J. sit-actor cendldsto lot Governor on the rss: geby ticite , those to I very good sedionoe to- av. . * . .‘ At Austin, Texas. lpneislnismtizh to the (llnim-llempcrst. . _ . . ' Ana-rnt.'~'l“,n£.. October ls.’-Jilectiott returns ‘xreyaloiied with interest. s'nd_bets are it-eeiy made otffhe results in indinne.'- Thus itu‘ Re- publicans are greatly rejoined over tho now, while we Duuiocrsts are depressed. _. _ , ,. _At Clinton, lily. Speciel nximten to cm atom-b_on.oenz. . -‘ _ ' Cbnrroh, Int... October 13.-~TrioEopubiientls ci..thls.oounty_Icel iubilnnt over the returns mm Ohiouna Indians. and are now jutliiying over the glorioot roault. The Democrats ieei lick rind blue -over their detest and ooeoetie Gnri1eiti’s election in November. At Natchez, Miss. p Bpeeisi Disnslch to the Globe-Dcmoentlo . Nrrousz, mam, .0otober 13.«--‘rho election news irom Intlisns and Ohio ioli like ewe: ran on the Democracy 0: this city, but the Repub- licans sre iublisnt and are tiring snviis in lien 01 cannot: on the ninth. '- " . cosrm: C0"i{B'_I4i\GilA'l‘i0i€5.’ The Fire mm: Creates Bad Ksvoent tlhelhyviile, iud.. sud Eieewhero. ~ ‘ XNDIAXLPOLII. October lli.-A are at 8heliw~ vi1ie,_iu-1.. thisaiternnon destroyed Blewnrd's plenlntr tum,‘ three or {our business bonnet and twelve dwellings. lire engines were sent from thiseity‘, vsndstopped the progress 01 the tire. __ ._ At Bteetotx, man. -’_nn-rxqrr, mon..- ootoipsr la.-A" tire st sma- ton. '_sosnty_ses: at lionteaixe Gbunty; yester- day, destroyed 350,000 trortts oi property. rho principal losers Are: The Herald. nsursuspsr of ace, $8,090. insurance 31.500; 0. X).'4Alien,$‘l',ooo. "““"“‘°° "'t“’.3l';‘3'."‘.’.‘.’."- ‘-ii’-l’...."""‘.?; .‘§£.°§é..ll.; 15.000 (one-nitn aln‘cdl,insursnoe $1,000; _ srdnar's storemstrt 0 his stock. house, 15,000. insursnee $1,800. The tire is 5 ss- xsre bio): to__tla;o_ j 3 V . . bin‘:titefn .. -c’x;e’t:{’x.in. .18..‘-The x.ao..'n m._. tillers’, sedfilquorl-Deskr's' Assoclstion zect here to-dsy withis ls:-no ~'utte'ndux‘aco. ‘A. need‘- bet-' oi resolutions were nrssented sud rain‘:-red to‘: oehamltteeofi ;r§I,Ioiu'tionsi. The toliawing unicorn‘ ' iron dent.- Pizili ~ elected U to'-night:'. . rm:-_ zen. oi..- ris.’ ” ’- loo Pntsiden . O.-_ Fairbanks olrerro Iisnte nd.-1 ‘, Bennett Phil hpohie 'al}n'd7‘YVholesnle ‘Liquor-Deal-. . - --ets. V . I .. 1tdele_llLn;., Boo- ltlis 3‘ Troseeur 1521-. ninoinnul. itxeentln the‘ mines -composed oi thirty members jussp-‘ , ‘ '. Resolutions dangsnniexths reduction .0! thesis: on whisky tow ‘ cents were deiestod. ililxroxn" ‘it saa.thIrsovnn_ us.’ any new diuoi-lo . _ gently wrapped in on ‘gllliifiitfiivbstiedtitirs _sn_d other torns')olt'wd to. j here indicate the granule! entiitmiesln over the, L ' ODE x .. Vltlfc-xi’r«t.. 2Y‘di1Hti1s"V ' p _ p _ _ ‘U1i_ste1-ot'tc8,A all or -x1'.¢*vv‘*"¢S . . -It's?-o.niw°#-lrikwvsa ?;=«j>.n4=.x.a'==_ - :r9ur.z-%<>1zi.¢:rf?4-- wvortliof <.=“-0.<>:o.: - H . _ . . . .d,., oit styles; tioonvna tmnst 3 am; no E E ,.c,).xv.\s Mosruaracmmt C _:r.".‘e»';,. , . V . x .- .- :-:J;;.;.«, 4 I I r,// FRANCISWTA € /1' 1 I . I ,::'4-.,,._/ I KER&SONS, PORK PACKERS AND PROVISION MERCHANTS, were awarded the FIRST Pill-JLVIIUZII on ‘men-Cured Hung and their celebrated bra all Grocers and .Deni<‘-rs everywhere. }‘ E .. ELEGANT NEW DESI their ‘Jolm'WItittak’er ‘Stim- nd,8te_r lisms. _For sale-by. ‘.VBurreH, Comstock&C0' ‘Excite the-admiration‘ of.a.11 who -see" them. Our .Fa_.11. , V- Stock. is now‘ complete Kind '7“ -' a.11. . departments. and". isur~ V‘ . —_‘1’),_a.‘S"8"l'V‘9‘.¢.'l ij1V..b6auty -of . _- design :1. anything "We" have '+h'ereto-- ~ ‘fc)r_'e:V shown, fandj well: i ’ repay .inSpe.9tiOn- PricestuaranteeltheLow f.: _l {lie have‘ over_eo,naoL i ' I '3' j,Ileretoiore‘.- ihe ..£u’.1' tnetllod..’oi 'cni1s‘_ . . ' i , ‘has beoruriih a team on the edge, which Monti . . . . ‘ out lmtll sooner than tke,i)alsnee_fo!,.ihe shirt. - '-‘*‘.='="59‘F.P§“.°n¢ ofoonfia. V.-...:. I - ;...v....... ....., ~