7’ .5;1V:3n,‘..';‘n glo‘ ‘mainland. ; 1uo_e_‘,jgfl_th_huoorpa‘ insinuate.’ Hl0_'lti‘tie"I.".fiBl:.l'l_'KIv“|L_"_P _ _ _ V V ' ’nVl¢lit'wl(hItBoo1_ul'dz=6_1 the endow. who mod V mu ng1x'u_.LiiVa Into me."-. eegerly dovourix9s.ih9V. . ‘gmtpn oi :iuV-g._, 3@H0lI§lQ_¢d1§0_!Qf§f¥§1Q\l_17i . bit zuaftabpbwqy.‘ w_n‘a‘ ‘rc1icvcd'i_o_' yrelooma 1 ‘ » nriun'er‘ii)'~’tlw'Viiilo _d'iix>litv"ol lunar s_l_cmh« .by.d:a‘m'agie’1nnr.ern2_...; - ' ' ' - - -rim» who t’¥i*l'9¥3 A" ' cblpViquc'._..o:t_t:mpo, V ‘gird; inlet‘ -Herc uhown |>etuVro(rn.'bci1etlnn_, nod V ‘aaltgfi ' use ihrooge‘ ~ln* .tl_rnf.|treoVt.. ..'.i‘ne ‘blatant’ geroini "xnM!i“lY;«"“?n°ro§!: **3"¥“"-' . ‘prg;1..tsqito__ot.- live Saul-.locta._ ‘um. mvidlr Jrhono Limes land -1 emu» irlxelomot-iIi£_ ,V . exsmm'§n..1ms-Herb,» 0¢l'_1!l.l'-‘I minus. . rra‘ii_i?on:o «*1 . '.*,hT6 _ .- _ lncrenvovl ‘u ntil.tl_at'I¢,¥} ' ' ' “DP” ' ~'w'n'a o ‘o'clock; ..‘..._-. thej.§:mn.ihxitt“ . , .D§i_lplr‘Lovlnb,.Vlll lilvltiaiflil S.If>N.“iPfl‘iri8t 50“ mm ‘ii’-'¥l.'¥".‘.°“‘-."*" 3‘ ‘.119 12641 V itiu'_uj: Puliticnl‘ pic- ‘ .. .111.‘ Vii?-irrn. .'!i.>°‘ .’.°1l‘-. vi"! jun‘ 10, _gp¢n _‘1hgm3ll_ int‘-.wiloto I ' euterixlrinrent may ' 'w.erndeoi':ned.- 'fthe_ ro-. inprlutbie cartoon otliimctoolr. nloiriover the reg ' V tdzzisj tfitt; jlxuixlt in’ the lmnt.m'.nd0W_Dl l_l\0_ .'og‘ynp_u_mr-room,-wtu’ ouccirriutt oi’ hit. ‘l'..ov.ino'gt ' hn'n’Viw’o‘r~l:.. The crowd won lz_a.tlna' hnrnor_t§n(£ - prrocttsdino manyxood l2lts.wit_.biomi iq)].lliltl!O.- The uutxiblo leettlx-on -were .nicmrc:'oi Gnriiom and Arttlmr, und.ot~Grn:'it'.' nod‘-"other ‘Repub- liclm Isadora. with the bullt.*tin1Dlt0f u it‘-16‘—2!‘il!“ lion: Govornor-'elcot..l.’ort4:r. '_nnnonnolnz- his: election. ' Allwerc received with chccn.‘ V ‘tbohlglicst coinplltnmiiu "wen!" Plidiiv 331'- Atm for the rcmntrlmbly good _worlt oi his ’ mngio Iillltvlfih‘ The light mu clenr nml strong.- - nnd tiiooutiincn oi the bulletin: and the K15,“- alnirn and distinct- In‘ comparison with uglier illuxniontlonv. than was at much diner- ence on between in -electric ilxli: and aitullow dip. all at whlcbls duo l0.N.l‘. Moo. ' ..._.———- .. V Among the 1’olli.lcln.us. __ , an-cut:-Jmornnv Normilc was met at t1:e.l_.ln- dell. mi mad he was not diucountxfiétl one pur- ticie by tho utisve ‘irom.l1\dIana.Wcn litba-‘iifliti 1md'xunu'ltcpnbllcnn. which in am not be‘- mm’. umaen-was ho: xmtmlur wIth,Mm_l>om mama cud they ' did not vote (or him. lion‘ ‘cock are» 10,000 stronger in the State mu. Lem? darn, and would carry the State in November. " comzxmcu II\l’D|Ll1?“u Ilupubllextn cnndiditto K01’ Assistant I.’roeocot— jngmmmey, comlucred tlllw the result M- nuxnnec the loci: that the pooplo ".N’ur1h oi lluon and onion’: line were in favor not the Republican ‘party ruling this country. _ xx-.I'znorn1ot.\tr.s. late of tho supreme Court. will marl: elated Mti3'£i'~'1)rnspN:I. He said it" oshtbllshnd the election oi'_ Gen. Garfield beyond me p_ossibilit_)‘V. oi atlotxbt.» _ wlu._xut_ nrrxtcit c'r'u"is5!cm-.: lllnltlto result mu nwnuxrlooté the Domocmcy end \ronltl‘dum'omii1'.c them all clung the line. He did not believe‘ they ever vroold recover lrom it. _ '3. 0. L000)! said it was g ml , triunmh. it and him so much good be ad to cuilru. lxontlqdnrtoru, and itnoertltiu :lrov¢ Air. ltmtcla loo):-ed. He had no doubt but tkntt it would -result in nu over- xeilleltititrg "Republican victory in Novcmbor. - n. 11. rnsun , it. ‘ (lbnlnmtn oi the Second District Congrcaulnnel Commiuea. said that it would give the ltupnlr llcuuvui iitnnottri cncuorngctnent. and-luwo A mluiury nlicct in tbu.dlr.eetien. The dual re~ slilfwoultl on it-'l?.cpttbllcun_ Senate. ilnuso oi llanrcumxnzivrr and -1 lit-pnblicm l'reuid-mt. Ila aomldcrovl it [glory ennuxuli lot: on»: day. A. w. 5t.uri.\t‘.K um b(l,wu5|mnltllig to V‘bear.l'n:>tn the back courltlee-«in :hosc”di2t:lcn Iron-q_ the chop» did the votlnztlsnu COIXIKMKL‘ The ‘people had only ho.-trd it-om the l'Illl'0t\d towns, but when the settlement! were lnatml-irom the thin: . vvuuldluotzallittlo changed. lie imllmjtsd the I)on»o4:ra:-vhad curried the Mute; and event!‘ , _ 112' H. xitmi ulti ltlookcd like the cloctlnn oi’ (lrtuloltl in November. and he ‘bud no doubt but that it would l'i.lIll|I- in tlntt. — - — lull)! D.J0ini80ll, ’ * tamildnieiotcircult Jutluo, niitiod t'hn.t.l:e was nrttiitned. eel: Nu on iulullltvlu indication of the election oi Mr. Gnrlieltl _and great uncoun- agerncut to the llcpublicztiu at Missouri. Lluvu boltsittuml .. may but not, tug Suite was good {or llnncoclt. was met yvrterdity alternoon coming out of the 1!: ice» (mice ‘rhino ho had been [or politi- cn conmitcticni tribuluttioo. Prue attemox. laud evidently been n l1mentnblu,ialrure,iar he loved his onto an it _ltvrerc ix poiicexm.u‘I_ ub, his teeth were- eleoehocd and nu fieuorxtl air that or as man hit in unplc-nintm planet. "looks bad. don't it," was the xruqtixtg oi the roporiar. ' " -t-vi,-ry, we ,. wins the dlaconlue rcuponne, . ind in the vi rut-homo‘ tllrncd um the sign- lng bmoxua bore the mourxilui xolr 11, "Very. vury bad." . ' ' ‘.1: the Court House outordnfibe Democratic lawyers were really o lecui of pity. flue mun ' iron: lnditmu nudnhio acted upon them liken. . nomtult in n c.Mo.ih8l they couuidured on good - an iron. - such lomr team were never beiorc won npxrt from nlunerul wrvico. A number oi cuusltnd to be continued on account or the Iiplnseu or nbvcooo oi this attomcyt. ' * ' _ .10: monouctutm. ' i one 01 the ‘loot: eionuently oroinnrgcntlcrncn oi 'ihe'tnu'. holding the rcupon-iblcdoublo poula ‘ Vtlon _oi utomoy tor the iron Mountain KldIf0Il.i1 and I cinl. pionilerxortise Democrntlc candi- date or (Johann: in the second Dlntrlot swore seventeen Rocky Mmmtnln onihe in onehrvnth, and then told About meeting a. traveler who nlodxod his word or lxtmor that he ltttd won with hi: own o'er lama buck at-zrou. iron: I-leutdcity. onto: 0 ludmoa in a oaule train, Fucked tum.-tbor to Iii(!0Du N111 cool: with I. er ticket in his poolmt. - V . _. . . ' vr. II. It. xussntx. vvna trying an insane more la-store Juan ‘Ylaayer. with jar. uareaclac rt: I colIen;:uc.- tie thanked ($00__Hl(ll he wxu notlimmc onougillt to lute his viuqumyuo on «pelt dolls‘ an the no 52 but talked to the more unnlblae sucltun in reply to llr. Counting. , ~ . . rm. Voluusciln _ ‘fill ncly dcmuraltned -and looked downmutt nml iuplvitod. Honwo .0 curly in the morn~ in; and milled for the i3!.omt~Di:x0ciut'r,wi2lcll ‘nu headed him in hedr When he saw the cut oi the rooster with the crimson ttiutcd :9 tall lfllull‘-13!. lad not back uuon his pillow and .1,<..1_uuy coiled lor n pitcher or ice water. _ I IIITTO3 ll . - g A. rm. . -thehtluerol the Gmonbnclten was gltzl the v Democrats Ivcro detected. 11 I 67 ‘bed ndogm ad hie ubooiuto mom: _doct:lne n.nd'1m’t.I. vaueumlm at the be of their uclcus, the .GmwbucI:eu would have united and-tlm)'_'vronild min curried indium am: Oh!» nod -D‘b't'u")'i.biug'n1l«U. ‘Toe Democmu swluviieui tiaictttexl. . 0. mt ' -~ ' _' -r.e. vu. - » of use bouillon Gr-ou‘.MVre}oiced At the new: irom Indiana. ~"l’llo mountain deserved de~ top at more soldier llitufilntncook. I; "or."nur . ' was trying it dnmigv on-win. Sudan Wlokixufs . ' Ooln. Ind. looked lull-he hadn't Vllcnt twink 1or.nVucok. lie wra uh tcdto all kind: oi, gee; tntumtirom neon llctu: lswyen, and ii ._):ehItd'~not been I tntm oi lconino net-re; be. 4 vmoid have broken down In the acxnnzlrmerxp oi - 1iiI_'!l'tfl¢v'=':"}10V_'4° on the .nevtI_imlI> Land V'uit_nnd_(i;ceiz-Brown vpcke in Indium. there the Re nrailcon anion are largest." snob =V were I tour 0 the dim: tho urns Democratic 9 ndvooutelzcd-to endure. Jleytook my revenge .' on,t'l2tcV1i-try. um! poured out upon their devoted head: 1%: argument that would have ‘shaken xxggsvvg pg-ta outot in blmkr and mule the tail qoanuacee nxlvcrflto the roots. ;. - « ‘.Ii.l.. KAGKLK Iv‘! 1aiotan;a<:.—-‘_alarbux«:e'- It Ger:-Mu divorce i V .uVlit<-nllorxicv Id — . V. 1 ." Wlffi will the Iliiithtlei reualtbc?" :.—sb.o‘ii‘«V>'c1c- od.'n‘nVon '1_‘u'ee'dny- ntbit the time or bi: great with them Tnlbot and Devil. and they ‘are bound to be met. Iiaov would hue rcuominaxod ‘llidcn. the xrunlnt stuluulll . in the Uuwnfiéhmd :0: or I § ’.il’utncor,k'e popnhllly, bntit 60¢! not dhow il.v'aeli.- frlidou VII the tsntnrhy all odds. and ‘when they abnodonod him that acted like the -bane Judoan.»-who threw mm: a pearl richer _ . a. ' ‘-;_. tl'ie,ozlt1 lwaiblienu ‘lugs: Tinxtln‘ yo! . .‘*’*.....l .. .. ....-:‘*‘....-’‘'—:‘:::-:*.'‘.l‘.'l‘‘.;°‘ ; ' v V ' «- . o e " ‘ "Mums afndhaxmtc ' ~nueotlsuoe,~:V._ ‘ ol.lllng$hO' g:xv:§¥§'af*w° i v amt tn nt‘roct_V.‘qnaatV3n..“"i.c:vh ' 31:, ltiriaiea mp , ., . . 3.6|0|.l;.|{fi. 0 ' tnounreellew or ‘—-:iVc .nv_on than la turthot-.‘rowrna' .'.0t'-rutieVf v nor! 3 inf Indians. , Jhnll _bo i_cund;ti‘utxV= wchnvt-.' V. Vboliore 1t,lmen_ne that {}c_r_a;V'_0nriicitt‘-grill ' leotontlivotoof horxti-Essie-" ' lclt'0u_i}l‘l¢ " 1.1‘!-he-v_IO;( ' I3 I. ' 1 .§_ V 0}"! __ . ll , ‘_ iron: i-Maine -Io onlixornin. words; boglolldikaoutlu-will be met borne ' ' ' -North“ '*‘ . "‘ll’~thexunit'iv ‘nvtv t_ut'lrli1ioo.|bd berkwich swcgllutli nmu'n‘o'Ad.‘ who met: an event the south will inevitably split up mddlvidV6."'-'~ “ 0 -v» J . . .;/'1'.t‘uen }'ou_tXlhJ.‘k.(lArilold'l election is nlrodl",' V’-VVVZ ' 2 , ;g'.. . .. :"1-do. berondthe pooxibni ct-ddcnbt. um peri§:oily.cohildc-at he will -, .lar:l"V V would ombott ’ o g u 3' 3 3 5 : itvmncoqnnryio ointo dctn -lolt confident-Altai the h'o,vcmber_-‘cloctlorl ~pu'tv.‘ llesekcz his depimuro to the fins: thin ‘g,,omvW_.. _: , ._ _V ' ..'1‘he:'ScnV£lthont our iJ'ltu:gg‘c: __ ing 5 'itlta'dnni ox _ cmotiau “as Vecen ,,ai~a;‘~nyV were all ntalwntts ogihza .' mqgt. radical. -;u‘r_ipe;- than who" have been -lveitltln the louver cxtriiu} lticsfior month: were .Inv1g~ore.te_Bi.'¢u|fl)‘ in rt-pt.-ntlnx writ lugubriuos nttmnpta at -cohllglcnae, _"Wuit lot the back tllmrlcut: tho xnosubtluuu iuilimm punt wtm't be done voting lot two u.n5's."’ ’IThott' A Iolcmniy downatnira mid cnlllor "elmp." Upiuioms we're in imttm puriiuulnre uenrly all one me)’. Thu clues olmurclmuts who trnuxtnct oi the nun who rcumin lrloum ‘ torn unx dime ore:-‘any. one-‘griovmioo, am they soon re- covered at loan in mi: vorttau ol tho usual good upirlie. "w'lur's1'1tu use cltnxo A _- _ over the nilitlr." was tho general remark; "aitur all, it don't make such an nwinl (tiller- tmy one urtrtfor not at mun. and than: no mo ruin.’ mentor and iuxorrognmd concornin tho Ohio . lllj‘.\1'ilY but}. am not nnouallioi it mutisum to the rule or my political party onu ncutl us all to eternal ruin, it wllrbo time ior everything to go to stmrab. ‘Til!!! time will nevcrcomc in our on lteoublicilo. nithougli the majority claimed mnolncxueeu ol ‘hie nntlcipttlionn. mile iolt. however, no learns to -any bad afloat on the Lilnmrbed by any more chozmo oi ruient. and to 0 to the "dmnnition bow-wows." . . (; an». ‘E. tilnybnck was another dleinpptilntod lull: in pnlltict. . vi‘. P. ltmkurt was too (oil (or iron uttorrtxme. All no would ‘tiny mu: Oh! -—-.‘I haven't tell: so well in air. tnuutba. ’ Joe. ll. llxttliovu woro 1 uddcnod tools. but tool: time no filvo the reporter at it-loudly -ha.nd- ehulto. lie ill on the oxr-cit of anti!-. lie tiiougllt. however. the advance wits duo to the now: lroin lmlinon. In conecqucnoo tho lttnnetx mi mt now be ex- ’ rctcd to all vote the llopuh rt ticket in ‘nvotdlmr. V ' ' ti,. 0. Kwnld was rationed tlln country was on ‘in indium: was t urtliox-o were too many old llmn Dumocraim who lnsh-ted on voting turnin- drrw Jackson [or cvery ollice. Gcorsm l1..'8mxtll wu not-ry but didn't me how he could hem it. no clan‘; propose to cry. and was at the opinion tnnemo country vmuid get along all right. He never expected to new nnutliol‘ .'.'l'4i-Ihltlillw oloctnti iron: :2 the: putty Muir this your. ‘ ' ‘Tho wild South to; lit the wild North won‘: win." ' Craig Alexander mu chem-{cl in a. dry way. ummtl. Ho mid not taken moon interest‘ In Baillie: since the aiulnmdtnont at the Pike autxty -lteuulatore. something over. ditoen can‘ :30. _ The lloltulators were (00 stroomtbc owcr oi Pike L'u\i_nty. nnd only was tecto- umndnr. They all loot: utironulitd oath never to leave the county except in one of lnualon and to xuxrtl (I raimt snrnrlxe they chatrwrc-ii etonm up all -the t me. Whcn.E’rlco onxno-in one dxw train the Scttthwent the ltcguintonv .tucl: thin as an invrulon, and went out at the county across the river. aialwnru in st. Louis. ,2-lxccu of Joy c taxed his utterance until ‘he could only snap, in the purest oi I-huglish. tlmrtbure-were not enough vote for Grant in 1881. the-country are now Into. ' uourao L’: iheboet thin that could lxnxmon. the only, reason {or which in the certainty men pmalmrii-'7 beyond 1 doubt." Conntnllrilary Notnlnailonll. (or Gomauble took place in thcréatpcctlve ‘du- uutdcr . _ ~ - ' - ~ sworn mnitlar. - dim: and Twenty-second Vania, held nt Concordliv. ‘turn llnil. wu lnrgcly nltcuded. Louis Zepp wucolictl 1403-34.nll3lll‘, no it. ll. com-no Kemp and ‘rhea. but were. pluoea nourlnutimx. mm vote mm as loliown: Koonig, thenoxoinoo. . n murmur. - Theo. Harman Jnmidod, and Ohulea Bpyou feted :4 Secretary. The attendance mu Jtfii which wn tooolvod by Philip Zepp. ‘ » » ~ . 't0i_3RtKflllI'}10l‘u ~ ;‘ tux gentlemen. wemyotnlontedx Adolph Ik- iortnod (loo. I! Inc ' ‘Murine street: 2 and running cheer: lot onto and Indiana.’ j A ’ Ylflfl Murmur. '11» mntlugln the Film hum ‘to order utrurner llnli. by Hr.’ John J. K the Oomrei Oommiuecmnu iron» the seven- Wud; wpe uloetetl lerred to the to =:g’Demo¢nt.,jnctl~ V‘ an. _ H wu,uttr:qlj-med‘ llflo: -. . omdmdhor ill fl kpLaV -‘ '~ .-armor r Dinltkti, con: i u E » '.i‘.:".“a“ii“.‘.“.f‘2.‘*..§i-....’.’:.;-‘:.‘.i‘.“ var”-~.°*:2*.‘.4.*:.*=*-*—-:.:... . nectlonnlintn.‘ . ibfiitt-x:ioi%s':m'9‘f .-Ierrrbonk 1?-I1>.3‘:Y|"-Film‘!-.' " ' "‘ ' » ' “ ’ nV'uivendm‘¢e.Fu_r." .. « — .i“n'aou'ea:“ .wor_tl.dprooxblxbormbllnh' .vbodid.not.d_ocLln~ n‘ 0 “mu vtrnvclacl-tltmlt t=m_oo: ‘oi tho‘-l«l.lddlo nnd‘i:'.aat_-". ;cm.8utlee; in .‘cveryVv1h . . rm) .' legs ll -Iyo0¢ti‘.*in’whie Ma ‘1:rIlII1,Ai«o2l.ho"Banubiicnn 2 ‘ roboorlnggndws 1:0 0. ' Iolcotlonnra . ‘sce_.s'..af;:s.£ei.;tn.pa:;ta’oa .cpmm:ti99«} .;, 1fl:qBeisd}:d'I>hti_l?:iltepchllc‘nn_ccu‘xrcaalo'rt:'llercuies;-. ecretnrr oi the Sir. Gomer and lni‘or:ne«.l=iilm‘.'tlm: bath - com» mitu.-on lied: to it -ttniionn tic.i.'ct-tlmt Ill. in tbovrotmlon ’ot_. the mullet otiho cnudl» ‘data. :.l”l:ls’."will 'idoilitato,utnttorn for tho Judson and Clark; :‘ ' ‘ ' ~ ’ .Bourd _ol'_Rgggixtry R_cviaiun. . _ The Board oi Itcvlnlol\_m_et.3'i‘an_crdny morn- In}: at 10 o_'cloc_k_ln um’ higii .0! the .l:iottae__oi Il(e1o1;ulel,'andw'ni cvtilcdto order by Mayor Ores:-utolx,» who road totliom the Lm_ dedclng their 'dutiee_'und made in. law t-or_nxtr):a_ confetti- log we work to be done. .tu.orxnn|:aiUon was thou‘ crtooted-byttlte election at Henry ll. "Par- ker. halrlmm, and Charles (lonior, age-rotary. ‘Tho board then at nmod untllil o‘o.ooi: nitct-noon. ls wl Llmld in session: Vdnuy uttul ibe'23tl, iiu'clu'nlvo. '.X'.lm "rt: eeculetlvo Ilrm eaclrwul-d-nu been inrnlahc ti llui: oi the until the onion oi _ i.he- Itecorder 0-! Voters closes. tvbicu will be’ou bliss Ltiuy Price vroro drral not and moat tbozuiliul arcs: of wbltenlllr wit I I. drupingoi silvery brocadimrimrnecl In imntwith a wealth of ‘midst lace and white um: um r-cider; on tulle. ea’ was Also-the poaiilllonfi tuqoe and nlceevrur dlsmondomnmouu. Min ‘sumo mom-, drou oi plain white nnlin, with ahirrud trout. draped with sullen oi nun’: vcllin and Bpttnistt Inca. train of bro~ tritttxuud with satin ribbon Ind Bpnnlsh lace; ornntucuta. diutmnnds. _ Miss Ilcllo Willis, bcamtiinll dreuod in white Sunth and broondod nilk,ir-on oi skirt trlmuioci -‘Hill! nhirrln A or actual ailk and ‘planing oi tulle; the rooitdotl silk train win loosely drrtpe4.l._ And Will trimmed with plnitlmn oi white lace and tulle: dhtntoud orxuuncntn. - Alisa Mary iioutgomcrg and Elise lltqmin Wullusr wuro drones or win embroidery nml Vnlcncit-nncv lnoe over white mun bodice out high In tho neck. alcoves short. 'l.'ho brldos~ molds all wore whim veils. confined to the hair with n oluutoroi bitult roveautnd turned cncc round theVici_t Ann. . . - . - ' _ crruzn TOILEYS. Mn. J. 11. Montgomery. -dnn hicr oi Gov. _Phc:l)la, «om: drcu‘ made by V or'th_ol cert: broourlovl velvet, the entire lrnnt being at shir- red turquoise blue ntln. and elaborate! trim- courz train was tundu ontlmly oi ‘broom ed vol» vet; diamond ornnrnonta. - . Mrs. lfilizxbetll lawinmmolhor ‘oi the bride. and aloevcr diamond-ornnme is .Xlcclt1iI(.'e'Df penis. .- I V_ V . Mrs. Senator" Gockroil. litter oi the bride, hitndmma cream-colored brooeded untln lon court train; front of skirt and vcuombroideru ‘elaborately in colored nowont V and cleaves in th colt. crculnylo a lace. . nrinn Ooulrrell c;-young-nnvrcrv while tlippcrt. - from the choroh the happy couple ptoooodod xecoptlou mu held irotxailuxnil 12 o'cioelr.'tlero, ‘an at tho church. wore proltuo. ilorxi tleoorm tionn. in the‘ urmngemont at which thorn vrn: Clll’Yll~l5M.1' the ebaclool union, and ex- tendo to their wnrmenv conxrntolntions. mm» nlno gocsta,'vievrod and admired the bridnl rencnta, tvhich/werove tiotnoraunooexiv an elegant. . H Ill 1'4 fiffid D’ P6!O1§'Of BC. . ?.:‘:tris;“n:c .‘.1i’.':. 'ola¥ll;ruaIt’cod all the wltohoriol Jlrnnléhy all present. _ V. Till (li:i.'.s‘l‘i.r - - Among the dlqiioxuiabed nrnoete were the ol- Jiccrn at Blue, Zindgo: oi the isupmtnu Doors, Banner and hire. - Ooolmsll; aouator Walker. mav. » .Dt'. 01 Maine: A. ~wnllt¢r and «tile _ »Bonnvlllo' ’;_John ‘Brcatlieu. *0!‘- (lounty: r. and ll:-I.-.0horloI Leonard. Vol ‘lion. acorn J. Malian ox Ilutnib ;?’(}oo ltdvrnrda mud wile. of ll -0“, 1 ct.‘ lioonvllley County._ flanvojior Boon ville, John, 1!... an treaty-sixth Ben =— 7033300!‘ y,l'm'.'otm . = mean. all _ _.llIe9hbo«DccIooflt.~. , Jxrrrinasoltfc '.I?(o'j..“o_ci4V:_l:etj7'13.«-<_)1_1Ve oi: . ."'7Y.P!ih*K : m.ra’-.w'-,-f:‘ . gueuee p.:Vthe‘1ha{t_ineo'," uml_t_he;pe V P’!-fly‘uCgjthc_ end the" Vcompihi .0i_._l_iiI_. likictnrd. lntcrpzeuttionV ‘ cl 1 me irolo. ‘Ills-Jondlng: Aware, lroam. and. ‘aerial.’-nnd.thc.ptlnclp_ul ‘Ocean with Tu and-iboioro ttxvboonibonrt were» iorolble and zinc, 'vo;nrueimith)'us oi: "'0 Dirt. Tun.studionco‘gxvwVvcry_eutinnnlantio Voter lilo itdilult-ill-Jbeuti tcenen,‘nnd'uie eta: = we: ‘ .l1iIflV0Vntion.* Lu |b¢- evening‘-.uae; houu mu‘ tlllod.-_ The -parlor-tnnncown very even at rough: out. and in many lnxtnncu grand.‘ lir. Koouo, in. the role oi mo‘ Cunii oi, V by the - vnutvclcos power and , art lac. broc 11: to the ob nrncietnmd -in tbcourve nceneurd he situation: urn: {allowed wu . grand beyond the conception oinuy -who were not ‘present ‘to’ ‘vritnentlmoolox-t.~ All the omits. cunning and 1 ’ gtoatupu oi ills» art were lullyf reveals - ;ll1tHn'm‘rIl-ayln um Lite’ ttaguolnn iollovr V lie was orlglnwi to the highest z.1:.'rxi:zts. ‘ A rncxz-ruoox w_lll('.li‘ in tllntght to 2...... to e conductor or the Ohio and laoissiupl Road is at-miting its owner M. the Four Courtu. Wit. XlA)lll'I.Y‘ nu cmvloye at the Rational 3innuincturimr1,ump:\nv.got the Ilrat fluxor or his lcit band loudly crunbc by an emery wheel ycswr-any morning. The wound was drcned at the Dlaponmry. Tun articlee exhibited in Toxtllo Hall during the into Fair, and still unclaimed by the own- ere, mum been bmuxghc to lbo'§ooromry'n (mice on Chneatnut street. nnd Hr. hnlb dooimll mitt exhibitor: would call aud_olnl:n‘ tliul: prop- ortyi _ A noun: lmionginz to Air. Ilonbyahell. at Third and Vino nu-dis. mu Awnvwitb A spring wagon and two .l:o::n, on Page avenue. upset- ting uiewhlcle and occuxumu utter a short run. and then calling into uerocery more on Gnu avenue. doing. in all. about me damnxo. ABOUT 10 o'clock ycaiordny wornln edre broke out among uomo lunlbor It the Au immor- Busch ht-snob cave, corner oi Oepitni avenue tmd ilinml st:-«nu. ‘lino flllllbfll wore ox- tingninhod by llcnry llotlmoietcr, the foreman. No alarm was turned on. llguunge, 5:50. ..A but mute named June Poole, ll years of age, who hubocn staying shout the Union Donal lot the but three dstye mu takon to the roar Oourteby the police tut night. she is- n printer b occupation and chime hcrolrout St. Jooopb. 0.‘. in search oi employment- A coiirrrxn oi bunincu mun connected with the 1’. Al. I}. A. have taken the bnuunnuot on the toutboust cornor oi .P'smrth and Ghoatnut streets; and no lluing it up with the view at meeting: in begin Monday. . V . Junta 1‘z.nm. s cartorlt-or (or, the Vnlcrtu Iron Wot-kn, mourns the ion :1! his horse turd-‘ cart. Yesterday he went to on are no hour the River doe ‘our: and bncltod too or-down tho embankment. The norm and out unit in The WOCUUZO - will probably?- tlm l.lOf§lJ'I can protruded Above ground. ' \\‘r.sL.r.v ‘Watson, -11 y¢'n.m'oid..xetl {mm a‘ ‘one-bnrso conl wagon. which he mu arivln Along Llhuulow avenue yesterday-morning, an *5 two oi the wheels , nsedovur l’Ill.hBl.d nnd body. Air. 1. ti. lliil. of 2105 Sheridan ATBDUO, witnenod the accident and lmmediucly took‘ the boy Xl0l’l)il__W_flh him.-‘= V .}‘}\’ll¢ox.:nnd ‘Moore nttottdeo.'-p?on.nnnc _ .. c ital'urloox- ceaain iy dnnaagoos. .1'im_ 1 home is nt MOLE lot avenue. ; - ' _ ‘_ ‘ _. ?i‘m: only 'n'todioioni7nonp;“nd'nptod _to_ inn A LOCAL rllhsoannsg ' ru.mx"A. swim, i._aolelv.xin, uo., in ‘at the 88. Juneau. ‘ ' ~ _ A Wall. Sanru. Newport, A‘r8., it at ‘the’ 8:. MlBl.JDt.1.L'.lL. sruoso, Chicago. is tun. I’lu.uier_li‘. - ‘ 2 . 1 - now. 8rxwAm' L. Wooovonn and _wlle;- lirooklyn. N. it, stop at the Lindell. W. ll. bin’ and daughter and Min ‘Fannie smith. curroliton. )l0., an admin 01 =tllo'3t. um tic-.;John M. lllodgct, uisla.nn.A£o,.uo ntt eBt.Ju_1uea. » ‘ '_ ‘ ’ v n.l:.mnr,-‘lvnrmntnn.)l'o.: -r‘..o. a;rou', ‘Washington. l!o.;‘i!lrnm Phelps, Columbia, V)1n.,nV:oo.tthc_8Vt.JmneI._ ' . - ~s.unnu'. 8':-nvx_:m.-O, r.Vsa'nborn' LI. tt.]\va'l-' ‘§‘.‘S.'§'.}§; :2. 2312.’. i'.f.;;{V$5‘°¥ . ‘Y“""' ' °‘ A. II.llI)innlaKB}1i’ew.YorE;;3. 3.-"Ct-nu '. 1icxiooi’I;.‘A.- llowu-d‘ Little Rock; and ii. Maren.‘ tongue tend at tho ‘ Planters‘. w .'lx.x.lo1'rn’n'dwlte. Olucinnntil» 0. w. I) h oodnudwlin Yortwort »'r|xu‘u'ons _!ll.0.XAr!§G6lL_V - ' V ' ., , ’u.“o.._ novL1oxi,Anittn,.'r§ér;é"~lf n,_y.,,,,,§_‘_ -lr‘“°°“.....-.°’ $.21: 2.12:3:-;z.. °.:~.**°:'*°:., .- . I o —et°thc'lV’iuutVe-re'..T A - '- .'V ; pp- ‘. ATfh§!‘B3GGI'INvI. 3. held’, The»: '4 villerli. I‘. Glover, ‘(tow Yogi, ll. futon,- Pltynuville: W O xnngllb. 3 o, . ., ontpson alum‘ Thorn» l‘icLood, Detroit; Job hire. 1:. . gonna, . 1ious:ou.“’l\oxu; iialnegll ton._lre ntKrl:)§s.', .:l'..0noe nu ' nu-tio‘r'd xi)-".2 alien W ‘ l "'3.'l§S_'R.Ipu0V!s‘3d _ ii‘ s.P..<_ ;.. linoxvilln: !tenh.E- Ir. . -Tnnvlion; lines.’ 0. B. Ilnldwi Pnllndol =_ w. lit.‘ suunxiten Ernuoinooj . ll Vtlot~d_ _ “the null xa¢: ucovv Bank 5_hn"rei'x‘olde1-1'. .. ,_ -mqmgm 'l4:odon‘l‘¢i§&§Ioi.]"'_ .. ' ’ ‘V’-slim‘: notice iaubcen Vtalum i:i’§co’tni: now: NM” GI , V .. _ Sfililfl.‘ Ind _ Ho] _ nnont V..‘.ll13d' V-. ggp-’-_ tlnskaoit namott oer$-liIi_.tixa:‘Vxxoiu-tiaeno-« 2‘ eaacelia III. V . -2 me call: iupou the: rlchcrjcou rt n_‘__rlovel "sud}‘i iot'cil_>!o' ' tin" bot?“ nmmiulscr an e ‘ u no on are.‘ Is .' n iaVnJurtoi_'l.‘ontine; :thov,_-the survive ‘flnulhinz. and the lower the like oi ‘hill born the rooraryalutnhlc ~titelr~revcrston. _ ctiziuqtonu beacon to Alleviate Kudzu: grnvuhacdnhipt; Vj ,-V 2 ‘ 'l1.\'I.lliRi3itQUND. fruntru fm Nééilnvont 1\‘|fl.l tho.UnnightlyVl’oleeV. , - 1 -jlProuute,..['hnndelnhlA 1’rru.l V cgveflnlontu L_m'dotgr_ound_ onfble nu _ . Camden.'K.'J‘.,‘u law dxru ago, by at. It. Lamb, the inventor of ' I new atyntoldoi working itll ’ Vkincn 0! electric--vyb-a.2:‘u. iris anmgszomay _ 'h‘llh1yf gazlignesery, Aoomi>’a.rl3r_.3ln'A.}bc'eo or- )r.lth_thq title or the millions"! Subteti-n.~’ nonnxlectric company, {or tbignurposc oi oi- iuring lncllitic-I‘_ tor.» telegraph; telephone _or'- otherelectric'wlrev.avi:er~ebvtbaznnnmisiianoi inlelllliehce can be better ncooxnyilishcd no-‘ dyruroond um. by.t!ln.pt'Nor-E inode. which’ tly ‘palm. /Ibo system in fix ii to be more cwcelnllylntendcd and non omen _or upon main lines where t in I. ,oonccniru.:ion oi wires. ' consist: iowlmlar block: oi" iorra comt "about: -two icovin length, she exterior resembling‘ the » ordinary tern:-coiin llipo. _ ’ numerous perforation: oi ouo’ mdjeyhnll to two and .u~hnl1_ Inches in diameter.‘- lpes are mined and ilnrllv cotnenlc me continuous emu) chamber: In: tho reception of mu Vital. A llmnll wiro in drawn throu it each nucrturc M the nine: etutiom-: EIXB .- pro-. : ernoneclxrnentz no‘ 34. 1'».-..',;.'-..;.'i‘.';"n..~. I-c uircn the ._uruigh The blocks have the line. To lay tboenble one end of the trim in nttncnod to the mid and to than drawn through we chamber!) nextetzuion. 'l‘.utczr:sp_i and telephone wire: out occuoy aevnruto clmmbcrv. and this rongculent wives an inuaorumt A tool located at tho, I clearly dumotutrttted that tclc _ phone strain can not be war ‘ed nnccomiuliy ootnbinodln the same cable. Another matter oi the utmost importance in that than small chamber! oxford tncllltloe‘ (or addltiomsl orcv.blt~s being laid iron) time to time without moment or auriuco cl lilo-wire: from mole:-‘ uro—ilrst._each chamber has I vltrcmu gluing; second, nrnhbnr lining. similar to ix rubber hone. is drawn Wlltollzh, vmtl imndn this is pntwod the insulated cabin. Mild contains iorsy wl:-en, and in about null an inch in _dltunotor. than men mg I throoiold ‘protection egninat > the: inc alone dump, the, greatest cncro vrlrun. In regard to coat, w rich is not tho lent item to be oonaidcred. it is claimed tn be 50 per cent lute shim by my Known um.lc.~rgt'0untl :3 :- aguln disturbing I110 The one recently rlvi one oljnying a. main looks or pipe! extendimr iron: the Dolnsrnm ltlvcr to the Schuylkill nnd moor a line with Mamet street. and lmvlng n (or LOW wircu. ‘Tim plan for tho tout- V cob: ndoptcd seems to be no i calculated an the most practical [or douse- ltt convenient dlvtimcoo along the line smell nubterrnuoxvt chambers nbuut nix inc: square will D¢’c0ilsti"ilt.’t¢ll.' the top will be arched, and the side: and bottom can-lolly cornered. _ Access is olrculur op». ninu from the surinco at thentmet. the ends at the porlorntcd ipoy ed on either side Mid thou rco [rum in union. The work otrepsir or tho reeling in -0! ball cable» can oi’. nil tirmra be mean- pllehcd. . It the various points ‘claimed by the inventor can be curled into xrrnctico it would accm that V. lttnvgldu tog? aiud Tut: “OOx0i'\‘£i.ililll|l1i $lil'.‘l‘{~ flysn‘ EKY V in and wires c we n ocxu1.uu. ' ” . - i there will tlotlmloas be but low tnourncra at the ‘- 1- CH6 'n!ARR"gA' Grunt confidence is maul! tllilloultzmoblcm lllti! boo any propose: to luuume the roepouuilyllity oi rninhlng wire: for the mud lines in populous citlen and keep them in repztlr lorit lest cost than that ol the present mode to accommodate all kind: at to onhono wire». (or the tire--lnrrn, tor noacd electric light or any others. NEIGLI 80311001) NE\VS. line of them tubular ly popuiiuccl cities. haul by I ntnnll outed Hill! it‘ ~ .T.\CK80KVl1.'!.z, 12.5. The various jumzes 01 election throughout this county met at tile diilct-out. pmoineu an )'Ci9li!l’diL}', and rclustorod ' all the nnmcn oi voters who are «:11 mod to vote At the coming olcotlonln Novomhur noxt. The total enroll- mon: 01 vn on at Jncuonvillo lfrooinotr on last mm 2.593, while the re trutlon "roiierduy was 3.772. an Increase of over last elections. ‘libero will undoubtedly be a lull mm on election day this you-,' as‘ all «rt: intern show an incroascd enrollment. ' ho ox-Prcaiduiit at (Jim in this iltdte, 1:. M. Gmxo ‘udtlreu at the Open: Home in am city onthq allude: 0! the Lilly to tho on next sutnrdnv night. H with a lull iiouuo, as his rcnutation an A schohu: is well known throughout this community. uliienrt. Smith Ind 130 no. at the Itrtilrond ttud Wamhouw Oolnmlu on oi thin Blnto, with aim Sectolnryol the llanrd. met at the Court House in this city ycrucrda (or the purpose oi against 1. to railroads center-V» inxhero, in or or that lhE_00I.i'l|nlil|Oll might decide as to wbothertne rand: bud boundle- crltuiunting in their 111:! his on coal to this i gilolifln Vlrden. in issuan- mom bunny. ng1uo.vt~ tbll clt.v,'-determining; ll much mu the cue to bring suit against them under the railroad 1il\Y'_(if the stain. (‘l(l,)t’l1C‘i: in tho one will’ probably boconmletcd . y, _ — V. _ . - V V . Gov. 8. ll. Onlloxn and Hon. igueo L. Morri- Vnon nudroaaed the citizens oi Wmrorl . intlila voonmy. this niternoovm Ah immense meeting. ‘ 3 am’. Bridge Gotupnny lute’. t-omov can and substituted 'boxu. ‘This will Molli- tntc the maid oonntntutlon on the new road- vrn . . . . » - .~.’n..x. Ital-xiv, tbcmolomd vrornnn who was arrested Toandny by the police [or Ibop-lmim: in ltccbtortvs dry stood: More tody yostexxiny, air. 1'‘ and "llutoh" Odnnlnghnm were on Junticn Grnney ycncrtlny on A ehttrxn oi carrvimr concunlcd wcn banner was lined :3u‘and- the letter Mcoloaky, charged with the name ode-nno. was by. the (squire. although the ovi- Ilnlt him was I3 strong as in the other ltrivt éclminnr wu tlucdjs dad cost: pom”,-‘ A. . . donutod IV handsome gold- heaoed uno tor lit.-Patrick’: Church fair and loetivnl to be held on tno.‘l9i imp. 1'he cede vnil la: oitniildnto tor. month District. '« V . . ‘clan. fnx4sllir2‘§'x:_rV1t‘._azsV1Vap«s<1. V_ The Ojtclal Mamet. at 53. lj9icnburk,' bu Vxofsorlpr oi the _Ou.r to don. Republicans." ll be room: ed thhcltreetl techtcrn nu g {or dish: rblux the it ‘tom and aim Oongreu irotn the boron- guu pubitehed dill ‘ ctur:z."1'Anh:r.ovrr¢in. . Votu eventual the putiow yuan, compt-loin: a. _ _ - v ‘ - V action at mnllulons nttempts,‘ lorocd mo-to ' _ ' - _ ' e|u_tbllah...un_der yourcommnnu, v. V vegfiuma sub5fit“t'° for vcalomel‘. ” executive-commiulou. and to ti-v.o'rtli:i1at-y.powcrodl:: the at math.‘ In . cthnln bro Ixltn . . I V V‘ ‘,4 gm“. _ 3 tranquillity :odrVbeiov_nd aonntry.- Your ex», tgmukgfivfl,-tfifggh "9": .,.,,,,,,‘',,,,,f‘,‘,‘’ ___ ceilent oonrioou in the 0u.uouue.- briilinntl_yV V ‘““°'b,.w ._ gu1qu.a¢u,ba1¢z,ln¢¢m anlylh ltgiebvyia’: 31!; :53?“ wcitfil *9 in while .5-cn‘;eommn '"”“‘ lug l.l10.!‘AYl8¢C of ibejpl GBXWI11 Gorernor rno~uuunol<-.«V_thI.t you ‘w service nuiznodto y’ .» rlrmly and-wine lor.tbe_-negeetgbiie emu oi my in“) nmcoumry; um cl nlttlloe..yon luv -. ‘mined-V.VdnVt(iVoz-ithe Jinn! )l_x.lnontl_1lInhh use-. : I lbloto tn. at-ion: career darln cnemctidutlvityn out b'y " " the Yolgu. ta tau‘ ;1.,“..;, fg‘g{|,hll.‘9°§ fl.ltlr5 “w "%?bl§'§3E33 "”‘n'a“°"" '°“"-A-‘~‘V".‘?"5'i‘i~"‘. W“ the late J. s..rrnompaon.' Pueblo col. ‘Rev. 0.-,o.. ~ V.'0oukénu,~"l.oxlux‘ -W,‘ Burch, -Rouolre, ‘uo. ;_ V2.3 -%‘s,.”.’;.{i'l‘Zx5:‘;?*.l.f.':;’t‘§i‘i‘.§"“‘§‘..'?'.si:;;$‘§‘.*3*?.‘§ .3.‘ :1 Charles n w . .I.':-.;na_vr' V ‘fififw’ uyoilhd on b" M... . Ipeclnljoonlldcnoe . (alloy. fgour xc§»'.’c.’.’uou.. liinlalus‘ 5 1 ,. M 09’ eint--‘ n.-)‘. Iiruu; ndivtcapol vzlotin It.-Graig, Providence‘; V V ‘°°1-‘ ,nnlti:atox;. .I" *9 ' use V _ Voxfirobtd lnnkyi. co . -- *‘”"..’£’&'° 3’ 3....» :3.‘ .‘ ’.nt??‘l!i¢blvuumn’ ~ lvooa-I1 ' _, n in, - E» - °'.,¢.8"u- \ cuabeioi-gVmo“:ix'x'st raver. r_ ..»lr.:..‘l'.l »: xlieilead. grhncgié g’aI;.IaD.l‘rltl4ou—.1cl 9! .(~,. sudden ‘izaltnio eat. urnlnxltlth V ‘ ' . V A)‘ - ;.uw'deiuoiVItA.trw.tv‘e i;’xt,t.sw_lllVlVreetiienniou_ ‘Mr-.».°t° ;:».»==-m=>°*.'*."_t'.. : . -' ~ ' 'ner!)ox. VV Rfraumé, I ‘ t.olg.liaImve‘rlnl — .. ilc‘A’.'mlmw"sho_‘innl¢nin _: r - _«_~ ~ ulzt-Q90.’ 15.: wtth'.“:‘8un,. J G ~DAviI..‘Qotroit'_J. A.'lrrnncln,;- a W» view’-«vi. ’....;..;..;:;..;.;.........=£.ss'..’ - ~ man 0 rota . .AI.ltxmnn3. 3. . ntryfbxusk to’ bar hut. ' ‘eri"|nd. ihofllhuian-xi'eoble‘ ‘ N ha riodoi __panlcf.> .‘ new have bud union 1 reuulilof-to own: up 5 = 1gcwVBn:.rl:'!.lalnro.llit4evo-beior:Ioen.oigiite‘:n' l month; ugo;}1lhQlt_ ~ H_u..' N-xlexln .ot.thtV.cnior~f V .a;..s.~.:.': "i1-)z'o1~~ IIV .r.5‘ut,!a~ oeeu“:3‘X:m. .i‘.i‘:?""":’-' . -. ,¢- ,, N .0o¢<'iIolr'itI'.dt3£m,.,‘,u,,, ' ' I - ‘uni imam 8¢i%_ . Vlfldiliih V .mn-uom“u“»u.’.'§$‘u"!T‘.3<‘1.‘fi.$*3¥°.':.‘:se’§.’1‘sf;';~- -It-is. ~ " . -»m....;~:-.-.-'4-:. -- -~ dtlnloon clearnnd 0‘ fiyg 313.35,,‘ ‘ “W ' Jul bid - . ’ $g?'°91:'r’:":‘:r“e'l{’ :a‘.""..‘.‘.‘."£‘;'.f:y‘1’:?..°é*‘.§..‘»‘“t‘ilf2'a‘.’$ ‘ 1!: the urethra; gm‘, mu. ..Iviuiwzl diminution of consul quad «.- "“'°""“ "W-ntnxvlbcbarses Tu m 7“): ‘Nil mfil-Int!‘-of‘-yui. gggm, lgaflnfl min exhibited in the «auto; gluadl. And in:-9- _ . . _s. xellow ii'n"a:‘o’§\°':ii’u‘-'~:it‘s”c: 'o'k'»'"‘°"“" ’ mrnrth also eig;5hl¢a:.»§£f£fiy :(.., _. fifty. All thou ‘ n‘ i 's~*z.":';“.:°.§*‘§'." ‘ “W+.- : -. J‘ the A ._ , . ‘ . gvdxn-‘oz retgrnxyx-film.-§lt:!:B * fiyggé-igfiungdn-;m thong? dloenea mil ausmaa.’ ganoena‘ bIr§lvlm|:& J93-",u ' Iuoun -an . - ,_ .* oharoegla til: :ltr::ua"x‘r‘ndu::I]l;‘{i1;:};;ol.:'r.k'"”“,*' ‘ ' 1‘°rterr~.<2~i3??~'1'x3§r"." ’§'£»’.‘a’v‘§"'s‘.'.‘e".‘x§i'§'..'.‘i'.‘:.‘.‘$."“.a‘- .,........1....‘_’.:..°°"’°V...,,r.1,‘,,,,. ,:g,,,,Vb:,,-3;-_,1g_!;;-_._ ;. ...:.°:..:°l‘l°.r.‘x':=i '" '° ='=‘"~=~-m1~~w«=~ ‘A ’ - 33%: and dxunninnu the vlru cl the aliens tr-out czar: v- ._. - - -9. in " mm ' .....rc.°‘.&.?."s°.=.‘.'.%.‘x‘.'.‘.‘."§.‘:5“’in.... a‘«ié'.':..{°x§.§§‘.2 '°"~‘|' N0? INT -0: the .eu:c.’P'£ul betwr” nod and 'ibIirltencrA1hM!Ih hnrmirtn . their uuxzan-1-rel ht ‘ *'=°"¢|‘iu'0rInn hood: in on. human W“ 150 WM 3! ilfosxrang. In meamdlseuen salient either mt}: bot er-orwene—-the finial‘ the M1-M Inlet vezltnontrrniednnadrlrntrom the blood it will Amend ind continue to undermine the - °°Mdwli°n-‘ M me u“ aA'nslu~.uum'.un '“*°¢ 1330 Dillon! "tool cur‘! tvurv hmtrylvu wm L ‘“.=x.*':.-..‘*‘:'.-*"’.’:‘:'.;;*-3.}: .:.:.*"*~ ".:°.;‘.**'=.......*=‘ W . diruten ,-um ‘ . “V, _m"" V-(E‘gONSUMPT§I(V)I\T.~V.i‘;- . -at th'r'1'xInp a'nd"l‘uiben-ui ' x mm,” ' "wk. > Smhuold Du;-g;s.\i'uIln:. i9)?zcncrnilIo1‘n’I:§'fi‘|eo1- 1 Illan ol the null. Dinbotu. slanting oi Wnur hutlniloootu reuet nixorded wane on gun my. .. ...... .i.§“.:?$l‘:!.‘.:‘.'.’.‘ ;"“l‘..‘.';.'i.l‘:’.“‘i'.‘..°"‘i:“.‘.’: Bl.Indet.utndinnliouuog' hm Inflammation Vol‘ the Bladder _ and Kidneys." ullxgulelxroniu cues oi Lencorrbea and marine dis- u‘.’l‘.'éf§.".‘.““.lf(’.§‘=‘i‘i‘;' %I’£2.°’ ‘.'é2..‘}‘-'l‘.‘s¥.'...""{'§‘£'.L‘.‘°u.'.' . u-awoo I I .1 mi . Jngflhf-es. V! c 0 an mania live or -L: osz nonmn rjizn norms. it . 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