' _ ‘]_ag‘.{.‘|‘1=8evB>ill,ll_-§itcul‘.“ ' ‘ ‘ » jfsriancn . ’ Vxcieiis, ml miners IltlI.I11’lll‘¥V:_‘xfe'i|_(.""‘>‘.‘5'->“'.‘}* mild e'ieu.‘senrtafnu!' '- -”!§".".“’_"."v “5 -1-1-r:z.’1'1o:¢ I)V$.1!_£"1B‘_1KK--. — V ' - .yg‘).-,9; 'Q¢4m‘L.u'no.'1"1£!le_l‘I‘clCll8‘ ioo.i_l.-. lor-sele''eheollV‘'” 3“! "llIlll_u‘Y: “?1."“‘“ 5F‘. 1poltBnxur3£i_ll_;on Island.-_ -- _ . ~ iii-oxrrirwr to mliori;-x‘-a‘i:'o‘n1_I~i<.m'°'l"l>!=l?ll'= > i:y,I.rru'muux~_nj1>ec,ay.iY¢6l$“§”i”'““:“" ':“°“?_' ;o:'y,‘£'implns on'!‘nte,,Du;)_roascd Spit if. V Josalry toinliusthass. and nil Diwtden .5 V K. .m:.. Xonthiel !:rror:l:_._- I .1vl_ll,§8.ii4 ll. W*'°~l'?¥"‘.' ‘.n,.a:. rsocipt oifseli-erlrlrem;dV envelope» -. 4“? . ~rnmclm,: *. ‘ O,- 1'00"! ‘3I‘l.7.—="°W *Y°“"~ - ’ Lsuisn 1-on ezzsu; o "sr.wT n b __ Jlostoo enliI.l’roiidenL~e Art“l‘urhltnr0 ll! 5*‘: ' Louis‘ st reszolinlllli i3Y1<=¢I"4 ..D‘“‘-"""‘°.°”°-m.'°.°- bud-roe u':s.I'scr_vsxax.'s rooms‘. k!lP.l.1'3" “.’“‘ 'l’'‘‘’-'°'- .‘ or sixty articles. iorpee to. : L'_II_llllid‘l!Btl.fll:1fi|:_ 1. oucmmy, Mm; ;; C/q,.«,>6W-.K0!'lllv too > street". items gis‘0i'l~ntlXl osinrflayvlfl FM? N” 13¢-llevl lie 1"n1r'.-_ 1580. 007083313, 13, 1!. "AND 15. _ The rumba and 86'. but; Kr'4l“rD0iI_-ll‘iliil! leave ‘onion Depot ‘ittfizis and 11 it, ill... me and-5:35 mt’ ' 1 ' .' 5 . lteturuiuziesvellollorille ct .:lo n.m.i_9.ts s. 111.. 1:lOn.i‘it1Vi.!15 pgm. . - ' ‘ V ‘m-km, an cunts the round trip. good to re- turn with Sutnrdny, October 17. . . x .}m,.” and went one run ircmpepot to the no Grounds. ' . 1-.11. litmus," . Genersl Passenger Alton ..___._...._.- ’ . V _ I 1 war l 1 Ticltetslor Chicago cm! bocbtnlnod M the Imcatrelu over the weu»lum_wn -mil "ll-bl! Chicago and Alton Rmul. at the Ticket omce ' oi the oom'peny.'.’1'o. 117 Sortll. I-‘onrtll street, under the Pllbwtl’ llouse. comaspondinzly low mice to Kaunas City. . 8." 1!. Kiiioitr. , frtnkct Ascent. ' ...._—.———--o—-—---——- ‘ Tents. \Vu.:on~CoVerI. Tnrpnullnl. Awnings tslten down ‘and stored and out up In the spring at roesonnlllo rates. _ ‘T1103.’ hl0illl1BUN, No. no Pine Street. ¢)'o,\1§ ‘l~:.tur1:v'1:r.r.rg 7i'D1_“i'r;' u wanna’; llllli food 1 l I ldbe s d i: ‘mothers oi uursixwc ll siren. Cg?i‘i.luins oi:-ililngiinjnrinus, end rcqulriux 0111)! -...;..;-to pnspllto it tor use; the dentin: oi im- pure-millc is avoided. . .l'or sale by dm mists and grocers. A oomph- iut with lull pnruliuinm cent-by ati(lte!IBltlK Tuna. Lumnsa &CO-. N-0uuvn1..CnuNla« . _______._...__,.._ I‘X'tKAG‘1'!lD'LrOm the natural flowers no Pox- - ;onl'| Knight Tcizxplnr reriume, Etc-phenotls . mi White‘ Rose. Dover. 51111: 51ml» “fill” . Lindcli Zlotei. ' our the rm‘...-.a new ncnlo. ' - V IJORDBS. SELLI.‘-CI xi C-0.: 612 ll. Ihird street. :..__...—¢—.._._.._.—.._ , Attention. Onpltisllstsl . _ Isle on ‘Change. to-dnyst noon. 0! 1.40 lull psid shsremoi $125 each in the Iloonvtiie, 8:. Louis sod Bentham ltutlrosd. rcr particular: “P1, 39 .- . ‘ Ll. Ii. I’.li2t..A:l, __ Journos Centrel Savings limit, or (.rl‘0¢I1 it in Hotle,-St. Louis. < -v~- » Here We Are. The Wshnsmht. Louis sncl'I'sciiie ltsllway is selling tickets to Chieexo sl less than nnyothei‘ Inns. and to Kansas City (LI low as any line. For psrticuiun mill at Grjnnd Union Ticket Oilicc, no Rorth Fourth street. corner oi_l’ine. ————-——-—-——--O-——-—--—— rwncv: or brown sugar. 31: ion 1“ Glflflflld gaunt’, si. Teas end eolieus 10 per cent less then can be bought ellowhem. st. Louis TM (:o., no North Filth street. No matter how respectable the dealer you an not siinrd to use the imitation article. All genuine "Rye and mick" but the slittuluro 0! 21. Van lien on the label. Sold by drogzlets at [1 perhotile. Pryor. Wain‘: method at averaging account (by 1ill.0l*BlI)IIOi\ll Deon’: tables or any other system. ‘ - -——:--——-—--C--—:—-—‘-- 'A Woruicriul Reliever of Pain. Whoever Luci! the eciohraocd Centaur Lini- neiit ior swcuk hncr. lore pain in the side’, iorsbum, scald, sprain. or sore. or in: Mt joints, or lnxnencu upon the human itsmu. or domestic enlnlsls, unite to pronounce it so in _ stsnteneous soothing helm end an unintllng cure. For snbduiux the agony ennsnd by . rheumatism, science en.l- heurnigln, the ‘Con- ssor Lluiumnt. in ring ortionehiy the mastoi- _ Iecllveremooylznowu to men. living quick to relieve my pain, certain to" cure, and cheap to reasons, it is not‘ strange that this invaluable — remedy’ hes such ' so luiihnnse sole _nnd its worldwide populnriiy. (isnroitu, the ‘mothers’ reiueoy {or inisuts end ehildren troubled with conatipution. diar- rhnn.‘ sou: stomscn lrctiulncss-and loss o sleep. . ' ‘ ....._...__.......___.. 'Iiu'."pnblie em slwnys sound in their" judi- - msnt; they indorsc Van lioll’s"ltyc end Rock" And condeinrrtlls imitation. Van liell's "Bye And Rock" is sold by dxngzlsts at it our home. DR. war-run. a-regutur graduate, an 15:. Chiules srroot. u. (or. twentydivo ream. msy ' he ionnd irom ii to 1 oslly, where .1e:1isa-xntile cures may neluui oi bioov.l..V..:l.l.celue.;. impediv menu iomxu-rises. ctc,, at reasonable ollnrzon I-sic lncdicluou; contultulon free: cell or write w Gaus-Blerrnon. lit. Peter's (lornun Church. corner oi Fli- teentlz sodicsrr sireeta. was the scene of is iuhicnnbie and lsrgely sttended wedding’ last evening. ‘rho hapny couple here Mr. "ll. ifenry (inns and Bliss Emma Diormsn. Alter the} services in enorch,tho hrlde end groom; nt- ‘ tended by their relatives and Ix_‘lend.e,i_n nil nbool 200 crsorui, tennlrod to nto1lo’a llsll. and lover hours were even: to duilczlug sud poelslinwroourso. An ole.-gnntr-2 hut had boon soils: the dhziux hell. to which in 1 justice was ‘ done, end the gathering. broke up with many flood wishes in: the iulnre Itwcoss at Mr. and rs. Gods. = ' ‘ « » .- ‘ mt. ll. ii. Bsvultouo; tbeVweli«lruowo’ drug- I oi Wnuxsn. Wix., suys: The gvesveuxcdy :. Jacob: oil, is lining in: nnpzecedenteii sale, rnnchlerger than that oi all other rome- dlsvs combined, snd vce every customer conto- riietc itntlutsciioo. myself could teen! to the r°IplI1V'Du1n*0Jltr&tl.i1ix qnelltiee. or -i 0 oil. acme jlimn sineemyiiszlit legbeasso ioswnll, nndheezsmo pu-tlslly analysed. in tee! to such ' gflru an to intnriere with mmwslklng. J. - .3 the oil throat or tour times. and it 1'» Vlormed s rierieet cure. -_'i.‘hsn'.-.iore. 1 con: en- tloiull! rnoomtncnd the oil_to us customer... " knowin ; all well than it will 0 oil that in nu ‘ “forte. V ' , . ' . , ‘lain-ins.“ V. H _ Blkeoxo, October u.-Arrived--frills, lilew ‘row jonhuwis ’ October: -1:.§§’Lrrived-¢Bsrk . rm’-V1 am 70. - ." - .- . . A o;...a::.~su» ‘hi V1" -2' -*"~°°..‘t>:.* ~_ . . , 33.- 0 .t3.i;.'.'.‘- _ ' msiiip Drnmdll-In oeeta,Lnlwe¢y.VV wk; ..liiltnsiell.~: ,- renruuin-lie.w i:iln~__ ' end 1...: sli '1’ '-‘s.liectlq'nnte.,g d-1yy,'_. ‘ H , , ' "look ior supper.-.vAt. 331.6‘ lillllm. l>'°.l16l¥=s 8.0 . . -the.-st's.ilon" he lsnxlsefd pd‘ hnllqd-_ . _ other» oxliosi-s’. \‘ and‘ eve . epp‘mu-ed. "in better. helum ol‘.‘_spli-its . V.xbc,ut.Vnoon'li°..wns seen unis; -north _nn’_ as -l‘l_iIh':s 1‘.-‘nhd . ~sltnrtly in maize visitedéllui -E "bu Iin,oew' eaginuhonse qenr.ihe_eorner_o iitoulwn Jud (Brand-avenue. wherohe was ‘well aoqnn ntod-. 11 to he ‘spent About Vn,qunrhc'x"ot;sln hour, tr sting two oi the llroxneu-to clgers and inking- “ -. . ~ - . e . - - his osmtr. r.1oh'r- srinlno _‘lYL . Nexthe wont to the onion: nt-..Iuutic_-n Ye e~_ molt. sudwhen no hair. this place he mnisrkoll that no this noimr to unite a «veil: _.nver , to the. cometersu; 1l_ie~wes.ne'r.cn!t'Im l|“Y°.«_|ltlh_1-..l ' About aclcloekn. colored nun named beorge: _llobinucm t_vn.s, drivimi‘ ihrouith ,tha cemetery ,svluis_c:urriz G,-IYIIOII‘ 0.-discovered-_tlio.' body oi-..the den. V xocliecmen limit... on . H10. htnumi.‘ ;: liesieo.-_ .theV-~_:bouy an pistoi..ho.' 6.- mn; lying. -Ono-.0! -.lho-._1lv,e: C1ll'liiibl:l’S was empty.» d sn, ugly would an .ihi3~ : rlmit-- - / _'.«iznm "v:bloll.':~ a large. ’p.nol- oi/“ no land .r_uii _to the- ground.'_ 1-owed -"plniuly ~v_rilor'e-;tho_ -lnlliilnfi-‘ buliut 1 -"had snon.- iiohinicn nolulc some oi the cemetery -employcshirlia '_ in turn. notliled Oilioeru lleyerpetor and - Wincitler. I Through the -polieclhe Coroner: was nmixicn, and Beauty coroner hiciirido land the bony removed to-the house oi the uei\d~ pmlL-n»m1.n's Xnlllofiat 1513:; Exchange Atroet, where the inquest wllilzc held this ititernooii ntx o'clock. > . - . _ . ...i.srrim to his win._, . _ ‘ Gulingiter let: on /explanation behind,_ although in one at his .pot:ltets was found err nnveio 21 hearing mu lnllomngmiupergcrlptlon: ' "_'.i'o. c delivered to my wlieutistry builslrher. ml North Sixteenth street," end tho envelope ccntnlned the following letter, written in land -nc : ' ' . ' 511. !'.oms.‘Octoln-rll ‘l!80.——Dtut Muir: By, the time-you receive this note I will he no more. Circumstances oi which on are uosnwnre cnuae me to commit the cod. Hoping you will iorgtve mo and tint you will let thoccurt .i-zxceisiur Ho. 3 1. 0. l‘.. have chat oi the inuerni. I remain your iovln husbuu . - j . » .J. Olonsoirnx. V I’. 8.2-I desire that the iollowing rimmed be I-. pnli hearers: ' . . l.’ollcemun«—.tugn:i: lime or Henry lnlng. Wllilem iichmlttier and A. . mi). ‘ Eh-euieu—-.\'iuk Whnlen and James .1’. Doyle. God iorgive me. .V Jomrxil. Not one oi the relatives were able to o_l_!or the slightest reason ior the commission oi the dead. ‘they knew oi no trouble that Gallagher had experienced lately, and with the police it was tho some. It was X‘l.|lll0l'liil that he was nmmeiniiy embarrassed, but so isr as could be learned. there mu no inundation ior the rec port. . Deceased win 31 car: old and -was spo oiuu:-.l to the some :1 May. leis. niwsys rov- hx hluzseli till-(ll|llVO snd eriiciontss no a cer. lie was tomperntc lo habits. 01 In unusunllg gay dl8?0!lliOD'ilnl1 very popular. on the )5: cl Apri last he was lnerrlod at 8:. Micheal’: Church. to lilies Mary 0'lirien. n young may I to whom he had been attsched lot about thrue years. The couple c-In -' h ‘ int; at Stilt N. Sixteenth street, and nothlc occur» radio our the happiness oi their mnrr on me. no audition tcthe houschoid being also ex- ! ccted in about three months. lir. nu. Ohio‘ xher nl titelnrk at the Republican cmoe.is en nut: in 0 the deceased.’ . __...._....__g._._'—._.__—._ A BIAGK IF! CENT DISPLAY. The Grand Publio.0 eniug oi: the Eu- gene Jqccard Jetve ry Compnnyfis Yose- terdny. ’ ' ' who iiret vulaiie opening at the Eugene Jac- esni Jewelry Oompsny, corner oi. filth sud Olive streets. under its reorganized manage- ment, tool: nllice yesterday. And the ordinarily bcsutliul and resplendent establishment was in holiday attire, rsreexoiic plants nod ‘flowers in‘ vues, bultv.-Ls end jsrdiniers nu pedcsiolln thst were themselves works at art. and creeping vines, and bouquets at out iloirors uniting in making the exlilliluon one oi the most. _hesuti~ in! over witnessed in this city. Ilirds sent out thelr wurhl lulu from golden cages and tinkllnz melodiee rose irom musin- boxcs on every side. In the cen» ter oi the ‘ground-iioor pnlesroom I large '1‘nrl:ishruz'wns spread, surrouneled by 3\il~ lsrmiurulshed with chairs and tables oi the Qotton Anne tintttern and having iour inrge pnlmvtreu supportod on granite pedestals. .l.ir.~re "lady representatives oi the host St. Eouis Iulnllitll were received, slid hure_lsdiss when down tawnsnn dmpiu to" rest or meet each other. the spot being set apart and nixed up speetsily ior this purpose». one oi the ertixtle sllverwnre. which. since the union with the establishment oi r.» A. Durxiii, ls now mshuinutursd entirely by the l:...leccu‘d Jewelry Company. All this were is boeutuni. n design and completion, and its richness is e msrvei oi sl.lvennoith's skill. In onercue with seen" _s. slnrilug nillvertos. and deoeert service, ilnishud in the repousse ‘style, and nprcad on Turkish routs. embroidered with gold and silver lace. livery piece was covered with trnccrics oi vines and flowers, with bus- lerniesfierchlng noon Lhiiul. all bmttan out oi the solid silver iiult. In ‘another ccwwcrn several varieties of silver were,» n piece in the lleulunstyio ehovriog n white tisuutsk napkin oboe itxround oi brisket work In old ‘gold; I teto~s~tetc.~ so: end her, boil: _in the Japanese styl». and s ‘child’: clirisuanimz setin~siiver,_ with illuilretlcnt from "timber Goose‘: linin- dlea. ‘rho diamond case was tilled with gloatin- lnx Jewels, not in umexuanti oi various kinds. Lntmklnoe. our-rings and Iiolitnire bresstpin oi ure'in.y»two issues, the whole valued :2 310.000. and e largo steroi grsdlietcd diamonds, withemcreld clinker. end e circle oi oriental poarlamith nnclmr and cross oi diamonds liithe corner: were mainly admired. Three cameo pluéoa oi exquislto cutting, that had been ex- hibited at Ynrlsin 1878, were also features at the display. In smother portion of the room’ were novelties ior wedding gills, not easily but bozmtiiui, lynch M peppers, imistsrds, suture and creams snd bonbonnieree. in the new hem’- tnorexl and bronx;e’styln. The" stationery doc purtment; recently Added.-made nsnlonnid ep- pcsrance. sud included mourning pnpcrsnd envelopes, _ wedding and visiting cards no invitstions, uionozrstns and initial. utstlonery, menus Ind _dln_ner cards, _hnll programmes, hlrthd5y.-- Cixristuiee and Row Your‘: curds. costs oi .- Arms, crests .sod_ heraldic devices. a class oi work-which’-the company’ is prepared to receive orders tor. and: which they promise to finish in rife moss miso tie msnnor. la the hssemo’nr._ thefine m de- psrinzent was tilled with brie:-silarecysnd uti-. cles oi ve‘rt_n oi the richest sud rsnsst designs; Dllquol. 3-’0l'ohs mlrroi s. stsluettes in ' Psi-inn nlitrlvlc. .. “Aqua _ were, - ‘Cohort V chins,‘ ‘arm 5 sons, ‘ 'eie., . vsses,..’in -tnnehj mz'.x.a_ glue with ‘ trsesries ‘ in _ gold ind othur ernementetions, bronse.-eloeks at ‘all si:.eu_nd.nstLerns. me e Vllrhtf‘ oi the best and most bssoitinl s.rtieles_l'cvt_, decorating our-' nosed. The dis'pin'y'wiis rxiido -in" ebony enbitseis, on essois sod on pedesisisgthe rooxnwse splen-, dldiy csrpsted, end the slieetoi. thelwhele was very churning". The citizens oil’ 8:.“ ‘Louis to be congratulated noon hsrind in their midst, sa establishment whielt. can ‘. msirs ‘sueiis tlis—'_ pisty end when can be secured I elsssoi, xofcds oi the highest stsndsrd "oi excellence. st prices so isvonbis suit is possible toned them enj- where.’ '»= . ~ "' l “ :V' A Bore Attembted Suicide. ‘ ’rro:n'tlm' iollowinx it woeia;"pp_sg';n “yo.- rl_ek‘Xeeie. ll 'year'solcl. is so exceedingly ore- itlilihe‘. ' ‘ Vnemnts who duremosond :hcir’childrc‘nVto Gov-x . -XL-' zrsndcst ieuturesoithe exliihltlou was she: ‘ oecious youth: Mic‘ reesesy. iilgb£'h‘n7, gave ' the prisoner whll ' he could live. nil’! . orrlmj. O.'i'_f.;yV£2§o,i0bex'Vl3 —_'I?he_ p.-mcr'si‘1g::’.‘ t0i‘35nn_.iiltl_ufntooa: from‘: h_ I" ‘x-tl$_li_3i1.i ilishop - pnimnoi.‘ l-_¢'x',srgi.I:‘n_£gI_ti_lp' aubpdtneo ’utca:_a_olin .cl_il_x t’oo'tnt5ei>n ‘cud ugodelfschocls. which ' -use: reed , (min dbl" puipim -crime ;csn:"o11a chnrnhcshlare c-u:ixio'nk1s3‘f,llw.sl:‘rm.lee comic- trnbln'-cieltcment. ii) I. la. nkdsu.0o.thnllo' ‘ernrnentsclinoib are-nolumn_ly warned that ilteyd will bo..dennr_zod mun ti-.‘e.sxormnente oi the. church. Several-lea-lxxlx Irish Catholic gentle- man ivullcdron. his ixvrdsllio and. rwsuionstreted in lever oi continuing. I-li(ill';t1illdl'¢l1‘&I'lin‘ rnotlci _ schools. blur were minted his consent. 'i.he DOK‘Gt'0l Itlw llluhon. to ;dlcinte_nnd toroi- hly impose-"his opinlnmt on ll}g.‘fll)0K:l‘.I quell! tlune‘.°l.PWniW.-.‘i‘ mm» letter» - -' V - .- "thou:-1-anti» nit-spins: uy'a_t.'easim’;'uth-J nmilé v_rho’v.zlru:.f_Uso1lAi.iJ_q liartlrrnir lloitir-'; human) nm‘i‘n-1.. fl ‘ ' V - '- ‘ VA Pix: )1; '.l.‘_oor_ii'Aoim Dno'r:teu‘:~'e in .on'.[ nliini" nm__. _ BUSINESS . NOTICES. térpm gm... iviimer llrintou, ax. 0.. :mu~‘ - more. . _ .I have used Golden’: I.lebl::'s Liquid Ezstractj oi-lleei in my practice- A3 is Ionlnin nousunip- » tion. :ieblllty'nnd.wealrnus, nnmmis. chloral» sit, cIg.. it wu;.not,be:_urpamd‘ V ‘ ........__.._.._._.____.‘.... I!Oll1t0\\'l:_Ii Lnxinnnn ninsu-'ro—-hmtln world’ z~i'i.t.)s'i'nu:~:5 Yl'AN’l1'.t!_b_--2"£'.'lll.-\l.l‘2‘s‘. ,...—e W .AN'i‘ED—’.-1'3: smlddlc-sgcul wmmtn. n aihutlon . ss houselteoprr tor s unidl innit: or widower. Applrut ma Che-tutti at. . - . \ AV’'1'ED--AllnIltinb ' c rllufi .l N c:)ok.wnshs'r sed.‘lrone'i'.‘l%l‘§§!'u::risenth°I1. A!vi'i'l‘:D-llys wmnsn or exile:-lance end having it lhnrouxh knowledge or the English bunches, I situation to was 4.-iznnrc at children. or to do sewiur and ltilil. inilxut housework. Apvly toils) Blorzui. szrect. -V ~ . .. A2{'I‘ED—'1‘lie iforkln vumnn‘s lflnlon thm n in onicel-s.iu adv board or action. smi its an ant stu-may and lent an visor (ucvxrnoi. 0. n .ri. cut sud sum ord betirr protection and supp! hetthr servant girls to its patrons than no he ioun snvw re else in ms cit“ Otiies. ll‘-Ihorth Ninth street. Mrs. 11. V. Teel. . ansgsr. WA3TED—1t known (hat on lznmoni or disrepu- tn_hl pnrucs mum a.p1)»Ir for s_t-rum girls si. the "W. W. ulna." Union, 063. bintllsi. - . ' .4.N‘l'i-:D—-.\-rvspcetshle Ocriosu girl wuits s Ill.- nsilou st housework. ma U‘itsltun st..uo~su.irs. WANTni)—lioueat. nrmiant won-ling girls. lrom etuicr ciirorccuntry. who desire steady sud proiitshle amp oyment. sod grate.-etlon uulu-t im- firooer sllnsuons to snplv for i came at the “work- ing Vanna‘: Union." Protection wsliis our met» to. Omen. 108N..lilnth st. . exc.. eupollcd with sli ‘W'AN‘l‘)Zl)-Families. hotel: kl lly. Slfiwulilnxtcu sve. not good helofimrh its arts.» .wArtrnn—.w:i:3is.1..n:s. A..\"l‘.E:D-—'l‘we Germ“ filth. l to cook. with Ind iron. the other to nurse: rel. req.:15t‘-'3 Plus at. A\"i‘l'.i)-.—A' rt st 3tt.iel.ucu eve te'dc gunersl -W housework. A.\"1‘F.D-A Oermln worm. {T88 Olive ll. ~“f:ln1*ifi>—A can 1 1 It work. }4o.‘i°l0l \V:-l'?I‘I:IX[|{l.k0lti .‘3§.‘“‘"" mug.‘ ”Vv‘.\N’l‘F2D-A girl I-at general house work at ill!» 5. Jetiersnu Ave. “VAN’l‘l»'2D-—Glrlio-do [eucnil housework at no liurxsn ti. e V idri to do miners! _ house'- WANJ')2D—A zlri iron: 16 tu is fun of age at 4606 Olive st. ‘ ' A.‘l’i‘ED—A. Germsn Kiri lo doxehrntlllonsm . work. Apply '.’J'l1 Gamble svc. A.\TEU--A.n euinrnletl young girl to let: one or ‘V children and Luis: in sewing. Apply to all Wuhirurxeu sve. A N'i'i-:1)--Jl _1ou-:1 girl to sum in gene rsi house- A.\l‘l‘l2ll-A xlrl to cook wuh d i " nod --wage: paid. -.\m:ly.:u;a5 Xflllilltinlfifon‘ ‘ ‘ Olhre at. ‘V A.‘rl’i'll:I)-viii roolu. nrlvste isnallies: but wants: VV’:‘.‘.?.l.‘.'l=;:.*t“.‘:‘l.f:.°':a..‘:?“”' W ~w:<-~ work. st in» lap n st. _ W Ah"I'i£i)—-L good cook. wulicr slid ironor st ms pnntrr girl luv hotel. (Pisces free.) 016 N.Sin st. .t'NT.ltD~-Duhwssher st iiotci ‘Maser. Bevemh ' "C. 1\icLANE.’S. .s$.-Vines: ugtaktillitxtini -. ‘ear nln’e'Dn.. A , I2.I.VI*7R:1.’ 1'-Lslprepnredby _ - PLFHINQ .BR03-9'1.’-illebur-gh,'1’n.; the market" l1'clii"g"‘i'1i._ll"bi';'liiiltations»of_ the. ' nanac-1ff¢3?.n=u»: dldsrendr but = '.l'nri.iés ildverusxrix“ 15, rosin‘ uolsinsus;-anti ‘haying tits nmewer-"s addressed iln fonre; bl- .(llcbe-ileriincrac. xviifpleose‘ our for check -.io’en'nhie ‘theun to get their letters. as Ms» ,nfler_ cello jsrlllhe delivered. except on pro-_ nejttauon orlcilenlt. A'liVmiswerI to ndver iisgimpots :lm_vil<1b_oinc'lnsc_t!‘i_x:' envelopes, _ . . nan? tvAx'rno3§nm't.'n._q_. » V‘f.l.\"1'ED~'-Locflxoilth. st ‘mi! N.‘ 'l_‘vrcliLh st.‘ ' .tx'ri:i:-ruin-'nt'i:i:mn siitlzi-‘prune. slrceis:' _ .wnxcs..3iorr 4.1.1. . "Bruin .! L"o‘.. 8.5 lflne st. ; - AN'if1:D—-.\- 1 . m . R - - e lo - _VV......_ .. .:.“‘x.";.§3. rim: n'.'u.‘x‘lt‘.‘ ’.°"" ’ ‘A r.\ .\"l.‘I~‘.l’>-A men nccnsloxurd to kitchen work It ' 2108. Fourth 51., _ V - _Yv*.t.\'1'2'.n,—_-Two heli’hny:s._ Apply st Planters" Ilnuscs. :V ‘VA?s"‘l’l‘.D-'—tllo ishorersnano choooen sad tie- mskers snsl wteimu_1hArl:ensss~ good Mellon V \t‘0rk'ii1‘olr'lusp0!l.Illnn. Apply in mm Dczuan. ill) iiromtway. inr Kn-ilcui.xnu sh-i tratupcrutuon. .iisndevilie.l:cwiinx t.‘o..,(.‘ontr-retort.’ ' “Q ixivrrzn-»noy 13, years eldto trs.vei.. em mew » olu.-star Rosd. _ = ‘ _ .' - “V7':ifii’l‘.'l'liL)—l’ori¢r si.'Wnlkiiis' Korili Park Plllifi‘ ANTED «curring: [J s. 1'. Cur liixth :ll‘2:l. 0' .\'N'l‘i-Ill.-sir. tlrsi-class urpentrn iurfinilhln - up work in inuin mill‘ slsc. one'iIt-clsss hm .011 “WI”?!-‘ A p y st htclnlx l'i:nINtV Mill. corner oifl‘.retitl1 sml ‘nruce Ms.’ 0. Brezkenrldgo. ‘V .\X'.l'l‘.ii-Jl‘wo tint-cieu custom cutters.‘ Bsluy. - Sills we-cit. ‘~Eamtous." ' wood-vrorliernnd blacksmith. £s1lro.'s,"ll_X_a end ill? Sorth , convene.‘ 3il_l.eess?s‘£‘u‘-'; Aumoe he ' Chrosnes. ....._...t.-st.-.".:' "- ’ ' Anti sd1.tee‘.- NV _h:tll-surlng wuon wit Vs an: idnled xconslrllng oi - with xnsnunl moi. iii .-.-a . .6 am 3 ¥°.‘Y..‘.'.".-.f%.‘.“" ..- cn. Ohad *""' . .. . V .- . -;- - 'uo.i.u mu... lid lnr-dress net " '°rl~'??éi§§'.5§§3&ux‘."V‘§$.u-. um “.,,‘f'.,2"*"'°l*."*'=»'-1*‘; M"-H»!-33?-3°h°1-§~"*’~;{ * ,o.l!lo’ers;=‘Indfilor 'ums7i:._moic..‘urimu: " am, .j‘:‘..'..,.,,.“',’,',’,5',,‘,-.‘.fl‘-‘,3,-*,-. ,,l,?§,'}‘?_'§;,-",’.',";"g,-,"°°‘“";,,: . I eye:-eon»_e".s_nem ‘l'ho1‘-s‘:5!‘in}obr‘i,ty°‘.hdlttl:L§'qE;:g‘0‘f_I' eles?s'etr-sneeeniixrtlesu-eel;‘,..'.»« .V .. .1 .n.o».-.. . . . uizvmfl-hm 33.59 “shdilidoloth9§_ IV-&,‘§§gi_-;,§¢§M.” euggfggfgmclfllflfi ‘mo W-WW Y¢'»‘!»‘V°“‘°“‘*-““ 'atn'd.fl0nov'ei_des..I¢erellyCo.,,iK!1\’s.lnn(sg:-.‘ n .. . is -turn t use 33°21}-net -1.!!!) copies Eflfdlj‘ ere new are M out in wide-cwske it lhelmicr the anion is.-on‘: '.1iJa0l'.2.Ll...A.'\5’.uu5. vvA.N ls. .' R US. -hillhen'ds_» "end Rsultln. 2:8 pisriteu :€'1'}:D-!nLlor:n:.tlnn or the wltrrvsbonts arose - _ .~.0. ifsrlus. s prtltllirl’. who irit ‘this 3: to about three weslts o with his wife umi.iun1i. . . W ......-..,“::...:::.°'-'*.°*.' '“ "N ="' A» ~ Ali’ifF.D—Ahn :3": 4 Joy. nt‘ll7 I1)ll;¢sL.“lloo2um9‘.” n “"3”. . 'IsN‘fllit1——':il-wuvnv. 93_urtl. 60 laborers on Itlrn. ......'.':‘:.2*.*‘..:’:.*::.:*l‘-*=° mo *‘---mu +..-=»»- . li’\'Tl‘!D—25 men iur r i it in :5 41 ‘V hsuds. Apxllyaldllfillixeihstl...tfpfsislraufcf on ‘_ ANTKD-Mun todrfte. milk sud zeuersl work. in slate inmil : I tesmsien and porter to: country otei. App 1 till .5. sixlh at.. urmuirs. ‘, JlNTll.'D-—-‘Bcllomri-I on man‘: hsndmswed boot’! chunsslclfihofia-"n.\rply in Weston & Johnson, at; ., . A\'T)‘.D--Xl0 : 1 .40 l - 1. e W boy. in-.n.’.i.°cr°:°.: 3:Wl3”i"$«'c:’t%Z "nu 'VV'AN'1‘.l-ID-Dln_lnx~rooIn boy. at 239 Lulcde ave. WAN‘rED—Swul boy. ltyply to Ilsnst 043., iii snd.li1 Wssliirizllsn svc. W'A.N'l£i)-An cflndcnrnd shinning clerk. wun iuxewludgs oi no earrings bualntss. ullhum llsmilscturinx 60.. lseve-nil: st. end cm sve. ' A£'g'.R;-fiiotalatoworkin spice mill. Address ' ANTS!)-—e good esrent : . 32 no W dsy. Apply to M. U"l{r:ei;e'.‘iB5l9 Elm sh“, AN'l'£iJ«——llnl ' i d k d and . ‘Vlnyan. i.—uA1.1as. WANTED:-By s young men of ‘lo. a Illixlilnn in 3 dry goods erxroeory mire; ni.no ob.0.i~B.llI.ol‘.' W ’:.’:;"‘i,‘.’:'..*.‘2l:.'.‘.‘. .-::° W-.n =~*=~ - ‘ AN‘l‘El)-sit Li la ell-ed d turn:-I l9. Shelf: xIx.'L..'5 ..pr.:"°;§§....’.§’,"’,'.§ Altos nr t-clecs fl ' I I Y|¢&90__A&dl'6M J. ¥‘.’(.l!l'l've..).‘e:: O"l!lc‘e. lit. .l.aui§.Y§i‘:: AN'i‘ED--All l to ill I l I ‘V cilia: ll ll H8-hf. zilz?l‘:'stxc.ul.I‘$)-ostnflrvfi’ MT.” AN'l‘1’.D—Aliild¢lle-nxcdmsh ni 2-xnerbcnbu su ' nun»; would like In engsge, in use urn or come old xcmiqienn or iuvsiltiwnn on but of relev- ance n to experience and study hsbiia. Address 8. Bi. iniroilre. _«' .rlN'i'i=‘.lJ-«situation iaysnunx mum ;......‘;::.';*:.:*.'.":.:;:.°:.‘= -*'"““.'=*.'.""’“".“r “- ANTEI) -Situation by A good nhcioxrepnic ener- ' to: d lui . A ll . B i ... .23 .. a—'l’'3.u§’{... ‘ii... ‘s2f':IZ..f.“‘bl.'.‘.l“.‘1‘:‘:‘.‘.l”.‘:t < A.\"r!:l>—A slnmion to travel by s young Illlll cl . . experience: lmcerlcs. lcluscoc er cncxsrs preferred; retemnes given. Ad. 1'. hi. this emce. _,- " . .tN'i1:D-A 1' ' i . UA24VA58BvK£:il(‘1l|?l'»‘l“b't'$in'l":?Jlli'ty-lllnmn cu” 1 0 nine lull cm or ‘territory no em l.§‘.'.'.”¢'.’.‘«‘..“§'.'ll . ' . ll u.‘.'.".5I.§§".'.‘;Z.'~‘....".“'”.3'.%‘.‘l‘3‘°’.‘.'l:i» ‘is ' ‘ill at‘ -new unison with ‘:31. men and help mac :}nneceu. all my.‘ gun‘ tam‘ mu iron Lwoia. 1.51:: her you $1“ s‘ s‘ “sun 1_ the prom. vs ’s[o.; cxperieiice. no . . - ' . _- ' ._W. J. .ll0L;l4A2¢D 500;. Chicago, 111... Aldfi'lI“.D»A sltesiicn hvjs young. 04: so as. ., ...':a::i’t.*;:z €”‘.'2°‘»'. ’.,"'?'.‘~“-°°“ *'“~- _ _ _‘uo:n‘n.I.nis’ro’nf. 5.11.3; ‘ * Jnninit-it nu-’a nos.-as ‘nan . urn .' _ ¢‘£!lHIll[ loeeiemxdoing ‘.35 1nnsi.:es::._A.edr:::I. l II. this emu _ . B -3.U.E«~}.: A llsfxele-tllcstri um-host sud E . — ' i'rucn|u._‘n-rw violsx good -inn! en: ru- sons tor llingf when bu; Iogcaocll other business decline to.,. erlnssssy. ca lie the N.,.i.evee. ' %F.‘f:.::.F’5;..+.*;*.:.fil.‘:z.“.::.;t%f'.lils.$:.?*..f°:.‘. . ‘,3 "V :1‘ All 5 .*..1n‘l;u'{r?§t73'§«73'x§$¥§3u.';3°"":7'“ '3" B30 '.iiAl.1'.-Dnsxston. ,eenuxlz located. road.“ - lock . t‘. . “E 1.... =*“2..r,°:;*a . All given 6! J. Olldsts, ' l7i}‘r'3"7's5~7.-‘Ex?-f$.'. ., 'xr.;ai'ol:~.:*ii::. . . AN"l‘)ZD—I ed: I l .20b id . . ...........'t°z-...‘..°.>'.-..~.;.::.1°"W=*°‘= " ANi‘r:D—l:nergr.iic rt with wot i K I cilia; e%Si;cl‘.?’n.i:o%I:;e’ol urst-‘el‘ussnEl 3: an in .=. tar .:u.s l Foztllguz comer of Fourth sntPOl\cs'tnuiTt.h.m ‘W -' ' ..1‘.':.‘3.‘."““".' M'- -WANmD—m turns on nxinrnd emu. streets; 34 per dsyzstesdy work. it. iii-own. "“f.tNTltD—l.'l shevelers st Main and Wall streets. X. Brown. , I n'.?‘.§’.:.‘.§§-'.'.'.n‘:“.:":':.':."°.t.'.'.: :t.{.‘.“‘."f°.'3z qlnrrnzen. it to 8175: my Prompt. Bond :3 1. week. llerIoy'd'.spsrr.Jstoeson. lie. _. A"\'l"ED--A h he! tell i cud I . ‘K5-‘lglo Ir‘. v.i.tu?Xp|n§'y &°{5o.'?.ul:‘cl::i:3Js corner! and Pine sis. _ __ ‘ .L.‘.c'.'l‘.l:il-A cod tinncru Apply to Bchtniih l Loueusr. triillsid. ill. . Vv'AN’l’l»‘.i)-«Engineer. who understands nllng cir- culsr snvu. Amaly in on 24. Mun st. ANTIZI)-_Av;iIticlll ~ or it. ntU'h¢eiu‘s " AN . til. we 0. lion. ’W'ANTED~Two,my men. or experience. In s e .iYIlI‘cli tsbls st 3'1: uruuck liuuse. Nliiousi Sleek-ysrds. but it. Louis. l=i. ' ltois. rsquircli. sni . . . ’ to W "mTxs%T~'r':x73°°if.':§'.3’§S"3’§{"fi§{Llf’:'°'§ _r...~.l.;.y. 2:3. an South Tim: at. .. _ . " VANTED-soontsilnn men snetooisborers to work . on Mobile sud Uhso llsllrosd M lint Cairo. Ap- _piy to W. ll’. Dunsvsnt a Cox. Bast (.‘.s.iro. A . . “v.\‘NTtD »- Lego:-ers tor overulncnt werxs st -- 'lciuhu so NI nines. lu. l'n1 Slfiil sud board. .»'l'.(J.V shntr. ‘ U. 3. IC _,‘ nt industrious box end it Ievslor l'sctory.9J . id at. 1)-ates nisns st Advsnea sientc .Esst els.- Ts ecsrtnreelterry. J. 't.:\fcul~ . - - V «. FOIL SALE-— . Ilia: foundry indict. tine. roihu hi heat hhlddt. (or run. ens hundred end thirty um lbu-ws.'lnllv£al2ieg-sntltdoi «.....::°"':'“i':.°.*r:u:-;“°.i“*.:.:3.*i':'.:*;::- ,, _ . . wcck:lii'::i‘:i‘cn:7$_isd‘{j:r$c:?a’su uo.m=su'wcex. 1 19 §'L'y."’l‘l!¥:£l?‘§a?5§§“..l£‘iif§:‘F’“f ."°.'f .1004 OLIVE "V81.-Furnished. »‘= rooms. 6 board. aim. the Penn; termstessoos le.. ' (low. Be-ezcluy ct Directors. Uebdsn. ill. with; ‘ ‘ ’ !.'lt0l‘1:ll.‘l'i‘ no'5:‘o'r ’1'i,i.!£ crmtrua sans. RBALPZ-0ut.oi the oil:-‘rile orange Mlll~ot . m.. cat 5 mm . °" "n :i &§ in o§§'o:':§: ‘viii dispoic oi it on us)‘ 5 “ Andre-ss.D. otlbo Slate tor local tndc. ROKSPS AND -VKlllCfJ$_3.' - . .1 .3 ' , 5 . VIs“:.’:..-‘::.“;;:3.':::r*:.'=:.-.:>.°.*:”*:'.*.-§.*°.r‘:.*°°*~"° ‘thehlgheithl.ldcr_. 'lt2!snd1434Bro:dw:y. ."' '9 - - ' wit s;LL1=:—cn . . . B- _. <-.925 \3l’m::?$s7s'3‘c.".M¢7 W.‘ $715‘ ' ll! E.\l.l".«~llsi-oiiclies. snrreysfiwsg-ant. Tlrakln, - lire-inter. 1-H.‘ iilolttllul st‘.-imlraiiie. room ' furs; 1 ‘ nlihudot-. nni.:r.. with or vrlilmui_bnerd.; t 2- cm-:s'rw'r t§'i‘.-—A x : lcel tut... .a0()¢'-)_ro-rm with good hosnhp cum ' n -’ I 29.36 mom. furnished or uimirnlslied. l.(l:i'l‘ AN!) _n.»u.~m. _ OS'l‘—-On the llah. xblsck and unvim-.a.le dog, ‘with no tall. ears cot and sent on neck. -A re- msrd oi siwui he purl on return 01 do: to we 9llI~ esve. ~ - . . - -'06'1'-'1‘wc horses on! hlack. 10 or ii yum old. udtiio mulu. In fl lore leg scarred: other-ooh rel. U yexrs cm. W brsmzed on lsit hind lcmwhite spot on-tarezhesd sore on from right leg. Return to Root 5priugs._emi' receive/llbersl rewsrxi. Aden: Slmons.. 011‘? R KAI; XSTATB N015 flA.L‘B. Ra Lr Phil sax:-has in: as in-' ‘ 0tors,AAtt';ili‘ou.c—-li?v ‘hrdc: n;ul‘mb‘at':e (73:53 to close an estate. we aim one an premises. loo lots in r O gualtme wguelne ainallnrenure blower. “nor u‘.|. mon§t,Pn) .¢ u on M . . « 1. e s. n n . Limte oi oi bunkers’. slashing md bullies. ' 'i?:nnd.'l§:iu¢s 'n\'a‘nue. Tsyler ‘Avenue. at. '“|¢llb0Y°1N|F¢¢€UtP”|’¢31*’¢- ""1 ‘W5’! NW lrerdinand sln:e Personv smi Boston streets. e h Ghent!» 9- P- MK-5105:" lot in rat by depths oi 121 lei‘ ms. Will he sclrl on W“ "'"*-'.°.:°"““.:‘:.::'.. ..°*'*.;*e.°..':'.'..“'“°-.V."‘.“..*°,:‘* - xs.u.i:-«A l 2 lot or ood 2 b . l cod W“ °"“"“ ‘ '°“ Iii!‘ pm”. chew’ er s . w P‘ 219. )I;A'm";'\.K‘ run to 'i:sylor events at one taro. mskiu thisilxc mcgt ellxlhly loealsq ropeny in the city. III! hour: I K” N‘ ""“' the any oi eel; w ll be’ givffn in‘ mils‘ &po'i-J '1' ii I ._ is perieehsn eve mo rrv: \v so . 7 (08 SALE Pxunches and shun in rat variety, ‘IL L wom,_!.,_ CO“ A butlllile med. 1-. 1*. , N N; xLm,f§f“;‘_ so ‘~ gggw" ‘’ E " " ” ‘ ° ““ "' ° 31'i§l't‘d80llOOl..——!‘orl>o send young msn'iwo to nimcuu nu. lllbo id .ii.h.r T ' _ es s Url.:‘lIi‘ :11‘ if: lyzts i0‘::lIlr)a'tiri‘E:l‘:l-irri) st ‘gull! ;Il.l:- ‘ °"‘“"°"‘u‘° ”"“‘ ‘mi ‘N °°""""°“ X“ strnttiori tnnrodzn; discipline strict: Attention ‘tothsuunnansed rnorslsol the on lls. The i rd you commenced Monday. bovine 5 B. for ur- culars sddrnu Ben. ii. lfosuer. A. IL. lrlnclpsl. No. eon’ iii s:.. 8:. Louis. ltexerencesx v. H. item _is. r. sums trot. U. Hroohes. ' twuo. etc. 1 lill$50.h!5Tl(_)N 11011053. l8S()LU'l3iU.\' N0’i'lL'E:—-st. Lents, Oeichrr 9. lm. ‘ The en rim-nlll heretofore existing under the Pierrot. Is thirds; dissolved. rm: :3.‘ Pl:l'L'l"b°l‘h_§;ll1§}D0'Il::Y'I‘I the entire: Is. tlti_s on it ens .- s. . ‘ ‘. continuing the business at the old stand. Sixth sod Yrsnuln no line. iixm nslne o lilswseo in reference to the shove. the undersigned would couch iron: sil irlr-nos no that public in gensrill 3 con- ilnusnce of the pslmmge nrrvtolnrs bestowed in the line oi nook. lot: and niercsntue priuiiazr I<3{_aJfil)::&z1ds. ' ISSOLUTION l4l0'i'l(.'P:- i. Lenin. October 11, lw).—'i'he ccpsrtncrshlp ereioiom existing llfl‘ s the lirus name or tleorgo Molina Bro. is lhis dsy dissolved. sud Gsorro itotli hula? houxlit -the entire interest 0! Voter Roll: sumo-zs mi control. conund- ing the busluees at the old stsnd. liotel DIr!IllID.flLIlth Ann St. Cllnrlcs Ila. , I'1£B.iONAL8- ' ' " ‘1')l>:liS0N.A.l.y—'l‘lr2ipleI. kettles. wrinkles. flfllh ‘worms. blackheads. liverspou. redness oi the nose. wrinkles si-ound the eyes. superfluous irs. baldness. tisiidrutt. ’pr:xnJi/en‘: srsynus. permanent- vl removed :0 tlit-y never return. if Prof. Cu Jernuwlogbl. parlor ll‘. Hunt's 1 nlel. Hours. lto 7; Sundays. 3 to IR. 11 unlile to all tend I sisxnps {or answer (interesting descriptive circular tree? Norn:.—Compluiun pt-rmsueutl henutiiie-1. luxu- rlsnt heir gusrsniu-ed. No counsel cs. enamels. dyes. or slms used. ‘treatment is selenuflu. Artistic. in- lismlf‘; harmless. pleulnx sud uilsuctory. Pr.-.t._'Cnnaeron's pszlors sre mt-oozed daily by our -.“I’llibNIl and most tsshlnnxble ladies. who ue er- xeeily ii.-lhhied with his truv.rnent_ior the comp ex- llon Ind ii i' \I)2lt80NAl..-—&nnon or bomb rockets. name u used at Armor? lisll lui night. are made only by Umutt. S10 Sheridan nvc. l.‘llEl0N.\I.—l'roi. i‘lu.~1ier‘s Dsnclng Acndeemy. u Fourth sud Myrtle; nrlvste lessons given st any V me. - 1)EilS0.‘l’Il.i.—l‘rlvsie it-awn! given in all the latest dances. ltdureu P. 0. lint tile. ' ' ))‘.l:5U.\lAL--«At our nctnry. ‘:10? _io am Morgan street. we reuil trunks sntsd mixed viiintzo " 5 I .. unurxnx vurm. '.V . ‘ ,. Ucivsrsnlly used throughout the entire West. and " pisnuteed to he the out Mint in the United states. -“sud ' ' weutireeb nddrcs-tin '- '- ‘ ' li:.‘UAl.‘D: .,.;~_~ -lldsnd M . flsltut. ' V ' D . on ‘us *‘ KI"!.l1..‘I. ul':i‘ot!lc::‘10fi3 8351!“. .. .. . .. . ‘ K " ' .-..‘ . lt80li'Al..—-llr. Smith mm mm: oaintnn. ~A. 13-wvnw on nu--Wm son he . . - - " " " ' P“ I: V u. in 3:4 ups: u¢°i'h . ;V..V...:.~'-*"”...*:'.;::.=:.2:s...~.-§.%~.*:.:.:*:t’3‘w~-~5V 123 -.=:..!:2.‘!:.*,‘:%.;t=n.:e..**z.;.r.*.‘ts.*z*..:nr.::r,:=;‘!» »-1«'é’«‘»‘»‘-“v-‘.V‘=M3-ale»:-=»»-«-is-alln-«'1»-W v 7. ' . - ' . - ‘ V , , . , , .. _ ,- - . _ , ' g .g_ y"~3g"..,y-).'“.ng “mm,” kg.“ “,.m_.' I ElL3Ul\'Ab-lIi'.E.L.(.li1M. Dentisi,:~a.'a'xl who - /sVfi§l}"lfl{8);»-0§fi“"(§£‘ff"|.’.‘, 9“, ,1‘"‘."‘,‘."_’3'.‘f'. 621.....:.;.....x or mouth. '.h_ M! : :ga._n§§¢:.h°££E$.‘;‘|§§3E; . LN D,-’-.’llo1ullo.vi.)i aw 1' in" ‘. ‘I~?DCU8Tr8’r.'+-El¢KIAt.un rn__ c ZIQOQIY ca. .- _ _ W . ......«...... 623 VV V ~ l — ‘W "“‘.... V .. .1‘ ‘._m‘,.,,‘ 8’. Wm“. . ~ _ I .1.‘ . _- . 1- 80 .mvrxnsox.svr:.-«rue tnrnlshed rooms‘: ‘Muuu“Dm3,.°,d'n”fi,}f‘g:§,‘;'hf'*‘f“f_ P£R§0NAL—Il s'stusunnunnu;.- - V. we. und_.I'0B_E}iul( " ou.;u..;....‘..‘. [V inn‘ ‘il‘Wiii‘l‘fK'Il|:R lclmfl srbxru s loll‘- : gp’i'lv.alseeseat'e:rsIxiII;.. Ii1Bt.r(‘lu:x?fie:.a¥zlxll. “datum _ ‘atoms-ro vfiifiafril‘ ‘xi ltsit tiurmu7}sciuo.' Mi :'i.a§'~‘§: dental 'epgrn&ons executed ‘ D \ Dentist, : or ‘lot .ILVx'.-2d-ale‘:-yr mu" 3 rs?‘-id coo, to mm‘ in mi lam ct manner , Ours sI.reet.: Vbentalg -Ansooiutlong . t lowest roles“, . ; ltAX0I80‘n1iAK.E.0fiee9fiPlneItre\s‘ ’ .. . ...~ . . » : . ]).‘}rel:iesncs.8lu'i.ossavsune. -'. :' ..: . ‘_ ,“b“_ump.'__-,5 J.1‘.,’l'li0)tAi5. Prenrister. , ' ‘V 1:’ ‘ “ Vwu" ‘ " . ' " ‘, - : i i.:§l..'.*:z.9i"V"‘:’*I".'*‘.***....:' *".*'.‘3§'°'-‘~.. ...".’V’—‘V'Vm °“ ““'”“‘.¢l" lo-stsntpeierfluieeallr. eoo.Ol0)l.'.l‘snthctreet.“- - ' ' i .V