B-4: Association of American Railroads-Bureau of Railway Economics Historical Collection

The Bureau of Railway Economics Historical Collection is comprised of approximately 30,000 volumes including rare books, pamphlets and industrial reports dating from the very beginnings of railroads in this country in the 1820s through the 1980s. Of particular note are the many nearly complete runs of corporate annual reports for dozens of companies; foundational corporate documents; reports and internal corporate histories; trade periodicals; and an outstanding group of 19th century travelers and emigrants guidebooks. Additional periodical holdings in the Barriger Library which complement the BRE Collection include the Official Railway Equipment Register, Pocket List of Railroad Officials, the Official Railway Guide, Herapaths Railway & Commercial Journal, and the American Railroad Journal. Also included in this important collection are professional railroad club proceedings which provide vital insights into railroad operating, engineering, and management practice. B-4: Association of American Railroads-Bureau of Railway Economics Historical Collection is also indexed within the special collections directory of the John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library.

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Mercantile Special Collections Directory

Barriger Library Collections Directory

Barriger Special Collections Directory

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Pott Special Collections Directory