Map of the Mississippi River around the southern part of Lake Pepin including the towns of Pepin, Wabasha, and Alma. Complied from survey of Upper Mississippi River in 1878 and 1879 under direction of Bvt. Lt. Col. F. U. Farquhar, U.S.A. Major, Corps of Engr's; with additions from notes and surveys done under the direction of Bvt. Maj. Gen'l G. K. Warren, U.S.A. Major, Corps of Engr's, Col. J. N. Macomb, Corps of Engr's and Major A. MacKenzie, Corps of Engr's. Drawn under the direction of Major A. MacKenzie, Corps of Engr's. U.S.A., Contains a table of distances in miles by Steamboat Channel from St. Paul to St. Louis, as well as topographical signs for the steamboat channel of 1887, dams, shore protections and nearby roads and railroads.