Bureau of Railway Economics

The BRE Collection contains publications and documents that were originally part of the Bureau of Railway Economics Library, a unit of the Association of American Railroads in Washington, DC. The collection is focused on the wide and varied history of North American Railroading including technological advancement, marketing, economics and historical works. The collection spans from the 1800s to the 1960s.
John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library


The Katy flyer : a brief history of a famous southwestern train
Brochure providing information about the Katy Flyer and 19th Century railroad equipment used in the train.
The Lead Belt line : St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company.
Description of the Frisco's work to improve rail access to the Lead Belt Region of Missouri.
Then and Now, 1828-1880
Text printed on newsprint, 4 columns per page. "This sheet was printed on the Baltimore and Ohio Passenger Department tableau car in the grand Sesqui-Centennial Parade, Baltimore, Monday October 11th 1880, upon the first cylinder power press ever introduced and run by steam power in a parade. The power, as well as the coupon and local ticket presses, from the printing house of John D. Lucas, Baltimore."
Time book for the running of the trains on the main stem of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road
Timetable for the operation of trains on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.


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