Report by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois to incorporate the Springfield and Alton Turnpike Road Company and construct a turnpike (rail-road) from Springfield to a point on the Mississippi in St. Clair County
Articles of incorporation and charter for the Ohio & Mississippi Railway Company published in 1876. Includes a history of the creation of the company through the incorporation of railroad and railway companies in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, and Ohio from 1848 to 1872.
1849 description of Leon Pomarede's Mississippi Panorama. Mississippi panoramas were a phenomenon of the mid to late 1840s where artists would travel the length of the river taking sketches and compile their efforts into a single rolling canvas which would be displayed on a stage behind them as they presented scenes from their journeys. Pomarede's panorama was considered of higher quality as it was based off original detailed oil paintings rather than quick sketches.