Shewey's Pictorial St. Louis is an illustrated guide to the life and times of St. Louisans and the buildings around them. Detailed descriptions of significant structures and historical events.
A complete business directory containing a listing and an index of St. Louis businesses for the year 1858 beginning with Agents-Advertising and ending with Wool Dealers.
The twelfth volume of Gould's Blue Books, this directory contains the names of the most prominent householders and businesses in the city of St. Louis and surrounding suburbs, as well as residents from Alton, St. Charles and Carlinville for the year 1894. Residents and businesses are arranged alphabetically by name and street. In addition to the directory, it contains rosters of social clubs and
Travel guide to St. Louis with an index of businesses and illustrations of buildings in 1888 put together by the Western Commercial Travellers' Association.
The Merchant League Club Blue Book and Directorydirectory contains the names and addresses of club members and club by-laws for the year 1900. Advertisements appear throughout.
This directory provides a list of taxpayers in the city of St. Louis for the year 1900 who were assessed at $1,000.00 or over for personal and property taxes. It includes their names, addresses, and assessed taxes.
A tourist guide and directory for the year 1884, it is authored by a nine year veteran of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Force and contains maps of commuter railroad lines, descriptions of resorts and businesses along each of these lines, and illustrations of prominent buildings and attractions throughout the city.
Containing: I. A Colored Township Map of Missouri, corrected down to the time of publication. II. A Colored Map of the City of St. Louis, showing the Wards, Lines of Street Railroads, etc. III. A Colored Outline Map, showing the Railroad Connections of St. Louis and the West. IV. Table of Stations, Distances and Connections, for all Railroads leading out of St. Louis, embracing nearly one thousand stations on seventeen Railroads, with a combined length of about four thousand miles. V. Statistics of the counties of Missouri, showing for each county its population, area in acres, assessed value of land, average value per acre, value of real and personal property, number of farms, value of farm products, value of manufactured products, number of schools, children of school age, children attending. VI. List of nearly five hundred cities, towns and villages in Missouri, showing population, number of business houses, with directions for travelers or shippers to reach them most conveniently. VII. Brief sketch of Missouri and St. Louis. VIII. Brief sketch of the Counties of Missouri.
A Legion of Honor roster for the State of Missouri containing a complete list and photographic portraits of officers of the supreme and subordinate councils and representatives to the supreme council, a history of the order, an alphabetical list containing the name and addressees of each member, a classified business list and advertisements, with an appendix of the names of members received too late for classification, and names of applicants for admission.
The digitization of this directory was made possible through the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
This Engineer's Club roster contains a listing of members' names, addresses, and occupations, as well as a calendar of club meetings and events for the year 1889.
Containing names and location of residences of all persons of eighteen years of age or over. Names and location of all streets. Location of all churches, with pastors names and time of all meetings. Names of city officials. Locations of public places. Time and place of meeting of all lodges. Street car time tables and route of tracks. Railroad time tables. Advertisements of the progressive businessmen of Kirkwood and elsewhere.
The eleventh volume of Gould's Blue Books, this directory contains the names of the most prominent householders and businesses in the city of St. Louis and suburban areas, as well as residents from Alton, St. Charles and Carlinville for the year 1893. Residents and businesses are arranged alphabetically by name and street. In addition to the directory, it contains rosters of social clubs and
Description of St. Louis, Missouri in the year 1846 with a historical description and list of residents. There is also an almanac for the year with important dates.
A general guide and directory for St. Louis in 1913. It includes a conversation between a St. Louisan, a Chicagoan, and a New Yorker about which city is best. There are various maps and city narratives, street car lists, train schedules, and listings of businesses and individuals.