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M-010: Augustus A. Blumenthal Letter
M-051: Thomas Jefferson Collection
A Circular Letter to the Churches Under the Care of the Synod of Missouri
Note to William Hunter
M-011: Daniel Boone Letter
M-172: John O'Fallon Letter
Military Pass for Tobias Lawrence [Forgery]
M-370: German Sisters Captivity Letter
George Washington To Mr. [William] Hunter, integral address cover docketed by Hunter.
M-001: John Quincy Adams Letter
Copy of Letter from William Clark, May 15, 1807
Letter from William Clark to Colonel Thomas Hunt, May 15, 1807
Letter of Mr. Johnston, of Louisiana, to the Secretary of the Treasury
J.S. Morgan & Co. Letter of James B. Eads
M-016: Buchanan, James
Letters of Albert Gallatin, on the Oregon Question
Letters from Hon. Waddy Thompson and Others
Letter from John Jacob Astor to Anthony Charles Cazenove, July 11, 1813
M-006: John Bell Letter
Letter of the Hon. J. Reynolds of Illinois, to his Constituents


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