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Letter From Captain Enos B. Moore to a Man Wanting to Buy a Ship 1854
Letter From Captain Enos B. Moore to His Brother 1853
Letter From Captain Enos B. Moore to His Brother About Purchasing a Low Water Boat 1854
Letter From Captain Enos B. Moore to Home 1854
Letter From Captain Enos B. Moore About Trying to Find Crew 1856
Letter from Captain Enos B. Moore About Description of Recent Trips and the Money Made 1858
Letter from Captain Enos B. Moore to His Brother About the Cost of Boat Repairs 1858
Letter from Captain Enos B. Moore to His Brother About Family and Business 1858
Letter From Captain Enos B. Moore to His Brother About a Monument Under Construction 1856
Letter From Captain Enos B. Moore About Not Having a Staffing Solution for the Addressee 1856
Letter From Captain Enos B. Moore to His Brother About Ordering a Monument 1856
Letter from Maria Moore to Her Friend Describing Their House 1864
Letter from Samuel Moore to Captain Enos B. Moore Expressing Concern For Family and Friends 1864
Letter from a Woman to Maria Moore About Her Illness and Home 1865
Letter from Captain Enos B. Moore to His Brother About His Move to Minneapolis 1864
Letter from Captain Enos B. Moore to His Brother Discussing the War and Investment Prospects 1864
Letter from Captain Enos B. Moore to Miss W. Moore About Men 1865
Letter from Maria Moore to Captain Enos B. Moore About Their Travels and Letters
Letter from Captain Enos B. Moore to His Brother About Trip Plans and Death 1861
Letter from Captain Enos B. Moore to His Wife About Their Friends 1860


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