This series was taken Sept 16 - 1946. The Eagle Packet wanted a picture as near like the one they considered their favorite to use for postal cards. So Bill & I visited the boat then went north of the Eads Bridge & took this series.
Photograph of Broadway in St. Louis in 1897. The view is looking north from Pine towards Olive. It includes many people walking on the sidewalks in front of stores and large buildings. There's a horse-drawn carriage and an electric streetcar.
Photograph looking along city sidewalk with major street on one side and vacant lot on the other. Horse-drawn carriages and electric streetcars are visible in the street. A surveyor is working in the vacant lot and a couple of men on the sidewalk are looking towards the camera., There is a building in the background with "W. J. Lemp Brewing Co." on the front.
View of Myrtle Street flooded with various goods floating in the foreground. Men in small boats are collecting the goods. A steamboat, horse-drawn vehicles, and a storefront can be seen in the background. This lithograph is based on a sketch by Armand Welcker.
Front page of Um die Welt: Keppler & Schwarzmann's Illustrierte Zeitung (Around the World: Keppler & Schwarzmann's Illustrated Newspaper). View of the Veiled Prophet Parade in front of the old courthouse in St. Louis. Fireworks and various exotic animals can be seen. Revelers can be seen throughout.
An illustration of the St. Louis Custom House and Post Office in 1892. As appears on page 56 of Pen and Sunlight Sketches of St. Louis, a promotional directory of buildings, monuments, and businesses.
$7952”;/€.¥%€5f%/i%fk>5'71c0M5 West on Arsenal streetto Jefferson avenue, thence south Via _[efferson avenue and Broadway to Caro;i- dolet; returning Via same route. The Mound City railway runs from Fourth and Pine streets, west on Pine street, north on Ninth street, west on St. Louis avenue to the fair grounds; returning Via St. Louis avenue, south on Fourteenth and Twelfth streets, ea... Show more$7952”;/€.¥%€5f%/i%fk>5'71c0M5 West on Arsenal streetto Jefferson avenue, thence south Via _[efferson avenue and Broadway to Caro;i- dolet; returning Via same route. The Mound City railway runs from Fourth and Pine streets, west on Pine street, north on Ninth street, west on St. Louis avenue to the fair grounds; returning Via St. Louis avenue, south on Fourteenth and Twelfth streets, east on Locust street to Ninth, south to Pine street and east to Fourth street. The .\Iarket street line is another popular one, running; fa‘:-:n Fourth and Market streets, west on ;\[arket street, north on Sixth street, west on Chestnut street, south on Twentieth street, west on .\larl<et street and Manchester road to Towe" Grove avenue; return ing .' \'lZ1 .\~lanchester road and Clark avenue to Twentieth street, north on Twentieth to ;\Iarket street, thence east on Market to Fourth street. This road passes the court— _ house, Grand Opera house, Real Estate Exchange, public library, natatorium, city " ‘A hall, etc. The population,and value of property on these lines have had an increase 3 {Z ‘ of about thirty per cent since their advent. The cable roads have been equally Pfog - ‘ perous and important in the development of the city: the v L‘US'l‘()\I H()L'SF. .—\‘.\'I) I’()>"|' (>I"l"lL'l<'., various lines are known as follows: Citizens’ cable, ;\Iissouri (‘able railway, Northern Central, People's line, etc. The combined 1'()£lLl>' carried in 1890, 68,105,561 pa<:\-encrers, and it is the universal Verdict that they are cared for more coinfortal)l_\' and with a less tnnnber of accidents than in any other large CH)’ “'l1€FC Illpitl transit has been adopted. In order to reach :1n=>tl‘.e:‘ section of the city we return Show less
St. Louis County (Overland/Vinita Park), MO Unidentified aerial view. Appears to be suburban area, slightly built-up, but still with many open fields. Principal street runs on diagonal across center of frame from lower right to upper left with streetcar track visible on its own right-of-way next to street. Possibly Overland/Vinita Park area along Midland Blvd. east of Woodson Road.
FALSTAFF BREWING Corp has closed its office at 5050 Oakland Ave., following the financial takeover of the corporation last April by Californian Paul Kalmanovitz. Shortly after Kalmanovitz gained control of the St. Louis-based brewing corporation, the headquarters was transferred to California, a number of executives were either transferred or let go, and a few personnel were moved to the St. Louis brewery on Shenandoah Avenue. On Tuesday, the building itself was closed and Falstaff is seeking a lesee for the furnished property.