The Proctor and Gamble yearly picnic in Blanchette Park, August, 1952. Here, women are participating in a game where the objective was to collect Proctor and Gamble products in their skirts. Whatever they collected was theirs to keep. Proctor and Gamble held the yearly picnic for employees and their families. Photograph donated to the St. Louis Mercantile Library by Sherlyn Maughs.
October 29, 1937. - Looking downstream from pilot house of Grafton, about station 223-00. Note face of cut standing practically vertical, also water and sand running out gut about where dragline is located
pay" $2.80 a week, at the end of the week I had my $2.80. She was short and sweet, had to be short to get through the Green River locks. She coined the money for her owners. Her dimensions were 122' X 32' X 5' not overall. She had two boilers, with brooms in them ever hear of that? Well, I will explain to you sometime, I helped to operate them. Her engines were 4" X 6' stroke. This picture