Olive and 7th Street, looking east. Hanover and Regal shoes in the right foreground. Many pedestrians crossing the street. Photograph taken from the second story or higher.
Photograph of lunch room and store at 1310 Market Street. A menu board is visible in front of the lunch room, a man is looking out of the doorway. The store advertises a "patent medicine" and multiple cigar brands.
8x6 in photograph of the 1904 World's Fair from the top of the Buffalo Tower. The view looks out over the Plaza of Orleans to the distant eastern restaurant pavilion on Art Hill. The roofs of the Palace of Liberal Arts (left) and the Palace of Manufactures (right) are clearly visible.
Photograph of a horse either being lowered into or lifted out of a hole in a city street. A ladder has been lowered into the hole, several men are in the foreground directing the block and tackle. One worker is handling the block and tackle rope. A crowd of observers is visible in the background., There is a sequence of photographs in the collection of work around this hole in the street, either a horse is being lifted out of it or lowered into it.
Vol. XXII, No. 23. Waterway Policy is Quickening: A Greater Interest Than Ever Before is Being Shown by the Senators and Representatives and by the People; Rainey Favors Bond Issue of Good Proportions to Carry on the Work of Improving the Inland Waters and Canals. Bridge Likely To Be At Paducah: President of the Chicago, Pittsburg and New York R. R. Wants it Built Between Brookport and Paducah. Hoosier Boy Wins Again: Hoosier Boy Now Champion of the Lakes-Won Fre-for all at Toldeo, O. Olden Days at Vicksburg.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1904.
The Merchant League Club Blue Book and Directory directory contains the names and addresses of club members and club by-laws for the year 1900. Advertisements appear throughout., The digitization of this directory was made possible through the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1900.
Official report of the proceedings of the Third Annual Convention of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Association., Contents. 1. Morning Session, Wednesday, October 7, 10 o'clock. Invocation, by Rt. Reverend Samuel Fallows, of Chicago...Page 7. Opening Address, by Mr. William K. Kavanaugh, President of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Association...Page 8. Remarks of Mr. E. S. Conway, of Chicago, Vice-President of the Chicago Association of Commerce...Page 12. Report of the Secretary, by Mr. William F. Saunders, Secretary of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Association...Page 13. Report of the Treasurer, Mr. George H. Munroe...Page 23. Appointment of Committiees...Page 26. Address, by Governor Charles S. Deneen, of Illinois, Introducing Mr. Taft...Page 29. Address of the Relations of Deep Waterways to Progress and Prosperity, by William Howard Taft...Page 30. Announcements, by President Kavanaugh...Page 37. II. Evening Proceedings, At the Dinner of the Chicago Association of Commerce, Wednesday, October 7, 7:45 o'clock. Invocation, by Reverend Doctor Emil G. Hirsch...Page 38. Introductory Address, by President Richard C. Hall, of the Chicago Association of Commerce...Page 38. Address, "Chicago, Prosperous Chicago," by Mr. A. C. Barttlett...Page 39. Remarks by President Hall, Introducing Mr. Bryan...Page 41. Address on the Great Problem and the Great Law of Progress, by William Jennings Bryan...Page 42. Address on the Civic Work of the Chicago Association of Commerce, by David R. Forgan...Page 47. Remarks by President Hall, Introducing Mr. Taft...Page 49. Address on Remedies for Delays and Other Defects in the Administration of Justice, by William Howard Taft...Page 49. III. Morning Session, Thursday, October 8, 10 o'clock. Report of the Committee on Credentials, Through Mr. A. B. Wood, Chairman...Page 57. Announcement of the Transportation Committee, by Secretary Saunders...Page 59. Remarks on Chicago Hospitality, by Mr. Edwin S. Conway...Page 60. Address, the Future of Rail and Water Transportation, by James J. Hill, Chairman of the Board of the Great Northern Railway (Read by Hon. Henry T. Rainey)...Page 62. Recitation, "De Great Beeg Waterway," by Mr. P. G. Remmick...Page 78. Remarks by Hon. David R. Frances, Introducing Mr. Bryan...Page 79. Address on State and National Co-operation in Deep Waterway Improvements, by William Jennings Bryan...Page 80.
IV. Afternoon Session, Thursday, October 8, 2:30 o'clock. Address on Waterways and the Conservation of National Resources, by Mr. Gifford Pinchot, Chairman of the National Conservation Commission...Page 88. Remarks on MIssouri River Improvement, by Hon. E. C. Ellis, of Kansas City...Page 95. Remarks on the Commercial Traveler as a Factor in Progress, by Mr. D. K. Klink, of Chicago...Page 98. Announcement, by Hon. William Lorimer...Page 100. Address on Iowa's Interest in Waterways, by Mr. Lafayette Young, of Des Moines...Page 101. Remarks on Southern Co-operation in Works of Improvement, by Governor X. O. Pindall, or Arkansas...Page 104. Remarks on Freight Transportation by Canals, by Mr. J. W. Simmonds, of Michigan...Page 106. Remarks on the Cheapness of Water Transportation, by Mr. Charles S. Bash, of Indiana...Page 107. Remarks on Kentucky Waterways, by Mr. James F. Bucklin, of Louisville...Page 109. Water Transportation in Oklahoma and the Southwest, Remarks by Mr. Charles T. Madison, of Oklahoma...Page 111. Intracoastal Waterways, Remarks by Henry L. Gueydan...Page 113. Production, Tranportation and River Improvement, Remarks by Hon. Joseph J. Russell, of Missouri...Page 115. V. Evening Exercises, Reception at the Coliseum, Thursday, October 8, 8 o'clock. Address of Welcome, by Mr. Walter D. Moody, of Chicago...Page 118. Remarks by Mr. John E. Kehoe, of Chicago, Introducing Colonel Nunemacher, of Louisville...Page 120. Address, Business Men in Politics, by Colonel F. C. Nunemacher, President of the Louisville Board of Trade...Page 121. Response to Toast, "The Ladies," by Colonel M. T. Bryant, of Nashville...Page 125. Address, the Great Inland Waterway, by Mr. John Temple Graves...Page 127. Program of the Coliseum Entertainment and Lists of Committees...Page 132. VI. Morning Session, Friday, October 9, 10 o'clock. Report of the Auditing Committee, through Mr. Thomas Wilkinson, Chairman...Page 136. Cheapness of Barge Transportation, Remarks by Mr. F. A. Holmes...Page 138. Report on the Finance Committee, Through Mr. James E. Smith, Chairman...Page 140. Conservation Committee Announced by President Kavanaugh...Page 141. Address, What Europe is Doing With Waterways, by Hon. John A. Ockerson...Page 142. Report of the Committee on Nominations, with Review of the Work of the Association, by Hon. William Lorimer...Page 146. Remarks by President Kavanaugh...Page 151. Address, the Future of Rail and Water Transporation in the United States, by President Theodore P. Shonts, of the Chicago & Alton Railway...Page 152. Resolution of Thanks for Chicago Hospitality, on Motion of Mr. M. J. Sanders, of Louisiana...Page 164. Selection of New Orleans for the Fourth Annual Convention of the Association; Remarks by Mahor Behrman, of New Orleans...Page 165. Report of the Committee on Resolutions, through Mr. Alexander Y. Scott, Chairman...Page 167. Endorsement of the National Farmers' Association for the Deep Waterway, Announced by Mr. Isham Randolph...Page 171. Deep Water Songs, Sung by the Convention...Page 172. "Fourteen Feet Through the Valley"...Page 172. "Dig Her Deep Thro' Dixie"...Page 173.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1909.
This bulletin for the year 1903 contains a program for the club's activities, annual reports, transcripts of addresses given at the annual dinner, library rules and recent additions to the collection, a list of technical publications in other St. Louis libraries, and various other matters including articles, club rules, and past presidents. Additionally, it lists club members, including occupations, addresses, and the date they became a member. The bulletin ends with an advertising directory.
This directory provides a list of taxpayers in the city of St. Louis for the year 1900 who were assessed at $1,000.00 or over for personal and property taxes. It includes their names, addresses, and assessed taxes.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1908.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1907.
Promotional pamphlet describing the schedules of the Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Company steamers around the Great Lakes region for the 1903 travel season. Includes the following lines: Detroit and Cleveland (Steamers City of Detroit and City of Cleveland); Cleveland - Toledo Line (Steamers State of New York and State of Ohio); Lake Huron Division (Steamers City of Alpena and City of Mackinac); Detroit & Buffalo Steamboat Co. (Steamers Eastern States and Western States). Includes routes to and from Detroit, Cleveland, St. Clair, Toledo, Mackinac, Port Huron, Harbor Beach, Oscoda, Alpena, Cheboygan, St. Ignace, Buffalo, Put-in-Bay and Grand Rapids. Fine illustrations, descriptions and plans of boats, as well as tourist descriptions of places along the routes are within the catalog.
Vol. XXII. No. 30. Duty of Congress As To National Waterways. A Successful Gasoline Engine. The Conquest of the Missouri. Improved Waterways. Waterway Sentiment Is Growing: Bond Issue is Becoming Favorable. Bond Issues For Waterways. River Gambling Before The War: Some Things That Were, and Some Things That Were Not So-How Fortunes Were Lost and Won in a Single Night. President Taft's Itinerary. Program for the Waterways Convetion. Ernest Gaudard. Two Famous Racers of '70. Success To The New Orleans Convention. The Ohio River Convention. Captain I. M. Mason Seriously Ill. Miscellaneous River News. Practical Talk On River Improvements. Came to St. Louis in '53. Boilers Built By Rohans. Capt. Patten's First River Ride: Sailed on the Wyoming Fifty-nine Years Ago. J. R. Massengale, President of the St. Louis Lumberman's Exchange. Capt. Phil S. Hacker. Capt. Wm. L. Heckmann. Capt. Sol York. St. Louis & Tennessee River Packet Co. Harry S. Hawes. J. F. O. Reller. A. C. Tindle. Captain D. W. Wisherd. J. H. Gunlach. L. W. Quick. Frank F. Blades. Capt. Mike Williams. Packet Company To Quit. Ohio River. W. H. Thorwegen. Capt. J. Frank Beaty. Captain M. J. Gibbons. The Whiteman Brothers. The Katie (1875). The Ark. Capt. Frank R. Farnsley. Maritime Decisions. Frisco Transfer Engines To Be Built At Clinton, IO. The Natchez. Capt. John E. Luebben. Charles R. Nadal. Edmund Koeln. C. L. Goldsmith. W. C. Lepper. Richard Bartholdt: America's First Apostle of Peace. The President And The Ship Subsidy. Commercial Movements On Rivers and Canals: Report of the Department of Commerce and Labor for the Month of August, 1907, 1908, and 1909. For the Improvement of our Rivers. Monongahela River Notes. Some Reminiscences. Mark Twain's Friend Bixby. New Coal Dump At Cairo. Walk! Late Marine Decisions. Observations From The Bridge. Wharfage And Agency Charges. U. S. Engineers Favor Ohio River. Will Travel In Fine Style., Vol. XXII. No. 30. Extra-long issue devoted to President Taft's Steamboat trip.