. u-La-lcll land to a at mnrsensa in ma mmlher of lvpllcutlons In private lVu1lE‘l(l- man 10: pnbuc nu-'vuyo.. D mogul: ol publlo land: during mo. 3-«Ax: Cash enzrlan, a'o0.'H0 Nttflu‘. bomouend nnuiaea, G,(M5,A‘ta-|.z:ms* mu- hrr culture entries. 1,194,184-autos; sgriculmrnl 2 coll: ucrln. 1.30 hams; Imrutlmu with mill- tury ountrr lnml u‘m'tanu.- 88.52‘! acres: awnmp land: pnu Show more. u-La-lcll land to a at mnrsensa in ma mmlher of lvpllcutlons In private lVu1lE‘l(l- man 10: pnbuc nu-'vuyo.. D mogul: ol publlo land: during mo. 3-«Ax: Cash enzrlan, a'o0.'H0 Nttflu‘. bomouend nnuiaea, G,(M5,A‘ta-|.z:ms* mu- hrr culture entries. 1,194,184-autos; sgriculmrnl 2 coll: ucrln. 1.30 hams; Imrutlmu with mill- tury ountrr lnml u‘m'tanu.- 88.52‘! acres: awnmp land: pnu Show less
business here October 16 we will close out our E2\"1‘.[R.E sfrocx ox pm? GOODS, N0'l'I01\’8am1 GENTS’ 1~‘URNISl;I.[NG GOODS At New York Cost, s We ham a com ‘lam assortment in every depart- ment, can _ rising all ATE STYLES Jmd NOV EL’1‘I.E8.. OUR G00’})s are all NEIV and 1<‘llE.SlI. having been boxuzlxt within this past sixty days. _ We invite the attention of City and Country Mex Show more business here October 16 we will close out our E2\"1‘.[R.E sfrocx ox pm? GOODS, N0'l'I01\’8am1 GENTS’ 1~‘URNISl;I.[NG GOODS At New York Cost, s We ham a com ‘lam assortment in every depart- ment, can _ rising all ATE STYLES Jmd NOV EL’1‘I.E8.. OUR G00’})s are all NEIV and 1<‘llE.SlI. having been boxuzlxt within this past sixty days. _ We invite the attention of City and Country Mex Show less
!-lo to much 1 olluvllle in ot-ltllo pally in the ixunllu or ltuotilor1‘cnll=yl- "'lN|- “ll ""111 P7053’-“Y V15” BOUUVMEII 50310 ' Vllllll Llulnocl-at lauglllcr And lilacs] int zliclr 1"“fl'° U010- mBK!IIl{0u)C;)I." ! Kwcllty ‘ years‘ 33:‘ ltllilu . _ pm: lo 0 ll coun ry ll run 0 Inlallllnxclntfnb cl silo nlfilln to tho Greemmok Nommec" eclu Dlumicll to tho Globe Show more!-lo to much 1 olluvllle in ot-ltllo pally in the ixunllu or ltuotilor1‘cnll=yl- "'lN|- “ll ""111 P7053’-“Y V15” BOUUVMEII 50310 ' Vllllll Llulnocl-at lauglllcr And lilacs] int zliclr 1"“fl'° U010- mBK!IIl{0u)C;)I." ! Kwcllty ‘ years‘ 33:‘ ltllilu . _ pm: lo 0 ll coun ry ll run 0 Inlallllnxclntfnb cl silo nlfilln to tho Greemmok Nommec" eclu Dlumicll to tho Globe Show less
»—i'iii;llml.ln'a Joules; Juno, 1 3iu']"n——i.urli Hiffi-i}il'll Sui ; ‘llenl, lllluqllou isms: —ilollu; 'l‘rlukoI., siuior to Tfiti) mlpxulomells. how- ll, lusilliior or ciao- plem bot Ian-gArrivo’d~—wurco,i:onl 900$’ Isl. bull socouli Wooster but around polo Nib -i?.‘:. 1126 ‘full la is c roll I‘ Must lnr-.1 bay l~»Juno fl; 1l0-'i 200--30'06»-7 206--8 039--6039--3 Lomleer ,s3.»-Arrivm Show more»—i'iii;llml.ln'a Joules; Juno, 1 3iu']"n——i.urli Hiffi-i}il'll Sui ; ‘llenl, lllluqllou isms: —ilollu; 'l‘rlukoI., siuior to Tfiti) mlpxulomells. how- ll, lusilliior or ciao- plem bot Ian-gArrivo’d~—wurco,i:onl 900$’ Isl. bull socouli Wooster but around polo Nib -i?.‘:. 1126 ‘full la is c roll I‘ Must lnr-.1 bay l~»Juno fl; 1l0-'i 200--30'06»-7 206--8 039--6039--3 Lomleer ,s3.»-Arrivm Show less
Text printed on newsprint, 4 columns per page.
"This sheet was printed on the Baltimore and Ohio Passenger Department tableau car in the grand Sesqui-Centennial Parade, Baltimore, Monday October 11th1880, upon the first cylinder power press ever introduced and run by steam power in a parade. The power, as well as the coupon and local ticket presses, from the printing house of John D. Lucas
at 10¢ per yard. Soc our G1-ny '1‘willcrii«‘lsmncl at 100° our \Vhim Flzmncl at "104." our liciwy Bcurici‘. '.i‘\i'illcd Fisumcl M1181-2c. J1sl'R.O-.\1.‘l:.‘. A. ALLEN considers lie, is doing more to cl suffering 0I—t_llll pour tluul any mun in St. Louis by giving tin).-in goods at this urine. 10c is worth :55, and H10181-2 is \\'o'ri.h 30¢. '1‘1wy Show more at 10¢ per yard. Soc our G1-ny '1‘willcrii«‘lsmncl at 100° our \Vhim Flzmncl at "104." our liciwy Bcurici‘. '.i‘\i'illcd Fisumcl M1181-2c. J1sl'R.O-.\1.‘l:.‘. A. ALLEN considers lie, is doing more to cl suffering 0I—t_llll pour tluul any mun in St. Louis by giving tin).-in goods at this urine. 10c is worth :55, and H10181-2 is \\'o'ri.h 30¢. '1‘1wy Show less
; filfhonsmmls are availing . thenlréoives. of. H16‘ ndvantngpsipresentctl by us in our tliV}N'1‘S’ _'FURNIS}1ING "GOODS ~1)E1’A.iifi.‘i:i_li1§l’l‘. For accovrmioclation weohall Iz¢'zV1:;oV "s’(zle3‘2rEc2l.' '1‘-11.; OUR; STORE 'it1lt’$l_ 10:30 Sam‘:-<_lay (0hristma.s) Vi2Vl;o1fn7mg. V .1. s V ‘ "Did_ynu_rcolc lo obutru _ V ‘dc/zrceor. divqrca lroni Go Show more; filfhonsmmls are availing . thenlréoives. of. H16‘ ndvantngpsipresentctl by us in our tliV}N'1‘S’ _'FURNIS}1ING "GOODS ~1)E1’A.iifi.‘i:i_li1§l’l‘. For accovrmioclation weohall Iz¢'zV1:;oV "s’(zle3‘2rEc2l.' '1‘-11.; OUR; STORE 'it1lt’$l_ 10:30 Sam‘:-<_lay (0hristma.s) Vi2Vl;o1fn7mg. V .1. s V ‘ "Did_ynu_rcolc lo obutru _ V ‘dc/zrceor. divqrca lroni Go Show less
. Olymer. lmlu the .\upmm'lution Couunllu I nppmprl-nos $19,190,810. ugalnxr $nG.l35.3c0 up- proprixucd for 1351.. Urdu:-ud prlmuu. . - Mr. (llama parted us _Wlul:lmruin ncxl. Jllllllnnl, 3;‘ lzuélry. _ -...........__....___...... SlLV'l'<.‘il-l'l.A’lfi-:0 WARES. mm 1llAD$ll'llJB.\’1‘_S'l’0(.'i{ Uxnouunnl Locunt. r THE l[ll'li2\'0l:5 CA l Show more. Olymer. lmlu the .\upmm'lution Couunllu I nppmprl-nos $19,190,810. ugalnxr $nG.l35.3c0 up- proprixucd for 1351.. Urdu:-ud prlmuu. . - Mr. (llama parted us _Wlul:lmruin ncxl. Jllllllnnl, 3;‘ lzuélry. _ -...........__....___...... SlLV'l'<.‘il-l'l.A’lfi-:0 WARES. mm 1llAD$ll'llJB.\’1‘_S'l’0(.'i{ Uxnouunnl Locunt. r THE l[ll'li2\'0l:5 CA l Show less
.Dl6,§l)6-60 Hrom lax on c_rcuiutl<)n an o- unuiwut national bouik:s'........ 7.014.971 ll 'i{'r2cxrx1::mio:...... 1,107.35? 18 From alnklmmmd lot lhiolaul li- ‘ ' way Cmxuusnics ........ . 75,45,631 1*: I-‘mm ouubonu lens, in 1.1-l8.860 16 ‘ 5,317,03300 .i-‘mm pmc-nod: at 5 man: property” 9.-i3.ill6 M) .i-‘mm pmlitu oilcolmqm Show more.Dl6,§l)6-60 Hrom lax on c_rcuiutl<)n an o- unuiwut national bouik:s'........ 7.014.971 ll 'i{'r<nn re mvnu-m of imurciit by ‘ Racine {aiivvny £2cxrx1::mio:...... 1,107.35? 18 From alnklmmmd lot lhiolaul li- ‘ ' way Cmxuusnics ........ . 75,45,631 1*: I-‘mm ouubonu lens, in 1.1-l8.860 16 ‘ 5,317,03300 .i-‘mm pmc-nod: at 5 man: property” 9.-i3.ill6 M) .i-‘mm pmlitu oilcolmqm Show less
5.sin:--L(3u1é_;'l'-WliJI>NEsbn§‘ ‘MOBl$lTi5Ti3..D’ECEM'BE1<} A15. 1880--TEN PAGES. .. ‘L V- PRIOEFIVVE GENTS; ‘ J ' ' T SIlI00’.l‘II‘SAILINGi.. , 5'5.}.’:‘2§$.“,..,3.‘.*:l::li.3:‘.il“..-.;:i?.§:‘:l‘i”5‘:3.l:‘é:::'li You vau$$.£0e.'.'s8. . am or uuvcr oo ad 16.428.- ‘ . .. " Vviiioif sqimiiza, _ Ni. Tho toilinnmunloizcld coin an bullion Show more5.sin:--L(3u1é_;'l'-WliJI>NEsbn§‘ ‘MOBl$lTi5Ti3..D’ECEM'BE1<} A15. 1880--TEN PAGES. .. ‘L V- PRIOEFIVVE GENTS; ‘ J ' ' T SIlI00’.l‘II‘SAILINGi.. , 5'5.}.’:‘2§$.“,..,3.‘.*:l::li.3:‘.il“..-.;:i?.§:‘:l‘i”5‘:3.l:‘é:::'li You vau$$.£0e.'.'s8. . am or uuvcr oo ad 16.428.- ‘ . .. " Vviiioif sqimiiza, _ Ni. Tho toilinnmunloizcld coin an bullion Show less
.suz&u‘oi R ode "euoaylvimIn. .l)eiliwnro. Virgin are claimed to be- restrictions on irnnanim. and providing; tor the Ibilolntmnm. oi as committee to uxiimino Into .4.- - .i‘ 9‘ if u1«:1~:LY w1:Io_1::s.s.LE ‘Y'.A.I_2‘.I)' ‘ ACCESSIBLE av RAIL-AND mvzn. cjuznrn Lslqn ' ‘V V- _ jg:-*<:o,1z. :33: . 1°..n¢!5 CO6 39“: "30'.Z'1.’3"3T.017-‘3‘ W19‘ 503$" ._Ite Show more.suz&u‘oi R ode "euoaylvimIn. .l)eiliwnro. Virgin are claimed to be- restrictions on irnnanim. and providing; tor the Ibilolntmnm. oi as committee to uxiimino Into .4.- - .i‘ 9‘ if u1«:1~:LY w1:Io_1::s.s.LE ‘Y'.A.I_2‘.I)' ‘ ACCESSIBLE av RAIL-AND mvzn. cjuznrn Lslqn ' ‘V V- _ jg:-*<:o,1z. :33: . 1°..n¢!5 CO6 39“: "30'.Z'1.’3"3T.017-‘3‘ W19‘ 503$" ._Ite Show less
; . _ 110-. mum on the nu: zoo mounted Doors nod 1.000 loot. ultornpxed so capture. the tort,‘ iroleu S“ 3:09;: hmm 8'6fil,larn. They advanced " " Y n n! ch 1 . b . Dulaed by who: and shell. '3?€ou°:§'.'u°r';.§'u reiruo xliied and runny. wounded. Pr-oi1£m-.:er ‘ire: Ioanuoll of war on the $11 lruI.'. when II’ at decided I0 nturre um ‘arr-hon mu, cxrruuo or run Show more; . _ 110-. mum on the nu: zoo mounted Doors nod 1.000 loot. ultornpxed so capture. the tort,‘ iroleu S“ 3:09;: hmm 8'6fil,larn. They advanced " " Y n n! ch 1 . b . Dulaed by who: and shell. '3?€ou°:§'.'u°r';.§'u reiruo xliied and runny. wounded. Pr-oi1£m-.:er ‘ire: Ioanuoll of war on the $11 lruI.'. when II’ at decided I0 nturre um ‘arr-hon mu, cxrruuo or run Show less
U13. 1110. 2: Pool: Elegant i833 1-ST. Lomé. TUESDAQ MOBNI2NG._D:_EOEMBER 28. 1880~-TEN UIsPLAN::NG M s. rm. rrrprrrrrr. Useful, iilcifinnli Serricenbio, yet not too expensive, for -a I ; gllooeption Dresses. 1 liiack D11iIli1EiS01£0‘li'GL‘i, ry riclldoslgus. Coioredllinnlnssoé Veivols, exquisite simdes, in oil deslrnhlo colors. Black linmnsso Iilusll, very Search and nothing richer. Colored Show more U13. 1110. 2: Pool: Elegant i833 1-ST. Lomé. TUESDAQ MOBNI2NG._D:_EOEMBER 28. 1880~-TEN UIsPLAN::NG M s. rm. rrrprrrrrr. Useful, iilcifinnli Serricenbio, yet not too expensive, for -a I ; gllooeption Dresses. 1 liiack D11iIli1EiS01£0‘li'GL‘i, ry riclldoslgus. Coioredllinnlnssoé Veivols, exquisite simdes, in oil deslrnhlo colors. Black linmnsso Iilusll, very Search and nothing richer. Colored Show less
;..fx’s':.f:=.'4l:."v*..',‘:*.'*;".‘f-’.:-.‘:";':':;** dmolonxvruan en-mint roar, on ll be ,1: M 1114-4 can \Vn1u4evd\v Jun-nary ll. , 44 um’. Bocrvlary. - . ' “I P 1n&h ' K1r‘l"I<.‘!§.-~8:. Louis. 4 ' 0:1 . ngulurs‘ mamas! clocuou 7‘ to torn Iorxuo curtains Yirnr. will at the‘ (Iouamuy on Nrnxdny. Jan- iz. ml. run your iron 9 - . 1.3.111. .8. )£oxu Show more;..fx’s':.f:=.'4l:."v*..',‘:*.'*;".‘f-’.:-.‘:";':':;** dmolonxvruan en-mint roar, on ll be ,1: M 1114-4 can \Vn1u4evd\v Jun-nary ll. , 44 um’. Bocrvlary. - . ' “I P 1n&h ' K1r‘l"I<.‘!§.-~8:. Louis. 4 ' 0:1 . ngulurs‘ mamas! clocuou 7‘ to torn Iorxuo curtains Yirnr. will at the‘ (Iouamuy on Nrnxdny. Jan- iz. ml. run your iron 9 - . 1.3.111. .8. )£oxu Show less
by smoke and the ,DoZta_r. 5- L ...i » " 1.0 Bolosrynril'-wide ,Unbloa‘ched 1'rlus1l'n.‘5c. « u I No , . i rth u miiiii 15 Cases Bienclxed Muslin, slightly aamng'ea_, Bo. f_ i Q 10 Cases Canton~l:‘lm_n1el at lie. A 20 Cases Best Prints, slightly damaged, Bo. .' ' 7. Cases iieovy Wot Jezinsoi iiic. A. .2 i,‘n.qes Wet llfnierprooi at 60c. worth $1. V 1i{ea§iw;Bzzst1&apos Show more by smoke and the ,DoZta_r. 5- L ...i » " 1.0 Bolosrynril'-wide ,Unbloa‘ched 1'rlus1l'n.‘5c. « u I No , . i rth u miiiii 15 Cases Bienclxed Muslin, slightly aamng'ea_, Bo. f_ i Q 10 Cases Canton~l:‘lm_n1el at lie. A 20 Cases Best Prints, slightly damaged, Bo. .' ' 7. Cases iieovy Wot Jezinsoi iiic. A. .2 i,‘n.qes Wet llfnierprooi at 60c. worth $1. V 1i{ea§iw;Bzzst1&apos Show less
: " ioio isT‘..c ' 5 '. Innate: tstivestottluvbor T 1090 . , ST. ‘LDDIS: MONDAY.MOBN_ING.. DF.OEMBE1t 27. 1880. 5 onion EIVE GENTS. ‘flitopa and Labor to Let. - 0'l'F’l0)t 0P’Vi'.\l~iill‘.H- 01? STATE PRISON. anuwlnx. Xillii’ . Dee her ‘ _ xiotlreu hereby given rccdvcd st’ in o rcottltn. _ t:.Btiii\vau.r can-15 mi. city 0 . n . ' 4-: th tn! 4- t-nine! Ibo’ bl Show more: " ioio isT‘..c ' 5 '. Innate: tstivestottluvbor T 1090 . , ST. ‘LDDIS: MONDAY.MOBN_ING.. DF.OEMBE1t 27. 1880. 5 onion EIVE GENTS. ‘flitopa and Labor to Let. - 0'l'F’l0)t 0P’Vi'.\l~iill‘.H- 01? STATE PRISON. anuwlnx. Xillii’ . Dee her ‘ _ xiotlreu hereby given rccdvcd st’ in o rcottltn. _ t:.Btiii\vau.r can-15 mi. city 0 . n . ' 4-: th tn! 4- t-nine! Ibo’ bl Show less