October 29, 1937. - Looking downstream from pilot house of Grafton, about station 223-00. Note face of cut standing practically vertical, also water and sand running out gut about where dragline is located
Showing completed canal and the plug that separates the old and new channels, which will be blasted out October 4, 1952. Stern of dredge (William H. Black) is shown. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
We illustrate on page 349 the disastrous conflagration which took place on the Ohio River, at Cincinnati, on the morning of May 12. A little before two o'clock a fire broke out in the Clifton, caused, it is supposed, by the upsetting of a lamp. Five steamers were lying in close proximity, and above these six others. In less than half an hour the six steamers below were destroyed, nearly all of
Showing new Canvass laced on side of stage used brass grommets and brass screw --- canvass its light green color. Like sample you saw only NO. 8 - which is heavier lettering - is in white with black and red ------- - here back many say it\u2019s a nifty sign.
Phil the gorilla, as impressive in death as he was in life, still draws crowds at the St. Louis Zoo, where the mounted figure is on display in the Old Elephant House, next door to the ape house where he lived before his death last December. The massive figure, standing erect in a characteristic pose, holds the fascinated gaze of three young visitors, Karen, 3, and Debra Hartman, 5, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lyode Hartman, 943 St. Charles st., St. Charles, Mo., and Pam Karrenbrock, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Karrenbrock, Wentzville, Mo.
The fight at Corney's Bridge, Bayou Teche, Louisiana, and the destruction of the rebel gun-boat "Cotton," January 14, 1863.-Sketched by our special artist.-[see page 103.]