"Downtown equivalent of the front porch is available to the Plaza Square residents in the form of balconies. Here Mrs. Roger Fox, 20 Plaza Square, with dog Sheba, shows a visitor the view from her ninth-floor apartment."
"Admiring the view from one of the Plaza apartment balconies are David Zerker, a Terminal Railroad employee, and his fiance, Mary Jo Mills, a student at Marquette University. They plan to move into Plaza Square after their marriage in June."
The City bank lobby is on the first floor of a remodeled building at Euclid and Laclede. Buildin's two upper floors are now a commercial parking garage where customers can park free or use drive-in banking facilities.
Caption: "Workmen sitting idle in the 1600 block of Pine because of strike of hoisting engineers of local 513 which has halted work on Plaza Apartments."
"For rent sign approved by the Municipal Art Commission has been placed on the Chestnut street side of one of the buildings in the Plaza Square apartment development between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets. Three of the six buildings in the project have been completed and about a third of the 1090 apartments have been rented, officials reported."
"A sign of spring is the Milles Fountain, which is again playing opposite Union Station. Enjoying the cool spray between trains are Donna, 10, and her 14-month-old brother, Kenneth, children of Sgt. And Mrs. Alfred Blackburne, who were en route from New York to Newburgh, Mo."
"Waldorf Plaza is the new name for this building at 4011 Delmar bl. containing 100 apartments, six stores and a 40-car garage on which a long-term leasehold estate was recently obtained by the Waldorf Plaza, Inc., which plans complete renovation."
Shortly after the holdup, this was the scene inside the Mercantile Trust Company where two men escaped with $15,226 Friday while customers were unaware that a robbery was taking place.
Scene of the $15,000 bank robbery was the Mercantile Trust Company which occupied a full city block between Locust, St. Charles, Seventh and Eighth streets.
"Large paved area outside museum soon to be completed in this historical park section of Jefferson Barracks provides a fine view of the Mississippi River. The museum, in a renovated munitions depot, will contain many momentos of events associated with the history of the army and St. Louis."
"Houses for Sale at Barracks: Houses on Sherman road in Jefferson Barracks are among 22 residences on "officers' row" which will be offered for sale by the General Services Administration. The houses will be auctioned off as separate units with the date for the sale set tentatively as Oct. 20. Those to be sold have been rented by the government to private individuals in recent years."