"Evacuating Boatmen's Bank building are customers of the Boatmen's Coffee Shop (due to leaking ammonia fumes), who hurried from the ground floor annex, using the Locust street entrance of the building."
Two original captions: "The dining room of the laborer's house in Jefferson Barracks was restored with furniture characteristic of the 1850-1865 era. The civilan workmen ate their meals on a "Hutch" table, which could be converted into a bench when not in use." "Dining room in historical building in Jefferson Barracks has been restored in laborers' house. It was built in 1851 for civilian workmen
Nearing completion is a new bridge over Deer Creek near Litzinger and McKnight roads, part of a 1955 County bond issue project to extend Rock Hill road north to Litzinger in a straight line. The new roadway is parallel to the existing Rock Hill road and is located a few hundred feet to the east.
Conducting Poplar Street Bridge hearing is Col. Alfred J. D'Arezzo, head of the Army Engineer District here. Flanking him are John Gurley (left), chief maintenance branch engineer, and Lowell C. Oheim, chief of the construction operations division.
The Cleveland Indians continued to lead both leagues in scoring for the second period in a row, May 25-31. Two men turned the trick for Baseball Bonus Contest No. 7 by submitting entries with the top four teams correctly listed in high-scoring order. Robert B. Draper of herrin, Ill.
The Chicago (A) White Sox turned the tables in Baseball Bonus Contest No. 9, scoring period June 8-14, by capturing top scoring or Boston, who tied for third fourth places.
The Cardinals and the Milwaukee Braves bombarded opposing pitchers for a total of 45 runs to finish in a tie for first and second place in the $1000 Baseball Bonus scoring period of July 13 through July 19.
"After collapse of a house under construction at 3043 Henrietta st., in which a workman was seriously hurt, damage is inspected by (from the left) Deputy Fire Chief Robert Olsen Jr., Battalion Chief Edward Lawler (bending), and Deputy Chief Joseph Findlay." Note: photo is torn in two.