On the plaza, in front of Soldiers' Memorial, Cook "Slim" Hering (left) polished off the pots and pans, while James Higginbottom, assigned to K. P. (Kitchen Police), helped "Shorty" Wagner pack up dishes after lunch had been served to the soldiers.
View of Myrtle Street flooded with various goods floating in the foreground. Men in small boats are collecting the goods. A steamboat, horse-drawn vehicles, and a storefront can be seen in the background. This lithograph is based on a sketch by Armand Welcker.
FALSTAFF BREWING Corp has closed its office at 5050 Oakland Ave., following the financial takeover of the corporation last April by Californian Paul Kalmanovitz. Shortly after Kalmanovitz gained control of the St. Louis-based brewing corporation, the headquarters was transferred to California, a number of executives were either transferred or let go, and a few personnel were moved to the St. Louis brewery on Shenandoah Avenue. On Tuesday, the building itself was closed and Falstaff is seeking a lesee for the furnished property.
Terry Moore is remembered fondly by Cardinal fans as perhaps the greatest defensive center fielder the game has ever known and for the quiet but intense leadership he brought to the Red Birds as team captain. He was always the one to whom the others looked for guidance in trying moments.
Political cartoon illustrated by T.H. Nash. "A Government of the people, for the people, and by the people" - that can not protect the people, shall perish from the earth.
"GO ON" -- U. S. Grant
The constitution of the United States must and shall be preserved - and protected.
The master rings for "All Stop" as the Queen is secured against the lock wall and the upper gates swing shut. With the river at a low stage, the Queen was dropped about fifteen feet this morning. The city of Alton was just beginning to waken, and no spectators were on hand to watch the Queen during her final lockage at Alton.
Alone on the foredeck, a hand coils lines under the watchful eye of the mate and passengers. The landing stage has been secured since its last use at some small river town where passengers boarded.