Center lane loading of express busses on downtown Washington avenueat peak rush hours provides a safety zone for passengers in the middle of the street, but eliminates a badly-needed traffic lane when the need is greatest.
Material removed from Pilot Canal being discharged into Rover channel that is going to be diverted. Dredging for canal will be completed tonight. Dredge is at station 7+00'. The earth plug to be blasted is at station 6+50'. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
A crane begins dismantling the right-field scoreboard at Busch Memorial Stadium Tuesday, making room for a new "state-of-the-art" scoreboard, where color instant replays will be shown on a 22-by-30-foot screen. A 22-by-44-foot screen will go up in left field to display black-and-white animation. Both will be ready for the opening baseball game April 5.