Upon the Subject of A National Road From the City of Washington to New Orleans. Report from the Chief Engineer and the Board of Engineers for the reconnaissance of three Routes of a contemplated National Road, from Washington City to New Orleans
Caption: "View from Market at 17th showing #30 Plaza Square in left foreground, with #20 at right, behind which is St. John the Apostle Catholic Church. Patio-court with striking landscaping is between #30 and #20 Plaza Square. Foreground area at left and right is where new city park is being landscaped."
"In the lobby of the Bank of St. Louis, which has been turned into a December Garden in honor of Missouri Botanical Garden, Jack G. Butler, right, shows a picture of Henry Shaw, founder of the garden, to Mrs. Lee I. Niedringhaus, president of the Friends of the Garden, and Henry Hitchcock, president of the Board of Trustees."
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1901.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1911.