Plan view of cofferdam for Pier No. 3. Placing concrete seal for caisson; concrete chute and material lock in upper part of picture. Man lock near center of cofferdam.
Passing along the levee at Cairo, with its dust, filth, and obtrusive drinking-saloons, gaping wide open for victims to trash within, ti would appear to a stranger, from the great number of such places, that the people of Cairo had powers not accorded elsewhere to ordinary mortals of resisting the effects of 'tangle-leg,' 'red-eye,' 'twist-knee,' and other brands peculiar to the locality. Outside of each place are gathered a knot of hard-looking fellows. There is a suspicious air of 'lying-in-wait' common to these frequenters of the levee which is not calculated to inspire confidence in a stranger.
The Pargoud was a large cotton carrier built at Jeffersonville, Indiana, in 1884. Her dimensions were: - 242 x 43 x 8 feet; 712 tons, net and gross. She ran the New Orleans and Greenville trade. In 1886 Captain J. W. Carlton was master. Captain Mike Corbine was in command in 1897.
The enclosed pictures were taken during August 1981 on the Beardstown Illinois waterfront showing typical river scenes with the usual amount of tugs and other equipment. The B&N RR bridge in its river mode. The stern-wheel river tug is a locally built boat, original builders and name still showing = LOGSDON = built sometime in the 1930s more details could be obtained. These pictures were taken
Shewey's Pictorial St. Louis is an illustrated guide to the life and times of St. Louisans and the buildings around them. Detailed descriptions of significant structures and historical events.
Comprising: I. Sermon on Jesuit Instruction, by W. S. Potts II. Review of Dr. Potts' Sermon, by O. A. Brownson III. Reply to Brownson's Review by W. S. Potts
An address describing the differences between duties of a king and duties of a president, as well as the benefits of limiting presidential terms and the state of the Whig party at the time of publication.