A tourist guide and directory for the year 1884, it is authored by a nine year veteran of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Force and contains maps of commuter railroad lines, descriptions of resorts and businesses along each of these lines, and illustrations of prominent buildings and attractions throughout the city.
Critic of Clark's scientific work as well as a claim for the initial invention of the gas blowpipe by Robert Hare, M.D., who invented the Hydro-oxygen blowpipe.
Observations on Febrile Contagion, and on the Means of Improving the Medical Police of the City of New York. Delivered as an Introductory Discourse, in the Hall of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
In Relation to Dr. Nicholas Chervin, a French Physician. Book documenting the steps taken by Dr. Chervin to get the Board of Health to rescind their resolution, which would authorize the secretary of the Board to furnish him with a certificate of his correct transcription of their records in relation to yellow fever
In The Form Of Annals: Being a summary and exact account of the most material transactions and occurrences relating to this country, in the order of time wherein they happened, from the discovery of Capt. Gosnold, in 1602, to the arrival of Governor Belcher, in 1730.
The new Stadium Drive-In of the First National Bank in St. louis opened Monday at Seventh and Market streets in downtown, St. Louis, immediately north of busch Memorial Stadium. The two-story concrete and glass structure has both drive-in and walk-in banking facilities. The facility opens for business Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 8 a.m. Hours for banking will be 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
"On hand for the moving day for the Bank of St. Louis, which involved the transfer of nearly $500 million in currency and negotiable securties, were, from left, Charles Bellanca, a Brink's guard; J. W. Minton, president of the bank; Jack Butler, chairman of the bank's board of directors; Russell Williams and Kenneth Enns, Brink's guards."