A for lease sign sits in the window of the building before it was remodeled into the United Bank and Trust Company. The site at 120 N. Broadway on the southeast corner of Broadway and Pine was previously the site of the former Telegrapher National Bank.
The teller, Miss Peggy Squire, 19, said the note mentioned two other man behind her in the lobby who would shoot her if she sounded the alarm or turned around. The robbers also handed Miss Squires a brown cloth bag with drawstrings that the note instructed her to fill with money.
"Approaching completion are Maisonette and Garden Apartments being built in the University Heights section of the Mill Creek Valley redevelopment area. Waring School is on the left in this view looking west from Compton avenue at Laclede. The apartments are in the first group, which will house 20 families. A total of 120 living units are included in the entire University Heights project.
Bill Lill Chairman of St. Louis Veteran's Day Parade, gives a Thanks handshake and a pat on the back to Missouri State Bank president Robert Harris as the bank will be the new home for the display of veterans in the Gallery of Heros at tucker and Olive.
"Nearing completion on Lindell boulevard at Taylor avenue are two projects. Building in the foreground is the St. Louis de Ville luxury motel hotel, which is being built east of Taylor. Beyond the motel is the new Lindell Terrace Apartments, west of Taylor."
"Winners of doll-dressing contest at Boatmen's National Bank and the categories they led are (from the left) Sue Rapp, baby doll; Loraine Schild, infant doll; Laurie Buckles, high-fashion doll in formal attire or costume; Roma Wood, high-fashion doll in casual attire, and Carolyn Keevin, most adorable. The dolls are among 77 entered in the bank's sixteenth annual competition. They will be on display in the lobby through Dec. 23, when they will be distributed to needy children at a Christmas party."
Aalco Wrecking Co. workers use a cutting torch to cut the two top arched beams on the bridge before it collapsed over the rail yards. Two cages of workers hung from cranes as they both torched simultaneously.