Water-filled plastic tubes placed at entrance and exit ramps are saving lives and reducing damage in accidents on the Poplar Street Bridge, Illinois state highway officials reported Friday.
Corporation, which raised funds to creat the $15,000,000 development." "View of patio-court between #30 and #20 Plaza Square, looking east to #20, with Centenary Methodist Church (Pine St.) at left. Surface parking at either side of patio-court, which features lily pond in center and lattice-covered resting area."
Eighth day event every Monday in August featuring a different band with appropriate food, for residents and the public. Tonight, August 6, "The Homegrown Harvest Band" was featured. Some folks came to chat and visit, some to listen to music, and others to eat.
Some come to chant, some to eat, others to listen to music, but whatever the reason, the mood was relaxed one at the "Eight Days" feast at the Mansion House Center Monday evening. The event is held each Monday in August for residents and the public. A different band and a different menu is feature each week.
Some come to chant, some to eat, others to listen to music, but whatever the reason, the mood was relaxed one at the "Eight Days" feast at the Mansion House Center Monday evening. The event is held each Monday in August for residents and the public. A different band and a different menu is feature each week.
Harry A. Muehling, 65-year employee at Manchester Bank, re-enacting his first day at the bank in 1902 in an old cashier's cage. Introducing him to friends and customers Tuesday are hostesses Mrs. Karen Bergmoser and Mrs. Trena Henthorn.
will honor Charles A. Lindbergh at its 101st annual meeting to be held Friday, April 28, 1967. A highlight of the meeting will be the first American presentation of "Der Lindberghflug," a musical tribute by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht. Boatmen's Lindbergh postcard display was provided through the courtesy of a local resident, Mrs. Russell Splettstosser. The display will continue through the month
"Doll Contest Winners: Winners of the fifteenth annual doll dressing contest at Boatmen's National Bank are congratulated by Harry F. Harrington, board chairman. They are (from the left), Joy Fox,who took honors in the casual, leisure and street category; Carolyn Keevin, most charming high-fashion doll dressed with purchased clothing; Alvera Dahoda, formal or costume; Sandy Janesko, adorable baby with purchased clothing; Loraine Schild, infant, and Margaret Goza, young child. The 82 dolls entered in the contest will remain on display in the bank lobby until Dec. 23 and then will be distributed to children from various welfare agencies at a party in the bank that afternoon."
"Veterans of American military service were urged Tuesday to lead the nation toward "an attitude of strength" that will bring about victory in Vietnam, in a Memorial Day address by Richard H. Amberg, publisher of the Globe-Democrat. Mr. Amberg was principal speaker at the 100th anniversary Memorial Day services at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, sponsored by the 10th District, American
The railings along the eastbound lanes of the new Chain of Rocks Bridge (Interstate 270), which spans the Mississippi River in North St. Louis County, were due to be completed last November. The bridge can not be used until the work is finished, forcing motorists to use the narrow, two-lane bridge south of the new span.
The new Tamm Avenue Bridge over the Daniel Boone Expressway was opened to traffic early Tuesday. The new structure, with two wider lanes and sidewalks, links with Wells drive opposite the Elephant House of the St. Louis Zoo. This view looks toward the Zoo.
Current work on U.S. 460 connector to the bridge and decking crete on on several collector roads will be completed despite federal fund backs, E. R. Ailes, Illinois Division of Highways engineer said Thursday.
A jurisdictional dispute between building laborers and painters has held up work on the eight-lane, 2165-foot-long deck of the problem-plagued Poplar Street Bridge for the last five weeks.