Letter written by Van Swearingen to Captain Josiah Swearingen of Berkeley County, Virginia, dated March 17, 1791. The author describes a raid against indigenous people, led by Samuel Brady, in retaliation for the capture and killing of settlers. He details the aftermath of the raid and the expectation of upcoming battles. The second half of the letter also discusses Van Swearingen’s financial
"Painting of the first Thanksgiving by Sydney E. King, Virginia artist, depicts the scene in December of 1619, when a group of 39 colonists observed a day of Thanksgiving on the banks of the James River at Berkeley Plantation in Virginia."
"Re-enacting America's first Thanksgiving are Virginians who gathered at Berkeley Plantation, Va., where thanks was given by colonists from England on Dec. 4, 1619 - a year and 17 days before the Pilgrims landed in New England. H. J. Broughton of Norge, Va., portrayed Capt. John Woodliffe, Governor of Berkeley Colony."