Large two-page spread of the Steamer Sultana that originally appeared in Ballou's Pictorial Drawing Room Companion, circa 1856. The image has the caption, "Steamer Wooding Up on the Mississippi River."
A photograph taken by Marine Co. documented the damage in St. Louis from a severe flood on June 18, 1858. The streets were completely covered in water and make-shift planks provided a safe walking platform for people to safely cross from boats to the semi-submerged buildings. Two people can be seen assessing the flood damage from the rooftop of the tallest building on the left of the photograph
Map from an early atlas comparing the 1855 Colton maps of Saint Louis, Missouri, and Chicago, Illinois. The plans of Chicago and St. Louis are on the same scale.
This dinner bill of fare is a list of dishes offered for the passengers traveling on the Saint Louis and New Orleans steamboat on February 15, 1857. The steamboat was commanded by John N. Bofinger. The menu includes a list of soup, boiled and roasted dishes, cold dishes, entrees, relishes, and desserts, as well as a list of wines available to the passengers. Also includes a timetable of