"A map of the Jefferson Barracks area shows the present boundaries of Jefferson Barracks Historical Park and and adjoining 232.4 acres urged for acquisition by St. Louis County. Grant road divides the two areas. Two powder magazines, a stone laborer's house and a carriage building built in the 1850s will be restored to their original condition. The buildings are marked on the right side of the
The directory contains a complete business listing of all the towns along the Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific Railway between St. Louis, Missouri and Junction City, Kansas. This listing is complemented by a brief description or history of the most prominent towns along the lines, along with the names of the principle firms doing business, their advertisements, and other information including a fold-out map of Missouri and Kansas, a gazetteer and a shipper's guide.
Comprising a resume and brief historical sketch of the city, facts and descriptions of places and objects of interest, distances to them and how to get there, side trips to interesting places in the immediate vicinity, suggestions to visitors as to how to see the most in shortest time at least expense, a park directory, an amusement directory, church directory and complete street railroad guide and many other notes invaluable to the stranger, and information new to the resident. Illustrated with maps and numerous engravings., The digitization of this directory was made possible through the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Comprising a Brief Historical Sketch of the City, Brief Notices and Descriptions of Places and Objects of Interest, Distances To and From Them, Together With an Amusement Directory, Church Directory, Park Directory, and a Most Ample and Interesting Street Railway Directory. Illustrated With Map and Engravings. Also known as Gilmore's Guide to St. Louis., The digitization of this directory was made possible through the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Promotional map from the Wabash Railroad showing track locations and industrial areas of St. Louis, MO that were served by the Wabash. Additional information is included to promote the railroad's service for shippers.