"Emergency pollution control crews worked to clean a potentially serious oil spill from the River Des Peres as attempts were made to patch its sources at the Great Lakes Carbon Corp. coke plant on the South Side Thursday. The oil has been leaking into the river from a lagoon that contains an estimated 3 million gallons of waste products, authorities said. Carl Walter, chairman of an environmental response team investigating the incident, estimated that several hundred gallons of oil have leaked through the eastern side of the lagoon since at least Monday. 'But while it is small in quantity, it could pose potentially serious problems,' he said."
"Globe-Democrat photographer Jack Fahland captures excitement of deaf youngsters from the St. Louis Hearing and Speech Center Monday as balloons are released during downtown dedication ceremonies for the center's new $40,000 Sound of Happiness mobile testing unit. The 30-foot bus, staffed and equipped to give hearing tests, will be in service at various locations. The woman is Mrs. Corley Thompson, executive director of the center."
foot warmer, that made her winner of the contest. Her prize is a $10 gift certificate from Famous-Barr. Kathy says she will buy a suit. Kathy is a fifth grader at Immaculate Conception school in Owensville and likes to listen to records.
Laclede Cab Supervisor William J. wills holding T-shirt to be given away to cab customers who are riding in the cab when Cardinals win National League Eastern Division Title.
(St. louis) Globe-Democrat publisher Jeffery Gluck looks over the shoulder of head make-up Editor Wally Kratzer as the front page for Globe-Democrat's first edition under Gluck is completed.
The First Unit of the Globe-Democrat Modern Presses, formerly used by the Star-Times, was removed from the KXOK building yesterday and installed in the press room. The mammoth moving operation, requiring removal and installation of eight 14-ton units, will continue next week. Foundation preparations have been under way at the Globe-Democrat for several weeks. The two Goss Multi-Color headlines